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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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the plan to attack kharkiv region, where it seems as if the russians predicted that they would somehow be able to half-cover kharkiv region there, get to the border from where they can shell kharkiv region, i understand that it was about the first turn in prolypka, where it is close enough and it is already possible shelling, well, there are also several such assumptions in the same publication, one of which seems to be that, well, the ukrainian military is angry that the russians managed to advance so quickly, and on the other hand, that it seems that zelensky is not being informed of the commands, generals or anyone else about what is happening, but for me personally, in fact, this publication causes such, you know, double impressions, because, as you already said, what does it mean unexpectedly, what does it mean that you have advanced, well, if there was an opportunity to break them down.. . in
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places of concentration, then there would be no need to talk about any promotion at all, that is , they saw that there was a concentration there, everyone warned about it, the president knew about it, everyone talked about it for two weeks, it was not news to anyone. , but if the russians do not crush them on the territory of russia, then what are we talking about, it is obvious that they will have the opportunity to advance into the border area, well , that is logical, but on the other hand, there is such a question as to... how long this plan of the russians remains relevant at all for now, but after they made some attempts, they are there after all, they are fighting in the vovchansk region, they are trying, they continue to advance on a sticky note, but how relevant is what the economist put out, well, i don't know at all, the economist has such information, but they never, well, it is so very interesting. western changes never own
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sources, that is, some official official without a surname, without a name, gave them this information, so they must, all other readers of this publication, they must believe this information, that it is reliable. and as for zelensky, there is also an interesting point here, zelensky does not deal with the issues of where to send what troops and how to form the defense, he can be informed, but he does not make decisions, moreover, why is there such a relationship here here is very difficult, i can't imagine what zelensky is says, you know, let's send the column yard of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade to vovchantsia now, this is my principled decision, or the 110th separate mechanized brigade, also all of them to vopchanchansk, no, this is the decision. is accepted at
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the level of the general staff, and regardless of what information the president receives, it does not affect the course of hostilities and the tactics and strategy of launching hostilities, because it is accepted at completely different levels, and in general that the russians are preparing for the corresponding of hostilities in kharkiv oblast, well talked, i think, even earlier... than two weeks, at the end of the 23rd year, the beginning of the 24th, an information campaign was launched by the russian federation regarding the capture of kharkiv. entourage, admiration, they had such a campaign, they had to constantly respond, and then at the end of february, beginning of march, they started hosting events regarding the formation of the northern army group, because of which they constantly said, isn't this a threat to the occupation of kharkiv? to which
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they answered, no, this is a threat of a different order, sabotage and terrorist activity complony smuzi, both kharkiv oblast , and sumy oblast, by the way, that is, there is a chronology, there are notes, there are videos, it was constantly talked about, but how can you stop what is being built, if it is really true in these locations, and you can strike high-precision weapons, that is, what is a group of wax-north? in principle, when it was formed before may 10, the north troop group consisted of groups, three troop groups, the cover of the don, the bryansk gv, the kubsk gv and the belgorod gv, the total number of these troops was always, well, it fluctuated from time to time, but it was more than 30,000, and it was about 36,000, the maximum peak figure, but at the time when i started. their operation in the industrial area
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of ​​kharkiv oblast, the total number of the chanting group was 53,000, where did these units come from, almost? this is the 44th army corps from the leningrad military district, as well as the 11th army corps, which were assigned to reinforce the new group of troops, which received the name north, they were formed and mainly moved to the belgorod region. so, in order to somehow stop this process, what had to be done? well, let's say so, by the placement of this. composition, as well as the mechanized component of the equipment, to deliver point powerful strikes of the operational-tactical level of missile weapons, and what i mentioned at the very beginning, and the dachshund, for example, but we have permission for this, no, the training could fly to their place, for example
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, a drone, but what is an armor with a warhead, kg , and what is a high-explosive warhead for half a ton of explosive material and... what is a low-explosive warhead, for example, and a cluster warhead for 900 sup of ammunition, that's what yaso when it came to kharkiv oblast, it would now be in their hospitals, or it would already be in the fertilizer somewhere in the buryadiya region, but that's the point, we don't have the opportunity to fully and effectively counter the threats we see, about which we know and which we are forced to adapt to. taking into account our capabilities, both forces and means, well, yes, it is, you know, i can't say now who commented on it like that, one, i understand it from the western officials, who said that, well, we provide opportunities and let
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the ukrainian army destroys the russian army in close combat, well, this is a very, you know, well, i would say, cozy and comfortable position for the russian army. to accumulate on the border, and then in close combat constantly throw new forces there and yes, well, this is such a convenient way to fight in reality, when they have the opportunity to destroy our some distant rears, and we have to destroy for some reason in close combat, that’s what it is, but here well, apart from the fact that we obviously need to continue this discussion about the possibility of destroying the russians, after all, on them territories in those places where we see how they accumulate, how they collect their weapons, but did the russians really manage to do what they, well, apparently wanted, to divert our significant reserves in the direction of kharkiv in order to have more
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to have the opportunity to advance in the east and south, well, there, first of all, it is the pokrovsky direction there, during the yar, the same kind of ugleda. because, well, for example, the 92nd ukrainian brigade had to be transferred to the kharkiv direction , and they are actually in the vovchansk region and the lipetsians there were stopped by such russian advances, but whether it was, or it turned out to be something that made it possible for the russians to advance better and faster in other directions, let's say, the russians are also forced to transfer their units to the belgorod region and strengthen these offensive actions , for example, the same sixth general military army that i mentioned, the first tank and the first tank army, they are now
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actually in the belgorod region, the main composition of which is conducting assault operations, offensive operations in povchansk in the ...chan direction, and they will be forced to transfer the relevant units there in the future in order to increase this constant pressure, in the area of ​​operations, for example, the same 18th motorized rifle division of the 11th army corps continues to operate , other units continue to operate, that is, there are not only the ones we are talking about, there are also many other formations, the russians do not,
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for some reason it is 50 for 50, they are trying to pull our units from other directions, but at the same time, so that to continue this performance in the border lane. and they delay their own, but what is the main goal, and the goal is not the encirclement of kharkov, it is not the capture of kharkov, it is not tactical, not... tive-tactical, it is even more so not the strategic level of conducting hostilities. it seems to them that their main goal is actually a political one in terms of having to demonstrate to our partners that they can advance, that they are a threat and at the same time to have our partners pressure us to sit down with them at the negotiating table and agreed not to speak the plan in russian. on russian terms, namely on the chinese peace plan, which is completely one hundred percent, as
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even the war criminal putin recently confirmed, it is in their interests. thanks to oleksandr kovalenko, this is a military-political observer of the group of information experts, thank you for joining us, we have to go on a break now, i remind you about our collection for armored vehicles, which is ongoing, it is very important, it is the repair of armored vehicles at the front. you see now here is the qr code and the account number, please join us, now we have a pause, then we will talk, well, already with a person who can be said to be directly in the fighting army, so please wait, pain can become an obstacle, on foot don't take the stairs... with your knees for knee pain, try
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today you do not observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy hears, watch out. has gotten stronger, how do you generally feel about it, what have you been observing for the last few days? well, they tried to work more from around may 10. in small groups, to go to our positions, i.e shelling, shelling is constantly flying, there are a lot of cassettes, hail, art is working, and small groups are trying to break through the positions, to get in time, but somewhere on may 17 , there was an attempt to attack again, as there were in april, such a frontal mechanized one, that is,
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a tank is going behind they ran with the landing party and mounted the vlob on the canal microdistrict, they were advancing, somewhere in the middle, they were very, very active, they pressed, they pressed on us, they tried to break through, such an assault and there was a burst, again they did not succeed, as they tried to take, not small in groups, and such a general meat offensive, in about a day and a half, they ran out of steam, our barrages worked very well against them, the 41st brigade is holding it here, our mortars worked hard, our drones burned their calves, destroyed logistics, they retreated. for the last few days , small groups have been working again, attempted assaults and shelling from artillery, very powerful shelling, unfortunately, there are wounded among us, that’s how it is, i wouldn’t say that it has become a little quieter or easier, no, uh, and tell me , for how long the aviation continues to work, how active
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is this particular component of theirs now, well, it works, works, how she worked nothing bothers them, nothing has changed in us, we don’t, there is no application, there are no f-16 commanders, the aviation works, and works, unfortunately, with cabs every hour, and throws cabs periodically, and they go to pokrovsk and konstantinovka, maybe on druzhkivka, well, we see what passed over us, where exactly, we don't always know, well, the rockets are working, they are going from yes direction, somewhere in that direction. we also don't really know where it hits, probably in kharkiv, but we see that it was destroyed there in the pokrovsk region, it seems that it is in the region pokrovska and seven russian planes, well , we hope that maybe somehow all this will move in your direction, this activity to destroy russian aircraft carriers, i would like to, but do
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you know anything about what is happening... in the direction of kupyansky, what, how, how was the situation there changing at that time, because i know that your units were also there somewhere, we left kupyansk at the end of march, we worked well there, and commander sirskyi spoke about tactical successes in the kupyansk direction, specifically sintivka, petroivanivka, there our drone crews also worked very closely firing positions, our mortars worked, but we are already april and may, we are all here at chasivyar. another brigade is working there, and tell me something else, well, it’s obvious that this is not your direction, but you must have heard about it, the russians’ statements were that they captured beilogorivka, then the russians themselves denied it otherwise, because it is in they were announced as such for the entire population in the news, and then somewhere so locally, some warmongers
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began to say, yes, this is a delusion, why talk about it, the question is, well, yes, but really why did they talk about it? after all, you are a political scientist by profession, and somehow you can, well, as a political scientist, talk a little about this , what was it like around belogorivka here, the same thing happens every day, they take it if you look at their telegram channels, who monitors my friends, they send it to me, the boys and i every time we laugh, we have worked out , everything is already gray, gray time has passed, when we see something, the night, we all went down and made coffee. i watch the news in the news, i say, guys, and we are already surrounded, everything, where am i from i say, well, they write in a telegram that we have already been surrounded, then it was about a week ago, they were already dispersing, that they took the chasivary, that’s all, they are in the city, i say, well, they have arrived, we are sitting in the basement, we have already been taken, that is there are many such stories, in fact, it makes some sense,
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because it supports their fighting spirit a little, because they saw, oh, they took it, great, some... there is some rise, and then, well, they did not take it, well, then we take the wrong decline , although there was some good news, and this, on the other hand, demoralizes ours when they hear every day that we are something lost, although later there is some kind of refutation of this, but it keeps people in a state of nervous tension, especially, apparently, the local ones, these are kostyantynivka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, sloviansk, pokrovsk, when they know that they are next, if the times fall, then until constakhs of 10. meters, and every time they hear that the enemy is going to attack, they tense up and think, well, that’s all, the enemy will be near the city by now, he will fire at us from a height with dominance, so this... equips ours, both peaceful and guys, are in other directions, so there is not always time, not always brothers here to get in touch, to find out something, and here he is sitting somewhere in the north, in
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sumy region, in kharkiv region, in kupyansk, or in the south there in zaporizhzhia, in kherson, he hears that we are all here, we have been destroyed in a while they came down, they came in and they are moving on, and the boys' mood is also falling, this is very important, because everyone is always under tension and bad news is always breaking out. off track, so yeah, it's their attempt to demoralize us a little bit, i think, by the way, it's interesting what you're saying because, well, it's probably was one of, well, the purpose of this story of theirs, of starting this story with beilohorivka, in order to try to demoralize certain parts of us that are there and shake them up a little, and from this, you know, a simple conclusion, well , it is not possible, well, in general, to... because any russian news at any level says, well, that is, what was shown in them on tv should not be perceived as something that
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could have happened, that is, well, it is necessary to leave from the fact that they don't say, well, it's a lie and just accept it as you know, some kind of axiom, the problem is that panic news, treason-treason, everything is gone, it’s a shame, they are destroying us, such news are very curable, as they say, it is easy to manipulate people with fear, then we are many of our, and zmi, channels of different and just people in social networks, picks it up without looking, without checking, well, they don’t have the skills there, the habit of a journalist to check information, heard somewhere oh, that’s it, and it sometimes comes to, well, actually very unhappy stories, when they write to me, well, how are you, we were told, that you were broken, they covered you in 73 and you are already heavy in the hospital well, they cover us every time , it happens every day, we don’t have 73 and i’m not heavy at all and i’m not in any hospital, i’m here with all my arms and legs intact,
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but such a message, god forbid, it’s before me, it's getting to relatives and close ones, it's very difficult, so unfortunately, such information is not verified, it's difficult, it spreads very quickly, kirill, let's give a little from the other side, well... after all, as a military serviceman, yes, on the one hand, you can judge, and on the other hand, as a political scientist, what kind of news would it be, well, such news, who would support our soldiers on the front line, that is, how they should be served, how they should be treated, well, you probably thought about this too, what would you like to hear from the media, from the reactions of ordinary people to the news , no matter how much it should... be that it primarily supports the fighting army, oh, well, actually , you don’t support it with just news, just with statements, we’ve already heard so much, first of all
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, from our western partners that help is coming, so- here, we decided, we almost signed, for us two years should be 16, 3 years tanks and everything else, we have heard a lot, and in fact, we would like to hear real news, news that the weapons...were going, yes, powerful projectiles, rockets, there is, yes, there is permission to hit warehouses, in terms of logistics, the enemy, er, on their territory, on the territory of russia. yes, there are many volunteers who join the armed forces of ukraine and stand near the tcc. and soon it will not be those who were caught by the tsk, the old, the sick, the unmotivated, the guys who are going to defend the country, this is their decision, and soon we will have replenishment, we will have vacations, rotations more often, because we will have... sufficient number, we would like to hear such news, but it depends not on journalists, unfortunately, but on reality. well, yes, of course, that everything depends on reality, and even better, when it is not just news, but when you tell us
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that this is how we started to cover more, yes, worked out, as you say, by degrees, and it was successful, well, it would rather be, i think, well , something that you can immediately feel, and when the reinforcements come, and you can say, yes, the reinforcements have arrived, they are very good guys. prepared and motivated, unfortunately, we have to to proceed from what is, and well, in this situation , to those that are, well, really, how would you say that now, well, in addition to what we have already discussed with you, well, it is precisely the technology that should arrive, there some new brigades that can arrive, what else should be of help now on the front line the most, well... that is, what we need for victory, people and weapons, that's all, i'm not going to talk about weapons now, but about rifles, we have automatic weapons , cartridges,
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all that. just above the head, drones are needed all the time, and drones come from the ministry of defense, and from volunteers and through other channels, we buy something ourselves, ammunition for armor, but there is no help here, you have to do it yourself, because if you start producing ammunition for drones in your body, it will be a criminal matter, weapons and people are what it is necessary, very much, of course, i would like us to work according to nato standards, according to the military doctrines of the united states, great britain, france, germany, where the first step for an offensive, the first step for an operation is complete dominance in the air, destruction enemy aviation, enemy air defense and tasks of strikes on their ground bases, followed by ground forces. unfortunately, we went on the counterattack last year, and now we are holding and counterattacking without dominating the air, it is very difficult. that's what we need, people, heavy weapons and aviation or such systems. was to
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destroy the military aviation, and actually what everyone is discussing now, we have a minute and a half left there, it is about the new law on mobilization, an attempt to finally, somehow, record military servicemen there, in electronic form, you personally have checked and here's what you can say, do you already have any personal experience of using all reserves. at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, something was wrong there, he is still in the reserve, he is still not fighting formally, but is on the register in pokrovsk, one of the sergeants was checking himself, he is generally evasive, although he has been fighting for two years, there was already a request yesterday defense, today separate from ground forces, military,
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download the system, do not overload it, there will be army plus for you, a separate application, no prevent civilians from being registered, i am a disciplined serviceman, i did not download the application, no no no i do not disturb others , it is necessary, well, we hope that you will finally be registered in the army plus and everything will be fine in this regard, thank you, it was kyrylo sazonov , a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, a political scientist, well, i am reminding you now once again... about our levy on armored vehicles, it is a levy for the repair of armored vehicles, primarily those armored vehicles that need repair directly on the front line, in the gray zone, on the line of contact, it in particular, there are bmp tanks, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus, we need pneumohydraulic jacks, our goal is uah 630,000, a third of which
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is already there. with your help, i hope, we will cover this fee and it will be much easier for us to fight. well, now i'm saying goodbye to you, stay for an espresso, we have a lot more interesting things to do, see you. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the russian occupiers set fire to the serebriansky forest in the luhansk region. footage of the fire was published on social media by local residents. from the end of summer 2022 year on the territory of this forest.


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