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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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he will definitely have the support of society and he will definitely take those steps that will give us both funds for the budget and public confidence in tomorrow and a sense of justice for everyone. thank you, thank you, oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, was on our air antinom, we say goodbye to you for today, we say see you tomorrow, and our colleagues will continue to inform you about everything, so stay with us, stay with espresso, we will see you tomorrow, take care! news veteri espresso in the studio is working khrystyna parobiy, the number of victims increased to 13 due to the russian. shelling of the city
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of dergachi in kharkiv region, four of them are in the hospital. at noon, the russians made two attacks with kabama on kharkiv and dergachy, the local military administration reported. and as a result of the morning shelling in kharkiv, seven people died. all employees of the printing shop, where a fire broke out after being hit. another 20 people were injured. the enemy also hit the civilian railway infrastructure. during the shelling, the workers were in shelter. by preliminary data. injured six railway workers, russia attacked kharkiv region with s-300 missiles. the russian military from the territory of the bilhorod region of the russian federation carried out a massive missile attack on the city of kharkiv. according to data from the external control of air defense systems, 12 rocket exits from the territory of the bilhorod region were recorded. three rockets hit the central part of the city of lyubatyn, kharkiv. district, another nine rockets hit
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the holodnohirskyi and osnovyanskyi districts of the city of kharkiv. it's hot again in russia, the main intelligence agency attacked an enterprise of the defense-industrial complex in russian tatarstan with drones, the media reported with reference to sources. explosions are heard in nizhnekamsk, where strategic enterprises are located, which manufacture products for the war in ukraine. russians employees are being evacuated from factories and nizhnyokamsk tets, airports in kazan and nizhnyoksk have also suspended operations. attacks destroy the occupiers. our soldiers fired five rockets at the russian anti-aircraft defense at the mos pino airfield near occupied donetsk. it appeared in the network video of the impact. the russians complain that two zerk s-300 and s-400 launchers were destroyed and another was damaged. it was also successful. destroy
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the radio relay station and the control point of the anti-aircraft missile complex. one of the power lines that supplies the occupied zaporizhzhia as has been disconnected. it connects the station with the unified energy system of ukraine, - reports energoatom. if one more fails, there will be a complete blackout and there is a risk of an accident. we celebrate heroes' day today. in ukraine, we thank our soldiers who are on the battlefield protect us from the russian invaders, and we also remember those who gave their lives. our next story is about the hero of ukraine, taras chayko, who saved his brothers at the cost of his own life. about his path, see below. it is necessary for people to see and know, and for generations to be brought up by such boys who bravely and courageously went to defend.
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protect and give life for our country, these are the belongings of my son cheika teras, who died on november 2, 2022, this is his cassock, here if you look in the garden, there is even a signature here that these are the belongings of a chemist, because his call sign was a chemist, they also brought chevrons, he was wearing... the flag of ukraine, the tro sign, the tro chevron, the chevron of the 125th brigade, he was an intelligence commander, this is an intelligence insignia. taras chayka, hero of ukraine, scout of the 125th brigade of territorial defense forces of the ukrainian armed forces. he came to the defense of ukraine at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, although he had health problems, his sense of patriotism and duty to the state prompted him to volunteer. i
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called the military mother at 5 in the morning, taras said, the war had started. he said, "mom, i know, i'm not in the evening went to bed, i already packed my things." i say: "taras, what are you talking about?" mom, i'm going to the war, and on the very first day he went to the army and enlisted for four days, he proved to the army mother that he could go to serve taras chaika served in the 125th brigade of the territorial defense forces, and in april he joined the intelligence unit and said: "mom, i'm transferring ." i can't stay at the headquarters when the war is going on and i have to fight i asked you to send any news that everything is fine with you. but on november 2, 2022
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, the woman did not receive any message from her son. then the soldier went on a combat mission in the area between liman and kryminna. he has not returned from it. he didn't want to say anything so that i wouldn't worry, although i supported him all the time, believed that everything would be fine, our last conversation was four days before his death, he called me, i was at work, he says, mom, he wants talk, i say, son, i'm at work, talk, i can talk, no, you will be at home, dial me, please, i dialed him, we really had a very long conversation, we talked with him for about... more than an hour, i was always worried, cried, and the time when we talked, it was very fun, we laughed somehow, we were happy, he was very positive, as i understand now, he didn't just want to upset, they knew where they were going.
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during that combat sortie, taras chaika was killed, but he saved his comrades who were traveling with him in the car. we lost him in a second, but being mortally wounded, he drove the car... force in the opposite direction of the shelling and the boys all remained alive. for this act, taras chaika was awarded the title of hero of ukraine, he is forever 29. this award is a memory for his mother, wife and daughter. he was a very great patriot. he saved life, he didn't save himself, he could have saved himself. saved the boys' lives. all remained alive. and he was gone. congratulate life for father. rank, this, i believe, is a very great feat, to put one's life, a lesser value, than the life of others and one's homeland, well, it is for me, it is, i am proud of my son, how courageous he was. khrystyna
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parobiy, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. the next months will be decisive, said us defense secretary lloyd ostian. in fact, the russian federation is raising the stakes again, the occupiers in the kharkiv direction do not stop trying to break through the defenses of the ukrainian troops. this will be discussed in the project today, velikiy lviv says. vitaliy krotyukov, the leader of the project, says velikiy lviv, will tell us more. vitaliy, congratulations, you have a word. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel. today, traditionally, we are meeting at the largest discussion platform of ukraine at 9:15 p.m., the title of our today's discussion. the program is not armageddon, but it is due to the strength of budanov's statement, who said that it will be very difficult in may and june, but armageddon will not come. actually, let's figure out what is actually happening on the fronts now, positive information from mr. syrsky, today on his facebook was made public
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that in vovchansk, in particular, the enemy finally got stuck in street battles, in liptsi also managed to stop the advance of the army. occupiers and they begin to take defensive positions, for how long and whether russia will have enough reserves to increase the degree of offensive again. we will also discuss the scandal in the verkhovna rada surrounding the creation of a temporary investigative commission to determine where the money went and whether it was embezzled for fortifications, in particular in the kharkiv region. there are different opinions about this, in particular where. the military, in particular the secretary of the lviv city council, markiyan lupachak , claims that now is not the time to deal with what happened, and we need to think about what will happen and how to strengthen our defense, is the aggression of the russian federation at its peak now, in particular, we will discuss this here, in the studio of the project
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, velikiy lviv says, 21:15, we are waiting for all viewers of the tv channel. thank you, vitaly krutyakov, for the announcement of today's broadcast. says velikiy lviv, watch at 21:15 on espresso. and we urge you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle to carry out missions in the area. actions soldiers use cars to move to positions and transport ammunition, as well as drones are launched from cars. the necessary transport is already in ukraine, it remains to dig it up and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 207. so remember, every donation you make is important, so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. let's summarize. the information day is already at 6 p.m., you can find more relevant information on our website, also on our social networks,
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plantain bam and savings. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. judicial reform and ukraine's path to the eu are under threat. if there is a failure of any european integration for us, then we will be in it. there are simply an endless number of limbi, and why does the supreme court leave unscrupulous judges in their positions? i bought it for what, but i sold it. on thursday, may 23, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to catch up. news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who
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have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at dinner at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, but... the tape informs about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts are sober evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our may every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. congratulations. this week , several stories from the lives of russian propagandists were gathered, well, mostly they
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were not talked about in the russian media, but i will tell you them little by little. so, the first thing, well, it became obvious what everyone has been talking about for so long. american tucker carlson appeared with his program on the russian state tv channel russia 24. well, actually, nothing unusual. carlson is still in his 22nd year spread theses about america's war with russia in ukraine, about one people there. well, after all, not so long ago he interviewed putin and dugin, and now it is possible with a high degree of probability. to say that he probably receives royalties from the direct state budget, because russian propagandists started broadcasting videos from tucker carson's youtube channel with tucker rush 24, the show called tucker is broadcast on weekends, the first episode was dedicated to, well
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, it's called, so you can imagine, a favorite topic of american biolaboratories. of russian propaganda, well, in particular, tucker talked about lyme disease and some ticks there, well, this is an unexpected turn, well , what can i say, various russian propagandists have already talked about combat mosquitoes, in particular , nebenzi, let’s now remember how they said it , and now tucker has joined them, you see, let's see, the ministry of defense of russia continues to study the material. on the implementation of military biological programs of the usa and its nato allies. its purpose was to study the possibility of distribution especially dangerous infections due to migratory birds, in particular the spread of highly pathogenic influenza. at the same time, at least two species of migratory birds were discovered, the routes of which pass through the territory of russia. in addition, the p-781 project is interesting, where
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bats were considered as a spreader of potential agents of biological weapons. the pentagon is also interested in insects. such a drone transports a container with a large number of mosquitoes, carriers of infection, and releases them. when bitten, mosquitoes infect attacked people. well , at that time nebenzia was laughed at by the entire un. now probably all of america will be laughing at tucker carson. because he decided to pull out some book that was... in 2017, by some staff member of the stanford university school of medicine, where something was said about these very combat ticks, and suddenly so much time had passed, and he pulled it out so that she she told such a fresh and, most importantly, new topic, and so that they could
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show it later on russia 24. at that time , the american military used this microorganism as a weapon and tried to introduce it into ticks. so what is a tick as a weapon? we tried to grow them en masse, saturating the blog with the plague, mosquitoes with a deadly virus. trying to create new diseases by displacing
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bacteria and viruses, ideally. it's a nuclear weapon for the poor, you throw those bugs at the enemy, it weakens the population, weakens the medical resources, but doesn't destroy the infrastructure, it's hard to digest it, to believe it, it's so terrible, especially that it happened in the us, and i think , you are right, it happened and... most likely it happens, sorry for my ignorance, but what kind of disease did you just describe, that other rickettsia, well, nothing no different, as far as i'm concerned, from that one. a long lecture that putin gave him, and he couldn't understand anything there either, well, but what's funny is that this old chris newby, again
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, she wrote this book in 2017 , it was called the secret history of the bitten disease lyme and biological weapons, and in august 2017 komsomol pravda published an article about the war mite... gogons turned out to be a myth, where the komsomol pravda expert of a russian newspaper said that there is no scientific basis to say that that such weapons can be produced in biological laboratories, and the expert there was a former military man, a microbiologist, reserve colonel mykhailo sopotnytskyi, who said verbatim that let's return to this one from the book, evaluate the version about combatants. pentagon ticks asked him. he said that it is beautiful in the spirit of hollywood blockbusters about terrible epidemics, but unfortunately, he says that
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the very idea of ​​​​using insects to spread dangerous diseases is very easy to understand, but not to implement. there is nothing wrong with insects it turned out, and it is difficult to breed them, to infect them, to keep them in an infected state for a long time, well , in principle, this whole book is full of delusion. so, in 2017, russian propagandists wrote that it was delusional, but in 2024, when all the statements of nebenzi about mosquitoes had been exhausted, somehow you can’t say anything about them, they dragged it all out again, and apparently they gave a takira to carson for that , for him to talk about it again on his show, you know, it's a sad story in general for tucker carson because he's in strange company. people who are hired by russian television from americans, here is another such american who was hired, who was constantly shown, then russia 24, then russia 1,
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then rt, this was scott ritter, who in his homeland is better known for , that after putting forward many different conspiracy theories there, in the end he was just... well, he was convicted for being a pedophilia, and actually , after his release, this convicted pedophile found himself on russian television, but i didn't i know, tuckerson doesn't seem to have such a problem big in life, but no one has yet condemned him for anything, but you see, he is already on russian television, somehow i would say this is sad and so a little disturbing for tucker carson, oh... he got into a strange company, well, but now no one has any questions that he does indeed work for russian propaganda, here is another news, which the russians suddenly began
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to talk about, but so casually, and as if they did not understand what was happening, well, like , for example, skibiev himself , suddenly, oh, something, what happened, that everyone is saying, what something over there in the baltic sea does russia have any claims? and now about the paranoia that continues to engulf the european union. spiegel writes about the terrible threat posed by putin in sweden. the commander of the swedish army is sure that russia is looking with greedy eyes at the swedish island of gotland in the baltic sea. that is , some suspicious russian tankers were noticed around him. in general, a new fire of war is being fanned in the west. it is not in the west that this new fire of war is being fanned. the fact is that... on may 21, the russian government published a project to unilaterally change the borders of the baltic sea, and on may 22 the russian government deleted this draft of unilateral
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border changes in the baltic sea. such a strange story happened. well , of course, russian television did not tell about this at all, i will even say more, but today a whole, well, the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs came to solovyov on the air. maria zakharova, and what do you think, they were talking about the fact that some, as they even called this broadcast of theirs, some bad world diplomacy, some western diplomacy, some not like that, but solovyov had something, well, there were no words , to ask the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs, a what is it, why are you writing about the baltic sea, no, they couldn't talk about it, that's why the russian propagandists didn't talk about it. and the story nevertheless turned out to be very interesting, because in that published project, which i repeat, hung exactly one day on the official websites
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of russia, it says: it was said that next to the state borders of lithuania and finland, the russian government by its decree, which again published on the portal of legal acts of the russian federation, and according to what was prepared by the ministry of defense, that is, russia intended to declare part of the water area in the east of the gulf of finland as its internal sea waters, as well as near the cities of baltiysk, zelenogradsk, kaliningrad oblast, for this... the geographical coordinates there and the width of the territorial sea of ​​russia were changed, in particular on the border with finland, the russian government had to adjust near the islands, including holland, virgunt, well there and near narva, well , in short, a whole bunch of such different points, and they called it all so that the coordinates established in 85th are not...
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correspond to a certain extent to the current geographical situation, well, of course , no new geographical situation has arisen there, a new frenzy has arisen in the russian government, and after they posted it, suddenly it became known, suddenly the western media started talking about it, the russians were somehow afraid so to take it directly and announce it all, they were not ready for this, to get right now in the baltic... sea, well, i don't know what they could have already gotten there, well, i guess they would have had some trouble, because they would have could suddenly decide and close it there the possibility for russian ships to sail at all, which nato countries are now quite capable of, and after that they began to say that oh-oh-oh, there was something wrong with them, and you know, against the background of all these projects of theirs , that something else
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should be arranged in the baltic sea. of course , it is interesting how again solovyov decided to comment on the statement of the prime minister of estonia kaia kalas, who, well , she was the only one at such a conference, commented on how she generally feels about what russia is doing, well, let's listen to this statement itself, and well, a little it has such a trailer. i think it is important that russia loses this war, as timothy snyder said, for the country to become better, it must lose its last colonial war. i mean,
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they don't see that they are aggressors, killers, they are expanding the empire, it's glory, they think they get glory in war, and there will always be people, this leader or the next leader, because if people admire a dictator, then someone can become it, for such a small country.
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ask yourself this question, look at our belarusian friends, who endure what on there is no one in their historical lands, well , as you can see, it is finally spreading, it turns out to be the world, and somehow even, well,
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european politicians are saying more and more that it is not only that. a learning problem, a possible problem at all.


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