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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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also manipulative in that one of the components of their desire is to disrupt the summit and prevent aid to ukraine, but i would like to draw attention to the fact that these manipulative measures taken by russia have been taking place since the very beginning of the war, the threat of nuclear use. weapons, and it affects our partners, because the partners do not understand the psyche of such goons, as in russia, who actually do not have any strategy, they have a strategy of fear, scarecrows, terror, and they , of course, suspended the supply of weapons, the supply, respectively, of... aircraft and
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the supply of long-range strike weapons, fearing that russia could either blow up the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, or, well , cause problems at the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant to the extreme, after serious, serious work was done in relation to the washing of the bridges of the russian federation, of course they threatened ... and then already with the use of tactical nuclear weapons, and the world, fearing, paused, we saw it here six years of interruption of supplies from the united states of america, and i so all experts in the west and in ukraine understand that the tactic was to exhaust the enemy, exhaust him on the battlefield, exhaust him... on his territories, with his
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military points, with airfields, with warheads, and of course, this is the right tactic , the correct tactic from the point of view of western psychology experts and representatives of the armed forces, but people are dying, so in our opinion it is necessary... to act today also at the political and international level, i think that i think that here should now to work and our diplomacy, you turn pay attention to how the devil reacts when they themselves create provocations for us, and they themselves ask questions on international platforms where they crucify us, i think that here we also need a fairly powerful information policy, and of course we need... really innovative
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weapons , that is, mr. mykola, especially, especially airplanes, i heard you said about the international, taras batenko, then karasyu will be in touch with us, last week you joined our broadcast with washington, and we talked about such an important topic, permission to beat american weapons on objects on the territory of the russian federation, and even last week and the rhetoric that happened on the part of the americans this week, well... i wouldn't say that it seemed incredible, but it certainly wasn't about that, but now already mike johnson says directly that it is necessary to allow to strike, blinkin, well , indirectly he says that in principle, well, we are against it, but if you need to strike, what is changing there, how truly are these processes of such a historical nature really taking place in the united states, you were there, saw more, felt, well, our time the interim special commission on arms control from our regional
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partners worked for a week in washington, we met with many key political figures in the house of representatives and the senate, as i told you, with the republican majority leader in the chamber rep . steven xcalis, republican, and with senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, it's just republicans, but we've met with democrats as well. to understand their moods in in the context of the upcoming presidential elections, because we understand that everything related to the presidential elections has an impact on ukraine, on the supply of weapons, on voting, agreements of a financial, military-financial nature, and so on, and one of the key the questions we each asked the congressman at this meeting, influence the white house to give permission to strike at least the border area.
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of the russian federation with long-range missiles, of course we are talking about attack missiles, we now have a range of up to 160, 160 km, obviously we count. what will be up to 300 km, and 300 km is already a very serious damage, not only the border strip, as you know, the american side will be afraid of escalation, but we have very big allies from many congressmen who have already started calling the white house, to of the pentagon, and it's not only steven skyley, it's michael mccaul, it's also the chairman of the congressional intelligence committee, thorner, so these are very serious politicians. which form, which are represented by the republicans, and the problem is just when we were talking about whether we have a two-party system will support us, we are supported by a non-partisan system, and the situation here is that the republicans, even possibly in this case, and we heard it from michael johnson,
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who did a lot to make sure that this last supplemental passed, the military financial assistance of 61 billion dollars, they can now make an even greater push for further military support of ukraine. now the democrats can do it, i won't go into details, but some certain sociology tells them that it is necessary to support in i think that the return u.s. secretary of state blinkin from kyiv to washington and certain conclusions he drew from this trip and the influence of republicans , including democrats, with whom we met at the signs of the stripes and so on, former speakers and other influential figures, as a result have... solve the problem for us, well, i won't say in the near future, but it significantly affects, let's say, the ability of the russians to attack our border territories, the ability of the russians to use their weapons in the direction of kharkiv and in other directions, and
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it is obvious that we will have a tactical advantage in many respects, and by inflicting serious blows not only on the border territory, but on the territory of crimea, if... the creation of the territory of ukraine, obviously it is about the crimean places and so on, as one of the most affected about objects, about other infrastructural military objects that are currently placed on the territory of crimea by the russian federation, and all this together can, let's say, significantly adjust the russian military campaign, remove this russian military company, and i believe that it will add significant advantage our armed forces at the front. we are adding yevhen karas, deputy commander of the 14th separate regiment of the nationalist armed forces to ours. broadcast, glory to ukraine, mr. yevhen, glory, good evening, we must also mention the fact that today in kharkiv the city was cynically shelled again, people were injured, there are dead, in particular after hitting one of the publishing houses, the vivat publishing house, in their printing house , seven people have now died, and now there is
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information that they have died, dozens more have been injured, and this is an extraordinary tragedy for the whole of ukraine, and here we understand to what extent... it is important for russia to strike precisely at such places, at our book printers, kharkiv is generally the place where the most books are printed, it is the capital of printing for ukraine now, and they print not only for ukraine, but also for all of europe, high-quality class books, that's why it's extremely sad that people continue to die, and this continues to happen, we want to ask you what the situation is on the fronts, what... can you tell ukrainians now, what is important to know as of thursday evening? we see from open sources that the successes of the russians in their operations in the northern direction are quite modest, this was given to us at a difficult price, we
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saw that there was a certain disorganization of management in this direction, the head of otu was removed, kharkiv and there came... general drapaty, deputy commander-in-chief. general drapaty is a very serious figure, and he will definitely help to increase the controllability and quality of the defense operation there, but we can see that the russians have now decided that the main direction is vovchansk, but they cannot achieve their successes there, they cannot, now well not at all it is about the fact that they somehow got out there in our body grouping in the kupinsky direction, we see that until... some provocations of the kursk group, which is part of the group north of the sumy border, actually speaking, in the direction of livka on kharkiv, there are now two directions, yes, it is clear and livtsi of vovchan, then in that direction they used the troops of the 44th army corps,
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which was deployed in the direction of finland, it is not fully formed, but it has already been thrown into battle, it is commanded by a general lapin, the one whose, whose my son was recently... detained in ukraine, this general himself was pushed there in the direction of finland in order to obviously confuse the countries of europe that we are forming this corps there, but we see. that these troops were withdrawn from there, sent now to these provocations at the border, and half of these troops that arrived at the border are deployed in the kharkiv direction, half are still waiting there, well , approximately, as far as i understand, there will be some provocations in sumy, there will still be a lot there there are fewer troops, eh, there is even more preparation there, because they simply knew about it, and they are delaying it, obviously, well, this operation went unplanned, there were different hypotheses, either shoigu thought somehow, maybe this would save him, or they did something... they rushed something, they didn't wait until all the troops were already drawn up, but they have them there, they already went on the attack, without waiting, in particular, for it to be full,
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almost from the march, this 44th corps was afraid to be involved, therefore, the enemy's successes, let's say, are very conditional in relation to even the task they announced, to do there is a gray area of ​​the border, but they are terrorizing kharkiv, they are terrorizing kharkiv due to the fact that we cannot strike with nato weapons on the territory of russia, accordingly, they have... led to the fact that apparently the west has now probably organized this discussion and may allow us now to be on the territory of russia, and then the kharkiv operation will turn in a different direction, because in addition to the fact that , say, the logistics, headquarters, and bodies of these troops, which are involved in these pig-dog provocations, will be affected, russian air bases or training camps will also be affected , in particular, these are the klintsy of the bryansk region and there , well, there they are... here in the kursk bryansk and belarusian regions, they will obviously be affected if our
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rockets with submunitions fly there and simply cover the camp of the chmobyks, or these new contract workers, well, the chmobyks, who called contractors, that’s how it ’s happening there now, it will be no less significant than if it flies over the air bases, that’s why the answer is interesting, if the west does allow it to hit russian objects with its weapons, it will be very... for kharkiv is their problem, i think after that, it will be easier to breathe, but for now, yes, they use the fact that they can fire missiles and aviation, kharkiv, and we, unfortunately, have little to do with this, i want to draw attention to the fact that despite the fact that this the provocation of the russians in the north, this calamity would not have befallen us because it would have escalated significantly, and there... god forbid, there would have been some kind of operational breakthrough, the enemy's breakthrough, as we see it, we had certain big
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problems there in the avdiiv direction, this did not happen now, and it is obvious that forces the enemy that can be used for the war in ukraine is not enough to carry out an offensive operation of a serious level in two directions, and we see with, well, we do not see, but i just read the enemies. their psychological state, by the way, has already been announced, someone has already gone to the russian public discourse about the need to do a new mobilization, and they will obviously be forced to carry it out in order to compensate for the losses, the month of may, as far as i can see from the statistics will be an absolute record for losses in manpower russians for the entire time of the full-scale invasion, they suffered very large losses, and therefore there will probably be even a second mobilization with technical problems. by the way, i published it today and we published it for 125, already by the evening of 110 the brigade shot down another one,
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if we take even front-line attack aircraft 125, they are full for the time being until the 22nd year, before full-scale they had about 132 of them there according to one data according to the second, there are up to 200 modifications of public sources of varying degrees of readiness , it is reliably known that 31 of them were destroyed, realistically we understand that not everything gets into the frame, plus something landed and didn't fly, something is in a long repair, i think we won't be too optimistic. cities, if we say that there are no more than fifty su-25s, it could be from half of the country to a quarter of their su-25s, which perform combat tasks, we understand that if western stingers and more air defense equipment are arriving now and they will fall again, then at such a pace russia is not alone, it is not only at war with us, it also needs to ensure the physical, the task of national security of defense, what if somewhere else someone else if russia thinks about taking back its... er , the territories it conquered, then they have
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a problem not only about the a50s, a shortage or a problem with new armored vehicles, even su-25s it can become a shortage. that is, they are actually very difficult to give these battles, it is very difficult for us, it does not change the fact that we carried out the mobilization very late, we have a huge and terrible shortage of personnel, our partners have been dragging us around for a very long time, they did not hand over weapons, although as i i already mentioned that finland, for example, is happy because we take away russian corps. the baltic countries, they help us a lot, they are conscious, and we take away those who would attack them, and we understand that europe would be after us, but the west helps, as it helps, and this of course led to the fact that we... also have a very difficult situation, but what is difficult for us is that no one has canceled it since the moment on a large scale, it is as if there is nothing strange, we are at war with a huge state, as if on a resource in which it does not have was in condition, still just the amount of money, and, nevertheless, it is important that they choke, and they cannot pull in the mode we wanted, let's say provocations along the line of contact, this is
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very significant, because it could have been much worse, it is difficult now, but it is difficult for us and for them, that's it. .. thanks to yevgeny krasius, i really had two or three questions there, but in his answers, krasius answered all of them both in relation to the east and in relation to western weapons. thanks for this enablement. mr. magda, to you, eh, let's not forget , let's not forget about the black sea fleet, what is the new russian fleet now, but it is no longer the black sea fleet, because it was simply driven away, by the sbu and the navy, driven very far, already there. soon, when something falls to the bottom of the moscow cruiser, then the moscow cruiser simply says, where are you sailing, the bottom is not rubber here, enough is already sinking, very large losses of the black sea fleet, including we see that these are not only logistics ships , and a lot of their missile carriers were knocked out by our special services, it’s very cool, and, but something else strange, amazing and beautiful is happening, in fact, it’s not like that in crimea
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many of these s-400 s300 complexes began to arrive in such abundance, and they are so iconic there. what is happening is that crimea will soon be, crimea will simply be a training ground for our drones, i am not talking about, let's say, bloody missiles, and therefore in crimea, and this is a logistics base, and for the entire dnipro group of troops, as it is now united zaporizhzhia and kherson, then if it will arrive in crimea like this, the way it is arriving now, we not only cannot feel it, because it is not coming to us there, in crimea, i see what is unfolding events according to the ukrainian scenario, no matter how hard it is for us on the front line, what they are doing... the defense force, hitting russian air defense facilities and complexes, the complexes of their rvska, and for which it further opens up prospects, this is a very interesting dynamic, especially for russian air base, so the prospects are interesting, the summer will definitely be difficult for us, but also for the enemy, it will definitely be very hot, i would say so, as of autumn, no one knows neither biden, nor putin, nor the martians, so what will happen after as a result of the summer,
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who will get more nuts, us or the russians? despite the fact that it is very difficult for us now, they are also raking in a lot, for which i congratulate everyone and thank everyone who takes an inspired part in this, we will hope for it, yevhen karas, nationalist, deputy commander of the 14th separate regiment of the armed forces of ukraine, as always with such optimistic and realistic forecasts, we really believe in the best, this is normal, to mr. magda, a question from such a political point of view, the carp mentioned that in the first days of the assault on kharkivsk... region immediately there was a change of commander, that's it already a bell, so now we have a lot of conversations, already around syrsky, in fact, we understand that there can be different perceptions of mariana bezuzhny, but when the deputy from the servant of the people started writing about zaluzhny, everyone laughed, after a few months zaluzhny
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is gone, and then why he is, is, but not in his position, now the ambassador to great britain already. is valid, then the story was less public, it was visible among the television viewers with the public one that came out of the telethon, but before that, maryana bezugla also wrote about bad ratings, and now there are already some such conversations about syrsky, do you think there is some turbulence there, actually from a political point of view, regarding the appointments of those people on whom what happens at the front depends? there is one problem, i am a historian by education, then... i defended my phd thesis as a candidate of political sciences, i do not have the professional skills to evaluate maryana bezuglai's statements. i can only say that in the conditions of war, a parliamentarian, a parliamentarian who plays with fire by criticizing the hierarchy of the defense forces
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of ukraine, it at least raises questions, should raise questions not only from citizens, but also from law enforcement agencies, i simply suggest to our viewers to imagine, well, let's say, if mr. taras made similar statements, would he we were sitting here in the studio right now, were you sitting somewhere more convenient , where there is less company, i am not talking about maryana herself, about the trends, but don't you feel that there is some turbulence there? became these de, well, from the point of view of the vertical of the office of the president, who appoint the actual commander-in-chief, no wait, there is vertical force. of the defense of ukraine, which can be influenced by the president's office, yes, but if we felt turbulence within the vertical
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of the defense forces, then i think the situation, including in the kharkiv region, would be somewhat different, okay, that's how it seems to me, because pay attention to how it is presented by russian propagandists, if you believe them, then their main goal is indoctrination. not kharkiv is a city of millionaires, but vovchansk, whose existence on the map of ukraine is not known to all russians, well , now they know when they talk about battles, when they talk about everything else, well, i just wonder why, for example, in the parliament, the decision of the committee, i'm not mistaken, that it was about the dismissal, the exclusion of ms. bezugla from the specialized committee on national security issues. that is, it then becomes the responsibility of the speaker of the parliament, mr. stefanchuk, who listens to it and
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yes, you know, as the russian fairy tales are known, avatska listens to the daast, well, we just, i think, have to be absolutely serious, calm and soberly aware that 820 days of a large-scale invasion. millions of ukrainians are tired, exhausted, demoralized, expect success, and instead they are driven around, you know, if i were a fan of conspiracy theory, i would assume that oleksandr syrsky also wants to go somewhere as an ambassador, especially since we have enough vacancies , and that is why he initiated such an information campaign campaign, anonymous telegram channels wrote about the fact that... maybe he will lead the lviv land forces, there was such information last week, it was more obvious, this is our lviv bubble, that's why we noticed it, but, well, you understand, from
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, you can go only as an ambassador, because, with all due respect, to head both the lviv army, the odessa army, and the national defense university, this is so important below. in the hierarchy of the defense forces, that for a man who commanded such large masses of people, this is simply a painful blow to his ego. olena zhivko, you communicate a lot with the military, those who are on the front lines, those who are here, returning for one reason or another and injuries, mainly for these reasons, how do they now perceive what is happening, do they understand everything, where it occurs the most questions you know that now such a boom has started with the introduction of changes to the law, that is , we have a lot of people writing reports for the release of disability, and our headquarters
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has been working in a very intense mode since monday, and on the one hand it scares me very much, because professional people leave our army, and less professional people go to it, in general, military people, they are very stable people, you know, even today we talk about what mariana writes, you really rightly pointed out, you know, at first in the environment everyone said , that there is some kind of lady there quite adequate, but when her not quite correct posts began to come true, everyone realized that somewhere she was eavesdropping on the conversations of people who make decisions in this country, but the military in general is very diplomatically eavesdropped, that is, she possesses some certain information, this we have, that is, how she presents it, well, we all already ... know about it, that's why the military, they are very stable people, you know, we are many things that for us civilians seem like treason, for them it is absolutely, well, that is, absolutely good ones
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things, for example, even today we mentioned the release of a servile officer, you know, in lviv there was such a panic among civilians that i don’t know, well, the end of the world has come, you see, the servile officer was released, moreover, that you communicate with the military, that is, for them it was normal, they accepted it well, nothing in principle has changed for them, because syrsky worked a lot on these issues, i.e.... he took part in many kinds of operations, i.e. they are calm about it, i think that we you also need to learn to perceive information normally, no commit treason, because we all really became very emotional because of the war, and the fact that it is normal at the front, that is, such treason is carried out here, i am sure that it is always necessary to perceive information, analyze it, as the military does, you know, with with a cold mind, because i even look at myself. today, perhaps everyone has already seen about the forum of the russian position, you know, i am like that after the commercials will be after the commercials, well, then we will talk about it later, okay, i will not jump ahead, a short commercial break on... on
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of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis in border between ukraine and poland. challenging topics. resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for
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the world, trump's second presidency will already be. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. we are back and welcome all the viewers of tv channel so. in our youtube advertisement, we touched on the topic of the forum of the russian position in the city of lviv, a kind of oxomoron nonsense, which did take place today. we hesitated for a very long time when we learned this information from the page of the city mayor sadovoi, where he was indignant, said that he would appeal somewhere, then we learned that almost the only lviv media that was invited to and was present at kanal 24 was at this forum, other lviv media did not get there, there were all-ukrainian media, there were polish media, there were german media, we have already consulted on this.


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