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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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neutral sea, international waters, and here russia declares international waters in the baltic as its own water area, of course the reaction to this will be negative, the russians will count on it, pavle, but does russia have the resources to make a decision on paper to do something, and somehow escalates in this sense. escalation and how should each of these countries, and these are nato countries, respond then, but it is also necessary whether nato should give some kind of answer to this, so what should be, well, declare some water area with its own tervods, not much in fact, the russians have border ships, will they now create border incidents, well... this is a repetition,
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a complete repetition of the actions of the people's republic of china in the south china sea, when chinese border guards search there with philippine ships and vessels, creating it the danger of catastrophe or sea accidents, well, the chinese did not invent it, it was invented by the russians, it is the first such incident. was in the black sea in 1986, when, guided by the article on the right of peaceful passage of the then new convention, of the 1982 international maritime convention, two american ships decided to pass along the crimean coast, a section of the crimean coast in the faros area. so
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the russians and the soviet leadership at that time expected such actions, and two soviet ships were sent to intercept them, the skr bezzavetnyi, the smaller skr, skr, under the leadership of the then captain of the first rank budanov, and that's when the russians first used that tactic, battles by the sides. there were two warships, well, that’s a lot, you can imagine what they are, what their tonnage is, what their machines are collide, and then, then it was applied that what russian sailors now call the budanov attack, this is a very dangerous action, and well, if everyone in the whole world condemned it, then... then for today's russian sailors
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, this attack is budanova is considered to be an example of pavle, that is, it may not just be a patrol by russian ships of this and that, which they will consider their own, but there may also be some kind of military clash, i understand correctly, that is, it is quite likely that a military clash is on the horizon, a military clash is possible in principle, remember when... well, the british, who are very much in favor of, well, freedom of navigation is one of their cornerstones, and when , in the 18th year, the replacement defender passed along the coast of crimea, demonstrating that the territorial crimean waters are ukrainian territorial waters, his campaign was coordinated with ukraine, and secondly, he was demonstrating the right to freedom of navigation. the russians then...
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intimidated the british in every possible way, said that weapons would be used, and even more, after the passage of the isminsk, they said that it was as if they were dropping bombs because it was being dropped from airplanes, other actions were being taken, the british said, well , actually, nothing happened, obviously the russians imagined it, well, i think that it was created for... forming such an informative picture, nevertheless, such actions are not without the use of aerial weapons, such as a swarm, when they ram each other, two or two machines, warships or military and civilians, already quite actively swarms of budanovaci are used by the chinese, why not a couple -three months we hear, especially those
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is watching the situation in the region, how the chinese are setting relevant precedents, and it is already becoming such a bad norm. pavle, if you can very briefly, what nato can now say about its concerns there, as i understand it, that is, there cannot be any actions now, in principle, they will just wait, and what will happen next, will there be any actions from russia federation, will express his concern, but here the first thing is not even nato, it is an international maritime organization, organized nations, changing the borders of the state, and what the russians are doing now in the baltic sea - also, not only for invading there and entering zaporozhye or crimea into the constitution, is a change of state borders, an illegal change of state borders, and such cutting of neutral quotas is also a change of state borders , accordingly
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, the united nations organization reacts to it , the international maritime organization reacts to it, as it does in the maritime area, and it is clear that no one is such... unilateral actions of the russians, and not, so far in words, so far in words, this let's see for the reaction, because it is interesting what they will really say, what the reactions will be, thank you pavle for contributing such interesting information, pavlo lekichuk, head of security programs of the center for global studies, strategy 21 was a guest of svoboda ranok. and then we will talk about public affairs and freedom of speech in ukraine, this is important, you can join in the comments and not just you can, but you must join the discussion. the fact is that the public broadcaster, starting from may 21, resumed its own broadcast on the first channel, there in addition to news, they will also broadcast documentaries, additional content of their own production, the social network will continue cooperation with the edyni news marathon, they will exchange content with other tv channels and will legally remain part of
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the telethon, however, the public's own air will become 24-hour, and the rotation of slots with other tv channels in the edinyi news will not be, according to the chairman of the board mykola chornotytskyi... negotiations regarding such a format lasted for about two weeks, previously the public broadcaster was refused in the evening airtime, this is the slot with the largest number of viewers, svetlana ostapa, the head of the supervisory board of the public, wrote about this in particular. at the same time , maryana bezugla, a people's deputy from the servants of the people, began to criticize the work of the public sector. she accused the broadcaster of low coverage and low viewing figures. in addition , bezugla proposed to reduce the expenses for the telethon and leave one state one. she mistakenly counted the public channel as a public channel, because despite the fact that it is financed from the state budget, the broadcaster's management independent, and the activity is regulated by a separate law. in connection with the pressure and efforts to remove public broadcasting from the evening slots , the european broadcasting union, deputies and the public spoke out in its defense, by the way, public
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broadcasting is one of the mandatory requirements for ukraine's accession to the european union. the decision of the public to expand its own broadcasting, as the media detector writes, was supported by the nsdc in... radio liberty public stated that now there was no pressure on them from the authorities, neither in connection with this decision, nor from the president's office, nor from the parliament, and the specialized committee supported such a decision, well, that is, the fact and the news is that the public issue came out of the telethon, we are joined by mykyta poturaev, people's deputy, chairman of the committee on humanitarian and information policy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. nikita, congratulations, thank you for joining, good morning, i wish everyone safety during the air flight in kyiv. yes, this is a good remark, but i want to ask you, look, the criticism of the public was from the cornerless, and then the distribution of the marathon grid in such a way that the public was deprived prime time, now the exit from the marathon, is this all a coincidence or some kind of regularity? er, this is not a coincidence, moreover, these
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are completely unrelated things, er, and i also want to comment on the fact that the social thing did not work out with the marathon, er, what is said and... and joint press release of the channels of the marathon founders, because the marathon is not a channel, the marathon is content, the marathon is a unified national information policy, and the public broadcaster remains part of the unified national information policy, which was produced together, that is, by all the channels that founded the marathon, well, this is the policy in the television segment, respectively, and... when they now start to produce simply more content, then in fact the marathon becomes two channels, but they will really differ in terms of content, but this does not mean that this single
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television information policy will undergo any changes, which is not being worked out somewhere in the government offices, but which is being worked out directly between the founding channels themselves, by the way, i would very much like such a policy to be in other media segments, as, for example, american media workers did during the second world war, when they themselves sat down and gathered. and developed rules for covering the events of the war, both outside the country and inside the country. unfortunately, this did not happen with us, which, by the way, says a lot about the degree of self-organization of our media, but again, this does not mean that everything is so bad, it just means that there is room for growth and there is something to work on to work, that's really all. in their comments, representatives of society told us that there is pressure from the president's office or from deputies was not. but there is also an interesting question about the budget, whether the issue with
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the budget has been resolved at all, well , public broadcasting has always not been financed, and in the comments again public broadcasting answered that they do not know the plans regarding the budget of public broadcasting for the next year, this is the uncertainty of funding and public broadcasting , which continues to this day, can this uncertainty be considered conditionally as a certain pressure? no, it cannot be considered, because we are not doing well with state finances, to put it mildly. 70% of our state finances are international macro-financial aid, accordingly, the public sector is underfunded, well, we have a lot of things that are not co-financed, we have, thanks to simply incredible efforts , the issues of the front are co-financed, and unfortunately, sometimes it happens that the issue of the armed forces and the front is delayed, that's why it really is.. . certain, well, it is not a deficit, because public expenditure coincides with
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, so to speak, funding, and there will be enough money this year, and next year, so it will not be enough, unfortunately, but i think that it will also be enough, in addition one should not forget that in addition to the money allocated from the state budget in accordance with the law, the public sector also has grants that they... steadily receive from our international partners, for which i thank them very much, and not only me, because thanks to these grants and operational activities are carried out, which means that television programs and other projects are produced, so this is a very big support, but it is clear that we would like the public broadcaster to be financed fully in accordance with the formula of the law, but still, i think that this the question which will have to be decided after our victory... the media reacted to this news in very different ways, well, mostly they said that it was good for the public, you who came out of
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the marathon, because you know that among ukrainian journalists and media experts, there is such and such an opinion , that the marathon in principle is not effective and poses a threat to freedom of speech, but they say there was no pressure in society, you also say that, but it all looks very interesting, because after all, there were posts without corners, it is not should be forgotten, and then there were these slots and now society'. did not come out of the marathon, it can also look ambiguous enough, but regarding the telethon, i want to ask you, unfortunately, we have one and a half minutes, whether in your opinion, the telethon does not pose a threat to freedom of speech after all and whether the channels should be released in free swimming, it is possible that public broadcasting is enough so that in independent ukraine, with all the tv channels, media that exist, information policy is not governed there through a telethon, and, in principle, journalists seem to know what to do and how to tell about the war and the situation in u see, no one keeps the channels in marathon, so you have to ask the channels if they want to
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leave, i think the answer will be negative. there was never censorship in the marathon, well , i apologize, there were and will be, unfortunately, all kinds of fantasies surrounding the marathon, but the truth is that this is a media initiative, and this is an example of self-organization of ukrainian media workers, i emphasize the regret again. it's a pity that not everyone, that's why not everyone, not everyone was invited, nikita, maybe they wanted more media people there, but not everyone was invited then, you remember, and i, well, i emphasize again that i always said that inclusiveness could help the marathon, by the way, and with regard to, let's say, the return of certain rating, rating results, but then again, self-organization can exist and exist not only in the marathon, it is not necessary... but, so to speak, to limit oneself to conversations about television, in fact
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, today, to put it mildly, television is not the main tool and not the main channel of communication in our country, the internet main channel communication and e in our online media, well , i don't even see the beginnings of self-organization , although, well, standards are standards. i see editorial and journalistic standards in many ukrainian online media, advanced ukrainian media that work according to standards have their own pages, including those on the telegram channel, which are very popular. mykyto potoraev, people's deputy, chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on humanitarian and information policy, was a guest of svoboda ranok. write in the comments your thoughts on whether you have enough information, whether you need self-organization, various media to inform about events in
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ukraine, and see you tomorrow on the air. we are returning to the air, thank our colleagues for their work, two migs have already taken off in the air from the selosliyka airfield, nizhny novgorod oblast, russia, so we have an alarm throughout the territory of our country, stay in shelters, i remind you, dagger bearers, actually the missiles are very fast and very difficult to , unfortunately, it is very difficult to knock them down. in the meantime, we include the head of the supervisory board in the conversation of public svitlana ostap, in connection with us, ms. svitlana, congratulations, congratulations, well , you overslept with your decision with the fact that you are leaving a single telethon, and what are the conclusions, and what are the threats, as they say,
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underwater currents and underwater stones. well , officially it sounds like an extension of the telethon information broadcast, because just leaving the marathon posed certain threats to us, which, by the way, espresso also suffered at the time, that is, if we left, for example, and we wanted to leave, of course, with the first channel, then we could just leave the first channel and for him to broadcast the telethon, that is, we could come out as producers only. but we were told that if it is within the framework of expansion, then we can continue to speak on the first channel and will not violate the decision of the national security service in this way. ms. svitlana, but it all reminds you of, you know, this italian proverb that you can enter the mafia, you can't leave, so something somehow looks like that with that one marathon. well, you see, the decision of the national security council exists, and until it
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is canceled, one thing or another. we didn't find a way, but at least, well, we didn't have one interference in our editorial policy in our telethon slot, well, it won't be in 24-hour broadcasting. colleagues from other tv channels do not want to repeat your example? do you have any such information or rumors, gossip? i know several. journalists from other channels, well, i know many of them, but several journalists told me that they would say from other commercial channels that they would also like to leave the telethon, but i think that the management of these channels is not interested in leaving yet, ms. at dawn but you saw that, in fact, at first it was such a scattered criticism of the public, that if it is so public
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, andriy yermak and other effective managers from bankova street are not shown from morning to night. this criticism then turned into a direct attack with wild misinformation and lies from maryana bezovola. did these accusations stop after your decision, did the attacks on the public broadcaster, which was never financed by the budget of the cabinet of ministers, during the time of the military invasion and riots. er, well, these two tracks coincided there, attacks by maryana bezuglai. uh and actually, how should i put it, the false information that was pouring out of her facebook page, i don't read it, to be honest, one, i replied to her once, i think that's enough to show that a person is a little incompetent in these matters, but it just so happened that they wanted
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to move us from the middle of the telethon, from the evening slot, it would already be on... on parity basis, work in the telethon, we did not agree with that, and of course, that's where all these events began, which actually ended with what we now speak autonomously on the first channel, well, as my colleague, a psychiatrist, said, you don't need to argue with psychos, so i understand that you don't read, but for this series of lies and mud-slinging, will you be sued? uh, there were also conversations like, well, honestly, well, honestly, i'm sorry to waste my time on this personally, if the company is going to file, well, i... i don't, i don't mind, we addressed an official statement to parliamentary committees, three parliamentary committees, one on freedom of speech, on humanitarian and information
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politicians, from european integration, so that they consider this situation, give their assessment to a colleague, well, you know, there, uh, most deputies are convinced that the freedom of speech, that the freedom of speech of people's deputies cannot be restricted, well, okay, uh, somehow, you say that colleagues, some also have a desire to repeat, to follow your path, and we understand that if there are already certain ideas and their time has come, then they must be implemented, do you see prospects in the near future of the year to transform this one marathon, somehow change it in the direction of journalism, v journalism side, thank you. well, by the end of this year, i think that the marathon will exist, because it is financed from the state budget, we did not
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receive separate funds for the telethon, we are already financed from the state budget, well , we simply did not receive funds separately for the telethon, as commercial ones do, for example channels, next year, if there are no funds, there will be no marathon, but a transform. wow, well, you understand, if at the beginning, it was really a very important story, which was forced to such an association, due to a lack of human resources, and it was very important, at that time almost half of the population of ukraine watched the telethon, now it is somewhere around 10%, and i think it will not be possible to artificially maintain attention to the telethon. what should we transform all of this into, because we understand that in the regime of the country, which is preparing to eat may barbecues, panic has begun, and then you can even use the russian combat pilot
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aristovych to at least extinguish that panic, it was justified, by the challenges of 22- th year, what to transform information broadcasting in wartime instead of a marathon, you have as a media we... manager have any ideas, recommendations? is this supposed to be a return to what it was before february 24th, or is there supposed to be something new? other? it has to be a return to normal, traditional, uh, well, broadcasting, on on traditional channels, well that is, until the return to february 24, information broadcasting on every channel, you know, information broadcasting for every media is the most important, news for of each media is the most important. if this, if they are engaged in information broadcasting, that is, they cannot be given to someone to control, it should only be under by the editorial control of this media, on the basis
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of the editorial charter of this media, it should be produced according to professional standards, that is, you cannot play with informational broadcasting, it seems to me, ugh, but by the way, in the framework of working out various informational and socially important ones. messages are used once by a fairly successful journalist, his book about pasha lazarenko, probably someone has read it, everyone remembers, i am now talking about the adviser of advisers, about the famous railway worker lischenko, that's just how we got to such and such, here is such a thing a philosophical question, because it seemed that we would not go down to such a crumbling period of yanukovych's medvedchuks. and skotilis, well, there are many such examples in the history not only of ukraine, but of other countries, so i will not comment on his actions, ugh, it is you
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who are hinting about tucker, and how, for example, there is a civilized country, and there tucker is on russia 24 suddenly comes, ms. svitlana, another question about telegrams, because we have been talking for several months about the need to somehow regulate them, to do something, but... but we don't do it, but we don't do it, how you see the actual work with telegram in the distance, because it will definitely not work to ban something like that in one day, well, i’m not sure that we will be able to ban it, technologically, purely technologically, but what’s the point, well, my opinion is that we have to focus on doing everything we can to make our anonymous... telegram channels, especially those that have a very large number of subscribers, become non-anonymous, register as media and uh, well, whatever we didn't think,
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uh,... your poll numbers show that the majority of the population of ukraine receives information from telegram, so we need to do everything possible to make it healthy food, and not toxic food that is in telegram, yes, that is , the first way is to somehow do something with anonymous telegram channels, eh -uh, the second, the second way also applies purely to ukraine, it is possible to do something with... in terms of taxation, that is, all the same, these big telegram channels, they, well, it is obvious that not one person works there, that many people work there , that they receive wages, whether it is legal or not is it illegal, is it taxed , that is, which way to go, it seems to me that several people's deputies have already submitted certain requests in this regard, from here it is possible to regulate, especially during the war, it is simple to do,
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it is necessary... it is necessary to do, it is necessary to do, and this is the main thing, which can be done quite quickly, because it is very relative, that they are anonymous, when instead of real journalists at the bank they call for a meeting of scumbags or other flushable toilet tanks, then real people come, the guys of the security service of ukraine should be waiting for them there, and anonymity turns into openness, but politicians are discussing it, but the special services catch only those channels that are engaged in tip-off. pages should not be in telegram channels, i.e. ministers, there is the same sbu, general staffs, everything else, they should do it on their sites, not in the telegram channel, yes, because that way you will end up on your own, as felix once said dzirzhynskyi, mrs. svitlana, thank you for
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participating in ours. svitlana ostapo, the head of the supervisory board of the public broadcaster was with us, during that time we managed to plant two buckets with nuts, the migas left the starting lines, so we have an air alarm bounce, next channel, don't miss the news, we 'll be back later, thinking about a new mattress, but this is what stops you, have you thought about what you're sleeping on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress pad or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price. call now and order an orthopedic mattress camel. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. due to the fact that
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