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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from ground zero. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yaat. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. kharkiv under fire from the occupiers. the enemy targeted the shevchenkiv district of the city with a guided aerial bomb - reported oleg sinigubov, the head of the region. 10 people were injured. four in hospitals one man is in serious condition. this is a trolleybus driver. burnt as a result of the impact.
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a residential high-rise, a gas station, damaged cars and a cafe. and also under shelling of the kharkiv region , the number of victims in chuguyev increased. eight have already been injured as a result of the morning attack. the russians shelled the central part of the city, the kindergarten was damaged. 200 m2 of premises burned down, the state emergency service of the region reported. in kherson. there are explosions. the enemy is shelling the city from the temporarily occupied left bank, the head of the region, roman mrochko, informed. he urged residents to stay in shelters. at the same time, the mayor noted that the number of wounded has increased due to yesterday's enemy attack in the shuman district. today , two more women sought medical help - a 47-year-old and a 79-year-old. the elderly victim has a contusion and a mine-explosive injury. in
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the kherson region, in the village of khreshchenivka of the novovorentsiv community, a nursery school is being restored. the institution was looted by the russians during the occupation, and subsequently it was repeatedly shelled. repair works are carried out for funds from the local budget, said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. currently , all windows and doors in the kindergarten have been completely replaced, and thanks to the help of benefactors , the necessary furniture, books and gadgets for distance learning have been purchased. meanwhile. lighting and ventilation are sometimes being completed, the arrangement of the bomb shelter is also in progress, without it not a single educational institution in the region will work. the verkhovna rada temporarily created an investigative commission on the arrangement of fortifications and the purchase of drones. the initiative was supported by 277 people's deputies. tsk included eight servants of the people and one representative from all factions and parliamentary groups.
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mykola zadorozhny was appointed people's deputy from the majority. the commission should analyze defense needs for drones and compare them with the volume of government orders for their production and procurement. they will also conduct an investigation into the construction of fortifications on the front lines and the targeted use of funds allocated for this purpose. violation of the curfew will not be punished with a hryvnia. the verkhovna rada failed in the repeated second reading of the introduction. fines for this, did not get votes and return to the first reading, so the law is considered rejected in its entirety. the document proposed last year provided for fines for curfew violations of up to uah 17 for citizens and over uah 100,000 for businesses. in case of repeated violation, you would have to pay twice as much. the first aircraft maintenance specialists.
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f-16 fighter jets began to arrive in ukraine, the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, ilya yevlash, said. according to him, military engineers will be able to share their experience with other colleagues. previously, the government the netherlands reported that it had completed training for ten ukrainian defenders who can prepare planes before taking off for combat missions. sweden will allocate more than eur 7 billion in aid over the next three years, this is stated on the website of the government of the country. military support includes, in particular, the transfer of defense equipment to ukraine or money for its purchase. at the same time, the government noted that sweden should simultaneously strengthen its own army and carry out a complete rearmament. they help ukraine and strengthen their own maritime borders. the russian dictator is watching. with both eyes
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on the island of gotland. control over it means control over the baltic sea. this is reported by the swedish media with reference to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, who gave the instruction. strengthen the defense of the island of gotland, and all this because of the threat from russia. currently, this territory is under the protection of the military, and if necessary, they can use it for offensive operations, the minister added. they call for the introduction of sanctions against georgia. this proposal was made by estonia, the netherlands, the czech republic and sweden. it connected with the scandalous law on foreign agents - the financial times writes. countries propose to suspend the visa-free regime between georgia and the eu, freeze the allocation of funds from european funds and introduce point sanctions against georgian politicians.
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six forty-ton sea containers with medical cargo were handed over by benefactors of the charity and health fund to ukrainian hospitals to rescue civilians and military personnel affected by the war. at the same time, they continue to provide medics working at zero the necessary transport, and now help has already arrived in dnipro. see all the details further in our story. the truck with the container is met by the workers of one of the dnipro's main hospitals, inside are pallets of boxes, which contain what the medics of the front-line city need every day. everything is important, gloves, gowns, test tubes, everything is important to us. medicines, equipment and consumables, including small parts for narrow-profile prosthetics and recovery after injuries. doctors will use all this during operations and rehabilitation of patients. this help is very important for us, because unfortunately, it may have become
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a little less in the third year of the war, and we are very grateful to the dream fund and the mercy and health fund for coming to us today in the dnipro. philanthropists deliver cargo to medical institutions. where they provide assistance to both civilians and wounded soldiers. within the framework of the project, six forty-ton sea containers were handed over to 16 hospitals and hospitals of ukraine, both in front-line settlements and in rear areas, where the wounded are recuperating. for, to implement this project, several large and powerful benefactors were involved. all these people united to ensure that ukrainian hospitals received the most necessary for their activities within the framework of the project. volunteers immediately from the dnipro. are sent to donetsk region, a refrigerator is taken there to evacuate the bodies of fallen defenders. we handed over more than 10 cars of cold chambers, that is, this car goes to the plazdarm company in sloviansk. the last car that we delivered had already broken down,
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it had already traveled more than 2,000 km. ukraine large, that is, each, each of these cargoes must be delivered personally to their homes. an ambulance is sent to the kherson region for the brigade that performs. in one of the hottest spots of the southern front. the car is equipped with everything necessary to provide quality assistance to the defenders. from dnipro for espresso tv channel. and we urge you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. soldiers use cars to move to positions and transport ammunition, as well as from cars are launched by drones. the necessary transport is already in ukraine. remains. redeem and transfer to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. with your help, we have already collected more than 180 thousand. every donation you make is important. you can now see all the details on the screen. and in
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the capital, the reconstruction of the scandalous dekhtyarov overpass was completed. road officials have completely opened the exits and entrances to it, the mayor of the city, vitaliy klitschko, said. he noted that the bridge from walls were built back in 1963, and since then it has not been overhauled. the reconstruction began in june of last year, and at the end of the year the road was opened for vehicles and trams. klitschko also emphasized that the overpass itself and the stops nearby meet all criteria for barrier-free accessibility. sidewalks with a bicycle path were also installed here. all this brings the metropolitan infrastructure closer to european standards. there was a reconstruction here, but in fact, this is a new overpass, it is one meter higher than the previous one, which allows the passage of large-sized vehicles, and the width of the structure is almost 10 m more. length
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the main thoroughfare is 544 m. today, this is a modern intersection that corresponds to all european ones. that was the news for now, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube. you and i will meet at 4 p.m., and literally in a moment my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii will continue the broadcast. the information day of the tv channel continues, well, there are quite a lot of events. consequently, the parliament adopted a draft law on general military training. in schools and colleges 297 parliamentarians voted for it, but
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the verkhovna rada did not vote for the so-called draconian fines for violating the curfew, and the draft law provided for the establishment of fines, well, from 100 to 200 tax-free minimums at a time, and for a relapse from 200 to 400 tax-free minimums . in the meantime, we will... now add serhii bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, to our broadcast. mr. serhiy, congratulations and glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glory to the armed forces, congratulations. well, you know, no russian threats to go to odessa are stopped. we understand that this is now more of a psychological nature, because the russians currently do not have the resources to take odesa, however, they remember this city on an equal footing with kharkiv. for example, although we understand that there is not much left for them to reach kharkiv, our armed forces
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will do everything possible so that they do not reach there in any case, but we understand that they do not exclude odesa from this equation either, well, in general, i wanted i would like to ask you about the attitude of odessans, as in general do localities treat similar russian interpretations? well, really, if we talk about kharkiv, everything is clear here, because the enemy has a key goal, of course, not to master... there is no resource arch, accordingly, to bring out the rsdv artillery there to those distances, in order to shell kharkiv, actually already there not z-300, namely barrel artillery, and if we return to our south, then there are indeed certain such comparisons, because just as intensively as in kharkiv, the enemy is trying to strike odesa region as well, in our country, let’s say so, i i don't remember a single day no day, starting at least somewhere from the bere. this year, so that the enemy does not, in fact, strike every day, whether it is
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missile strikes, or combined missile-drone strikes, or now the enemy is more actively using shaheds, because perhaps it is preparing for certain more massive missile attacks there, we also understand this, that there should be such technological pauses, which are associated with various circumstances, including the maintenance of launchers, i.e., planes. of strategic aviation, because tactical aviation works quite actively, periodically they try to strike, as a rule, these are kh-59 missiles, well, the shaheds are also using them more actively now, every night these kamikaze drones are shot down and very active aerial reconnaissance, extremely active, i ’ll even tell you so that on average somewhere to the south, i mean, of course, this is odesa, mykolaiv and especially kherson. the front-line region is generally active there, so reconnaissance
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aircraft make an average of 300 sorties, well, let’s say unmanned aircraft the enemy, that is, drones land them here too, in fact every day these drones are shot down, scouts right over odesa, the odesa district, the resource to take control of the city, well, there is none at all, because the naval amphibious operation in general is, well, about... a priori impossible, all the more so as we see that the demilitarization of crimea is also taking place quite actively, and it is from there that we are being attacked, and by the way, the one who attacks odesa from time to time is just such a konstantinov there, the speaker of some self-proclaimed parliament there, he is the thief from console construction company, he wants to visit us here from time to time, and actually about the mood, what we are celebrating today is quite symbolic that you are asking this question today, we had an extraordinary session of the odesa city
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council, the issue was resolved here, and of course , it was voted on the allocation of appropriate financial aid, now i am afraid to make a mistake in the absolute numbers, but actually it is really about millions of hryvnias, the aid of odessa to those parts that are today in the direction of kharkiv, and actually this is also aid. and the city kharkiv, there were meetings between the mayor of odessa and the mayor of kharkiv, respectively, and it was agreed that such and such assistance from south palmyra, from odessa to kharkiv will come... , that is, well, it is not just symbolic, it is what should be today, to support each other, the mood, respectively, they are alarming, because of course, people see the situation, but here is our business, including, without removing from self -responsibility, that is, informants, and
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military, and, well, civilians, although today we are also all at the front, in fact. the information department should talk about the realities that exist and tell people the truth, because there are quite a lot of informational throws in, regarding there and mass shelling there and so on and the like, i will tell you this way that now the mood is working, the mood is ordinary, and they are aimed at surviving this extremely difficult period, because it is also complicated by the fact that there are usually problems with energy supply. in fact, like all over the country, in odesa, too, at least a few are turned off hours quarters, respectively, residential from the supply of electricity, well, i’m crying, i don’t see, that’s for sure, although it’s quite rare now that i have to be in a place including that, and i’ll say that the working mood, working, for me, the marker was, to be honest, easter,
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because internal intelligence reported that some people couldn't get in, sorry, that's me ... such a marker, i'll talk about it now, couldn't get into our legendary import, because there were so many sellers, and of course even more buyers, that people just turned around and didn't could get to that bazaar, well, so i think, this shows that life goes on, at least, we will continue to live, well, we will also fight, look, we would like to ask you about the approximate operational plans of the enemy, so in relation. .. the south of our country understands that now we have an escalation in kharkiv region, extremely heavy battles in donetsk region, but the south also remains one of the enemy's key directions, possible offensive actions. we understand that a rather powerful military group is located, ballistic missile launchers are located
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missiles in crimea and not only in crimea, and accordingly, do you think that the enemy is now preparing something larger? in particular, well, when we talk about the deployment or, i don't know, in the mykolaiv direction or in the zaporizhia direction? regarding the zaporozhye direction, including in your studio, we talked about this scenario, that the enemy would try to attack in the robotino area, the enemy would also try to attack along the vremiv ridge, and this is actually happening today, so when we talked about it, it was known that the enemy will try to implement such plans, accordingly, the preparation, including , of course, the intensity of the fighting has increased significantly, well , first of all, the settlement of robotino no longer exists in the sense that people once lived here, precisely once people lived here, because there are no residential quarters there, there are no houses, that is just scorched earth, this is a syrian tactic, a scorched earth tactic, what russia
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has been demonstrating, well, probably since the existence of this horde, to burn everything and come. today, in fact, there was a lot of work, including that the enemy is relatively entrenched, i will explain why relatively in some positions he is trying to demonstrate it, including informatively with their tricolor with this rag, but those who demonstrate it, they do not return to those who sent them, because these standard-bearers, they are simply destroyed, that is, actually from high school. that where there used to be a secondary school of the settlement of work, but there the enemy is trying to advance, because the settlement itself, it is today in the vast majority, if we speak on the plane, in terms of percentage, it is a gray area, and this gray area, it is under fire control of the armed forces of ukraine, this is novoprokopivka, from there we can
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attack the enemy, this is actually happening, the enemy is trying to attack as much as possible, is regrouping. is possibly preparing to raise the relevant reserves, because he sees here a kind of prospect for continuing offensive actions, and returning, well, actually, i said there, including the old mayan, that is, those positions that were vacated by our armed forces, including thanks to today, the seventh separate assault battalion of the arey ukrainian volunteer corps of the army last year, and we are actually leaving zaporizhzhia right away, this is our southern direction, this is a settlement, the district of the settlement of krynky, and the same situation with regard to the burnt land, our bridgehead on the left bank, which the enemy is already... clearing, i take it in my paws word, well now it’s hard for me to even say how many times already, it can actually be compared somewhere with the number of offensives on
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odesa, and the counter-battery struggle is very active on our side, there are several islands that have been liberated by the armed forces of ukraine today, and they provide an opportunity to control the possibility or effort of the enemy to move through our glorious dnieper, because they go out there in boats. boats also go to the kobzdon concert, this is all 100% happening, that is why such a battle is going on for these islands, including, well, the bridgehead itself, it is covered as much as possible by drone troops, the enemy does not use equipment today, from the word assault groups in general, the intensity of the actions of these assault groups is different, but they actually exist every day, again there is such a feature regarding the actions russians... it is extremely difficult to recruit their armies in this regard, assault groups, because there are a lot of defectors precisely on the left bank among the russian occupiers,
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a lot of deserters, they rise up there in whole platoons, flee somewhere to our kherson steppes, they are trying to catch them, but then that's their problem, let them shoot each other, and of course the enemy is worried about the fact that this bridgehead exists today, and it performs extremely well. his task is important, at least we see that since last fall he has been holding back and destroying a lot there russian occupiers, honor and glory to ukrainian marines. mr. serhiy, we would also like to ask you, perhaps you know something more about sibebi naval drones, which effectively worked from the sea against russian positions on the kinburn spit, at least this is reported by the public with reference to their own sources, and they say that, that our drones have equipped. systems to play to make them more efficient, can you share with us if you know any information? well, first of all, today the russians are already starting to talk about the fact that these weapons are not effective, in fact, who
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knows from the russians for what purpose these children of ours are used, and when there were a few days ago, maybe even a little more, already weeks, or even two, i said, before things about our sea kid, he is more mature, he is becoming... more experienced, then he meant exactly that, and i will say this that for the enemy today it is no longer just a concern, it is today the weapon that will be to do even more damage, the exams took place, the testing took place, i will tell you this, the results, frankly, are striking, and will be striking the enemy, it seems almost impossible, in any case, you can see that these innovations are ukrainian at sea, they... lead to the fact that we do not have a missile carrier in crimea, we have won yet another battle, in us again, novorossiysk is
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the main base of the fleet of the black sea fleet of the russian federation today, as they say it will be, so these kids, believe me, this is, let's say, even an intermediate stage, because, as far as i know, there are several such technological ones there. .. innovations, which today, of course, is about them they don't say, but the enemy will feel it on the battlefield, there are very interesting novelties, let's hope for them. serhii brachuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, was on the espresso air, and we thank him, now we will go on a short break, but i want to remind you that the most important theses that are heard on our air, you can view on our youtube channel in the section video, clips from our broadcasts and our guests, who are the most important, actually appear there. they make statements on our live air, we try our own publish on our youtube channel so that you don't miss anything important, and also go to the shorts section, there you
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can see videos on hot topics, and actually subscribe to our youtube channel, this is important for us, because you and me there are already more than 2 million, it seems like 200 thousand, i would like to see more of us, so be sure to subscribe if you haven't done it yet, and now we have a short break according to the plan, literally there for a few minutes, so be there.. . with us, we will get back to you soon. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. kors garden trimmers from rozpakuy tv, order now at a special price, only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places near fences. along the line of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simply and easily. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic
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classic or with lawnmower function. light and convenient, even women can use them, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds and are virtually silent, no more heavy, bulky lawnmowers, oil or of gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a well-kept area, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 9,009, call! the information day of the tv channel continues, well, what happens at half past four today, as usual, during the war, an extremely important message from the deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade maxim zhorin, so i am now quoting the deputy kombrig. the russians may partially open a front in the sumy region, but there will be no deep advance, i quote now.


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