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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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mr. volodymyr, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the work that you and your comrades are doing for the defense of our country, let me remind you that this was an officer of the third separate tank iron brigade volodymyr gontar, this brigade is now holding the defense in the kupinsky direction, at this time the enemy tries to put more ideological pressure on our partners when it conducts exercises with tactical... nuclear weapons on the 21st, it was announced that the russian federation is conducting exercises to practice the use of tactical nuclear weapons, and in fact, this is the first and so far the only video that the enemy is trying to show to the whole world. what is interesting should be noted: first of all, these exercises were announced on may 6. there was a pause for a long time and
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almost everyone forgot about these exercises, but on the 21st, the enemy announced that he was conducting such exercises in the first phase, and this is rather an ideological response of our enemy to make impossible all processes that primarily concern good dynamics , connected with the fact that, in particular there, american congressmen are already turning to the pentagon with... or is it still there with a request to make a decision on the use of american weapons in order to strike on the territory of the russian federation, especially when we are talking about the accumulation of enemy manpower there in the belgorod, kursk or bryansk regions , as it was, in particular, on the eve of the russian offensive on the northern kharkiv region, if, conditionally speaking, there was an opportunity to strike with the same atakams that have already been transferred to ukraine, then of such an offensive potential.
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of course there was no enemy, so, relatively speaking, congressmen are turning to the pentagon to finally approve such a permit, but we see that the russian federation historically reacts faster, it conducts these exercises, we demonstrate the presence of its conditional tactical nuclear weapons, but when we look at these videos, de facto there are none, let's put it this way, confirmation that russia really has... some opportunities that allow us to put even more ideological pressure on our partners, because the display of these mig-31s ​​and iskanders and the tu-22m3 there is actually usual a video that can be tied to any stage of combat training, so in any case, now russia is more likely to use such usual levers of information to remind that on... as if they have nuclear weapons,
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they can use it, but this video did not really add any new arguments about the technical ability of the russians to change approaches to the use of tactical nuclear weapons, although in fact i actually expected these new technical details in this video, because what is the peculiarity of tactical nuclear weapons, warheads are in warehouses, they must be brought, docked to... then check the controls and all these processes of transporting warheads or warhead simulators there, checking the means of communication, closed communication, all this is what is happening, conditionally speaking, under the close attention of both american and european intelligence satellites, because these are interesting things, important things for security, they must be monitored, so russia in principle did not take this step, it simply showed the video and not the fact that it conducted deep such... training to develop the capabilities
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of tactical nuclear weapons, before that, the pentagon said that it does not see changes in the approaches to the use of tactical nuclear weapons by the enemy, will not make changes in its nuclear concepts there and does not see grounds for in order to draw conclusions that russia can use tactical nuclear weapons against ukraine, but if these red lines are already being blurred on the russian side and are not confirmed, then i think... that a completely logical step is, after all, i repeat, to adopt the decision on the possibility of using, first of all, american weapons, this concerns the atakams, hymars, potential missiles up to the f-16, in order to carry out strikes on the accumulation of enemy forces on russian territory, this will be a significant contribution to the fact that, in addition to the weapons that transferred to ukraine, also make tactically correct decisions that will increase the effectiveness of the use of our armed forces against the enemy. that's how they were.
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the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news further in vasyl zima's great broadcast. thank you very much to serhiy zahorets, thank you to his guest. actually, it is very interesting that he talked about the exercises with the use of tactical nuclear weapons conducted by the russian federation, thus trying to raise the stakes, but we understand that training and stakes are one thing, but reality is completely different. and we can only hope that our western partners, because it depends on them first of all, will not allow russia to even resort to using it. tactical nuclear weapons, and we will collect for the needs of the armed forces forces of ukraine, and now we have a need, which we hope to close in the near future , we are asking you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions,
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the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged... military equipment, in particular, we are talking about tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers. we need a minibus which will deliver to the combat zone, mobile, repair groups, as well as equipment, so that military equipment can be repaired on the spot, you understand that working equipment is what makes an impression on the enemy and is an additional guarantee of security for the armed forces of ukraine, and also pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment, our goal is uah 630,000. and already thanks to your help , we were able to collect 312,742 uah, exactly half, almost half of what is needed, well, now we will talk about kharkiv region, and yevhen haustov is in touch with us, now we will restore contact, yevhen haustov is a volunteer, the founder of
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the khaustu charity fund, in fact, he is engaged in evacuation, in particular, animals from, from those territories. where there are ongoing hostilities, well, in general , hostilities will continue, or around which to talk about the situation in kharkiv oblast, mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, and i know that you are now in poltava oblast, actually with your volunteer mission, for rescue and evacuation, let's start with that, and with your work, and then talk about today's attack on kharkiv oblast, the situation in vovchansk and around vovchansk, please, today's mission is already the finale. about a week ago, we took large dogs in a white well, it was near vovchanskyi, there were alabai, shepherd dogs, huskies, we took them to a shelter in kharkiv for respite, later, in about two days , the family also left there, found a house in
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the poltava region, settled in it, and today we brought their dogs and united them, they are two two families, there are three dogs from... from one family and two dogs from another, and this is the happy ending, it is cozy, quiet, calm, cool place, you know, maybe there is an opportunity for people who would like to adopt a dog, shelter from, abandoned, or one that you found somewhere in there in the war zone, and how can you contact, coordinate and what is needed so that people can take this pet, warm it and give it, as they say, a new life and new opportunities, we cooperate with the animal rescue shelter, this is our kharkiv animal rescue, they have a rich resource where to post them, and i think it will not be difficult to find their instagram there, and they are constantly
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they publish videos, appeals about what animals they have and who can be taken, there are animals that, unfortunately, are abandoned and... they are constantly looking for owners, and there are those that, in this case, need to be taken in delay for a week or two, and then when the family moves to a new location, return it already there, let's talk now, thank you for this work, and again everyone willing will join, i think it's not only in kharkiv oblast, different regions of ukraine. there are such needs in order to give a family to our four-legged friends. well, now we are talking about dogs, but it can also be cats and other pets. and, regarding the evacuation of people, today the russians hit an evacuation vehicle in vovchansk. unfortunately, a police officer was killed, who actually went to this area
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with the mission of rescuing people, but unfortunately he died himself, that is, the enemy cynically beats, not only kills local residents of vovchansk, vovchansk community, but also tries to attack and unfortunately , attacks those crews that go for the purpose of rescue, and about the evacuation of people, please tell us what the situation is as of now, i read today that there are a little more left in vovchansk... 100 people, in total, we saw the video today, we will not show it for ethical reasons, although it should probably be shown, but for ethical reasons we will not to demonstrate, the bodies of dead residents on the streets of vovchansk, there is a woman lying next to her and a man next to a bicycle, this is what we saw in bucha, what we saw in rpina, in izyum, in mariupol, what we saw in many cities of ukraine, therefore, what is the vovchansk style, whether it was possible to accommodate those people who... wanted to to leave, those people who remain are already hostages, because as far as i know, the occupiers do not
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allow local residents to leave the occupied territory, it's just that there is a taboo there, and you can't even if you wanted to evacuate, so the situation there is actually very terrible , as far as i know, now there are cases when people at night came out of such streets, which are on the verge of separation or. even the occupied at night quietly went to the side of the white well and walked almost a dozen kilometers in the direction of the well , where they were already met by the police, volunteers, in we have another bus like that waiting for people who go out on foot to this day, he killed them. people in vovchansk, and there is a photo where it can be seen that
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some kind of mine or projectile exploded near the people, there you can see such a place of impact and, well, obviously debris, but again , these debris came from the enemy side, it is clear that if if the russians did not attack, then this shelling would not have happened, but there are cases of the russians cynically shooting local residents with small arms, how is this, well, this is explained by the fact that they are russians, actually, this is not the first case and not the first place, but for... and what is the situation with why this genocide is happening, and again, how much should we shout about it, talk about it, so that it is not forgotten again, instead and it is explained by the fact that it was simply a conflict zone where people simply died, as we often hear from some organizations that should be engaged in recognizing the genocide that russia is committing today against the ukrainian people, the ukrainian ethnic group, and ukrainian citizens , so i added you... little father little funnels are not just a mine that falls devpade, it's fpv drones there or
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maviks that with small such vogs or grenades, so homemade and it's drops, so it's not a coincidence, it's them coming in full formation on the drone and throwing this a small small projectile, and regarding the second question of the part. er, it is my personal opinion that this should be covered, told, because i personally faced the fact that we were in vovchansk about a year ago, when it was relatively quiet and peaceful there, i persuaded people to leave, and not even a year ago, when the evacuation began, there is the tenth, the 11th, we say, come with us, while there is still an opportunity, while we can come here. and the grandmother said: i will go there in three days, and
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already in the evening of the same day, the enemy entered vovchansky and her street was the first from the forest and that was all, that is, these three days may not be, and if there is an opportunity, we must leave, although b to leave for a while, see how the circumstances will be, if everything is quiet and fine, you will come back, well, leave if there is little opportunity, because then both the police and volunteers will risk their lives and give his life on this example of vavchanskyi. thank god, the russian troops do not enter the territory of kharkiv, we believe in the armed forces of ukraine that they will not enter there, but, unfortunately, they are shelling, today the enemy struck a powerful blow on kharkiv, an apartment building, the az coffee shop were hit, and injured, injured. people describe what was happening, you were in kharkiv today at this moment, as far as i know, please tell me
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more, so we were just leaving for poltava, and the car there in the afternoon was destroyed by a direct hit of a cab in it, and she was in the parking lot of two restaurants there, one restaurant there was completely destroyed , the other one was completely destroyed, and a residential building there was damaged a bit... the whole high-rise building was left without windows, the trolleybus driver who was also there on the road was killed, and sorry, without both legs nearby, and a dozen people were injured there to varying degrees, but unfortunately, this is the story, and this is it again, unfortunately, it continues, but out of the good, well, out of the good, out of some moments of humanity, so on prykarpattia are relocating six boarding schools from
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the territory of kharkiv region, it is important that there are regions where it is now calmer with... and they can accept people with needs or children, and this is very good, and here is also a good story that odessa, well, odessa allocates money from the city of the budget for the needs of volunteers who go, well, they go to fight in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, but odessa also allocated money for the defense of kharkiv, we are talking about the fact that they also allocate money to those soldiers who defend kharkiv, i do not know whether you know about this initiative, but it is very positive that now different cities, different... regions, they somehow gather around kharkiv, around the trouble that is present in kharkiv oblast today. maybe you have other examples too? there are examples, this is about civilians, and from odesa they wrote to me that boarding houses are large, where there are, well , many rooms, they are ready to shelter people
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there from the vovchan community and from the lipitsky region, i was also written by people from kherson and not... kherson, khmelnytskyi region, vinnytsia region, and they say, i have a house, you can come in, live there for a year or two with animals, including, and these are examples of the unity of the whole country as a whole, i thank you very much, mr. yevgeny, first of all for your volunteer work, and for your heart, and thank you for your comments, yevhen haustu, volunteer, founder of the haust charity fund, you know, in this kind of... war, as the commander-in-chief of the swedish armed forces said today, that the war has reached a dead end and there is no end in sight, but in this war it is obvious that the winner will be, well, of course, whoever has more of whom weapons, the best mobilization resource and so on, but surely those who will show more humanity, well, in russia there is their own stolen concept of humanity, obviously, maybe they also have some concept, but it is completely exposed in relation to us, but for now this humanity
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will be even in such difficult times, help, support, rescue, care, love. yes, while we still have a chance, and in this country, of course, there are great chances for us, this is an effective, first of all, and victory-oriented work of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. volodymyr aryev, with us, people's deputy of ukraine, i congratulate you, good day, glad to see and hear, come on let's start, we won't start, let's talk about today's decision of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, a very important issue on the creation of a temporary investigative commission regarding - fortification, how, what was done, what was not done, who is part of this commission and what should be expected from the results of the work first of all, and the inspections that will obviously happen, what powers it gives, so that people understand what to expect, when the reports of this commission will be, how effective they will be and call a spade a spade, as they say, with facts, figures and comments, please,
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and to begin with, it is worth telling: what is the difference between the usual ordinary work in the committees of ukraine, the so-called investigative commission, the temporary investigative commission has certain powers, and not only that, it summons itself and does not come to the meeting commission, or to lie at a commission meeting, it will mean to get. well , at least problems with the criminal code, for sure, and not only that, there is also criminal liability for not providing information to the investigative commission, that is, it is a tool parliamentary control, which is used in those situations when
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ordinary committee hearings, or can be considered as... insufficient, and it is clear that there are suspicions of fraud and even many corrupt actions, especially in matters of fortification, when e well, in particular, at first no one wanted to build them, and then when they started to build them, suddenly the corresponding contracts were distributed to firms from... which were just made, and the beneficiaries of these firms were people with criminal records, and that is, such a... well and or dysfunctional families there, well, that is, it is a clear thing that they are not systematic businessmen, special for completing the tasks of
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building fortification structures, in general , any structures, here this is already a question that concerns defense, so this is a very important moment in order to to find out the truth, secondly, the majority in this commission will have servants of the people, but... this is written in the law, because the proportional composition of temporary investigative commissions is also determined by the proportional composition of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, as the people voted in 2019, with the same composition, in fact, and how the number of factions and groups in the verkhovna rada is distributed, now, any temporary investigative commission will be formed accordingly. well, the fact that it is the majority does not mean that they have complete control, since each member of the commission can initiate and
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demand, and bring witnesses and demand when inviting certain persons who will and must testify, not only that, but also at the meeting any people's deputies of ukraine can come to the commission and take the floor just like that... well, yes thing, another very important point is to demand then from the majority of commissions, as well as to make decisions regarding the actions of certain state structures, i.e. it is simply possible to really involve instruments such as the arrival of a large number of deputies, if, for example, the chairman of the commission will ... to behave somehow inappropriately, whether the chairman of the commission will behave inappropriately, we do not know yet, but we know that the chairman of the commission, accordingly
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, the monomajority with the support of the opz, ah, when the list was formed, they pushed such a himself a road deputy, and a specialist and a specialist in... defense issues, especially fortification structures, drones, and a former employee of the event agency, 95th quarter, mr. zadorzhny, a very interesting deputy who, for example, to my colleague nina yuzhani , who tried at one time during committee meetings, in particular , to argue her position, and it is always done. very professional and using terms that maybe the zarodozno does not know, but he just interrupted and said that he was tired listened, well, apparently he did not really understand what
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was being discussed, so i doubt that he will understand what is being discussed now at the tesk meeting, but the authorities obviously, but but this, but this is, you know, a marker that proves , do you remember, once there was a commission on the wagnerites, there was mrs. bezuglad? very active in this activity, actually it came to nothing, well, i didn't want to repeat it, because now we are talking about the security of the state, then we were also talking about the security of the state, but now we are talking about the fact that because of the possibility that something is wrong somewhere it was, now people are dying on the streets vovchanska, that is why i now propose to listen to the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on another topic, to which we will immediately move on, the topic of banning the russian orthodox church on the territory of our state, listen to the chairman of the verkhovna rada and then continue. what our shouters instigated yesterday is a direct
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violation of regulations, and i, as a lawyer, will tell you that this is a direct reason for the further cancellation of this law in the constitutional court of ukraine. that is why my colleagues and i gathered yesterday and discussed a very clear order. we have to see that... the hall has the required number of votes, as soon as these signatures are collected, this bill will be introduced into the hall without delay. well, first of all, i would like you to comment on this word shouters, this is a parliamentary dialogue with colleagues, and secondly, why can't they understand whether these voices will be there or not, that's possible a very long wait, please, or is it just sabotage, well, maybe, maybe we can talk about it? after the location, which is a tool of the position, which, which does not hear, which, when the arguments are simply in
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one ear flies in, they ask, but it is clear that stefanchuk had to make concessions, and today on a ten-point scale of rudeness, his rudeness towards the opposition was somewhere at the level of nine, that is, well, not yet checkmate, but almost, so in this in this case, i simply consider it such a pettiness, which is very characteristic of this head of the verkhovna rada, because there has never been a person of high standing in this position in ukraine, this is the first time, the second time, and it is not true that there is some kind of connection with a possible submission to the constitutional court and the lack of votes in the hall, that's it even a first-year lawyer knows, not to mention such a great
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law professor as ruslan stefanchuk, in addition, this bill is simply not submitted for a second reading, although it is clear that it has been ready for a long time and all the conclusions from the committees are absolutely they are ready, it's just that for six months stefanchuk has been guarding the hall from the draft law on the moscow patriarchate, as if there was nowhere and behind him to retreat. moscow, and a political decision must already be made here. in this case, we have the opportunity after yesterday's blocking, ah, to state that the ice has broken, and i just don't want to talk about the agreements reached yet, but if they are broken, then soon we will simply be forced to talk about the fact that...
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the leadership of the verkhovna rada once again lied to the people's deputy of ukraine. earlier, stepanchuk assured us that this draft law will be presented in the second reading in march. as you can see, it was not carried out in march. and therefore, we have no other way out, because this is not a question, it is a question in the same way as fortifications and drones, it is a question of the security of ukraine, because the moscow patriarchate and... religious organizations with a center in the country of the aggressors, they are a religious branch of the fsb in ukraine, through them there is subversive work and espionage against ukraine during the war, so in this case we will insist on this bill on the second reading until the last one, we literally have a minute, well , maybe we will continue a little, because it is important, i will ask briefly, because this is only the beginning of the story,
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so as the deputy chairman. president andrii smirnov is suspected of illegal enrichment in the amount of uah 15,700, nabu reports this today, wednesday, may 22, and today's news: the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office and together with the national police are conducting searches in nabu, and everyone understands perfectly well that it declassifies those nabu employees who work undercover , who can stand behind the steering, at least this unit of the national police, it's about what they write about tatarov, i don't know, i'm saying that... explain it how? well , i can tell you that this is a very dangerous war between departments that has started, and on it is a great pity that we will witness an attempt to destroy nabu as an independent law enforcement agency that fights corruption, and those who are against them, well, alone. of
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the most corrupt structures in the law enforcement system, in fact, it is the fact that the government really, well, absolutely does not want to move towards western values ​​and fight corruption, instead it tries to destroy the body that fights against it, this is very, very dangerous signal if, thank you very much for the conversation, thank you for joining volodymyr ar'. people's deputy of ukraine was in touch with us, but it is also important here that the ex-deputy head of the office of the president andriy yermak andriy smirnov appears in this story. the suspicion has just been announced, and there we are talking about two cars, two honda mmv motorcycles, three parking spaces in kyiv, an apartment in lviv, a plot of land in transcarpathia, well, the qualification of the suspect's actions is article 368, part five of the criminal code.


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