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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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what is the cost of electricity, what are schedules, what are fair schedules, and then there will be fewer questions, thank you, oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the committee on energy and housing and communal services of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, was with us on yazka, well, in the meantime , news time has already passed on spressa, so we pass the floor to our colleague khrystyna paruba, who is already ready to inform us about everything, the most important thing at this moment, christ, we congratulate you, we pass the floor to you and ask tell briefly about... what did you manage to find out? thank you, colleagues, great britain is sending aid to ukraine, which will be discussed in the issue, as well as the situation in the regions of ukraine. i'm wounded from the morning russian shelling, in a moment, don't miss it.
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news on espresso. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the dead and wounded in kharkiv region. a few hours ago, the russians launched two kaba strikes on kharkiv and dergachy. in the last one, five people were injured, oleg senigubov, the head of the regional military administration, said. and as a result of crank shelling in kharkiv, seven people were killed, 17 more were injured. the russians attacked kholodnohirskyi and the main ones with 15 s-300 missiles. the printing house came under fire, a fire broke out there, and the enemy also attacked the civil railway infrastructure. during the shelling, the workers were in shelter. according to preliminary data, among the injured are six railway workers. debris analysis at the impact sites continues. absolutely civilian, there are no military facilities here or nearby. the company was working at the time of the attack more than 50 employees. the search operations have not yet
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ended, the liquidation of the consequences of the strikes is currently ongoing, emergency ambulance units of the state emergency service are still working on the spot, one strike was directly in the workshop, where people worked, two more rockets, let's say, near this enterprise. great britain is sending 150 million pounds to strengthen air and sea defense to ukraine. it will help protect our infrastructure - said the minister of defense of the country grant. a whisper air defense radars, radar decoys and systems are being handed over for £70m electronic warfare. and another 80 million small boats, reconnaissance drones and unmanned surface ships. the enemy's combat operations on the border are not an attack on kharkiv, - said andriy yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. and the plans of the enemy regarding sums are known and carefully.
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observed, according to yusov, opposite kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast, the enemy gathered a group of more than 50,000 soldiers. at the same time , the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko noted that these forces are not enough for a strategic-level strike. always faithful, in the capital on the maidan of independence, the day of the marines, marines, and the elite of the armed forces was celebrated, because they perform combat tasks on water, on land and. in the sky on the occasion of the professional holiday of the soldiers of the three elements, ukrainians gathered to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers and remember those who are still in russian captivity. according to the information of the main directorate of intelligence , it has already been possible to return more than 360 ukrainian marines from enemy torture camps. the marines are definitely the heroes who continue this fight, right? unfortunately, there is little in search now. we understand that many
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marines, defending ukraine, forbidding mariupol in particular, were captured by the enemy. work is underway to release them. my son serves in the marines, but unfortunately, he has been in captivity for the third year, an officer from the combine and mariupol time. the marine corps is the ruler on earth, in the sky and on the sea, so he really wanted to get there, before that he served in the 22nd, so at that time it was the largest brigade in ukraine, and he ran out of time. contract he passed the exams to marine corps and serve there, it was his dream. they gave their lives for the will and freedom of ukraine. relatives of fallen heroes of ukraine from the lviv region gathered in lviv to celebrate heroes' day today. 25 families met at the officers' house to talk to each other and remember their relatives. actors of the opera and ballet theater came to support the mothers, wives, and children of the victims. drama theater and military
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musicians. in addition, the families transferred the personal belongings of their relatives to the military history museum, which has a separate one exhibition of heroes of ukraine who died from the beginning. russian-ukrainian war. today, five more heroes have been added to the collection. but we were encouraged to do so by the families of the heroes of ukraine. we tried to find them in all our districts of the lviv region, found contacts with them, started communicating and realized that they have a great need to simply meet with each other, because they communicate with each other very much, understand each other, support each other, they in fact, there is already such an uh... macro family in our society, it should be and people saw, knew, and a generation was raised by such boys who bravely and courageously went to defend, protect and give their lives for our country. 10 years free
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choose struggle. ukrposhta presented a limited edition of azov stamps. the set includes a sheet of nine stamps and an art envelope. the design was specially developed by the military of the 12th brigade. the importance of azov, its circulation is only 900 copies, the number is not accidental, because exactly this number of soldiers of the brigade have been in enemy captivity for more than two years. for me, as a person, there is a citizen of azov an example of courage, a powerful civic stance, indomitability, and for a former serviceman, an example of real warriors. i am sure that... this mark will remind us all ukrainians of the heroic struggle, of the heroic rank of our servicemen, of what the defense forces do for our country. in early june
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, the verkhovna rada will vote to ban the russian orthodox church in ukraine, the european solidarity faction reports. before putting the bill to a vote at the request of a monomajority folk elected officials must collect 240 signatures, they say, this should ensure the draft law from a failed vote, several factions are collecting, ours collected more than 100, 120, 120, the process continues, other factions are also collecting votes, our task, it was the wish of the majority faction, to collect more than 240 votes, because then they will be convinced that this law will pass, we will all vote for it, and many opposition factions. too, they worry it will look bad if half the ruling faction doesn't vote. i don't think this process will be completed this week, i think it will take a little longer, because a lot of colleagues on the paris line are on a business trip right now, and they have to do it in person, but it's definitely
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more than, well, more than 150 signatures, six forty-ton marine containers with medical the benefactors of the charity and health fund gave the tag to ukrainian hospitals to rescue civilians and military personnel affected by the war. at the same time, they continue to provide doctors working at ground zero with the necessary vehicles. now help arrived at the dnipro. about this in the next story. the truck with the container is met by employees of one of the dnipro support hospitals. inside are pallets with boxes containing what is needed by front-line medics. everything is important, gloves, gowns, test tubes, everything is important to us, medicines, equipment and consumables, including small parts for narrow-profile prosthetics and recovery after injuries, all this will be used by doctors during operations and rehabilitation of patients.
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this help is very important for us, because unfortunately, her maybe it became a little less in the third year of the war, and we are very grateful to the dream foundation and... the mercy and health foundation for coming to see us in dnipro today. philanthropists deliver the cargo to medical facilities, where they provide assistance to both civilians and military personnel who have received injuries. as part of the project, six 40-ton sea containers were handed over to 16 hospitals in ukraine, both in front-line settlements and in rear areas, where the wounded are recovering. in order to implement this project, several large and powerful were involved benefactors, all these people united in order to... ukrainian hospitals within the framework of the project received the most necessary for their activities. immediately from the dnipro, the volunteers head to donetsk region. a refrigerator is being taken there to evacuate the bodies of fallen defenders. we handed over more than 10 cars of cold chambers, that is, this car goes to
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the plazdarm company in sloviansk. the last car that we delivered had already broken down, it had already covered more than 200,000 km. ukraine is big, that is, every one of these cargoes. must be delivered personally to their homes. an ambulance for the brigade, which is performing tasks in one of the hottest spots of the southern front, is being transferred to kherson oblast. the car is equipped with everything necessary. to provide quality assistance to defenders from the dnipro for the espresso tv channel. see you at 4 p.m. read more news on our website, as well as on our social networks. join, set your favorites. then my colleagues antin borkovskii and marta oliyarnyk will continue the discussion with analytics. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. thank you to khrystyna parobiy,
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well, it was an extremely meaningful release, but an additional piece of news arrived, which khrystyna did not have time to announce, for the gunner of russian missiles at the yavoriv training ground, the former cadebist received 15 years in prison, i am quoting the press service of the prosecutor general's office. so, the court recognized the citizen. of ukraine was found guilty by the state council and sentenced to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. prosecutors proved in court that from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, a native of lviv, a former employee of the kgb of the ussr, cooperated with agents of the fsb of russia. it collected location data military facilities, weapons and critical infrastructure facilities. yes, and the convict sent a map-scheme of the yavoriv military training ground via messenger telegram. it depicted the location of military towns, it also indicated where the barracks and dormitories were located, and let me remind you
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that on march 13, 2022, the occupiers shelled these facilities, firing more than three dozen rockets in total, and more than 60 people died at that time. their memory, may they rest in peace, and more than 160 were injured, and so he got 15 years in prison former kadebeshnyk well... let's move on. we will now add boris babin, doctor of law, representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea from 2017 to 2018, an expert in maritime law, to our broadcast. mr. boris, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, have a good day. well, russia wanted to change certain maritime boundaries in the baltic sea, it has already changed its mind, at least such a resolution and such a document, which was previously made public. it has already been deleted, but, as they say, the screens are not lit, and actually we understand that even though russia
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has given up now, but this signal indicates that russia probably, no, will not have such, let's say, plans to not return to this issue in the future, therefore it is necessary to consciously and very soberly evaluate the situation that is happening now in this the region how did you in general, when you heard this news, how did you perceive it and do you not think that russia is now trying to... probe for some kind of foundation in order to understand how serious steps in the life of those alliance allies can or will be countries about which actually, it was lithuania and finland, or on the contrary, putin wants to understand that he has full carte blanche to continue his expansionist policy. well, look, actually it’s hard to call it news, it was just a russian information operation, it’s obvious, which they spread through the moscow times, our what... well, maybe
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we should hope for a better one in fact , no one has seen this document itself, that is, there was a card of the document, and not the document itself, the announcement of changes in the resolutions of the aggressor's government, if something is possible. cards helps to understand but it is difficult, because it is not the document itself that is repeated, it is just an explanatory note condensed into a few paragraphs, it was about the plans of the aggressor to change its starting lines, possibly in the baltic, but also possibly in other equatorial areas, in particular it was about the arctic and black sea. here, in order not to give a lecture on maritime law, we can say that baselines are not a state border in themselves. the starting lines are the lines from which this state border is measured, well, it is not equal, that’s right, there is such
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an abstraction, the starting lines that all countries should be established, establish geographical coordinates, and all this should be reported to the international institutions of the un secretariat, of course, part of those coordinates, which were, as far as can be understood, even before the collapse of the ussr were reported by the soviet authorities to the un, russia. obviously dissatisfied with these coordinates, because, i repeat, the territorial sea and internal waters in the other direction from these lines are also measured from them, that is, for the aggressor of the army. the most interesting are internal waters, because it is easier for them to close them for external, as they say, influence, and again after all, since the border of the sea is measured from these lines, in particular the border of the outer border of the territorial sea, then it can be said here that if the aggressor really made such statements that it can be perceived as an encroachment on either
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international waters or the waters of neighboring states, here again it should raise agreements, because the lines are exactly the border. on the baselines in such a narrow sea as the baltic, especially in the area of ​​bays that are in the part between poland and lithuania, the so-called kaliningrad region, there, well , a lot really depends on these baselines, but more still depends on the regime of the state border, by the way, the poles at one time were well aware of these manipulations, it is possible that they dug us up and are already exploiting the channel through the answer. the native kurdish braid, not kursk, sorry, another braid, which allows them to bypass these provocations of aggression. as far as can be understood, after these announcements made by the russians, exactly how the information operation is repeated through their media, how it is possible to probe the reaction of nato, the baltic countries, the reaction was, obviously, that it was
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not what the kremlin hoped for, because it was coordinated, obviously, synchronized, and the fact that... in fact , no document was ever found there, that is , the first question arose, what was in it at all, for now, the russians will, of course, classically conduct their policy, we are not here, they are there some refutations of something were made public and so on, that is, these provocations are possible in the next, of course, they are thrown precisely by groping the countries, provoking the alliance countries, in order to decide what to do later. that's right, this is a classic for the russians, but today, as they say, they already have this submarine for a long time left, the baltic countries, all officially in nato , except for the russian federation, and under such conditions , an attack on any of them is an attack on the alliance, er, the nato countries very much, you know, investigated the provocations of the aggressor in the black and
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azov seas, about which our association for the integration of crimea has repeatedly written, they are carefully preparing for recapture. all forms of attack by an aggressor in the baltic, it is not only a direct military attack, it is also information attacks, attacks on infrastructure, terrorist acts and the like, there are many reports in open sources about the training of nato countries, there are as an example of the announcement that they are preparing the defense of gotland, this is a key island in the middle of the baltic, which is swedish and is now part of the territories of nato countries already, and it allows you to control this water area, in addition, literally in... yesterday , for example, norway banned in the so-called russian tourists traveling to their territory, yes, that is , it can be said that the response is a complex system. mr. boris, we would like to ask you about the situation, possibly with additional sanctions against the aggressor state that captured the sea of ​​azov and is trying to control a significant part of the black sea basin, so we understand that the relevant
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sanctions packages have been adopted and we understand that some governments, in particular great britain, they take... extremely seriously what is called the law of the sea and not only, well, accordingly, maybe do you see any prospects of applying some additional sanctions, well, because what the russian federation was creating in the black sea, it fits only the protocols of the future mariupol tribunal, well, look here of course, the positive trends of russia exclusively of the danube commission on the paris memorandum, the russian classification society. excluded from the international association of classification societies, this is of course not enough, and here the main package of sanctions or a set of sanctions should be applied by both civilized countries of the world and international structures, a huge work here should be done by ukraine and our state partners, by international maritime organizations, un agricultural organizations and international organizations of operations to these
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countries to minimize the negative impact of the aggressor state or such negative trends. we have a case that was brought before the great war in the 16th year, regarding the occupation of crimea, the obstruction of the rights of the russians in the azov sea, the russians of the rights of ukraine in the sea of ​​azov, in this case the interim decision was very disappointing, unfortunately, as far as i am concerned of course, no one in the ministry of foreign affairs has taken responsibility for this, in the future we are waiting for the final decision in this case, which is still being prepared. the same lawyers, the same stellar team, so to speak, conditionally, which is an example led to very controversial january decisions in the international court of the un. therefore, this is just such a bolus. element, but we have to do our own thing, and civil society is also actively working, there are statements to the european court, there are statements to the un committee on human rights, regarding
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specific cases, regarding pirate, let’s say , attacks by the aggressor, which occurred even before the great war on ukrainian fishermen, i hope that this block will be expanded, for the cases that started after the 22nd year, we also hope. and by the way, i still wanted to ask you about this one the so-called agreement, the so-called grain agreement, was unilaterally terminated by russia, and actually we are now trying with our own strength and the efforts of our partners to ensure the export of grain, yes, actually by sea, but do you even know what this corridor looks like in a practical sense now, because we haven't heard any news about the actual functioning of this corridor for a long time, maybe you have more information, you are more... and you know, in fact, how this corridor is managed to be secured now? well, look, here precisely the absence of news is the greatest good news, he works in a more part-time
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mode, so there are no media reasons to talk about him every day. and the official statements of the infrastructure can, i think, be trusted that it works, and ours reaches a fairly significant level, from an international perspective , we have the efforts of our black sea neighbors to clear their waters of those floating mines. which was drawn up by the russian federation in the 22nd year, that is, from this format, well , you know, such a huge one, i do not see any challenge, why, because thanks to the armed forces of ukraine, other components of the defense forces of ukraine we see today that russia physically does not have the ability to block ukrainian ports, which are currently under the control of ukraine in the black sea, and this is the biggest argument, as they say, because any agreements must be under... for today, some grounds there is no basis for conducting any negotiations with the aggressor here, that is, in fact, we are currently observing a further, as they say, excellent fusion of the tuden-black sea fleet,
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i hope it will continue, we see interesting events in the port infrastructure of the aggressor in the ports of the russian federation on in the caucasus, i hope it will also have a corresponding difference. mr. boris, i would also like to ask you about the vision of the future swiss formula summit. of peace and not only, we understand that there will be both public and non-public discussions, which can most likely remain behind the brackets of official press releases, but knowing your vast experience, i would like you to voice some of your visions and perspectives, what will they talk about, what are the possible consequences? well, here , in fact, the main thing today, they say, the main issue is the number and level of participants. switzerland announced 60 participating countries. i hope that this number will be increased so that it will be a summit not only of the partner states of ukraine, but also of most, in general, of the countries of the world, i think that this goal
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will be achieved. as for the summit itself, still, in my opinion, the main real consequences will be precisely the number of participating states and the final finalized documents, these decisions of this summit, so here i will provide an accurate and detailed forecast. you know, it's for today, it's like diagnosing a pensioner, sorry, for him school photo, let's wait for the summit, its result, thank you, thank you, boris babin, doctor of law, representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea from 2017 to 2018 and an expert on maritime law was in touch with us, thank you for his analysis , and i want to remind you that now we are continuing our collection in order to... you atvs for the evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition for the 93rd kholodnyr brigade, i try to always mention this during our broadcasts, so now i am asking
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pay attention to this collection, our goal with you is 4 million hryvnias, we are gradually approaching this goal, but we understand that we need to continue the collection and we ask you to support us in this collection, so if you have the opportunity, please make your contribution, remember that mala... there are no donations and you can do it right now by scanning the qr code that you see on your screen now, there are two of them, yes, in different banking institutions, and there are also bank numbers cards, you can write them down to make your own donate through your mobile application, or any other way that is convenient for you to do it, and actually we ask you to join and thank you, thank you, as always, for not remaining indifferent, we are going for a short time now. pause, after which we will have the opportunity to communicate with kharkiv. today, kharkiv is suffering from yet another racist crime, there are, unfortunately, dead and wounded, what
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is the current operational situation in... we will be able to find out with you in just a few minutes. be with us. gasoline trimmers are like that heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot. there is a solution. rex garden trim from unpack tv, order now at a special price. only from uah 999. kors dreamers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most your. in accessible places, near fences, along path lines, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simply and easily. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. light and comfortable, they can even be used women but just look at how powerful the trimmers are. and this means that our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds. and at the same time, they are practically silent. no more heavy, bulky lawn mowers. power
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