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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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church shovel, various, defenders of the orthodox orthodox from african countries with those shovels, as their ancestors have been trying to fight off fpv drones for a thousand years, so far it is not very successful, but about other events, probably our colleagues will tell us now, so more videos and more information , khrystyna porubi is ready to tell, to share this with us, khrystyna, hello, you have the floor, congratulations, colleagues, thank you about the consequences of the night attack of the russians on ukrainian. i will tell about the legions in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy, do not miss the enemy in a moment. news on espresso, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. 24 shaheds were launched by russian terrorists across ukraine at night. our defenders
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of the sky shot down all of them. air defense operated in mykolaiv oblast, dnipropetrovsk oblast, zaporizhzhia, donetsk oblast, sumy oblast, and odesa oblast, the air force of ukraine reported. the enemy attacked with drones from the regions of primorsko-akhtarsk, kursk in russia and the temporarily occupied crimea. at night, the occupiers attacked energy facilities in the sixth and konotop districts of sumy oblast with drones. the area remained without light. as of now, the energy industry is one. cut off the power supply in the sumy, romen and okhtyr districts, the regional military administration reported. they attacked the evacuation vehicle. the occupiers hit a police car with a drone in vovchansk , kharkiv region. one of the law enforcement officers received a concussion. the car was damaged, the ministry of internal affairs said. the policemen were just on their way to evacuate people, they had to call another crew. as the head of the kharkiv region, oleg synigu, added.
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up to 100 residents remain in vovchansk. the russians cover themselves with them and do not allow them to leave. this is the price of evacuation. damaged car. fpv drone. vovchansk , may 21. at the entrance. attacked nikopolshchyna in the dnipropetrovsk region with shahedna. the communities of marganytsk, myrivsk, chervono-grigorivsk and pokrovsk came under attack, said the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. in nivychchyna , there is an infrastructure object, an industrial enterprise, 17 private residences and 10 farm buildings. the gas pipeline and power lines were also damaged. fortunately, no one was hurt. in the kyiv region in... a fire
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took the life of an entire family. a man died his wife and their nine-year-old son. this was reported to the regional police. a residential building caught fire in the village of dityatki. there was a couple with a child. rescuers tried to get into the house, but the fire spread quickly. after the fire was extinguished, the rescuers found the dead. previously. the cause of the fire was careless handling of the fire. law enforcement officers. following the incident. the electronic queue has started working in all tscs of the country in test mode. this was reported by the ministry of defense of ukraine. so you don't have to wait to update the data in line on the website of the ministry of defense , you can choose the tsc in which you are registered. then enter personal data and receive a message with the date and time of recording. the us congress called on the pentagon to allow ukraine. use
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american weapons in russia, the reuters agency said. according to the chairman of the committee , mike turner, ukraine could be allowed to attack the strategic objects of the occupiers under certain conditions. lawmakers also propose to expand the training of our pilots on american f-16 fighters. ukraine and sweden have started negotiations on security agreement, its signing is expected soon. at times, - stressed the deputy head of the president's office ihor zhovkva. according to him, since sweden has become a new member of nato, ukraine hopes for close cooperation and support. russia has begun training with tactical nuclear weapons. this was reported by the ministry of defense of the aggressors. at the first stage, combat missions with the use of special combat units, as well as sorties and patrols are practiced for this...
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iskander complexes and kinjal missiles are used for this, the next stage of training will be held in belarus, there they will work on suspension of special ammunition for su-25 attack aircraft. let me remind you that moscow announced these exercises at the beginning of may, allegedly in response to the provocative statements of western politicians. chancellor of germany olaf scholz opposes the creation of an unmanned zone in the west of ukraine. this was announced in the bild publication. according to their information , the official criticized the ukrainian document regarding the expansion of the air defense shield, in which it was proposed to unload air defense. of ukraine and redeploy air defense systems to the east. on the international day of biological diversity our defenders destroyed another 1,300 units of russian garbage. and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion
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, 496,370 occupiers have gone forever into the hellish cesspool. and with them, their equipment, the defense forces were sent to... the dustbin of history, six tanks, 22 armored combat vehicles, 41 artillery systems, 59 vehicles, one anti-aircraft missile and five units of special equipment. also, 56 enemy drones and one cruise missile were landed on the wings. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and we call for the enemy's losses to increase join the urgent collection. a reliable off-road vehicle is needed to complete tasks. intelligence units in active combat zones. cars at the front transport personnel, ammunition, from cars, launch drones. the necessary car has already been found and transported to ukraine, it remains to be dug up and delivered to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. with your help, we
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have already collected more than uah 165. every donation you make matters, so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. skin health month. a free project was launched in the capital skin examination to detect melanoma. the consultation point was deployed in the dream shopping center. after the examination , the patient will receive a skin passport with which he can contact a dermatologist. the project is taking place for the fifth year in a row. during this time, about 700 people were examined. for checking, we use a dermatoscope, which means that we focus primarily on flat, dark moles with uneven edges, uneven pigment, and it may take a little longer there, and that is why we have many, many people, they have the opinion that the bigger
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mole, the more dangerous it is, on the contrary, large, bulging, these are, as a rule, aesthetic moles, namely flat in the form of a spot, it can be just... a process or a dangerous mole that can later turn into cancer. skin is also about our health, it is our organ, the largest in the human body, and if someone did not know, skin diseases are one of the most common in ukraine, especially oncology and skin diseases, well, they are just very common, they seem to be in second place among all types of cancer, so it's important to me to remind ukrainian society, it is important to remind my... segment, yes, where, well, let's say, i am more known as a person who has a disability, after all, i have a focus on people with disabilities, and so that they also check their health. a poster of state awards of ukraine was presented in kyiv. it shows all modern
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ukrainian insignia in their original size and color with a brief description. the creators of the poster are sure that it will help popularize state awards as one of the symbols of ukraine. the first 500 posters were sent to everyone military units of territorial communities and central bodies of executive power, as well as to diplomatic institutions. the vast majority does not quite know what they are like and does not quite understand it. and here, of course, we can go to the internet and read everything there, but survey and practice say that it is not... everyone does, and that is why i distributed 3,000 copies of posters all over ukraine for the second time, the first time 12 year, and now the time has come to renew the turns, motivation, step by step, so that they know what they always did today, there is still work tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week, in
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10, you understand, so that you never give up , your eyes don't go out, you understand, so that there is always unshakable faith and the will to win, and you will see each other. with you already at 10 o'clock, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, like, my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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les f. we are not coming back alone, we are already in touch with artem lysogor, the head of the luhansk ova, mr. artem, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to the heroes, please tell us how luhansk is living now. we understand that the majority of the region is still under occupation, and it is certainly not sweet,
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but still, well, you know, first of all, what concerns the de-occupied settlements, we continue our work there, in fact, in the last two weeks, there has been a significant aggravation, because the enemy, in principle, is constantly attacking the logistical routes, only the day before yesterday our policemen and my military administration employees came under fire, thank you by the gods, everyone is alive, but they flew very close, but... we continue to provide our citizens, who are still in the settlements, as well as in makiivka, with the necessary things, yesterday we again delivered food kits, those that people need, other necessary supplies, but really, just yesterday, 58 times in populated areas where the enemy inflicted damage, including four with some kind of rockets that we still do not understand, while the artillery shelling was completely visible, what is relevant, you all saw yesterday, what taught, as far as biloghor is concerned, there are heavy battles. where the enemy uses both toss and hails, so the density and precision of the fire is very significant, but thanks to
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our soldiers, they really inflict damage on the enemy and do not allow him to break through, so in principle along the entire defense strip of the luhansk region, what concerns the occupied territory, here, you know, in general, there is a continuation of the whole story that russia is always building up, like cultivating its counterparties in order to identify people who communicate with the ukrainian... authorities, and therefore, people are really oppressed by this example, as well as work is constantly being carried out in the circles, especially now before the summer vacation, where it goes, what where the children visit, what the children do, where the children gather, especially those children who gather there are noted to leave the lpr after graduation, and where does the job of a guide go, well, of course, the children there will tell about their plans to leave the russian territory, but of course the children are now under very... great pressure, including, let's say, school
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subjects introduced by the russians, let's say traditionally, regarding the withdrawal and consideration of the issue of the traditional family, well, in general, it is really like this, you know, the cultivation of such real russians is going on, let's say this, if the subject tells about the fact that a woman must be devout there, must tolerate and must basic... . the task is to feed a man and give birth to children, and the main task of a man is to protect his family, as they say, so we again return to those asserian narratives, when we give birth to warriors, well, in them this dark beast is called domastroy, that is, in principle nothing has changed there since the middle ages, mr. artem, i wanted to ask you about the two cottons, i'll start with the hysterical hysteria caused by the temporarily living traitor of ukraine, the beekeeper, he is about dovzhansk. he said that some kind of cluster munitions were used there, what
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was destroyed there and what was the result? well, you know, the fact that we have information from our sources, let's say this, some ammunition really flew into the village there, the jubilee suburb of luhansk, unfortunately, it was an academy, unfortunately, only because the building was very beautiful and it was very beautiful. uh, a beautiful institution, this is luhansk, until the 14th year, it was the luhansk academy of internal affairs, the ministry of internal affairs, where they really trained policemen, but after 2014, first the mgb, and now... and other russian security forces structures, including those of a special purpose, chose this room for the placement of their headquarters and the settlement of their officers. at the moment we have information, indeed, that the hit was very good, the enemy has significant losses, and let's say , what they are spreading about that there the strike was on the civilian population, it is clear that this is being done to inflame the internal
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situation on the territory of russia, including to try to somehow show it on the european one. pictures, but we already have information on several occasions that the russian invaders, especially their special services, are constantly changing into civilian clothes and moving around like that, so yesterday you heard information on the air that they are really disarming their forces by disguising themselves as civilians, using civilian buses. really the hit was clear, there is very enough let's say, a powerful defeat of manpower, and gratifying to the officers, we will wait for confirmation from our armed forces. of ukraine, but, let's put it this way, the enemy in luhansk region is very much accumulating fuel and bridging materials for themselves, and in the last two weeks there have already been three such points, thank god, they have been destroyed, because when the russian army loses fuel and when the russian army loses resources, we we see at least some peace, it really works,
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our special services work, our armed forces, defense forces work, and indeed, when such situations occur and... such logistical routes and logistical support are deprived, it is very good for our army, and there is only one such moment , mr. artem, it is pure stupidity, because they publish a large number of video publications indicating where they concentrated their officers in disguise or something else, whether it is our special services and intelligence working together with the local ones, that is, from where we get the exact coordinates, after which such a... good cotton flies, you know, fully tell the information, how it happens, of course i can't, but there are a lot of our people, there are a lot of measures of our special services that they carry out , implement, get information, really, when such results occur, as we saw this sunday, it only shows that and civilians are already tired of this
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swindler and more and more are passing on such information, and our armed forces have very powerful levers, very powerful... information in order to carry out such measures, thank you for what you are doing and keeping diplomatic , do not tell too much, though it is incredibly interesting, and on the other hand , what was actually described, and we understand what is actually happening in the occupied territories of luhansk region, we know that they are not only transporting their military under the guise of civilians there somewhere. and what are some others trying to send their culture, this exhibition is a mobile russian spring, spring in the occupied part of luhansk region, have you had the opportunity, maybe some videos from this exhibition, see some reviews of people who saw this exhibition, what is it like, you know ,
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unfortunately, there is no video yet, but it is indeed ukraine bombit donbas, well, you know, is already moving into these borders when... er, you know, if it could still, let's say, er, be suitable for people who have been there since the 14th year in occupations that supported russia, but excuse me, when they drive it around north donetsk, rishichansk, transport the russian spring exhibition from ukraine bombit donbass, and showing, well , you know, such a distorted reality, about how the lpr, let's say, defended itself there, as ukraine attacked, as they were shot for eight years and... and photos of damaged buildings, now we are also waiting that information the other day, damaged buildings, killed people, and not a single word, let's say this, about the role of russia in the development of this war, only at the end, how it came to the rescue and now helps, only helps in what i have one question: destroy completely luhansk region, to destroy all our beautiful, beautiful
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cities, to make people, let's say, outcasts or slaves and grind them... in wars, well, probably, this is all their help. well, it is clear that it is true, as the presenter correctly said, it is true, narratives from the middle ages and from the soviet union, they are not are changing, they are, as it were, aimed only at the fact that we are so cool, we protect, they will continue like this, we must understand perfectly well and really know and understand that the enemy will continue to distort reality. do parents, relatives... have the opportunity to tell their children, pupils, who are rehearsed at school, teach them, talk about russian values ​​in quotes, of course, do parents have the opportunity to convey the truth to their children, or is it more difficult with all this? you know, it's really more difficult, but i'll say probably in children report most of their share
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to their parents, especially those whose parents are, let's say, older, because children still use the internet in various ways, and let's say, get information, especially the territory that was occupied in 22 our children constantly have the opportunity... let's say this, to access the internet in various ways, to receive real information, not the distorted information that is provided, but to really receive the information that is happening in the world and in europe, but the real problem is that teachers constantly almost sudden inspections are carried out in schools by their, let's say, employees of the analog of our legal prevention of children's police, let 's say, their phones are checked for the presence of vpns, for the presence of access to resources and... and for this , both children and parents can really be punished , let's say, it can save some kind of punishment there from a conversation to, let's say, problems with salaries and problems
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with some payments, but really, you know, you look at all this, but now they have started there in some of our schools to conduct measures regarding life support, as they call it, is on obzh, they conduct life support during an attack. to the school or shooting at schools, well, what we saw already there and the video they showed, when some unknown person dressed in camouflage, wearing masks with wooden machine guns attack the school, put the children there on the floor, let's say, and the children are clearly told where to go in the event of an attack on the school, well, we see, we have already seen it in russia, how it happens when one or another graduate there buys a gun, goes kills more than 15 people there, but really at the moment it is not clear what this preparation is for, it argues. only in order to protect them from ukrainian terror, but really we have already seen situations happening in russia many times, and we did not want this to
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happen to our children. mr. artem, in our childhood in the soviet union, we also lived in such a schizophrenic regime, at home, instead of bedtime stories, you were read the stories of hrushevsky, and when you came to school, you were told about the feat of brezhny on a small land, we lived with it, but now i looked. according to this extreme use against the officers of the strike in luhansk , there was a very large number of videos, some women said that children without panties were beating ucrofascists right in the residential quarter , it sounds like this somewhere, but everyone is fine, well, i look at how it is responded to, everyone can see well with their own eyes wherever they go who was there before in this academy and what are the boys' panties? and there are no sleeping areas here, just like in luhansk people are reacting to this schizophrenia now, i.e. the way it used to be, i.e. we
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this is what we see, this is what we are told, and which part do we believe, the part that is told about the boy in the panties, or the part that we see with our own eyes, you know, the situation is quite different, there really are, as we called them , greedy people who people went to cooperate with the russians, who really spread. these narratives, but you are correct in saying that we can also see from their publications that people are not only already in luhansk region, but, excuse me, and in crimea, and in krasnodar and in other cities, when there they say that everything was shot down , and oil tanks are burning, people simply stop believing, but i understood that they have no choice, because it is a totalized system, a totalized system that will crush everything, well, excuse me for that video that i don't know, maybe it came out earlier, i forgave yesterday because i saw about our tank that is pressing there a boy with pushkin's patriotism. stalin with a red banner comes out, removes him from the school, a tank driver with a ukrainian flag also comes out, crushes this child, well, sorry, it ’s getting to the point of madness, it’s not even boys in
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panties anymore, but it’s really just schizophrenia, well we've been through it all, we see it of course, people also understand this, because let's say so, to many people who even there supported this attack, and even the barbaric attack on ukraine. they also got it when they took away their men and threw them into the trenches against the ukrainian army without any preparation or anything, but whoever is in the trench is still lucky, and those who were thrown by mass assaults are no longer there at all , then when, let's say, the peoples of the east began to appear, who came there to help restore luhansk region, when apartments began to be squeezed out, the same as now will continue, only now at the official level they are called social security. housing for workers, let's say, in the educational and healthcare sectors and families of military personnel who arrived from russia to defend luhansk region, the apartments of our citizens are broken into and
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handed over. for residence also with the registration of them according to their laws of the lpr for that unclean woman who came to luhansk region, so i think they see it perfectly. mr. artem, thank you for sharing the information with espress viewers. artem lytsyhor, chairman of the luhansk regional military administration, was with us. and in principle, from these cringe-worthy stories, i also really liked the one with the tank, but it has not yet spilled over how... it freezes and the hamster eats the whole family, well, they still have to try, about what happens around those the same areas, but from the point of view of the military in a few minutes after a short pause, we will find out, wait, what is bahmud, bahmud is a place of fear, and a place of bravery, no matter what
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anyone says, but bravery... it is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is an adventure that will stay with us until the end of our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. books. and writer olena cherninkova, a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhii rudenko. to the two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day using telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. when will the war end? in
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the imagination of europeans by the middle of 2025. it is by that time that most eu countries plan to complete their support programs for ukraine. none predictions about how the future fate of ukrainians will develop and no proposals. in 2025, the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians, and they will no longer have a special status. i constantly ask myself this question so that... further, if last year we talked about the fact that i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, then this year i don't know what they are thinking the refugees themselves about their future and how they are preparing for 2025, and we in ukraine are ready, the government should have a demographic strategy, the documentary tape expelled by war, the price is not return on saturday, may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on the air:


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