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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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curfew 0800 211 381 no 02 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote and today we have political experts, people who know everything, or at least everything, about ukrainian politics . oleg sayakyan, political scientist, co-founder of the national platform for sustainability and cohesion. mr. oleg, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today, my congratulations, as well as oleksiy koshel, doctor of historical sciences, political scientist, chairman of the committee to the voters of ukraine, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. well, since the gentlemen, her and our team, ask our viewers whether it is necessary to increase the responsibility for violating the curfew? i will ask you, but i will tell you something very briefly. today
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, the verkhovna rada of ukraine was unable to pass in the repeated second reading the draft law on administrative responsibility for violation of curfew by citizens, there is an increase in fines and police actions against those who violate curfew, on your opinion, is it necessary to strengthen the responsibility for violating the curfew, mr. oleg? in my opinion, this is not the most urgent issue that needs to be resolved today, if we talk about the curfew , then it can be strengthened. this responsibility, but it is necessary to remove the elements of the summons of the itc, when they talk about the violation of the curfew, because this moment turns the mobilization into a punishment, into another and around that, this is incorrect and the wrong approach, therefore, fines are a secondary issue in this resolution, and if to talk about increasing responsibility, then we need to increase responsibility for and we have. certain problems with motorcycles in
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ukrainian cities, there were certain problems with communication, i apologize, for other similar ones, thank you, mr. oleg, mr. oleksiy, well, i think that there cannot be just one approach, and we generally need to change the very approach to curfew, that is, i am convinced that there are separate regions, there are tourist centers, relatively calm lviv region, ternopil. well , it’s quite conditionally calm, obviously you can change approaches there, and there, i don’t know, truskavets, sataniv, other areas, maybe you should even refuse there, that’s a different matter, chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast, where russian drgs can work, where they actually work, as far as i know, certain problems can also be observed in the north of kyiv oblast, in reality it should to act, this mechanism must work and... hard enough, well
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, at the same time, full transparency is needed in the issues of the so -called curfew passes, as far as i know, with information from the media, they worked there both for pop performers and for necessary people, for the authorities, and for those who try to visit bars, restaurants at night time, well there have been so many scandals that i understand that there should be a sufficiently tough approach and if the local government does not deal with ... these things , well, obviously, then the government should, then the government should deal with this issue. thank you, mr. oleksiy, gentlemen, i mentioned this unresolved decision of the verkhovna rada, and over the past two days we have been watching how part of the parliament, the european solidarity faction, is trying to return, i would said, subjectivity in the verkhovna rada, when inside the session hall they demand to put... to a vote this or that
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issue and push the chairman of the verkhovna rada to consider these issues at the conciliation council, those that have not been considered for a long time, well today , a temporary, special commission on the fortification and procurement of drones was created, and this issue was voted on, by the way, among the members of this tsk are the deputies of the former pzh, the majority of... 15 deputies, members of the commission from the servant of the people faction, but the fact itself , that stefanchuk did not want to put this issue to a vote, but 277 deputies voted for insisting on european solidarity, and in fact, what is stated in the explanatory note to this draft law on the creation of the tsk, for the purpose of researching the issue of using budget funds directed to development.
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fortifications and engineering barriers on the contact line, as well as for the manufacture and purchase of unmanned aerial vehicles for military units and units of the armed forces of ukraine and others formed in accordance with the laws of ukraine , a temporary special commission of the verkhovna rada of ukraine is formed on military formations. mr. oleg, do you think that it is possible to assume that this subjectivity is being restored in the parliament, about which we have talked about the loss of it quite actively during the last two years, that there was only one decision-making center, this is the president's office, and the verkhovna rada the council spoke. in the role of some department of the office? well, first of all, i want to apologize for the bad communication, now there are emergency shutdowns of the electrids, i am communicating with you from the batteries, accordingly, his subjectivity may be with
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us, we have very big problems with e-e communication, if possible, please sort out oleg sayakyan, it seems to me that... it might help, of course, that there are power outages all over ukraine, including in kyiv, unfortunately, we hear you intermittently, now our editors will redial you, mr. oleg, mr. oleksiy, i am addressing you with the same question regarding the subjectivity, renewal of the subjectivity of the ukrainian parliament and the influence parliament for life in ukraine? you know i would i didn't start speaking via viber, the problem is that i... can you please, most likely, i would speak in the format of such a word scum, but really, if we analyze the work of the parliament over the last 3-4 months, we see , that the same questions pass from the agenda to the session, and according to my, according to my
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subjective assessment, about a third of the questions that are put on the agenda are questions that can wait a year and... more and until the end of the war, that is, the issues that have, need priority, priority solution, there is also the issue of cinematography, there is also the issue of hop production and many other issues that have already been discussed once on the air, so actually for many of the respondents it is not clear what is happening with the verkhovna rada, why the ukrainian parliament worked for about 10 hours in session format in march , about 10 hours per month. i emphasize precisely for the bridge. other questions arise as to why, say, the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, in a time of war, which is one of the key committees, cannot meet in april about three weeks. these are given by the deputy heads of this. and that is why such problems
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have accumulated quite a lot in the verkhovna rada, and we have reason to talk about a protracted, extremely serious parliamentary crisis, which manifests itself in... by the way, not only in these issues, but also in cooperation with the cabinet ministers of ukraine, when members of the government and the head of the government, well, let's say, to put it mildly, reluctantly visit the parliament, or simply ignore the work of parliamentary committees, in response, the parliament fails government bills, well the last figure i came across was about 65-70% of government bills. are not accepted by the parliament, i.e. chronic problems have accumulated enough to say that the disease is very serious and must be treated, therefore this attempt to block the rostrum of the verkhovna rada, expressing protest, is a completely
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normal reaction. yes, on the one hand , we are taught that during the war, you cannot criticize the ukrainian government, that this is working against the enemy, you cannot block the parliament, this is working against the enemy. but at the same time it is normal to make administrative decisions of very low quality , it is normal to obstruct the work of the parliament, but you understand, the issues are very serious, so i will give one example that is simply obvious to everyone: the law on mobilization, here are the changes to the legislation on mobilization, pay attention, they were at least one and a half years late, but i am convinced that these changes should have been adopted in the spring of the 22nd. year, and not in the spring of the 24th, and moreover, six months passed from the development in the government to the adoption in the parliament, well i'm sorry, i understand that this is a complex bill, but not so much as to drag on for six months, when the government shows its incompetence, they can't, when they couldn't
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develop quality legislative changes, when the parliament there starts with only theses, ends with extremely soft ones, i.e. changes its position, and... moreover, i am convinced that now the law does not provide answers to all questions, and now i would like to talk about the fact that the committee on national security, defense and intelligence... already now, already tomorrow should prepare amendments to this law, amendments to legislation, well, at least to solve the issue of evaders, because it has not been solved, a huge percentage of our men are actually under house arrest, some for months, some for years, counting on the fact that the representatives of the tsc will not enter the territory of private property in the yard. me, there in the apartment, in the house, well, it is necessary, it is necessary to change... the rules must obviously be made tougher, more understandable, and this is only one of the problems,
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there are enough of them, and that is why, in fact, i think that the answer in block format work of the verkhovna rada, this is an absolutely acceptable mechanism that works all over the world, it allows, firstly, to defend the position of the opposition factions in the parliament, and secondly, to draw attention to the fact that our parliament is paralyzed, we need it now at any cost to return to return the parliament to the work format of the 22nd model, when everyone worked, when everyone passed bills, and moreover, for the first time in ukrainian history, we had unity, which was demonstrated by simply impressive numbers, when every third, every fourth bill in on average, it was adopted by a constitutional majority. thank you, mr. oleksiy, we are in touch again. oleg sahakyan, but only by phone, because unfortunately
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mr. oleg has no electricity, and the connection is unstable. mr. olezh, how do you assess the efforts of the people's deputies to take more initiative, well, in particular, not only regarding the creation of a temporary special commission on fortifications, but also to push the parliament to adopt a law banning russian churches on the territory. of ukraine and consider this issue and make a final decision on this issue full stop well, i would separate here a little the issue of the very functioning of the parliament and, separately, the bill on the possibility of banning the tsars of the moscow church. as for the parliament itself, we are simply observing a greater level of subjectivity and unpreparedness of the parliament for the role that has been assigned to it for a long time. and actually this... is not yet a recovery of the situation, these are only signs of the life of the parliament, in principle, the very
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crisis of relations within the various branches of government, institutions, it continues, and at the moment we simply see how the parliament shows teeth or one's subjectivity in relation to other institutions, but for us the task is not that the parliament is in a cold war with the government, with the office of the president, with other institutions. on the contrary, there was a constructive working atmosphere and normal relations, and this is broader than the task of the authorities as a whole to ensure this communication and this model of work, institutionalization, re-finalization, affairs than even to say, within the authorities themselves, because now first of all all the source of this tension is the relationship within the most powerful team, which is divided into various institutions, regarding a... decisions and incentives, it is clear that the parliament has this role, it is absolutely organic in being bound
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by society and retransmitting, aggregating this public interest to other authorities, and at least the parliament is a place for discussion and raising these issues and finding these solutions, so here are resolutions, not only laws, this is one of the mechanisms that exists in the parliament for just such a case, as well as statements, and appeals and others, because it is parliamentary activity is not only... passing laws, there are many other functions performed by parliamentarians, in particular in relation to other branches of government, regarding the draft law on the church, here i have quite a bit, let's say the position is ambiguous, because that the current draft law will not satisfy the demand in society, because it is already being communicated precisely as a draft law on the banning of the moscow church, and this is not in it, it is not. her next day of life will not change, he creates a mechanism for that it would be possible to ban it in court,
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and this is exactly the right way, although it is a long way, because in the event that it would be otherwise, then in court it would be possible to issue such decisions, and we would also through the european court of human rights and would prove that in this way we do not violate the right to freedom of conscience and citizens and, accordingly, we do not persecute on the basis of religion, therefore this bill is... only the beginning of the judicial path, and therefore politically it will not give an effect here and now, on the contrary, even its adoption may cause a certain wave disappointment, because the next day will not be what people expect from the bill, but it cannot deliver, but now its passage can be used by our enemies of the united states, as the election campaign enters its final phase and we remember how the thesis about and how much money, in particular libyan money, was poured into this thesis by russia and in the united states about the fact that orthodoxy is allegedly banned in ukraine,
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as was said, or christians in general, as the same taylor green and others wrote, but... as speaking, very radical pro -russian subjects in the united states, and now to receive another wave of actualization of the church, where no one in the crucible election campaign will understand what exactly is prohibited, in what way and that in general no one forbids anything, but only judicial mechanisms create , but nevertheless it will definitely be used against us, the russian federation would pay us here, since we would do half of the work for them here and now, it is quite beneficial that for us this issue may just have to be postponed. stands to the end of the election campaign in the states, and then adopt the mechanism and then really engage in this issue seriously. thank you, mr. olezh, gentlemen, should we postpone the results of the presidential term of volodymyr zelensky until the end of the war and the arrival of a new president. the president of ukraine himself stated in an interview with foreign journalists
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that my 5 years have not yet ended, they are still ongoing, and therefore, in principle, let them be evaluated. people, how do i cope with this, but people cannot evaluate, because there are no elections now, and accordingly, it is not possible to hold all the general a survey of ukrainians there, whether zelensky fulfilled his promises, whether they are actually satisfied with president zelensky himself, mr. oleksiy, the fact that the presidential team slipped through this, this is on may 20, 2024. when, in principle, the president could go to the verkhovna rada and say his word, after all, it is five years since the inauguration of the president, and it would probably be right for him to say something in conditions when his powers are extended and it is not known to what extent. yes, it
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was right, it was right, i think it would have been right for the president to speak with a meaningful address to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it would be important, because it is an opportunity to share, actually to indicate one's vision of ways of development for the coming year of the foundations of foreign and domestic policy, despite the fact that the war, the president should have dialogue with the verkhovna rada, that is, the bank should not perceive the parliament, sorry, words, as subjects, they should not perceive that they have a control panel, like a television, they press a button there. one is a servant of the people, point two is a group of trust that will add votes, you can't work like that, you need to communicate with the parliament, and then, by the way, there won't be a bacchanalia in legislative work, there won't be complete chaos, then there will be priorities, there will be strategies, there will be a vision, oleg has already started talking about the example with the church
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bill, what is the problem, the problem is that no one in power wants to look at it for at least a year. go ahead, understand the consequences, look a little further. everyone looks very simply, conducts sociology, yes, people are in favor of banning the moscow patriarchy, we will adopt a bill with a beautiful name. what do we want to get as a result, we will really get a draft law that will fundamentally solve nothing, the effect of which may extend over time for years, even decades, the issue will not be resolved, there is another way, a simplified transition mechanism. parish, this is the way, this is the mechanism, and i am convinced that 80% of the clergy of the uoc mp, especially when it comes to the parish clergy, can easily transfer to the orthodox church in ukraine, especially what concerns the western regions, central regions of ukraine. of course,
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the situation with the episcopate is completely different. that is, you understand, the discussion takes place in the format of slogans, no one wants to look ahead. well, the same thing, i am convinced that now for the presidential team, five years on, what would be important to realize is that there is a very serious crisis related to decision-making, a government crisis, a parliamentary crisis, the mechanism is not working, i have the impression that the vast majority of representatives of the president's team in 5 years have not understood how the state works, how decisions are made, that it is necessary... to do, this is a problem, but everyone works more in the format, there is an information topic, it must be broken in the information plane, but they work more as political technologists . statesmen, not strategists, that's the big problem. well, maybe they work like people who came from television and understand that, the ratings of yesterday's program
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in the morning, and accordingly, they already focus on what, i, how to adjust their policy, so that a very good comparison, very good comparison, they really measure by ratings, there are peak times there in social groups who are looking to kill this thread, but you know. and another key failure is that there is a lack of state- level managers who were in the president's entourage, as advisers, as close associates. i always give the example of viktor yushchenko, when in the first years of the presidency, he was constantly treated, he really underwent an incredible number of operations there, but i apologize, he had ivan stepanovich plyuch, a strategist who could, who had a statesman's mindset, and who could approach to the president, head first, i'm not
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i imagine who from the president's entourage could say a different opinion, express a different opinion, let alone contradict the head of state? about the numbers, according to kmis, the sharpest decline in confidence in zelenskyi took place between december 2023 and the beginning of february... of the year, when confidence dropped from 77% to 60 or 65%. now trust is at the same level, while ukrainians, although they are more critical of the president and his entourage, 70-80% are confident that the elections are not at the right time and currently do not question his legitimacy. we do not question the legitimacy either, because we understand that president zelenskyi is the current president. what do these numbers mean mr. oleg, of course when i say that the confidence level dropped from 77 to 60, it's still 60
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a big number today, and maybe not as big as it was there in december 23, and not as big as it was in april 2019, but zelenskyi was and remains the most trusted politician as far as... i understand after zaluzhny, because zaluzhny has now gone to britain, eh, what can you say about these five years and why zelensky refused to sum up and make some kind of a definite summary, ordinary, traditional, no one insists on this, but it would be absolutely logical. it seems to me that this strategy was chosen in order not to emphasize attention, but it seems to me that it is a loss. on the contrary, now it would be necessary to make sweets by force and set the agenda for this five-year report, thus demonstrating that the authorities are perfectly
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aware that now would be the moment when the powers would expire, if there were no of the russian attack, and under such a narrative it would be possible to have a rather serious, in some places, possibly uncomfortable conversation with society, and it would be perceived as a strong step, and in fact there are very high-quality and professional pr staff and screenwriters in the team of the current president, who can to ensure this process well enough, and it would be beneficial to the state and zelensky himself. the level of trust that is preserved, this element of consolidation of ukrainians around the military-political leadership. it is necessary to understand what we are not talking about now ratings, and even more so, not about the ratings of politicians. the level and... rating, speaking in this language, of commander-in-chief zelenskyi, the supreme commander, the rating of president zelenskyi and candidate
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zelenskyi, and we can put any surname in these three configurations, these are absolutely three different ratings, both of trust and support , attitude, etc., and while we are at war, it is clear that in this case it is about the element of responsibility and consciousness of ukrainian society, and therefore the answer may differ, do you support the actions of president zelensky, the answer will be, for example, no, but do you trust the supreme commander in president zelensky, the answer will be: i trust, we need to look at the migration between i trust and rather i trust, and now we can see that right there lies the answer to what are the dynamics, does this trust increase, does it happen, or does it happen in some cases already because of no, regardless of, but i trust, and here... here are the alarm bells for the authorities and the place where you need to work, because legality the president zelenskyi is currently indisputable, we all understand it, and international practice here
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is absolutely on... ukraine and our domestic legislation, it is extremely difficult to undermine the extension of zelenskyi's powers now, but legitimacy is a softer and amorphous category after all, it is about willingness to accept decisions, willingness to trust and obey, and here it will be dynamic all the time, and will depend on the level of challenge that will have to be met, certain decisions are needed. a high level of cohesion and trust of the authorities, and everything will take these bars from here more difficult in a normal period, elections make it possible to refinance, change the surname, the institution again acquires additional trust in society, legitimacy, and it is like a heart that pumps blood from election to election, as well as trust in any republic, but when there are no elections, it is necessary to activate twice as much by force, other border inter-electoral
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mechanisms. democracy of participation, consultations, involvement in decision-making and implementation, decentralization, deconcentration of some powers, all this is needed by the authorities right now to think and do, and this could be part of this agenda, as we live in conditions when president zelenskyi is with us for a certain period of the war, despite the fact that he was elected for five years, and then the authorities could to create mechanisms now to replenish this legitimacy. and self-confidence, despite all the difficult challenges that will fall before it, and a whole series of image and other losses that they bear now, in particular due to personnel policy, accumulated questions and many other fair critical remarks about authorities well, by the way, regarding personnel issues, because this is probably the most painful place that volodymyr zelenskyi's team has, when he went to the elections, he said that as soon as they find out that one of my people will
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take something there... bari, or live dishonestly, i will immediately react to it, and reacts, but not as quickly as i would like, andriy smirnov, who is now the former deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine, and received a suspicion today, and it is about acquisition, illegal acquisition of property, including an apartment, a plot of land in the carpathians, just in time stay at... the deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine, and as soon as nabu began to consider this case, of course, smirnov himself was dismissed from his position, smirnov himself confirmed today that the criminal case, or at least the suspicion, was handed to him, he says that i confirm the information with the about serving me a notice of suspicion, the suspicion is not from the sbu,
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but from... bu, this is the first, second, the event has long been expected by me, given the fact that it was announced almost six months before today by all possible methods of serving the suspicion and search happened quickly and delicately, there are no comments to the detectives, but one of volodymyr zelenskyi's promises is to destroy the system that existed before him, that is, he said that we will come and rebuild the entire country, we are at the customs. they will not steal, and they will no longer take bribes, and in general the whole system will be rebooted. mr. oleksiy, in your opinion, in five years did president zelensky manage to destroy the system that was passed down from one president to another? first, i am categorically opposed to the terminology itself to break the system, that is, depending on who puts what meaning into these
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formulations, because... if it turns out, based on the election rhetoric of the head of presidential candidate volodymyr zelenskyi, when he spoke about the end of the era of poverty, the end of the era of greed and many other such beautiful slogans of epithets, exclusively in the emotional plane, then there was a certain logic here, and the thesis that we will destroy the system and build such ideal biblical rules in the work of the government fits well on this ground, on the other hand there are realities, i apologize. .. numbers which show that this did not actually happen, to put it mildly, i remember in the 21st year, expert centers that were sufficiently authoritative for me indicated that, according to their calculations, due to schemes at the customs, every year, every year, the state does not receive an amount in the region of 10 billion dollars, there were other estimates that said that the situation...


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