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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EEST

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precisely in these formulations, because if it turns out, based on the election rhetoric of the head of the presidential candidate volodymyr zelensky, when he spoke about the end of the era of poverty, the end of the era of greed and many other such beautiful slogans of epithets exclusively in the emotional plane, then there was a certain logic and in fact, the thesis that we will destroy the system and build such ideal biblical rules in the work of government fits well on this ground. on the other hand, there are realities, i'm sorry, there are figures that show that this did not actually happen, to put it mildly, i i recall in the 21st year , expert centers that are sufficiently authoritative for me indicated that, according to their calculations, due to schemes at the customs, the state receives an amount in the region of 10 billion dollars every year, every year, there were other estimates that said that the situation... . tion is even worse,
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but in spite of everything we are talking about numbers with many zeros, you can imagine the implementation of customs reform, completely transparent rules, the minimization of corruption, how much money could be accumulated in the state budget, during the hard phase of the war, i.e. drones, ammunition, i think it would be possible to increase it many times, and obviously it is about... many things, that is , misunderstanding, on the one hand, on the other hand, perhaps the conscious reluctance of certain representatives of the authorities, who are precisely responsible for those or other areas of work, there in particular for customs, on the third hand, it may be simply incompetence, because it is necessary to take a set of measures in order to quickly and efficiently carry out certain anti-corruption steps, and again, i remind you that the topic of corruption how powerful it is now. that during
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during the last visit, the us secretary of state pointed out the topic of corruption in a separate block, on the eve of the visit, the us ambassador to ukraine separately pointed out the need for official kyiv to implement anti-corruption reforms, that is , we will not implement, we will have the appropriate consequences, including with a delay, even partial, even symbolic , but all the same with the decrease, withholding by many others in... finances, funds, maybe even military equipment, that is, the more skepticism there is towards ukraine, the less support there will be. well, there can be a formula just like that. thank you, mr. oleksiy. mr. olezh, why did zelensky fail to fulfill his promises regarding the fight against corruption. what prevented this? well, i would say that here from the very beginning the request was vicious, because simply to break, to demolish the system of voting for zelenskyi, it was a protest.
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a vote in which people threw out everything that hurt during many, many years of ukrainian independence, all those experiments, and in the end people said that now we were mocked, and now we are mocking politicians, and we will show you have such a trick with electing a completely non-systemic, non-political person, and it will be a kind of evil joke on politicians, and for what politicians did to society, and this is about... attitude, in this case it played an evil joke on the whole society, and not only with politicians, and therefore, when a request is formed for the demolition of the old system, it is clear that the new team that came, they actually went with this request, that you just need to change the bad ones to good ones, we good ones came to the office and now everything will work, they they sit in their chairs, and it turns out that it does not work, that the institutions have long since rotted, that the president can really have little effect on anything with his decrees. and in general, the problem
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is that it is necessary to create a system from scratch, and there was no particular request for this creation, because they went with other slogans, because people wanted to hear other slogans, and they received a mandate for something else, and actually knowledge and competences among those who came, what is public administration, public administration, what is politics, actually, the phenomenon of politics, etc., it is for many chinese literacy, these are people who did not have... a sufficient level of competence, even to understand what issues they are facing, some of them, far from all, but a significant part in general, and accordingly we have a situation , in which at the moment we cannot say that we just need to take something and replace something or repair something, we need to reinvent independent ukraine, its institution, especially now during the war, with the same customs office , an absolutely good example was given. and the problem well, it's not that some... team
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of scoundrels came who hacked the customs office and are sitting on schemes, the problem is that the customs office itself never worked for the public interest during the time of independence in ukraine, that is , the problem is not... that that they found some kind of loophole and hacked it, and the problem is that the system itself is built in such a way that it is not viable in order to work transparently and in the interests of the state and society, and not in the interests of individual powerful people, leaders, political leadership, simply sending money, pumping it into your pocket, you need it to reinvent, and the request was to change the elites, the request was to change the bad ones to good ones, but in the end we now have the results of this, i hope that the next request in the elections in society will still be for more meaningful things than just to change surnames and to elect no-names, as we saw in the parliament, to replace the old ones, because they don't like the old ones. thank you, mr. olezh, mr. oleksiy, you saw
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all the internal elections that took place in ukraine, and mr. olek says that it is possible that the next elections will be completely others, and it won't be for... then people won't vote for those they voted for in 2019, i understand that you think, have the voters changed, or are the voters changing, well, especially in the last two years , will they, after the end of the russian-ukrainian war, vote for the same zelensky again, say, well, in principle, he worked well for 5 years, why should n’t he work for another 5 years, well... in fact, during the entire history of ukrainian independence, the question on content, request for programs, request for professional teams, etc especially, there was no such request, but i even remember at one time there was a political party called forward
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ukraine, it was called the party of lawyers, because from the early twenties or thirties there 80% were candidates for doctors of legal sciences, and even they themselves positioned we are a team that can and will write quality laws in the parliament, so this team did not have enough percentage of votes to overcome the three percent electoral barrier at that time, because there is always a demand for a beautiful cover, for something that shines, always people pay attention no longer on the content, on who jokes, who dresses, who is braver, who is more beautiful, all these things, and here, by the way, the ukrainian voter... is not special, such carnival approaches to politics, they are also characteristic of europe, and for the united states, this is a disease that affects the whole world, and by the way, a traditional disease, whether there will be, whether there will be a way out, i think, i think that
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there will definitely be a change in the position of the voters, because the campaign that we got a parliamentary campaign in 2019 and later in the 20th year, well actually, how do i like it... this is the least meaningful campaigns for the entire period of ukrainian independence. please remember what president zelensky promised in the 19th year. he promised a land of dreams. now i can even quote this program, because it was about the fact that i dream of posting ads in poland looking for a job in ukraine. you know, this program reminded me of another program, when in the early 2000s one of the political parties went to the elections, where instead of... the election program, they officially registered in the cec a poem by volodymyr sosyura love ukraine, love ukraine orally in reality cherry my ukraine. this was an election program, and volodymyr zelenskyi's team repeated exactly the same. and that's why i think
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there should be a response from the voters: the next election, please, a program, clear promises, the first 20 bills, the first 50 points, a strategic vision. reforms, the vision of euro-atlantic integration, these are key issues, how he jokes, how he dresses and what he says are secondary. thank you, mr. oleksiy, we have to conclude, oleksiy koshel and oleg sahakyan were guests of our program today. thank you, gentlemen, for your participation in program on this broadcast, we conducted a survey and asked you about whether it is necessary to strengthen the responsibility for violating the curfew . let's look at the final results of the television survey on the screen: 83% yes, 17% - no. that's it, friends, i'll put an end to it, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you tomorrow at 20:00, goodbye,
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there are times when the body loses fluid quickly, which can lead to dehydration, when ordinary water is not enough. reo - water for special medical purposes has discounts present coco may discounts on dolgiit cream 150 g 20% ​​in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war to talk, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, and now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy good evening. please, you have the word. two hours to catch up economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchenko is with
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us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. and day in two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. an unusual look at the news, good health, ladies and gentlemen, they call me mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads and ours will be even better. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some on the border of kyiv. chains and beyond, what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, can we imagine? all this in
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an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. i greet you, dear tv viewers, i am glad to see and hear, i hope you are also me, my name is vasyl zema, this is a big ether on the spresso tv channel, during the next one. for 40 minutes, i and my colleagues will talk with you about the most important things and also analyze the most important and scandalous events of this event and statements of this day. well, we start, of course , traditionally, with a conversation with serhii zgurets, the military results of the day. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate you our viewers. today we will talk with our military, first of all, about the situation on... on the front line in the prokupy direction, about that in a moment. the situation on the entire front line
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remains extremely difficult, at the same time there are two hottest sections, according to the general staff's estimates for the past day, these are the kupyan direction and the pokrovsky direction, when we talk about the pokrovsky direction, this is where the enemy is trying to push through . to the west of avdiivka, and the prokuplin direction there were 17 clashes per day, and actually the enemy has been trying to push through to kupinsk for a long time, he is not succeeding, because , relatively speaking, despite the fact that the enemy has a significant number of armored vehicles and artillery, there are also our powerful brigades in this direction, which restrain the enemy, in particular from the ukrainian side, among others, the defense is held by the third separate tank iron brigade, and for... we are joined by the officer of this brigade, volodymyr gontar. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you,
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i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, studio. mr. volodymyr, i would like to start first of all with that now in the area of ​​responsibility of your brigade, what changes have taken place in the past day or two, because according to the statistics of the general staff, we see that the number of combat clashes in your direction has increased? yes, you can talk. about the general kupyan direction, and you can pay a little attention to the section of our brigade, in our country as well as in... in general, in the kupyan direction, we communicate with the enemy in our own language in the same way, in our country, let's say , they are in they don't go on a bayonet attack and don't make direct such sorties, but we do every day they disturb everything that flies, they can also enter ours, try to enter all kinds
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of drgs, we also... catch cabs on ourselves, catch everything that flies from the sky on us. mr. volodymyr, what about how our tanks are now most often used in combat, because the tank brigade understands that it is such an iron force for combat, but the tactics are probably changing somehow, that now most often it is the cover of infantry in counterattacks, is it possible there is shooting from closed fire positions, which is exactly how the tanks in your brigade are used, that's how i understood it. yes, the very, very main difference between the use and tanks in modern combat operations, this is all that flies over our heads, this is the main and big difference, our tanks work both from closed, artillery positions, and with direct fire
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, when our eyes, that which flies in us, see the goal. they see the enemy, then the tank begins its work, er, well, our direct attacks, as in the statutes, there are no such things at the moment, but our tanks are actively, actively working, and the main difference is that we must take into account and beware of things that fly in different ways, then i will try to clarify, when you say that it is necessary to beware of things that fly, you probably mean... eyes and cabs, and eagles, which are carried out there for reconnaissance, prolancets, which are likely to arrive, what is the most optimal way to build protection or defense now, in order to minimize the impact of these enemy means on our forces, on our weapons, yes, well , first of all, it should be, and we have well-
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trained specialists, technical support , protection of course. comprehensive, as you in course, you can plant, you can also, let’s say so, directly block, well, it’s the dream of every soldier, to block what flies and go on vacation, and yes, the principle of protection is quite broad, quite complex, as individual, let’s say yes, equipment, positions, people, and we work very actively in this direction and start... with the help of our rear, when we talk about the rear, it is different, it is wetter and combat support, this is what is responsible for repair of our tanks, i would like to ask how the issue of supporting tanks and armored vehicles on your site due to interaction with our repair units, possibly with ukroboron promu enterprises, how
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this dialogue is ensured, how the rapid dynamics of recovery is ensured. equipment, if it did not suddenly fail, yes, just today i had a conversation with our direct tank commanders, then on this topic, we have nothing perfect, but everything is fixed, everything is set very well and very powerful, according to first of all, we have a good repair base at the bmtz, a logistics battalion , they try their best in... a short time to do its work, if not, then the tank goes to the tank repair plant, where specialists do everything that is necessary in a short time, and the tanks are returned, but we are currently communicating with such an enterprise, and our tankers are satisfied work, and you use now, as i understand it, t-72 tanks and possibly ts4, that is
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, tanks of the soviet era, but significantly modernized, because... it is not a secret, there were videos when your units fought on t tanks -72 amt, i understand the most so cool modernized t-72 tanks, which have the ability, in particular, night vision, and the ability to fire guided missiles through the cannon, through the cannon, that is, in fact, you have quite good tanks that can fight in various combat conditions, so we have our main tank.. the fleet is t-72 tanks, some of them modernized just like that, which we received from the countries of the former warsaw pact. well, this is our main, main tank fleet, we don’t have others, yes, they work, of course, to the extent - let’s say, equipment,
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arrangements, er, and well, we are fighting with them, we are working with them, and what is the situation, in particular, with junior officers, with sergeants, because all the brigades actually rely on the fact that there was such an effective backbone of combat management and... just the issue of sergeants there and junior officers is sometimes the most urgent in order for all units of the brigade to act effectively and efficiently, how do you deal with this, how are sergeants trained, how are junior officers promoted, what are the approaches of the brigade command to that , so that this brush was it powerful and effective? so we take advantage of the opportunity, we consciously invite. healthy men to join the ranks of our brigade, the junior, the command staff, our sergeants regularly undergo training
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abroad, this is a very powerful job for us, but now they have returned, we have a very powerful chief sergeant of the brigade, who takes care of all those who claim the rank for... the position of sergeant, junior officers , we are also looking for, we invite, there are positions for everyone, there are specializations for everyone, as well as for other specialties, tankers, gunners, bpla operators, this is the war of the 21st-22nd century, i would say, mr. volodymyr, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the work that you and your comrades do for the defense of our country, i would like to remind you that this... was an officer of the third separate tank volodymyr gondar of the iron brigade. this brigade is currently holding the defense in the kuplin direction, at this time the enemy
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is trying to put more ideological pressure on our partners when conducting training with tactical nuclear weapons. on the 21st, it was announced that the russian federation was conducting practice training the use of tact... of nuclear weapons, and actually this is the first and so far the only video that the enemy is trying to show to the whole world, what is interesting to note, first of all, these exercises were announced on may 6, there was a pause for a long time and almost everyone forgot about these trainings, but on the 21st the enemy announced that such trainings are being conducted in the first phase, and this is rather an ideological response of our enemy to make impossible all the processes that primarily concern the good dynamics
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associated with with the fact that, in particular, there are american ones congressmen are already turning to the pentagon with a demand, or for now with a request, to make a decision on the use of american weapons to strike on the territory of the russian federation, especially when... we are talking about the accumulation of enemy manpower there in belgorodsk , kursk or bryansk region, as it was, in particular, on the eve of the russian offensive on the northern kharkiv region, if, conditionally speaking, there was an opportunity to strike with the same atakams that have already been transferred to ukraine, then of course the enemy would not have such an offensive potential there was, so to speak conditionally speaking, the congressmen are turning to the pentagon so that such a permit is finally approved, but we see that the russian federation historically reacts faster, it conducts these exercises, demonstrates the presence of its conditionally tactical nuclear weapons, but when we look at these videos , then
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de facto there is no, shall we say, confirmation that russia really has some capabilities there that allow us to put additional ideological pressure on our partners, because of the display of these mig-31s. and iskanderiv, and there the tu-22m3 is the usual video that you can to be tied to any stage of combat training, so that in any case now russia is rather using such usual levers of information to remind that they supposedly have nuclear weapons, they can use them, but this video is not really added no new arguments. in the technical ability of the russians to change approaches to the use of tactical nuclear weapons, although in fact i
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actually expected these new technical details in this video, because what is... the peculiarity of tactical nuclear weapons, the warheads are in the warehouses, they must be brought, docked to the carriers, then an inspection of the control means and all these processes of transporting warheads or warhead simulators there, checking the means of communication, closed communication, all this happens, relatively speaking, under close attention of the american and european satellites, because these are interesting things, important things for security, to track them, so russia in principle did not take this step, it just showed the video and not the fact that it was spent there at all such deep ones training on working out the capabilities of tactical nuclear weapons. before that, the pentagon said that it does not see any changes in the approaches to the use of tactical nuclear weapons by the enemy, will not make changes in its nuclear concepts there, and does not see grounds for concluding that russia
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can... to use tactical nuclear weapons against ukraine, but if these red lines are already blurring on the russian side and do not work, then i think that a completely logical step is still, i repeat, to make a decision about the possibility of using primarily american weapons, it concerns attacks, high-marches, potential missiles up to the f-16, in order to carry out strikes on the accumulation of enemy forces on russian territory, this will be a significant contribution to the fact that, in addition to the weapons that... given to ukraine, also make tactically correct decisions that will increase the effectiveness of using our armed forces against the enemy. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's broadcast. thank you very much seg for, thank his guest. actually, it is very interesting that he told about these trainings from the application.
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of tactical nuclear weapons conducted by the russian federation, thus trying to raise the stakes, but we understand that training and stakes are one thing, but reality is completely different, and we can only hope that our western partners, because above all it depends from them, they themselves will not allow russia to resort to the use of even tactical nuclear weapons, but we will collect for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, and now we have a need, which we hope in the near future... closed, we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhia directions, the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone simply sky in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular we are talking about tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus,
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which will deliver a mobile to the combat zone. repair groups, as well as equipment, so that military equipment could be repaired on the spot, you understand that working equipment is what makes an impression on the enemy, is an additional guarantee of safety for the armed forces of ukraine, and also pneumohydraulic jacks for operational repair of foreign equipment, our goal is uah 630, and already thanks to your help we were able to collect uah 312,742, exactly half, almost half of what... there is a need, well, now we will talk about kharkiv oblast, and we are in touch with yevhen hauslov, now we will restore contact, yevhen hausov is a volunteer, the founder of the khaustu charity fund, he is actually involved in evacuation, in particular of animals from those territories where hostilities are ongoing or near which hostilities continue, and in general we will talk about the situation in kharkiv oblast, mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. yes, i know that you are
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now in poltava oblast, actually with your volunteer mission, for rescue and evacuation. let's start with your work and then talk about today's attack on kharkiv oblast, the situation in vovchansk and around vovchansk. please. today, the mission is already its finale. about a week ago, we took big dogs, in white well, near vovchanskyi, alabai, vivcharka, and so on. they were taken to a shelter in kharkiv for respite, later the family also left there in about two days, found a house in the poltava region, settled down and today we brought their dogs and united them, they are two two families, there are three dogs from one family and two dogs from...


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