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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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what, for example, the media in ukraine contains the word weapon, what is reported, for example, by agencies like raters, contains lethal aid, but if you look at the official text of the speech of the british minister of defense, then he does not use the word weapon and does not... uses, does not use the word lethal, lethal aid, look, please, and listen to an excerpt from this, this speech of the british minister today. the rise of authoritarian states led by russia, china, iran, and north korea exacerbated and ignited conflicts and tension. they are increasingly working together, and today i can reveal that we have evidence that russia and china are working together on the development of a fighter. equipment
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for use in ukraine, as we saw with putin's state visit to beijing and the 64% increase in trade between russia and china after a full-scale invasion, they have each other's backs. experts note that after the start of russia's full-scale war against ukraine, russia's cooperation with china has grown rapidly. to what extent can putin's recent visit to china be connected with decision regarding the potential provision of lethal weapons. yes, therefore, we emphasize the word potential arms because western leaders, particularly during the recent visit of xi jinping, the chinese leader in europe, particularly in paris , emphasized to the chinese leader that they are asking, insisting that china should use its influence on russia in order to force russia to to force putin
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to stop the aggressive war and, of course , not to help russia with weapons in any way. china categorically rejects such speculation, but the fact that putin has been warmly received in beijing recently, the fact that xi jinping and putin are very emphatic that there are no limits to cooperation between the two countries, as they say. has, and this cooperation also takes place, obviously, in the military sphere, so the concern that china from actual economic support and moral support, could theoretically, potentially move to direct support of russia in its aggressive war, obviously worries many in europe and not only in europe. bohdan, thank you very much, contact us. was our european
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correspondent, bohdan tsyuban. the 75th anniversary summit of nato leaders will be held on july 9-11, 2024 in washington. ukraine may be in the center of attention of allies. on may 21, during the events of the atlantic council dedicated to the discussion of the upcoming summit of nato leaders, experts and former diplomats expressed hope that at this meeting the leaders of the north atlantic treaty organization will offer a clear path to ukraine's membership. the event was watched by my colleague maria ulyanovska, who joins our broadcast. congratulations, maria. i congratulate you. maria, what are the actual expectations of experts and former diplomats regarding this july summit? oleksiy, previously the discourse regarding this july summit in washington was not very comforting for ukraine. so we talked earlier with john herbst, who is the senior director of the eurasian center of the atlantic council. he said that this will be a repeat of the summit in vilnius, that you should not expect any loud announcements, that there will be just some minor ones. measures regarding the current
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cooperation between ukraine and nato. we also spoke with atlantic council expert melinda garinfena. she said that her expectations were zero, and that ukrainians should not have any expectations regarding this summit. during his visit to kyiv, anthony blinke, us secretary of state, said that the us will take tangible steps to strengthen nato's role in building up ukraine's armed forces. he did not say anything about inviting ukraine to nato, but said that such bilateral security agreements will be concluded between ukraine and others. we know that 32 countries are leading negotiations on this, nine agreements are already ready, he also said that the us will also sign such a security agreement with ukraine, and he also said that as soon as all the conditions are met and the allies agree, the invitation and accession of ukraine to the alliance will be easy . yesterday at the event, the discourse of experts changed somewhat, the most influential experts on ukraine were there, former nato secretary general andresmussen was also there, and... and most importantly, what
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the experts said was that nato should establish a clear plan regarding ukraine's membership in the alliance at this summit. so daniel frith, ex ambassador. poland emphasized that the security structure as it was before will not exist, one can only move forward, and russia lost its chance to have a neutral ukraine a long time ago. let's assume that this happens, and the russian offensive on kharkiv succeeds, it is quite possible. in such a case, nato must clearly and unambiguously, as was the case in vilnost, declare the final destination of ukraine to nato. and then add all the other elements. memoranda of cooperation and a cooperation agreement with the us, which i expect will be signed in the fields nato summit. but they must be real. we must make it clear that ukraine cannot once again find itself in a gray zone. we 've been through this before, it doesn't work. i think that this time the administration understands that the only way out is
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not back, but forward. that is, we cannot return to a neutral ukraine of the 2013 model, or to ambiguity, as it was in 2021. it? what needs to happen, and then the details need to be filled in: there needs to be a memorandum of understanding, there needs to be substance. there should be more arms flows, but the administration has changed its attitude since vilnius. before vilnius, they did not want to talk about nato and ukraine and resented ukrainians who asked for it. everything is different now. the opinions of experts regarding the invitation of ukraine to nato were also heard, they were more optimistic and rather called on the country. the alliance does not struggle with this, in particular, in my conversation with william taylor, he is the former us ambassador to ukraine, he said that he expects that there will be an invitation, if not at this summit, then already in the fall. we also spoke with the head of the foreign affairs committee of the lithuanian parliament žigimantas sovilonis, he is sure that as long as there is no final decision,
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he knows that it is not yet, ukraine can influence this decision, and for this ukraine should use all resources and lobby this issue as hard as possible. as james bond also said, never say never, you have to fight to the last, i was the deputy minister of foreign affairs, i was present at those nato summits, sometimes we made decisions at 60 in the morning, never give up, i don't think that ukraine used all your potential in this lobbying game, send yours parliamentarians, do it with your opposition, don't be afraid to show your differences, that's... what americans like when differences work together, when left and right work together. visit every state, reach out to your business community and ask our business community because we did it for ourselves, nobody wanted us in nato. maybe
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one senator mccain was with us then, maybe also senator durbin, who has lithuanian roots, but we worked very hard, we worked the constituencies every senator and every congressman. and this is what the embassy of ukraine should do and organize, because the achilles heel of america is its democracy, it is a very democratic nation, this country is really run by congress. so if you have senators on your side, and in the case of lithuania, in the end it was 99 senators out of 100, and if they vote in favor, everything will work. maria, we have heard from experts the words clear path or plan for membership, what can these words mean. and what should be expected in ukraine? indeed oleksiy, in particular andres vagrasmusyn said that what needs to be done is to extend an invitation to membership to ukraine and also set a planned date of entry no later than july 2028. in addition, former nato commander wesley clarke said that
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the plan needs to come up now, and it should include two options if the hostilities stop, if the hostilities don't stop, and don't expect an end. war in order for this plan to be developed, it must already be in place. daniel frith also said, that the main task now is to stabilize the front. the next thing to do is to define this roadmap for this bridge that antony blinken talked about, and he said that this bridge should be made of steel, not paper. it should be short and actually lead to the other shore, where this nato membership will be. and for this, you need to make a memorandum of understanding, with clear steps, what will lead to this? thank you, maria, we were contacted by a voice of america journalist. on the night of may 22, russia attacked energy infrastructure in the north-east of ukraine with drones. energy and other critical infrastructure facilities
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have become russia's main target in recent months. since the beginning of this year, russian troops have conducted a massive attack on almost every hydroelectric power plant in ukraine, trying to completely withdraw it. energy systems of ukraine is in trouble. the damage caused by the latest shelling of the dnipro egs in zaporizhzhya is still being calculated. what is the state of the hydropower system of ukraine, how long will it take to restore it and where from. money for reconstruction of dniproges, our correspondents eva myronova and oleksandr oliynyk learned. the russians are targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure, including hydroelectric power stations. from the 22nd to the 24th to the 29th of march, there were more than 80 missile strikes on the hydropower plant, that is, there is no station that was not exposed to missile attacks. the consequences are severe, the consequences. difficult, for example, to rebuild this station to the design solution, well
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, it takes 2.5-3 years to restore the station, and of course funds. at the dniprovska gs in zaporizhzhia, after the massive shelling on the 22nd in march, the engine room was significantly damaged. the damage has not yet been calculated, as workers continue to clear the rubble. it's terrifying because what we saw was barbaric. in this station were incarnated, incarnated. the latest technologies, the rebuilding, the reconstruction of the units was almost finished, and all this was put to nothing in one moment. the fact that, well, let's say, a new car hall needs to be built, well, we already see, we understand, because it is 80% destroyed, that's what we see, well, let's say, it is completely destroyed, part of it is there deformed, there are already led beams, walls, that is, all this is needed. dismantle and build a new machine plant in a new way. it is impossible to speed up the demolition of the debris, the
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city often sounds an air alarm, explains serhiy konyk, an employee of the hes. it is scary, because we are ordinary people and we are also afraid when an alarm comes or sounds. the passageway of the station, which was hit by one of the russian missiles, was also significantly damaged. hydroenergo emphasizes that even the repair of the road surface is logistical. it is difficult to make such a decision so that and the road must not be closed, because it is important for zaporizhzhia, and to do these repair works, so if we finish in deep autumn, it will be very good. it is not yet known how much the repair of the engine room and units of the power facility will cost. it is possible that the funds will have to be raised, among other things, by increasing electricity tariffs, - says ukrhydroenergo. from what source from? howl, well, there aren’t many options here, it’s the budget, it’s a tariff increase and a loan, that’s all, so what kind
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of middle ground can we find here so that, let’s say, all understood that this is necessary, we need to prepare for winter already, attacks on dams also affect nuclear power, for example, the kakhov dam, which the russians destroyed last year, significantly affected the condition of the occupied zaporozhye nuclear power plant, how it was cooled with the help of the kakhov reservoir, the nuclear power plant fed its cooling pond is from the kakhovsky reservoir, which is no longer there, there are some there, they announced that they drilled some artesian wells there, and there are not at all the replenishment volumes that are necessary for work, for example, in the normal mode of a nuclear power plant, when it generates electrical energy and , accordingly, it is necessary to divert heat energy, and although it is occupied by the russians for... now it does not produce energy, in the summer the water in the pond cooler evaporates very quickly,
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so without a reservoir its level may drop to critical eva myronova, oleksandr oliynyk, for the voice of america, from the zaporizhzhia region. today, david bramlett works at the everyman foundation. he is engaged in medical evacuation and repatriation of dead and wounded foreign volunteers fighting in ukraine. in the american army, david was a special agent, he fought in iraq and afghanistan. ah... but immediately after the full-scale invasion of russia, he volunteered for the ussr. he spent the year 2002 commanding a detachment in the foreign legion in kharkiv region, when his friend was seriously injured and was rescued by the weatherman foundation, where he started working with this foundation. now he helps volunteers like him. he told his story to the military to my colleague kateryna lisanova. tell us more about the foundation weatherman, how did this fund come about and what is its purpose? weatherman foundation goes back to the roots of the fall of afghanistan, when
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the americans left the country after the fall of kabul and the terrible events at the local airport. the founder of our foundation was directly involved in the evacuation of many afghans, including girls from the national football team. so, in a way, everything starts from there. then, when the full-scale invasion began in february 2022, there was great disappointment. the way things turned out in afghanistan, so it was an opportunity to get together and do important work. the foundation employs a group of wonderful people, almost all of us are veterans, our president is a former paratrooper. our director of operations, a former green beret special agent, i myself am a former green beret, my colleague who is now in kyiv, he is a former naval signalman, we deeply believe in american and western values. how did you personally end up at the weatherman foundation? i spent 2022 fighting in the foreign legion in
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ukraine in kharkiv. in september of the same year, one of my comrades was wounded by shrapnel from. got into his eye and brain. the foundation then helped and took him to poland for treatment. i was infinitely grateful for that, i started working with them already in january. i handed over the leadership of my unit in kharkiv and began to deal with the medical evacuation of soldiers. now this is my main job. since the summer of last year, we have evacuated 32 wounded fighters to lanshtul. this is a united states military hospital at the ramstein base. almost half of them are americans, the second most numerous are canadians, they also took out a few britons. there was one a japanese citizen, one from south korea, from new zealand, from australia, brazil, and of course, ukrainians. we strongly believe in our mission. we also provide humanitarian aid and deal with the repatriation of those who died during hostilities, whether from rocket attacks
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or artillery. we are returning the remains to their families. we have already repatriated to the united states and... it's a really difficult job, there's a lot of investigation to be done. we, as private detectives, try to gather all the evidence, because boys often die in the dark or red zones, sometimes the remains are not found. so we create a case for each person so that when the remains are found, we can return them to their families. you also bring these volunteers and their families to washington to meet with legislators. tell us how this idea came about. when i returned to the united states from the front, i noticed that the people who fought there, they were kind of isolated. it's not the same as coming back from iraq or afghanistan. then i returned home with my comrades with whom i served in the same unit. and the army took care of me, if i was injured, or i had a hard time morally, psychologically. none of this
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happens when the boys return from ukraine. my work with the wounded and the families of the dead in ukraine...talking to a lot of people who have returned to the united states showed that they all live in their own bubbles, so we wanted to bring these people together, first, to create a sense of support , just so they wouldn't feel so alone, and secondly, no one had ever brought a delegation of americans who served in ukraine and are combat veterans of the us army. such a conversation was clearer, closer to the legislators, because here it is about ... americans who participated in the global war on terror, and then decided to serve again for the protection of democracy together with the armed forces of ukraine, fighting against the russians and their tyranny. when you meet with legislators, what's the main idea you 're trying to get across? i think that the spirit and
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character of the war are not seen on the capital hill. i don't know how many congressmen have already visited ukraine, but maybe the total number is somewhere... and even those who were, are usually limited to kyiv, they cannot go to the front line. so we bring in the wounded and the families of the dead, and it gives them some context. it also arms the lawmakers themselves and gives them an opportunity to say, i talked to this soldier, this is an american soldier who served in the marines, our marines. he went to fight in ukraine, and this is what he saw. it gives a whole new meaning to the words "we need more ammunition, we need more shells, we need more tanks, it gives them something emotional to latch on to that they can then build on when talking to other congressmen. we also try to communicate with those who are against aid to ukraine. i think that many people can be convinced. in general, working in congress
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is difficult. we are talking all day with senators and congressmen, and we know that the result will not be immediate." we plan to bring more delegations already in the summer or fall with other wounded and families of the dead, so that the work continues, because the more we will hold meetings, the better. actually, why is it important to continue helping ukraine? we have already seen moldova and transnistria, then there was chechnya, georgia in 2008, then crimea and donbass in 2014, and now a full-scale invasion. i want people to... look at the trajectory of russia's actions over the past 30 years and think long and hard about what kind of world they want to live in. would you like to add anything to this interview? european countries can do more to receive the wounded, for example, right now we are taking the wounded to landstuhl the united states military hospital at the base
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in ramstein, but there are limited beds. in the middle east , the conflict is intensifying, so many beds are reserved in advance for the american military. the need can arise at any moment and we must keep those beds reserved for our forces or nato allied forces. so we need to expand the number of beds available for evacuation. i want to call on european countries to apply to our foundation. if you have available seats, we will do all the paperwork work and from the ukrainian side, also to preserve the contracts of fighters. in this way , they will continue to receive payments from the ukrainian government, and we will deliver them to your hospitals if you can accept them. it was an interview of kateryna lisonova with an american volunteer. and volunteer david bramlit. we will say goodbye on this. also watch our daily briefings at 18:00 on youtube and facebook. but you
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can ask us your questions live. also subscribe to our social networks, on facebook, youtube, twitter, telegram, as well as the new voice of america pages in ukrainian on viber and whatsapp. thank you for staying with us, good night and good morning. before meeting. there are discounts representing coconut. 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on
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events events happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know what... is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them and model our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts. inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on
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and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. les is, i!
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today in the verdict with serhii program. cleaning of the black sea. having hit the russian ship cyclone, the armed forces destroyed the last surface missile carrier in crimea. how can the further demilitarization of occupied ukraine continue? peninsula with his eye on the island of gotland, putin plans to change the maritime borders in the baltic sea, declaring its parts internal waters of russia. how will nato react to the maritime expansion of the aggressor country? the opposition is on the offensive. the verkhovna rada was pressured to create a temporary investigative
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commission on the arrangement of the fortification. why did the blocking of the parliamentary tribune become a tool of democracy again? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory, about the right of ukraine hit russia with western weapons. chinese weapons for the russians and political passions in the verkhovna rada will be discussed over the next hour with our guests, general serhiy krivonos, diplomat oleksandr hara, and political expert igor reiterovych. the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour, will feature political experts oleg sahakyan and oleksiy koshel. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how
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sso soldiers from... destroyed a russian beech, operators of the third separate regiment in three weeks destroyed half a division of buk anti-aircraft missile systems. three mirrors were affected at the end of april, beginning of may, we are looking at the impressions of the fourth beech. glory to the soldiers of the ussr and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms. please like this video to
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keep it trending. youtube and facebook, as well as take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, whether it is necessary strengthen responsibility for curfew violations. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion that does not correspond to the answer, yes or no, please write it in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think there needs to be tougher enforcement of curfew breaking 0800 2001. 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program we'll here are the results of this vote. i want to introduce our first guest, this is serhii krivonos, reserve major general, first deputy commander of the sso in 2016-19, former deputy secretary of the national security council. mr. general, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening, glory. glory to heroes.
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mr. general, let's start our conversation with the situation on the eastern front. in yesterday's video message, president zelenskyi spoke about the situation in the most hot areas at the front. let's listen to mr. zelensky. pokrovsky direction and others, donetsk directions, kramatorsk, urahivsky, now they remain. extremely difficult, and there are the most battles. kharkiv region, our forces destroy the occupier, the results are tangible. mr. general, how do you assess the current situation on the eastern and southern fronts? well, in fact, we still don't have a division of the eastern and southern fronts, it's just that such a deyure does not exist yet, but meanwhile we understand everything perfectly.


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