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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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in the czech republic, then in poland, then they came to him again, and this is probably the short period when lesya could be near her father, look how happy this child is when she is near her father. olha panasivna was a faithful wife of simon vasiliovych, she supported him as much as possible in life, they followed his household, because many say that he sometimes did not pay attention to what he was wearing or whether he was having dinner, especially... when he was writing something , engaged in some kind of work. the soviet authorities hung on the petliura surname and all his relatives were labeled a traitor, and already under independent ukraine, his status was revised. honoring his memory, streets are renamed in his honor, music and cinematographic works are dedicated, murals are created and monuments are erected. according to the decision of the competition commission, a monument to simon petliura should appear in this city already this year, because his family house was located near this place. but full-scale. the war
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made its corrections and this process stopped, but in spite of everything poltava continues to wait for his monument to an outstanding ukrainian figure. anna morozova, bohdan proskorov from poltava for the tv channel. it's the 16th on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. in the afternoon , the russians made two strikes in kharkov and dergachy, six people were injured in the last one, three of them are in the hospital, the city's military administration reported. and as a result of the morning shelling in kharkiv, seven people were killed, all of them employees of a printing plant, where a fire broke out after being hit. still on the 17th
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people were wounded, the enemy also hit the civilian railway infrastructure. during the shelling, the workers were in shelter. according to preliminary data, among the injured are six railway workers. in total, the russians attacked the kholodnohirskyi and osnovyanskyi districts of the city with 15 s-300 missiles. debris analysis at the impact sites continues. absolutely civilian, there are no military facilities here or nearby. more than 50 workers were working at the enterprise at the time of the attack, search operations have not yet been completed, the liquidation of the consequences of the attacks is currently ongoing, units of the state emergency service, an emergency ambulance is still working on the spot, one hit was directly in the workshop where people worked, two more rockets, let's say, near this enterprise. suffering significant losses and stopping the offensive in the street battles in vovchansk, the russians, after minor successes in the offensive on kha, are transferring reserves to resume
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assault operations, - reported the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. however, unsuccessfully. in the liptsi district, the occupiers also suffered losses and were forced to go on the defensive. fighting continues in the forest to the north of kupyanska. the situation in the kislivka region is difficult. the enemy is trying to break through to the oskil river. 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. such a test. received the corrector of a missile attack on the international center for peacekeeping and security. the lviv court found him guilty of treason. we will remind you that the 73-year-old local resident, former kgb employee, oleksandr kostorny, has been cooperating with the enemy since the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. the man sent a schematic map of the yavoriv training ground to the russians via telegram. they were depicted on it military towns, barracks and dormitories. after that, in... march 2022, the occupiers
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fired more than 30 rockets at the training ground. more than 60 people died then, 160 were injured. in court, the adjuster did not admit his guilt. the verkhovna rada of ukraine appointed a new member of the constitutional court. serhii riznyk, professor of the department of constitutional law and vice-rector of the ivan franko university of lviv, became him. this is the first judge elected under the new. the corresponding appointment was supported by 276 parliamentarians. these elections were held for the first time judges of the constitutional court under a new procedure, with the participation of the relevant council, which through the sieve passed 28 candidates, three today, who scored the highest number of points, as the candidates were presented in the session hall. i want to say that it is very
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important, that's what this competition is, it crosses out all the horror stories about the fact that there can be external control in the selection of judges of the constitutional court, the hall united. around the candidacy of serhiy riznyk. we know serhiy riznyk as a constitutionalist professor from lviv university. he was responsible for scientific work, developed international relations of lviv university. he was a consultant to the constitutional court. and we really want mr. serhiy to feel all the responsibility that ukrainian society has placed on him. in lviv, the ukrainian catory university opened its first medical institution to treat psychological and physical injuries. in this you can make an appointment with a family doctor, psychotherapist, therapist, ent and audiologist. also, specialists in physical and occupational therapy will help veterans and civilians adapt to life after severe injuries and illnesses. ukrainian and foreign donors helped financially to implement the project. the
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clinic says that the medical center will become a base for training narrow specialists, both in ukraine and abroad. the first patients will be admitted on june 3. in order to transfer experience, to teach our specialists high-quality physical therapy and occupational therapy, and already in the process of creating a medical clinic, we have grown additional departments, departments and directions, such as primary medicine plus and mental health, department of mental health. for what? in order to provide quality service for the patient and to comply. multidisciplinary approach to a person, therefore we will have a special emphasis on empathy, on communication, on patient-centeredness, on the approach first of all to the patient, as a person, he was going to the operation,
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as to the war, because of the wounds at the front of 49-year-old vasyl tsipivka developed heart failure, the doctors gave a terrible diagnosis that she needed a rest to live. hearts lviv medics left with the veteran to odesa, where a donor organ was found for him. the story of a man's rescue. see further in our story. well, there are 60 factions here. and you actually didn't have a faction. that's why you have a beautiful heart. vasyl tsepivka is being diagnosed with a heart. two weeks ago, a defender from lviv oblast had a vital organ transplanted. the man joined the army before the full-scale invasion of the russians began in september 2023 . greatly deteriorated. everyone told me that my heart was broken, but i didn't feel that way, then
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when everything healed, i started to hear, it was hard to walk. quieted down the shrapnel injury provoked the development of a hereditary disease, dilated cardiomyopathy. the defender decided to have a heart transplant. the donor was found in odesa region. the donor was a young man, er, 32 years old, who, in our country, received a traumatic brain injury in a traffic accident, which was incompatible with life and was declared brain dead. to operate on a patient,... a team the lviv cardio-gyms covered a distance of 600 km. vasyl underwent a heart transplant at the base of the hospital in the city of balta. since now the aviation does not fly medical. and the heart, the heart lives outside the human body for four hours, and during this
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time you need to manage to deliver the heart, sew it up, and start it up. therefore , we, the donor, were in the city of balta. therefore, we made a team decision to take the recipient, in this case, mr. vasyl, take all the necessary equipment, the team and go to transplant. after the heart transplant, vasyl feels much better, the husband no longer feels short of breath while walking. i didn't, i couldn't walk five meters, and now i run up and down the stairs. i walk standing by myself, i walked like that, as i went to the war, so i went here, everything was fine with me. already on the tenth day after the transplant, vasyl was discharged from the hospital in order to fully live with a new heart,
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the man needs to take daily medications and attend check-ups. in five months of this year, specialists of the first medical association of lviv performed 10 transplants. kateryna oliiynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. and we call you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle to carry out missions in the area. hostilities soldiers use cars to move around positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars. the necessary transport is already in ukraine, it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 2,050. remember, every donation you make is important, so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. next release. read more news on our website, also at our social networks, join, put your
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preferences. then my colleagues antin borkovskii and marta oliyarnyk will continue the conversation with analytics, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. this train is part of the information campaign you were taken advantage of, its purpose is to combat human trafficking. according to un estimates , more than 300,000 ukrainians have suffered from exploitation since 1991. in 2023 alone, the international organization for migration in ukraine helped more than 370 victims. in the 2 24th year , 117 such cases were recorded. due with the war, we see the worsening of this situation,
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because more and more people have lost their jobs, lost their income, someone has suffered problems with mental health, with physical health, and all these factors increase the willingness of people to accept risky offers. but what is human trafficking? as they say in the migration organization, this is not only about the real sale of people. the most common form of modern slavery is labor. according to the latest research, every second ukrainian, 59% of respondents, is ready to accept a risky job offer abroad or in ukraine, thereby putting oneself in danger. very often, people find themselves in difficult life circumstances, they remain without a job, they may move from one city to another, and sometimes it seems that here is a lifeline, a desirable job with a high salary , or something similar. red proportions, by which a person can understand that a job offer in the future may lead
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to labor exploitation. it can be an offer of unofficial employment, it can be when you are constantly being pushed or offered extremely shady working conditions, or free accommodation, food, nothing needs to be done, and then along the way these conditions change very quickly. also, such an indicator that this is a risky situation can be when a person is asked... to give the original passport, then it is risky, or personal things, a phone, or some, well, such personal things. if any of the above applies to you, call the national free hotline 527, or use the chatbot in telegram safe migration bot, you can see more contacts and the name of the bot at screen since 2000, mom's representative office in ukraine has already provided reintegration assistance to more than 20,000 victims of human trafficking, including legal consultations and representation in court, medical
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assistance, psychological consultations, asylum, housing assistance, training for advanced training and grant programs for those who want to start their own business. yuliya zubchenko, yuliya belska, espresso tv channel. well, the information day of the espresso tv channel continues, at 15:4 we inform about everything most important important news, not yet verified, but in any case, in the russian republic, the republic of tatarstan , an operation, as if by our intelligence, to destroy the objects of the military-industrial complex of russia with the help of drones continues today, the internet portal ukrainian truth writes about this. according to the source of ukrainian truth, strike drones in... reached kazan and nizhnyokamsk, where a number of strategically important
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enterprises and products used in the military industry are located, and according to information from local there are explosions in nizhnyokamsk, this is the news, well, if there is confirmation, then we will clarify everything. now we will add ivan kyrychevskyi, a military expert of defenseexpress, to our team. mr. ivan, we traditionally welcome you to our air. glory to ukraine. good! good day, glory to the heroes. well , what is the situation at the front? we understand that today syrsky made another post on facebook, he says that the russians are currently engaged in street... fighting in vovchansk, and the enemy is also unsuccessfully trying to support active assault actions, well, but he says that in the lyptsiv area, this is another bridgehead in the north of kharkiv region, the enemy also suffered significant losses, and switched to active defense, that is, if we correctly interpret the words of sirsky,
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then at the moment there is potential to continue his offensive precisely in this direction of the north of kharkiv oblast , the enemy does not have any, we would like... to ask you how you currently see the situation in the north of kharkiv oblast, whether we can really speak cautiously about the fact that the enemy has run out of resources in order to actively advance and now they will, so to speak, settle in those locations where they were able to advance now, well, here is this variant of the development of events, which you just wrote about, well , that is, that the russians actually do not have the opportunity to move forward and to the maximum, what will do it there, let's say try. to gain a foothold, to cling to what they have taken, but it still looks the most likely, unfortunately, let's say this, the question simply arises here, how events in the sumy direction can then develop, because it was already announced earlier, including by our main the intelligence management there has a connection that if the russians get stuck in the kharkiv direction and see that they have no prospects
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for success there, they will be able to transfer their efforts to the sumy direction, with the aim of trying to... bind the efforts of our troops in that area, but with the same probability, the russians may simply try to increase their presence in the captured territories of the kharkiv region purely in order to try to bind units of the defense forces of ukraine there as well, so at the moment something can be predicted firmly at the moment it is difficult, it is simply possible to record that the russians had to be stopped, despite the fact that they had accumulated a sufficiently serious group for the offensive and it turns out that they even threw into battle newly formed army recruits. the 44th army corps of the leningrad military district, by the way, in the situation in the kharkiv region there is one important military-political moment, which seems to lie right on the surface, but for some reason it is not articulated, accordingly it is not used. the russians threw two army corps there for the offensive the so-called leningrad military district, which should have directly threatened the baltic countries, and it turns out that the kremlin got stuck in the traditional
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story that on the way to narva or tallinn in three days, as they clearly had a plan for this year, they got stuck, well... well, for a couple of weeks already in podvovchansk, if not for a longer period, accordingly, it should be used for, you know, for more such starting positions for us, including there in terms of air defense means, any additional weapons, because it somehow turns out like this, the countries of europe still have the luxury of not worrying about what is happening in our country and keeping something in reserve, while the bombs, rockets, shells that are now falling on vovchanskyi on kharkiv , they are highly likely now... to fall on the baltic states, but until we remind our western partners about it, they obviously won't understand it themselves. hmm, hmm, yes, an extremely important story, here is the news that arrived, so to speak, from the ukrainian truth, we are waiting for more official confirmation, well, but in particular, when we talk about the fact that miracle drones could have flown to the objects of the military-industrial
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complex of the aggressor state in tatarstan, even the airports there at... took out work, well, of course, there must be more confirmation, and according to local media, explosions are heard in nizhnyokamsk, the evacuation of employees from nizhnyokamsk thermal power plant, orkhsintez taneko and all sorts of others, nizhnyokamsk naftokhim, and two airports in kazan and nizhnyokamsk were not working. how big do you think they can be ukrainian responses to russian aggression? as you already know, you have very correctly listed the density of various objects in tatarstan so high that no matter where you throw an incendiary, the fuse will ignite everywhere, in general, it is not only about those petrochemical objects that you read about and were there anxiety, in general, about even more important things, well, kazan is tatarstan, and there is this aircraft factory that specializes in
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tu-160 and tu-22m3 bombers, there is another one of the most important for the russian military industry, there is also putin came propaganda. for their purposes fly on the tu-160. the same kamaz factory, which manufactures various chassis for, well, the russian army. in the end, even the city of zelenodolsk, the shipyard, there is also a cycle of manufacturing from scratch and the completion of missile corvettes, that is , you can actually work there for a long time in tatarstan , and this is not even mentioning the same area of ​​alabog, where everything is made by shaheds, and shaheeds have already been modernized so that they can be used. today, on the battlefield, guided weapons are aimed in the mode in real time against our troops, accordingly, there is not only a high density of various, all kinds of important objects, or there tatarstan, as they say, prepare, because... that there is a lot of things that the kremlin uses in the war against us . mr. ivan, look, information has appeared in certain western media that
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the people's republic of china is preparing to attack taiwan at the beginning of june 24th, i.e. less than a few weeks. you know, and i would seriously question this information if it weren't for what china started large-scale exercises on the blockade and subsequent seizure of taiwan. and these trainings are called join. swort 2024a, they will last from today to may 25 and involve the involvement of the chinese army, navy, air and missile forces, the key points are the formation of a blockade of the island and, according to the official statement, the practice of the so-called joint high-precision attack, we would like to ask you , what do these studies mean and should they really be taken seriously? shall we say so? since i'm not a specialist in poetry, i'll go ahead somehow to say that you know, yes, it is a clear preparation for the invasion of china in taiwan, it is difficult to say in advance, but
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you know, to say, at the same time, to say that this is nothing special, just another chinese provocation around taiwan also, no matter how you say it, in the end, if the number in the western intelligence is correct, as you can see, in june of this year there may even be an attack by china on taiwan, this will also mean, well, if... that this scenario will be sterilized, it will mean very big problems for the event, c first of all for the usa, because they did not prepare so much for such a close prospect of chinese aggression, there even at the moment no mechanism has been worked out, for example, a conditional lease, how to deliver this or that weapon to the american island, if necessary, or there at all on daiwam, if a big war, god forbid, happens. there, in principle, there was a very specific story, so far us defense minister austin was very interested in the fact that it is not possible to bomb the russian mpz with our drones, there the budget requests of the us army for
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the deployment of infrastructure in the pacific ocean were hung in the event of a major war with china, that is, if, god forbid, this scenario with the chinese invasion of taiwan in june of this year happens, it will be a huge geopolitical disaster, especially since what i saw for sure, if western institutes and western analysts... from some reputable institutes, they calculate that china has officially signed a defense budget there for this year, well, only for 300 billion dollars, well, that is, twice as much the russian federation, as a matter of fact, the costs laid down there are already calculated at the level of 600 billion dollars, well, we should be morally ready for everything, including the most catastrophic. look, mr. ivan, returning to the destruction of russian facilities in the depths of russia, yes. we understand that there is the murmansk region, and there are military airfields where russia keeps its aircraft, which it uses to attack our cities, not only
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kharkiv. accordingly, i would like to clarify with you, well, taking into account our unmanned fleet, how likely it is to reach there murmansk region, well, if we fly to tatarstan, well, and the key story, we understand that drones should be used against those objects where there are none. powerful air defense systems, and usually the russians try to cover military airfields, i don't know in what way, well, but, but, but, i don't think that, let's put it this way, at the moment, the prospect of a real thing that our drones can fly to this deer on the mormy peninsula and try to arrange something there, especially since as we can recall even when there was a previous attack by our drones on... the engels airfield where there were previous reports of damage to several 1995 mes, well, let's say, there was no 100% confirmation, accordingly , this is the factor that it is possible to cover
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a certain number of russian strategic bombers with drones and in this way disrupt the next plan of the enemy, well, maybe it is no longer working, accordingly, here the energy should be directed to just looking for additional arguments, so that we are simply given additional ones already ppu means to shoot down these cruise missiles, well , because the best argument... of course, is to immediately give us launchers, well, tomahawk missiles with potion launchers for work on the alyeni airfield, but we don’t talk about anti-aircraft robots, drones are hardly there will be such powerful weapons to destroy strategic bombers all the way there, so it is better to direct energy here, i will repeat once again simply to get additional means of attack and simply repel those missiles that will be launched, to put it mildly, not the most productive way , because 100% shooting down never happens , well... it is technically impossible, but on the other hand , no one has ever managed to 100% destroy any aircraft on the ground either. thank you, ivan karachevskyi, a military expert of defense-express, worked for you on our airwaves, we will now go on a...
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short break, after which we will continue our information day, there are a lot of events today, so we will actually continue to inform you and analyze the main events of today, so be with us in literally four minutes after a short break, we're back. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. order in time at a special price of only uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. it is simple and easy to mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. light and comfortable, they can
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be used even... but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds, and at the same time they are practically silent, no more heavy, bulky lawn mowers, grease or gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a beautiful, well-kept plot, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 999, call on may 27 , a charity concert in memory of the legendary... flower tsysyk will be held on the stage of the theater named after maria zenkovetska. sofia fedina, volodymyr kudovba, nazar savko, kudovba family quartet, bohdan stelmakh, via vatra, orest tsimbala, victoria sivous, bohdan tsysinskyi, belcanto tenors, fora, maria lemishka olenin, olya borachok, sofia homa, beginning at 5 p.m. and at 8 p.m. with the support of lviv city council member roman hrycevych, in the latest issue of ukraine magazine, the main
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threats to the unity of society. how to prevent the enemy from discording us in a special topic about demographic challenges. an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov. corruption in landfills, a large-scale investigation of crimes against the environment and citizens. interesting stories and such analytics. with the country, in the center of the main events. buy in points press sales. there are discounts, representing coco discounts of may natyzyn. 20% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. judicial reform and ukraine's path to the eu are under threat. if there is a failure of any european integration for us, then we will be in this limbo for an infinite number of times. but why does the supreme court leave unscrupulous judges in their positions? what did you buy and
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sell for? on thursday, may 23, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the spresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenkom from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone. turn on the survey and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. the information day of the tv channel in rozpalino that there are many events today, the enemy attacked kharkiv and the kharkiv region in an animalistic manner. extremely fierce fighting continues in vovchansk, but the enemy.


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