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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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first of all, it's a short break, and after that we'll be back , we still have a lot of interesting, important things ahead of us. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and disturb you. a special complex of active substances dulgit antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without submission. helping your nervous system. europa league final only on meego. will atalanta spoil the best season in bayer stories? turn on the climax of the euro season. may 22 at 10:00 p.m. exclusively on megogo. pain can become an obstacle. walking stairs is not with my knees. from pain in the knees, try the cream to... doolgit cream
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just an infinite number, and why does the supreme court leave unscrupulous judges in their positions? what i bought for, but sold, on thursday , may 23, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world. front society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. we are coming back, we have a lot of interesting and important information ahead of us, now the plot.
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for your attention, today at the ex-prime minister of ukraine arseniy yasonyuk anniversary of 50 years, his premiership in the 14th-16th years disappeared into dramatic, in many ways decisive times in the modern history of ukraine. despite this, yatsenyuk's government introduced the most effective reforms during the independence of our country. this is evidenced by one of the studies of the analytical platform vox ukraine. my colleague emma stadnyk will tell you more. from the minister of economy of the autonomous republic of crimea to the prime minister of ukraine. during his political career, arseniy yatsenyuk managed to hold eight different positions, and the government yatsenyuka was remembered for his reforms. at a difficult time for the country, in february 2014 , the verkhovna rada appointed arseniy yatsenyuk as prime minister. an empty budget, the police, which only yesterday carried out the orders of the criminal minister zakharchenko, dependence on russian gas, the economy is in deep crisis, part of the ukrainian military has gone over to the side of the russians. in the same year, 2014
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, a large-scale reform of the armed forces began, which took place in the conditions of the armed aggression of the russian federation in crimea and donbas. on february 11, 2016 , prime minister arseniy yatsenyuk announced... transition of the armed forces to a contract form of service and integration of the ukrainian army into nato. in three years, the salary of the military has tripled compared to 2014. such innovations have caused a sharp increase in interest in contract service in the ranks of the armed forces, and the number of personnel has increased to a quarter of a million. in addition , new types of troops, special operations forces and airborne assault troops were added to the armed forces. on july 2, 2015 , the verkhovna rada adopts the law. about the national police, already on july 4 to guard the streets of kyiv instead of militiamen, a new police force emerged, which was recruited from all those willing to become law enforcement officers. subsequently, police officers began to appear in other cities of ukraine. new police officers underwent a several-month training course, and
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policemen were sent for re-certification. on november 5, 2015, a new cyber police was created as a structural unit of the national police, and within the framework of this reform , 102 single contact centers were created by... 2019, a comprehensive video surveillance system was introduced, and dai was completely eliminated. on the initiative of the government of arseniy tsenyuk the prozoro public procurement electronic system appeared. the idea of ​​the reform is to minimize the human factor during public procurement and reduce the risks of corruption. on december 25, 2015, the verkhovna rada adopted the law on public procurement, and on april 1. 2016 prozoro became mandatory for central authorities and monopolists. prozoro became a meeting of reforms. during the first four years of operation, the system saved uah 150 billion from the state budget. in addition, in october 2014 , the law of ukraine on prevention of corruption
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provided for the creation of a national agencies for the prevention of corruption. its function is to check the declarations of employees, to reveal the facts of corruption and abuse of office. under... the government of arseniy tsenyuk , real steps were taken towards a visa-free regime with the eu. the prime minister took part in the meeting of the council of the association of ukraine with the eu and stated that ukraine has fulfilled all obligations to liberalize the visa regime with the european union. on march 2, 2017, the council of the european union agreed to this liberalization, the signing of the agreement on the visa-free regime of ukraine with the eu took place in strasbourg on the 17 may 2017. the most important achievement of arseniy's government. became energy independent from the russian federation. the winter of 2015-16 passed without gas supplies from the russian company gazprom. ukraine imported gas only from europe. however , russia did not like such a refusal, and gazprom obliged ukraine to buy gas on a take-or-
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pay basis. when ukraine refused to pay under the discriminatory agreement, gazprom sued . the consideration of the case lasted for almost four years, and in may 2017. the arbitration overruled the berebo fee principle and recognized the price formula of russian gas for ukraine is unfair. starting from april 2014. according to the results of the cases, naftogaz condemned gazprom for almost 4.5 billion dollars. on april 10, 2016, in a weekly video message, arseniy yatsenyuk announced that he had decided to draw up the credentials of the prime minister of ukraine. according to him, such a decision is caused by an artificial political crisis in the state. by braking the process. change of government and a united vision of getting out of the crisis. arseniy yatsenyuk is now the chairman of the kyiv security forum and the founder of the international security forum of the open ukraine fund. the fund was founded in 2007 to strengthen the authority of ukraine in the world. before the full-scale invasion, open ukraine helped military and civilian ukrainians for
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over uah 30 million and continues to provide assistance even now. the kyiv security forum became an important voice of ukraine in international politics during the large-scale war. each event of the forum is a discussion platform for discussing war, peace, the future world order, preservation of democracy and resistance to dictatorships. leading experts discuss politicians, diplomats and government officials. also, the kbf made significant efforts to ensure that ukraine received aid from the united states, amounting to almost 61 billion dollars in april 2024, and arseniy yatsenyuk himself lobbied for the interests of the state, having extensive connections in the political circles of the united states. and once again happy anniversary to the ukrainian politician arseniy yatsenyuk, and now i will introduce you to askad shurbekov, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, ladies and gentlemen, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, for two years of this war you were online, and now we have the opportunity to meet in a studio in kyiv. today in the verkhovna rada of ukraine has created
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a temporary investigative commission, which will deal with the investigation of the question of whether or not to build fortifications, and , of course, that they are being built now in various regions, in particular, in the zaporizhzhia region. how are you dealing with this now, is there a threat similar to the one that exists now in kharkiv oblast to advance or accumulate strength in an attempt to advance the armed forces of the aggressor, and the works that are being carried out. so what can be said, as far as you can see, that they are really high-quality and adequate to the threats? well, of course, the enemy is generally trying to advance in the direction of zaporozhye, because it is strategic, both for us and for them, daily trying to break through the front line in the rbotino area, in general they are shelling orig, gulepole, tipnohirsk, in general, if we talk about fortifications, it is certain that one of the key priorities of the cabinet of ministers, because a sufficiently large volume of funds was allocated to the zaporizhia region, there were two tranches, it seems to me that in total it is slightly more than 2 billion. hryvnias, that's why work is being actively conducted today, i think that the situation in kharkivska oblasts with breakthroughs and fortifications,
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they generally aggravated the need to pay attention to the zaporizhzhia region as well, but it should be noted that during this period of construction of fortifications, i think we once had a president, a minister of defense, representatives of the top military leadership, i.e. attention to the zaporizhzhia region, it was also before the fortification, even before the situation in the kharkiv region, so we believe from what we see, let's say, the works are going according to plan, and the population can feel relatively calm, again, as far as perhaps because the enemy does not reduce the number of shelling, does not reduce the intensity of shelling, i recently read the words of a military man from kraken, who said that if we could attack the russians ourselves, who were ready to attack on the territory of the russian federation in belogradska oblast, an attack on kharkiv oblast, then perhaps this attack would not have happened, but at least it would have been possible to confuse and destroy the enemy's order. your situation is simpler in this sense, that the enemy cannot attack the zaporozhye region from the territory
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of the russian federation, only from the temporarily occupied territory of the zaporizhzhia region, so the only question is whether there would be something to shoot at in the event that the enemy would be able to accumulate such forces? well, clearly, the enemy cannot accumulate, because the landscape allows the military to see the enemy, and plus we must understand that for about three months the number of enemy attacks and their attempts to break through the front line has increased, but there has been no significant success there , despite that that they report something there about... they do not have potin, that is, if they had this opportunity to break through there, and they did not experience stiff resistance from the armed forces of ukraine, i am sure that they would have already advanced, but they cannot advance, and the fact that what our soldiers testify, what we see from the leadership of the communities of the frontline territories, the situation is sufficiently controlled, difficult, but controlled. i would also like to say and remember, remind and thank that they remember and honor, because this is also a lesson for future generations. a street named after tigran onisyan appeared in zaporizhzhia. and mykyta honganova is a young hero who joined the battle with the enemy and died in
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the city of berdyansk, and young partisans, those who did not want to live in the occupation, and the fathers of the street named after them, this is the decision of the council, and will there be any memorials there blackboards, do they already exist, and is it possible to, you know, tell more children how once, how the enemy now conducts his propaganda there, talks about some of his fictional pseudo-heroes, and we could use real... examples of guys who are heroes , who gave their lives, yes, this is a recent decision of the zaporozhye city council, of course, that all the necessary signs will be installed, attributes in general, and indeed we see the example of these two heroic boys, and we understand the logic of the occupiers when they try to zombify our teenagers, our students, young people in the temporarily occupied territory, because for them they are a threat bearers of ukrainian values, they are actually, probably, a risk group that is subject to pressure, and for the younger generation. zaporozhians, berdians are our neighbors, well, zaporozhye, as a city, are very telling examples of people,
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children, in fact, who loved their homeland and gave their lives for their homeland. i know that there is such information that it is very active now, perhaps it is also connected with the fact that the summer is starting, and soon there will be such a military and tourist season, and russians are visiting melitopol, buying housing there, trying to somehow change, possibly the population of melitopo. or settle there, thinking that they are already there forever, this is a traditional story, i think that they are trying to really change the ethnic composition of the population, blur the ukrainian identity, so that there is no concentration of ukrainians, there was no resistance, and plus for them the living conditions in melitopol, in berdyansk and other territories of the occupied zaporizhzhia region are much better than the places from which they came, it is paradoxical that, despite the war and all the destruction, the zaporizhzhia region an order higher, well, this is relatively speaking, life on blood, in fact, they just legitimize it. shows that there are no moral barriers for them, no
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other things that they can hold onto to carry out work in order to restore the buildings in the city in general, but now it is very important, especially under such pressure to save electricity, here are these damaged capacities of the dnipro hydroelectric plant. to date, as far as we know, the work is not being carried out in general, because the situation is only being analyzed. and the degree of destruction is heavy enough, but i would like to note that in zaporizhzhya region there are actually, well, minor outages, compared to other regions of the country. i don't know secret, but i know for sure that you have your own secret there. well, it was also during the blockade of 22nd year, and now we are today, in fact, citizens, residents of the controlled part, they practically do not experience an interruption in the power supply, well, just recently there was information that the enemy could switch the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant to e.e. feeding the occupied territory of crimea, and in general those territories that they consider necessary to feed, whether it is possible or
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impossible, because there were different opinions, whether there is any fresh information on this now, i think that we must rely on energy atoms in general, on their recommendations. i think that if the occupiers could start the station to make it work, they would have done it a long time ago, they lack the first competence, they lack professional workers, in fact, the station has not produced a single kilowatt of electricity since the occupation, and it is fueled today by controlled ukraine , so as not to lead to some kind of man-made disaster, so all these statements are simply not substantiated, they do not have any meaning yet, but i literally again still 15 seconds, but there are a lot of industrial giants in zaporizhzhia, zaporozhye. regions that work, now the mobilization of many workers is taking them away, i know that in the neighboring dnipropetrovsk region in kryvyi rih , women come to work, say, at metallurgical enterprises, as with this in zaporizhzhia, in short, is there such a thing, well, is this problem being solved , so that the enterprise also works, because it is important, enterprises of critical infrastructure, they can reserve their employees, there are relevant
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regulatory clarifications from the military authorities and in in general, from specialized structures, so today, for today... in any case, we do not have any such collapses either in industry or in other spheres of the city's life. thank you very much, it was vaskada shurbekov, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, thank you for your comments, and we will continue, now i want to invite serhiy rudenko to a conversation with you. at 20:00 the verdict program will start, which will be discussed today. sergei, please tell me. good evening. good evening, vasyl. we start at 20:00 two-hour broadcast. the first part of our program will oleksandr hara and political expert ihor reiterovich will talk about how putin is already threatening to redistribute internal waters or in the sea in the baltic sea and what this threatens for the baltic countries, how
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nato will react to it. of course, let's talk about the situation, the difficult situation that is developing in the kharkiv direction, and the main question. what do we have with fortifications, with fortification structures. today, the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted a decision on the creation of of the temporary investigative commission, which should put all the dots above. in what way were these fortifications built, are they sufficient, where are they built, where are they not built, where they are only on paper yesterday in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, european solidarity pushed for their creation. of this tsc and bringing to the hall, the session hall, the law on the ban of the russian church in ukraine, well, the tsc has already voted, the question is only about the law that affects the ban of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, a church that is a branch of the russian orthodox church, while
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that there is no unequivocal verdict on this matter. but what does it mean that the ukrainian authorities are delaying the adoption of this law, and how will it affect the further security, national security and defense of ukraine, i mean the existence of such a church inside ukraine. in the second part of our program , we will have political experts oleg sahakyan and oleksiy kushel, head of the committee of voters of ukraine, among the topics of the 5 years of zelensky's presidency. after all, the president of ukraine himself has already stated in an interview with foreign journalists that his five years have not yet passed, they say, he still has time ahead of him, and this time is until the end of the russian-ukrainian war. what these words mean, and what these 5 years were like, let's talk with oleg tsaakyan and oleksiy koshelin, and about how
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the former deputy head came under the watchful eye of nabu. of the president of ukraine andriy smirnov, today he was charged with illegal enrichment, he was searched, actually, whether it was related to his work in the office of the president of ukraine, or whether there were other motives, we will talk about all this in the second part of our of the program, which will begin at 9:15 p.m. so, we will start in 10 minutes, our first guest will be serhii krygonos, general of the armed forces of ukraine. so, friends, wait, it will be interesting, vasyl's big winter broadcast continues, vasyl, you have a word. thank you serhii, the verdict program is waiting for you at 20, yevhen postukhov is already next to me, who is ready. about sports events evgeny, good evening, please congratulate vasyly, good evening to the dear viewers of the tv channel, in a moment we will talk about the first european cup final of the current football
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season so, in a little more than two hours , the final match of the uefa europa league will begin in the irish capital, dublin, in which the italian and ... atalanta, sorry, and the german bayer leverkusen will meet. it is certain that maybe someone, and i in particular, for example, i expected and wanted to see in this final the english liverpool, but in dublin will play atalanta, who previously deservedly passed liverpool and bayar, who have not lost a single match this season in none of the tournaments. the team from bergamo will play in the final of the eurocup for the first time history, and in the 21st century , not a single italian club won the league... let alone the uefa cup. to do this, the italians will have to remove the spell of invincibility from bayer. hubby alonso's team is having, without
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exaggeration, a phenomenal season. apothecaries always always play until the last second. many have achieved results in character. they have already become the champions of germany and have a chance for a treble if they triumph in the europa league final today, as well as... soon they will win the german cup. on the eve of the game , the coaches of both teams addressed the opponents a lot of compliments, so i suggest listening to direct speech. bayar is a very, very, very well organized team that also has quality players, but in reality this team is cut. bayern is a very, very, very well organized team.
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defend very well and they attack very well, we have to make sure that we the way certain players change positions, they stick to our structure and obviously when it comes to the final you have to make sure you play your best in key episodes . atalanta succeeded as at home and in europe. we are very familiar with this team, but it continues to progress and develop. we've been preparing for this moment all year, it's not just today's work and you know, luckily i have a great team, my players are definitely ready, they're well prepared, we've shown it all year, we're confident in our game, in our mentality. he will not change, i believe that we can do it. so, the match, atalanta bayar will start at 22:00
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kyiv time. the game will be judged by the romanian referee i shtvankovich. well, vasyl, how are you? do you think whether even today pharmacists will be able to find these medicines from fiasco again. and i will remind you that bayer's unbeaten streak has been going on for 51 matches, if i'm not mistaken. maybe they invented some kind of elixir, the elixir of victory. but i think it's very important here now not to rely on bayer's luck, luck, maybe, well, in many moments really luck, let's be honest, for all that this is a good team, very often it can happen that on at the last moment you can stumble and happiness can turn away, so you have to play football, definitely not think about what an undefeated year, but one match can become a losing one, so i wish the teams success, but again, there is magic in football, but you have to play this football, well, let's see if this magic will work again today. and we also continue with football news. london chelsea, meanwhile, found themselves without a mentor again. the day before, the club's official website announced the termination of cooperation by
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mutual consent of the parties with mauricio pochutino and his coaching staff. the argentinian specialist worked at chelsea for one season, he stayed in chelsea for less than a year last team chelsea took sixth place in the english championship and made it to the eurocups. aristocrats won the last five matches of the season in... however, the leadership of the londoners was not satisfied with such results. the player of the national team of ukraine and pensioners mykhailo mudryk reacted to the departure of the coach with a post on social networks. thank you for everything. who will take charge of chelsea next season is currently unknown, with mauricio pochettino the fourth manager to coach the aristocrats in the last 20 months. if we have, as i understand it, our time completed i have to pass the floor to vasyl zoma, he will continue the big broadcast, and i say goodbye to you, until friday, i wish you a good evening. well, thank you yevhen pastukhov, and i
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will say goodbye to you now, until tomorrow at 18:10, but they will not say goodbye to you from the press, literally in a few moments, the weather from natalka didenko, and at 20:00 the verdict program, serhiy rudenko , stay with us and you will learn about the most important thing always, goodbye, synoptic hello to all. our viewers, i will start our meeting today by talking about a special day. today is the 22nd may, the day of the reburial of taras hryhorovych shevchenko, when our genius, our prophet returned from an evil foreign land to his native land, according to the will. a little history about this day. on may 22, 1861 , taras hryhorovych shevchenko was reburied on chernechaya hill,
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near kanev. a 40-year-old, 47-year-old poet died in st. petersburg, his ashes were there for 58 days, and then according to the will and at the request of mykhailo lazarevskyi, in april of the same year, they were transported to ukraine and reburied on chernechaya gora near kanev. well, in may, the coffin was first brought to kyiv, where everyone who wanted said goodbye, we know that they even rebuilt the church where taras hryhorovych shevchenko was buried in kyiv, and... then he was already on a steamboat to kanev, it was originally installed on a public donation the cast-iron cross, then in 1889 the first shevchenko museum was opened there, in 1925 the kaniv state museum-reserve of shevchenko's grave was established at the place of burial, but the monument itself was built in 1939, of course chernecha gora has been called since then
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tarasova eternal memory and our eternal gratitude for the fact that taras hryhorovych shevchenko made us truly ukrainians. not every nation has its own genius and prophet. we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. small fluctuations will be observed tomorrow, strong magnetic storms are not predicted, and therefore we will move on to the actual weather forecast and see what is expected in ukraine. on may 3 , short-term rains and thunderstorms are expected in places in the western regions of ukraine, but not everywhere, this applies more to the extreme west or those areas adjacent to the western border of ukraine. in the north of ukraine, there will be rain and thunderstorms in places, but to be honest, these rains will be quite local, as i said, in places, so there will also be many sunny spells. high
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air temperature. 20, 26, 21, 27°. in the east of ukraine, rain is likely in kharkiv oblast, only in luhansk oblast, in donetsk oblast without precipitation, and the air temperature is 24-27° above zero. in the central part of ukraine, as a matter of fact, we also mention the beautiful kania, which we talked about, where tarasova gora is located, no precipitation is expected, 22-26 above zero. in the southern part. ukraine, almost summer weather, dry, sunny, 23-27° heat, in kyiv on may 23 the maximum air temperature will fluctuate around 25° heat, no precipitation is expected, such a temperature is neither too high nor too low, of course, it will continue in the near future , but we will carefully monitor rains and precipitations together. and of course
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, keep an eye out for updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening. we are from ukraine. today in the verdict with sergey cleaning of the black sea. having hit the russian ship cyclone, the armed forces destroyed the last surface missile carrier in crimea. how can the future continue? militarization of the occupied ukrainian peninsula. with his eye on the island of gotland, putin plans to change the maritime boundaries in the baltic sea, declaring parts of it to be russian internal waters. how will nato react to the maritime expansion of the aggressor country? the opposition is on the offensive. press the verkhovna rada.


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