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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. general, let's start our conversation with the situation on the eastern front. in yesterday's video message, president zelenskyi spoke about the situation in the most hot areas at the front. let's listen to mr. zelensky. pokrovsky direction and others, donetsk directions, kramatorsk, urahivska. now remain extremely difficult and there are the most fights. kharkiv region, our forces destroy the occupier, the results are tangible. mr. general, how do you assess the current situation the eastern and southern fronts? well, in fact, we still don't have a division of the eastern and southern fronts, it's just that such a deyure doesn't exist yet, but everything between them is perfectly understood. which directions are we talking about,
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then, probably, then we will have to add the northern one, because kharkiv region is already much more northern, it is already a separate direction, but meanwhile the situation is quite complicated, and despite the fact that some managers said that in our there are no problems with shells, for some reason those who are at the front tell me something completely different, apparently those who told that everything is fine, they are fighting in some other country, in some other war. but what worries me more is the kharkiv direction, the fact that the situation there is now localized, and the enemy is not advancing yet, this is very wonderful, thank you to our armed forces, the kupyan direction, which is also close to khar to kharkiv oblast, is and there is kharkiv region, but let’s say a little more to the east, also quite serious nae... the direction is probably
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the most dangerous, it is precisely the direction of kramatorsk, precisely the direction of chasovoyar, and the enemy is actively trying to build up his effort and still take the initiative into his own hands, so far he does not have it, our guys are holding up well enough, but it is still quite difficult, plus the conduct of hostilities on pokrovsk is actively underway. a direction where at one time the enemy achieved certain results, and it is very wonderful that the enemy has not yet decided to try to concentrate his efforts, precisely in the absence of this concentration we, if it were not difficult, will still keep the situation under control, the enemy is actively using a huge number of drones, which for some reason we have much less, not to mention his huge superiority in the air and as far as the number of artillery is concerned. shells fired against us, and
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they hit us, we will lose in this direction quite seriously. mr. general, if we talk about the situation in the sumy oblast, the russians are quite active there, shelling the border villages, and my relatives live in the sumy oblast, and they tell me that the situation is quite difficult, there is a large pyserivka near bilopol'. krasnopillya, chi this means that they want to go deeper into the territory of the sumy region and, well, let's say, take sumy there, surrounded by the city, or are they simply diverting the resources that are in the armed forces in other directions, in order to attack donbas more and well, kharkiv region, well, unfortunately, i don't have one hundred percent sources. to the russian
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general staff, which would reveal the situation, we can only, let's say, foresee certain options for the russians' actions, and sumyshchyna, including what concerns the activity of their drgs, this has been repeatedly pointed out, at this stage of the war, so far that our intelligence, the deployment of logistics bases was not noticed, the increasing efforts regarding the deployment of hospital bases were not seen, although the same belgorod region is already in reserve. for the soldiers of the russian federation, therefore, the situation at this stage is not yet threatening, as far as the activation of their drgs is concerned, well, if at one time the special operations forces of the border areas had not been removed from these areas, the situation would probably have been much better in our favor. meanwhile, the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko talked about the possibility of us. entry of the russian army
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to the sumy region and said that it cannot be ruled out, let's listen to the rather small synchronicity of the spokesman of the state border service. it can never be ruled out. i mentioned this before, that including in the direction of sumy, the enemy can at any moment, even if he does not have sufficient forces, try to do something similar, as is happening now in the direction of kharkiv, precisely for this , in order to stretch the front line, the line of active combat operations and actually stretch the defense forces of our country, again, if we talk about the sumy direction, if so... what actions will the enemy take so that we strengthen this direction as well and use our reserves there. so, actually, we see that the state border service does not rule out that the russians may attack the sumy region, well, at
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certain points, and in this situation, of course, there is a big question about the provision, about the weapons that we will receive from our westerners... partners, you, mr. general, said that, no, there are not enough shells at the front, as far as i understand, and not enough weapons, in spite of everything reassurance, i wanted to ask you, since you once worked, started working with zelenskyi's team, the economist writes that zelenskyi is kept in a warm bath, and sometimes they do not agree on what is happening, and zelenskyi... sort of shouts at the generals who hide this information from him, or how true can it be? well, first of all, as for the statements of the border guards, then directly, for the actions of the enemy and for the actions of the armed forces, it is still better to let the armed forces themselves speak, and
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official representatives who have the authority to do so. let the state border service deal directly with border issues, and not step outside of its sphere of responsibility. as for the warm bath for the president, well, he has been there for a long time, probably on the first day of his game as the president of ukraine, i emphasize the game of the president of ukraine, because in many cases he beautifully and beautifully narrates the texts that special writers write for him about the situation in the country, these videos are filmed in different places, but meanwhile zelensky has no military experience, in addition to the fact that he did not serve in the army, there is absolutely no. therefore, to accept all his things, everything he tells him, he simply obediently repeats, and therefore it is better to accept those who brushed their teeth in the war, and this is precisely a question for the very chief of the armed forces, who has the authority and the right, to say something
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one hundred percent, and the president, as the supreme commander, well, it is difficult enough for him, but meanwhile we see that the warmth of the bath continues and he sincerely believes. that they report to him, that at certain moments there is disappointment, well, they themselves are to blame for that the team that was formed, and unfortunately, the situation is quite deadlocked, because often the team is formed not based on professional qualities, but on some incomprehensible political preferences and the ability to remain silent and not criticize the government. well, as for this warm bath, does it mean that the hard worker got rid of his position precisely because he... spoke and reported as it is, i think it is, that's exactly what happened, i'm not talking about that popularity , which the industrious man had when he was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, it also whined enough for the president, because he, as
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a professional artist could not bear to have someone more popular on the same stage, who was applauded more than him, that's why things turned out the way they did in the interview... new york times zelensky said that the russians have an advantage in the weapons they use when attacking, including kharkiv. i will quote zelenskyi, this is their huge advantage, the shelling of kharkiv, all the deaths of people, children, this is their huge advantage, the daily use of bombs is their huge advantage, the use of s-300 systems, they have accumulated 10,000 s300 missiles. 10,000 is it again their advantage. the head of state added that the world has the appropriate and capable weapons. resist russia's attacks, but not enough in ukraine. mr. general, over the past two years, we have repeatedly talked about not only western weapons, but about weapons that could be produced in ukraine, why they are not produced, but in the rhetoric of volodymyr
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zelensky quite often there are complaints about western partners, but there is no analysis the situation with the ukrainian military-industrial complex, or? can ukraine in some way cover those needs which are necessary for ukraine and whether ukraine could cover these needs during the last two years so that it does not happen. just a statement that in russia, there are 10,000 more s300 missiles than in ukraine. well, first of all, no one compared the number of missiles between us and them. the number of our missiles is a military secret. and as for that, well, let's remember that both on the eve of the great war and during the war, no one from the state leadership seriously dealt with the economy. i'm not saying it's not fulfilling. of the law on mobilization, and there is the first point - this is the transition of ukraine's economy to
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functioning under martial law conditions, this has not been implemented, the mobilization plan has not been worked out so far, a huge number of ukrainian enterprises have not received mobilization tasks for the production of certain products of military importance, so it can be said that this is how the russians transferred, and we haven't even started yet, and even a simple document like a mobilization plan hasn't been worked out yet. it must be clearly understood that the authorities absolutely do not yet plan victory in this war and are not gathering all his own, he is not making all his efforts to raise a powerful economy, it is enough for civilians, maybe those who sit in the president's office, understand that modern war is not a war of personal bravery of brave people, modern war is a war of the economy, the ability of the state to provide the needs of the armed... forces in full or in huge numbers, and unfortunately, the russians
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were able to do it, we have not even started it yet in the sense that it is supposed, you know, by such written truths that waging war between so, again, when i listen and hear when politicians speaking in the vestibules of our trains talk about certain things, one must understand that... this war with russia can be in favor of ukraine, when we are systematically there through day or so we will destroy one enterprise of the military-industrial complex of the russian federation, when russia will not be able to get either fuel, missiles, or shells, then the russian army will cease to exist as an organizational component, therefore the front is very important, but the most important the front for ukraine is... destroying the rear of the russian federation, that is the number one task, and then we can win and achieve
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the results we need, and if everything is reduced to head-on attacks, as we often see, this is not the front line, then it will not be in favor of ukraine, because they have more people, their economy is more capable, so we must first of all destroy their economy, make them weaker so that they cannot provide... on may 19, the armed forces of ukraine struck in occupied sevastopol russian missile ship cyclone. hitting the cyclone means that there is not a single surface-to-surface cruise missile carrier left in crimea, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports. all the rest were transferred to novorossiysk. is it possible to say, mr. general, that the ukrainians would... win the battle for the eastern and western parts of the black sea.
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at this stage, yes, it can be absolutely calmly stated and said that for now we keep the situation under control and do not allow the russians to act with impunity, as was the case, for example, the day before, during beginning of the great war. and this is very good, and i thank all those who systematically sent russian ships to the bottom. ah... but there is still a lot of work to be done and it is necessary to continue and increase efforts, including with regard to novorossiysk itself and other places and bases, the basing of the russian black sea fleet in the black sea. when we talk about the rear, mr. general, the russian rear, it is obvious that one way or another our conversation turns to whether ukraine can strike. western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, this topic is quite active now is discussed, and many different statements
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appear, some of our western partners say that we do not prohibit, but we do not and do not encourage ukraine to strike on the territory of the russian federation, on military facilities and on critical infrastructure facilities. why do you think there is no unequivocal position of western countries, because during the second world war. when the soviet union was provided with weapons, the same americans did not say that you are not striking deep into the territory of germany. times are changing, so are approaches to issues, provision weapons, well, first of all, unfortunately, we don't have a lin-linz, we blew it, thanks to the inaction of our diplomats, first of all, the ambassador of ukraine to the united states, who, after all, is more involved in the restaurant business than, issues of providing weapons
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to ukraine, why this is done, why certain countries are trying to... give us weapons, but at the same time prohibit and use them, well, you can't be half pregnant, so from the point of view of our leaders, they must ask questions more harshly and find arguments that would act on our benefit in the information space, in order to improve the situation for the adoption of this decision, so far we are deaf and dumb, we are not heard, we are not seen, we are not heard because we speak quietly, we do not say anything in this direction at all, let our politicians beat us. learned how the israelis do it during the war in the gaza strip. thank you, mr. general, for your participation in the program, this was serhiy krivonos, lieutenant general, major general of the reserve, first deputy commander of the ssso forces in 2016-19. friends, we continue
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to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live. on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey, should the responsibility for violating the curfew be increased , yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, or yes, or no, if you have any personal opinion, please leave it in the comments under the video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think there should be more accountability for breaking the curfew, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211. 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will summarize this vote. and we have our next guest, oleksandr khara, diplomat, foreign and security policy expert of the center for defense strategies. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. serius, thank you for the invitation. let's,
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mr. oleksandr, let's start right away with the story that came out today that china is transferring weapons to russia, british defense minister grand chaps said about it in particular, and he says that american and british military intelligence have evidence that that help in the form of lethal weapons is already coming or will come from china to russia, he said today at a security conference in london, i quote mr. shaps. today i can announce that we have evidence of cooperation between russia and... china in the field of weapons used in ukraine. as we saw with putin's state visit to beijing and the 64% increase in trade between russia and china after the full-scale invasion, they have each other's backs. mr. oleksandr, what is this statement and statement of american and british military intelligence, what does it
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mean, i.e., will there be an increase in pressure on china now, or. thais warn that both the americans and the british know that their weapons are coming, or will come to russia, is this a serious enough statement for today ? yes i think a serious statement it is clear that some evidentiary things are needed, and of course it will be an escalation from china, since until now it has helped the russian federation by buying minerals and selling goods twice. appointment and by and large china has a lot to learn, literally three numbers, last year russia and china traded for 227 billion dollars with the united states, china's bilateral trade turnover is 575 billion, and with the european union 626 billion. that is, the further introduction
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of sanctions, there were already sanctions in relation to chinese companies that cooperated with. in the supply of chemical elements, chemical weapons that were used on our territory, then of course, it can hit the chinese economy, and in the conditions that the chinese economy is in the best shape, it can be quite painful, so i hope that china will stop such things, if he was going to deliver, because of what the british defense secretary said. he just did not say whether china has already supplied or is going to supply, so we will hope that the americans and british and our others. they will pressure china not to increased his fortune in this war. and how would you, mr. oleksandr, characterize
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the position of sidzeni pinya at the moment, for today. it is clear that he had a european tour, then there was a meeting with putin in beijing, but analyzing his statements and analyzing the behavior of sidneypin, what can you say: china is inclined to... negotiate with the civilized world, or is it still takes the same position as it has been until now, talking again about this so-called peace plan, although it is not a peace plan at all, but there, well, the vision of the official beijing of the russian-ukrainian war, which was recorded as of february 24 , 2023, well, by and large, china is not going to receive it. by the russian federation, and until now, to this information that he had started or was going to supply weapons, there was a logical situation, that is, he
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supports the junior partner, gets the maximum that can be obtained from him, and access to markets and cheap goods that russia is supplying to china, i mean oil and that gas, and on the other hand, he is trying to hold, let's say pragmatic relations with the united states. they barely began to improve, stabilized, the dialogue along military lines was resumed, and by and large it looked like the united states and china had found a certain formula for coexistence and not worsening relations, which, of course, is extremely important for the whole world, and confrontation is definitely not for anyone not necessary, but i understood that the information that was made public did not come out of thin air, and i think that maybe in china they looked that there are more sensitive than russia, maybe they know something more from the point of view of what is happening on the battlefield and the state of the russian
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defense-industrial complex and the ability to continue, maybe there is a sense in this, and that is precisely why such a large delegation was with putin, primarily representatives of the security agencies, well, also business, which is related to the ban, so let's hope that china will still refrain from getting more involved in the conflict, especially since it removes the thesis that it was not the cause of this conflict, and it does not throw up, we are a mess, this zaiki is the one who doesn't want to and doesn't allows ukraine to diplomatically solve its problems with the russian federation. in particular, on the basis of china's political position on the political settlement of the ukrainian crisis, as the document is called, which the chinese released on the anniversary of the invasion there. mr.
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oleksandr, the minister of foreign affairs of the federal republic of germany, anna lena berbok, visited kyiv this week, and dmytro kuleba, during a joint briefing with her, said that there are no arguments against the allies helping to bring down the russians. missiles in the western part of ukraine, at least. let's listen to what mr. kuleba said. we do ask partners to consider the possibility that the russian missiles are not russian planes with russian pilots on board, but pieces of iron that carry death from russia to ukraine for them to intercept. from the territories of our partner countries, there is an alternative solution to this,
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just provide then, if you do not want to do this, then just provide us with all the necessary, all the necessary means for this, we will place them on the territory of ukraine, and we will intercept these missiles ourselves. on this initiative federal chancellor scholz said, bilt writes, that this plan is very dangerous war mongering. he criticized nato's plan to create a no-fly zone in western ukraine. and in his opinion, this could turn germany into a war party and lead to unpredictable reactions from putin, what unpredictable reactions from putin, scholz. mr. alexander. well, if you allow me, i will start a little differently. a very good conference in tallinn, linant mery
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conference, ended just a few days ago. and he performed there. timothy snyder, i he was basically talking about one historical myth that is still in the minds of the germans, that the second world war, it was an unjust aggression of the germans against the russians, in fact, most of this war was fought on the territory of ukraine, and the civilian population suffered, well, you know the history very well, i'm not talking about the fact that a large part of the red army was made up of ukrainians, but actually... myths in the heads, this is the first part, and the second part is how the russian nuclear deterrent works very well and works in the heads above all scholz, as well as washington strategists. it seems to them that by shooting down russian missiles, and minister kuleba made it absolutely clear about this, no, we do not want to shoot down russian planes, it would not be a direct conflict between nato
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and the russian federation, and of course, that... it led to an escalation , but fear and paralysis from, paralysis, more precisely, from escalation, it actually does not give the scumbag scholz the opportunity to take a step, to provide ukraine with the same torus missiles, or to help us protect at least part of ukraine from russian missiles. this the fear of the possibility of nuclear escalation, he is restraining scholz, but also you know that the russians are not acting on... only directly, so appeasing, this means both the nuclear exercises, which were tactically nuclear weapons, and what is happening now in the baltic sea , there the situation rolled back a bit, i mean the draft document, more precisely the announcement of the draft document regarding the revision of the territorial rights of the russian federation in the baltic sea, which would have quite significantly changed and worsened the situation for countries, primarily finland, and yes. well, there
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it seems that we are closer to poland, and despite the fact that it is not only about territorial waters , but about several islands of kinski, where the border has moved towards what international law considers the territory of the sovereign territory of finland, that is, all these things, they are directed primarily to frighten western partners, to continue the hybrid attack on the west, in order to test its readiness to defend both its members and to help ukraine, and, unfortunately, in berlin and washington, this test is still in the smallest, most profane assessment that can be imagined, they actually encourage russia's further insolent duel, well , the continuation of this war, because it is clear that the issue is not to protect ukrainian skies with the territory of nato member countries. the question
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is, first of all, that we review those. strategic restrictions that have been imposed on ukraine since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, that we cannot use western weapons on the actual russian territory, destroying first of all the seeds of those missiles and bombs that fall on our heads, and not try to intercept with limited and benign missiles, that is, the key problem is how washington and berlin see the conflict, and how they try to avoid impasse. part of the baltic sea, or rather part of oleksandr about the claims of the russians on the water area in the gulf of finland and also near
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the cities. in the kaliningrad region there is a draft of the relevant resolution of the government of the russian federation, and this draft was prepared by the ministry of defense of russia, as it is believed in sweden, the master of the kremlin plans to gain control over the island of gotland, which in order to control the baltic sea itself, this island is in the middle of this baltic. and whoever controls gotland controls the baltic sea, it was always believed. what the commander-in-chief of the swedish armed forces, mikael büden, said in an interview with r&d. yes, i am sure that putin even has both eyes on gotland. putin's goal is to gain control over the baltic sea, he probably also has his eyes on the alland islands. the russians closely monitor what
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happens at the entrances and exits to the baltic sea, well, the baltic sea it.


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