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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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switched to active defense, carries out mining and fire damage to the positions of our troops. according to sirskyi, in the direction of kupinsky, fighting continues in the forest area north of the city. the situation is difficult in the kislivka region, where the enemy is trying to break through the defenses and reach the oskil river. well, more details about the situation in kharkiv oblast and in kharkiv, we will ask yevhen bilovo, head of the voluntary organization rukh vilny kharkiv. mr. yevgeny, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine and glory to the indomitable. kharkiv, congratulations, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, glory to the heroes. well, today the enemy made about 15 strikes with s300 or s-400 missiles on the civilian infrastructure of kharkiv and the region. they hit the kharkiv printing house. seven people died, another 16 were injured. yes, we understand that this is the dry language of statistics. please describe in more detail what happened with shelling, whether it was one wave, or it was several waves and beyond. in general, what is now in
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kharkiv? yes, congratulations, yes, this morning the enemy bombarded the city massively again, if we talk about the waves, then i can single out two, at first a little massive shows, about 10 of them, then additional ones, plus four or five additional arrivals, there were such louder ones, now there is... information that they hit industrial enterprises and industrial zones, where people worked, unfortunately, there are dead, there are a large number of wounded, and almost daily shelling of kharkiv, yesterday also they were there two days ago, so even yesterday was a day of mourning, and yet the enemy is still hitting the vital infrastructure, what was yesterday, today already on the industrial one. yes, mr.
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yevhen, i am now reading information about the fact that the vivat publishing house in kharkiv was damaged, i think that many book lovers who read books, they most likely have at least one, if not more , books like this in their library publishing houses, and in principle we know that kharkiv is such a city of publishing houses, there are many publishing houses, but here let's understand that the enemy pursues some absolutely, as it would seem to us, illogical goals, but strikes at such a reason. the place where people work, where people create books, you somehow explain it to yourself, why they decided to attack the bookstore, whether they have some, i don't know, desire to deprive us of the opportunity to read, or to give the people of kharkiv the opportunity to work , well, because it does not correspond to any military purpose at all at all, and we understand, well, that it does not fit into any military logic, and well, in in general, we cannot say that the logic of the russians is... is one and the same, and their goals
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are different, and i believe that in this case their goal was not the publication itself, but the industrial enterprises, because... their information, according to some of their denunciations or some information that they use, that it is possible that these enterprises work there, or there are some warehouses, or some military equipment, or a nato base, as they keep saying, so i think that the goals were precisely hit or critical infrastructure for somehow damaging it, or industrial, so that enterprises do not work, or... any other various goals that they invent for themselves, somehow justifying their terrorist measures. mr. yevhen, we would like to ask you about, you know, the everyday life of kharkiv residents, in particular, what is the situation with the same electricity, how often do so-called emergency outages occur, how many planned outages are there, and
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in general, what is the situation with the same water? and look, during this month the situation is already better, much better, there are no longer... any large-scale outages, they occur periodically, but they happen due to the fact that some works are carried out, i just turn off some part of the district there, and there is a certain time there is no light there for several hours, or they do it at night, when people are sleeping and they do not notice it, which is almost not affected, so there are no such rich exceptions, as there were before, now there are none, transport is working, infrastructure is working, everything is working, people can go to work, business is working, so if two months, a month ago it was downright critical. situation, now, thanks to the energy industry, this whole story has already normalized, we understand that the enemy is now very actively using its ipso in order to disperse anxious moods, to say that everything is lost and to discredit, in particular, the military
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formations of the armed forces of ukraine, which are now just like heroes fighting for every piece of our land , and we understand that if there are certain people who somehow fall for this ir... after all, people understand and are aware that the enemy is trying in every way through such information attacks, to put pressure on them as well, so conscious society understands everything that they can separate ipso from real information, they analyze ukrainian as a whole... it suits him that they analyze several sources of information, they take information from the internet, from mass media, from newspapers, from people, and combine something in the middle, so people who want to understand the topic and can understand it, they understand what the situation is really happening, so
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i thank our armed forces of ukraine and all the services that work to ensure that kharkiv remains safe and defend our territories, and thanks to their work people even more... believe that the information provided by the russians is not true , and our boys defend us very strongly and give their lives and everything to protect our borders of ukraine. well, on the other hand, we also understand that there is a part of unconscious citizens who live on the territory of kharkiv, kharkiv region, so we remember how they voted at one time, well, that's not the point, yes, but we understand that there were certain essential sympathies. to those, to that state, which subsequently committed a full-scale invasion and unprovoked aggression against us. how are the possibly former, perhaps not former adepts of the russian world, behaving now? in kharkiv, i cannot speak for all kharkiv residents, i can speak
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for what i observe, kharkiv has always been a pro-ukrainian city, so there were certain movements that supported the enemy, then simply the country of russia. currently, from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, after the enemy started shelling both ukraine and kharkiv so massively, destroying our beloved city, the people of kharkiv almost radically changed their opinion in the direction of ukraine, patriotism, and if earlier there was still a majority for ukraine, now almost 99%, maybe someone 1% is still waiting for someone there or for some reason does not leave, or does not have a full... well, read the russian church in ukraine, yes to the orthodox church of ukraine or maybe to the ukrainian greek catholic church? i do not have such information, i cannot
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say. mr. yevgeny, allow me, i would also like to mention before your inclusion the last post of syrskyi on facebook, he said that russia... was tied up in street battles in vovchansk and near lipetsk , the enemy is also suffering heavy losses, but switched to active defense even there, that is, it turns out that our military is even... changing the situation in their favor, i would like to clarify, and the evacuation actually from these settlements, which are near the combat zone, or in vovchansk at the same time , which is partially controlled by our armed forces, the russians have already gone there, how is the evacuation process in general, is it possible? the volunteer community from the very first day, when the enemy's movement began, began to engage in evacuation from the vovchan and lipetsk directions. and even now we are doing it every day, guys, crews drive and pick them up both from
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the front line and from the surrounding territories, a lot of people are taken out and we place them here in kharkiv and help them, at the moment the evacuation of vochasko itself is almost impossible, because the enemy constantly firing, the enemy is firing civilians who simply leave the city on foot, they do not allow people to simply evacuate, people go out to other settlements at night and somehow escape. and there the boys are already taking them away and our crews are taking them away, that is why the evacuation continues, it has decreased now, because many people have already left, and those people who remain there either do not have the opportunity to leave because of the physical authorities, or because the russians people are simply not allowed to leave, because there are cases of shooting people who just wanted to to leave at least on foot to the evacuation zone, or simply from vovchansk, for example, because we were constantly working there, and... and they were not allowed to leave, or fpv, or simply the russians shot directly on the street,
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or they shelled places where the police on armor, or volunteers on their bikes can pick them up, that is why evacuation has become more difficult in this matter, it is possible and exists and is carried out in other settlements of the frontline territories, from where people want to evacuate on their own, or forcibly, as we go and persuade people to heal. this is why the evacuation is actively working, the situation is the same from the lipetsk direction , many people have left a lot, and there is constant shelling, and yet people, the police and volunteers help people to evacuate together with animals and everything. mr. yevgeny, you just mentioned russian war crimes against civilians, yes, killing our civilians trying to evacuate. perhaps you can share additional information about the russian news. in kharkiv oblast now? well, first of all, they commit atrocities all the time,
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it is such a simple country, and it is not mine as a terrorist, there is no other word to choose, as it is a terrorist country, and we have already heard cases that people are not allowed to evacuate, people who remained in the extreme northern territories of vovchansk, they could no longer leave because, firstly, there was shelling, and secondly, they were under direct fire there... russians, in the first days volunteers were also injured there, and the police were also under fire, yesterday you heard around the country that the fpv drone got there in the police car that was involved in the evacuation, the volunteers are actively engaged in this together with the police, the police have armor, so they can pick up people from the suburbs, the volunteers are already taking out the second knee, but still, why don’t the volunteers go to these places now, that’s why what... uh, the russians see that people want to evacuate, they see that these are civilians, that these are civilian buses
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coming in, that volunteers with markings, children evacuating, still they hit the fpu with drones, they point mortar attacks, they are, if possible, fired from small arms, if they are taken out, or from some arty, therefore this is a crime aimed specifically at the citizens of ukraine, at humanity, at the nation, at ukrainians. well, i don't know what epithets to choose. in order to describe my emotions and the feeling of what i feel now towards the russians, i just want all the evil that they brought to our country to return to them 100 times stronger. thank you, mr. yevgeny, and you, and your volunteers, and all the people of good will who will now continue to evacuate people. yevhen bilov, head of the rukh volunteer organization free kharkiv, was in touch with us, and you know, if you are overwhelmed with some negative emotions after hearing this, i think... now is the right time to pick up your smartphone and make your donation to help our armed forces , because only with
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the help of the armed forces of ukraine we can somehow give an answer to the enemy for all that he actually directs at us, all those missiles, all those drones, all those, all those calibers of so many different sizes that they are targeting us in fact, they direct that all this be returned to them, make your donation, or donate now just at this moment and i think. you will feel a little better. now, in fact , we would like to invite you to listen to the comments of the representatives of the vivat publishing house, which today suffered from russian terrorist attacks. attacks, unfortunately, there are injured and dead people at this publishing house, so our colleagues talked to the representatives of this publishing house in poland, i suggest now to listen to the direct language, it is very bad, because when we go abroad on any business trips, everything is much feels sharper and we are very worried because no
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we can be in the epicenter, let's say, of events and somehow physically. to support our colleagues, to find out information immediately, because information is transmitted very slowly, and it is really frustrating and confusing and makes you feel helpless, there is really such a fact that there is no control of the situation, and really, when we are abroad, we cannot support physically, morally of those people who are... incredibly valuable to us, who are part not only of our team, but also of our family, and actually, when i learned about this news, i was preparing to meet with a foreign partner with publishing house, since our current goal at this fair is to present ukrainian books with the aim of selling rights abroad, so that on the territory of poland, in particular, there would be more works
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written by ukrainian authors, and i simply ran out of words, i was still paralyzed , i couldn't help myself, did you contact your colleagues, did anyone check if everyone was okay, did you write to someone, call, is everything okay with the people you know, with whom you work, and with , that's what we work with, it's actually employees of the publishing house, it's normal, because we targeted the printing house, because there is a difference between a publishing house and a printing house, these are two completely different enterprises, but we are very closely connected with them, they are an entry, we are part of the same group of companies, a factor, so at the moment the employees of the ivad publishing house are all in security, we are waiting for information from our colleagues and an official statement from the director of the holding, this is from serhiy yakovlevich poliduchy, and we are also waiting for official
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comments. well, now we had the opportunity to hear directly. this, which was recorded by our correspondent from warsaw, maria chernyakhivska, she talked with representatives of the kharkiv vivat publishing house, it was damaged by today's russian shelling, representatives of the production came to the international book fair that started today in the polish capital, so actually there was an opportunity to record and we had the opportunity to hear their reaction, because the girls are now abroad, and their colleagues remained in kharkiv, well, the actual situation... at times today, the enemy just cynically struck the city, yes, and struck kharkiv, a series of blows, that is, kharkiv and oblast, they struck about 15 missiles, s-300 or s-400, our military is now identifying which missiles the enemy used, yes, seven people died,
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about 15 or 16 people were injured, and this is how we understand that it is an atrocity, yes, but it is a beast. which requires a response from the civilized world community, we understand that this is not only a question of the so -called permission, to give us the opportunity to strike the appropriate strikes on the accumulation of russian artillery and manpower near the border, from where they usually strike, well, there is a distance i don't know, there are ten kilometers on the border with the kharkiv region, and accordingly, the key story is to help us for help. means against air defense, and it should be a strong, strong-willed, bold decision that requires certain finances, well, but the key story is to close our peaceful cities, which are literally on the verge of an attack, well, once again, i repeat, and we understand , that anthony blinken or joseph biden or president macron do not watch tv channels from the press, but in
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any case are aware that their press attache in ukraine, and maybe they write. one or another of the ministry of foreign affairs reports, and every day, well, 15 missile strikes, s-300 or s-400 on the civilian infrastructure of kharkiv and the region, this is actually, well, this is a colossal crime, and accordingly, the key task is to facilitate our partners to find the appropriate resources as soon as possible to cover ours, civilian cities emphasize. and by the way, there is already a reaction from the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro koleb, who says: the words of solidarity are not intercepted by the russians rockets, seven patriots needed now. i will quote his tweet on the social network, twitter, former, yes, current. getting six more as soon as possible, actually what he is saying is that germany has already promised to provide one, but getting six more as soon as possible will remain critical not only for the survival
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of ukraine, but also for peace in europe. well, now we are going on a short break, after it we will continue our broadcast, be with espresso. do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy? then the new product from mattress market is just for you. meet: mattress in front. dreamlight mattress perina dreamlight smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid for sleeping simply on the floor, soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so profitable, only from uah 499. ordinary toppers cost one and a half to two and even 300 hryvnias. and we offer you an extra-quality mattress and duvet cover for only uah 499. the economy is incredible, soft, fluffy, hugs like a cloud, reminiscent of real grandmother's buckwheat. there is no need to spend crazy money on a new bulky mattress, everyone can upgrade their mattress from now on, you you will get the same comfort in an incredibly high-quality performance from only uah 499.
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and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday's poll. every saturday at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. big ether. poltava - simon petliura street
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in 1879 , the future chief ataman of the ukrainian people's republic was born in a house that has not survived to this day. the family estate in which the large petliur family lived is now being reminded information board only. he lived here. from the time of his birth until 1902 until he left for the kuban, not only the house where simon petlyura was born, but also staini, his father, since vasyl's father had a small carriage business, stood here, in our opinion, that well, let's say he was the private owner of a small taxi company. the petlyor family was deeply religious, it was important for the parents to give their children a good education, as it paved the way to the higher world, nataliya kuzmenko says. they received their education first in a church-parochial school, where in fact gave primary education, reading, writing,
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arithmetic. and later they went through the theological seminary and theological seminary. why was it so important? because it was in this way that a child from the middle class could get the opportunity to enter higher educational institutions. and simon successfully entered the poltava theological seminary. according to the recollections of his henchman ivan rodychev , petliura had a penchant for art, theater and writing. he had a beautiful voice and loved to sing. he. even in his youth he fell in love with spiritual singing, it was here in the spiritual seminary that he became one of the organizers of the choir, he was a conductor, he played the violin, he grew up here under the influence of the works of taras shevchenko ivan kotlyarevskyi, and the following phrase belongs to him: only idiots don't read books. the house of the rusovys, now standing empty at the beginning
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of the 20th century. century was a place of attraction for ukrainians who nurtured the idea of ​​an independent state. at one of these parties, politician mykola mikhnovsky for the first time formulates the idea of ​​an independent ukraine. young seminarian simon petlyura was present at this event. many researchers believe that his worldview as of the statesman, as an independent person, was formed under the influence of the pamphlet independent ukraine and the ideas of mykola mikhnovsky. and actually everything started from this house. but in 1901, petliura. was finishing his studies, then his favorite composer mykola lysenko, who was called a separatist in russian circles, arrived in poltava. simon, as the conductor of the seminary choir, decided to secretly invite the musician to the theological seminary, which greatly upset the management. this visit was not agreed with the management. the choristers of the seminary have prepared several musical works, in including pounding thresholds, one of
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the most revolutionary. musical works, it was the turn of the question of who was guilty, and simon petlyura, together with prokop poniatenko, his associate, they were forced to leave poltava, otherwise they would not have escaped arrest. thus his spiritual education was not completed. escaping from petliura, he left for the kuban, began journalistic activities, worked as a teacher, and later organized the archives of the kuban cossack army under the guidance of fyodor shcherbyna. what to do, his level of knowledge made it possible to work with archival documents, to understand difficult handwriting, difficult wording, foreign documents, because he could translate them, thus this training gave him the opportunity, who did not have an official certificate of graduation, and so
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on and so forth, to perform scientific work. working for years in a row, chairing the unr directorate, music and culture remain important components for petliura. he breaks through the russian information blockade and sends the ukrainian choir with a song that should prove to everyone that ukraine is rich in traditions, self-identical state. this is a famous philanthropist and this is the tour of the ukrainian band with which he and this song by leontovych went to european countries. then, when, ukraine was languishing. in the ring of fronts, when the main question was the preservation of ukraine as such, due to the pro-ukrainian revolutionary path, wife olga and daughter lesya were often forced to live far from simon, but they tried to capture the moments together in photographs. my favorite photo, definitely, is the photo of him next to his daughter, the 25th year. in this during that time he had already experienced several attempts on his life, so the family rarely appeared with
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him... nearby, they lived sometimes in the czech republic, then in poland, then they came to him again, and this is probably the short period when lesya could be close to her father. look how happy this child is when he is with his father. olha panasivna, it is true, was the wife of simon vasylivych, they supported him, all possible life, followed his household, because many say that he sometimes did not pay attention. what he is wearing, whether he has dined, especially when he wrote something, did some work. the soviet authorities labeled petliur and all his relatives a traitor, and already under independent ukraine his status was revised. honoring his memory, streets are renamed in his honor, musical and cinematographic works are dedicated, morals are created and monuments are erected. according to the decision of the competition commission, a simenoptliuri monument should appear in this city already this year.


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