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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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and the first deputy minister of defense of belarus pavlo muraveiko, so until now muraveiko held the position of first deputy state secretary of the security council of belarus, and i am quoting the belarusian dictator now, regarding the war, the russian-ukrainian war, this is also a lesson for us, a serious lesson, we must see, what a modern war. that 's it. now we will add yulia oleshchenko to our broadcast. analyst of the movement , we will honestly talk with her about the so-called not so-called, temporary, special, not investigative, but special commission on arrangement fortification and procurement of drones. ms. yulia, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations, glory to the heroes. well, on the second attempt , the council created the tsk to investigate who, how, how much, in what quantity and in what quality.
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fortifications are being built in the kharkiv region, and we understand that it is important that this commission be created at all, on the other hand, we also understand that the tsc in the parliament was not created for the first time, and the question here is whether this tsc can be effective, what are your opinions on that? ugh, can it be effective, of course, here time will tell, and when they actually accepted, and those people who are part of it. entered, and there is another condition, that the tsc must work for a year, and there must be a report on the work of its members, and this report must be submitted no later than six months from the day of its formation, that is, these requirements are tsk, and accordingly, we hope that they will stimulate, really well fulfill their obligations, respectively, to those. which are here, and then to
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report there in six months that the work was really done, because there was researched what and analyzed, and it is also possible that some risks were seen, and these risks would have been seen, that is, if of course there is a request from society, especially that, taking into account the situation, yes, there is a request for... that this commission really was effective, so we will observe, there are also hopes that it will really live up to, should live up to its expectations, and if we are talking in general about any tsk that were created during the independence of our state, it is probably a very long time, well, let's take the last several years, analysts movement honestly, how can they generally evaluate the effectiveness of tsk as such, maybe you can give specifics now. an example of a specific
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tsc on a specific issue and did this tsc really bring a specific result? ugh, well , in general, we did not analyze the work of other tscs so deeply, we have a slightly different direction of activity, in general, it was not, let's say, our area of ​​interest, so i will not give a specific example here, but this tsc became interesting, well, actually in... it is important to monitor it, to see who entered it to this tsk, yes, because it is really a matter of national security, and this is an important issue, because here we see that this tsk included both vitaliy bort and z, that is, we had such issues with the former pzh, as well as burmich , that is, we had question,
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because the biography of these politicians has some such, let's say, facts that alarmed us a little, rather, and we will watch how it will develop further, we also had such information yesterday, that boyko yesterday during his speech , he said that because of the resonance, they were recalling vitaly bortotsi commission, but we were looking for confirmation, there is a certain document or something else, but we did not see official confirmation of this, that is, in the last message of the verkhovna rada, the composition of this tsc, as it was, was 15 people, so it is, so here we have it. look, ms. yulia, do you think that part of the temporary special commission that wants to get the truth, so to speak, will succeed. and in the impossibility of finding out what
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actually happened, whether everything was done honestly and transparently, and so on. but it would be like some kind of such, i don't know, by voting in within tsk? do you mean recalling these people or recalling the price, well, we are there , i don't know, a dozen people there, maybe three of them or five of them, their task is to drown everything in the bureaucracy, so to speak, so that there are no concrete conclusions and no managed to find out, so to speak, whether something was done wrong? and so on, but they will just pull the rubber and so on and so on, but there are people who would really like to find out, they stole, they didn't steal, they conducted tenders honestly, dishonestly, they followed legislation and so on and so on, well,
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when we are there, you say that these people want to do it, but it seems like shooting yourself in the foot, that is, this issue is actually very important, it is a matter of national security, defense, actually . also of the territorial integrity of ukraine, if it is buried in the bureaucracy, if these people want to do it, then in this way, let's say, they will be there again in their machinations to threaten, let 's say these risks, that is, some shortage, understaffing, risks there in terms of fortification, they will be further along the wire to continue, people... it will be possible to play with one's own schemes and so on, and these are critical, extremely important issues, and it is given, well, at least not seriously, as with the powers of people's deputies, so it is necessary to review there
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those issues and those actual duties, which are assigned to people's deputies in this way, is to take care of state security as well, that's why it is in this commission. and yet, well, we understand that it is possible that there are deputies who have some kind of personal interest there, not to miss it, there is something there, something to hide, yes, but pzg, these are, well, representatives of this already defunct political force, well, these people should be part of some investigative commissions, or maybe they should just, well... at least keep their mandate, that is, i'm not talking about the maximum program , well, the verkhovna rada should eventually do something with them, well , but well, well, it's just a serious matter of state importance, and people there at one time were tied to medvedchuk and so on, they were familiar with him, well, well, so how it is given that
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this really causes a certain interest and public resonance, and since these people had there are certain questions in his biography, as well as some statements. and the statements, which of course have now been cleared, it is not possible to watch these statements on video, but mrs. yuliya, we remind you that anatoliy burmich lied about external influence already after the beginning of the russian offensive, saying that the united states caused the war so that ukrainians would hate russians, and europe quarreled with the russian federation, the deputy also accused the ukrainian authorities of not agreeing to negotiations anywhere, and plans to die together, well about... bort, on january 16, 2014, he voted for dictatorial laws, and on april 14 of the same year, at an extraordinary session of the kyiv city council, he supported holding a referendum on the self-determination of the so-called dnr, so there are such and such facts from the biography,
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in particular regarding expressions, it was also collected by the media detector, there was also a video, but now to watch this video, well, you can't watch it, well, most of the videos of that period, it was blocked. deleted, no content found there, something else, of course, i hope that after all to these people, they understand what is happening now, they can really say that once they were wrong and so on, but still there is hope that in general there will be general work for the common good, yes, and there are no schemes, machinations and ... other, therefore, but also there are certain such fears, and we hope that these fears will not be realized, and indeed, this commission will show itself well, or at least there will not be any new
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scandals and so on, because well, let's say, on such issues, you have to be really serious, yes, thank you. thank her for the inclusion, now before going on a little pause, we still have time to tell you some news, so. for a short break, we still have time to inform you of some news, so the draft law, which actually limits access to information and decisions of the court register, which was talked about by both public activists and anti-corruption activists, passed the first reading, and today the verkhovna rada actually considered this draft law, and i want to say a few words about this draft law, that the draft law itself limits access to information. and decisions of the court register, which constitute a significant public interest and are important for the implementation of the function
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of civil control over the activities of law enforcement agencies, and actually law enforcement officers and public activists believe that this draft law can throw back the gains of a democratic and transparent society, because it is critically important to monitor the progress of cases against suspects and accused of crimes against national security of ukraine, civil society must understand how court cases regarding dubinsk will be considered. for example, such an agent of pinocchio, shufrich, bogoslaev and others characters, well, good news from great britain, let me remind you that early parliamentary elections are coming up there, the british parliament will be nullified, but the important thing is that great britain has now sent us a new aid package of more than 217 million euros, that's about 150 million pounds, and in particular it is about the radar. air defense, false targets and rep systems for a total of 70 million pounds, and
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the british allocated funds for reconnaissance drones and small boats. well, let's go now for a short break, after which we will talk about energy and not only about it. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful... that area. there is a solution. recors garden trimmer from unpack tv. hurry up to order at a special price. only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches. simple and easy. leave the big heavy ones mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. light and comfortable. even women can use them, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our
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deputy chairman of the committee on energy and housing and communal services of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy, glory to the heroes, congratulations, congratulations, well, what can happen in our country with regard to electricity tariffs from june 1, you can review, we hope that cheaper electricity for the ukrainian population, of course, i think that in general, it will become free, and someone will even be paid extra, i am, oh, finally, finally, this is so sarcasm on your sarcasm, it is clear, yes? actually when you say bargains, well it really is to a certain extent, the bidding, because literally in the near future, that is where they are going now, the energy companies, of course, want some kind of justification as much as possible, to show that they really need money for repairs and
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restoration, and for ensuring stable work, and for ensuring imports of this life is important for us dear, they will have their arguments, well, let's see, the government, will it be on the side of energy or on the side of consumers, because there must be some arbiter, in my opinion, the government should in this situation, well, take more of the side of consumers. by the way, i want to to tell you that tomorrow there will be a meeting in the verkhovna rada, a day of the government, which will be dedicated to energy, and i think that it will be the turn to talk, well, not about nuances, not about details, but about this justification, it is being prepared or not, well, there will be an antimonopoly committee, so to speak, among the arbitrators , i don’t know, it may potentially or actually appear there, well, we understand that the population especially does not have a choice, they will tell them, from june 1, the price will go up by 50 kopecks there or not per hryvnia,
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but thank you, not for 10, well, there are some v us other state regulators? look, the committee is definitely not a regulator, a committee of the supreme council, it is an industry lobbyist, and no, i am talking about the antimonopoly committee, mr. oleksiy, before yours, this one here is asking, the sounds influence, no, i am definitely antimonopoly, he has own sphere of regulation, and in fact he should have answered simple questions a long time ago, our gas market is so-called monopolized, conditionally... speaking, well, taking into account the monopolization by oil and gas, is it not monopolized, there are several requests, including, from me, antimonopoly is procrastinating, and the antimonopoly committee should also give a clear answer regarding artificial or natural monopolization in the electricity market, well, it is more difficult here, he already gave, said that there is no monopoly, another thing is
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that we have a tariff regulator, it is a national regulation commission , which, strictly speaking... should look to certain arbitrators here as if it were a full-fledged market, well, since we are talking about a non-market decision, you understand, the government already sets this special price for us, it is not set by the market, it is the government is established by a special resolution, and therefore this price must be economically justified, it must be based on some calculations, for me, as a specialist. tomorrow the key question and the pis and every day after that there will be one question to the government: show your calculations, show your justification, and then we will... as independent as possible from the government, together with professional people, of whom there are a lot now, and they are not in government, you do understand, probably yes, that the government is not
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the quintessence of intellectual thought there today, well, in every sphere, including energy, that there are a lot of experts now outside the government and outside of cooperation with the government, well , that's how the government is built, as always, so if there are these calculations, if they don't hide them from us, it's possible. it will be professionally and professionally to give a justification, many of them ask for this promotion or not, because i have heard different options, i can name them, or maybe so that you do not fall there, i may not name them, so tell me how it is better there, mr. oleksiy, you us tell me, and by the way, i wanted to ask right away, i heard about something that is economically justified the tariff will be 4 hryvnias per kilowatt-hour, or we will be somewhere around this number from the options yesterday... yesterday, well, i definitely have sources of information that are objective, this is not a final decision, but one of the options is 4.9 , another, another, softer version of 3.8, ko,
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but everything being equal, then there will be no shortage of money, so to speak, according to the government's calculations, i want to look at these calculations again, because last time, let me remind you, exactly a year ago, but today is may 23, a year ago... on may 23 last year, the government in general said: no, we are not considering any promotion at all, what are you talking about, yes , what are you talking about, and on may 29 they made a decision, from june 1, sorry, sorry, from june 1, you are with me, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, we are listening to you, mr. oleksiy, on june 1 , raise, raise. the price of electricity was 40 hryvnias, it became 2.64, but on may 29 they adopted a resolution and from june 1 they raised it, well, actually by one and a half times, yes, or how much, now,
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unfortunately, there is a repetition of such a situation, and tomorrow, may 24, we will to ask and demand from the government: show the calculations, because even after that no one was given complete calculations, i had answers to my questions. but these are the following - i was not satisfied with these calculations, because i did not see the primary documentation to understand, what is the cost price of energoatom, and what is the real cost price of other companies, you understand, and what are the real costs of ukrenergo, oblenergo, namely this is what this final tariff, which is going to be rolled out to us from may 1, consists of, that...
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answers and somewhere to complain, well, i am practically convinced that it is always this absolutely normal practice, unfortunately, this has happened with us in recent years, that the government has always intervened, well, more on the side of energy, and the national commission has also, unfortunately, protected licensees more than consumers, so we will try to turn this situation around, well in the near future, we will see, and the tariff, look, will this tariff include, for example, the losses of private energy companies as a result of enemy missile strikes, yes, in particular, we understand that the enemy actively killed the tets, destroyed them, well, we understand accordingly , which the cabinet of ministers should allocate by... where there are funds for compensation, but if, for example, tet is destroyed, then perhaps it would be easier to nationalize it, return it to the ownership of the state and, accordingly, then rebuild it, for example, but somehow, well
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, listen, this, sorry, so and so people, such thoughts, to nationalize and build the text from scratch, but you do not fully understand how much money it is, no one now has a new thesis, these funds are not in the budget, what are we talking about, not new, but for example reduced. the government definitely does not finance the restoration from the budget a maximum of 1.5 billion, 5 days ago i allocated, as if, as if, for two state theses, pripyla and zmiivska, this is the state company center-energo, but i will ask the question tomorrow, is the government convinced that they are that much. already protected by anti-aircraft defense forces, what can you spend this money there now, well , kharkiv region in general, you understand, against the background of today's tragedy, strikes, you
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understand what kind of protection it can be about. but in fact, a significant amount of private generation of the heat company detek and was lost of the state hydroelectric power station dnipro-hes, kremenchutsk hydroelectric power plant and so on. now look, it is forbidden to give budget funds directly to the budget, and no one will do this. but it is absolutely clear that due to the fact that these aces are out of balance. deficit today in the electricity market, and accordingly the cost price has increased, and now the investor, the detek company, will raise money, or it is loans, or it is credit, or it is the sale of equity capital, or it is something else, but one way or another to raise funds for repairs, but the cost price it definitely grew in her unequivocally, well, excuse me, if you and i are like this...
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we bake bread together, yes, we have a factory, and a rocket flew there and destroyed half of the factory, then we understand, yes, we need to restore the factory, but the price, the cost of bread will increase significantly , because we have lost production, we have lost the market, we need to attract funds and so on and so on, any production worker will tell you this, so i would first of all like to deal with the issues of real cost and justification. from these numbers, which he is trying to convey to the population, because they are scaring us today others, that energoatom, a state company , receives huge losses from the fact that it sells to you and me at 2.64, and not at the market price, they call even these losses, 164 billion poor, unfortunate state energoatom receives losses, and i am delusional categorically do not
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accept. and tomorrow there will be a very heated discussion, i don’t want to hear about any market price for energoatoms right now, but i will remind you that we receive electricity from state companies, energoatom and ukrhydroenergo, so here the government must be responsible for the cost, for the cost price, mr. oleksiy , in we have a minute and a half of tsk on fortification structures and the purchase of drones, how do you generally evaluate the creations. of this tsc and has it already started its work, or do you know anything about it as a parliamentarian? look, yesterday it was formed, it is such a tsk, which is not an investigator, but a special, temporary special commission, it is like in odessa they speak of two big differences, because an investigator is an investigator, she has the powers, well, well, in fact, of an investigative body, and the special one, well, i'm sorry, you can send it, well, i'm like the former head of one
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teska. may specifically say, may not to provide information, i hope that powerful guys went there, well, from different factions and with these same ones, well, you understand, with such, well , paper clips for 17 hryvnias each, and that they will be able to fully investigate this issue with these fortifications, just like me i want to investigate the issue of energy fortifications, because they also directly affect the tariff, let's see, i think sometime today. there should be the first meeting of this special commission, we will wait for the results, although it will not be headed by a representative of the opposition, but by a representative of the servants people, you understand, the question immediately arises, is he ready to carry out a dispassionate analysis and assessment, in short, there are many questions, the main thing is to accompany this process as transparently and medially as possible, so that all ukrainians, all mayors of cities, all deputies of local councils, village councils and
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so on . understood as much as possible what the cost of electricity is, what are the graphs, what are the fairs, and then there will be fewer questions, thank you, thank you, oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the committee on energy and housing and communal services of the verkhovna rada of ukraine was in touch with us, but in the meantime , news time has already passed on spressa, so we will pass the floor to our colleague khrystyna paruba, who is already ready to inform us about all the most important things in the state at the moment, christ, we congratulate you, we pass it on to you. a word and please tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. thank you, colleagues, great britain is sending aid to ukraine, which will be discussed in the issue, as well as the situation in the regions of ukraine. i am injured from morning russian shelling, in a moment, don't miss it.


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