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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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but in addition, i see many crimean journalists who are currently working in the free ukrainian territory, and i see in lviv many signs of crimea, the presence of crimea and the crimean agenda here, well, for example, until may 18, it is clear that there will be mourning events over the crimean flag will be raised at the lviv city hall, the crimean flag will be raised with a pole. and there are events related to the culture of crimea that resonate, they are not so non-tragic, because not everyone actually wants to remember about crimea only the destruction in a tragic way, there are events that simply remind ukrainians and lviv residents that people like them live in crimea, that despite the occupation, these people aspire to freedom, and this is being done. in different ways, well, in particular,
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for example, through the spread of the crimean tatar coffee culture, lyuraney khaibulaeva, who is the owner of the krymsky dvorik restaurant in lviv, conducts such a cultural project in a competing event, and teaches lviv residents how to make crimean coffee correctly. well, it is really very important, especially it is important on the eve of the anniversary. deportation and correctly to speak of the genocide of the crimean tatar people on may 18, i am talking about genocide because many countries, the ukrainian state, the baltic states and canada have already recognized the deportation of the crimean tatar people as genocide, and now the majlis of the crimean tatar people is working to ensure that other countries of the european union also recognize the deportation as genocide , and we will talk about it today. yet to speak with
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the historian, but traditionally, andrii, we always start the broadcast with the military component and summarize what happened on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, this week there was a double strike on enemy airfields in the occupied crimea, there ballistic missiles were attacked in belbek and sarabuz, the russian military and the occupation authorities claim that several... missiles were destroyed on approach in the area of ​​the belbek military airfield above by the black sea, but local residents reported that they saw and heard the sounds of the landing and the air base, and even recorded it on video, and then the russian occupation authorities detained several young guys there and simply forced them to apologize for the video that they...
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published, and today we plan to talk about these events with mr. volodymyr zablotsky, defense express naval expert, a retired captain of the first rank, he is in direct contact with us now, mr. volodymyr , we welcome you, salaam alaikum, alaikum here is salaam, thank you for the invitation, glory to ukraine, mrs. player, glory to the heroes, thank you for joining our broadcast, okay? what did you remember this week in crimea, what do these attacks of the armed forces of ukraine mean to you and what consequences of the russian invaders can we already talk about? well, for me, this means that if you understand the continuation of the purposeful work of the armed forces of ukraine in preparation for the occupation of the crimean peninsula, it is logical.
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continuation, quite logical, even scaling up of what we saw last year, when the air defense system on tarkhankut was attacked, when several radio technical posts, radars, etc., which ensured the operation of air defense, were destroyed, and all this happened after it was deoccupied so the so-called towers of boyka, and even earlier the island of snakes, that is this is... such a retrospective, and now there is a logical continuation of all this, the next steps are already scaled strikes, that is, we have the potential to destroy targets no longer with point strikes, as before, not with small series, but on a large scale, so that if something happens shot down, the rest will reach the goal, and we see how it was in jankoa. eh, where
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the air defense facilities and planes at the airfield were attacked first of all, but now on belbek, belbek is more than that, and let's put it this way. such a node on the southern coast, this is another, another subdivision of the russians, but it is a taco for us it doesn't matter, because the fewer of them, the better, and here we are talking about an attack on the planes themselves, and data is already coming in about the destruction, about the damage, that's what we see now on the screen, about the destruction of air defense systems, at least the radar. stations c for s-300 and s-400, these are the main complexes used by the russians to cover their facilities in the occupied crimea, well, in general, these are the most massive systems, especially for them
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the destruction of the elements of the s-400 triumf complex will be difficult, which they present as, well, invulnerable, which can... shoot down, but we see that not everything can and cannot, why this is done, these are, let's say, logical steps to ensure the dominance of the armed forces, the air force of ukraine, uh, in the air, and usually according to the classics of the genre, this happens when a military is being prepared operation, when the aircraft will be involved, when they will be involved... missiles, drones to hit other targets, and to ensure that it is necessary to multiply by zero, as they say, the air defense system and fighter aircraft of the enemy, to neutralize it, so that it, well, at least change place of dislocation, and even better to
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it did not change anything at all and was destroyed. and you know what i'm interested in, mr. volodymyr, where is this vaunted russian air defense system? well, we are now saying that on the crimean peninsula, at least here, the ppo has already been neutralized by 3/4, of course, that they will replace something there, where they will take it from, but it is not so easy, and where they will take them, well, we we will see, and we will be able to strike, of course, where this air defense will be weakened, and where can they take from the crimean bridge or from novorossiysk, right? and this night we see that it is so in novorossian it was fun, that is, you can't take it from there, the crimean bridge, well, that's the case, let them film it, let's see, they now objectively have only such an air defense train nearby, well, there in the east of
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the crimea, there is kerch, in that area, because here dzhankoy, tarkhankut, belbek, she is no longer working, not able to work, at least. either he doesn't see, or he has nothing to shoot at, or the ammunition is exhausted, and so on, that is, to say that there is a full-fledged russian air defense in crimea would be an exaggeration, although you cannot downplay what is left there , they can do something else, they will try to shoot, shoot down, well, that's the same thing, well, there will be more propaganda there than a real war, and the fact that we... see how quickly video footage of explosions appear on the internet, despite all the efforts of the fsb, it simply speaks of some such natural curiosity of the crimeans about such unexpected explosions, or is it the crimeans who are pro-ukrainian,
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record the losses of the russians and send this information to various anonymous telegram channels or to the ukrainian special services. er, it's just curiosity, is it still possible measure the pro-ukrainian attitude of crimeans? here we can say that both are present, it is natural when a person sees something that he has never seen before, he films it and wants to share it, because it is authority in the environment, friends, acquaintances and so on, and with on the other hand, well, we see that it is this process, well, it is scaling up and... always when something is banned, and it is done on the contrary, the opposite happens and we can hope that there is a patriotic element present here as well. i don't think what they are they transfer some, let's say, sources
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of our intelligence here to the center, it goes on the screens, first, it's like that, it's different channels, but it's still a development. usually uses it is called osint, i.e. open sources of information, open, intelligence of open sources of information, i.e. including... video channels, there are photos, videos that are posted in open access, but nevertheless, there are also patriotism, and to a lesser extent already such desires, let's say so, to show oneself to someone there, especially among young people, well, but nevertheless, it is useful, so let it continue, both of them, because one thing leads to another, and let's hope, ms. gulsom, i wanted for...
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these are direct fighters who set themselves the goal of liberating crimea, and we are for it we all cheer. yes, khrym, young man, mr. volodymyr, you know, i have a question, you... talked about the fact that the russian occupiers now have very serious problems with air defense on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, does this mean that for us, for the armed forces of ukraine, this increases the probability of strikes on kerch bridge, now, which we can expect in the shortest possible time, including such a variant of the development of events cannot be excluded, but the destruction of the kerch bridge will be... done, let's say, in time when the armed forces of ukraine need it, that is,
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when other factors will be present, when we will be ready to strike at, let's say, to storm the enemy's fortifications and break through to the peninsula, this is the first, because if it is attacked and even destroyed now, well, they will begin to restore and repair it, as already it happened twice, and they won't even have time nor... opportunities and they will remain in crimea, well, no longer on the peninsula, but, so to speak, on an island blocked from all sides, without weapons, without ammunition, without fuel, without everything else, they will then only have a sea channel deliveries, here we have means of blockade, unmanned boats, in addition, new developments that offer us promises. our defenders, defense speakers, including submarines, including armored boats, well, there are many
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interesting things that we will hear about, and the blockade from the sea, then this will already force the enemy, well, either leave or give up, let's see when the next guest will be, you will introduce her before the advertisement, and andriy, you had a question, yes, there was a question that our partisans, in particular... partisan units also see the strengthening of the enemy's manpower in crimea, well, they are accumulating this manpower directly in dzhankoya, there are photos that record this, including the raising of armored vehicles, this is all overturning the eastern front, does it remain in crimea in order to meet the ukrainian troops in case of a breakthrough, why exactly... in dzhankoya this accumulation is going on, the fact is that in crimea
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there is a process of restoration of combat units that were damaged in battles, in other areas, enemy units are assigned there on a rotating basis, on the other hand, a line of fortifications is already being built there, from the same dzhanka , even further north, near chongar. near other isthmuses, so that in the event of an attack attempt, and such an attack is predicted by the armed forces of the enemy, to replace them, to have some troops there, because the troops in crimea after the open invasion took place, there are no such line troops left, here the enemy is trying to do something in advance, he just doesn't do anything, you don't have to, you don't have to treat it lightly. therefore, that's why it looks like this somehow. thank you. well, indeed,
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we now see the russian occupiers amassing their troops in dzhankoya. well, at least this is reported by the russian occupation authorities, but at the same time, we see how in the northern region of crimea, they continue to build fortifications. this is how you assess these actions of the russian occupiers, or really? they can be effective, or is it just, well , you know, this kind of money laundering from the russian occupation authorities, the aksyonov authorities in crimea, you know, here... everything possible is planned here, and laundering and so on, but in view of the processes, which are currently taking place in moscow, related to the purges in the ministry of defense, there may be efforts to really build something here, because they understand that if the war started in crimea, it may end there, that is, the loss of crimea will be very
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painful for personally the dictator of the kremlin, and that is why they are trying... everything after all, build something that will be called to stop the offensive of the armed forces. we already saw this last year, when they did stop, well, or suspended, if we say so, our offensive, well, for various reasons , we did not succeed, but next time we will take into account the mistakes and miscalculations of the past, and we will do everything possible, until then well, crimea, well, it is not... it is so impregnable, such a fortress that cannot be taken, no matter who builds there, historical experience shows that everyone who attacked crimea later captured it, one way or another, in different ways it was done by various means, but nevertheless, all this ultimately led to the seizure
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of crimea and the resolution of the issues of the party that attacked, so it will be. and this time, because it is impossible to build something in the stony crimea that will be impregnable, and what they will build, well, everything that is built by man can be destroyed by man, as you know, this is roughly how it looks , mr. volodymyr, and the question regarding the naval forces, well, in this case, the russian naval forces on the crimean peninsula, or do they have battleships left there, or are all the battleships already in... in novorossiysk and other ports, and if they are, how do they hide them from ukrainian naval drones? are some additional barriers being built or hidden between non-civil courts, or are there some other tricks we don't know about. we have two minutes, mr. volodymyr, the enemy
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is leaving a certain number of ships, mainly in sevastopol, they are there for repairs. they receive combat equipment there, carry out some transportation, this is what the vdc does, they really are, they mask them, firstly from above with nets near the berths, so that it is not visible what is there and why, they constantly rearrange their damaged ships, put them where the undamaged ones were standing, between civilian ships, between auxiliary ones, so that the missile, the last example was when the rescue ship of the commune was attacked, the case. who was hit by a missile, it was going to a different target, well, this is such a thing, this is war, well, but the enemy also hides, ships are in ports only because they are afraid of going to sea, they are transporting at night, they check the route ahead in advance, everything is controlled there, that is, it is ordinary transportation. novorossiysk
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sevastopol turns for them into a whole operation with the involvement of aviation, surface, underwater forces and so on. i am not talking about launching missile carriers into the sea, this happens very rarely, and it also turns into an operation that is immediately fixed by our development means, but for now we are waiting for the appearance of means of destroying underwater carriers, so we will continue to wait. thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, chokhsaglen, for taking the time joined our broadcast, volodymyr zablotsky was in direct contact with us, a naval expert. the retired captain of the first morning express, thank you, but we are not saying goodbye, we have a short break, later in this studio will be historian, tv presenter and journalist gulnara abdulaeva, we will talk about the anniversary of the deportation of the crimean tatar people, do not
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switch, see you when the war is over. in the imagination of europeans until the middle of 2025 , by that time most of the eu countries plan to complete support programs for ukraine. there are no predictions about how the future fate of ukrainians will unfold, and no proposals. in 2025, the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians, and they will no longer have a special status. i constantly ask myself this question, what will happen next. if last year we talked about what i want. home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, this year i don’t know, but what the refugees themselves think about their future and how they are preparing for 2025, and we in ukraine are ready, the government should have demography strategy documentary expelled by war the price of no return on saturday , may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on the espresso tv channel.
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verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even reverse from'. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine will be located on the border of kyiv. somewhere some katsaps and beyond, what a world dreams of, bro norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso.
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your place is waiting for you. the light stays on, for dinner, what you love is warm the bed is made, there will be walks, swings and bathing, you are expected on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house you are seen. dreams, you are always in front of our eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we
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felt sorry, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard victory is given. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than family. we are a nation united around you. we welcome you to the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel of the atr and
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i am gulsum khalilova working in the studio of the espresso tv channel, and my colleague andriy yanitskyi is in direct contact with us. in this block of our program, we will talk about the anniversary of the deportation, the anniversary of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, and before we move on. to the topic, i would like to remind you that this broadcast is also broadcast on the youtube channels of atp and espressa, and if you watch it on youtube, be sure to like, subscribe, bell, put, comment on this episode on youtube, it is very it is important for other people to see this broadcast as well, that's how internet technologies work, well, may 17, apparently, it was... the last day in 1944, when the crimean tatars went to sleep, not suspecting what awaited them on may 18 already in the morning, all these horrors
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that later befell the crimean tatar people on the orders of the dictator stalin, and the crimean tatars lived in hope for at least 50 years. return home, return to crimea, and today 80 years have already passed, but this pain, it will never be forgotten, and especially after the occupation of crimea in 2014, we see how the russian occupying power de facto continues the hybrid deportation of the crimean tatar people, that's what we're talking about. today we will talk with historian, journalist and tv presenter gulnara abdulaeva, she is with us now in the studio, we welcome, congratulations. andriy, i
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will start then, and then you will continue and ask your questions, okay, you do not mind, yes, of course, of course, yes, gulnara khanom, well, i would like to start with such a general question, how the ussr was preparing for crimean deportations tatars, and why exactly in 1944 stalin wanted to simply evict the crimean-tatar people from the peninsula, that is more than, if i am not mistaken, 200... thousand people at that time, and among them only the elderly, women and children, because the best sons of this people, the men of the majority, they already fought on the fronts of the second world war, and stalin simply had the opportunity to deport an entire people at this time, because this is exactly the moment, and of course this deportation, it was prepared for more than one year, and of course there had to be some reason
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for this, a pretext to deport the crimean tatars, and we only know that there are documents that in april a document was submitted for stalin's signature to deport the crimean tatars as an anti-soviet element, who inhabit, who cooperated, cooperated with the occupiers and so and so, but in fact it was simply the same reason, that fear of this people, which is worth something because it is the indigenous... people of this peninsula, stalin had, as we know, his own plans for the peninsula, but it started all this, well, a long time ago, since the stalinist repressions of 1938 year, then there were already such slogans that crimea without crimean tatars, that is, crimea, well, it should be, was cleansed of this soviet element, as they expressed it then, and we know that, for example, on april 17, 1938,
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they were already shot. .. the crimean-tatar intelligentsia is almost all, and then in the 39th year, as we know, the second world war began, and of course that this moment was postponed, but, because we know that already in the 41st year, at the end of 1941-1942, crimea was completely occupied by the germans, and it was also then partisan movement in the crimea itself, led by makrausov and martynov, and they did not cope with this partisan movement, i... will not go into the historical realities of how the germans entered the peninsula and that there was practically no one to defend it, as they it was occupied very quickly. the partisan movement was a failure, but they did not recognize their right, and they wrote a report to the kremlin that the crimean tatars were to blame for everything, that is, they did not support, they cooperated with the germans and the like. and that's it
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this report was taken into account, but of course they could not do anything, because crimea was occupied, then already when crimea was completely liberated by the second ukrainian front in the spring of 1944, crimean tatars, like other peoples who inhabited crimea, they gave birth to victories, they did not see any difference between the red army, yes, the red army, and the soldiers of the nkvd, who then after the second ukrainian, they entered the crimea, because the deportation operation was already being prepared, and here are 32 nkvd soldiers, they started the same terrible terror at first, as we know, there was a population census, which they conducted, the crimean tatars, of course, did not suspect anything, like everyone else, because it was done in such a very secretive manner, well, that is, it is a tradition of the kremlin to keep it very secretive. ..
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there was no information, and i also want to emphasize that at that time there was a lot, the fact that crimea was liberated, and many crimean tatars who happened to be in the war and who were nearby were given vacations, and they just were in the crimea at the time, they were on vacation, and we know that such a historical figure as amidhan sultan was also given three days to be with his relatives on vacation at home, but all this... was done on purpose so that the terrible occupation was really already being prepared, and precisely the cynical thing about this deportation is that these soldiers, the crimean tatars, they didn’t count, they were soviet soldiers and nkvd soldiers, they didn’t count it, and they often fed the same soldiers, these same


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