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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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at the level of the new president-elect, so the conclusion is that, unfortunately, there will not be any drastic changes, but what will happen in iran, no one can say, because despite such and such a situation, there they also want to take away more of the islamic revolutionary guard corps authorities, but no matter what, iran is such a country that had a democratic period of development in its history, so the people of iran can face a very ... severe confrontation, and the leaders of iran are afraid of this, so there are no changes yet will be, but still distracting them from the external politics for some time can be an additional plus for us. another final issue, mr. valery, is the beginning of ukraine's negotiations with the european union, a number of european states are insisting that these negotiations be carried out.
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they started since june 25, what is the prospect of the start of these negotiations and what can prevent them, or are the negotiations starting and they can drag on there, relatively speaking, from the moment of the start of the negotiations to the decision , more than one decade can pass? well, i will tell you that i will remind you that this path is for you european, european and such a long way ... the european union has already been taken, ukrainians have already taken a lot of steps, defended this position on the streets, they pushed governments, governments, various ukrainian governments to take constructive actions, to implement the association agreement, we are moving on to a new stage, that is, actually a political stage of negotiations, which is already such a serious one, this is a very serious step that opens. uh, well,
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the possibilities of using this tool as a reform are additional in ukraine, that is, it is clear that this is a very difficult period, and you say how much he will take, in fact, my position may seem strange, i have always not only supported it, in all my actions both in state power and in non-state structures, i tried very hard to promote it once to the public expert council on european integration, talking to europeans that it is necessary to do all this, finally we have this opportunity, it will be a serious, historic, i would say, step, the opening of negotiations, it will be difficult in the future, and i will say why my position may be strange, i do not consider it important how long it will take time, unlike our official ones statement, i consider it important, on what terms we will join the european union then, there are negotiations on many complex... and it seems that there are 34 sections now,
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and where security and defense are concerned, maybe it will be easier, but where there is agrarian policy, where there is competition law, where there is intellectual property, there will be many, many such nuances, where, for example, our neighbors will become our first competitors, because the funds that poland itself received from the european union, i remember, it was once ... france does not did germany want this, and then the poles got a great result, help in reforms, yes, we are now at this stage a large country with a large agricultural sector, so after this political decision, we will have to wait for the next important political decision for quite a long time, how long it will take depends on both parties, but i emphasize now from the point of view of a political signal, thank you very much to the europeans that this will be the right signal, and i really hope... that after this
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signal there will be a signal in washington after all, although there are not so many chances of an invitation to nato, because i believe that the success of european integration is possible only if we guarantee the security of ukraine. mr. valery, in what format, you mentioned the washington summit, in what format can it be an invitation, that is , a direct invitation of an invitation, or should it be another powerful signal that can... er be er directed to the countries of the world, and first of all to russia, that ukraine will in some perspective be a member of nato, because a year ago there was a summit in vilnius, we heard assurances that ukraine would be a member of the north atlantic alliance, which now has be? well, look, this topic is discussed a lot, i think that the probability of
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an invitation, it is not zero now, although it seems that everyone has already agreed that there will be no invitation, i think there is a chance, this is a signal, very necessary . this is not equivalent to membership in nato, i believe that these are all inventions of some special way through some new invented negotiation process, no, there must be a political invitation and then there must be a process that can stretch for more than one year, that is clear, i.e. , and i hope that before that this large-scale war will stop, and therefore it will be possible to talk about the already ratification by the countries of the alliance. this decision, so, well, all of this depends now mostly on the position of the usa and the political technologists of joseph biden, because in this way he could demonstrate a strong position as the next presidential candidate. if they don't do that, i don't know, it seems to me,
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it seems to me personally, then we, together with our partners, may miss another historic opportunity, because on... because in fact, no matter how much they convince us that there is a war on zavada, it is not quite so, that is, i think that there is another mistake that stands in the way, which was made after georgia, when in 2008 ukraine did not give an action plan regarding membership, if this mistake is repeated, well, my personal opinion, eh then in general membership in nato will be a big question for ukraine in the future from the point of view of ukraine's desire, because if ukraine stands up in this war, and when ukraine stands up, i am sure that it will stand up, it will provide security, then it remains to be seen, really, for whom will be more necessary, but now, when it is necessary to give a signal against
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the russian ultimatum, which came, let me remind you, not to the ukrainians, brussels, nato and washington came to moscow in december of the 21st year, on december 15 in letters, it was an ultimatum by this... nato and the usa, as a result, well, the ultimatum is about new members. sweden and finland became members, it would be logical to send the right signal to moscow. but well, we can't do it now, you know, so we can do some kind of miracle or something unexpected, but we must continue to work in this direction, so there are cases when a last minute decision, i.e. the last the moment the decision is made, who knows what will happen before... this, in this regard, i still hope for these 10 percent chances that remain, and we also hope, mr. valery, that after all we will receive an invitation to the north atlantic alliance in july , on this optimistic note we will end our
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conversation, thank you for participating in the program, this was valery chaly, politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19. friends, we work directly. on the air of the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are watching us live there now, you can vote in our survey whether ukraine needs a tax on childlessness, here you see the results of the tv poll on the screen: 17% yes, 83% no, these are the results we also have a poll on television on youtube , it will continue in the second part of our program, here is the ratio. 16% yes, 84% - no. join our survey, it will continue during the second part, in which there will be people deputies of ukraine, mykhailo tsimbalyuk, mykyta paturaev and rostislav pavlenko. let's talk with our guests about the 5 years of the president, about
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dreams, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to be aware of economic. of news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. when the war ends, in the imagination of europeans, by the middle of 2025, precisely by... the time when most eu countries plan to complete the support programs for ukraine. no predictions about how
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the future fate of ukrainians will unfold, no suggestions. in 2025, the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians, and they will no longer have a special status. i constantly ask myself this question, what will happen next. if last year we talked about i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, then this year i no... but what do the refugees themselves think about their future and how are they preparing for 2025? are we ready in ukraine? the government should have a demographic strategy. documentary: expelled by war, the price of no return on saturday 25 may at 10pm. on the espresso tv channel. congratulations. friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, and in this issue
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we will talk about the following. 5 years of zelenskyi as the head of state, a difficult political path in the most difficult times of the state, the main achievements and failures of the first five-year period the president undeniable legitimacy. the kremlin is trying. to force the topic of public recognition of the ukrainian government, why the issue of zelenskyi's legitimacy has not yet been closed in the constitutional court. a civilized divorce. the public is actually withdrawing from the telethon under the pretext of expanding its own broadcasting. why haven't other news channels been given their digital airwaves back yet? friends, we are working live on the tv channel. as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us
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live there, please subscribe to our page, take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether a tax on childlessness is needed in ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, please write in the comments, if you watch us in tv broadcasts, yes 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free. vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the voting results. well, in order to explain why we are asking about this tax, whether ukraine needs a tax on poverty, we explain that... people's deputy from the servant of the people serhii hryvko proposed to improve the demographic situation in ukraine to introduce a childlessness tax for people who have no children at all and a smaller demographic tax for those who have one or two children. after a flurry of criticism from his colleagues, hryvko withdrew
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his bill, but apparently the authorities will still push this idea: a tax on bez... once upon a time in the soviet union, by the way, there was such a tax, so we are interested in your opinion, do you support its introduction such tax, do you support it, yes, no. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is rostislav pavlenko, member of parliament of ukraine for european solidarity, member of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation, mr. rostislav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, greetings to all , and mykhailo. balyuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the motherland, first deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on social policy and protection of veterans' rights, lieutenant general of the police, mr. mykhailo, i i congratulate you, thank you for joining our conversation, i wish everyone good health, and nikita poturaev was also supposed to be with us, we announced him as a people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, but unfortunately he cannot go on the air,
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because in his light is off, he cannot provide a stable connection with our studio, so... i apologize to our dear viewers, well, since gentlemen, we are asking our viewers and viewers about this tax on childlessness, which serhiy tried to push through the verkhovna rada hryvko, i will ask in the blitz format, whether or not do we need this childlessness tax, especially in such a difficult situation, in which ukraine now finds itself, and will it solve the demographic problem? let's start with mr. general, mr. mykhailo, it's one of... not much, it was a personal initiative of serhii hryvka, he is a member of our committee, i had a discussion with him on this topic yesterday, he is a young man, and i listened to the ideas that were under the time of the soviet union, without reading to the end that in fact there was a completely different system of living wages,
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tax-free, and then there was a completely different system, now it is unacceptable, any. additional taxes, here the authorities should look for other, completely, completely different incentives so that ukrainians have security, have support from the state and can give birth and raise children, this is not the right way, and such an initiative has no chance of passing in the session hall. well , by the way, in order for our tv viewers to understand that this tax, by the way, is also being pushed in parallel in russia, that is, this idea, it even... did not come from the soviet union, probably hryvko, i don’t know what it is age, i think that he did not exactly pay this tax, because it was still 30 years ago, maybe it did not exist in this world, but this idea of ​​a tax on the childless, it actually came from the soviet union, but through russia, well i understand, mr. rastislav, but
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it really bothers me that the government drags such nonsense into... our ukrainian information space, either by following some soviet examples, and you are right to say, somehow, even keeping them completely silent, simply, without even understanding the essence and context, just trying to do, as it was then, and this applies not only to this initiative, and you have to fight with it very, you know, so systematically, because they... it shows a much more serious problem, the representatives of the authorities for some reason drag all kinds of abominations from the soviet past from of the russian parallel reality, without thinking about how to solve the problems in essence, well, actually, the fact that serhiy hryvko has already taken up and withdrawn this bill is already good, but obviously,
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most ukrainians will say that the authorities are probably testing, so... the hype rose, and there we have already seen many times when representatives of the presidential faction make some proposals or write some bills and introduce them to the verkhovna rada, and then they say: no, no, no, we changed our minds, we will not do this, maybe a dozen such cases lead, but at the same time we see how the servants of the people are in no hurry to form a temporary investigative commission regarding the construction of fortifications in ukraine. we see how they are in no hurry to consider a bill that will ban the activities of the russian church and branches of the russian church in ukraine of the orthodox church, today in... the meeting of the verkhovna rada closed prematurely due to the fact that the european solidarity faction blocked the tribune, and the deputies demanded that
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the bill on the banning of the moscow church in ukraine be put to a vote and the creation of a temporary investigative commission on the issues of fortification and provision of the armed forces with drones, let's see how it all went, dear colleagues, look, i'm iryna volodya, may i? for a long time, i voted for this draft law the first time, so i will vote the second time as well, but it will be done accordingly to the rules of procedure, i announce a break, thank you,
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mr. rostislav, can you explain what happened in the session hall, because i only heard the comments of stefanchuk, who said that the parliament is the highest legislative body, and there is no place for political discussions, which, to be honest, confused me. despite the fact that i saw more than one composition of the parliament, but even the previous heads of the verkhovna rada did not allow themselves such remarks, well, but again, this is the involvement of the russian narrative, because it seems that volodin spoke about the fact that the speaker of the state duma, that the parliament is not a place for discussions, therefore it is very confusing that the speaker of the ukrainian parliament allows himself such comments, and just... today our actions, the actions of european solidarity, were dictated by the fact that for months the key problems
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related to the verification of how funds are being spent on fortification, how are fortifications being built, how is the delivery of drones to the troops going, and we took billions from local self-governments, tens of billions, 43 billion this year alone, and it is not known whether they got into the army, because all who communicates with front-line soldiers, they know how difficult the situation actually is with the supply of drones, and , of course, this is the issue of eradicating the fifth fsb column in cassocks, the moscow patriarchate, the actual prohibition of the russian church so that there is no manipulation, specifically the russian church, already ukrainian churches, religious organizations will have or show the absence of this connection. or break it up, and unfortunately we had to resort to this form of pressure, because it was already obvious that such conventional means, they
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care, they do not lead to acceptance decisions, and i have to say that these actions were clearly indicated and brought results, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, stepanchuk, convened a conciliation council, and a compromise was actually adopted at it. the decision that tomorrow, wednesday, a temporary commission of inquiry will be established to deal with both the issue of prostification and the issue of drones, and we very much hope that our colleagues will not abandon their obligations there under pressure from the bank or in any other way , and secondly, today, mr. mykhailo, a witness, we started collecting signatures for our own. voting for the ban of the moscow church, and european solidarity, that almost the entire homeland, other factions put their signatures, and
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as soon as enough signatures are collected, i.e. more than 226, we have the assurance of the chairman of the verkhovna rada that this issue will be put on the agenda and will finally be put point in the existence of the russian church in ukraine. thank you, mr. rostislav, mr. mykhailo, but with the beginning of the war, the parliament lost its subjectivity, in my humble opinion, because we see, actually, only the results of some votes, journalists were not allowed to the sidelines of the verkhovna rada for a long time, the monomajority demonstrates the majority together with the former opz and other deputies who join the voting, so what happened today... and your insistence to include two important issues on the agenda and that that stefanchuk still
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held a meeting. council that what this means for the political life of ukraine is the restoration or the beginning of the restoration of the subjectivity of the parliament, when part of the issues, after all, and part of the laws and bills and resolutions after all, it is necessary to form the agenda in the walls of the session hall, and not on the bank street? first of all, i want to say that at the beginning of a large-scale... war, that is , the invasion of the russian federation, the verkhovna rada demonstrates unity, and indeed until today there was no such blocking or draining of work, uh, and we, the parliament, in the parliament support, in particular motherland, all those ideas related to military bills, support of the armed forces, other military formations, allocation of additional
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funds, etc., everything... is voted on unitedly by the number of votes of the verkhovna rada, 300, more than 300 votes, what was achieved today, finally, i agree with my colleague, although not by the methods one would like, but it was an extreme measure, in my opinion, all factions have already submitted nominations for the creation tsk, the homeland of that. recommends to our colleague to vote tomorrow on the creation of a temporary investigative commission on the investigation of the construction of fortification structures, as well as the allocation of funds for drones and other weapons for the defense forces, which concerns the draft law on the russian to the church, yes, the motherland, including me, we joined the collection of signatures, i am sure
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that by the next session week we will be able to get this draft bill into consideration in the session hall, and this should be the position of 150 people's deputies and leaders of factions and groups of the verkhovna rada. i think the issue is ripe and we feel there will be more than 250 votes. for this bill, it has long been overdue, and it is necessary to put a hard end to the activities of this quasi-military church or not quite church organization, but i emphasize once again, this does not apply at all to parishioners, er, orthodox, of the orthodox faith, who continue to have the right
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to pray according to the constitution and... to a church that is officially registered according to the laws of ukraine, and this applies to this draft law and all those religious organizations whose center is in the country of the aggressor, that is , i emphasize once again, the parishioners have the right to choose the orthodox church, the greek catholic church, all other christian churches that are active today, i am sure that they will give the opportunity... the opportunity to pray to the lord, most importantly, to be there was actually a religion, not something else, what the representatives of the russian church are demonstrating today. you know, gentlemen, i understand that what we are currently observing in the parliament and in general in the ukrainian government is obviously, obviously, one way or another connected with
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the date... the fifth five-year anniversary of the presidency zelenskyi, well, we understand that, probably, in one way or another, the parliament would like to listen to the president, and the society should listen to the president, i am not saying that what blocked the podium, that this is a consequence the fact that today is the first day when, as russian propaganda asserts, zelensky is illegitimate, no, it is about... the fact that, obviously, both people's deputies of ukraine and ordinary ukrainians, they would like to hear from president zelensky, what happened, what he failed to do in these five years, one way or another he went with the pre-election program, he could tell about why he failed to do, what he succeeded in doing, what he failed to do, but president zelensky, instead, gave an interview yu rozloge reuters and said that ee through...


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