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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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in the fact that it is obligatory to be connected with society and relay, aggregate this public interest to other authorities, and at least the parliament is a place for discussion and raising these issues and searching for these solutions, that is why there are resolutions, not only laws - this is one of the mechanisms that exists in the parliament just for such a case, such as statements, and appeals and others, because parliamentary activity is not only to pass laws, it is also many other functions that are performed by parliamentarians, in particular in relation to the other yoke authorities from regarding the draft law on the church, i have a rather ambiguous position here, because the draft law that is currently in place will not satisfy the demand in society, due to the fact that it is already communicated as a draft law on the banning of the moscow church, and this is not in it , he doesn't ban her, the next day life won't change, he creates a mechanism so that... it can be banned in a
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court of law, and it's just the right way, even though it's a long way, because if it were otherwise , then it is possible in court was to show such a decision and we would also prove through the european court of human rights that in this way we do not violate the right to freedom of conscience and, accordingly, we do not persecute citizens on the basis of religion, therefore this bill is only the beginning of the judicial path, and therefore politically... it will not give an effect here and now, on the contrary, even its adoption may cause a certain wave of disappointment, because the next day there will not be what people expect from the bill, but it cannot give it, but now it acceptance can be used by our enemies of the united states, since the election campaign is entering its final phase and we remember as a thesis about and how much money, in particular libyan money, was poured into this thesis and the promotion in the united states that orthodoxy is allegedly banned in ukraine '. as
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it was said, or christians in general, as taylor green herself wrote and other, to put it mildly, very radical pro -russian subjects in the united states, and now receive another wave of actualization of the church, where no one is in the crucible of the election the campaign will not understand what exactly is being banned, in what way and that no one is banning anything at all, but only creating judicial mechanisms, but nevertheless it will definitely be used against us, the russian federation. here we would be applauded, since we would have done half the work for them here and now. it is quite profitable that for us, perhaps, this issue should be postponed until the end of the election campaign in the states, and then adopt the mechanism, and then really deal with this issue seriously. thank you, mr. oleg, but gentlemen, do we need to postpone until the end of the war and before the arrival of the new president, the results of the presidential term of volodymyr zelenskyi. the president of ukraine himself, he... in an interview with foreign
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journalists, stated that my 5 years have not yet ended, they are still ongoing, and therefore, in principle, let people evaluate how i cope with this, but people cannot evaluate , because there are no elections now and, accordingly, it is not possible to conduct a general survey of ukrainians there, whether zelensky fulfilled his promises, whether they are actually satisfied with president zelensky himself, mr. oleksiy, that is what... the presidential team slipped by on may 20, 2024, when in principle the president could go to the verkhovna rada and have his say, after all, it has been 5 years since the inauguration of the president, and it would probably be right for him to do something said in conditions where his powers are extended and it is not known to what extent. yes, that was right, that was
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right. i believe that it would be correct if the president made a meaningful annual address to the verkhovna rada of ukraine. this would be important because it is an opportunity to share, actually, to indicate your own a vision of the ways of development for the coming year, the foundations of foreign and domestic policy. despite the fact that there is a war, the president must have a dialogue with the verkhovna rada. that is, the bank should not perceive the parliament, excuse me... in a word, as subjects, they should not perceive that they have a control panel, like a television one, they press, button one is a servant of the people, point two is a trust group, which will add votes, you cannot work like that, you need to communicate with the parliament, and then, by the way, there will be no bacchanalia in the legislative work, there will not be complete chaos, then there will be priorities, there will be strategies, there will be a vision, but oleg has already started talking about an example with... a full bill, what is the problem?
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the problem is that no one in power wants to look at least a year ahead, understand the consequences, look a little further, everyone. it's very simple, they conduct sociology, yes, people are in favor of banning the moscow patriarchate, we will adopt a bill with a beautiful name. what do we want to get as a result? indeed we will get a bill which in principle will not solve anything, the effect of which may extend over time for years, even decades, the issue will not be resolved. is there another way, a simplified mechanism for the transition of parishes? yes, this is the way, this is the mechanism and... and i am convinced that 80% of the uoc clergy, especially when it comes to the parish clergy, can easily transfer to the orthodox church in ukraine, especially what concerns the western regions, central regions of ukraine. of course,
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the situation with the episcopate is completely different. that is, you understand, the discussion takes place in the format of slogans, nobody does not want to look ahead, well, the same thing, i am convinced that now for... the presidential team for 5 years, what would be important to realize is that there is a very serious crisis related to decision-making, a governmental crisis, parliamentary crisis, the mechanism does not work. i have the impression that the vast majority of the representatives of the president's team in 5 years have not understood how the state works, how decisions are made, what needs to be done, this is a problem, but everyone works more in the e format. here is an informational topic, it is necessary interrupt in the information plane, they work more like political technologists and not statesmen, not strategists, this is a big problem, well, maybe they work like people who came from television and understand that the ratings
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of yesterday’s program in the morning, and accordingly they are already oriented towards how should they adjust their policies so that a very good comparison, a very good comparison, is really measured by ratings, there are tick times there in social groups, who are looking at how to break this topic, but you know, here is another key failure in because there is a lack of state level managers who would be around the president, as advisers, as close people, i always give the example of viktor yushchenko, when in the first years of the presidency, he was constantly treated, he really underwent an incredible number of operations there, but i'm sorry... he had ivan stepanovich plyusch, a strategist who could, who had a statesman's mindset, and who could approach the president, say no, viktor andriyovych, i categorically disagree, later there was viktor baloga, who could object, and now in the president's team they only know how to nod their heads forward, and i
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can’t imagine who from the president’s entourage could say a different opinion, express a different opinion, even more so deny the head of state, about the numbers, according to data... occurred between december 2023 and early february 24, when confidence dropped from 77% to 60 or 65%. now trust is at the same level, while ukrainians, although more critical of the president and his entourage, still 70-80% are confident that the elections are not times and currently do not question its legitimacy. we do not question the legitimacy either, because we understand that president zelenskyi is the current president, which, mr. olezh, these numbers prove, of course, when i say that the level of trust has decreased from 77 to 60, it is still 60, a large
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number today, and maybe it is not as big as it was there in december 2019, and not as big as it was in april 2019, but zelenskyi was and remains the most trusted politician, as far as i understand after zaluzhnyi, because zaluzhnyi has now gone to britain, what can you say about these 5 years and why zelenskyi refused to sum up and make some definite summary, ordinary, traditional, no one insists on this, but it would be absolutely logical. it seems to me that this strategy was chosen in order not to emphasize attention, but it seems to me that it is a losing one, on the contrary, now it would be necessary to make sweets by force and set the agenda for this five-year report, thus demonstrating that in the authorities are great
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realize that now would be the moment when the mandate would have ended if there had not been a russian attack, and it was under that narrative that you could... have a pretty serious, maybe uncomfortable conversation with society in places, and it would be perceived as a strong step, and actually are very high-quality and professional. and pr specialists and screenwriters in the current president's team, who can ensure this process well enough, and it would be beneficial to the state and zelensky himself. the level of trust that is maintained is an element of consolidation ukrainians around the military-political leadership. it is necessary to understand that we are not talking about ratings now, and even more so, not about the ratings of a politician. ah, the level and rating, speaking in this language, of the commander-in-chief. zelenskyi, the commander-in-chief, the rating of president zelenskyi and candidate zelenskyi, and any name
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we can put in these three conferences, these are absolutely three different ratings, both of trust and support, attitude, etc., and as long as we are at war, it is clear , that in this case it is about the element of responsibility and consciousness of ukrainian society, and therefore the answer may differ, do you support the actions of president zelensky, the answer will be, for example, no, but do you trust? you are the supreme commander to president zelensky, the answer will be i trust, we need to look at the migration between i trust and rather i trust, and here we can see that there lies exactly the answer to what dynamics this trust is strengthening, whether it is happening or it is happens in some cases already because of no, regardless of, but i trust, and these are alarm bells for power and the place where it is necessary to work, because the legality of president... zelenskyi is now indisputable, we all understand this, and international practice here is absolutely on the side of
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ukraine and our domestic legislation, it is extremely difficult to undermine the continuation of zelenskyi's powers now, but legitimacy is a softer and amorphous category, nevertheless, it is about the readiness to accept the decision, the readiness to trust and obey, and here it is... it will be dynamic all the time, and will depend on the level of challenge that will have to be met. certain decisions require a high level of cohesion and trust of the authorities, and it will be increasingly difficult to meet these standards. in a normal period, the elections make it possible to refinance, change the surname, the institution again acquires additional trust in society, legitimacy, and it is like a heart that pumps blood from election to election, as well as trust. but when there are no elections, it is then necessary to activate with redoubled force other
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inter-electoral mechanisms, participatory democracy, consultations, participation in decision-making and implementation, decentralization, deconcentration of part of the powers, the authorities need to think about and do all this now, and it could be part of this agenda, as we live in conditions when president zelenskyi and us are not looking at the fact that the elected it is for 5 years, and then the authorities could, could already create mechanisms to replenish this legitimacy and self-confidence, regardless of all the difficult challenges that will fall before it and a whole series of image and other losses that they bear now, in particular due to personnel policy, accumulated questions and many other fair critical remarks about the government. well, by the way, regarding personnel issues, because this is probably the most painful place that the team has. volodymyr zelenskyi, when he went to the elections, he said that as soon as i find out that one of my people will take
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bribes or live dishonestly, i will immediately react to it, and he does, but not as quickly as i would like to, andriy smirnov, who is now the former deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine, and received suspicion today, and we are talking about the acquisition of illegal rights'. acquisition of property, including an apartment, a plot of land in the carpathians, precisely during his tenure as the deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine, and as soon as nabu began to consider this case, of course, smirnov himself was dismissed from his position, smirnov himself confirmed today that the criminal case , or at least the suspicion was handed to him, he says. says that, i confirm the information from the media about the delivery of a notice of suspicion to me, the suspicion is not from the sbu,
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but from nabu, this is the first, second, the event has long been expected by me, given the fact that its announced almost six months before today, by all possible methods , the suspicions were served and the searches took place quickly and delicately, there are no comments to the detectives, and one of volodymyr zelenskyi's promises is to destroy that system. which was to him, that is, he said that we will come, rebuild the entire country, we will not steal at the customs, and they will no longer take bribes, and in general the whole system. will be reloaded, mr. oleksiy, or in your opinion, did president zelensky manage to destroy that system in 5 years, which was passed down from one president to another? first of all, i am categorically opposed to the very terminology of breaking the system, that is, depending on who puts what meaning into these formulations, because if
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it turns out, based on the election rhetoric of the chapter. presidential candidate volodymyr zelenskyi, when he spoke about the end of epochalism, the end of the era of greed and many other such beautiful slogans of epithets exclusively in the emotional plane, there was a certain logic here, and the thesis that we will destroy the system, build such ideal biblical rules in the work of government. on the other hand, there are realities, i'm sorry, there are numbers that show that this did not actually happen. with mild chastisement, i recall in the 21st year, sufficiently authoritative for me expert centers indicated that, according to their calculations, due to schemes at the customs, the state does not receive an amount in the region of 10 billion dollars every year, every year. there were other assessments that said that the situation is even worse, but despite everything
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it is about numbers with many zeros, you can imagine, about... carrying out customs reform, fully transparent rules, minimization of corruption, what amount of funds could be accumulated to the state budget, during, during the hard phase of the war, i.e. drones, ammunition, i think it could be definitely increased many times over, and obviously we are talking about a lot things, that is, misunderstanding, on the one hand, on the other hand, it is possible that a conscious reluctance is separate. representatives of the authorities who are specifically responsible for certain areas of work there, in particular for customs, on the third hand, it is possible simply incompetence, because a set of measures must be taken in order to in order to quickly implement certain anti-corruption steps, well, once again, i will remind you that the topic of corruption is so powerful now that during the last visit
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, the us secretary of state pointed out the topic of corruption as a separate block, on... on the eve of the visit , the us ambassador in ukraine separately indicated the need for official kyiv to implement anti-corruption reforms, that is, we will not implement them, we will have the appropriate consequences, including with a delay, even if it is partial, even if it is symbolic, but still, and a reduction, delay by others many financial funds, maybe even military equipment, that is, the more skepticism there is towards ukraine, the less... support, well, the formula can only be this. thank you, mr. oleksiy, mr. olezh, but why did zelensky fail to fulfill his promises regarding the fight against corruption, what, what prevented this? well, i would say that here from the very beginning the request was vicious, because simply to break, to demolish the system of voting for zelenskyi - it was a protest vote, in which people
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blurted out all that hurt from many, many years of ukrainian. independence, all those experiments, and in the end people said that now we were mocked, and now we are mocking politicians, and here we will show you such a trick with the election of a completely non-system person, non-political, and it will be a kind of evil joke on politicians, and for what the politicians did to the society, and this opposition, in this case it played a bad joke with the whole society, not only with the politicians, and therefore, when the request is made to demolish the old system, it is clear that the new team, who came they actually went with this request that it is necessary to simply change the bad ones to good ones, we good ones came to the office and now everything will work, they sit in the chairs, but it turns out that they do not work, that the institutions have long since rotted, that the president’s decrees really do not matter what can be affected, and in general, the problem is
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that it is necessary to create a system from scratch, and there will be no request for this creation. was because they went with other slogans, because people wanted to hear other slogans, and they received a mandate for something else, and actually knowledge and competences among those who came, what is public administration, public administration, what is politics, in fact, the phenomenon of politics, etc., this is for many a chinese script, these are people who did not have a sufficient level of competence, even to understand , which issues are faced, some of them, far from all, but so... some of them in general, and accordingly we have a situation in which at the moment we cannot say that we just need to take and replace something somewhere or to repair something, we... need a new one to invent an independent ukraine, its institution, especially now during the war. an absolutely good example was given with the same customs office. and the problem is not that
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a team of scoundrels came, who broke into the customs office and are sitting on schemes. the problem is that the customs itself never worked for the public interest during the time of independence in ukraine. that is, the problem is not that they found a loophole and hacked it, but the problem is that the system itself is built in such a way that it is not viable. in order to work transparently and in the interests of the state and society, and not in the interests of individual powerful people, leaders, political leadership, simply directing money, pumping it into their pockets, it needs to be reinvented, and the request was to change the elites, the request was to change the bad ones to good ones, after all, we now have the results of this, i hope that the next request in the elections in society will still be about more meaningful things than about... about changing surnames and electing no-names, as we saw in parliament, to replace the old ones, because they don't like the old ones. thank you, mr. olazhen, mr. oleksiy, you
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saw all the internal elections that took place in ukraine, and mr. oleh says that it is possible that the next elections will be completely different, and there will be no such request, and people will not vote for the wrong ones , who were voted for in 2019. i understand, what do you think, have the voters changed, have the voters changed, well, especially in the last two years, will they, after the end of the russian-ukrainian war, vote for the same zelensky again, say, well, in principle , he worked well for 5 years, why is he still five years old? not work? well, in fact, for the entire history of ukrainian independence, requests for content, requests for programs, requests. for professional teams, there was no special, special such request, but i even remember at one time there was a political party called forward ukraine, it was called the party
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of lawyers, because from the early 20s or 30s there were 80% candidates for doctors of law sciences, and even they positioned themselves, we are a team that can and will write high-quality laws in the parliament, so this team was not enough. percent of the vote so that at that time to overcome the three percent electoral barrier, because there is always a demand for a beautiful cover, for something that shines, people always pay attention no longer to the content, to who jokes, who dresses, who is more daring, who is more beautiful, all things, and here, by the way, the ukrainian voter is not special, such carnival approaches to politics, they are characteristic of both europe and the united states. this is a disease that affects the whole world, and by the way, a traditional disease, will there be, will there be a way out? i think i think a change of position
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there will definitely be voters, because the campaign we received in 2019 and later in the 20th year, the parliamentary campaign, well, actually, in my opinion, these are the least meaningful campaigns for the entire period of ukrainian independence, please remember what i promised ... president zelenskyi in the 19th year, he promised the country of dreams, now i can even quote this program, because it said that i dream of posting an advertisement in poland, looking for a job in ukraine. you know, this program reminded me of another program when in the early 2000s one of the political parties went to the elections, where instead of an election program, they officially registered volodymyr sosyura's poem love ukraine, love ukraine in the cec. this was an election program, and volodymyr zelenskyi's team repeated exactly the same. and so i think there should be
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an answer from the voters: the next election, please, a program, clear promises, the first 20 bills, the first 50 points, the vision of strategic reforms, the vision of euro-atlantic integration, these are the key issues, just kidding, how to dress and what speaks is the second. thank you, mr. oleksiy, we have to conclude, oleksiy koshel and oleg sahakyan were guests of our program today, thank you gentlemen for participating in the program, this broadcast we conducted a survey and asked you about whether it is necessary to strengthen the responsibility for breaking the curfew, let's see the final results of the television survey on the screen 83% yes, 17% - no. on this, friends, i put a full stop, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, see you soon. i'll be with you tomorrow at 20:00, bye.
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galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts in the form of coco discounts in may for nosh paforte 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. when will the war end? in the imagination of europeans to the middle. 25th year, by which time most eu countries plan to complete their support programs for ukraine. there are no predictions about how the future fate of ukrainians will unfold, and no proposals. in 2025 , the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians, and they will no longer have a special status. i constantly ask myself this question, what will happen next. if last year we talked about i want to go home, i want
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to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home. i don't know this year, but what do the refugees themselves think about their future and how are they preparing for 2025? are we ready in ukraine? the government should have a demographic strategy. documentary film: expelled by war, the price of no return on saturday, may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on the tv channel. 14 on the clock, time to find out what takes place in ukraine and the world, at this time khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. seven people died, 16 were injured due to the russian shelling of kharkiv, the enemy 15 with s-300 missiles.


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