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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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this is simply an infinite number. but why does the supreme court leave unscrupulous judges in their positions? what did you buy and sell for? on thursday , may 23, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine. the world is the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for using a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. information day of the tv channel in rozpalin, that there are many events, today the enemy bombarded kharkiv and kharkiv region like an animal.
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extremely fierce fighting is going on in vovchansk, but the enemy is stuck there, as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general sirskyi, said, and at the same time , we will now talk about the international situation, because on the one hand, it seems, so to speak, that israel - this far, but what is happening there has a direct relation to us, yes, because this is an unhealthy dynamic in between. political chessboard, it undoubtedly affects interest in our support in general. yes, vyacheslav likhachev will be in touch with us now, an expert at the center for civil liberties of eastern studies. glory to ukraine. mr. vyacheslav, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, good day. well, a number of countries, in particular norway, ireland and spain, have already officially announced the recognition of palestine. states, that's enough
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symbolic moment, we understand that history is not new, there, if we take only the 20th century, the confrontation between the state of israel and various arab structures, it, well, it was extremely bloody. what do you think, why exactly now these three countries dared to officially recognize palestine? well, yes, i agree with you that this story is not... and actually, if we recall ukraine's relationship to this issue, then ukraine recognized the state of palestine back in 1988, when it was part of the ussr and continues to recognize it, as well , which most of the world's states, i.e. three states, three more states that announced the recognition of the state of palestine, they do not create or change the weather here. the distribution of forces on
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a global scale, the most interesting thing here is that they decided to do this right now, and this is an unconditional attempt to influence the current phase of the war between israel and hamas in the gaza strip, and this is an attempt to encourage, well, as the initiators of this step actually claim, a peaceful resolution of the conflict, and from the side of israel they see this as support. terrorism, because it looks like a strengthening of palestinian positions on the international arena precisely as a result of the terrorist attack on october 7 and the war that was unleashed by hamas, that is, israel interprets this as the encouragement of terrorism, which in no way can contribute to a peaceful resolution of the conflict, and this in no way will lead to the beginning of negotiations, but only contributes aggravation and further escalation,
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look, mr. vyacheslav, there is even a reaction from the israeli state, they are recalling their ambassadors in order to hold consultations with them, and you actually mentioned the reaction of the prime minister himself israel netanyahu that in this way these countries, they are essentially rewarding terrorism and will not bring peace and will not prevent the israeli army from defeating hamas militants, on the other hand. we also understand that now it is enough, well, i would say, scandalous, and the situation is arising around the prime minister of israel netanyahu, whom the international criminal court is trying to reach now, the final decision is not yet, but there are such intentions, i am leading to that , that the international criminal court in the hague wants to issue an arrest warrant, specifically for netanyahu, and now this information is perceived very differently.
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how should we, ukrainians, articulate this correctly, because we understand that our interests should come first and how should we now position ourselves regarding the recognition of the palestinian state by them. by the countries that have done it now, yes, with a certain purpose of their own, well, actually, how should we act right now, regarding this possible arrest warrant? well, there are many questions, i will try to comment quickly, well, first of all , the matter will not end with the recall of the ambassadors for consultations, israel will surely reduce in general, the level of representation in these countries, most importantly, it will... prevent diplomatic contacts between representatives of these countries and the palestinian national administration, that is, it will refuse diplomatic visas and prevent
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diplomats from these countries from visiting the administrative center of the palestinian authority, in order to to demonstrate to them the absurdity of this decision, how they can recognize a state that actually does not... exist, and they cannot directly establish contact with this state. it is very important for israel currently demonstrate that such actions, they lead to very negative consequences in order to prevent the spread of this trend, a number of other countries are currently also considering the possibility of recognizing palestine, and therefore israel will react very harshly to these diplomatic actions, as for ukraine, as i have already noted that this is not an issue for ukraine. because ukraine has recognized palestinian statehood, another matter is that, thank god, for us we do not have to react to this in any way at the moment, we are not expected to approve the decisions of spain and others countries, or to condemn, this is a matter that does not
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concern us, you can't say anything here, you will definitely quarrel with someone on the international arena and with someone who is very important for us at the moment, as for the international criminal court, it is... really creates a very uncomfortable and unpleasant such construction for ukraine, ah, because on the one hand, we have a certain presumption of trust in the international criminal court, since it has already issued an arrest warrant for putin and a number of other russian officials, and we have had many contacts , had a lot, were able to to make sure that the criminal, the international criminal court is taking action, slow but reasonable, and therefore we don't have one, there is no basis to say that the court can be biased, that the request for a warrant for the arrest of netanyahu, it is unreasonable , and the united states, for example, has officially taken this official
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position, they believe that the international criminal court of this case may be biased, they believe that this decision will lead to negative consequences and ... among other things, it is precautionary to achieve at the moment peace agreement between hamas and israel, that is , this is a very unconstructive political action, and the united states is an ally of both ukraine and israel, and it is very difficult to publicly express a position here, neither in support of the international criminal court, nor with its condemnation, because any which of these positions will be very inconvenient for ukraine, it seems to me that it is very important to stick to it. considered and cautious public position, to express confidence in the international criminal court and the hope that any decision that will be taken, including regarding the arrest will look
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flawless, ukraine, like no country in the world, is interested in the fact that it is more, well, more than all other countries. the world is interested in making the actions and decisions of the international criminal court look convincing and flawless from a legal and political point of view. well, look, the administration of the president of the united states of america, joe biden, will work with congress on the possible introduction of sanctions against the international criminal court, so writes the financial times, and they say that... actually referring to secretary of state anthony blinken, blinken says we want to work with you on a bipartisan basis to find an answer, i think we should consider taking appropriate steps, he was referring specifically to the republicans to take action on a deeply wrong decision, look, this is a complicated political chessboard,
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because on the one hand we have to be neutral, because we are interested in not quarreling with anyone, on the other hand we see that the united states is quite ... understandable give their position, on the other hand we understand that we are now very dependent on the united states, and their support is vitally necessary for us, and in these difficult geopolitical... conditions, we must act so that the united states continues to support us and that we receive an outcome from an international criminal court that we want to bring putin to justice. we are absolutely, certainly dependent on the help of the united states, but we are partners, and the united states has a certain interest in supporting ukraine, and it is so mutual. beneficial mutually beneficial partnership, not one-sided such dependence, and the fact that we are indeed
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dependent on american aid does not mean that we have to support every foreign policy or domestic policy decisions and steps of the current administration in washington, it seems to me that the condemnation of the international criminal court, sanctions against the international criminal court, this is something that ukraine cannot support. this will lead to the discrediting of the international criminal court, to the annulment of its decision, in that among the war crimes committed by russia in ukraine, and this leads to such a negative foreign policy image of the united states, because many countries that do not have a clear position, or are inclined to sympathize with russia, can say that here the united states ... supports ukraine and claim that russia is committing crimes in
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ukraine, here the united states supports israel, which from the point of view of the international criminal court itself commits war crimes, that is, the united states is not interested in justice, only in support its own partners on the geopolitical map, that is, i believe that the decision of the united states at the moment to ... aimed at conflict with the international criminal court is wrong, and ukraine cannot support it, but the degree of condemnation and publicity of our concern about this, of course, it should deciding how much it is to announce openly and how much it is to communicate with our partners, this should be done very carefully, it is probably more about non-public consultations, our position is crazy. but it's worth it to bring to the attention of washington, and perhaps
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it is worth refraining from public criticism. ugh, thanks. vyacheslav likhachev, an expert of the center for civil liberties, an orientalist was in touch with us. we are now going on a short break, after which we will return to our studio, stay with espresso and see and learn more. thinking of a new mattress? but this is what stops you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress topper or bed sheet linen can only aesthetically improve the mattress. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half price, call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress instead of a full one. pay only half of the mattress. due to the fact that our production
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if you say that you are visiting a student, you will be let through. well, yes, student, that's my call sign. so so here near the dance hall, he will say that you will be allowed to go to the student, nine there, yes nine and a thunderstorm, a thunderstorm is here, student, student, today you do not observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you in... the enemy hears , watch out the information day of the tv channel continues, well
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, the verkhovna rada of ukraine has been working extremely actively and fruitfully over the past few days, oleg senyutko, with us. contact the people's deputy of ukraine. glory to ukraine. oleg mykhailovych, welcome to the spresso studio. glory to heroes. congratulations viewers of espresso. well, a temporary investigative commission was created. it was headed by a people's deputy from the ruling party, and the tsk was created, that is , a special commission, but not an investigative one. and we understand that a few more representatives of a former party called opzh and so on got there. well. now they function in other political, so to speak, vestments, but we would really like to know, well, not about how this temporary special commission will work or not, but whether it will be possible to achieve any real results, for that you know, to reduce the debit from the credit, we found out whether those people performed those works, whether they performed them and so on, you have my word, well
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, let's start with the fact that during half a year'. these months, the monomajority was handed down against the creation of such a temporary special commission on fortification, it took the muscovite offensive in kharkiv oblast, the threat of the muscovite offensive in sumy oblast, for us to press this issue after all, and unfortunately, we had to do it only due to the blocking of the podium of the verkhovna rada, unfortunately or fortunately ukrainians have not yet seen the conversations that took place. in front of the office of the speaker of the parliament, when he refused to enter his office, when he refused to speak directly with our faction about the issues that are at the front today, but despite all these remonstrances, the main thing is that there is a result, because i believe that the creation of a temporary special commission on fortifications is a step forward, but it is very
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unfortunate that it was headed by a person, let's say, not from above reproach. deputation representing the servants of the people. yes, there is a danger in that former members of the opzh also got there as part of the temporary special commission on fortification, although they showed their face through the speech of the former leader of the opzh, mr. boyko, who is from the ukrainian parliament. yes, our connection with mr. oleg synyutka is a little hanging. mr. olezh, can you hear us now, we hope. you will come back to us now, because it is interesting to understand what is going on in that tsk, and whether it will really give any definite results. mr. oleg, can you hear us now, our editors are rehiring now, sir. oleg senyutka, and i want to add, by the way, that it would be interesting to find out, apart from the situation with the tsk, what kind of third reading is this, which they want to apply for the first time, if not the first time, regarding
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the consideration of the bill on the ban of the moscow fesshniks in ukraine, because we actually had yesterday oksana savchuk, a people's deputy of ukraine, and she said that now they are supposedly thinking about introducing such a procedure, well, but we will talk about that a little later. oleg senyutka, please continue, mr. oleg, yours. the opinion is yes, because it is not very dangerous that former members of the opzh joined this commission, and mr. boyko had such an anti-ukrainian speech as i did from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada, where he spoke about the needlessness of a temporary special commission on fortifications, and of course he defended the moscow church, because actually the second question we asked, apart from the temporary commission of inquiry on fortifications, was the adoption in the second reading a law that... would prohibit the functioning of pseudo-religious organizations, the center of which is the kremlin, the center of which is moscow, and probably, it doesn't matter how many
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quarrels, nerves, and sometimes how on the edge of blades walked when these discussions and in the parliamentary hall, and outside the parliamentary hall, it is important that the commission is created, because it will be a real tool, despite this composition, but still... our member from european solidarity will be there, we hope that representatives from other parties will also will work actively, and we will definitely do everything that depends on us in two directions, the first direction, the most important, is to speed up the construction of fortifications, because fortifications are the life of ukrainian soldiers, and the second direction is to calculate, after all, how much was actually spent on the construction of fortifications, and whether there were cuts. funds, why fortifications were built so warily, or rather , fortifications were not built, and of course, who will be responsible for this, so i believe that this is not our victory, it is the victory
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of the ukrainian soldiers, because as a result of the work of this commission, they should have received a greater protection and greater opportunities to fight against invaders. mr. olezh, look, oksana savchuk, a people's deputy of ukraine, visited us yesterday, and she says that she is allegedly now suffering from mono to the majority... this is the first time, probably , the format of consideration of a draft law is proposed, this has never happened before, three readings, er, have you even heard about this idea, about three readings, and do you think that this, well, this exception, let’s say so , this draft law is directly needed, that is, it is not possible to consider this law in two readings, and it is necessary to complicate life in order to pass some third readings, let's come up with the 11th readings, well... that is, perhaps this is done with the goal of simply not passing this law. well, if the monomajority wanted to pass this law, which actually concerns the prohibition
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of pseudo-religious sects led by cyril on the territory of ukraine, then this law, already a draft law, would have been adopted a long time ago and it would have become law. yes, indeed, we see when a lot of the pro-government faction and many representatives of the government are trying to do their best. to slow down consideration of this project, because it did not appear on the website of the verkhovna rada for a month, now that we forced them to post this law after the second reading as it should be, according to the regulations and the law, it appeared, but no one is in a hurry to introduce it into the hall, and one of the discussions that continued with mr. stepanchuk was precisely the discussion that, mr. speaker, please introduce the bill to the council, put it. .. for the vote, i think that as a result of our very clear position, in the end, let's be honest, if the rostrum was not blocked, if we did not
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express claims to speaker stefanchuk, then there would be no conversation, and how consider this bill in the second reading i believe that the negotiations and the government's position that this draft law on pseudo-religious moscow organizations should be decomposed into the second. in the third reading is erroneous, is such a procedure provided for by law, according to the regulations, yes, but in fact, as far as i can remember, it has never been used, that is, we see again that the representatives of the authorities, led by stefanchuk , want to escape from responsibility, they want to somehow slow down the consideration of this draft law again, that is, brainstorm their own subversive activities are carried out through these fsb structures, he is trying with all his might not to adopt this law. after all, today we already understand very clearly that the conversations about the fact that our partners somehow want
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to interfere in this situation. are absolutely false, our partners have a very clear position: there is a law, there is international law, and if it corresponds to the letter and spirit of the law, then it can and should be adopted and considered in the walls of the verkhovna rada. therefore, the fight next week, it will be a fight to first introduce this bill, and we during these days, we tried to collect as many signatures as possible with the demand that such a law be brought to the consideration of the parliament. and then already during the review itself, because i am convinced that the former members of the opzh will repeat this review, we need to go through the entire procedure with dignity and try to adopt this law as a whole, because again, this is not necessary for european solidarity, it is not even necessary ukrainian churches, it is necessary for ukrainian society, because the sooner it will be purified and the society will be purified and
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the sooner it will be established from... spiritual independence of ukraine, the sooner our victory over the muscovites will come. we agree, mr. oleg, if you will allow me, i would like one more, we have three minutes with you, but today there was information that the relevant ministry is saying that we lack money for the defense industry, and now the government is working on by raising taxes, and supposedly the relevant bill can get to the council at the end of june, beginning of july. vat can be increased by... 2-3%, well, at least that's what the government is proposing, and they want to increase the military levy from 1.5 to 5%. well, if we are talking about the actual tax increase, mr. olezh, how would you comment on this statement of the relevant minister of finance serhiy marchenko. you know, i just had this question when we had a break, and maybe we need to steal less money, and then we will have enough for the defense industry? you just took this proposal off my tongue,
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because i am... convinced that there will be more money in the treasury, when there will be less corruption, when there will be less embezzlement in the state machine, and including, to my great regret, great regret in the system of the defense industry of the country, this is an issue that can be resolved as soon as possible, this is an issue that lies on the surface, and i am convinced that when we step on the neck and throat of this hydra of corruption and suppress it, then believe me that the money in... . the budget will immediately appear more, whether it is necessary to additionally burden business, well, it is a very controversial issue, because after the adoption of bills on mobilization, we see that legal business is starting to lose workers, it is starting to lose labor force, this is a huge problem, and i am convinced that before not at all only to consider, in general to publicly announce a tax increase, you need to think very, very hard, well, we have experience when for six months
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after... the bill on mobilization scared the public and we got definitely not positive consequences as a result, now they will scare the business with the bill on raising taxes , and do you think that this will increase taxes, or will business develop more actively, of course not, and if you add to it the tariff increase planned by the authorities from june 1, then i am convinced that this is not the road that we will lead out of the state of war. this road that will lead us to victory, so, well, it seems to me that the government, with its unprofessionalism, not only makes mistakes in the field of economy, it scares people, scares people away from ukraine, and this is a very dangerous process, so the question arises again and again , which we put in front of the government, which we put in front of the parliament, let's form a government of national unity from professional, non-corrupt people, it
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will definitely have the support of society. and he will point out the steps that will give us the means to budget, and society's confidence in the future and a sense of justice for everyone, thank you, thank you, oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, was on our airwaves, antin and i say goodbye to you for today , we say goodbye to you tomorrow, and our colleagues will continue to inform you about everything, so stay with us, stay with espresso, we will see you tomorrow, take care. khrystyna porubiy works in the espresso studio. the number of victims due to the russians increased to 13.


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