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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention , a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, just now i'll tell you about the most important events at this time. therefore, the number of victims in chuguyev has increased, already eight were injured as a result of the morning attack. the russians shelled the central part of the city, the kindergarten was damaged. 200 km of premises caught fire, the state service reported. from emergency situations
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of the region. another woman was injured during the shelling of the village of hoptivka. also that night , the occupiers struck the izyum district, as a result of which a residential building caught fire. the verkhovna rada created a temporary investigative commission on the arrangement of fortifications and the purchase of drones. the initiative was supported by 277 people's deputies. the composition of the tsc included eight servants of the people. and one representative from all factions and parliamentary groups. people's deputy was appointed as the chairman from the majority mykola zadorozhny. the commission should analyze defense needs for drones and compare them with the volume of government orders for their production and procurement. they will also conduct an investigation into the construction of fortifications on the front line and the targeted use of funds allocated for this purpose. for violation. curfew
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will not be punished with hryvnia. the verkhovna rada failed in the repeated second reading of the introduction of fines for this, did not receive votes and returned to the first reading. therefore, the law is considered rejected in its entirety. the document was proposed last year provided fines for violating the curfew up to uah 17 for citizens and over uah 100,000 for businesses. in case of repeated violation, you would have to pay twice as much. preparation for the national resistance ukrainian schoolchildren will study the subject of defense of ukraine. the verkhovna rada adopted the corresponding law. from now on, high school students and students of vocational and technical schools must undergo initial military training. in this way, the deputies introduced a general military course instead of a pre-conscription course, as it was before.
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they offered a bribe to the border guard to escape from ukraine. on the border with moldova , a man from odesa was detained, who tried to smuggle a man of draft age to the neighboring country illegally. both tried to negotiate with an employee of the state border service, promising him $800 for this. the serviceman called the police. the perpetrators were caught red-handed and declared a suspect. the first f-16 fighter aircraft maintenance specialists have started arriving in ukraine. this was stated by the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces ilya yevlash of ukraine. according to him, military engineers will be able to share their experience with other colleagues. earlier, the dutch authorities announced that they had completed training for ten ukrainian defenders, who can prepare planes before taking off for combat missions. combat capabilities have improved,
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ukrainian sebeibi naval drones have been equipped with hail systems. our soldiers have already managed to use them on the kinbur spit - an interlocutor in the security service of ukraine told ukrainian pravda. according to him, the developers are constantly improving the marine drone, and the additional volley fire system shows powerful results. sweden will allocate more than 7 billion euros of aid to ukraine over the next three years. this is stated on the website of the government of ukraine. military support includes, in particular, the transfer of defense equipment to ukraine or money for its purchase. at the same time, the government noted that sweden should simultaneously strengthen its own army and carry out a complete rearmament. they call to implement. sanctions against georgia, such
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a proposal was made by estonia, the netherlands, the czech republic and sweden, it is connected with the scandalous the law on foreign agents, the financial times writes. propose to suspend the visa-free regime between georgia and the eu, freeze the allocation of funds from european funds and introduce point sanctions against georgian politicians. targeted provocation. this is how the ministry of foreign affairs of lithuania commented on the information about russia's plans to change the borders with several states in the baltic sea. in this regard, the lithuanian ministry will invite the russian. representative for consultations, responded also in latvia and lithuania. it was noted there, it is currently being clarified details previously reported by the media. let me remind you that the day before, the russian publication moscow times reported that the russian authorities are planning to unilaterally change
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the country's maritime borders with lithuania and finland. in the capital, the reconstruction of the scandalous dekhtyarivskyi was completed. road workers completely opened exits and entrances to the overpass, the mayor of the city, vitaliy klitschko, said. he noted that the bridge was built back in 1963, and since then it has not been overhauled. reconstruction began last june year, already at the end of the year, the road was opened for motor vehicles and trams. klitschko also emphasized that the overpass itself and nearby stops meet all criteria for barrier-free accessibility. also. sidewalks with a bicycle path were built here, all this brings the capital's infrastructure closer to european standards. there was a reconstruction here, but in fact, this is a new overpass, it is 1 m higher than the previous one, which makes it possible
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for large-sized vehicles to pass, and we also have almost 10 m more rock. the length of the main road - today it is modern junction that meets all european standards. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the number of students from the temporarily occupied territories has decreased in ukrainian institutions of higher education. the office of the ombudsman offers an educational compass for the ukrainian future for youth from the occupation. our correspondent dmytro didora knows more and we add him to our ether. dimo i congratulate you, so what programs and educational activities does the human rights commissioner offer? tell me greetings, colleagues, greetings to our viewers: about 1,600 students from the temporary of the occupied territories, elected higher
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education institutions of ukraine in 2023. the ombudsman's office believes that this is a critically low figure, so experts have gathered here today to talk about how exactly to increase... the number of students from the occupied territories who will go and get an education in ukraine, one of the main problems is the lack of information on the websites of higher education institutions, that the websites are not opened in the occupied territories and that there are no educational centers, in some cases they are not even effective, about 60 centers, through these centers, not a single entrant has... er , started studying in institutions of higher education from the temporarily occupied territories, which is offered by the ombudsman's office, we will hear further in direct language. an absolutely logical admission procedure, that is , it should be clear, easy, short,
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it should be made public on all sites, in an accessible language, and the most important thing is the provision of budget places, but i did not for nothing... publicly said that if we want dozens thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of ukrainian children left the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, in my opinion, they need to send a clear signal: you join the budget, you have free accommodation in a dormitory. the office of the obtusman hopes that the government will speed up the process of integrating this plan in order to be in time for the admissions campaign, which has almost... begun, i also want to note that according to the findings of the study, 70% of students from the occupied territory choose higher education institutions in ukraine precisely because of national identity. colleagues thank you, dima, it was our correspondent dmytro didora, and we
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we invite you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. they use cars to move around positions and... bring in ammunition, and also launch drones from cars. the necessary transport is already in ukraine, it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. so, our goal is uah 300,000. with your help, we were able to collect more than 180,000 hryvnias, so we have a little less than 120 left, each of your donations is important, you can now see all the details on the screen. and i thank you all for your donations and for supporting our armed forces. you can read more news on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube. we will see you soon. at 3 p.m., and literally in a moment meet my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and
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antin borkovskii. greetings to all viewers of espresso, informative. the day is in full swing in the next few hours, as always we will analyze with you the important events of today and not only, so i encourage everyone to review, so be it us in these next few hours, because there is a lot of news today, i want to immediately go to the most important ones, so china is not giving or preparing to provide lethal aid to russia, said the minister of defense of great britain grand sheps, he says that the intelligence of the great britain that united states intelligence has evidence of... china's military aid to the russian federation, which is then used in the war against ukraine. well, we know that china is currently
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not officially and publicly helping russia with weapons, but the intelligence of great britain and the united states say that china provides or is even preparing to provide lethal weapons, well , this is actually a significant signal, and it indicates that china is not going to back down in its intentions to help russia at the moment, let's talk about that talk already in the next few minutes with vladyslav seleznyuv, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2014 to 2017, and we will not only talk about this with mr. vladyslav. sir vladyslav, i welcome you, if you can hear and see me, i would actually like to start our conversation. greetings to you, glory to ukraine. let's start with grant sheps's statement that china is either already providing, or is preparing to... provide lethal assistance to russia, and this is evidenced by british and united
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states intelligence. how do you assess this possibility, if china still dares and or has already dared to transfer weapons to russia, well , firstly, what does this indicate, and secondly, how can it slip sideways for china, do you believe that our partners will be ready to apply some tougher measures against the chinese? so what... this is china's decision, if its probability is equal to 100%, then in fact we will receive another confirmation of the classic thesis: evil that is not punished multiplies many times over, and government officials from communist china absolutely rightly have their position, which is aimed at to fundamentally change the world order that was established as a result of the second world war, and the process that is taking place within the framework of the russian-ukrainian confrontation, and certain the yawning of china. to native taiwan, they are precisely those fundamental changes on
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the planet, which are more and more recently being destroyed, destroyed by countries in the axis of evil. of course, when we talk about the axis of evil, we first of all think of the russian federation, north korea, the islamic republic of iran, but behind the scenes of these eight evils, it seems to me , is the government of the people's republic of china, which seeks radical changes on the planet, it has become. a key geopolitical player on our relatively small planet, and for that he is ready including resources. if the information that china is ready to transfer weapons and military equipment, or has begun to transfer weapons and military equipment for the needs of the russian occupiers, becomes a reality, this will not change the situation on the battlefield, because the russian federation will have virtually unlimited resources. in what way will our respectable western partners behave, i have... rather restrained optimism, why? because just the other day , president volodymyr zelenskyy noted that we are more
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we have been waiting for more than 12 months for deliveries of one or another type of weapons and military equipment , and from the moment we start asking our western partners for it. such a policy of procrastination leads to the fact that the same thesis works again: evil that is not punished multiplies once, there must be immediate, there must be decisive reactions to any manifestations and challenges from the outside. russia is an aggressor country, because if this does not happen, other totalitarian regimes on our planet begin to feel quite confident if the russian federation, why can't we... do in this way and the same way, for example , merkuepin, the leader of the people's republic of china, encroaching on taiwan, because if russia or moscow got away with the annexation of crimea, the occupation of a large area of ​​luhansk region and donetsk region, the occupation parts of the kharkiv, kherson, and zaporizhia regions, so why can't we tame and occupy
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physically at the expense of our combat capabilities , the fierce taiwanese, i think. that these are the considerations that ninisipin lives by, and in order for this to become a reality for him, he is ready, including, i think, the prospect of supplying weapons and military equipment for the needs of the russian occupiers. mr. vladyslav, by the way, you have very successfully noticed that unpunished evil, it only spreads and has become rather alarming to everyone now, as to what russia is leading to. wants to unilaterally change the country's maritime borders with lithuania and finland in the baltic sea, the commander-in-chief of the swedish armed forces says that the russian dictator has both eyes on the island of gotland in order to control the baltic sea, that is, we understand that the escalation of the war is happening not only on the territory of ukraine, but there are some first signs
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that russia is going to further escalate the situation not only in ukraine. this is a direct proof that, because we understand that finland has recently become a member of the north atlantic alliance, and accordingly , all encroachments on finland will be regarded as encroachments on a nato country. how do you actually assess this statement by the russians, it is a deliberate provocation, and in this way they are trying to check how seriously nato will consider this threat and what will have the steps been taken, or does putin actually have everything? all the resources and readiness to start a war, not only with ukraine, but also with nato countries. does putin have the resources to carry out a large-scale offensive campaign, or to activate at least part of it on the territory of the scandinavian countries, in particular norway, sweden or finland? the answer is obviously no, because for example, the 44th
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army corps, which is part of the newly created leningrad military district. precisely and he should not use his resources to realize these geopolitical plans of putin on the territory of the scandinavian countries, now his soldiers are concentrating on the territory of the kurt region in order to carry out offensive actions in the future on the territory of our sumy oblast. what am i leading to, the same leningrad military district where the resources for conducting large-scale events not only within the framework of the confrontation with the scandinavian countries, but also for conducting active ones have not been fully formed. this military district has no offensive actions on the territory of the sumy region, and therefore, most likely, it goes like this aggravation of the situation, because putin is trying to snort in this way, so to speak, to check the readiness of the countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance to make concessions, because it is obvious that putin
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is ready to get information from the historical pile of historical documents from his pocket about that somewhere in the 11th century. gotland was under the control of the pskov state, and it , after certain periods of turmoil, then became a part of the russian federation, now in the form of the pskov region, so it is obvious that putin will find some historical basis, but this estate is obvious, gotland is swedish, swedish territory, accordingly, sweden is a member of the north atlantic alliance and because of the effective and rather rigid. or due to the lack of this reaction to the encroachment of putin’s power, putin can in principle establish how far he can go in this process, in the process of encroachment on a certain territory of neighboring countries, if there is an instantly harsh and absolutely unambiguous reaction, putin will not dare to go to a confrontation between
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own country and the countries of the north atlantic alliance, if certain concessions finland, the baltic countries and... will be ready to make concessions, then this will create and fuel create the appropriate mood in putin and his entourage and fuel his geopolitical attraction to many countries of the world, in particular to the baltic countries, to the countries of eastern europe, and therefore a key element , which is able to calm putin and his entourage - this is the language of power. mr. vladyslav, look, we would still like to discuss a fairly serious matter with you. the situation that is developing now on the northern border of kharkiv oblast, right? well, we understand that our diplomats are now trying to convince congressmen to convince the joseph biden administration to give us good. for the use of western weapons on the territory of the russian federation directly in order to destroy the places of concentration of those russian troops who are now trying to break through
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to the regional center of the kharkiv region, right? well , we understand that now the biden administration in the pentagon does not have the political will to give the green light to this. despite the fact that everything congressmen are trying to direct certain letters, appeals to the american administration. president, do you believe that in the shortest possible time biden will change his opinion about the use of american weapons on the territory of the russian federation? well, on the one hand, i remember that the usa is a state of lobbying, and there certain processes of political , economic and military direction are worked out, including at the expense of lobbying, in particular by congressmen or senators, whether the 11 signatures of american congressmen will become the driving force. which will somehow make joe biden reprimand change your attitude regarding the use of american weapons on the territory of the russian federation, i do not have such confidence, because
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pay attention to certain details that are very important to me. on the one hand , us secretary of state anthony blinkon, while in kyiv, talks about the fact that america is against and does not approve of kyiv's decision to use american weapons on russian territory, but on the other hand , i cannot always influence these processes. then the american secretary of defense mr. lloyd austin comes to the same opinion. like we we deny it, but we cannot influence these factors. and then the speaker of the pentagon comes out, who absolutely unequivocally declares the complete disapproval of the government of the united states of america for such actions of the ukrainian defense forces. given the fact that modern history remembers not very great cases related to the absence of certain categories. stavkov technical property for the needs of the state of israel, due to the fact that no agreement was reached between tel aviv and washington. i think that
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we should not take such risks, but we should stick to it the appropriate arrangements that we undertook when we received the first tranche of military-technical assistance, particularly from our overseas partners, so as not to engage at all without any american cartridge or projectile, but communication with the overseas. must continue, because the conviction, in particular of joe biden, remains an important cue. what we have now, and now ukrainian intelligence knows exactly where enemy forces, enemy troops are gathering on the territory of bryansk, kursk and belgorod regions in order to attack the territory of our country. but we don't have the resources to destroy them in the places where they are based. as soon as we get the opportunity to inflict missile damage on the territory of the russian federation, at a depth of up to 100 km, the enemy will have very illusory chances, in general, of any gains on the territory of our chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast, or even more so on the territory of the kharkiv oblasts, but until that happens, we must continue to state the following: joe biden is literally
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terrified of escalation on the battlefield, i am not i know what theses his assistants are conveying to him, and what opinion vladimir putin has on this matter, but it is obvious that it is most likely about the escalation of the conflict to the level of a nuclear confrontation. these days , the appropriate training is taking place in... the troops of the southern military district, i think that in this way putin may be hinting to joe biden that certain red lines should not be crossed, including those related to the use of american weapons on the territory of russia federation. unfortunately, our defense industry is not capable to provide our troops with everything necessary to be able to use their own weapons to inflict this type of damage on the territory of the russian federation in such volumes. thank you, vladyslav sely. military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine and spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2014 to 17 was on our airwaves, now i want, before we go on
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a short break, to remind you that our collection continues so that we can purchase quad bikes for the evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition, so we ask you to please join our gathering, you can now see the qr code on the screen, and you can also see the bank card numbers on your screens now, that there are no small donations, together we have already closed more than one collection and this time we count on the fact that with your help we will be able to close this one as well the collection, which is actually quite large at 4 million hryvnias, but we hope that with joint efforts we will be able to do everything, and now there is a short pause, after which we will continue our information day, so stay with espress. gasoline. trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and that's how you want to have them a beautiful, well-kept plot. there is a solution. kors garden trimmers from unpack tv, order in time at a special price. only from
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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand it. antin borkovskyi and invited experts are sober evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko,
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every weekday from 8 p.m. to... join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares, treats, bends, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized armed forces brigades, let's keep the line together. the information day of the tv channel continues, well, on the 3rd, meanwhile, there is important news from the verkhovna rada of ukraine, so our parliamentarians did not vote for the introduction of fines for...
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curfew violations, i am quoting people's deputy zheleznyak now, only 190 people's representatives voted for the relevant bill. the law is considered rejected in its entirety, and the draft law, i recall, provided for the establishment of such fines for violating the ban during the cumenant hour, from 100 to 200 tax-free minimums for committing a similar offense during the year, from 200 to 400 tax-free. minimized, and so on, but in any case, the verkhovna rada did not support the implementation of such harsh measures. and even today, the verkhovna rada finally created a temporary special commission on the use of funds for the construction of fortifications and the purchase of drones. 277 deputies voted for this resolution and this law was registered in the parliament yesterday, its authors are parliamentarians of all parliamentary factions. the main task of this commission.


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