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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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quickly to escalation, and to say that countries do not think about it, i think, somewhere in those countries, somewhere around two dozen, which will very quickly be ready, or legalize their nuclear status, i don't know, india, pakistan or israel, that is, and and and some countries that have such an opportunity, but today i met with journalists from brazil. brazil at one time also decided not to produce nuclear weapons, but this country has the capabilities, or the south african republic was also a situation, that is, the technical capabilities, unfortunately, now there are more than two dozen countries, and it can be done very quickly, that is, i would look at this situation, in terms of actions, so far, thank god, such attempts, or ...
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test nuclear weapons or, well , use them somewhere, while that there is no such thing, i will tell you more, in my opinion , today, if russia crosses this red line, the consequence will be very immediately such an explanatory escalation, so to speak, well, a very sharp rise in the stakes and the end of russia's war against ukraine, that's for sure , because... that the usa and other countries will not be able to be on the other hand, they will be forced to take part with conventional weapons, to strike, because they will not allow further escalation on the part of russia, and the strategic nuclear weapons in the usa are now much more powerful and proven than in russia. russia doesn't really even know what's going on with those warheads, i think they're just...thinking what's going to happen to them, so i don't
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think we're right now on the verge of such threats being implemented, but i can agree that after all, escalation in this area, unfortunately, is happening. today, mr. valery, the minister of foreign affairs of germany, anna lena berbock, came to ukraine, and she said that thanks to the german initiative aimed at strengthening anti-aircraft defense. defense of ukraine managed to collect almost 1 billion euros for this, and together with the minister of energy of ukraine herman gluchenko, she visited one of the largest theses of ukraine, which was destroyed by russia, and actually, well, berbok understands the importance of providing ukraine with air defense systems, how would you rate this one period, probably the last two months and the reaction of the world to what was happening. when russian
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the federation destroyed objects of critical infrastructure, theses, and what is actually part of the civilized world, when we are now forced to experience these blackouts , blackouts, this is probably not the worst that can happen, but it is unpleasant enough, or could the world to do something and help ukraine more than it has done for it at this moment? first of all, what we have, we have strikes on civilian infrastructure, ukraine also, as i understand it, and it was agreed that some strikes by drones there were also accurate, but at those enterprises where ours confirmed this use, it was definitely a facility where fuel is produced, either for tanks or for missiles, that is, i cannot agree that from the point of view of... humanitarian law
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, it is equivalent to an attack on ukrainian energy facilities, as you you can say that this or that station, which is not connected to any military unit, which is not used as an object for the military or equipment to be on it, but is destroyed precisely so that non-combatants, that is, the civilian population , create panic. conditions or press exactly in this way and exhaust economically, that is, i believe, these are completely unequal conditions, and no, one situation and another cannot be put on the same scale, although this is a humanitarian right, or a military right that is obsolete during the war, it interprets this history very strangely, moreover, it does not distinguish the aggressor and the victim of aggression, that's why there are many such legal issues from the point
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of view of the situation, well, i think that, unfortunately, we have to endure, because the measures that are not enough. and air defense equipment. germany is the leader of the coalition providing ukraine with additional air defense systems. and we are grateful to her for this, not only to the minister of legal affairs, we know that the german chancellor has spoken about it several times, although he is really still cautious and has not yet made a decision regarding the taurus missiles, but regarding air defense systems, regarding additional equipment, he very much followed through. and active, i want to note that this is the official position, the consolidated position of germany, and recently, a lot has been done by the ambassador here in ukraine, and the minister of foreign affairs, and the chancellor of germany, so we are grateful for that.
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regarding, i emphasize once again that my position, air defense means - this is important, but if we do not have these missiles to throw back further. after all, the possibility of using all these attacking systems on us, well, then nothing will happen, you will not be able to close in any way , despite all the desire to close all the objects in ukraine with air defense systems, well, it is simply impossible to every station, if russia is going like this the same and further, it is technically impossible to simply close, moreover, well, we will need these systems for... the purposes of deoccupying the territory, well, for example, what are they for some important objects are designated, airfields will be covered, that is, i think that questions should still be asked about taurus missiles,
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i will remind you that the usa has already given atakams, and germany once took the position that taurus missiles could be, but only after the usa, well , the usa has already taken a step, so... it would be logical, now with regard to the facilities, we know that germany also helps us with support, if stability or - let's say, countering these attacks from the point of view of the energy system, and here there are a lot of opportunities for interaction and from the point of view of alternative, alternative systems and... those at the power plant, those at the gas fuel and so on, that is, there is something to talk about here, some ukrainian cities or even regions are already working very actively in this, and this is the right approach, it is necessary to look even under
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wartime alternatives, the less there will be, in fact the fragmentation of such objects, it makes it difficult for the enemy to use strikes, and finally, what i want to say, no me... really now the number one in europe, continental europe, supplier for ukraine and weapons, and aid, germany is number one, maybe together with poland, where our citizens are now women, children are there, and that is very good, but still, i would like to see germany as a leader that takes steps forward, well, for example, yes, as britain does, declaring that ukraine can use british weapons for defense, including for defense and strikes on the territory of russia, so psychologically, i really hope that germany will cross this barrier, as it has made
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huge changes in its approaches to of russia in recent times, well, there are also economic ones, of course questions, some more points regarding the dependence of german business. both from russia and from russian partners or, say, those who supply them with weapons, so i think that the continuation of the dialogue and such intensity of the dialogue, in particular at the level of the ministers of legal affairs, and even the honoring of roliberboks with the awarding of an order, it is also the right thing, today's level of our relationship allows us to speak german. as close partners, and yesterday there was a meeting of allies, our allies in the remstein format, and the secretary of defense of the united states of america, lloyd dostin, after this meeting expressed confidence that the ukrainian forces did not use american long-range weapons
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on the territory of the russian federation, in particular air defense systems. let's hear what loy dostin had to say. we've made it clear that we're giving ukraine the ability to defend its sovereign territory, of course the dynamics of air combat, i'll leave that up to the experts, but we expect them to continue to use the weapons we've provided. for purposes on the territory of ukraine. now the air dynamics are a bit different, and i do not want to speculate on this topic, standing on this platform. at the same time, president zelenskyi believes that nato's possible help in shooting down russian missiles on the territory of ukraine could compensate for the deficit of kyiv's air defense and would not mean the involvement of the alliance in the war. let's listen to what zelensky said. the russians use 300 aircraft on the territory of ukraine. you need at least 120, 130 planes to resist, resist in the sky,
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you can't give yet, okay, we're back again, air defense you can't yet, f-16 not yet you can, back to the planes you have on the territory of neighboring states, countries, nato, take them up, we have seen them, use them, shoot down targets, protect civilians, can they do it, sure yes. is it an offensive, an attack by a nato country, an engagement? no. mr. valery, the eternal question is whether our western partners are doing everything to ensure that ukraine not only does not lose, but also wins this war. that is, judging by president zelensky's rhetoric, he feels that our western partners could give much more more... and he expects it more, well, at least the shooting down of missiles over the sky of sovereign ukraine?
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well, you know, this is probably not the address of the question to me, what are the western partners doing, because i myself have many ideas, how they should be more involved, i will start with this, i will say, my position is as follows: i spoke about these violations of the territory of sovereign nato countries in the 22nd year. and planes and drones, this is all a well-known story, that's why i raised this issue a long time ago, they, well, i'll even tell you more, all this was discussed with our partners, with the same poland, which must to take joint measures, a joint anti-aircraft system on the border, and that these drones flying over the territory of poland and romania are not just legitimate targets, they are more than that, they... should do it according to their systems, they did not even yourself, and you know that
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the investigation of the polish prosecutor's office showed that some military and politicians must be held responsible for not doing this, so it is already recognized, they raise it every time the russians launch on the territory of ukraine, but directly, in including poland, directly nato countries, that is, both missiles and drones. they always now raise a couple of ee or even more fighters in order to control this process, to prevent missiles or drones from flying into the territory of these countries, but there is one nuance: er, the russians take advantage of the fact that they really do not shoot down what flies in their direction, because... they simply even launch the trajectories of the same drones, enter the border and then
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return to the lviv region where it is more difficult for us to shoot down these objects from the western direction, so this is a question already overripe, u we have the entire bilateral base in order to create a joint air defense system, at least over the border, because the border is not only land, it is also what is in the air, so i am very surprised why they act so cautiously in this regard, in we have, i will say, we also have an agreement with poland on defense, where it is written that polish specialists can be in the military on our territory for training missions, for support missions, that is, we have all this, we only need the political will and the decision of these countries, and nato is not needed, brussels is not here it is necessary, it is necessary on a bilateral basis, further regarding the beating of natukrai. territory, in normal times, of course, we would hardly allow it, because even if these were
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isolated cases, we would cope with it, and this is indeed a permission for certain sovereign rights, but in the conditions of a war of such intensity, for this, only a decision is needed, i think so, i admit that a decision of the ukrainian parliament is needed, that is, there will be nuances of beating on the territory of ukraine, but from our side... we will do it, i think, quite quickly. concerning countries, well, this issue is really overdue, and i absolutely agree that it would be very logical. their involvement at least in this way, and no additional requests are needed for this, all systems are already ready for this, the border is meant, at least, the border territory is better, there are rules, in nato, what is it up to, if i'm not mistaken, 120 km deep,
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so at least in this version on the western borders it would have to be done as... i say that only ukrainian permission is needed and our decision, well, theirs is political the decision as well, that is, it is correct, absolutely, and the fact that it is being said publicly is already , unfortunately, evidence that there is no agreement in private yet, but i think that we are in such a situation that it is necessary to talk about it publicly, that is , it is impossible to protect european security simply by controlling the eastern, existing eastern border of nato, that is, ukraine... should not defend the whole of europe by itself, that is, it is, well, at least unfair, in principle we can provide arguments why this is from the point of view of the development of the situation, the increase threats to these countries, in particular, the border with us, so i think the question has already matured, and the means of joint control of air defense on and about the border, and
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the means deep into the territory, they are all... there, only a strategy correction is needed for this, and nato, and here and american strategy. mr. valery, the main event, the expected event next month, june 15-16, the global peace summit in switzerland, about 100 participants, well, pre-announced, but the intrigue remains as to whether... there will be a representative of china at this summit and whether parts of the country different parts of the world which are focused on beijing, will also be at this global peace summit. during the meeting of the un security council, the deputy permanent representative of china to the un, geng shuang, accused the united states of america of
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prolonging the war in ukraine and called for a political settlement as soon as possible. let's hear what he said. here i repeat our appeal to the parties to the conflict to demonstrate political will, to go to a meeting with each other, to start peace talks as soon as possible and to stop hostilities. we call on the international community to create for this conditions and provide assistance. china is ready to constantly make unceasing efforts and play a constructive role in promoting the earliest possible political solution to the ukrainian issue. mr. valery, judging by what geng shuang says, this means that china will not change its position, and even more so, if there is a representative of china at the global peace summit, xijing ping's position remains unchanged, why does he not change this position changes and why the arguments of its economic
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partners in european countries, in particular germany, france, where it has to... big trade and the united states of america, why are these arguments not convincing, that he should withdraw from russia in this situation, or at least not help putin in the war with ukraine, if not to say, not to convince putin that this war should be ended, well, i will give my opinion, which is based on trying to understand the chinese back in the 22nd year and ... i will give my conclusion, i do not impose my opinion on anyone, but i now see that china is interested in continuing the war, not the united states , namely china is interested in the continuation of the conflict, as it is now continues, the weakening of russia, but without the defeat of russia, the us using its resources
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as long as possible, that is, it is very convenient for beijing, their rhetoric is cynical, unfair. and certainly not peacekeeping, if we say who now depends more than, well, russia, of course, stopping the occupation and changing the aggressive position depends the most, but the second one on whom the situation depends is china. china fuels the war, china does not allow the world to get the aggressor to stop the war, and unfortunately, this fueling of moscow by beijing gives putin, in difficult conditions, in russia, there is such a hope that he can wait for western help, western support, well, it so happened that... he acts very unpeacefully, and don't be interested, don't be misled by these 12 points of peace, something else, it is not so, that is, i do not know why
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china decided, and the leader of china decided that it is better for such a war to continue, why, even in the conditions of economic losses for his country, i do not know, but the fact that he tour european carried out... with certain messages, this is clear to us, the position will not change quickly, it can change only if putin will be on the front line to receive defeats and or not to achieve his goals, and then no one wants to be with the losers, but now it seems, at this stage, they all believe that there is an opportunity to further maintain a conflict of such intensity. now about the positive: after all, there is no confirmation that china provides any weapons, the equipment is yes, there are space pictures, yes, dual-use goods,
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unfortunately, also, but, well, the economy and the purchase of this oil and gas as well, but in general the supply there are no weapons, so this position is a plus position in deterring nuclear threats from russia, this juggling act. so easily with nuclear issues, here beijing's position is constructive, but to say that it is a peacemaker or that it can be a mediator is definitely not true, and we ukrainians need to understand this, so i will tell you, if the moment comes when, god forbid, that this war will end on a large scale, ukraine will win, and then china will say, and we want to restore ukraine, give us an order, what will happen, maybe. then it will be double cynicism, so i believe that it is necessary to clearly understand who is now our friends, who are our enemies, ukraine will not sit on a stretch between two centers of power, the usa and
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its partners, china, and their satellites, the future world will most likely be just like that, so we must make our choice unambiguous, and the fact that china is not on the side of truth, unfortunately it makes it difficult for us, it's true, it makes it very difficult. this, but at the same time, if we talk about the peace summit, then china will do worse for itself, india has confirmed its official participation, brazil has confirmed its official participation, and china, which wanted to be an attractive leader of the global cock the so-called, is now losing its image or reputation traits, so if they want to be supported by the paria countries, north korea, russia, there is syria. or iran, well, let them choose, but china will never become the first in the world, as they want, even the second, it will not be delayed, india will follow it. i think that if china goes this
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way, then india has a huge opportunity to bypass it in the future. and, well, this is a matter of perspective, but i am surprised by china's position. they won a lot before, demonstrating the use of soft power strength now, why they went to... to support, well, basically people who were destroying the international order, from whom china benefited from this international order, international norms, i don't understand, so i still think that it's not the last, defining china's positions, it is not constructive now, friends, those who watch us on tv and on our resources on youtube and facebook, please take part in our survey. we are asking you about whether a childlessness tax is needed in ukraine, yes, no, na youtube, everything is quite simple, if you have your thoughts about this, this initiative
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of the deputy from the servant of the people, who is trying now to defend his opinion, he has already removed this bill so that ukrainians pay a tax on childlessness or a tax when you don't have enough children, you have to pay this tax to the state, but not on youtube. it's quite simple whether you support or not if you watch us on tv pick up your smart phone or phone and vote yes 0821 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these the numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote, i would like to remind you that on our broadcast today, the diplomat, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine valery chaliy, mr. valery, was buried today... in iran, the president of iran, ibrahim raisi, who crashed two days ago in a helicopter and should
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be in 50 days. early elections, presidential elections in active iran on june 28, iran was and remains a partner of russia in the war against ukraine. iranian weapons, shahedis, are used by the russians, er, itself, iran itself is aggressive not only with regard to ukraine, with regard to israel, and we saw how iran fired at the israeli...weeks ago, is there a chance that another person will take raisi's place, and the vector of this the country may change, well, at least it will not be in such a tight clinch with the whole world, with israel, and will not be a divider of russia, after all, under the current conditions , ayatollah khamenei has a much greater influence there, and actually
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from him. there is a policy that is spreading around the world, politics, iranian foreign policy, well, everything is very simple here, you rightly said that the government system there is so dodgy for us, but ayatollah khan, he plays a key role, and in fact, both the previous and future president will be determined by his decisions and his participation. another thing is that even under these conditions , iran, surprisingly enough, can have competitive elections, they are already appointed, er, with several willing to take this position, and there may be some correction here, because the previous leader is the president, he in general, he was very well received in iran, unequivocally, in iranians, the majority population of iran. negatively,
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that is why sometimes i am surprised by all the sympathy of the people of iran, that is, i do not know who advises the president there, some express sympathy for the people of iran, the people of iran did not consider these police methods and the shooting of demonstrations and the killing of young women in iran that way, that is why here a strange situation, but for further development... it is obvious that there can be such serious changes in connection with the change of khmani, there is his son, the son of khamenei, and the previous president claimed this key position, now, perhaps this inter-clan there will be a struggle, and they can concentrate more on internal issues at some point, plus it is clear that russia is very worried about the loss of the previous... perhaps
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agreements at this level, because somehow they began to twitch in moscow as well and look for a quick restoration of all these additional agreements , well, it concerns weapons and maybe not everything was so open there, even in iran, that is, someone got something in their pocket, that's why they are worried, but to say who will be, i can't say who will be, i know that... this will not change the situation much, unfortunately for us, but it can distract for a certain time. with regard to such a challenge to supply missiles, er, ballistic missiles, which are in iran, and russia would very much like it, well, i think that here in this regard it will also be necessary to confirm this position, which , as far as i understand, in the united states there were conversations with the iranians also
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elected a new president at the level, so... the conclusion is that, unfortunately, there will not be any drastic changes, but what will happen in iran, no one can say, because despite such a situation, they want a corps of farts there take away the islamic revolution now there is more power, but no matter what, iran is a country that has had a democratic period of development in its history, so people in iran can go into a very violent confrontation, and this is what the leaders of iran are afraid of, so for now there will be no changes, but still distracting them from foreign policy for a while can be an additional plus for us. one more thing, the very end of the question, mr. valery, this is the beginning of ukraine's negotiations with the european union, a number of european states are insisting that these negotiations take place.


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