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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the espresso news channel. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. three people died, seven were injured. these are the consequences of the enemy shelling of kharkiv about an hour ago. they are looking for one more person. about 10 explosions rang out in the city. one of them came for a civilian enterprise that is engaged in printing. a large-scale fire broke out there, the city's transport infrastructure was also damaged, and a utility company was hit. was formed
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by oleg senigubov, the head of the region. in love s-300 missiles hit near the railway station. according to local authorities , five people were injured. one victim was also reported in zolochiv. russian troops killed a civilian resident of yutoretska in donetsk region. there are also four wounded in the region. the national police reports. the enemy covered 11 settlements in the region with fire during the day. 17 residential buildings, a shop, a dormitory, an administrative building, transport and a critical infrastructure object were destroyed. two people were injured due to enemy attacks on kherson region, almost 20 cities and the village was set on fire by the occupiers within a day. they hit the vysokopol community with a rocket and taverns in the beryslav and kherson districts, the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin, informed. russian shells damaged half a dozen. private houses,
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a cellular tower, an industrial enterprise and a car were also hit. the first ukrainian prisoners willing to fight were released in khmelnytskyi. the local court released two men, 24 and 41 years old, who were convicted of theft. this is stated in a message on the website of sudova the authorities of ukraine. it is noted that the prisoners themselves submitted a petition about... the desire to go to the front. each of the men, fit for military service in terms of health, has passed a psychological screening and has a sufficient level of physical training. three people died in a terrible car wreck in the dnipropetrovsk region. at night , a car and a truck collided in the kamian district. both immediately caught fire and burned to the ground, local rescuers reported. the united states of america does not
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support the idea of ​​striking russian territory with western weapons, however ukraine itself decides how to dispose of this aid. this was said by us secretary of state anthony blinken during hearings in the foreign affairs committee of the house of representatives. he emphasized that the task of the usa and its allies is to supply the ukrainian army with the weapons it needs. blinke. speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson also supported. i believe we should allow ukraine to wage war as it sees fit. ukrainians should be able to fight back the enemy, and i should i believe that trying to control efforts at the micro level is not a very good policy for us. will ask nato to shoot down russian missiles over ukraine, this is the main message of foreign visits. volodymyr zelenskyi, which
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are scheduled for june, politico writes, citing its own sources. currently, the head of state plans to visit france and italy, the newspaper reports. meanwhile, poland responded to kyiv's call to shoot down russian missiles from its territory. the ministry of foreign affairs noted that this is a topic for discussion. however, for implementation of the idea there are many technical and legal obstacles. the security service of ukraine exposed an fsb agent who was preparing a breakthrough of russian sabotage groups to kharkiv. he is an inmate of the local penitentiary, who was soon to be released. at the direction of the fsb, the attacker recruited other convicts who were also serving their sentences. after leaving prison, they were supposed to find out the geolocation of ukrainian checkpoints and strategic objects in kharkiv and the region. the agent was detained, he was informed. ripe for
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treason. gave their lives for will and freedom of ukraine, to the day of heroes, which is celebrated today, relatives of the fallen heroes gathered in lviv. of ukraine from the lviv region. 25 families met at the officers' house to talk to each other and remember their relatives. actors of the opera and ballet theater, drama theater and military musicians came to support the mothers, wives, and children of the victims. in addition, the families handed over the personal belongings of their relatives to the military history museum, where there is a separate exhibition of the heroes of ukraine who died since the beginning of the russian-ukrainian war. today five more items were added to the collection. heroes, but we were encouraged to do so by the families of the heroes of ukraine themselves, we tried to find them in all our districts of the lviv region, found contacts with them, began to communicate and realized that they have a great need to simply meet with each other, because they are between
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they communicate very well with each other, understand each other, support each other, and they are actually such a macro-family in our society, it is necessary that... people saw, knew, and a generation was brought up by such guys who bravely courageously went to defend, protect and give their lives for our country. today, a professional holiday is celebrated by marines. our correspondent kateryna galko will tell us how this day commemorates the fallen marines and reminds of those who are still in russian captivity, she is with us live. katya, i congratulate you, tell me. greetings khrystyna, greetings to the viewers of the tv channel, so today, on the day of the marines of ukraine , several hundred people gathered in the center of the capital on independence square to remember the feat of the ukrainian marines, who life and health in order to preserve the sovereignty
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of our state. it is not for nothing that the warriors of the three elements are considered the elite of the ukrainian armed forces, because they perform combat tasks both on water, on land and in the air, in particular. also defended the ukrainian mariupol, after which they had to be captured by the enemy, and most of them are still in russian torture camps, and i will note that today most of the people here are those who came to remind the world and ukraine about their relatives and friends who are in russian captives, let us hear those with whom we managed to communicate, i'm waiting for my husband from captivity, i haven't heard his voice for almost three years. he, a seaman, was captured from the ilyich factory in the city of mariopol, we are waiting, hoping and believing in the best, the third year, he is considered in captivity, well, it is very difficult to prove,
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because the photo, it is without a number, they did everything, it is difficult to prove, that it is him, there are all kinds of versions. hopefully, we're waiting for him, the marines are certainly the heroes who continue this fight, yes, unfortunately, is in the search right now, we understand that many marines, defending ukraine, defending mariupol, in particular, were captured by the enemy, work is underway to release them, so we know that more than 380 ukrainian marines have already been returned from enemy captivity. however, this work continues, so today in kyiv they celebrate the day of the ukrainian marines, that's all i have time to tell you today, khrystyna, i'm passing the ether to you. thank you katya, kateryna galko told how the memory of the dead marines is commemorated and those who are still in russian captivity are remembered. and we
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ask you to join the urgent collection for our soldiers a reliable off-road vehicle, needed by scouts to perform tasks in the combat zone. with the help of a car, the military transports personnel. munitions from cars launch drones. the car is already in ukraine, it remains to be dug up and delivered to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. with your help, we have already collected more than uah 200,000. remember, each of your donations is important. so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. an unexpected meeting. one and a half dozen ukrainian polar explorers were surrounded in the ocean. whales and killer whales. to see the last near the shores of the antarctic is great luck, write academician vernatskyi station scientists. killer whales were probably looking for seals there, which they feed on. the video, which the scientists managed to film, will be included in the international database. this will allow us to learn more about
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migration and the state of cetacean populations. last year, for the first time in the history of ukrainian antarctic research, our biologists managed to take skin and fat samples from these animals. this was the morning in ukraine, read more news on our website, too on our social networks, join in, put your favorites, and we will see you at 2 p.m., don't switch, stay with the espresso team. today in the program verdict with serhiy, the cleaning of the black sea, striking. the russian zyklon ship of the zsu destroyed the last surface missile carrier in crimea. how can
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further demilitarization of the occupied ukrainian peninsula proceed? he set his sights on the island of gotland. putin plans to change the maritime borders in the baltic sea, declaring parts of it to be internal waters of russia. how nato will react on the maritime expansion of the country. the aggressor the opposition is on the offensive. the verkhovna rada was pressured to create a temporary investigative commission on the arrangement of fortifications. why did the blocking of the parliamentary rostrum once again become a tool of democracy. glory to ukraine. this is the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko. congratulations. everyone and i wish everyone good health. in the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, about the world, about
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the war and about our victory, about the right of ukraine to hit russia with western weapons, chinese weapons for the russians, and political passions in the supreme happy we will talk for the next hour with our guests, general serhiy krivonos, diplomat oleksandr hara and political expert igor reiterovych. in the second part of our program, which will start exactly from... in an hour, there will be political experts oleg sahakyan and oleksiy koshel. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how sso soldiers destroyed a russian beech tree. operators of the third separate regiment destroyed half a division of buk anti-aircraft missile systems in three weeks. three zerks were affected at the end of april, beginning of may, we see the impressions of the fourth beech.
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glory to the soldiers of the sso and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working. live on the channel as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please like this video so that it is trending on youtube and facebook, and also take part in our survey , today we ask you about whether it is necessary to strengthen the responsibility for violating the curfew, yes, no, everything is on youtube it's pretty simple, if you have your own opinion that doesn't answer yes or no, please write in... below this video, if you 're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you
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think need a link of responsibility for breaking the curfew 0800-211381, no 080 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce our first guest, this is serhiy krivonos, reserve major general, first deputy commander of... in 2016-19, former deputy secretary of the nsdc, mr. general, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. general, let's start our conversation with the situation in the eastern on the front, president zelenskyi spoke in yesterday's video message about the situation in the hottest areas on the front, let's listen to mr. zelenskyi. the pokrovsky direction and other donetsk directions, kramatorsk,
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urahiv, remain extremely difficult now, and there is the most fighting there. kharkiv oblast, our forces destroy the occupier, the results are tangible. mr. general, how do you assess the situation on the eastern and southern fronts today? well, actually. we still don't have a division of the eastern and southern fronts, it's just that such a diuresis doesn't exist yet, but between them we understand perfectly well what directions we're talking about, then probably. then it will be necessary to add the northern one, because kharkiv oblast is already much more northern, it is already a separate direction, but meanwhile the situation is quite complicated, and despite the fact that some managers said that we don't have problems with shells, for some reason those who are at the front tell me something completely different, probably those who told me that everything is fine are fighting for some other country, in
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some other war, but i am more worried about kharkiv direction, the fact that the situation there is now localized, and the enemy is not advancing yet is very good, thanks to our armed forces, the kupinsky direction, which is also enough near khar to kharkiv oblast, this is kharkiv oblast, but let’s say it is a little further east, also enough serious direction probably the safest and most dangerous. this is exactly the direction of kramatorsk, exactly the direction of chasovoyar, and the enemy there is actively trying to increase his efforts and still take the initiative into his own hands, so far it does not work out for him, our guys are holding on well enough, but it is still quite difficult, plus actively
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hostilities are being launched in the pokrov direction, where the enemy has achieved certain... results and it is very good that the enemy has not yet decided where he should try to concentrate our effort, precisely in the absence of this concentration we, if it were not difficult, will still keep the situation under control. the enemy is actively using a huge number of drones, which for some reason we have much less, not to mention his huge superiority in the air and as for the number of artillery shells fired against us and they at us. we will still lose quite seriously in this direction, mr. general, if we talk about the situation in sumy oblast, the russians are quite active there, shelling the border villages, and here are my relatives live in sumy oblast, they talk about the fact that the situation is quite difficult, there near
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bilopyllya, large piserivka, krasnopillya, does this mean that they... want to go deeper into the territory of sumy oblast and , let's say, surround the city of sumy there, or or are they simply diverting the resources available in the armed forces in other directions in order not to attack more donbass and, well, kharkiv oblast? well, unfortunately, i do not have one hundred percent sources in the russian general staff that would reveal the situation to us. we can only say yes, to predict certain options for the actions of the russians and sumyshchyna, including what concerns the activity of their drgs, this has been repeatedly pointed out, at this stage the enemy bird has not yet noticed the deployment of logistics bases by our intelligence, no increased efforts have been seen regarding the deployment
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of hospital bases, although the same belgorod region has already reserved 3,600 beds for soldiers of the russian federation, so the situation at this stage is not yet threatening as far as the activation of their drgs is concerned, well, if at one time they did not remove forces special border operations of these strips, the situation was probably much better in our favor. meanwhile, the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko talked about the possibility of the russian army attacking the sumy region and said that it should be ruled out. this is not possible, let's listen to the rather small synchronicity of the spokesman of the state border service, it can never be ruled out, i mentioned it before, that including in the direction of sumy, the enemy can at any moment, even though he does not have sufficient forces to try to do something similar, as it is now happening on
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in the kharkiv direction, precisely in order to stretch the front line, the line of active combat operations and... actually stretch the defense forces of our country, again, if we are talking about sumy, the sumy direction, if the enemy commits such actions, so that we strengthen this direction as well and used their reserves there. so, actually, we see that the state border service does not rule out that the russians may attack the sumy region, well, at certain points and... in this situation, of course, there is a big question about the provision, about the weapons that we will receive from our western partners, you, mr. general, said that... there are not enough shells at the front, as far as i understand, and there are not enough weapons despite all the assurances, i wanted to ask you, since you
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once worked, started working with the team zelenskyi, the yakonomist writes about the fact that zelenskyi is kept in a warm bath and sometimes they do not agree on what is happening, and zelenskyi seems to shout at the generals who... this information is from him, or how true can it be? well, first of all, as regards the statements of the border guards, then directly, for the actions of the enemy and for the actions of the armed forces, after all, it is better to let the armed forces themselves speak, there are official representatives who have the authority to do so, let the state border service deal directly with border issues and not step outside of its sphere of responsibility, that refers to a warm bath for the president. on the very first day of his game as the president of ukraine, i emphasize the game of the president of ukraine, because in many cases he beautifully and beautifully
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narrates the texts that the speechwriters write for him about the situation in the country, these videos are filmed in different places, but in the meantime , zelenskyi has absolutely no military experience, apart from the fact that he did not serve in the army , so accept all his things. everything he says to him, he simply obediently repeats, and therefore it is better to accept those who brushed their teeth in the war and, this is precisely the question for the same commander-in-chief of the armed forces, only he has the authority and the right to say something one hundred percent, and the president as the supreme commander, well, it is difficult enough for him, but meanwhile we see that it is a warm bath continues, and he firmly believes in what he is told, that in certain moments there is disappointment. well, they themselves are to blame for the team that they formed, and unfortunately, the situation is quite deadlocked, because they often form a team not based on professional qualities, but based on
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some incomprehensible political preferences and the ability to remain silent and not criticize the government, but regarding this warm vany, does this mean that the hard worker got rid of his position precisely because he spoke and reported as it is. i think it is and it was, i'm not talking about the popularity that the hard-working man had, who was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, it also annoyed the president enough, because he, as a professional artist, could not get on the same stage to have someone more popular, who was more applauded, than him, that's why things turned out the way they did, in an interview with the new york times, zelenskyi stated that russia... has an advantage in the weapons they use when attacking, including kharkiv, to quote zelenskyi, this their huge advantage, the shelling of kharkiv, all the deaths of people and children -
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this is their huge advantage, the daily use of bombs is their huge advantage, the use of s-300 systems, they have accumulated 10,000 s-300 missiles, 10,000 is again their advantage, the head of state added that the world has the appropriate weapons capable of countering attacks of russia, but it is not enough in ukraine. mr. general, over the past two years we have repeatedly talked about not only western weapons, but about weapons that could be produced in ukraine, why they are not produced, but in the rhetoric of volodymyr zelensky quite often complaining about western partners, but there is no analysis of the situation with the ukrainian military-industrial complex, whether ukraine can in some way cover the... needs that ukraine needs and whether ukraine could cover these needs during the last two years in order to so that it is not just a statement that there are 10,000 more
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s300 missiles in russia than in ukraine? well, first of all, no one compared the number of missiles we have and theirs, uh, the number of our missiles is a military secret, and as for, well, let's remember that... on the eve of the great war and during the war, after all , no one from the state leadership seriously dealt with the economy, i'm not saying that it's not the implementation of the law on mobilization, but the first point there is the transfer of the economy of ukraine to the functioning of conditions of martial law, this was not carried out, the mobilization plan has not yet been worked out, a huge number of ukrainian enterprises have not yet received mobilization tasks for the production of certain products of military importance, therefore... show that yes, the russians transferred, and we haven't even started yet, and even a simple document like a mobilization plan hasn't been worked out yet, and it must be clearly understood
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that the authorities have absolutely no plans yet. victory in this war and does not gather all its resources, does not put together all its efforts, in order to raise a powerful economy, it is difficult enough for civilians, perhaps those sitting in the office of the president, of course, understand that modern war is not a war of personally horo brave people, modern war is a war of the economy, the state's ability to provide for the needs of the armed forces, in full or hugely... numbers, and unfortunately, the russians were able to do it, we haven't even begun to understand it yet, as it is supposed to, you know, such, written truths about the conduct of war, however, again, when i listen and i hear when politicians who speak in the vestibules of our trains talk about certain things, it is necessary to understand that this war with russia
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can be in favor of ukraine. when we will systematically destroy one enterprise of the military-industrial complex of the russian federation every other day or so, when russia will not be able to receive either fuel, neither rockets, nor shells, then the russian army will cease to exist as an organizational component, so the front is very important, but the most important front for ukraine is the destruction of the rear of the russian federation, that is the number one task and... then we can win and achieve we need results, and if everything is reduced to face-to-face attacks, as we often see it on the front line, then it will not be in favor of ukraine, because they have more people, their economy is more capable, so we must first of all destroy their economy, make them weaker so they can't supply their own army with what they
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fight with, sir? generals, on may 19, the armed forces of ukraine hit the russian missile ship zyklon in the occupied sevastopol, hitting the zyklon means that there is no surface carrier of cruise missiles left in crimea, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports. all the rest were transferred to novorossiysk, can we say, mr. general, that the ukrainians won the battle for the east. for the western part of the black sea? at this stage, yes, it is possible it is absolutely calm to state and say that for now we keep the situation under control and do not allow the russians to act with impunity, as was the case, for example, the day before, during the beginning of the great war, and this is very good, and i thank all those who systematically sent to the bottom of russian ships, but there is still a lot of work and it is necessary to continue
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to build up with... efforts, including those concerning the same novorossian and other places and bases, the basing of the russian black sea fleet in the black sea. when we talk about the rear, mr. general, russian rear, then it is obvious that one way or another this conversation of ours is moving into the plane, can ukraine use western weapons on the territory of the russian federation? now this topic. is being discussed quite actively and many different statements appear, some of our western partners say that we do not prohibit, but we do not and do not encourage ukraine to strike on the territory of the russian federation at military facilities and critical infrastructure facilities. why do you think there is no unequivocal position of the western countries, because during the second world war, when the soviet union was given weapons, the same
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americans, they didn’t say that you just don’t strike deep into the territory of germany, times change, so do the approaches to the issues of providing it with weapons, well, first of all, unfortunately, we don’t have a lin-lens, we screwed it up, thanks to the inactivity of our diplomats, first of all the ambassador of ukraine to the united states, who is more involved in restaurants after all. businesses, than, issues of providing weapons to ukraine, why this is done, why certain countries are trying to give us weapons, but at the same time you prohibit to apply, well, you can't be half pregnant, so from the point of view of our managers, they have to ask questions harder and find arguments that would work in our favor. in the information space, in order to improve the situation at the reception.


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