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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 11:30am-11:59am EEST

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to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. oleg rybachuk, head of the geocenter of joint actions, former vice-prime minister of ukraine for european integration, mr. oleg, glory to ukraine, is back in touch with us. glory to the heroes, congratulations. actually, i have
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the first question for you, as an expert on issues european integration, is russia moving towards europe or what? i mean their intention to change the borders in the baltic sea, to get closer to lithuania somewhere, to finland, what is it and in general, that's how everyone came, drew what he needed, well, it's an interesting situation, because the baltic sea has become internal nato by sea, victorious. the european strategy, putin's best strategy, has yielded its results, russia's borders with nato have increased by thousands of kilometers, and we need to wait a little to see what the reaction of these countries will be, because it was russia who made this gesture in unilaterally, it reminds me a little of a gesture of desperation, because if you look at the map again, you will understand that there is moving inland waters, not moving inland waters, russia is just not doing anything there right now...
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it decides, but, a good step, as in me, in order for the europeans to once again understand which country they are dealing with. ugh, well, i can now look at this with a country that has super experience, and i can't understand, maybe you can help us, congressmen write letters to the pentagon, it turns out somehow so strange, we always imagined that in washington some comrades sullivan are sitting and blocking everything, it turns out that lloyd's congressmen are already here. they are persuading austin not to do this nizia-nizia, to beat the russian-fascist occupier on his territory with american weapons. what will become of all this, or will this also be part of the election campaign, we will not hear the answer until the fall? well, it will be part of the election campaign, it is already part of the election campaign, because even in the same resolution that the congress passed, it obliged the administration of the white house there. there gave some
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time for them to show the strategy of victory, uh, why are weapons needed, how to use them most effectively, and what else is needed for ukraine to win, that is, in the congress... this issue was already heated, before that, the congress also approached the white house administration in two parties with a request or a demand to remove it, devacuate the restrictions, here is blinkin, whom you are showing now, he is actually in ukraine, well , he sent the signal that caused heated discussions among ukrainian experts, but diplomats, they never... do something by accident, for me it is clear that i and others my stay in the united states showed that among influential republican and democratic politicians, there is no acceptance or support for this ban and the use of weapons, that is, there are those typical of countries
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that first say tough and do not draw red lines, and then under external pressure, under internal - by political pressure. not to retreat, it seems to me that it is a matter of time, and not so far away, perhaps it is somewhere closer to the anniversary summit, which will be held in washington literally in a month, the question the lifting of this ban will be lifted, well, some nato members have actually already lifted this ban, in particular great britain, france, yes, yes, can we and is it advisable to do something else now to actually convince, do you think that... the decision is already there , has already matured, and they will announce it, well, maybe in the same washington, or do we still need to do something somewhere else? i think that we need to strengthen the tactics that we use in ukraine in relation to the authorities, reforms in the form of drips, these drips
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are needed just like in domestic politics, they are not less, and perhaps more, is needed in the foreign sector, and there we had a sort of landing party of our deputies in washington, various forces work there, sometimes these forces... even well, not very often these forces do not coordinate actions, but of course you cannot just sit down and wait for the solution to appear by itself. now it is very important to increase the pressure. mr. olezh, you know, it was not surprising that people who until recently listened to ryumka vodka on the table, suddenly did not like neil young with the song keep on rocking in the free world. well, it happens, but i am in this one. stories with blinkin alarmed no yes, here are these various conspiracy theories, but what did he bring, what did he say, and where did the left-handed guitar appear right in one of the clubs of kyiv, like that, the very reaction of society , a huge number of americanophobes with
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shouts away pindos started him in something to blame, it was quite massive, it was not only bots and russia, and in this case this mass reaction of people. who at one time calmly tolerated playing the piano with different hands, not without hands, but suddenly pounced on blinkin, who knows how to play the guitar, oh oh oh psychosis, how can people who do not see fault explain the fact that they changed rockets to kebabs, and asphalt to the army, suddenly pounced like this, and the damned blinkin, who is not helped, is to blame for everything. well, this is quite typical for our party or for a certain segment of ukrainian society that reacts very emotionally, and it reminds me of these same discussions about whether it is even possible to go to
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the theaters or to the movies there, or to have some concerts, when there is such a terrible war going on, this is an old question, it is from this series. do we have the right to some kind of entertainment, do we have to constantly, well, walk around like the taliban in afghanistan, all in black, covering our faces and not having any emotions there, not having any other emotions except deep mourning or deep experience, any psychologist will tell you , that this is a very terrible situation, but it seems to me that this is the moment and they played on it, i think that they played along, i... i am sure that they played along, there are certain, you know, there are certain ways how you can download the campaign as the information spreads, but i also paid attention to it, and i was there surprised that some of my people there, well i perceive facebook as a country club, i rarely go there, there are the same ones, but some of those
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members of this country club, whom i respect, they also looked down on this company and quite seriously blamed blinky inadequate for us. explained some reasons, that it was caused by the fact that the program was drawn up before the events in kharkiv, but well, this, this, this, this can be explained by the fact that ukrainian society is very traumatized morally, emotionally, and it is very easy to sway it . well, about taming emotions and not showing them, this is an old story that has been going on since ancient times, but actually in the union, in the soviet union, it was very actively promoted to hide all this, and now, fortunately, actually psychologists and all of us teach that it is impossible to do this, blinken also obviously says that no , no... we will, we will not hide our emotions, as they will allow us and give us a little more. now we have from europe so far, although
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the states also look at it positively, here is the permission to use the profit for ukraine from frozen russian assets. the story dragged on for a long time, but here it is at last, is it a success, a step forward, or is it just that the time has come and it could not have been otherwise? well, no, it's... well , i can tell you, as a person who was involved in finance and international finance there in a previous life, i know how difficult it was, and this is an unprecedented decision, and even a year ago you could only dream about it, because the situation is very complicated legally, it is so legal and political, well , you understand what interests, if you create a precedent, that someone's money, well, you know, for example, what... the money of hitler's germany is there, the money of the nazis is there, they are quite calm and comfortable, they probably still feel at home
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in swiss banks, many films have been made about it, many books have been written, but this is a fact, banks are always so carefully or nervously in russian language referred to banking secrecy, and often it was used not only by the nazis, drug dealers, the company went to fight against this banking secrecy, but here the issue is much more serious, here the issue is about the first time, probably in the history there of the modern financial system, for the first time about the seizure of state funds, that is, the assets of the central bank of the country, and a number of players are not interested in this, well, just think about the unfortunate chinese who... have colossal resources, and it was much more difficult
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just to make a decision europeans, because in america these funds are much less, many times less, the main amount of russian assets is stored in central europe, in fact in one of the former benelux countries, and that is why it was very pleasant news for me that it was the europeans who reached to this question. because there was also news that the big seven supported, and then there was information that no, no, no, we put this issue in a long box and here it was resolved, this means for me that the europeans, european, the american lawyers there are the best, probably in the world, well worked out a scheme in which it will be impossible for russia to challenge this decision in international courts, plus it is a very good signal to the next robbers there, who... will suddenly decide to carry out a policy of national terror there, because it is a arrest funds - it's not only
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there are the funds of the central bank there, and these are also the funds of many russian billionaires, and this is already june, if we can be brief or something else for us , if we can be brief, well , we are capable of many things, but our main threat is actually our unpreparedness, in fact effectively . to carry out, to undertake obligations, that is, i think that we may have certain delays, but we do not have such a political threat as in georgia. mr. oleg, thank you for the conversation, for telling everything to the viewers of spresso, oleg rybachuk, in the past our deputy prime minister for european integration, today the head of the center of joint actions was with us, well, we will continue right away, so maria ionova, with us, people's deputy of ukraine, ms. maria, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. and what, we can probably congratulate you and ourselves too, right? because we have created
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a temporary special commission on fortifications and drones. yes, stop, stop, and congratulate or express condolences, mrs. maria. well, i really can't say that there is such a strong passion, because really this is a matter of the lives of our civilians and military personnel that should have been decided quite a long time ago. and that's what mr. said. rebychuk, that is, we have the ability, but we don't have the ability, and you know that this issue, like the moscow church, is on the agenda more. broad, as it relates to fortification, but also to the production of drones, that is, we tried to find out and control it in various ways, and by calling the government to the parliament, and let's say so, to conduct non-public discussions, but unfortunately, we did not succeed , the authorities did not hear us, and probably because they are not very interested, because
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now we see how many corruption scandals are connected with fortifications, and the same, unfortunately... with drones, and therefore, in addition to the creation of this temporary investigative commission, of course, yes, it is a step forward, but let's know, the main thing , for which exhibitions, for which report the commission was assigned, here is just ms. maria, look, we have, well, we see everything, we, we carefully see how we collect some new fees every day, the army, a million drones fly over us, we see video from our defenders'. not from some bloggers, politicians, we see videos from kharkiv region, i don't know where it should be, a five-kilometer mined zone, there are not even mines there, and in this case, having experience, all people have eyes, sometimes even memory, we have experience, there was such a special temporary investigative commission , they also fought for her for a long time,
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she had to say who leaked the wagnergate data, do you remember that the head of the commission maryana bezugla then. i said, i am now looking at the composition of this commission, the servant of the people there - i delegated elizaveta bogutskaya, she is a favorite, i don't know, all stand-up artists and kvn, well, here too we still don't have any conclusions from the medical forces to answer something, but when we read that the commission was headed by mykola zadorozhnyi, i.e. the screenwriter of the 95th quarter, then... well, i think not, i 'll tell you so, believe me , we know the capabilities, or rather the lack of capabilities and data of the deputies, but this is also a question for the authorities, how seriously they treat this issue, and they want to provide an answer to society, and who is responsible for these fortifications, it is clear that they cannot without
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this spoon i can breathe as much as i want depressing, but coming back, when you held a meeting with the commission of the tsk, with a corner, after all, the whole society also saw all these lies. i will tell you that we are from european solidarity, we have mykhailo bonder, a military man, a very professional politician, who will definitely control, because he has a sense of justice at the highest level, and we will receive this information, inform the society, we cannot hide lies , corruption scandals, and that's why the first... about the creation it was made, but really it's just the beginning, it's very important that the worked and developed those data, at least there will be access where we will understand what has already been done with corrupt warehouses, who will bear responsibility for it and demand it, we also call on all anti-corruption, non-governmental organizations, journalists to follow this process, because it will be
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important to keep an eye on it, madam, i see what else there is to help your delegate... also our defender roman kostenko from the voice, i see serhiy rudyk, who also will not be silent, in a word, there is a chance that we can get such information, but does this work of tsk bias us, don't we have the same situation, that in a couple of weeks we will have to block the podium and demand to do tsk in the sumy region, after all, this tsk, it will work in all regions, because... what must be concluded, what has been done and what is necessary now, the most important thing, now the urgent measures that must be taken in the sumy and kharkiv regions, respectively, are mining, that is, all this must be checked, and i very much hope that as soon as toska will go to a and to the sumy direction and to the chernihiv direction, the situation
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simply does not require urgent actions, but very operational ones, and that is why the names you mentioned, as well as roman. kostenko, and serhiy rudlyuk, and mykhailo, that is, i am sure that they, well, even if they are in the minority, because you and i see that the vast majority are hearsay, i am sure that they will push and, let's say so , appropriate reports, appropriate analyzes will be made, i still, mr. roman, to be honest with you, in fact, when it is already the third year of the full-scale invasion itself, here is the very situation in the parliament, when we are forced to push and push on such things, i don't know what could be more important than the issue of security and defense, including drones, fortification, and the ban on moscow drones. churches, i just don't understand why they are , you know, there is such a laugh, there is such
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an attitude, you know, everything is commented on all the time, so the only thing that is not commented on are the servants of the people, these servants of the people do not comment on the opzh, but today boyka went to the podium, you see, they are not commented on at all, yesterday he followed us everywhere, followed us, and what stepanchuk will say the right thing, and what he won’t say, you understand, well, that is, we are aware... that this cooperation of the people’s servants with the opzh, well, it is very convenient, because the opzh votes for all corruption bills, but this must stop, we we have to say this, because it is simply impossible when all these traitors are in the hall, we have literally one more minute of air time, but i cannot help but ask, well, there is even a conclusion of the committee, which includes representatives of the church's single majority , well, when is that? in moscow fsbshna church will be about voted in the second reading, stefanchuk can say something else when he puts hops
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on the agenda, the prepared bill has been kicked out in what month in a row? first, there must be political will, and first of all , the political will of the president of ukraine, who communicates with the servants of the people faction, and this... political will should have been there a long time ago, because this is a matter of national security, we must put an absolute end to this and you know, also respect society and respect our defenders who fight for independent ukraine, where there is no moscow fsb network in our country, and that is why we were promised this, they promised the next meeting to start considering the amendments, we are ready to defend our amendments, but there the vast majority of opzh amendments, unfortunately, but okay, the procedure must be followed, and we have not
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pushed to the point that in the near future this issue will be in the session hall, we will definitely control it, believe me, no one will ever take a single step back, only forward to vote, put an end to it and so on. the institutional capacity of our law enforcement agencies and the government, as well as the government, to control, because the parliament is for control, for discussions, and for us to raise those issues that should be discussed, maria, thank you very much for quickly joining us, we will finish, maria ionova, people's deputy, on this note of the moscow pope, and our time is up, up, but i just have to say that the swedes have agreed to 7 billion military support for ukraine for the 24th and 26th years, more news about this and more, in a few minutes, khrystyna parubiy will tell, and roman and i say goodbye on this, have a peaceful, safe day, take care of yourself, see you tomorrow.
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call, summing up an informative morning in ukraine in khrystyna parubiy works in the studio for news broadcasts. ukrenergo canceled the restriction of electricity consumption from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., but schedules will be applied until the end of the day, the company reported. they noted that the sunny weather is conducive to work.


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