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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we start the information day with news, khrystyna porbiy works in the studio. at night, the russians attacked indiscriminately. power facilities in shoska and konotop in sumy oblast - reported the regional military administration. amounts remained without light. power engineers are working on reviving critical facilities in order to restore water supply to the townspeople. electric transport has partially stopped in the city, trolleybuses with autonomous driving have left the routes - the city council informed. they attacked the evacuation vehicle. the occupiers were hit by a drone in a police car. in vovchansk
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, kharkiv oblast. one of the law enforcement officers received a concussion. the car was damaged, the ministry of internal affairs said. the police were just on their way to evacuate people. another crew had to be called. as the head of the kharkiv region, oleg syniguv, added: up to 100 residents remain in vovchansk. the russians cover themselves with them and do not allow them to leave. the enemy also attacked nikopolshchyna in the dnipropetrovsk region three times. the marganetsk, myrivsk, chervono-grigorivsk and pokrovsk communities came under attack - said the head of the regional military administration serhiy lysak. in nivachyna , there is an infrastructure facility, an industrial enterprise, 17 private residences and 10 farm buildings. the gas pipeline and power lines were also damaged. fortunately, no one was hurt. the electronic queue has started working in all the tscs of the country in test mode. this was reported by the ministry of defense
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of ukraine. so you don't have to wait in line to update your data. on the website of the ministry of defense, you can select the tsc in which you are registered, then enter your personal data and receive a message with the date and time recording the us congress called on the pentagon to allow ukraine to use american weapons against russia, reuters reported. according to committee chairman mike turner. ukraine could be allowed to attack the strategic objects of the occupiers under certain conditions. lawmakers also propose to expand the training of our pilots on american f-16 fighters. ukraine and sweden have started negotiations on a security agreement. it is expected to be signed in the near future, - stressed the deputy head of the president's office ihor zhovkva. according to him, since sweden became a new member of... nato. ukraine
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hopes for close cooperation and support. russia has begun training with tactical nuclear weapons. this was reported by the ministry of defense of the aggressors. at the first stage , combat tasks are practiced using special combat units, as well as sorties and patrols. for this , iskander complexes and kinjal missiles are used. and the next stage of training will be held in belarus, where i will work. suspension of special ammunition for su-25 attack aircraft. let me remind you that moscow announced these trainings on in early may, allegedly in response to provocative statements by western politicians. he was going to the operation, as if to the war, because of the wounds at the front, 49-year-old vasyl tsypivka developed heart failure. the doctors made a terrible diagnosis, in order to live, a transplant is needed. together with the veteran
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, lviv doctors went to odesa, where they found him a donor organ. the story of a man's rescue. see further in our story. well, here there are 60 factions, you factions are actually not good. that's why you have a beautiful heart. vasyl tsepivka is being diagnosed with a heart. two weeks ago, a defender from lviv oblast had a vital organ transplanted. the man joined the army. even at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russians in september 2023, he received a mine-explosive wound, he recovered and recovered quite quickly, but at the beginning of this year his health deteriorated greatly, everyone told me that my heart was rotten, but i did not feel that way, then when everything was sewing, i began to hear, it was difficult to walk. quieted down the shrapnel injury provoked
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the development of a hereditary disease, dilated cardiomyopathy. the defender dared to heart transplantation. the donor was found as far as the odesa region. the donor was a young man, 32 years old, who received a craniocerebral injury in a traffic accident, which was incompatible with life, and was declared brain dead. to operate on the patient, a team of lviv cardiac surgeons covered a distance of 600 km. vasyl underwent a heart transplant at the base of the hospital in the city of balta. since the aircraft is not flying now. medical, er, and the heart, er, the heart lives outside the human body for four hours, and during that time, er, you need to manage how to deliver it the heart, and to sew it up, start it up, that is why we, the donor, were in the city of balta, so we made
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a team decision to take the recipient, in this case, mr. vasyl, take all the necessary equipment, the team and go... transplant, after vasyl's heart transplant feels much better, the man no longer feels short of breath while walking. before, i couldn't walk five meters, but now i run up and down the stairs, i want to, i stand up myself, i walked like that, as i went to the war, so i went here, everything was fine with me. already on the tenth day after after the transplant, vasyl was discharged from the hospital in order to fully live with a new heart, the man needs to take medication and attend check-ups every day. in five months of this year, specialists of the first medical association of lviv performed 10 transplants. kateryna oliynyk, nazar
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melnyk, espresso tv channel. and we urge you to join the urgent collection. a reliable off-road vehicle is needed for reconnaissance missions. units in active combat zones. cars at the front transport personnel, ammunition, cars, launch drones. the necessary car has already been found and transported to ukraine, it remains to be dug up and delivered to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 165,000. every one of you is important. so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. skin health month. a project of free skin examination to detect melanoma was launched in the capital. the consultation point was deployed in the drim shopping center. after the examination , the patient will receive a skin passport with which they can contact a dermatologist. project
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is taking place for the fifth year in a row. during this time, about 7,000 people were examined. we use a dermatoscope to check. so, we focus primarily on flat, dark moles with uneven edges, uneven pigment, and it may take a little longer there, and that is why we have many, many people, they have the opinion that the bigger the mole, the worse it is more dangerous, on the contrary, large, convex, these are usually aesthetic birthmarks, namely flat in the form of a spot, it can be precisely a cancer process or a dangerous birthmark that can in in the future... be born into cancer. skin is also about our health, it is our largest organ in the human body, and if someone did not know, skin diseases are one of the most common in ukraine, especially oncology and skin diseases, well, they are just very common, they seem to be
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in second place among all types of cancer, so it's important for me to remind the ukrainian society, it's not important to remind my segment, yes, where, well, let's say, i'm more... known as a person who has a disability, still i have a focus on people with disabilities, and that they also check their health. you can find more information on our youtube channel, where there is a live broadcast of ether, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. also read more news on our website in our social networks, join, put your favorites, and i will end the episode with this, further on the air, welcome my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaiko, do not switch, stay with the espresso team.
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les fmoy yeah.
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intention of passengers, arrival of trains and waltz. this is an improvisation by a spanish violinist and graduates of the irpa lyceum. letitia moreno came to kyiv with a concert and as a friend of the un children's fund. i visited the children's point together at the station. there, the violinist also met the graduates of the irpin school and played a melody for them, to which the boys and girls danced the graduation waltz. through art and music. overcome many barriers, we joined forces with unicef to make our music reach
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to the children, so that she could have a positive influence on them, inspire them and give them another way, another tool to better understand life. irpa lyceum no. 3 was badly damaged at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the building itself was badly damaged, as was the area around it, but benefactors repaired the school and equipped it with the most modern shelter. so these 11th-graders were the last... able to study in their native school, i missed a little this society, my friends, everyone, but in the 11th grade, in the 11th grade, thanks to the unicef ​​foundation, they restored the school for us, and we went to face-to-face education, it is important for me to be present at school, the presence of a teacher next to me, on the distance my discipline completely went away, i could sleep, i could not go to classes, not do homework, like they tell in... for two years of covid and two years of war, unicef ​​asked ukrainian schoolchildren for the quality of knowledge so that children could
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return to full-time education. unicef ​​has already restored 147 educational institutions, in particular, equipped them with shelters. ukraine is the only country to which spain allocates funds for assistance in emergency situations, these are several million euros that we allocated with the help of unicef to help ukrainian education. this was a short-term... action, but we also have long-term plans for reconstruction, on which we plan to spend more than 100 million euros to help ukraine enter a stable future. of course, children are the basis of our plan, because children are the future of ukraine. almost 229,000 children will graduate this year, only 55% of them had the opportunity to study full-time in their last year of school. unicef hopes to be able to restore as possible. more schools and equip them with shelters so that ukrainian children can study without losing knowledge.
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victoria, the owner of the magical bird farm. during the occupation of kyiv region, the russians destroyed the premises with birds. after the departure of the russian... troops, victoria and her husband began to restore their business, rebuilt the premises and began to breed fireflies, but there were not enough funds for everything, so they decided to apply for a do-it-yourself contest from the mhp community and won a grant. we created a base, bought compound feed and we are trying to develop, we still want to return to the positions we were in the market before the war, because before the war we were among the five most powerful manufacturers. the support of the winners does not end only with receiving a grant. the foundation and the mhp company help
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businesses with consultations. they teach you how to research the market and build your brand. this year, mhp communities decided to involve the winners in creating joint projects and launched an innovation - a forum. where the business winners themselves, government representatives and community leaders gathered. the main purpose of this forum is unity. to unite different people from different fields in one place to share experience, in order to work out effective mechanisms for the development of communities, precisely for this purpose. organizers seek to create an ecosystem for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in communities, for example, to establish logistics and sales markets for their products, such a strategy will help businesses grow and create jobs locally. today we operate stores, today we operate a large distribution system, today we operate an industrial food production, and that's all, when
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connected in an ecosystem and relationships are built, it's on... much more such an anti-fragile business for us and for everyone else, it's an environment that unites which, which is mutually beneficial, like to cooperate together financially and morally, i am not even saying here to cooperate with the mhp, here to cooperate together, because as i have already said more than once, together we can definitely do more, better, and definitely achieve greater qualitative dynamics. both social and economic development. the organizers of the forum hope that this event will create a synergy that will unite small businesses and help them create a reliable economic backbone in communities throughout ukraine. yulia zubchenko, andriy versyuk, espresso tv channel.
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good morning, there is a lot of sun in ukraine, little electricity, but we have a lot of news for you, and you probably have a lot of inspiration to help our armed forces, so don't forget to sip coffee and donate to atvs, we will tell you more about atvs let's talk, because this is exactly what we are collecting for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, a cold ravine, project from scratch to life, because it is not easy. it 's about transport, not just about movement, it's also about evacuating the wounded, it's also about transporting ammunition, and we remember that if you bring it up quickly and very quickly, it can solve a huge number of problems at the front, they are the best told after all our defenders, so let's make sure that it's more comfortable for them to work there, everything at ours
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is written on a qr code and it's directly on the bank, who doesn't use it, there are card numbers at the bottom. so let's donate together, and we'll do it for you we will now collect information from all corners of our homeland and we will of course start from the north, this time not from kharkiv oblast, but from sumy oblast, because it was loud enough there for the last day, there was actually a terrible attack that night, and we know about certain bad consequences, now we know , which restore electricity supply in various settlements, and we will ask alyona yatsyn in more detail. journalist from sumy oblast, ms. alyona, congratulations, how did you meet in the morning with or without light? well, now i have neither electricity nor water at home, but fortunately there is a connection became better ugh. and in the region?
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there is currently no electricity in the region, in shostkinsky, konotopsky districts, they are working on its restoration there. in the romansky and oftyrsky districts, they recovered. again, but in the sumy district they say that they have restored, but we can see that the restoration process is underway, the city military administration in sumy says that they are restoring little by little, well, some have already been lucky, some have not, so we are waiting for it, it was two strikes, so there was a missile threat in the konotop, but these were still drones, and the six there were drones, and there were drones in konotop at six, in konotop at six. there were two such waves of drones, the first ones flew a little after 12 o'clock, there were explosions immediately, and after a few minutes another wave of drones, in the same way, people heard explosions, they heard drones being shot down, and there were also explosions in the konotop, before that shaheds flew from the bilopolska community to
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romansky district, what happened there is unclear, but the light came almost immediately. ugh, were there any breaks between the mobile air defense teams, i mean was there an air raid alert all night, was it still possible to live a little, to sleep? well, the air alarm, or rather, the waves of shaheds ended, the second wave of shaheds was around one o'clock in the morning, well, that's when i actually went to sleep, that is, the rest of the night was in the territory of the region, in the depths of the region, it was quiet, but the border area. as always, the russians hit us with artillery, with mines, and there were also drops from drones, now we will see accurate information, we hope for sure, already officially, that... what will they say about the number of hits at night, in advance, we managed without casualties that night, that is , the situation is like this, but the air alarm is because of that we have started again, that's why it's somshchyna.
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we understand that you managed to sleep, maybe not as much as you would like, but still , the city is clearly waking up, that with other communications, with public transport, trolleybuses, etc., he goes to shops. opened, but everything opened, of course, again, it’s the same amount, there are generators, and people are working, regarding trolleybuses, i won’t say, there were no official announcements yet, i can’t see the windows, i see that minibuses are running, then i woke up, here regarding trolleybuses, i will not say what is happening there at the moment, but in general, how now the mood, i mean sums survived? several waves, the first wave was such that we are all fleeing to sumy oblast, they are advancing, this was the first and was mainly reinforced by the russian ipso, now there is
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intelligence and there is a possibility of concentrating small, but still sufficient forces to threaten an attack on the border of sumy oblast , our intelligence is already talking about it, and the institute for the study of war is writing about it, and now it is, as they say, not... and a wolf, now it seems like a real threat, what is the mood in the city now? you know, we have probably had these threats in waves for a month now, our society is in a very strong storm, and people are really sitting on their suitcases, because they do not know, do not understand what will happen, how it will be, well, actually, no one knows this, and in general, the mood is a little anxious, literally yesterday and the day before in the same way, another wave began... another wave with the russian police was dispersing about the fact that there will be an offensive today-tomorrow, and directly specific communities were called, well, as they say,
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today-tomorrow, that ibso has already passed, there will be another offensive no, with regard to the border, a certain number of people still left, those who returned to plant gardens and those who have a place to live, they did leave, all other people stay with the same reasons and hope that this... offensive will not be theirs, again, we look over and over the deepstate map and listen different sources, they all say roughly the same thing, that there are no such forces to attack sumy, but a repetition of the kharkiv scenario in the kharkiv region is very possible on any day, on any actual day, on any actual section of our border . ms. alna, yesterday in... another stupid show was taking place under the dome of the verkhovna rada, where the majority of deputies turned around and did not
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want to hear anything about the fronts, especially about the state of fortifications in the kharkiv region, because they blocked everything, even the possibility of creating a temporary commission of inquiry to see how the border was completely demined and something was built such that even bears roar in the forest, how does it look? in sumy oblast, is the experience of kharkiv and kharkiv potomkin villages taken into account, is there a sufficient number of first and second lines of defense? i'll tell you right away that the first line of defense and the first line of mines are the full responsibility of the military, that is , it is completely secret information, and it is unlikely that i will be able to say something about the first line of defense, and say it correctly, but have you seen the second one yourself? eyes saw with our own eyes, we hope that it is everywhere, and not only where we saw it with our own eyes, and it was built, let's say, in pieces, somewhere
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more, somewhere less, somewhere our geography is very different from kharkiv region, despite the fact that we are neighbors, kharkiv region, it is more a plain region, and sumy region is still forests, ravines, rivers, swamps, i.e., er,... the way the fortifications look are slightly different from the kharkiv region, how high-quality they are, how well they are built and how professionally they can be used there to conduct defense, well , i really hope that we will not find out, but sumy ova at least does not want to share information openly, let me remind you of the information and does not respond correctly to requests, now we will deal with them... probably we will sue them for that hides what is not should be hidden from our society, and we will see what
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happened there. already according to the documents, and the military, i will say it again, say different things about these fortifications, some like it, some don't, some are satisfied, some are not, by the way, you just saw the dragon's teeth, the so-called, yes, near us in one of the cities, such dragon's teeth were dumped along the road for several months, yes, these were your photos, we saw them in the telegram, they were from sumy region, and those mountains, yes, they are from sumy region. usually this happens, we drive many in the region and we see that, well, for example, dragon teeth were brought in, and they lie there for several days to a week, then they are already arranged, distributed, that is, the normal work process, but this particular bunch of these dragon teeth, it was just lying there the edge of the road, well, if my memory serves me right, it was back in the winter, and people have already started posting this pile even on the internet, although it is generally prohibited, here you can see, it is
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the head on... our ova, he decided record a video against the background of this healthy pile of what is supposedly, well, everything is fine, and these teeth are placed, although in fact they have been lying there for several months. i would also like to ask you to briefly clarify the community's disagreement with these courts, whether you have already determined any deadlines, so that we understand what the situation looks like today. we are now, we sent information requests to ova, and they did not answer us in full, we did not provide all the open information on them, and now we are preparing lawsuits to the court in order to get, to take this open information, which, again, which is not secret, which we have the right to know and can analyze as we do actors in order to understand what was happening, who built the structures, how much...
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money was ultimately spent on it. thank you, thank you for your position and thank you for participating in our broadcast. alyona yatsyna, a journalist from sumy oblast, was with us, and now we have reports from our air force, just over sumy oblast, seven shaheds were eliminated that night, in total, 24 out of 20 in 24h were destroyed in ukraine. we also have statistics from the general staff: 1,300 good kobzonites, good. there were russian ones, which means that again there was a huge number of battles, of course, looking at them, this a large number along the front line, most of all the pokrovsky direction, then 37 attacks were repulsed in a day, this is probably the hottest direction of the entire more than a thousand kilometer front, we will take a short break and shift our attention to the south, while you donate and stay with espress in the meantime. what is
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bakhmut? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. our day the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial art of their ancestors, they are boys who never cry, lemberk, mom, don't cry, a book by the writer elena cherninka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who is one of of the first volunteered to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses.
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there are discounts for donbass, represented by coco discounts in may on feny steel 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. it ship district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. big air, vasyl winter. two hours of airtime. two hours yours.


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