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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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there are discounts representing coco discounts in may on fen 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. hours
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important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means. to save his life, bka lift, boys lift, quad bike - that's it the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yag. and we returned to ether and, as promised. let's try
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to find out what happened this night from the last day in the south of our homeland, the spokesman of the kherson regional military administration oleksandr telokonnikov in connection with our studio, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, glory glory to ukraine, heroes, good morning. how was it with you, because we already know that it was loud in the north, after the rockets, they hit the power plant with shaheds, but how are you? well, thank god, we didn't have such missile strikes, but yesterday there were. shelling, and again the russians used drones and artillery, there was a drop from a drone in antonivka yesterday, as a result of which four people were injured, at first there was a report about five, about three women aged 69, 75 and 76, who were injured as a result of this drop, then more added the man, everyone... to everyone
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medical assistance was provided, it was around the 12th, and as for kherson itself, around the 16th , the russians fired artillery at the shumansky microdistrict, she was seriously injured there, one woman who was near the house, she suffered an open hip fracture, and it was was urgently hospitalized, another 70- year-old woman and also... was taken to the hospital, more or less, well, medium severity injuries, and a 15-year-old boy was also injured, but minor, he was given help, self-referral was from him, and one more man came under fire in the village of ivanivka, a total of eight people were injured in the past day, the russians damaged seven apartment buildings, eight
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private ones, a total of 17 settlements were under fire in a day, we see that in fact there are shellings every day, every day are there wounded, in such a case, are there enough doctors and whether it is possible to quickly and on time deliver everyone to medical institutions, do these medical institutions work not only in kherson, but also in the region. yes, thank god, we have opportunities and human resource to deliver them on time and leave promptly, of course, there are cretans, fast, constantly under fire, and the russians are destroying them, but fortunately we have them. pas, there are also medics who continue to work, despite the fact that the russians are also constantly hunting them, unfortunately, this is not holy for them, but our medics work around the clock, in addition, the medics are provided with everything necessary, and the equipment
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is constantly brought by international organizations , and ours are provided, we have provided our hospitals without interruption. power elements for that the hospitals work despite the fact that the lights may go out there, and new faps are also opened in the region, that is , where either the hospital is destroyed or the district is far away and there in order to promptly provide people with medical assistance, mr. alexander, about the temporarily occupied territories , i want to ask you something, the russians themselves, they provide statistics, they identified a lot of so-called homeless people in the occupied territories, that is, 15,000 people , in my opinion, they will already put them in some kind of register, yes, they made such a register of 13 and more than thousand, but we understand that these are only official figures, most of them were registered
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in the 24th year, that is, literally 4.5 months, do you have data for the kherson region, and actually how much. such houses, are they now selling them, settling their own, how does it all look in your place? yes, indeed, we also have such information, it’s a register of some real estate there, they created it, local collaborators submit there who moved out or left the house there, and they immediately settle russians there, unfortunately, but of course this is not according to the law , not even what by ukrainian, this is not legal. to the international community, and it will be recognized, after the deoccupation will be recognized as invalid, the people who helped and cooperated in this direction will be punished according to ukrainian legislation, unfortunately, we cannot prevent it now, but it really exists, and
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i cannot tell how many to say, because this is a russian registry after all, well, we understand that the registry is so-so, and actually the data in them... are also not always true, as they do everything, but do you know what happens if, for example , this is an accommodation, it was recognized those that do not have an owner, someone moved in, and the owners return, and the owners return, so they went to the people fled from the hostilities, decided to return home, someone else already lives here, what happens in such a case, well, to be honest, i don’t heard of such cases, because when people return to the territory controlled by ukraine, they... well, most of them understand that they have to wait here and live already, we understand that, i mean, because there are people who fled to depth and to the side closer to russia, somewhere in the villages they were hiding from the larger ones settlements to smaller ones, they moved, thus
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fleeing from hostilities, not from the occupiers, yes, yes, i understand, well, to be honest, no, i have not heard of those cases when people returned, someone lives there. i think that they somehow, somehow try to solve it at the local level, if people come back, then of course somehow they tell them there, make statements, and somehow solve the issue, but i have such precedents, i have not heard of such precedents as when there people have turned to us or something, i still wanted to ask you about this logic, which we cannot understand in any way, or at least the expediency of berislav, now what... new bereslav is added to the list of those cities that are most often bombarded with guided aerial bombs, the cabs were yesterday, as far as i know, but in boryslav, what are they beating, are they just throwing them at the city , and there is already where it will fall, and why is there
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so much malice in the russian occupier towards these two cities, well , you know, not only the very , very destroyed ones fly there. two settlements, which are the only ones on the right bank, the khogotsatsk vesele of the novokorsk community, and they are inhabited points were destroyed not only by kavas, but... well, it is also near boryslav, but they pound them there every day from tanks, and from mortars, and drones, and also hikaba, this is the kind of zone in which they use very often all, well, the entire arsenal that they have, and i think that this is connected with the fact that opposite the kohokva, a new kohokva, where they are based, and this, that is, with the cossacks, i understand. with kozatsky, there is still some logic, that there was a dam bridge, there was some kind of communication, why beryslav,
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why the new beryslav, well, beryslav is also opposite novokakhovka and kakhovka, and here is the question the fact that these two settlements, boryslav and novakokhovka, are very close , they are sitting in novakokhovka, and i think that in this way they want to protect themselves, so that nothing is wrong in boryslav, no such strong strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine are organized there, although there are no ... who is not like that. understood i'm talking about the occupied territories again, because i understand that it's not easy for people there, i'm talking about the ukrainian population, not about the imported ones. er, we understand that our partisans, those who help the armed forces of ukraine, are actively working, and they actually are under the greatest threat, because they are constantly being tried and tracked down, and somehow there, accordingly, then punished according to their norms, and these people are in danger. probably the biggest danger. we remember that there was a resident who was accused of planning
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to blow up the administration building right there, in the temporarily occupied kherson region, is the fate of this person known, in fact, how do such situations usually end? well, it usually ends with the fact that the person is kept behind bars and he is waiting for some kind of verdict from a fake court, but to be honest, i don't know the fate of this person. which the fate of many of those whom the occupiers take to the basement, and unfortunately, then their relatives do not know what happened to them and no matter where they go, they cannot get information, that is , the authorities themselves do not provide this information, they work there, unfortunately , there are many torture camps, including those services that detain and... detain people there, they do not give, do not provide this information, so, unfortunately, i
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do not have that information, and the russians, of course, will not provide it , until they somehow put her out there, and the same one of them is still working in the torture chamber the number that was there, yes, is it decreasing, well , here is the question, again, we cannot reliably say there, there are reports in the gnichev district, there are definitely at least three that they formed at that base. the fsb has some centers of its own in the shadovsky district, but again, to say something, for sure, when you do not know that it is officially, really there, some of our services could say officially that it is, then it is difficult, but there are reports from locals that there are such and there and there. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the information, why were you with us, oleksandr, the spokesman of kherson ova tolokonniko is on telekal. espresso, you heard everything yourself, and our contribution, what we can
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do to make it easier for people in the temporarily occupied territories and to liberate them faster, is your donation, qr-codes and card number you see on the screen, for quad bikes that time collect, but in general any collection for our defenders is something that needs to be supported. we're going for a short break, then we'll come back, it's left with espresso. the final of the europa league is only up to me, will atalanta spoil the best season in the history of bayer leverkusen. tune in to the climax of the euro season on may 22 at 10:00 p.m. exclusively on meggo. fm: galicia. listen to yourself, camera, your country is located
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in the region where a soviet soldier's foot stood during the great patriotic war, and we will not leave this region. have you never seen a classic in underwear? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? tractor in the field. that's why we froze. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. bill 5655. reform or corruption trap. country investigation. when and how will crimea return to ukraine. interview with the head majlis ryfat chubarov. how
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did the defense of kyiv actually take place. colonel oleksandr vdovichenko of the zsu. memories of a brilliant ukrainian. of the teacher mykola lukash and many other stories and analytics with the country in the center of the main ask the country magazine at the points of sale there are discounts representing coco may discounts on eurofast softcaps 20% in travel bam pharmacies and savings. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, however. it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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your place is waiting for you, the light is left on, for dinner, what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings, and swimming, you are waiting for you on your streets, in... circle in your church, because in your house about they see you in their dreams, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby.
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half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do our best to embrace you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. we are coming back, i want to share this picture, this is the outskirts of vovchansk, and in this photo you can see how someone is working with a grenade launcher, we hope that it works effectively, and the nuances, yes, yes, yes,
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even in the photo we have a video, it is a hes-17 and working. rdk, we remember, this russian volunteer corps, ugh, they work on compatriots, actually in quotes, supporting the armed forces of ukraine, this is also happening in the north of our kharkiv region, and in general, there were raids before that, they basically went home, visited whom they needed, came back and continue to work, and well, but there are also stories of a different kind, here in principle everything is clear, a legionnaire... russia or the russian democratic republic, they at least say that we are fighting an army of invaders, that is, in order to overthrow putin's regime, that's how they justify it, but how for example, explain, ot now the new secretary of the national security council is that former minister shoigu, well, i look at what the russians write, those good russians who pretend that they have nothing to do with it, they have to be
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paid money from europe, and they sit there in internet resources and reports all sorts of things are written like the moscow times. this is tyva, and there is a deputy head of the state duma, well, he is an orthodox russian, he has a slavic name, a sholbankara, but he is very indignant that such local gangsters, in suits, go around threatening to kill and eliminate veterans , as they say svo, i.e. the same people from tyvim who returned from the russian-ukrainian war and decided to listen to their... putin, i.e. to take part in the primaries of putin's united russia party. can you imagine, that is, these spiders in a jar threaten each other, we wish victory to both sides, so that shuigu and all oleni tyva would be proud of them. well, but something like that sometimes happens there, because i return again to these volunteers, which, after all, can
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sometimes become more. there is such a unit bars eight in russia, and they have a commander, denis sydorenko. well, a person who behaved very badly in zaporozhye region, pologiv district, murders, robberies of locals, in a word, terror. of the ukrainian population, primarily a civilian, and he has a son maxim, and it looks like that time the apple fell a little further from the apple tree, because the son turned out to be a little more normal than the father, even the local russian authorities called him a terrorist, an extremist for this, he tried to blow up a gas distribution plant station in moscow, wanted to join the freedom of russia, it is not clear why it failed, maybe somewhere there detained, but... actually, this is a story about the fact that sometimes something can speak to their consciousness, and in fact people have access to information, they can think, it’s just that he is younger, so he definitely has a phone
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to read through a vpn, alternatively , although b any, it’s about what they can think, and when we say that only putin is to blame, no, everyone who doesn’t think is to blame, everyone who doesn’t think is to blame, in this example we have the option of parents and children, and the father in classic russian... an officer, that is , a marauder, a sadist, well, that is, everything that is sewn into to the russian code of their so-called russian army, but young people who have seen nothing but putin, then this one is going to be reprimanded, well , such stories, we have more stories for you, and we have a story right now about our military, the other day we told where he serves, and now we will talk about the help that deputies of the white tserkva brought to the division of the mayor of the city, gennady dyky. the fact is that previously funds from the city budget were allocated only for local communities, and our colleague will tell you the details. previously, in addition to the local 72nd, 114 brigades and
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1129 regiment, from the budget of the belotserkiv community , funds for assistance to other military units were practically not allocated, although residents of the city and villages serve in various units, and this was the case for more than two years of full-scale... war, until in march it became known that the mayor of the city, gennady dyky went to the front, namely to the dnipropetrovsk anti-aircraft missile regiment, where he holds the position of deputy commander of the armament repair company, and in a matter of weeks local deputies brought him a truck and other help. i am at least on the last city councilor at the session of the city council also asked this question, to which i was given the answer that... everything that we buy, we voted for it at the session of the city council, although i do not remember such a thing, dnipropetrovsk anti-aircraft missile regiment, for
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bilotserkivskiy, yes, we allocated funds and bought a lot of things, but for dnipropetrovsk, where the mayor gennadiy anatoliyovych is currently doing his military service, i don't remember that. according to the secretary of the city council, and now acting mayor volodymyr wolf trumpet from the treasury. funds are allocated to the military exclusively at the request of unit commanders, according to the official, at the 50th session of the city council, which took place on february 8, the deputies made changes to the program, which allowed to finance the needs of formations without being tied to the belotserki community, but for some reason this detail was carefully hid until the savage went to serve. the priority for us is to help precisely those military brigades. to the military, which are located in the white church, if, and i will say that all the needs of our military, what are they applied, they are 100% satisfied.
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if we have the opportunity to help others, other brigades, we have, if we have such an opportunity, and the deputies agree to it, then such a decision is made, it is a pure coincidence that it so happened that these guys helped, look, i i will tell you what about what gennadiyev. to the armed forces, i learned on march 29 of this year. such help caused different reactions from the people of bylotserkiv under his post. mr. former mayor, tell me why the money of our belotserk community goes to your dnipro subdivision and not to some belotserkivskyi. most importantly, do not hand over our land to the occupier. god's protection to you. rhetoric of the distribution of aid to the military in the white church, before it was in the armed forces. the mayor suddenly appeared, was really different, this is evidenced, for example, by the comments of the mayor's freelance adviser lesia polishchuk, who back in 2023 advised andrii
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sergen of bilotserkivets from the 59th brigade to turn to the community, where part of them is deployed. you have three options: the community where your headquarters is located is the state, the rest is only volunteer or public foundations. to make, let's say, something for your brigade out of white, it is almost impossible, only a very shaky unreliable scheme, which has a lot of gaps and will pour into the parish of boys in... non-military races, ask the people's deputies why, or be indignant injustice of the universe, already in april of this year ms. polishchuk's position changed dramatically, all that was needed was for her direct supervisor to join the army, as long as people divide the military into our units and not ours, it is noteworthy that after this innovation, the 12th special forces brigade azov also received 25...
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quadcopters from the community, there is no doubt that the ukrainian defenders need help, and not only from the local budget, but also each of us should donate regularly in order to bring victory closer together, yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva . it reminded me, yesterday i listened to a military man, he walked around kyiv, he says that the capital lives a full life, that is exactly what we... wanted it not to be some kind of permanent sadness, everything is fine, he just says, the only thing , which was surprising, a huge number of people in military uniforms that have nothing to do with the armed forces and military service as well, and here is something similar with the white church , our colleagues told us. but the fact that you touched on this topic, that the country should live, the capital in particular, that is exactly what we are talking about, what we need to prove, because the russians, they simply speak from the very thought that
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something good in us, that people can continue to live a peaceful life, do you remember when blinkin came to kyiv, that's his speech, that he showed that, that in various institutions continue to operate in the country, and this too must be, simply everything is reasonable, we continue to play rock in the free world, but you still saw that part of the public was torn by this, they liked everything so much, both the quarter and the thermos, and has kebabs. here suddenly, and they liked playing the piano too, here suddenly they blinkens with the song alternative, alternative as it is, i want to show one more video, okay, one more video, from the time of yar, we remember, one of the hottest spots on the ukrainian front, and there continues to be no sweet, but our defenders are working, and here in these shots, it's the gur legion, the international gur legion, and they
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're cleaning up. in the vicinity of yaro times. this is due to the fact that the russians have already said several times that they did not take the jobs, and verbove, and chasivyar and vovchansk. here, although the question remains, because their leader budanov spoke about them in particular in an interview, that is, the military should tell us that we are not specialists, but would it be appropriate to have special units of specialists, which are the most expensively trained to use for tactical operations on the spot, because he confusedly said, there is no reserve, it was such an incomprehensible phrase, but we will wait for explanations, well, it is nice to see that those who are on the side of ukraine voluntarily have contracts and are fighting, that they are well-equipped and well-trained fighters, that it is a little different from manpads lopat, you saw, manpads shovel entered service with the russian army, different eastern orthodox defenders from african countries with those
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shovels like their ancestors have been trying to repel fpv drones for a thousand years, so far not very successful, well, about other events us, for sure now our colleagues will tell, so more videos and more information khrystyna porubi is ready to tell, to share this with us, khrystyna, hello, you have the floor, congratulations, colleagues, thank you about the consequences of the night attack of the russians on the ukrainian regions, i will tell you in the issue, as well as about loss of the enemy, do not miss the enemy in a moment. hrystyna porubiy works in the espresso news studio. 24 shaheds were launched by russian terrorists across ukraine at night.


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