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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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it is very secretive, well, that is, it is a tradition of the kremlin to keep it very secretive, and there was no information, and i also want to emphasize that at that time there was a lot that crimea was liberated, and a lot for the crimean tatars, who just happened to be in the war and who were nearby, they were given vacations, and they were in the crimea at that time, they were on vacations, and we know that such a historical figure as amithan sultan also... was given three days to be with relatives on vacation at home, but all this was done on purpose in order to really already that terrible occupation was being prepared, and the cynical thing about these deportations is that these soldiers, well, the crimean tatars, they didn’t count, they were soviet soldiers, inkvnik, they didn’t count it, and they often fed the same soldiers , and these very
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nkvd soldiers, who were supposed to come to their homes in the morning, had dinner with the crimean tatars in the evening, because they invited them, they saw them as liberators from the german occupation, because really, these were the horrors of the occupation, and at four o'clock in the morning it is possible to go to every house say, because many people who survived the deportation testified that at four in the morning they broke into their... houses and simply announced that they were collaborators in the name of the soviet union, and at that time the men were still at war when they came to the women , to just elderly people, yes, and to children, yes, by the way, it can be said that until the 44th year in crimea there was only the crimean-tatar language, whoever inhabited the crimea, except the crimean tatars, this there were russians, ukrainians, other nationalities, they all...
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understood the crimean-tatar language, and before you can imagine, at four in the morning some soldiers are coming to you, they say something in russian, which you do not understand at all, and you are accused of something, and someone was told that they were being taken out to be shot , well, this is, for example, the example of my family, who did not take anything at all, because they said that he would take you out for execution, others were given 15 minutes, someone was so lucky in the pubes for half an hour, yes, well, what could they do... lost people take with them, well, someone some trinket, someone something valuable, and that's how they took them all out of their homes, and it's not cynical, just as lendlis was already working, and just then the same brand-new suvs and fords were arriving in the ussr on lendlease, and on these suvs and fords , crimean tatars were taken out of the railway station the nearest one, and the same wagons were already waiting for them there. for the transportation of livestock, and eyewitnesses
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say that these wagons in general, they only transported livestock there, there was a straw truck, and then they simply drove people, regardless of people, and it was just such a moment, as people also testify that people, which were not transportable, they were simply destroyed, physically destroyed, those who resisted were also destroyed, simply shot, and those soldiers who were released. who said, we fought, we, we, we are traitors, but she simply plucked the shoots and also said that you are traitors and all this was made up, that is, they were also deported, those who resisted were also shot, that is, it was really such terrible conditions, and if you saw the film haytarma, yes, it really conveys such a small part of what was really happening, it was just terrible, and here in such wagons for livestock. tkom unbeaten 67
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echelons, that is, there were, that is, it is not very many, not very few, and these 67 echelons, they were sent to central asia and the urals, yes, to uzbekistan, the majority of the percentage was resettled to uzbekistan, well, and no one was waiting for the crimean tatars there, of course, we do not know the exact data and figures, how many died in general, because we know that it is a lot of these... in the first years, during the deportation and in the first years of exile , 46 died, 2% of people, these data are national the movement of the crimean tatars, who were still investigated, and there is also evidence that when they were already brought, for example, to uzbekistan, of course no one was waiting for them there, but the local population, well , they did not know who the comrades were in general, and that is why they were told that they go to you there in general , well... just terrible people, and they
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were told about it there by these legends, of course they were met as enemies, and of course they were treated like that, only later they realized that they... the language is somehow similar and the faith is the same, and a little somehow it got better, yes, but still, this is a different land, this is a different climate, a lot of people died and died, and these are the diseases that existed, and then there were such certificates, it’s been 80 years already, a lot of documents have already been declassified, and people who went to hospitals, they, they just didn’t go there well, they didn’t leave here, because they... also did everything to prevent them from recovering, that’s a lot of things that were done, and it’s not for one broadcast, my colleague andriy has a question, and to andriy, if we’re talking about intentions stalin's leadership, then
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was this intention to destroy the true crimean tatar nation, to dissolve it between by other peoples and mix them up so that the crimean tatars will forget who they are . the intention was true, because there were not millions of crimean tatars, well, for example, i am ukrainian, because in principle, ukrainians could also suffer the same fate, because ukrainians are lucky that there are many of them, it was simply not possible to physically remove them all, crimean tatars were possible, because at that time more than 200 thousand people lived on the peninsula, because we know, as i have already said, there were many men on the fronts of the second world war, and of course this was done in order to destroy, moreover, when the crimean tatars were already in the cities of deportation, they were forbidden to use the crimean prefix at all, that is , they were equated with all, well with all the tatars who lived at that time, well, initially in space the russian empire, then the rs, the fsr,
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i.e. kazan, bashkir, siberian, astrakhan tatars, i.e. a lot, and the crimean tatars were forbidden to use the crimean prefix, i.e. we are crimean... and crimean tatar for 80 years the people practically disappeared from history, but, at the same time, ms. gulnar, the crimean tatars managed to preserve their identity, and i heard various memories and knew that among themselves, for example, the crimean tatars even very cautiously mentioned the history in the crimea, the history of deportation, deportation, they tried not to tell the children about it, many crimean tatars said that they had already grown up and were born in uzbekistan or tajikistan. that until a certain age they did not even suspect that there was a deportation, because their parents protected them in this way and tried to protect them from repressive communist system, but nevertheless the memory was preserved quite powerfully and in the 90s the process of mass return
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of crimean tatars began, how was it possible to preserve it, what contributed to this, is the mejlis a unique such structure itself... the administration itself, or some folk traditions, or some intellectuals who preserved this memory and mourned it, what are the secrets of preserving identity? well, here i can say that our identity is very similar to that of ukrainians, because when trouble or tragedy happens to us, we consolidate, and so do the crimean tatars consolidated, they preserved their faith, language, they did not mix, well, here they consolidated so that the peoples did not mix, so that they did not dissolve, if, for example, there were three sub-ethnic groups of the crimean tatars separately in the crimea until the year 44, they there is, yes now, but they
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did not mix, these are the southern coasts, those mountainous regions, the steppes, they did not mix with each other until the 44th year, already in deportation, when it was necessary to somehow preserve their own... of course they already mixed, and i can say that the crimean tatar people is still in the stage of ethnogenesis, that is , formation, so we have already mixed a little with the typical zhoryans here, but we are crimean tatars anyway, that is what consolidated us, but i want to note that maybe these are really separate families, they and they didn't tell their children about such a tragedy, but i can say that most of them still told and... their tragedy, and it was like that, you know, yes, mothers gave all this so that we knew about it really, maybe , as
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psychologists still say, that this is such a trauma, but this trauma it is necessary to live in order to recover from it and to move further, further, so how much. even in the 1980s, it was dangerous to talk about it and say that the criminal stalinist regime, even the stalinist regime, was already a cult of stalin , a cult of the sword, condemned, but nevertheless... it was still dangerous to talk about it and condemn the soviet government, that's why i said , which was not told to all children, because they were simply protecting them, not because they did not want this information to be preserved, probably they were already told there at a more mature, conscious age, when the return began, i wanted to ask about the return, how easy was the process or? and in 1991, with the collapse of the soviet union, it was so easy
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to get together and return to crimea, or was there a procedure for returning the property that was taken from the crimean tatars in the 1940s. we know that this happened in the baltic countries, but did it happen in ukraine, and were the crimean seamen allowed to return to sevastopol, to the southern coast of crimea, or not? i had to find a place for myself in the north of the crimea and in the steppe part. well, of course no one did not expect crimean tatars in crimea. of course , they said that where are you going to return to, because we know that since the 60s and 70s there has been such a movement, the national movement of the crimean tatars, and a lot of people already at that time were talking about the need to return, and what we were accused of. in that and that is, it was such that people already came out, some of them were
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brave, who came out with slogans: return the homeland to the crimean tatars and return the crimean tatars to the motherland, but of course, those people, of course, were already soviet times, and a lot of them came through the camps, prisons, of course, for the crimean tatars , the dream of returning to the crimea was always there, and from childhood we all knew, this is ours... for example, they knew that they would definitely return, but with such a desire it was really 1987, when there was such an agency, yes, during the soviet times, tars, which once issued such a certificate, where, where they said that the crimean tatars, they are really traitors, there were a lot of battalions that would betray, that civilians were shot, and mostly that there were russians, ukrainians and jews. well, it was intentional, and it was said in that address that
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the crimean tatars are not the indigenous people of crimea, they appeared there since the 13th century, well, this is such a, you know, very, very widespread myth, which, by the way, it still reverberates, but it was such an upheaval, it was such, you know, a trigger for the crimean tatars, the crimean tatars, and they began to leave en masse to moscow, at that time the center, and there were still soviet times. and they went out to this red square, they were chased away, they went out to other squares, and they were with with posters, they wrote that return the crimean tatars to their homeland, that you accused us, these are not accusations, well, at least we need an apology for these accusations against the crimean tatars, the crimean tatars were knocking on all the doors, a moment remains , i just warn that we and you know, it was such a trigger that the crimean tatars became after this... sobitti, moscow sobitti, they are so, and they were already returning to the crimea, and of course, no one was waiting for them, but
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still, vadakamen toche, and the crimean the tatars achieved what they have now native land, and here, well, it was like that, thank you very much, gulnara khanum choksalyn, for taking the time to come to our studio today, but i hope that in the next broadcasts of espresso and the atp tv channel , we will meet again at two or three weeks and... we will talk about many more questions that i have and have andrii chokh saglens, thank you for being with us today, gulnara abdulaeva, historian, journalist and tv presenter, was with us in the espresso studio, as well as the joint broadcast of the krymsvetarsky tv channel of the atr, for gulsom khalilova and my colleague andriy yanitsky worked for you, leave koroshkendzha with us. see this week in
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the collaborators program. servants of the kremlin, not of god. which of the priests promotes russian peace among children? this conversation, as i said, should not be the last. but how did the clergyman from kherson steal icons and ancient books? find, remove and return these church shrines. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program about traitors. who at the call of their hearts and wallets went to serve the rashi occupiers. 5 years behind bars for a priest from the dnipropetrovsk region received support for russia's aggression against ukraine. we are talking about oleksandran. gova from the crooked horn, rector of the church of st. john the merciful of the dnipropetrovsk diocese of the uoc. according to the sbu, during his sermons he justified the full-scale invasion of the russian federation and the seizure of part of the territory of ukraine. he called during personal conversations with people to go to russia or to the temporarily occupied regions of our country to help the russian troops, he himself was waiting for the capture of
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dnipropetrovsk region. in september 2022, his detained at during the searches, they seized the mobile phones that the priest used to impose kremlin propaganda, and on february 13 he received his sentence for worshiping the kremlin star, and about those who serve russia in the river, but, unfortunately, are not yet sitting in a ukrainian prison , today's program. the kremlin's propaganda machine is very active in the temporarily occupied territories. television, newspapers, telegram channels, campaign leaflets, all this is now set on... that as many people as possible turn away from ukraine, so that in the occupied territories, pro-ukrainian sentiments disappeared and there were opinions that russia is there for a long time, that there is a future with russia. the kremlin spends millions of dollars on this, but in addition to the media, there is also the church and priests, which the rashists actively use to impose the necessary narratives. sales
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pops of the neoführer servant perform the assigned tasks. during service or personal communication. as beastmen, using their authority, they glorify the so-called army of liberators, call on the locals to side with the occupiers and help them. they emphasize that ukraine has abandoned the people, and russia is here and gives out humanitarian aid and some wooden rubles. meet maksym tarasenko, a slave of the kremlin. before the full-scale invasion, he was the secretary of the kherson diocese of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, often acting as an official position. churches in various conflict situations, we once again thank the employees of law enforcement agencies for the fact that they hand over to the diocese everything they get in the course of their search operations, they have to go back to the church and it's a huge thank you. let's call a spade
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a spade, for example, not a search operation, but a robbery, and return not to the church, but... to father maxim's private collection. in the next video, he modestly talked about material value. law enforcement agencies were able to find these church shrines, which may have been stolen earlier. remove and return. all this, both icons and books, they constitute historical, spiritual, and certain material value. tarasenko disappeared after the de-occupation of kharson appeared in the crimea. instead of atoning for his sins of treason , viryan miska continues to wash away. i hope we will be able to see him again, but not on the screens of zombies, on the bench - the defendants. mykola
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kanyuka, the abbot of the st. sergius church, also openly promotes peace from the temporarily occupied skadovsky against it. in his peaceful life, he baptized ukrainian children and married young people. prayed for peace, but now his prayer is for another peace, russian. when russian tanks entered skadovsk and occupied the city, he decided to leave animal, in order to later impose kremlin ideas on them. may peace, love and harmony flourish in their prayers, our families, our relatives and our society. pip began to appear more often in propaganda stories. here he tells that for him the clergyman is russian... according to the most holy patriarch, the russian peace is not some political entity, some bloc, but for us churchmen it is first of all holy russia. next, kanyuka promotes kremlin ideas to children. here is a video where he
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gave a lecture for the seventh grade of school number one in skadovsk, in which talked about human honor and loyalty. i wonder how he knows. about all these qualities. this conversation, as i said, it is desirable that it not be the last, this time. and that this conversation should come not only from church officials, that this topic should also be raised in society, by parents. better give this pop a lecture on treason and a corrupt soul. according to the media, together with the priest nikolay, he decided to betray ukraine and his son, who also serves. in the st. sergius church in skadovsk, taras kanyuka, here he is talking on camera about the united people of ukraine and russia. we say again, we are a single people, even i am a triune nation. would say, which is united by this kyiv baptismal font. father and son made their choice, now they will have to answer not only before god's court, but
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also earthly, and years in prison for treason are guaranteed to them. he called for shelling of ukrainian cities, assured that kherson is russia forever. meet gennadiy shkil, born in 1966. before the full-scale invasion, he was the anti-priest, the priest of the holidays. to the seraphim temple of the city of gola marina of kherson region. as a clergyman, he conducted his tik-tok, where he answered questions about what is a sin and what is not. when the great war began, he posted a video where he said that he was mistaken for peace in our country. giving peaceful times to our country, let's pray for peaceful times to come soon. already later, the school will pray for another country, the one that kills, tortures and destroys. when the city the wharf was occupied, he stayed and at first urged to help each other and keep good in the heart, he also emphasized that ukrainians did not start the war.
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russian troops passed through us on the first day, we are now, as it were, in the rear, we did not start this war with you and we will not be able to finish it. but over time, the topic of the video priest changed, as did his position. in may 2022, the school celebrated victory day together with the occupiers. on this holiday, pip visited with his family. with his sons, who had hehoriv ribbons and tricolors. subsequently, at the forum we, together with russia, which was held in kherson, shkil stated that in 30 years ukraine was turned into a failed project, and the occupation the lay priest called it a positive phenomenon. allegedly, russian troops liberated the city of kherson from the west. before that, he urged believers to go to the church of the moscow patriarchate. you can always find a uoc temple and go there, if you are in the village or in the west. in ukraine, of course , it is more difficult, because there many churches have been taken over, if not by uniates, then by pceushniks, but it is better to come to a church where christ
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is present once a month than to visit a meeting place of the ungodly every week. in the summer of the same year, the collaborator submitted documents for receipt a russian passport, and in october 2022 he fled from the parish in the bare harbor of the kherson region to russia. he posted a video confirmation of his departure on his social networks, explaining that he was leaving. in connection with the evacuation to the territory of the russian federation, in addition, shkil assured that he did not betray anyone, because leaving the kherson region to the stavropol territory is allegedly a legal movement on the territory of the russian federation. so that our haters don't say that i ran away because an evacuation was announced. that's it, he said that the ukrainian army would never enter the kherson, who is forever russian, himself gave a drapak from our armed forces, because he understood what he said and made himself suspicious. and her school will definitely be awarded. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this e-mail
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address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. judicial reform and ukraine's path to the eu is under threat, if there is a failure of any european integration for us, then we will simply be in this limbo in an infinite number. but why does the supreme court leave unscrupulous judges in their positions? what is bought for what is sold. on thursday, may 23, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. in volyn, they managed to find the missing twins, three-year-old alisa and artemchyk.
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half a thousand people joined the search, which lasted all night, and it is very important to note right away that it was the quick response and the timely appeal of the parents regarding the disappearance of their children played a decisive role, and in many ways it was thanks to this that the brother and sister were saved. so, are little alice and artem in one of the villages of the kovel district of the volyn region. around 9:00 p.m. , the parents of the twins contacted the police and reported that their children had disappeared while they were playing in the yard. it was not possible to find the child right away, and there is a road and a pond near the house, so the parents immediately sounded the alarm. all services were immediately involved in the search. more than 130 law enforcement officers, rescuers, national guardsmen, dog trainers. quadcopters were used. in addition, simply caring local residents joined in. half a thousand people rushed to search for children. the area around is swampy, the risks were high. and already after midnight. with the help of
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a drone, they managed to find the girl in the bushes, she was very scared, but thank god, she is alive and unharmed. meanwhile , the search for her brother continued, in the early hours , unfortunately, they did not find him, they searched for the boy all night, and fortunately, in the morning, the police with the help of a quadcopter with a thermal imager , the child was spotted near the railway track a few kilometers from his home. he was very cold, as was his sister. was scared, but of course, the most important thing is that artemchyk was found alive, and he and his sister alisa did not become victims of a crime. in turn, i want to thank everyone who participated in the search for the little one and, without exaggeration, saved the life of the brother and sister. and i emphasize once again, if, god forbid, it happens that your child disappears, don't waste a single
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second, and immediately report it to the police. and magnolia children's tracing service. unfortunately, there is still a myth in society that after the disappearance of a child, you need to wait three days to report the missing child. this is absolutely incorrect, as it is very important to contact the police as soon as possible to report the child missing. even in our experience of the child tracing service, there have been many cases where the speed of the application played a key role. about the search for a child, so i urge you, if the child is missing, please do not wait, immediately report to the police and our hotline. at the same time, the story of little alisa and artem proves once again that a child can get lost at any time and anywhere, and for completely different reasons, so here are some important tips. if the child is very small, put a note in his pocket with your phone number or
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others. contact details. if you are older than three years, be sure to learn your mobile number together, explaining where, when and to whom it can be reported. also learn the home address with the child, this is very important. explain to your child, if he is lost where there are many people, he must stand still and wait for his parents to return. if this did not happen, the child should find among people, adults, preferably with a child or an elderly woman, and tell them what... she killed herself, and the most important thing for the parents themselves is not to panic. if your child has a phone, call, ask someone you know or a relative to stay in case the child returns. if possible, make announcements over loudspeakers. if it was not possible to find the child immediately, immediately contact the police and children's search service at number 116.30. our consultants will quickly and in detail
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tell you step by step. how to act and what to do first of all in such a situation. of course, god forbid that you never need our number, but just in case, remember or write it down. 116 30 hotline of the magnolia children's search service. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime against a child. anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and let us know let's launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. starting on may 18 and during the next 60 days, all military-obliged citizens must update their military registration data. such a norm is mandatory for everyone, in particular for
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reserved persons. men with deferred military service.


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