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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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when will the war end? fighting europeans until the middle of 2025. it is by that time that most eu countries plan to complete their support programs for ukraine. there are no predictions about how the future fate of ukrainians will unfold, and no proposals. in 2025 , the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians and they will no longer have a special status. i myself i constantly ask this question, what will happen next, if last year we talked about the fact that i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, then this year i don't know, but what do you think refugees about their future and how they are preparing for 2025, and we in ukraine are ready, the government must have a demographic strategy, the documentary tape expelled by war, the price of no return on saturday, may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on: espresso tv channel. taking
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the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from scratch to life on quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction. let's go back, the head of kharkiv ova snigubo reports that the central part of chuguyev was hit, a kindergarten was damaged, and they are currently finding out what is actually happening there, the inspection of the landing site is ongoing, reports from kharkiv region. we will talk about the slightly more southern, actually eastern directions of our front. volodymyr nazarenko is with us. artillery officer
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of the fourth brigade of nsu rubizh. mr. volodymyr, glory to ukraine. grim glory, good morning, studio, good morning tv viewers, thank you for the opportunity of your broadcast. good morning, look, reuters quotes our military in, for example, the northern direction, and says that, thank god, they no longer feel a shortage of shells, but this is kharkiv. operational response, as they say, is in the center of attention. as in your direction you have. does this ratio look like, is there bc? well, actually, this is a question for me, as an artilleryman, an artillery officer of our fourth brigade, rubizh, and we clearly understand that in no case should it be allowed that there is no ammunition, even in those months when we clearly, let's be frank, when the progo was delayed, well, the vote for the aid package, or rather for the basically case for... aid from the united
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states of america, for which everyone was waiting for a long time, which was delayed there for almost six months , if not more, and one way or another this delay was associated with the delay of ammunition, we understand very well that after all, all the reserves that are and all the reserves, they cannot be instantaneous, they cannot be stored in fact near in one place near the gun and release all that is in one day. that is, we clearly understand that such a thing cannot be done and we clearly understand that when our guns fall silent, then it becomes quite difficult for our comrades from the infantry, because the priority of artillery work, first of all, is a counter-battery fight, a counter-battery duel, that is, to extinguish enemy guns, to extinguish enemy fire in the first place, and with this task one way or another we coped and are trying to cope. and again here
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quite effective help from our brothers, fpv pilots, copter pilots, wing pilots, of uav pilots, operators, etc., yes, the shortage has been overcome, yes, mr. volodymyr, it’s better now, answering your question, i can’t divulge anything in principle, and we don’t say, just say better or worse, eh, we carry out tasks, suppress, let’s say so , fire systems of the enemy. enemy guns, this is again, i say, one of the highest priorities, to suppress enemy systems, but in any case there will be enough ammunition when all the enemies are destroyed and the ammunition will simply lie somewhere in the warehouse and there is nowhere to go who is going to shoot with these ammunition, this is enough ammunition, in any other case, we need to build up and build up firepower in order to simply crush and crush the enemy. to constrain
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all actions so that, in principle, the enemy does not have the opportunity either to deploy his cannon or to carry out logistics, and as soon as he sticks his head out, or somewhere unmasks himself, or somewhere we notice the enemy. immediately they fly over it, they fly over it, if there is such a result, it will mean that there is enough ammunition, of course, and you get the ukrainian weapons, do you have something to work with actually of ukrainian production, or do they supply you with such samples, the defense forces in general use all opportunities, all means, all all weapons, again, i cannot disclose what systems our artillery possesses. but in general, the defense forces use both soviet models and modern ukrainian models of ukrainian production, and, in particular , we thank the western allies, western partners, western artillery, western
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ammunition, tactical characteristics, which a head for two, orders of magnitude better than the old soviet systems or the orc systems, what are the arduelei? we have seen battery fighting in principle, we know it more than once, but when we will now repeat these shots, and when the russian fascist occupiers are pounding bilogorivka like this with massive shelling from rocket artillery, plus their sun-drenched firecrackers, we will show it now , but when this happens, how can we repel the enemy, can we detect their burning eyes? and others and also lead a counter-battery response, units of our brigade, and we, in particular, the artillerymen more than once found the enemy 's sundials and applied fire to them, quite often suppressed, let's say, forced these sundials to flee, what in
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my practice, what they encountered in the areas of responsibility of our brigade, when the enemy tried to use them, advanced , here worked successfully with... our fight with pilots, drone operators, who detected them in time even at the stage of deployment, at the stage when they are moving to the exit, let's say so, their position, to the firing position, and in the process we were already preparing, aiming, and again the fpv drone pilots also took off and practiced the russian sunbattles and did not even in principle allow them to deploy, orient themselves and try to attack with... the sunbattle theme, unfortunately, it is very scary, it has quite great firepower, but one of the tactical disadvantages for it is a relatively short firing range , that is, it is important here, once again, they are the
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ukrainians who are now watching our broadcast, it is important that our units, our comrades from various brigades of the defense forces, were equipped and had enough in stock. planes, drones, copters, wings, etc., to detect enemy systems in time. the best fight against enemy hail, missile systems, volley fire and sunbursts, in particular, is timely detection and timely training, as soon as in principle we see somewhere, unmasked orientate, be it hailstones or sunbursts, apply by finding and inflicting damage on them faster , than they start firing or there... so you said about fpv drones are very important yesterday as part of that the only news of the only telethon there commander to the uav crew, kara nebesna said that the russians have 10 times more drones than the armed forces of ukraine, this
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was said yesterday in the telethon, it looks the same in your area, we clearly understand, and in particular it is meant, if i understand the words of my sisters, then... we are talking about the active use of wings by orcs, such as eagles, zala, superkam, etc., and they are very active, unfortunately, conducting reconnaissance of the entire eastern and northern direction, and they have quite a large number of these wings with motors on quite often on gasoline engines that fly at an altitude of 35 kilometers and have the ability to conduct reconnaissance and broadcast a picture. and there is a danger in the fact that the orcs are trying more and more to work with their artillery, not covering the squares, not bombarding the near and far rears, it’s just that there is a systematic bombardment that they are conducting and this tactic of a barrage of fire, they are increasingly trying to work under adjusting, that is
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, detecting every gap, every shell, every shot, and adjusting every shot, there is a certain danger in this, because they are trying to soviet weapons to squeeze out some accuracy, sir? volodymyr, thank you for your service, and thank you for being with the viewers of espresso, volodymyr nazarenko, an artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard was with us, this is lymanok. the bakhmut section of the front, i still hear about the superiority of drones and remember that we have a million drones, an army of drones, and between those millions or a billion trees should be flying somewhere, in a word, the question still remains in the air, well, i i remember that we are a country at war, but unfortunately, yes it seems that not everyone has a war, and again the video we want to show is... which demonstrates very well that in fact the war is the war of each of us, this war, which is the war of the whole
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country, and affects each of us, look , please, on these shots, so here it is clearly visible that each of us can get into war, into combat operations, we experienced it, especially in the first days of a full-scale invasion, her video valentin chernyavskyi writes: mr. valentin, what i wanted for a long time shoot such a video and actually show the two flowers that exist at the same time in ukraine, one is mine, the other is peace, and people who do not want to see what is really happening, but you cannot escape from reality, mr. valentyn writes, a short pause after which we, with the director of defense express serhiy zgurets, will try to summarize, let's say yes, operational situation as of today. stay with us. robert argin, i remember.
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over heartburn. there are discounts representing coco discounts in may on eden. 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. hello, how are you there? yes, normally, slowly. so we got nine new tanks, guess what? now turn on the video call, i'm yours. i will conduct the course, but come, we will stay here for another two weeks, i will take you for a ride, and not only on a tank, but here near the station in grozivka, if you say that you are visiting a student, you will be let through, well, student, then my call sign is yes, here near the station in grohivka, they will say that you will be allowed to go to the student, yes, nine there, yes, nine tavka. thunderstorm, here, student, student,
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today you don't observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy hears, be vigilant, stand up to... the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, appreciated. to stand side by side with brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine.
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let's stick together. serhii zgurets, director of information and consulting, is back with us. company express, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. slava, good morning, i greet you, i greet our viewers. we are receiving reports from the front that it is essentially hot everywhere, in the north very often there are now shots where you can see how russians are either hiding somewhere under the trees, under the green bushes, now there are very, very many of them, and they are not hiding there in the huts themselves, even technology they hide there, in your opinion, how much it makes life difficult for our defenders, actually. how easy or difficult is it to detect and eliminate this evil with the same drones? well , really, you are absolutely right, now the situation is extremely difficult in all areas, but the advance of the enemy is minimal, i will not go into details, but now, when we are talking about methods of countering the enemy, it is true that, in addition to artillery,
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the ukrainian side actively uses drones, fpv drones, now... we see work of the special forces of the sharp cartouche unit, this is a unit of the omega national guard, which operates quite actively just in the kharkiv direction, where we see, well, quite active work of our infantrymen, and a significant amount of destroyed enemy forces and equipment was carried out precisely at the expense of fpv drones, indeed, when the enemy hides. in zelentsia, this is now a component that makes it somewhat easier for the enemy there to advance under the cover of greenery to our defense lines, it really complicates the work and identification of targets and their destruction, but in any case, we see that our military copes with this task, and in addition to videos from sharp cartridges,
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there are quite a few interesting videos, in particular from the 92nd brigade of the hilles battalion, which also works in the kharkiv direction. and there was an interesting statistic that in general they use 1,500 fpv drones in a month at the expense of aid and donations, the battalion spends about 20 million uah on maintenance there, but the amount of damage to the enemy, they calculated for the past month, is 50 million dollars, that is, actually and efficiency work is related to the training of operators, the consumption of drones and damage to the enemy, we see how well... incomparable, that is, it is precisely the efficiency, the cost, it is quite well manifested when using drones both in the kharkiv direction and in other areas of the front. uhu, well , what you and i talked about not recently, as under the question that needs verification, we already seem to have confirmation, the first of a series of missile carriers that were supposed to work in
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the black sea, i am talking about the zyklon ship, was destroyed, at least it was confirmed. it is a lesion in general staff, what does this mean, that is, it is the only missile carrier that was in the temporarily occupied crimea, it is no longer there, will they continue this karakur program , the most modern, as it were, and will they try, not the first, but the last, we are really talking about the fact that after the active work of means of impression, there are also unmanned complexes and other systems, so... on may 13, this intriguing story happened because at first there was a report about the destruction of a pro-russian naval trencher, and then yesterday the general staff confirmed that it was not a destruction, but there was a phrase defeat, that is, in fact, it remains to be seen how exactly the work of the means of impression affected the further existence of this
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newest missile ship, which was part of the black sea fleet, because it was put into combat formation, here... two years ago and immediately like this the brief fate of this battleship, which was indeed a carrier of cruise missiles, caliber, russia relocated all its carriers from sevastopol to novorossiysk, there are now eight caliber carriers there in novorossiysk, these are just submarines, there are three submarines, and others. ships which they can use calibers there, but there is a problem with the fact that loading calibers on board these ships is quite complicated, so we see that now the enemy is quite limited... uses calibers in combat operations, but the important thing is that ukraine, not now actually having a fleet, ensured the destruction somewhere, well
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, of the 80 ships of the black sea fleet and more than a third of the vessels, 20 of them were sunk, we also remember the cruiser moscow, which was destroyed by our neptune missile, we remember the submarines and ships that... and now and there is a high probability that this cyclone ship was destroyed using american atakams missiles, so that the range of means of influence increases, the number of ships of the black sea fleet in sevastopol decreases significantly, and we simply need to continue this process so that the russians do not have a single missile carrier of the caliber there in sevastopol, not in novorossiysk. mr. serhiy, about... these new decoys that managed to be integrated on the ukrainian mg-29, i am talking about the adm 160 melt decoy, and in fact they can
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be used together with missiles, what will it do us, how can they be used, and actually, will it be possible to work a little more cunningly in this way, in particular in the vicinity of crimea? well, actually, when we talk about the use of these decoys, which are used by the ukrainian air force. we didn't start using them yesterday, we've been using them for a long time, the first uses were back in may 23, that is, when russian objects were struck there, and actually we are talking about malt 160, these american so called false targets, this is the kind of drone that resembles a rocket, which during flight can generate, relatively speaking, an electronic field around. itself, of such a quality that the enemy cannot understand whether a cruise missile is flying, or a fighter jet is flying, or a bomber is flying there, and one way or another he is
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forced to turn on his anti-aircraft defenses in order to repel the attack of this false target , which he takes as a real goal. the operational range of these decoys, by the way, is about 400 km there according to ttx, and our mig-29 fighters and other aircraft. use these baits as the first element attacks on the enemy's air defense equipment, because immediately behind this decoy, after a short period of time, this anti-rocket missile kharm flies, which is launched there either from the mi-29 or the su-27 and hits these air defense complexes, so this is such a sweet couple, it is already working, i repeat , for more than a year to destroy the enemy's air defense systems, and now the question is to continue to scale this use, because we know how much air defense equipment was destroyed in crimea,
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the question is that these blows must be endured to the territory of the russian federation, because , relatively speaking, we know that russia uses air defense systems from its territory to strike our ground objects, when we are talking about s300, s400, and this approach with ee... false targets, decoys and harm missiles should be transferred to a strategy that will significantly limit the possibility of using air defense systems by the enemy from its territory. well, look, that is, it’s like for the impression of air defense, most, for example, on the border, in particular in belgorod, these air defense systems are adapted to hit the s300 as ballistics and shelling the city, and in this case this one... this is our development on migs, it gives us the opportunity to work already on the territory of, for example, belohorod region, do we still need to convince the pentagon and lloyd
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austin to lift this ban on the use of american long-range weapons on the territory? well, actually, when we talk about russian military targets there, which are located there on the territory of the russian federation, so far the pentagon. actually imposes restrictions on the entire list of weapons that can ensure the destruction of russian objectives or the accumulation of russian military forces, this is about attack forces, about patriots, even there pro-kheimers and so on, but we know that there were cases when a patriot worked in the bryansk region, when two fighter jets were destroyed in the air there and... and three helicopters, when these groups of russian aircraft used their potential to attack our villages and cities, and yesterday
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after ramstein. austin said that the situation there in the air has certain characteristics, and i can perceive this phrase there, that it is possible in principle and further shake up the pentagon's approach to the use of american weapons on russian territory, especially since yesterday we saw 13 congressmen from different two parties appeal to the pentagon to give permission to use the entire arsenal of american weapons for strikes on ... territory , because this is exactly what the congressmen, in particular the chairman of the intelligence committee there, believe is the most optimal way of using american aid, the most effective, because relatively speaking, if we cannot strike on the territory of the enemy, where the enemy's power accumulates, then this is the actual creation of preferences for the aggressor country, and when we mention there about the american aid that was allocated to the congress, which approved
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this package for... long-term aid, then there was such a phrase that the state department and the pentagon should present to the congress a strategy to destroy the russian group there in a way that best suits the interests of the united states. i think that now this approach of the congress, this statement of the congressmen, will just push the pentagon to change its position, although it will not be easy, because the pentagon, there and some european countries are paying attention to these rattling nuclear weapons. which the russian federation occasionally resorts to when there is a real threat of a change in the situation on the battlefield. when we talk about the fact that f-16s are about to appear in the ukrainian skies, we are talking about training pilots, but we remember that not only pilots, that there is also the actual issue of maintenance and support of these fighters, information that 10 ukrainian military personnel have already completed their training in the netherlands. is 10 a lot? or
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not enough at the moment with our needs for now, mr. sergey? well, of course, it's not enough, and when i mentioned the appeal of these congressmen to the united states, to the pentagon, where it was also said that the number of pilots and technicians who can use the f-16 should be increased. we now know that the preliminary number of our pilots is 12 pilots, six who will be ready soon, or maybe already ready, i don't know for sure, and about 40 technicians who are supposed to service these first six aircraft, who will be ready soon must be transferred in ukraine, of course, we understand that there are 12 pilots, 40 technicians - this is not enough, because in general, the need for estimates to strengthen the air force there is within the limits of 100 f-16 aircraft. because we know that
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the enemy has at least 300 aircraft that are used for combat operations, but this process must somehow start, of course, and it also concerns the increase in the number of pilots and equipment, the training of lithuanians, and the main definition of the list of weapons that we will receive to the f-16, because we understand that the aircraft is a platform, and to prevent this from happening, that we will have certain limitations. regarding the list of the arsenal that we can use against the enemy, so that this effect associated with shoatikams can not be hit on russian territory, so that it does not affect the long-range means of the impression that we also hope to get for the f16. mr. serhiy, thank you, serhiy zgorets, director of the information and consulting company defense express with an analysis of the current situation. 9:00 is approaching, the time we
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remember and honor every day. memory of all those who died due to russian aggression, due to the fact that the russian invaders came to our land, a moment of silence for all the dead. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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