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tv   [untitled]    May 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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russia launched an anti-satellite weapon into orbit, the pentagon says, it is likely to be able to shoot down american government satellites, how does this threaten the world and how will it affect the war in ukraine? let's take a look at today's edition of the bbc, i'm olga polamaryuk. russia is building up its space capabilities and raising the stakes. data appeared in american intelligence that russia had launched a space weapon into orbit. this is a satellite capable not only of observing everything that is happening in space, but also of attacking other satellites. under threat in the first place american objects, because as noted, russia has placed its anti-space weapons in the same orbit. that there is a government satellite
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of the united states, and what did the pentagon say about it? russia has launched a low- earth orbit satellite that is believed to be an anti-space weapon capable of attacking other low-earth orbit satellites. russia launched this satellite into the same orbit in which the us government satellite operates. we will continue to balance the need to protect our interests in space with aspiration maintain a stable cosmic. environment, however, and does this mean that the confrontation between the united states and russia in space is reaching another, more serious level, and this is the opinion of the bbc's correspondent in washington. it's a very interesting story, you've heard the term space weapon, right? it's not at all something we discuss every day, it sounds very scientific, it's basically some sort of satellite or other weapon launched into orbit.
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which is able to scan other satellites, disable them and even potentially attack them. and this is precisely why the united states is concerned hereby. we have no confirmation from either russia or the us, but the united states has already accused russia of launching such weapons in the past, in 2022 and in 2019. we believe the satellite was launched on may 16th, and is suspected to be... orbiting or following a us spy satellite. so this is a case that could potentially affect us space capabilities. that is why we are now hearing a statement from officials who are sure that russia is capable of this and can pursue an american satellite and even destroy it. and what about these accusations, say the authorities in moscow? at first, the kremlin did not comment on the statements of the american side. later, the spokesman of the russian president piskov said that russia acts
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in accordance with international law and does not violate anything, but here is what is known about this russian apparatus, how dangerous it is. the pentagon says that we are talking about the cosmos 2576 satellite. it was launched on may 16 from the russian plesetsk cosmodrome, it is 800 km from moscow, you can see on the map, american officials call this spacecraft an inspector, and similar to the one that russia has already launched in 2019 and... 2022, well, in a minute we will talk in more detail about what the space confrontation between the usa and russia might look like, but first, what the technological developments of the russian military-industrial complex in space look like now, that's what the correspondent of the russian service of the bbc on military affairs, pavlo aksyonov, told about it. moscow's reaction was predictable, moscow's reaction was a foreshadowing, the deputy head of the ministry of foreign affairs and the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova made it clear that they will not do anything. respond
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to these statements, while with this device, which was launched under the name cosmos 2576 , nothing is clear yet either. we know that this is a military satellite that was launched from the plesetsk cosmodrome last week. the word space in the title means nothing. from this name, a lot of different devices are launched, which are intended for both peaceful and military purposes. in addition, spacecraft are very often not dual -purpose, but they can be used as minds. as well as for military purposes, in particular satellites for remote sensing of the earth, they investigate the earth's surface, with their help you can see how forests and reservoirs behave, but you can also investigate the presence of military facilities on the surface of the earth. in 2010, russia began to develop a program to develop inspector satellites, which are designed to fly closer to other spacecraft and study them using sensors or optical systems, but this ... that they can
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investigate both their own vehicles and those of others . the americans claim that russia has a whole program to create such killer satellites. and indeed, the central research institute of chemistry in russia. of mechanics is developing the nivelr program, within which, as in russia, they say, satellites-inspectors are being created for observation and carrying out some repair work, and as part of this program satellites were launched in 2014 and 2015, in 2017 an apparatus called cosmos 2519, and some strange phenomena happened to it: first, it released another device, that is, it turned out to be the carrier of another device, which separated already on the ... side, it was called cosmos 2521, and this apparatus began to perform some maneuvers, and a few months later it released another small apparatus, which was already called cosmos 2523. then the ministry of defense of russia commented on this with the words that the small apparatus was designed to diagnose the condition of russian satellites, but then already in
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americans doubted whether this device is a pest device. in 2019 , russia launched another device, which was also the carrier of another. device the orbit of these devices passed near the orbit of the american military satellite, and through for some time , another object separated from this device, which the americans called an anti-satellite projectile. the us suspects the russians of testing a weapon that could later shoot down satellites. there are no direct claims yet to the device, which was launched recently, except that its orbit may pass near an american military satellite. the americans are sure that this satellite is a military... but in the coming months it will be known what exactly this cosmos 2576 device will do. we talk more with an aviation expert, a leading scientist by valery romanenko, an employee of the state aviation museum. greetings, thank you for joining us, mr. valery, we have just
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heard the opinion of colleagues, but how serious do you think everything is, and how the launch of russian satellites can affect, first of all, safety in space? good evening, of course, it can have an effect, but this effect will be very local, because the number of russian satellites is a percentage of the number of american and european satellites, so they will be able to remove some of them, there are several methods of removing satellites, in that including a nuclear explosion in space, which will disable an entire group of satellites, but in general, the removal of nuclear warheads . space, first of all, it is prohibited by international treaties, which russia is still afraid to violate, yes, and the withdrawal of individual satellites, since the american satellites, both intelligence systems and gps, navigation systems, they
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have, so to speak, for the number these satellites, they have some reserve, yes, that is , it is not threatened yet, but that is the principle itself. of the beginning, that is, the very beginning of the beginning of space wars, this is already a little stressful, because until this sphere was not affected by military actions, yes, well, but at the same time we see the concerns of the american defense department, such as how the loss of american satellites can affect the war in ukraine, i can't help but ask about it , yes, because we know that the same sterlings significantly help the military at the front, well, it is with them that russia can on... can strike the first blow at the starlings, as well as satellites that are in stationary orbits, well, they just provide intelligence information about the course of hostilities in ukraine, about the deployment of russian troops, about the positions of some russian military
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systems, we would not like this very much, and besides, one of these satellites is currently leased from the asylum fund, right? although this is not, well, in general , it is a private satellite, but if a war of satellites starts, then they can harm us, they can harm us, they can receive intelligence information from space, and this is a very important aspect, since russia has not only its own information, but also from chinese satellites , also buys satellite images yes, well , not so long ago in february yes, if i am not mistaken, the american intelligence also reported about... russia also placing nuclear weapons in space, but these events are somehow connected with each other, hardly , i don't think that russia, well, so to speak, in general, all international treaties that prohibit
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the release of weapons, including nuclear weapons into outer space, everything can be expected from russia, but this is the limit, which, if russia. .. will cross this line, yes, it, well, it faces serious sanctions, because it is already, yes so to speak, the deployment of hostilities in a new, in a new, so to speak... so to speak in a new area, yes, yes, it is really so important, it will be very important , so it will be a violation of international agreements, uh, well, and if not the united states , which countries, who can prevent a war in space, in your opinion, well prevent it, well , in general, china has a serious influence on russia, and china is not interested, is not interested in deploying there as well... and combat action, because it is not very ready, although china shot down satellites, but it shot down its own
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satellites, and will it be able to shoot down other people's satellites, that is, where other countries do not have an advantage, it is not profitable for them to start hostilities in this area, we understand, we heard you, thank you for your analysis, valery rumanenko, the aviation expert was on our air, thank you, my colleagues asked from the former adviser... to the head of the state space agency of ukraine, andriy kolesnyk, about what level star wars have already reached in the modern world, what other space developments russia can use to wage war, and this is his opinion. war in space, it has been going on since time immemorial the strategic defense initiative of president rekan, to which the soviet union reacted very, let's say, spectacularly. the russian federation really needs to develop enough. technology, satellites that can counter the satellites of a potential adversary, as
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it was called an inspector satellite, a satellite that can deliver some kind of kinetic object to physically destroy a satellite, a potential adversary, and we also know the concerns of the western community about the development of a so-called nuclear satellite. the federation which will most likely be a satellite that will carry equipment for selective electromagnetic application, and due to the fact that there will be a nuclear power plant on board that will provide the necessary energy power to this weapon, electromagnetic weapon assembly or laser. to say that it is from a political point of view that russia is threatening the usa, so we will follow your satellite, this is generally
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the military and space policy of the russian federation, which is aimed at demonstrating its capabilities in space and give a hint that in any case they are ready for confrontation in space, and this is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the russian federation relied very much on this one. the direction of star wars, but completely missed the need to develop other space direction, this is the direction of support in space for military operations on land, at sea and in the air. are we somehow influenced by these star wars? such tension in space can lead to the fact that the russian federation will be selective, for example, in confrontation. satellites, that help ukraine are earth observation satellites from space, where, in addition to
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military satellites from western partners , commercial satellites from american and european companies are also used, as well as interference from space in the operation of the sarlink system is also possible, that is, if the russian federation really puts it into orbit conventionally a nuclear satellite, that is... a nuclear power plant, which will be designated as an electromagnetic or laser weapon, then she can really do a lot of damage, for example, to the same sterling satellites, if she wants them slowly put out of order. well, subscribe to our pages so as not to miss the most important news, mine on facebook, instagram and tiktok, on youtube you can watch our episode, if you missed it on the air, watch, comment, share, and we will be on the air again tomorrow at 21. everything is fine,
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congratulations friends, the second part of the verdict program is on the air of the espresso tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, and... today we will talk about the following. five years have not yet ended. volodymyr zelenskyi's presidential term will last until the end war does the head of state not want to summarize the results of his first five-year plan? scandals in high offices, ex-deputy head of the president's office andrii smirnov was charged with illegal enrichment? how does zelensky's personnel policy affect his ratings? life under the new mobilization
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legislation, queues at the tsc, for the reserve plus relationship. and military service of convicts, how will these innovations affect public sentiment? we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes. i want to remind you that we work not only on the live air of the tv channel, but also on our own platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are not currently watching us on tv, please pick up your smartphone or tablet and vote on youtube, today we ask you about the following: should the responsibility for breaking the curfew be increased , yes, no , everything is quite simple on youtube , if you watch us on tv, you can also vote by numbers, if you think that responsibility for breaking the curfew should be increased , 0800 211 381, no, 080 211 382, ​​all
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calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. and we have political experts on the phone today, people who know everything, or at least everything, about ukrainian politics. oleg sahakyan, political scientist, co-founder of the national platform for stability and cohesion. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. my greetings are the same. and oleksiy koshel, doctor of historical sciences, political scientist, head of the committee of voters of ukraine. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. well, since gentlemen, i and our team our viewers are asked whether it is necessary to strengthen the responsibility for violating the curfew, i will ask you, but i will say very briefly that today the verkhovna rada of ukraine was unable to adopt in the repeated second reading the draft law on administrative responsibility for violating
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the curfew by citizens, there is an increase in fines and what you believe to be the police action against curfew violators. is it necessary to strengthen the responsibility for violating the curfew, mr. oleg? as far as i'm concerned, it's on today is not the most urgent issue that needs to be resolved, if we talk about the curfew, then this responsibility can be strengthened, but it is necessary to remove the elements of the summons of the itc, when they talk about the violation of the curfew, because this moment turns mobilization into punishment, into a duty and around that, it incorrect and wrong approach, because about what... this is a secondary issue in this solution, and if we talk about strengthening responsibility, then the need to strengthen responsibility for, we have certain problems with motorcycles in ukrainian cities, there were certain problems with communication, i apologize for other similar ones as well, thank you, mr.
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oleg, mr. oleksiy. well, i think that there cannot be just one approach, and we generally need to change the very approach to curfew, that is, i am convinced that there are separate regions, there are tourist centers, the relatively calm lviv region, ternopil region, well, it is quite conditionally calm, obviously there you can change approaches, and there, i don’t know, truskavets, sataniv, other areas, maybe you should even give up there, it’s a different matter, chernihiv region, sumy region, where... they can russian drgs should work, where they actually work, as far as i know, certain problems can also be observed in the north of kyiv region, it should really work, this mechanism should work hard enough, but at the same time , full transparency is needed in matters of the so- called curfew passes,
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as far as i know from reports from the media, they worked there both for pop artists and for the necessary... people for the authorities and for those who try to visit bars and restaurants at night, well, there were scandals so much so that i understand that there should be a fairly tough approach, and if the local government does not deal with these things, well, obviously then it should, then the courts should deal with this issue. thank you, mr. oleksiy, gentlemen, i mentioned this, the unresolved decision of the verkhovna rada, and we have been watching it for the past two days. that, as part of the parliament, the european solidarity faction is trying to return, i would say so, subjectivity in the verkhovna rada when they are in session. halls demand to put on voting on this or that issue and pushing the chairman of the verkhovna rada
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to consider these issues at the conciliation council, those that have not been considered for a long time, but today a temporary special commission was created on the fortification and procurement of drones and this issue was voted on, by the way, among the members of this tsk dep... the former opz, the majority of 15 deputies, members of the commission from the servant of the people faction, but the very fact that stefanchuk did not want to put this issue to a vote, but because of his insistence on european solidarity, 277 deputies voted, and in fact, what is stated in the explanatory note to this draft law on the creation of the tsk, for the purpose of studying the issue of use.
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a temporary special commission of the verkhovna rada of ukraine is being formed from budget funds directed to the arrangement of fortification structures and engineering barriers on the contact line, as well as to the manufacture and purchase of unmanned aerial vehicles for military units and units of the armed forces of ukraine and other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of ukraine. mr. oleg, what do you think, is it possible to assume that this subjectivity is being restored in the parliament, about which we have been talking about the loss quite actively during the last two years, that there was only one decision-making center, this is the president's office, and the verkhovna rada the council acted as a kind of office division. well, first of all, i want to apologize for the bad communication, now there are emergency power outages, i am communicating with you from batteries, so there may be. we have very big problems with the connection, if you can go through any
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thanks to oleg sayakyan, i think that this might help, of course, there are power outages all over ukraine, including in kyiv, unfortunately, we hear you intermittently, now our editors will redial you, mr. oleg, mr. oleksiy, please the same to you. a question about the subjectivity, renewal of the subjectivity of the ukrainian parliament and the influence of the parliament on life in ukraine. you know, i wouldn't start speaking on viber, the problem is that i can't you, please, please, most likely i would speak in the format of such a word it boiled up, indeed, if we analyze the work of the parliament over the past 3-4 months, we see that from time to time... the same issues are passed from session to session, and according to my, according to my subjective assessment, about a third of the issues that are put on
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the agenda are issues that can wait a year or more, and until the completion of the lashes, that is , issues that do not have, need a priority, priority solution, there is also the issue of photography, there is also the issue of hop production and many other issues, about which already on... many issues, but it is not clear what they once talked on the air, that is why the ukrainian parliament worked for about 10 hours in session in march, about 10 hours a month, i emphasize, specifically for the city. other questions arise, why, say, the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, well, during the war, this is one of the key committees, cannot meet for a meeting in april around three. these are given by the deputy heads of this, and therefore quite a lot of such problems have accumulated in the verkhovna rada, and we have reason to talk about a protracted, extremely serious parliamentary
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crisis, which manifests itself, by the way, not only in these issues, but also in cooperation with the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, when members of the government and the head of the government, let's say, reluctantly visit the parliament, or simply ignored. the work of parliamentary committees, in response , the parliament fails government bills, well , the last figure i came across is about 65-70% of government bills are not accepted by the parliament, that is , enough chronic problems have accumulated in order to to say that the disease is very serious and needs to be treated, that is exactly why this attempt to block the rostrum of the verkhovna rada. expressing protest, this is an absolutely normal reaction. yes, on the one hand , we are taught that during the war you cannot criticize the ukrainian government, that this is working against
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the enemy, no... you can block the parliament, this is working against the enemy, but at the same time , to make management decisions of very low quality, this it's normal, it's normal to obstruct the work of the parliament, but you understand, the questions are very serious, so i'll mention one an example that is simply obvious to everyone, the law on mobilization, here are the changes to the legislation on mobilization, pay attention, they are late in time, at least by one and a half years, but i am convinced that these changes. it had to be adopted in the spring of the 22nd year, not the spring of the 24th, and moreover, six months passed from the development in the government to the adoption in the parliament, well, i’m sorry, i understand that this is a complicated bill, but not so much that it takes six months, when the government shows its incompetence, they cannot, when they could not develop quality legislative changes, when the parliament there starts with the same theses, ends
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with extremely soft ones, changes its position, and moreover, i am convinced that the law does not provide answers to all questions, and now i would say that the committee on national security, defense and intelligence already now, already tomorrow, should prepare changes to this law, changes to the legislation, well, at least to solve the issue of evasion, because it has not been solved, a huge percentage of men are in fact in our country. under house arrest, some for months, some for years, counting on the fact that tsc representatives will not go into the territory of private property, into the yard, into the apartments, into the house, well, the rules must be changed, they must obviously be made tougher, clearer, and this is only one of the problems, their consequences quite a lot, and that's why, actually, i think that the answer is in the form of blocking the work of the verkhovna rada, that's
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absolutely. a mechanism that works all over the world, it allows, firstly, to defend the position of opposition factions in the parliament, and secondly, to draw attention to the fact that in our the parliament is paralyzed, we need now , at any cost, to return the parliament to the working format of the 22nd model, when everyone worked, when everyone passed bills, and moreover, for the first time in ukrainian history, we had "which was demonstrated by simply impressive numbers, when every third, every fourth draft law was approved by a constitutional majority olezhe, how do you rate it efforts of people's deputies to overcome.
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take more initiative, well, in particular, not only regarding the creation of a temporary special commission on fortifications, but also to push the parliament to adopt a law on the banning of russian churches on the territory of ukraine, and to consider this issue and put a final point on this issue, well, i would divide here a little about the functioning of the parliament itself and separately about the bill on the possibility of impoundment. church of moscow regarding the parliament itself, we are simply observing a higher level now subjectivity and lack of readiness of the parliament for the role that has been assigned to it for a long time, and actually this is not yet a recovery of the situation - these are only signs of the life of the parliament, in principle, the very crisis of relations within the various branches of government, the institution, it continues, and currently we we just see how
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the parliament shows... its teeth or its subjectivity in relation to other institutions, but for us the task is not that the parliament is in a cold war with the government, with the president's office, with other institutions, on the contrary to be a constructive working atmosphere and normal relations, and this is already broader than the task of the government as a whole to ensure this communication and this work model and... within the government itself, because now, first of all, the source of this tension is the relationship within the ruling team itself, which divided into different institutions, regarding decisions and incentives, it is clear that the parliament has this role, it is absolutely organic in that it is obligatory to be connected.


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