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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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scams and corruption crimes, which are only later, according to the results of journalistic investigations, about which the society learns. currently we have a situation where, after all, this commission was created, i hope that all these crimes, especially these corruption schemes, you know, in fact, these are embezzlements during the war, which were carried out by individual contractors who received orders from certain leaders. military administrations or military-civilian administrations led to the fact that in our country not only the first line is not ready, including the second and third under question, and now we have to talk not only about kharkiv oblast, which proved that we do not have fortifications that our armed forces of ukraine should use in one way or another, in fact we should also talk about sumy oblast, in including about chernihiv region, including about kherson region, i.e. a whole set of issues. which had to be resolved within
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six months at the expense of democratic-civilian control, which the verkhovna rada can exercise within the framework of the creation of appropriate temporary investigative or special commissions, i want to remind you that this should be a mechanism of control by the opposition over the activities of the authorities, it was blocked, now it has been created, i really hope that even though it is not an investigative commission, but a special commission, it will be able to prove to some... logical public finale, all that happened at the level of officials who actually stole money from the state budget, withdrawing it through their incomprehensible companies, with an incomprehensible reputation and actually disrupted the preparation plan itself, it would be good to really know the names of the companies and prove , ms. iryna, but are these deputies who will check it professional and professional? do
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they understand these fortifications and security issues, will this group of deputies be provided with some sensitive important state secret information, if so, is it not risky that in the company of this special commission there is such a person with a prohibited opzh, for example, well, there is such a concept as a state secret and admission to a state secret or to documents containing a state secret, respectively, if... a person has this permit, and the permit is also granted by the sbu, which checks for the possibility of this person being used by the enemy or cooperating with the enemy, so here the question will be to the sbu whether this odious person, who is currently a member of the temporary special commission, has a permit to state secrets, in addition, the commission can really hold closed meetings with members or under the signature of everyone who will be... summoned to the meeting regarding
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the non-disclosure of information that will be made public during the meeting, so i really hope that the commission will have sense and will have certain results that will enable us to prosecute or demand the prosecution of those criminals who profited from the fortifications. iryna, do you know whether there were such checks regarding the group of deputies that is already in the commission? i do not know this, no, i do not know this, each deputy has this permission, for example, we, as members of the national security committee, have permission because a certain number of our meetings are held in closed mode, does this entire commission have permission, i don't know, i thank you that joined, iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok, and another important topic, of course, it is all related, related to the issue of war, but...
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representatives of local authorities, entrepreneurs, businessmen have already begun to complain about the shortage of male employees, for example, the mayor of mykolaiv, oleksandr senkevich, reported that the number of buses on city routes decreased precisely because of the mobilization. he says that there are buses, but there is no one to drive them. however, he did not explain whether the men had already been mobilized or whether they simply did not go out work dnipro mayor borys filatov wrote similar complaints even before the law on mobilization came into force. he says that due to approaches to reservation and mobilization in the dnipro , public transport may be stopped and utility services may be shut down. my public transport will soon stop and no one will work at the water supply and heat power plants, and the enterprising comrades from teck should also think not with their ass, but with their heads. workers of critical infrastructure are not cells in plans dropped from above, but those who give the opportunity to live a normal life in the rear, in particular for the families of those who fight. for example, women have already been mobilized, forbes writes about this,
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referring to the words of the executive director of the plant, if previously women worked mostly in administrative positions at the plant. now, due to the lack of men, they take on more physically demanding work. at the same time , business representatives complain about the lack of personnel, and not even because of mobilization, but because of the departure of people abroad, in particular women. for example, the owner of a cafe and bakery in in kyiv, anna dunina declares that she is already experiencing a lack of personnel in the service sector. she predicts that the level of the service sector will fall, businesses will stop, accordingly, the economy will weaken due to unpaid taxes. we will talk further about the economy, about the approach to mobilization. serhii fursa, investment banker, banker joined our broadcast. sergey, congratulations, thank you for joining. congratulations. the reservation system that operates today, its logic is clear to you, does it work normally, or is it fair, let's say
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yes, do you also have questions about this whole fairness scheme? well, look, justice is generally a very conditional concept. actually fairness here, if you're booked then... everything's fair, if you're not booked then it's not fair, that's what it sounds like, so i'd drop the term fairness and talk about efficiency, is the reservation efficient now, well it is partially, actually , is it 100% effective, well no, of course, because nothing in our country works 100% effectively, eh, so now they are also talking about economic armoring, for example, because it should be an important element in order for the same kryvarizhstal plant to increase production. whether other businesses could book critical employees for this business. sergey, well, critical enterprises and where there are, for example, mostly men, professionals in this field, this is one story, and it is regulated by the state, if
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state enterprises, there is also a private sector, not all of them work in belarus, let's say so , officially, and also here there is a question, that is, how it should be from an economic... balanced point of view, for example, if this is a profession for which a woman can retrain, then this man should be taken into the army or not, which should be so general approach so that it still looks and is economically justified, so that enterprises do not stop, certain spheres do not stop, we just quoted the mayors of ukrainian cities who say that the communal sphere is also stopped, that buses, and not all those who should leave through these crossings leave for the flight mobilization well, look, firstly, i think that women can retrain in any profession, and here we don't need to promote some kind of gender inequality, secondly, well, will we make some kind of perfect model, well, no, of course we won't , and here it should also be noted that the problem is not so much in mobilization as in the communication of this mobilization, but we
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currently have a labor force of approximately 13-14 million people in ukraine, and approximately 300,000 people are mobilizing this year, that is 2%. that is, if it is distributed as a whole in... somewhere evenly across economy, it will not have a critical impact at all, the fact that in order to mobilize 300 thousand, scared several million people, and people are afraid to get a job, are afraid to actually leave the gray zone to the light zone, it is more influential now that they talked about economic armoring, that is why that kryvaristal itself cannot hire people, because people say, well, look, we sit at home here, we don't turn off the lights, if we go out to work with you, we will immediately... under the radar of the tcc, we are afraid, we don't want to do that , and precisely because of this there is also a need for economic reservations, when a factory or an enterprise says, i will pay for these people, they are critically important to me, i will pay high taxes for these people, it will go to the state
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budget, let me hire these people, who are already somewhere in the gray the zone is sitting there, you don't see them, hire these people and guarantee that you won't take them away from me there for the next six months and a year. that's what it's really about. sergey, you as an economist wrote and say that terrible communication regarding mobilization took place, many different experts in their spheres say the same thing, this is how it is evaluated, and you wrote that the pr effect of mobilization for business is much worse than the real effect, because mobilization cannot be avoided, yes, there is already a reaction, and you are talking about it, so what to do, is it possible to fix this error at all, or is it possible to somehow set it up for someone. well, look, i think that, unfortunately, you will not be able to fix this situation, because people were scared, not business was already scared, people were scared,
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starting from december, creating this artificial excitement, in principle, we have a million in the army people, now 3,000 are being mobilized, that is, this is a third of those who have already been mobilized, and i repeat, this is just not... a significant share, in principle, of the people who are currently working in the country, but since it is already parelyak, if there was some kind of strategic strategy communication, we simply do not have it physically, but we see how the russians are constantly digging into our society, having their own plans, and they are clearly following these plans, and the ukrainian side, ukraine reacts sporadically, is it possible already to fix all this damage that was done, no, we will not completely fix it, or you can somehow try to smooth it out with proper communication, well, you can, yes, but it must be done, there must be some conditional strategic communicators at the level of the state, at the level of the president's office, who developed the strategy in the pre-term. followed this strategy, there is no such thing, we just sometimes see brutal statements that scare people,
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stir up society and then turn everything back, it is almost impossible, and what should a business do, well, a business that heard, for example, you, and understood , what is the biggest problem in communication, for example, and that not everything can be so scary, and how they can get out of this situation, how to react in general to these mobilization processes, including, well, i can't give any advice, i don't have any. no advice really, because the business is really facing a lack of personnel, it was a problem before the war, it intensified during the war, and yet now they say there are no people, there are actually as many people in the 24th year as there were not in the 23rd there has been some significant outflow of people over the last year, it's just that the economy has recovered and the lack of personnel became more noticeable, and we actually have to live with this lack of personnel during the war and in fact after the war in the same way, so the issue of migration and strategy is very relevant, again. migration strategy, so that it is not a chaotic process, now we have
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to live with it, we have to understand that we will all face a shortage of personnel, a shortage of labor, according to the calculations of our analysts, this will affect economic growth, the processes will not destroy the economy, and in economic growth is expected for us this year, even despite problems with recruitment, it's just that the growth will not be 4.5%, but 4%. gdp, but this is growth, you say about the strategy of attracting migrants that it should be developed, it can be a solution to some significant part of these issues, in general it can be a solution, after the war it will be a solution to a significant problem, because we have depopulation, that is the war is ending, now the problem of security is the most important thing, yes, and that's why you can't say there, mobilization is good for us, mobilization, you won't get anywhere from mobilization, yes, this is the base, after the war eh... we will already live in a normal economic situation, and in this normal economic situation, the biggest problem will be
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depopulation, and not the number of people, even, because well, 5 million people live in finland, they live normally, the question of the ratio of people who work and pensioners, and pensioners, yes, we have it it's a terrible ratio, we have big problems with the labor force as such, with the youth as such , the number of these people relative to pensioners, and it's not by any laws there... you will fix it, when you will introduce taxes and so on, this is quite a natural process in all countries, actually, which are already considered civilized, now this is the biggest challenge in principle for the world and for ukraine as well, so after the war we must have a strategy to attract migrants, we will not get anywhere from this, or we will be beaten, or several million migrants will come to work in us, and here the state has to determine itself, because there is an example of australia or canada, which sensibly approach this policy. they filter people, they themselves determine who they need, what gender, what
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religion, what even skin color and so on, or it will be a chaotic process, as in france, sergey, well, you know about the irritating topic of economic reservation, there are such initiatives, proposals in the verkhovna rada, including, say, uah 20,000, for example, you pay for a month, support one military man and work yourself, and this is how you get this reservation, in your opinion, does it still make sense at all, this discussion and this approach? it makes sense, it is effective, but unfortunately, populism prevents it, in what sense populism prevents it, well, when the conversation about economic reservation, it's about efficiency, immediately politicians start saying that it's not fair, and it's populism, well, not only politicians, it's like that , ask people, they'll also say, i don't have the opportunity, relatively speaking, to redeem myself , someone has it, then i'm going to the army, because the wording here is incorrect, to redeem, it's not about redemption. not redemption, it is about the taxes that you pay and have paid before, but now we see,
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for example, a bright situation with the aytishniks, the aytishniks felt great for a very long time, worked as fops and paid 5% taxes, now they can't be booked because they are fops, that's all, so here's an example, just like that too, that actually economic reservation is an element of justice, you pay taxes, you support the state, you're up to it did you pay back taxes? then you have, so to speak, less chance of going to the army, because the state, let's make it clear that i am a state, what i am interested in, i don't have someone rich, someone poor. it is impossible that some corrupt person who simply stole the money brought it and paid, it is necessary to receive money from the state, replenish the budget, including having resources for mobilization, i thank you serhii for joining, sharing your vision, your thoughts, serhii fursa, an investment banker, was a guest of freedom mornings. thank you to all our viewers for being with us, we work for you and will be grateful for your support, for your likes,
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the situation in the power system is really difficult, since march 22. the enemy carried out five massive missile and drone strikes on energy facilities, in particular, the enemy's main target was ukrainian power plants, these are the facilities that directly produce the electricity that you and i consume, so, unfortunately, we all have to get used to to the fact that schedules of hourly outages are our new reality for the time being, as of today, the ukrenergo dispatch center has already warned that restrictions are possible for a long time... the noise of the whole day. and now i was informed that they have already started in various regions. this is mainly due to the fact that today over ukraine, and in the regions , the weather is cloudy. this means that due to low solar activity, solar power plants cannot produce enough energy
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to cover the needs of all consumers during the day. as you know, now solar power plants. in fact, they are forced to insure and replace the operation of thermal and hydroelectric power plants that have suffered significant damage, therefore, as long as this mode of operation in the power system is maintained, restoration work on those power units of the power plant that can be restored, and our energy colleagues are working on this, but with the onset of higher air temperatures, with the onset. or a greater warming of the heat, the intensity and duration of the schedules may increase, and increase due to the fact that such a large load on the network will be from... devaluation or what will suddenly be the peak of consumption growth in the hot season? and hot periods, as well as cold periods of the year
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or day, depending on when these periods occur at any time of the year, and this is a significant load on the power system, due to the fact that, as you correctly said, people begin to use, in addition to ordinary household powerful electrical appliances, additional ones. such as heaters if it's cold, or air conditioners for heating, when it's hot, it's definitely air conditioners for cooling, fans, other cooling devices, and also don't forget that we all use other electrical appliances, so we call constantly every day keep a frugal regime consumption, this means not sitting in the dark, but just changing your habits a little, not turning on... at the same time powerful electrical appliances, now, since solar power plants are working, you can transfer when there are no restrictions on the day and hours, for example, washing
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as much as possible or other household habits that we have, and also this applies not only to the household consumer, households, but also to business, for example, shopping centers can reduce the lighting of the trading halls, of course... you should not give away all the electricity on the illumination of advertising signs, maybe the local authorities should think about how to reduce the lighting of the streets during the curfew, of course, i am not talking about turning off the traffic lights, for example, about the lights that illuminate these highways, this will greatly help reduce the load on the power system in the evening and morning hours of the day , when the load on her is maximum due to high consumption, mrs. maria, except calls, because calls do not work in our country, because there are principles, i will turn it on,
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or let the neighbor turn it off, i do not often turn it on, in a word, calls - is it like that or is it some mechanism without appeals is to reduce the load on the network itself, well, for example, by some prescriptions, including, for example, large shopping centers, instead of air conditioning, open windows. they do, as they say, ventilation, instead of huge refrigerators they use some other factors, instead of lighting from the city utility, for example, the network, if they want their signs, let them illuminate them with their diesel generators, that is , do we not have any such administrative methods to reduce this use mechanism developed in such a way that, in addition to appeals, to somehow force saving, but let's say this, such orders are probably not the parish of the energy system operator, but rather probably of the government or local authorities,
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ukrenergo has such a means of balancing, it is not very pleasant for all consumers, it is called the schedule of hourly outages or light restrictions, if we resorted to schedules of hourly outages that are distributed to the population. this means that the dispatch center of ukrenergo, the dispatchers are people who manage the energy system in in real time 24x7 every minute, and if hourly shutdown schedules, so-called planned schedules, including for the population, have already started, this means in particular that all other measures are not enough, i.e. insufficient self-generated generation by ukrainian power plants, as i have already said, the main reason , and increase imports. damaged, there is a lack of imports from europe into the ukrainian energy system, there is a lack of emergency assistance from european countries, which is attracted by
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the ukrainian operator, there is also a lack of restrictions on industry, i.e. consumption remains much larger than the amount of power, the amount of energy that is in the system in order to shut it down, that is why the dispatcher is forced to apply a schedule of outage hours. in order to maintain the balance in the system, the balance is actually when the production of electricity, or the available amount of power in the system, is equal to the amount of consumption, if this balance is violated, well , it can lead to very negative consequences, system accidents, which for the consumer have one result called blackout is why the job ukrenergo, as the operator of the energy system and... and it is to monitor this balance every second, every minute and apply all possible measures to balance this system. currently, unfortunately, with all
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the measures listed above, we still do not have enough capacity in the system to cover the consumption, that is, we have a significant deficit, which is why we are going to resort to schedules, and what you say about deliberate use for business and possibly some regulation of this by regulations or local authorities or the government, it's probably possible, i'm not a specialist in such a regulatory area, but i think that... it's just a question that should be put to the central authorities. mrs. maria, the cabinet of ministers promises to develop fairer schedules of power outages for consumers. is it possible in principle and does it make sense to make it all fair, or does it make sense to spend time, resources, and effort on it? what do you think? well, let's explain how it works, very briefly.
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dispatch center ukrener. sees consumption across the country and the volume available in to the energy system, taking into account the energy produced by ukrainian power plants and imported or electricity from europe or that which is emergency delivered at our request, and in accordance with this , consumption limits are developed for each region, that is, a mark beyond which the consumption of the region should not be reached, otherwise restrictions on the schedule of hourly outages will begin . is it possible to distribute this joint burden of outages more evenly among consumers, taking into account the fact that our industry, which is the basis of our economy, could also work and moreover, support for our military and defense complex, and so that people do not have long-term blackouts and do not constantly turn off the same queues
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for the population or. i mean, it is possible, the government, ukrenergo, and the ministry of energy are currently working on this, in particular, we will try to introduce this system, i would not like to communicate, the decision has not been made yet, but its goal is more uniform distribution of this load, yes, which our citizens bear in the form of short-term, but necessary for balancing the disconnection system. and we have just one minute of questions regarding the energy workers, who now work in difficult conditions, often under shelling, after shelling , their work often increases, whether they actually manage to provide such tolerable schedules so that they have time to rest and recover and that their work is safer, well, our the repair crews, like the specialists who work for other energy companies, they are so...
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rigorous training, if i may say so, they have been through the winter of 22-23 years, so they operate according to the appropriate protocols that allow and secure their lives during the performance of such works, and definitely know how to more efficiently and quickly perform heavy, very large-scale works with high-voltage equipment or with generating equipment, all these people, you must understand, they are very focused on results. every energy engineer understands that it depends on him whether there will be light in the homes of ukrainians and whether the economy of ukraine will work. the only thing that is very disturbing, especially in the front-line regions or in regions that are now constantly under attack from the enemy, well, for example, sumy region, kharkiv region, this is the duration of the air alarms, which definitely, well, we encourage us to stop work and wait for the power workers in a safe place until the air alarm sounds. and they
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will be able to return to it, but this does not mean that someone has stopped, the damaged facilities are not being restored, i can say that both at ukrenergo and at the generation facilities, at the energy power plants, they work 24/7 to return to work, everything possible that can be returned, thank you, thank you to the energy workers for your work, to you for participating in our broadcast maria tsaturyan, director of communications of ukrenergo was with us, now on the espresso tv channel, news time. khrystyna parobiy is ready to share information about the most important thing at the moment. christina, congratulations, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you. the us congress is debating the use of american weapons on the territory of russia. who is for and who is against, i will tell in the issue. coming soon, don't miss it.


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