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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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hryvnias, there is already a third, with your help, i hope we will cover this fee and it will be much easier for us to fight, but now i say goodbye to you, stay with the espresso, we still have a lot of interesting things, see you. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the russian occupiers set fire to the serebriansky forest in the luhansk region. footage of the fire was published on social media by local residents. from the end of summer 2022 . on the territory of this forest. passes
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the defense line, so the enemy simply destroys this one nature reserve object. and to the operational situation on the kharkiv front from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the situation in kupyan oblast remains tense. at 4 p.m., 22 combat clashes took place there. during this time, the enemy lost more than a hundred of his soldiers. two brigs and two units of automotive equipment. in the north , the russians continue to press into... lyptsiv, heavy fighting continues there. russia also carried out another airstrike on vovchansk. the number of people injured as a result of the kharkiv attack has increased to 12 people. with the wound to the hospital a 16-year-old boy was delivered - the regional prosecutor's office reported. at the same time, the condition of the trolleybus driver remains serious. his legs were torn off. the trolleybus itself was without passengers at the time of the impact. the fragment also passed through the frontal lobes.
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tram glass the female driver got out of the vehicle at that time. in general, ten people were injured as a result of the shelling. the enemy dropped guided aerial bombs on two districts of the city. as a result of the hit, a private cafe and four cars were destroyed. in vovchansk , a russian fpv drone targeted a police car during the evacuation of civilians. one law enforcement officer was killed, another was wounded, reported the head of the ministry of internal affairs, ihor klymenko. earlier, the authorities of the kharkiv region informed that a total of almost 11,000 people had already been evacuated from the shchugiiv, kharkiv and bogoduhiv districts. evacuation continues. today is the anniversary of former prime minister of ukraine arseniy yatsenyuk. 50 years. his premiership in 2014-15 years is over. to the dramatic times in
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the modern history of ukraine. despite this, yatsenyuk's government introduced the most effective reforms during the independence of our country. this is evidenced by one of the analytical studies platform vox ukraine. our colleague ema stadnyk will tell you more. from the minister of economy of the autonomous republic of crimea to the prime minister of ukraine. during his political career, arseniy yatsenyuk managed to hold eight different positions, and yatsenyuk's government was remembered for its reforms. at a difficult time for the country, in february 2014 , the verkhovna rada appointed arseniy yatsenyuk as prime minister. an empty budget, the police, which only yesterday carried out the orders of the criminal minister zakharchenko, dependence on russian gas, the economy in a deep crisis, part of the ukrainian military sided with the russians. in the same year, 2014 , a large-scale reform of the armed forces began, which took place in conditions of armed aggression. russian federation in
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crimea and donbas. on february 11, 2016 , prime minister arseniy yatsenyuk announced the transition of the armed forces to contract uniforms, service and integration of the ukrainian army into nato. in three years, the salary of the military has tripled compared to 2014. such innovations have caused a sharp increase in interest in contract service in the ranks of the armed forces, and the number of personnel has increased by a quarter a million in addition , new types of troops and forces were added to the armed forces. special operations and assault troops. on july 2, 2015 , the verkhovna rada adopted the law on the national police, and already on july 4 , instead of militiamen, a new police force came to guard the streets of kyiv, which was recruited from all those willing to become law enforcement officers. subsequently, police officers began to appear in other cities of ukraine. new police officers underwent a several-month training course, and policemen were sent for re-certification. november 5, 2015. a new one was created
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cyber police, as a structural unit of the national police, and within the framework of this reform , by 2019, they created single contact centers 102, introduced a comprehensive video surveillance system and completely eliminated dai. on the initiative of the government of arseniy tsenyuk , an electronic system of transparent public procurement appeared. the idea of ​​the reform is to minimize the human factor during public procurement and reduce the risks of corruption. on december 25, 2015, the verkhovna rada adopted the law on public procurement, and on april 1, 2016, prozoro became mandatory for central authorities and monopolies'. prozoro became the best reform according to the results of the survey of the national council of reforms. during the first four years of operation, the system saved uah 150 billion from the state budget. in addition, in october 2014 , the law of ukraine on the prevention of corruption provided for
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the creation of a national agency for the prevention of corruption. its function is to check the declarations of civil servants, to reveal the facts of corruption and abuse of office. during the work of arseniy tsiunyuk's government , real things took place. steps to visa-free regime with the eu, the prime minister took part in the meeting of the council of the ukraine-eu association and stated that ukraine has fulfilled all its obligations to liberalize the visa regime with the european union. on march 2, 2017, the council of the european union agreed to this liberalization, the signing of the agreement on visa-free regime of ukraine with the eu took place in strasbourg on may 17, 2017. the most important achievement of the government of arseniy tsuniuk was energy independence. russian federation. the winter of 2015-16 passed without gas supplies from the russian company gazprom. ukraine imported gas only from of europe however , russia did not like such a refusal, and gazprom obliged ukraine to buy gas on a take-or-pay basis. when ukraine
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refused to pay under the discriminatory agreement, gazprom sued. the case went on for almost four years, and in may 2017, the arbitration overturned the principle. or payments and found the formula for the price of russian gas for ukraine to be unfair, since april 2014, according to the results of the cases, naftogaz condemned gazprom for almost 4.5 billion dollars. on april 10, 2016, in a weekly video message, arseniy yatsenyuk announced that decided to draw up the powers of the prime minister of ukraine. according to him, such a decision is caused by an artificial political crisis in the state, slowing down the process of changing the government and united. exit from the crisis. arseniy yatsenyuk is now the chairman of the kyiv security forum and the founder of the open ucla international fund. the fund was founded in 2007 to strengthen the authority of ukraine in the world. before the full-scale invasion, open ucrain helped military and civilian ukrainians for
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more than uah 30 million and continues to provide assistance even now. kyiv security forum became an important voice of ukraine in international politics during the large-scale invasion. each event of the forum is a platform for discussing war, peace, the future world order, preservation of democracy and resistance to dictatorships, discussed by leading experts, politicians, diplomats and government officials. also, the kbf made significant efforts to ensure that ukraine received aid from the united states, amounting to almost 61 billion dollars in april 2024, and arseniy yatsenyuk himself lobbied for the interests of the state, having extensive connections in the political circles of the united states of the states and i urge you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. soldiers use cars to move around positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars.
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it remains to buy the necessary transport already in ukraine and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 190,000. remember that each of your donations is important. you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. you can do more read on our website espresso tv. also visit our social networks. you can subscribe to read a summary of the main points. and of course, watch our unique content on youtube. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and see you tomorrow, may you have a good evening. quietly, and literally in a few minutes, meet my colleague vasyl zima.
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victoria, the owner of the magical bird farm. during the occupation of kyiv region, the russians destroyed it. room with birds. after the departure of the russian troops, victoria and her husband they started to restore their business, rebuilt the premises and began to breed fireflies, but there were not enough funds for everything, so... they decided to apply for the "do your own" competition from the mhp community and won a grant. we created a base, bought compound feed and we are trying to develop it, we still want to return to the positions we were in the market before the war, because before the war we were among the top five producers of eggs in ukraine. the support of the winners does not end only with receiving a grant. the foundation and the mhp company help businesses with consultations. they teach how to research the market and build your brand. this year, mhp communities decided
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to involve the winners in creating joint projects and launched an innovation - a forum where the business winners themselves, government representatives and community leaders gathered. the main goal of this forum is unity, to bring together different people from different fields in one place to share experiences and work together. effective mechanisms of community development. it is for this that the organizers strive to create an ecosystem for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in communities, for example, to establish logistics and sales markets for their products. such a strategy will help businesses grow and create jobs locally. today we operate stores, today we operate a large distribution system. today, we operate industrial food production. and that's all when connected. system and relations are built, this is much more anti-kryg business for us and for everyone
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else, it is a unifying environment, which is mutually beneficial, both financially and morally, to cooperate together, i am not even here i say to cooperate with the mhp, to cooperate together here, because, as i have already said many times, together we can definitely do more, better. economic development. the organizers of the forum hope that this event will create a synergy that will unite small businesses and help them create a reliable economic backbone in communities throughout ukraine. yulia zubchenko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel.
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this train is part of the information campaign you took advantage of, its purpose is to combat human trafficking. according to un estimates , more than 300,000 people have suffered from exploitation since 1991 ukrainians in 2023 alone, the international organization for migration in ukraine helped more than 170 victims, 117 such cases were recorded in 2024. in connection with the war, we see the worsening of this situation, because more and more people have lost their jobs, lost their income, some have experienced problems with mental health, with physical health, and all these factors increase people's willingness to accept risky offers. but what is human trafficking? as the migration organization says, this is not only about the real sale of people. the form of modern slavery is labor operation. according to the latest research, every second ukrainian, 59%
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of respondents, is ready to accept a risky job offer abroad or in ukraine, thus exposing themselves to danger. very often, people find themselves in difficult life circumstances, they remain unemployed, they may move from one city to another, and sometimes it seems that here is a saving grace, a desired job with a high salary. but there are red proportions by which a person can understand that a job offer in the future may lead to a job offer operation it can be an offer of informal employment, it can be when they are constantly being pushed around, or they are offered extremely lousy working conditions or free accommodation, food, nothing needs to be done, and then along the way these conditions change very quickly, also such an indicator that this risked the situation may be that when a person is asked to give the original passport, it is a risk or personal
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things, a phone or some such personal things. if any of the above applies to you, call the national toll-free number hotline 527, or use the chatbot in telegram safe migrationbot, you can see additional contacts and the name of the bot on the screen. mom's representative office in ukraine has been in operation since 2000. provided reintegration assistance to more than 20,000 victims of human trafficking, including legal consultations and representation of interests in court, medical assistance, psychological consultations, and shelter. housing assistance, vocational training and grant programs for those who want to start their own business. yulia zubchenko, yulia bielska, espresso tv channel.
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serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important. even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine! i greet you, dear tv viewers, i am glad to see and hear, i hope you are also me, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel and for the next hour. for 40 minutes , i and my colleagues will talk and analyze the most important things with you the most important and most scandalous events of this event and statements of this day. well,
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we start, of course, traditionally, with a conversation with serhii zgurets, the military results of the day. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today we will talk with our military, first of all about the situation on... the front line about the kupinsky direction, about that in a moment. the situation on the entire front line remains extremely difficult, at the same time there are two hottest areas, according to the general staff's estimates for the past day, these are the kupyan direction and pokrovsky, when we talk about the pokrovsky direction, it is where the enemy is trying to push to the... west of avdiyivka, and about the kupinsky direction, there were 17 clashes in a day, and actually the enemy has been trying to push to kupinsky for a long time, he
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it fails because, relatively speaking, despite the fact that the enemy has a significant number of both armored vehicles and artillery, there are also our powerful brigades in this direction, which restrain the enemy, in particular from the ukrainian side, among others, the defense is held by the third separate tank iron brigade , and now... the officer of this brigade, volodymyr gontar, joins. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, studio. mr. volodymyr, i would like to start with the fact that now in the area of ​​responsibility of your brigade, what changes have taken place in the past day or two, because according to the statistics of the general staff, we see that the number of combat clashes in your direction has increased. yes, eh, we can talk about... the general kupyan direction and you can pay a little attention to the section of our brigade,
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we communicate in the same way here as in the kupyan direction as a whole with the enemy in their own language, in our country, let ’s say, they don’t go on a bayonet attack and don’t make such direct raids, but they bother us every day... everything that flies can just as easily come through ours and try to come in all kinds of drg, we also catch on our cabs, we catch everything that flies from the sky. mr. volodymyr, what about how our tanks are now most often used in combat operations, because the tank brigade understands that it is such an iron force for combat, but the tactics are definitely different. what is most common now is infantry cover in counterattacks, if possible there is shooting from closed firing positions, how exactly are the tanks used in your brigade? yes, i understood, yes, the very, very
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main difference in the use of tanks in modern combat operations, this is all that flies over our heads, this is the main and big difference, ours. tanks work both from closed, artillery positions, and with direct fire, when our eyes see what is flying at us, see the target, see the enemy, then the tank begins its work, well, our direct attacks, as it is in the statutes, such for now no, but our tanks are actively, actively working, and the main difference is that we... we have to, we have to be careful and beware of what flies in different ways. then i will try to clarify, when you talk about the need
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to beware of what flies, you probably mean the eyes and the cabs and the eagles, which are being scouted there about the lancets that are likely to arrive, in what way is the most optimal way to build protection or defense in order to minimize the influence of these enemy means on our forces, on our weapons. yes, well, first of all it should be and we have well-trained specialists, technical support, protection, of course, comprehensive, as you know, you can plant, you can also, let's say, directly overwhelm, well, it's the dream of every soldier, to overwhelm something that flies and to go on vacation, and yes, the principle of protection is quite enough. rather complex, as individual, let's say, techniques, positions, people, and we are very actively working in this direction and involving. with
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the help of our rear, when we talk about the rear, it is different, there are also combat support, this is what is responsible for repair of our tanks, i would like to ask how the issue of support for tanks and armored vehicles in your area is currently resolved due to interaction with our repair units, possibly with the enterprises of ukroboronprom, how this dialogue is ensured, how the rapid dynamics of recovery is ensured. equipment, if it did not suddenly fail? yes, just today i had a conversation with our direct tank commanders, on this topic we have, well , nothing is perfect, but everything is fixed, everything is set very well and very powerfully, first of all, we have our own good repair base, at the bmtz, a logistics battalion , they try
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to shorten as much as possible... time to do their work, if not, the tank goes to the tank repair plant, where specialists do everything in a short time , which is appropriate, and the tanks are returning, but we are currently communicating with such an enterprise, and our tankers are satisfied with their work, and you are currently using, as i understand it, t-72 tanks and possibly te4, that is, tanks of the soviet era, but significantly modernized because... it's no secret there were videos when your units fought on t-72 amt tanks, i understand the most cool modernized t-72 tanks, which have the ability, in particular, night vision, and the ability to shoot guided missiles through the cannon, through the cannon, that is, in fact, you have quite good ones tanks that can fight in various combat conditions, so our main
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tank... park is t-72 tanks, some of them are just so modernized, which we received from the countries of the former warsaw pact. well, this is our main, main tank fleet, we don't have others. yes, they work, of course, er, to the extent, let's say, equipment, arrangements, and well, we fight with them, we work with them. and what is the situation , in particular, with junior officers, with sergeants, because all brigades are actually based on the fact that there was such an effective backbone of combat management, and precisely the question of sergeants there and junior officers is sometimes such, well, the most urgent in order for all units brigades acted efficiently and effectively, how do you do with this, how are sergeants raised, how are
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junior officers promoted, what are the approaches exactly? in the command of the brigade so that this backbone is powerful and effective, so we, using the opportunity, invite conscious, healthy men to join the ranks of our brigade, the junior command staff, our sergeants regularly undergo training abroad, this is in we are very powerfully placed. work, now we have returned to us a very powerful chief sergeant of the brigade, who takes care of all those who apply for the rank of sergeant, we are also looking for junior officers, we invite them, there are positions for everyone, there are specializations for everyone, as well as and for other specialties, tankers, artillerymen, uav operators, this is the war of the 2nd
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century, i would say, mr. volodymyr, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the work that you and your comrades do for the defense of our country, let me remind you that this was an officer of the third volodymyr gondar of a separate tank iron brigade, this brigade is currently defending in the kupinsky direction, at this time the enemy is trying to put more ideological pressure on our partners when about... conducting training with tactical nuclear weapons. on the 21st, it was announced that the russian the federation conducts training to practice the use of tactical nuclear weapons, and actually this is the first and so far the only video that the enemy is trying to show to the whole world. what is interesting to note? first of all, these studies... were announced
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on may 6.


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