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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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air time is pressing us, artem semenikhin, the mayor of the city of konoto, was in touch with us, well, we are now passing the floor to our colleagues from the news editorial office, iryna koval is ready to inform us about all the most important events as of this minute, iro, we congratulate you, pass the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. thank you marta, well, in just a moment i will tell you about the situation in kharkiv and donetsk region, so wait for more details in the issue. 16:00 in ukraine, news time, on the tv channel espresso in iryna koval's studio, just now i will tell you about the most important events. the condition of the tram driver, who was wounded in kharkiv during enemy shelling, is serious. tore off his legs,
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oleksandr filchakov, the head of the city prosecutor's office, said. in total , ten people were injured, four people are in the hospital. around two o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy dropped guided aerial bombs on two districts of the city. as a result of the hit, a private enterprise and four cars were destroyed. two high-rise buildings, a car wash and a cafe were also damaged. and we they were just hanging the curtains, i hear. the sound was very loud, i decided that it was an airplane, and when it arrived, we all fell to the ground, fell, explosions began, the explosive wave tore off the car, we heard it, we quickly ran to the basement and hid there, it was very scary, i guess we have to leave , the russian military from the territory of the belgorod region of the russian federation used an aircraft to attack shevchenkivskyi. kholodnohirsky districts
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of the city of kharkiv, as in previous times, they used the unified interspecies planning ammunition d-30 of 30 cm caliber. these two munitions hit a residential area . and in pokrovsk, donetsk region, residents are recovering from a nighttime rocket attack, clearing debris and cleaning the streets, the regional police said. the occupiers attacked the residential sector with rockets late at night. the village of rig, which is within the city limits. one private house was completely destroyed, at least five more houses were damaged. as a result of the shelling, two civilians were killed, two more were injured, including a ten-year-old child. search and rescue operations continued throughout the night. two bodies were unblocked under the rubble, this the body of a woman and a man, they are the parents of an injured child who is currently in the hospital.
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the police is documenting the consequences of these shellings, the information will be entered into the unified register of pre-trial investigations under the second part of article 438. 668 civilians still remain in temporary yar in donetsk region. it is becoming more and more difficult to bring humanitarian aid to the city and evacuate people from there, - the head of the region vadym filashkin said on the air of the telethon. also, the situation with electricity remains difficult throughout the region - added villager. in addition to stabilization blackouts, emergency power outages often occur due to constant shelling. a driving school for people with disabilities has been operating in lviv region for over a year. ukrainians from different regions of the country go there to learn to drive a car. among them are servicemen who were wounded at the front. how does the driving school work and is it easy for students to drive? see further. mykhailo bartoshyk from volhynia has already
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passed the exam in the theoretical part of the driving course and came to lviv to learn how to drive practically, he says, for a long time he dreamed of mastering a motor vehicle, but he dared to do so only after being wounded at the front, my husband lost his arm in the battles near bakhmut, well, i still had rehabilitation after the injury, i was waiting for a prosthesis, so i have opportunities, well, opportunities. there was no place to study there, well, i had a book, i studied on my own, well, i read, then, when i was already free, and decided, well, why sit at home, you have to do something, you can’t sit in one place, mykhailo admits, that he is not going to use a protest while driving a car, because it is inconvenient, a little it is uncomfortable in it, because... to make even
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an elementary turn, well, like to the right, it is a bit of a hindrance for me, i have a very large amputation and it, well, it interferes with the student's practical exam. driving schools are taught on a specially equipped car, according to the instructors, future drivers can use ordinary cars in life, according to their capabilities and comfort, because at school they are taught to drive confidently with one hand, if a person has a disability , the missing left or right limb and he does not can control all devices that are in cars, in particular there are cleaners, etc. or it is difficult for her to press, let's say, if she has problems with the musculoskeletal system, there is an additional remote control on which all the controls of the car are placed, in particular , the control of the wipers, external
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lighting devices, as well as the signal. andriy from lviv also passed his first practical driving test. he is satisfied with the results of the exam and says that he plans to buy his own car and... master the profession of a driver, before sitting down i was very worried, but when got behind the wheel, stopped worrying and just drove, made one mistake, but as the examiner told me that she was not very willing, well, she didn’t want to, she wanted to, because all the mistakes were willing, but she could not have done it, but that’s how it is in general everything is fine, in total there are already 12 people with end-of-life injuries in this school. learned to drive and got their driver's license. the heads of the institution say that the teaching method is almost no different from a regular school. for people with disabilities, we just take a slightly more caring approach, i would
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called it why? because they need it. in fact, they need it very much and they like it. we hope so. well, in particular, our instructor leaves for personal love, where is she. stays there or place of residence and so on, picks up from this place, delivers, we offer for persons with disabilities the option of a distance form of theoretical education. the lviv inclusive driving school was opened more than a year ago, within the framework of the barrier-free state project on the basis of the university of internal affairs. in total , within the framework of the initiative, seven of these operate in ukraine driving school natalya stareprava, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. we ask you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. soldiers use cars to move around positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars.
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it remains to buy the necessary transport already in ukraine and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. with your help, we have already collected over 180,000. so there is not much left. every donation is important. you have all the details now see on the screen. and i thank everyone who supports the armed forces of ukraine, together to victory. you can read more news on our website espresso tv. also follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. wait for the next issue at 5 p.m.
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the noise of passengers, the arrival of trains and waltz, this is an improvisation by a spanish violinist and graduates. lyceum letitia moreno came to kyiv with a concert and as a friend of the unu children's fund visited the children's point together at the station, where skripalka also met with the graduates of the irpin school and played a melody for them, to which the boys and girls danced the graduation waltz. many barriers can be overcome with the help of art and music. we have joined forces with unicef so that our music can reach... so that it can positively influence them, inspire them and give them another way, another tool to better understand life. irpin lyceum number 3 was heavily damaged at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. the building itself was badly damaged, as was the area around it, but benefactors repaired it
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school and equipped it with the most modern shelter. so these eleventh-graders were able to study in their native school for the last year. i missed a little this society, my friends, everyone. but in the 11th, in the 11th grade, thanks to the unecef fund, they restored our school and we went to face-to-face education, for me it is important, important to be present at school, the presence of... a teacher next to me, on a remote control, i was completely lost discipline, i could sleep, i could skip classes, skip homework. according to unicef, in two years, kovid and two years of war, the quality of knowledge of ukrainian schoolchildren was very demanding so that children could return to full-time education, unicef has already restored 147 educational institutions, in particular , equipped them with shelters. ukraine is the only country to which spain allocates. funds for assistance in emergency situations, these are several million euros, which
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we allocated with the help of unicef to help ukrainian education. this was a short-term action, but we also have long-term plans for reconstruction, on which we plan to spend more than 100 million euros to help ukraine enter the stable future. of course, children are the basis of our plan, because children are the future of ukraine. almost 229 children will graduate this year, only 55% of them had the opportunity to study their last year at school face-to-face. unicef hopes to be able to restore as many schools as possible and equip them with shelters so that ukrainian children can study without losing knowledge. victoria, the owner of the burned-out farm charivnyi ptakh. during the occupation of kyiv region, the russians
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destroyed the premises with birds. after the departure of the russian troops, victoria and her husband began to restore their business, rebuilt the premises and began to breed fireflies. but there weren't enough funds for everything, so they decided to apply for a do-it-yourself contest from the mhp community and won a grant. we created a base, purchased kombikorm. and we are trying to develop, we still want to return to the positions we were in the market before the war, because before the war we were among the five most powerful quail egg producers in ukraine. the support of the winners does not end only with receiving a grant. the foundation and the mhp company help businesses with consultations. they teach how to research the market and shape your brand. this year, mhp-community decided to involve the winners in creating joint projects. and launched an innovation - a forum where business winners themselves, government representatives and
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community leaders gathered. the main goal of this forum is unity, to bring together different people from different fields in one place, to exchange experiences, in order to work out effective mechanisms for the development of communities. it is for this that the organizers strive to create an ecosystem for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in communities. to example to establish logistics and markets for their products, such a strategy will help businesses grow and create jobs locally. today we operate stores, today we operate a large distribution system, today we operate industrial food production, and this is all, when connected in an ecosystem and building relationships, it is much more such an anti-fragile business for us and for everyone else , it is... a unifying environment that is mutually beneficial, both financially and
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morally, to work together, i'm not even here i say to cooperate with mhp, here to cooperate together, because as i have already said more than once, together we can definitely do more, better and definitely achieve higher qualitative dynamics of both social and economic development, the organizers of the forum hope that this... will create synergy , which will unite small businesses and help them create a reliable economic backbone in communities throughout ukraine. yulia zubchenko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. 15:4 the information day of the tv channel continues, there are a lot of events, both political and military and not only, yes, well, but to the extent of... the air time allowed to us, now we will involve our military expert, representative of the defense express agency,
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chief editor of defense express oleg katkov. glory to ukraine, mr. editor. glory, thank you for the invitation. well, the key story, yes, the results of our extreme ramstein, that's how the next, extremely powerful statements from the head of the american pentagon sounded. well, our key story is provision. if we take the allocated money to supply us with everything we need, again we are also talking about supplies and not only about them, but also about the state of receipt. how do you rate now? the current situation, well, to top it off, be kind ramshtein's summaries. ramstein, then again, this meeting is not about what is said openly, because the main purpose of ehrenstein is to hold such a virtually personal meeting of people who make decisions, who are responsible for their implementation, and there the main thing takes place behind closed doors,
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and the condition is about how to supply weapons, how to bear the burden of its maintenance, how to supply... passports, armored vehicles, including airplanes, that is, all the weapons that ukraine needs, and quite often after, well, according to the results, ramshtein is told about what was already transferred in the previous period, that is, in this case, it is most likely to say that there are some such extremely important results that are public, then not, because once again it was a question of how to distribute the burden, which is now relative. regarding the provision of those systems , of course, there is a positive thing about the strengthening of air defense, about the f-16 and the like, at the same time, again, the specifics at ermstein, well, usually quite a bit. ugh. mr. olezh, look, quite alarming information has appeared. russia is going to unilaterally change the maritime borders with lithuania and finland, which are for
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a moment members of the north atlantic alliance, and there was also a statement by the head of the army. sweden, which is also a member of nato, that putin has both eyes on the island of gotland in the baltic sea, and this is a serious matter, because we remember how the russians essentially took the sea of ​​azov for their internal use, as they actually by deception made it so that their ships already dictated the conditions there, and ukrainian ships were pushed out of this sea, and we understand that russia is so brazenly doing it all the same, you know, that’s how it was... and we understand that putin is does, well, obviously, he realizes that no one will be able to turn a blind eye to such things, because the countries, nato countries, how do you think we should react to this step of russia now, and in fact, what can such a step lead to? there are two aspects here, we must start with the fact that i do not agree with the fact that
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it is about nato, so there are such and such things, they won't go for it. the second aspect is that here is this draft resolution of the government of the russian federation from the website of the government of the russian federation at the moment, well, it was issued from here, that is , it is no longer there, but again, the internet remembers it, the information that such a proposal, well, such and such an application for the drawing of new borders in the baltic sea was made by the ministry of defense, all this is known. and two aspects. first, what is done is very important. well, the baltic itself has already become a closed, actually internal sea of ​​nato. and in the winter of a year, somewhere in the winter of the 23rd year, in estonia began to talk about the fact that they can completely close the exit of the russian federation to the baltic sea
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from st. petersburg, because there are currently neutral waters there, but announcing. such an adjacent zone to the sea, i.e. in accordance with maritime law, it is quite possible to completely close the exit of the baltic sea to the russian federation, and to establish a special regime under which all russian warships and civilian vessels must undergo control, including searches, including and the military, and the russian federation is now talking about what they will review borders, and precisely in the eastern part of the baltic sea, that is, with the aim of... creating access to the neutral waters of the baltic sea, and secondly, it is also quite interesting and unusual that crossing the border in the baltic region, this is the kaliningrad region, and this is already about the border with poland, that is, the situation is actually quite interesting, and all this is subject to a deadline when these new borders must be declared, which is
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january 2025, and the fact is... that just the winter of 24-25 in european analysts, particularly in an unnamed country, in intelligence of an unrecognized country, there was such a publication in german publications that it is the period from january 2025 that is the most threatening in terms of the possibility of an attack by the russian federation, why? because in november in the usa there are elections and the inauguration is scheduled for... january 20 to january 20, in fact, in the usa this is the period of the transfer of power and they are actually focused on their internal political processes, let's add that... trump has already talked about that he doesn't want to protect europe there, someone there once there, some countries there, and in general, he is inviting an attack there,
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in fact, with such a statement, it was heard in europe, there was a wonderful speech by borel, who bluntly said that after these conversations, it is already difficult to rely on the usa and one must do something independently, therefore, in fact, this is the most threatening scenario , according to which the russian federation can start acting. but i would not expect from this, well , such an attack on the baltic countries there, the suval corridor there, all the rest, because the tactics of the russian federation are such pressure, and, for example, taking advantage of the fact that the usa is not up to it, they announce there your new frontiers, and well, there is an understanding that, for example, in the collective european segment of nato, when there is no certainty that the usa will help, there will be some active steps there for a few conventional meters of the baltic sea, well, that is, there will simply be nothing to do, they will announce their deep concern there, and the russian federation will simply de facto
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do all this and legalize it with its actual presence, realizing that nato does not react, because it is the standard behavior of nato to do nothing and avoid escalation, and the kremlin is completely on board with this can calculate later about this... reaction directly from brussels itself, washington itself, expecting to see its complete absence, to already build more radical plans for these very baltic countries, the suval corridor, and well, about what has been said for quite some time. look, as the classics said, let's wait and see, yes, because the baltic sea is an extremely serious story, and in addition to the so-called weaker players, there are also stronger ones. these are yes, and regarding the reaction of the euro-atlantic community, i would not be so either, so to speak, let's say
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yes, liberal, yes, i think they can play very hard, especially taking into account the fact that the interests of great britain are also represented there, but here we see another, more serious threat, if we are already talking about great britain, british minister grand shep said about the fact that... well, there is , as it were, information that the chinese are supplying the russians with already lethal weapons or the lethal remnants of the equipment? i would like to ask you, mr. editor, if there is any information on how serious this statement is, and perhaps you have come across certain data regarding the use of chinese weapons or chinese lethal equipment by the russians? well , just confirming that... nato's position with regard to china is what the kremlin is counting on, how it will be, of course , practice will show, let's hope for an adequate reaction from both washington and brussels to any encroachments , because otherwise it
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will end very badly for everyone and for the world, regarding the china-china factor and the transfer of weapons to china to the russian federation, we are talking about the statement of the minister of defense of great britain, and at the moment there is nothing additional at all except for this one. statements and it is necessary to understand that it is most likely about flying weapons, in what aspects? first of all, the russian federation has already received from china, well, if we just take weapons, because these are even golf carts, that is, all the income, cross-country dessert, these are supplies, they are chinese, before that , the golf carts had something installed there, some large-caliber machine guns or some rockets installation or what is there, again, this is a designation from china for the russian army, well, if you take it that way, then you can, well, again, there is
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the supply of armored cars to the kadyrivtsi, that is, the russian military structure, there are chechens, the kadyrovs, they are already driving chinese armored cars, on which they can independently install a machine gun and whatever they want, and we are talking about the fact that china is actively supplying and yes, and this is known, this it's no secret, it supplies components for russian weapons. supplies machines in order to produce its weapons on them, this is not a secret, so the only thing that can be a novelty is that if the message is that it is about flying weapons, he said so about lethal weapons, or they will provide, or already provide, yes, that is, and this is the most threatening that it is possible to imagine, the chinese factor is the most dangerous in general, which covers any loans from iran, any loans. from the dprk to understand this, if weapons from the dprk or iran are such a small stall that trades there on arrears and with
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rather dubious deals. wares, then china is just a supermarket with low prices, you go in and choose everything you want. the chinese defense industrial complex produces absolutely everything and can cover any needs of the russian federation in armaments in principle as such, and i am simply silent about the fact that the stockpiles of weapons that can be transferred are for an army of two million, in fact, that is, the amount of what is in warehouses, i cannot even physically imagine, huge stocks, huge. .. hot production lines with modern production capacities, the use of modern technologies and huge stockpiles of cold war weapons, all this in one bottle called china, so i don't even know how to minimize this threat, and add some additional epithets about the danger i can't either, we often talked about the gamechanger, the gamechanger is a chinese
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weapon for the russian federation. thank you, mr. oleg, oleg kadko, military expert, editor-in-chief of defense express, was on espresso, well, a serious statement, but we remember that when xi was in the european union, yes, when he had his last meeting, then european politicians also made him understand the fact that he will not be able to sit on two chairs at the same time, because china intends to develop economic relations with the european... union and actually wants to be in this number, let's say so, well, not to be a moderator, but to supply something to russia from under the counter, well, and here it is interesting how the western world will behave now and whether it will react to it's just interesting how china will behave, yes, because the fact that the people's republic of china can have a lot of weapons in warehouses is not a matter of discussion at all, but a question of intentions
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and a question of implementation. certain plans, it's something else, well, what i'm drawing your attention to, marta, yes, well, but the key story is that the british are trying, the british intelligence community is trying to control this process, yes, because really, if the chinese started supplying the russians with the necessary weapons and equipment, the situation could deteriorate rapidly, but so to speak, an opportunity, a potential opportunity still does not mean its implementation, well, let's wait and see. there will be many more events and assumptions. now we are going to take a short break, after which we will continue our broadcast, literally in a matter of minutes we will get back to you, so stay with the espresso. do you want to wake up, as if in childhood with grandmother, full of strength and energy? then the new product from matrats market is just for you. meet: perina dreamlight mattress. the perryna
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