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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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lubricants or gasoline for refueling - only convenience, comfort and a well-kept area. order lightweight and reliable kors trimmers from just uah 999. call 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porbiy works in the studio. there were three explosions in kharkiv a few minutes ago, according to the city's mayor igor terekhov. the air alert in the east continues. two people were injured as a result of enemy attacks on the kherson region, almost 20 towns and villages were set on fire by the invaders in one day. they hit us with a rocket the vysopil community is like that. in
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beryslav and kherson districts, the head of the region oleksandr prokudin informed. russian shells damaged half a dozen private houses, a cellular tower, an industrial enterprise and a car were also hit. 12 people were injured as a result of the russian air strike on kharkiv, among them a 16-year-old boy. he was hospitalized, the regional prosecutor's office reported. and the mayor of the city, ihor terikhov , added that the injured trolleybus driver, who was at the epicenter of the explosion, was operated on. unfortunately, one leg of the man had to be amputated, the second one was saved by doctors. the state of health of the victim is stable, the official said. let me remind you that the day before yesterday , the occupiers hit the shevchenkiv district of the city with cabs, damaged apartment buildings, a cafe, a car wash, and shops. three
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people died in a terrible car wreck in the dnipropetrovsk region. at night , a car and a truck collided in the kamian district. both immediately caught fire and burned to the ground, local rescuers reported. tragedy in kyiv region. a train in boryspil district a nine-year-old girl was hit to death, the regional police reported. previously, the child was sitting on the tracks with his friends and did not have time to react in time to the driver's signal. in ukraine , the lights will be turned off in all regions today. schedules of hourly shutdowns are planned to be applied to industrial and household consumers. the company ukrenergo warns. due to dense cloud cover in most regions, solar power plants are forced to reduce electricity production. therefore, the deficit in the energy system will increase. they will turn off the current first of all to those areas of the system where it will be exceeded.
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consumption, in the morning the authorities of sumy informed about the lack of electricity, trolley buses were stopped in the city. the united states of america does not support the idea of ​​striking russian territory with western weapons, but ukraine itself decides how to dispose of this aid. this was said by us secretary of state anthony blinken during hearings in the foreign affairs committee of the house of representatives. he emphasized. that the task of the usa and its allies is to supply the ukrainian army with the weapons which she needs. speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson also supported blinken. i believe we should allow ukraine to wage war as it sees fit. ukrainians must be able to repel the enemy. and i think that trying to control efforts at the micro level is not a very good policy. for us, will ask nato
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to shoot down russian missiles over ukraine, this is the main message of volodymyr zelenskyi's foreign visits, which are scheduled for june, politico writes, citing its own sources. currently, in the plans of the head of state to visit france and italy - the publication reports. meanwhile, poland reacted to kyiv's decision to shoot down russian missiles outside its territory. the ministry of foreign affairs noted that this is... a topic for discussion, but there are many technical and legal obstacles to implementing the idea. the security service of ukraine exposed an fsb agent who was preparing a breakthrough of russian sabotage groups to kharkiv. he is an inmate of the local penitentiary, who was soon to be released. at the direction of the fsb, the attacker recruited other convicts who were also serving their terms punishment. after leaving prison. were not supposed
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to find out the geolocation of ukrainian checkpoints and strategic objects in kharkiv and the region. the agent was detained, he was informed of the suspicion of treason. on heroes' day , another 1,330 russian occupiers were destroyed by ukrainian heroes, and in total , almost 498,000 invaders have died since the start of the full-scale invasion. also, our defenders burned 11 tanks, 27 bmps, 40 art systems, one anti-aircraft system and 75 units of enemy cars and special equipment during the day. one russian su-25 attack aircraft was also destroyed in the pokrovska region daughters in the general staff. we remind you that the data are indicative. and we ask you to join the urgent collection for our soldiers. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle to perform tasks in the war zone. with the help of a car, the military transports personnel, ammunition from cars,
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launches drones. the car is already in ukraine, it remains to buy it back and hand it over to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. with your help, we have already collected. almost 2000 hryvnias. remember, each of your donations is important, so join in, you can see all the details on the screen. their homes near the contact line, soldiers of the third separate assault brigade visited the residents of a front-line village in the kharkiv region. civilians there continue to run farms, take care of houses and gardens under the sights of russian guns and constant shelling. grandchildren, children don't want to take you, what about grandchildren there, too , children in kharkov there, too, this happens, don't you think about leaving, so god bless you, children
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, they say hello, this is water, and there are grocery sets for you, we look in the gardens, the garden is plowed , planted, shout, shout, new brand azov, 10 years vilni choose freedom, presented by ukrposhta, we will find out from our correspondent dmytro didora what circulation and what is depicted, dmytro, i congratulate you, tell me. congratulations khrystyna, i also congratulate our viewers, the new azov stamp is 10 years free to choose the struggle, today there really was a special redemption at the main post office, and the envelope with this stamp looks like this, this is all that i have managed
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to see so far, because the circulation of the stamp is all 900 copies, this is no accident, as ukrposhta wants to attract attention. to the captives of azov, who are still there captured by the russian federation after leaving azov. let's hear more about the importance of this brand. for me, as a person, a citizen of azov, mark is an example of courage, a strong civic position, indomitableness, and for me, as a former military serviceman, an example of real warriors. i am sure that this stamp will remind us, all ukrainians, of the heroic struggle, of the heroic rank of our servicemen, of what the defense forces do for our country.
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the soldiers of azov are also present here today, and now they are signing these envelopes that people bought, as reported by ukr. it is impossible to buy mail in the online store, because in the first few seconds there was already a sellout, i.e. everything was bought out, there were stamps left in the main postman’s building, you can still buy it here, but you have already seen that a very huge queue of people has lined up, and now near azov, too a huge queue, people want to say thank you and sign the stamps they received for the cost of the set. 600 hryvnias and i also want to finish my conversation, go to the queue, so that i can also buy this brand. christina thank you dmytro, our correspondent dmytro didora told about the new stamp of ukrposhta. the military leadership was arrested
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in russia, the deputy chief of the general staff of the russian federation gerasimov, general vadym shamarin was detained. he is suspected of bribery. the general was searched, then taken for questioning. according to local media, shamarin is allegedly involved in a criminal case about financial embezzlement, and faces up to 15 years in prison. we are under we miss the morning at 12 o'clock, stay with us, this train is part of the informational one. only for
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in 2023, the international organization for migration in ukraine helped more than 370 victims. in 2024, 117 such cases were recorded. in connection with the war, we see the deterioration of this situation, because more and more people have lost their jobs, lost their income. if someone has experienced problems with mental health, with physical health, and all these factors, they increase the willingness of people to accept risky offers. but what is human trafficking? as the migration organization says, this is not only about the real sale of people. the most common a form of modern slavery is labor exploitation. according to the latest research, every second ukrainian, 59% of respondents, are ready to accept a risky job offer abroad or in ukraine. thereby putting oneself in danger. very often, people find themselves in difficult life
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circumstances, remain unemployed, perhaps move from one city to another, and sometimes it seems that here is a lifeline, a desired job with a high salary or something similar. but there are red proportions by which a person can understand what the offer of work in the future may lead to labor exploitation. it can be an informal offer. employment, it can be when they constantly push, or offer extremely lousy working conditions, or free accommodation, food, nothing needs to be done, and then along the way these conditions change very quickly, also such an indicator that this can be a risky situation when a person is asked to hand over the original passport, these are risky personal items, a phone or some such personal things, if any of the above... applies to you, call the national free hotline 527, or use the chatbot
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in telegram safe migration botт, you can see additional contacts and the name of the bot on the screen. since 2000, mom's representative office in ukraine has already provided reintegration assistance to more than 20,000 victims of human trafficking, including legal consultations and representation of interests in court, medical assistance, psychological consultations, providing shelter to... advanced training and grant programs for those who want to start their own business. yulia subchenko, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. we are coming back, inna sovsun, people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us, and in particular , we will talk about the issue of education, patriotic education, mrs. inna. good day, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, today we want to start a conversation about new subjects
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for high school students, in fact, this is what should be in every country, about how children learn, not only learn to use it by some most necessary means of protection, not only what is on the subject of protecting the motherland, but actually historical ones as well. certain things, that is, to be savvy from different sides. we know that we have a new curriculum for grades 10 and 11 and we are asking you to tell us about it, what is changing, and whether it is possible to make this subject one of the series of these serious subjects, when children really have to study it, and do not consider that it is not serious, it is there as something secondary. thanks for the question and for this discussion, really pre... defense of the country, which we are going to talk about now, part of the audience may know by
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the old name dpu, in particular, when i studied at school in the 90s, this is what the subject was called for boys, and for girls it was called fundamentals of medical knowledge, after that there was a transformation, where it was called the protection of the motherland, now this subject is called the protection of ukraine, for both boys and girls, but boys and girls learn it according to different programs, where boys learn how to charm, and girls learn something, frankly, very outdated medical knowledge, which is very little suitable for the present and to a small extent corresponds to ideas about what actually needs to be done. in the case of a critical situation, and the reform of the subject of the protection of ukraine did not actually start today, since the beginning of winter last year, since december of the 23rd year, i was included in the working group that was writing a new program, and as of now there is already a new program, which is approved by the ministry
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of education and approved by the ministry of defense, and in this new program we started from the fact that, well, first of all... of course, this outdated the soviet division between boys and girls definitely needs to be removed, so it will be a single program for everyone, but we also tried to write the program in such a way that it would be interesting for today's teenagers, because you really very correctly said that now most teenagers perceive this subject as something so optional, and to a large extent, in fact, as it exists today, well, it's really meaningless. military training and studying the statutes of the armed forces of ukraine is probably the worst a way to motivate children to defend the country. instead of what we changed in the program, what will it look like? there will be a motivational block , what you mentioned in your question, about explaining the necessity of why you need to defend your country, and stories about
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ukrainian heroes, about the ukrainian experience, again, this is also what today... but we have a lot to be proud of in this direction, and so i really hope that we can present it in a way that will be interesting to children. but it is also very important that in this and in this the new program has blocks about modernity and about the knowledge that children need today in a country at war. does this not mean that we will teach children to become future soldiers? no, this is not a young fighter's course, although it is a story. in the process of discussion, there were such aspirations to turn it into a young fighter course, no, this course has a different purpose, it is to prepare rather such a defense consciousness among teenagers and prepare them for the idea that the country is at war, and you can get involved in different ways, for example , as part of this course, children will learn flying drones is a skill that is needed
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on the front, obviously, but it is also a skill that is needed in civilian life in many professions, but most importantly... and this is very important, we piloted these trainings, flying drones in several centers of study of this subject, and the most important thing that it gives is the crazy interest of children, so when i see a crowd of children who have gathered around the instructor from victory drones, whom we brought to obukhiv, and they are so interested, their eyes light up , let me try, let me to try, then it means that this is the right approach, to get today's teenagers interested in something at school is... a very big challenge, but we will try and try to do it so that the children are interested, and not they just study this subject, just because he is on the schedule. mrs. ino, i understand that this course is for high school students, it is such a pilot, but do you plan to introduce there, well, probably the most important protection system for the future generation, all children, there is a ban at school, no, they have gadgets, they sit in
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phones from morning till night, most of them send messages, short videos on... and instagrams, most of them have russian content, in which all memes are stitched, starting with the victory tank t-34, the terrible kalashnikov, motryoshka, herring and tap dances, and all this children absorb like a sponge and later literally emerge from the ukrainian military reality and are absorbed by the digital virtual reality of the russian world, oh... did you foresee something, how to get the children out and save them from this, from all these digital ipso ? and you program has a block, which is about information security, it's spelled out, we've been working with information security professionals in both the public and public sectors, and we're going to teach teachers how to work with this issue, because it's really a very important
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issue, so this unit will be about information security and about how... let's say this, to reveal russian narratives, the narratives of the enemy in general, yes, it will definitely be, and it will be as practical as possible, using examples as much as possible, but here we must admit that well 10-11 th grade, it's one and a half hours a day, but in fact it will be organized a little differently, it will be one day a month, six hours, one day of such a large training, and this is not enough, and here it will be necessary to make changes in other subjects and in the training of teachers of all subjects, lest... in the 10th grade, the children were told about it for the first time, in the first grade they were told about information security for the first time, in the fifth, in the seventh, that is, here you really need to pay a lot of attention to this, well, but within the framework of this... we definitely sewed this block, it is as much as it allows, let's say, the resource of time within this subject, but i am also very worried about this issue, i really
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hope that other subjects will also be sewn, well, according to the specifics of the subject and in order to show how it works, it is possible, well it can be sewn not only into this subject, it can be sewn into literature, it can be shown how russians spread it through literature, through language, even through mathematics. to show, talking about some mathematical concepts, so here you actually have to work very actively with the teachers so that they can do this to explain so as not to cause repulsion in children, but within the framework of this subject we included and added it, and we have specialists from various sectors, including the non-governmental sector, who will train the trainers, who will then teach the teachers how to teach it correctly , uh, mrs. ino, maybe i want to ask you a little about something else... because i know that your colleague from the faction joined the temporary investigative commission, he, unlike various opzzh and clowns from the neighborhoods, is our defender, that is, we have
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hope, that this tsc will not be, this tsc with wagnergate named after marina bezugoloi, will still give us answers to very important questions concerning mega corruption and defense, most importantly, the lives of our defenders and civilians, and so... against the background of this , another information scandal is developing with the same character, i.e. maryana, who now received the fas command for generals, for general sodol and for chief koma syrskyi. do you think that you are simply carrying it out of inertia, or is this really a planned campaign, and now syrskyi is also disagreeable as a hard worker? look, here i am as you can see, i am now i am in the parliament hall. we are having a vote, i could go find mariana and she could get involved and explain her logic on her own, it seems to me that it would be more correct, it
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is difficult for me to explain the logic of any other person, including marina, but look , i think that regarding tsk, the first thing, your first question, was really from us, roman kostenko joined this tsk, and we hope that this tsk will be able to establish the raw facts without politicization. although of course it is not automatic will happen simply due to the creation of the tsc, and even you understand, in the tsc any decisions are made by the majority, so it will not be easy, to put it mildly, especially not because, well, at least from our side, representatives of the voice of another in general, including the opposition, which is a patriotic opposition, we are very careful not to cross the line, not to give the russians the opportunity to use. some kind of information that, let's say, might be politically beneficial to announce, but well, so do we we also have to remember security things, so
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unfortunately we won't be able to make everything public, or fortunately, just to preserve, let's say, prevent the russians from taking advantage of it, and as for syrskyi, i think that for now it's hard to say, but we are in an active phase. active russian offensive, let's see how the new head will show himself, well, if there are questions, they are, i think that they should be resolved in a calm, balanced format, based on the facts, of course, that there is such a watershed between the army and politics, but he is not let's put it this way, it is not a wall, and of course politicians have the right to ask questions, the army must answer, the leadership of the armed forces must answer... well, of course, the active phase of the war, this must also be taken into account, not everything can be answered publicly. mrs. inno, but now about personal matters,
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we will ask you, as a politician and lawmaker, about this story, when one anti-corruption body attacks another, and not for nothing, against the background of reports that personal deputy andriy smirnov from the office of the president, yermak's deputy. received a suspicion of illegal enrichment, and after that the show begins, and we are shown the searches of the whistleblower detective, and ee, and on and on sap , there was an information attack by all telegram channels that are affiliated with the president's office, and in this case it is quite alarming, because for the first time, investigators are beginning to make public to ukrainians information about the great theft, which... was mistakenly called the great construction, that every tenth hryvnia from the budget was spent on asphalt so that russian armored personnel carriers would be easier and faster to drive on good roads this is the story. and how
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should it end, when we tear the country apart from the inside in a struggle between the sapa, nabu and other tatars? and this is a very complex story, it is complex on many levels, because , again, we are in a situation where, on the one hand, we have a democracy, and it is very good when there is an investigation, when the investigation includes powerful figures like the deputy head of the president's office, that's actually... a sign that we don't have, let's say, well, most likely, but let's put it this way, the list of those untouchables has shrunk very significantly, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, but it has shrunk very much, and the fact that now the issues of large-scale construction are being investigated, well, that's good actually, the main thing is to do this is so that it does not arouse suspicions of any involvement, because as soon as there are
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any suspicions, then russia... will definitely use it, russia will definitely start talking about the inability of the ukrainian state, that we are falling apart, unable democracy and so on, and so on, that's why here, of course, yes, the information support of this case, which has the right to be, but we must find out what happened with the large construction, and whether there were schemes, or rather what schemes they were, here, but well, to do it with adequate information support and clarification, because distrust of institutions, including new anti-corruption institutions, well, this is something that is very beneficial to putin, and this is something that we cannot allow in these conditions, here therefore, let 's say, it is very difficult to maintain this balance, it seems to me that it is not possible at the moment, because, well, at the moment it is happening as it is happening, we all see, everyone has questions, and you know, and no one, let's put it this way, at the moment definitely no one benefits from this, apart from putin, here, but that doesn't mean we should
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keep these things quiet and... talk about corruption, including during wartime, this is our short-term, let's say, weak point compared to putin's authoritarian regime, but in the medium -long term, preserving the independence of anti-corruption institutions, that is it is critically important for us to survive as a state, and in fact, we agree with you as much as possible, we will wait for the memoirs of kubrakov, golyk, kyril tymoshenko and other characters, there we will be able to read more. but i already hope in peacetime, mrs. inna, thank you for the conversation, inna sovsun, people's deputy of ukraine, was in touch with our studio, we will take a break and a live guest will come to us, so ilya neskhodovskyi will be with us, we will talk , in particular about fuel prices, this is of interest to almost everyone, so wait. when you sleep on uneven ground surface, the spine is in the wrong
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