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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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puts an intransigent russia to the negotiating table, but if it is not a military intervention, that's right, that is excluded, and not a complete economic blockade of russia, because not everyone will even agree, well, even if the western world were to introduce such a pitanal thing , it has not happened yet, and so then we come to what will be a realistic picture of this whole thing, this whole forum, in addition to the fact that they will gather there and talk, from my point of view, the biggest success of this conference is important... this first stage will be the number of countries that will go there will come, and that's why russia is embarrassed by this, and that's why russia is fighting against it, and that's why it actively asks china to shoot down all those who want to, who are influenced by china, so that they don't go there, in everything else, i'm not just skeptical, i think it's a soap opera the bubble, the search for some intermediaries who will go to some russia, the pope of rome, bartholomew, the austrians, the turks, senegal, whoever you want, name it, all this goes nowhere. all this is going nowhere for the simple reason
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that any, any compromise, any freeze, or any truce for today can only be at the expense of ukraine, only. russia will not concede a single meter of ukrainian territory in its negotiating positions. isn't that clear? so what compromises are we talking about? we want to say that we will agree there in switzerland, authorize the pope of rome, he will go to putin and say, well, we have to... i am ready, taking into account the current realities, and these realities are known, this is the front line, and that ukraine will go to negotiate on such positions, no, it won't work, that's why it's all nonsense, and it's a danger of such and such a reversal that the forum can turn in that direction, well, how will he just talk and make some declarations on three issues, the prisoners must be released, the food security, the shipping security, and so on, and if they go down this wrong, this terrible
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for ukraine historical path of finding compromises, then this gave rise to a completely false illusion in ukrainian society that the russian-ukrainian war can be ended with some negotiations, that some negotiations will lead to peace and that some negotiations will stop our victims, that is the greatest danger of such forums, they are thinking correctly, but we don't know where they will turn, i think that we should speak out loud... that there are different ways that this forum will go, and god forbid, it will go to the so-called the congregational way, which bohdan khmelnytsky in 1949, having every opportunity to defeat casimir and bring the polish army to its knees, which is what he agreed with him, how it ended, and with this, ukraine has been pregnant for 300 years, for 300 years we have been doing it and for 300 years we therefore we lose, in the current situation. this, no matter how painful it is
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had to admit that this compromise is only at the expense of ukraine. i do not see a single person in ukraine who would sign such a compromise, not a single one, because it is political suicide at the same moment, and it is an instant split of ukrainian society into those who will support it, because our soldiers stop dying, and those who who will immediately oppose it . therefore, i would be very, very careful , god forbid, how this forum ends. declarations on three issues identified by the president of ukraine, may god grant that more than 100 countries will gather, and then more one people's deputy, you asked a very important question regarding this international forum, we understand that any war ends with negotiations, not always with a peace treaty, but with negotiations, not always direct.
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thieves, maybe with mediators, but the negotiations, regarding this swiss conference, i think that this is the beginning of a long way, which is called the negotiation process, it seems to me that this is the inevitable objective thing, we are just materially present in ukraine with those pains and troubles, and we cannot abstract ourselves a little, but... something of ourselves after abstracting, we will understand that one way or another, well, the end of the war must come someday, if suddenly this putin horde does not fall due to internal reasons, then one way or another it will be necessary to conduct some negotiations in order to end it, or simply stay on the demarcation line, so such a platform as this international forum is the beginning of something, what mr. stensky says about the tehran conference, well, it is a bad example, because we understand what was gathered there. those leaders
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who were obviously determined that they were at war to finish off the enemy, right here there are no, relatively speaking, those leaders who want to defeat russia, well, with what blood and sweat do we win our right to strike western countries with their weapons along the border strip of the russian federation, the border, not even across the entire territory of the russian federation , where those missiles can reach, but the question is different, you see, i would give other examples and also not good enough examples of peace negotiations, you see, switzerland can give the go-ahead to a long process. searching for a global world of how to get out of this situation, which ukraine found itself today, because just today, literally yesterday or today, i read one of the international diplomats, it seems, a swede, who says that there is no end to this war, that in recent months it
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has moved into the mode of endless war and that he is afraid america, what the west is afraid of, we are in a state of endless war, and we are tired of endless war, especially... and democracy, you know, i remember, here is the biggest war that was in the recent, beginning of the recent history of europe - the one-year war , but peaceful the treaty of munster was signed, and peace negotiations were held for seven years, seven years, as a result, holland became an independent state, united provinces, others also chose their independence. the spanish empire fell apart, but for 7 years, during those seven years, there was military action, it did not stop, believe me, if even now what is called a peace process starts, the military action will not stop, because there is no direct dialogue, obviously with the russian federation, if it will be, maybe it will be
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because of some distant or direct or indirect mediators, but there will be military actions, and putin understands what he is doing, he is emasculating us in a long war, as far as we can drag out and... withstand a long war, you see what we have in terms of mobilization, whether we can replenish the losses, which we have today on the battlefield, understaffing of our brigades, rear support and so on, you look at what we have with energy, we have lost almost 100% of the thermal generation system, to a large extent, hydroelectric power, i am already silent about others and so on, and we will have a catastrophic winter, if i don't know, we will prepare for it, i, as a member of the budget committee, today at the meeting of the budget committee, we voted for the allocation of 860 billion, we apologize for 860 million for the restoration of two thermal power plants, the tripoli and
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kharkiv power plants, that's why i i think the third third component is that we don't have enough money for the army, because we use our own budget to keep the army and support our army with our own budget, we currently lack uah 300 billion by the end of the year. and these are preliminary funds, obviously without raising taxes, without raising vat and so on, military levies, excise taxes, we are not you, we will not correct this situation, how can we raise these situations, if our economy is more well established , that is, i am talking about the fact that in a long war, putin knows what he is doing, and it is obvious that such markers as this conference between... the people's great peaceful, well, in a certain way, it is a search for a way out of the situation in which the country, ukraine, found itself today, evaluating realistically your situation, assessing what international partners are getting tired, and we don't know what will be the turn of our biggest ally, and i will tell you only
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one fact, i'm sorry, i'm taking time, america is not only electing a president in november , america is 100% changing the house of representatives, congress by 100%, and america... is changing the senate by 50%, and this means that by the end of the year a situation may arise where the government may be changed almost by 100%, by almost 100%, to this military aid of 61 billion in us by the end of the year, 7.5 billion in direct financial aid to the budget per month until the end of the year, and a military woman leaving the warehouses and so on. what will we do if the new agreement is not voted on by the end of the year by the old congress and senate and not ratified, and accordingly. signed by the new old president, will the situation not be such that we have, conditionally speaking, a new agreement vital for our army, because the price of this agreement, which has been delayed until the month of april, is our territorial losses and human losses and the kharkiv offensive of russia, when actually michael johnson managed to be convinced by various
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efforts, and actually she was voted in congress, it will be delayed again next year until some invisible time, and this will aggravate the situation at the front, i do not even want to guess about it. because everyone is working to prevent this from happening and to convince the americans, but the marker of the americans is a very serious marker, and all these circumstances, all this diversity must be taken into account, you understand and... i believe that the peace conference in switzerland, well this is certainly one of the main lifelines for ukraine, so that the actual speaking, well, let's say so, decently exit this war peacefully, not defeated, but to get the victory that will satisfy us all, about the long game, we have mp oksana savchuk from the all-ukrainian association svoboda with us, and what to want, you teras are right in saying that in fact the russians strategically very sometimes... correctly stretch everyone our chains of actions, and we very often get lost in some such questions, which
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in fact should be, you know, obvious to us, how our father was still there before the beginning of the full-scale invasion, about the moscow patriarchate, very often mrs. okseno, we communicate with you about this , and you know how much they spoke again, this was already the case, as leonid danylovych kuchma said, today they again failed to finally put to a vote... the bill on the final ban of the moscow patriarchate, the war, there are many examples when we found in those churches of the moscow patriarchate some, weapons, subversive intelligence groups were stored there, and we continue to walk around and still somehow want, you know, somehow not to offend those who are parishioners of the moscow patriarchate. ms. oksana, we've been waiting for a long time , we're sorry, but we're giving you our word now. well, look, i will say very briefly, because
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a lot has already been said, we are expected to take action, quick operational action in this matter. if we talk about today's such an important day, the day of heroes, then i will give you a concrete example of how the situation with the moscow patriarchate can change, if there is the political will of those who rule there, whether in the city or in the region. today in ivano-frankivsk, we held a general prayer for the heroes and it was held on the territory of the temple, which exactly a year ago belonged to the russian orthodox church. last year , the transition took place, this transition was not easy, it was very difficult, but it took place, such a garrison temple was created, a lot of soldiers came, we opened a memorial wall to the boys who died from ivano-frankivsk, each by name , the names of these
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heroes of ours are engraved on a large wall, which is located on the territory of this now garrison church, which a year ago still belonged to the moscow church itself, during the year a lot of changes took place, of course the people who started going to this church changed, and the situation is extremely has changed, there is a ukrainian language, there is... like fundraising for the ukrainian army, unfortunately, they cannot boast of the same in the transcarpathian region, in the chernivtsi region, and in those regions where there is still a very large lobbying of this church, i even i will be honest, and many people will support me here, that when we started collecting the signatures of people's deputies, i personally also went with a signature sheet, among non-faction deputies, it is a great sadness and... sorrow, the people's elected representatives who, such as their constituencies
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in the occupation, or, for example, they represent the territories of chernivtsi oblast, zakarpattia oblast, and kharkiv oblast, where, absolutely, it is very difficult to talk to them, they are not ready, so there must first be political will here, and from the state leadership to resolve this question is not possible. to throw this question now as it was abandoned, as it now looks, is to do everything possible so that this question is not voted on, i know that it is possible to put these things differently, so to sum up, i will say very simply: if there is a government that understands that once and for all it is necessary to call, develop the ukrainian church and finally ban the moscow church, then it takes concrete actions, and if there is a government that plays with this issue, then it fast... will come up with signature letters, the first, second, third reading, and the whole world just like that not to do, that's why we
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have to win in this issue, all those who understand that this issue should be pressed and voted on. yesterday, may 22, the verkhovna rada also voted in favor of a resolution on the formation of a temporary special commission on the use of budget funds for development, i have to read it all fortifications and engineering barriers on the contact line. as well as for the production and purchase of drones for the defense forces, was headed by the representative of the servant of the people mykola zadorozhny, i must note here that we called mr. zadorozhny and even agreed with him to be included in this broadcast. but for some reason he did not manage to get in touch with us, we hope that these are some good reasons to talk about it, there is a list of what this commission should investigate, and , of course, questions that arise, in particular on it the secretary of the lviv city council, markiyan lupachak, now serves, drew attention to the fact that two
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representatives of the opzh, who can be completely considered separatists, also joined this commission, will also ... investigate something, ms. oksano, tell us a little more about what kind of initiative this is, in why is it necessary, and how do you evaluate it? well, look, everything is very simple, the people's elected officials have the right and have a great desire to understand how the companies that provide the fortifications actually work , who gives the task, where exactly to build them and... what happens afterwards, how the materials are actually purchased, who controls the quality, how these fortifications are then maintained, because of course there are a number of problems with this, it is no secret that today the problems also continue, and we perfectly understand each the city is now sending people to the fortifications, well, for example,
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we have a group of people who arrived, they have been there for the third day already, but they are waiting for... inventory, because the contractor cannot deliver it to them for various reasons, someone, means, says that low-quality materials, therefore, that is in fact, there are a lot of appeals, and we know all these appeals, so it's all very simple, i generally think that these questions should have been asked immediately and not made a circus, and here the speaker is definitely wrong when he brought the situation to such a level absurdity and then we made the fort again. buildings, regarding the opzh and all these people who are in the parliament today, who should not be there, i am categorically against their being part of any tsk at all, because there is no trust in principle in them, these are the people who betrayed ukraine and betray now, who would i did not say that, and i am categorically,
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unequivocally against the fact that we should include them anywhere or in the delegation. somewhere else, because there is no trust in them, and there are registered bills to deprive them of their mandate, i do not see anything problematic in doing this, so, unfortunately, this circus was allowed, first of all , by the presidium of the parliament, and in including the speaker who led to this situation, which did not best reflect the mood of the population in relation to the parliament in the regular session, unfortunately. thank you, oksana savchuk, narodna. a deputy from frankiv region represents the servant of the people with bulls on skype taras tetskiv, then taras batenko, after the verkhovna rada, i want to return to the conference in switzerland, i completely agree that the comparison with tehran 43 is a bad comparison, that was simply the original intention of the authors of this idea , they took teheran-43 as an example, and then their idea
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and point of view evolved into the crimean pony , they would definitely not have met in iran, well , that's right, so later, when on the move. preparation, they saw that tehran-43 did not work, and the idea evolved to the crimean platform, there is more of an analogy here, what the crimean platform is, we also know how it goes, i’m not saying it’s bad, it’s normal, but the result is where it is, but at the very last stage, the idea of ​​negotiations was sketched out, and here i consider the greatest danger, i want to explain where this danger lies, look, if ukraine does not agree beforehand, at least with its key... allies, on what to consider a ukrainian victory and what our common goals are in the war, going to negotiations is dangerous, dangerous, and now the goals of ukraine and goals of the event in understanding ukrainian victories are different, our vision of victory is different from the american one, since we want to go to negotiations with putin, when he knows very well what he wants, and we have
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negotiators from the other side, there are different points of view, well, that's about it, when you sit down at a big table and there is no... yet an agreed position, he says, let's talk again, so as a result, i'm sorry, intoxicants, at the end a completely different picture can be drawn than the one you saw at the beginning, and we can impose a completely different negotiating position that our political party is thinking about leadership, this is where i want to say what is the danger, god forbid that i be wrong and god forbid that it does not go that far, but until then, i want to say, until the goals of this war and ukrainian victory.. . three things will not be determined, three, this is the military defeat of the russian army on the territory of ukraine, one, this is the change of the regime in russia 2 and internal transformation. it is dangerous for russia, which foresees the disappearance of its empire, to sit down for any negotiations with the russians, until then, and if there is still no agreement with the west, then it is our
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work to coordinate it with the west, and we know very well how to make this war final, we are before, and the west knows how to make it final, only it is afraid to make it final because of the well-known circumstances that are beyond the scope of this program, so really ukraine should not go with the flow, impose the agenda that is beneficial for us, i do not claim that we can, that we may or may not win here, and there may be such a thing, the freezing of the conflict after the fact, which will be extremely disadvantageous for us , but i would warn against one thing: any writing a truce will have to be implemented, any truce, petro poroshenko has already signed minsk twice, and it held us by the throat for many years, and this is what ended the war for us, no, it is better to freeze in fact than any signed one. not a truce, let alone negotiations and let alone any preliminary peace agreements. this is what i want to say: there is no current situation that would be beneficial for ukraine to start
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negotiations. i'm not saying that there won't be any, but it's one thing to negotiate with putin, and another to negotiate with, for example, that a junta that will kill putin and become the provisional russian government, right? is there a difference? name who i said for an example, then wait, where are we going with negotiations, with what negotiations? we want to negotiate with putin, so who is in a hurry, who is in a hurry , that is why we have to be very careful about this, i just want to say this, so that , god forbid, the forum in switzerland does not lead us astray with the negotiation process as a way to end the war, there is no there is no diplomatic solution to the russian-ukrainian war, unfortunately, mr. batenko, and then nothing else, mr mykola just held his hand faster, and then i already, let me, i would like to turn. and if it is delayed in the case of impossibility, then
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through negotiations, but the red line today is that putin trumpets negotiations at all venues, he says that we have already had them, ukraine does not want negotiations, we are ready. second, no one is talking about what problems putin has, i have the impression that here, that putin has always existed. everything is alive, everything is okay with him, and we should be afraid and almost not go to initiate some negotiations. the point is, that there are more serious problems, you look, he went to china, what did he come back with, he did not sign the contract on the gas pipeline, he did not sign the contract with the banks, they have a problem, moreover, the americans began to press sinzipinya, it is furnished there, i counted about 40 positions, respectively. they raised tariffs there to beyond 100% on electric cars, and everything went , even military products
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, metal, and everything else inside the country. i watched this speech by putin when people were live on the air, well, they just booed him like that has not been in the entire history, that is, in russia , problems are beginning, there are natural cataclysms. the economy has collapsed, if they have 60, they planned to release 63 planes, today they released one, one, instead of the planned 43, they overwrote it by four, that is, the economy is in decline, and of course russia needs negotiations, and now potin is shouting about it on various and now, in principle, our western partners are also saying that a message will be sent out about the negotiation process, there is no negotiation process at all... the whole event, i would ask putin a question now in the abstract: are you ready to fight with ukraine, which the world supports with its economy and its sanctions, of course
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, the west is not ready and not tired of supporting us, show me at least one leader who would say that yes, we are tired, in contrast to what america says, which supports , great britain supports, germany supports, and all the rest of the leaders support, of course there are problems, well, but i believe that... we should not talk about any compromises there, there should be only the un charter, the inviolability of the borders for violation of territorial integrity , because that's all will shake their heads, convinced that the principles of international law are the basis of the corner, if they do not exist, there is no law as such, and whoever says to shut up, it all depends, friends, i conclude, it all depends on the report, on the president's report. to what extent he will be able to speak charismatically and touch upon the topics in order to lead this summit. we say to the viewers of spress, see you next week
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hrycevych live sound. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following frames can you shock. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews. reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom of life, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our...
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today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. can ukraine? strike at territory of russia with american weapons. after a visit to kyiv, us secretary of state anthony blinken now advocates allowing ukraine to strike targets in the russian federation. at least the new york times writes about it. and while discussions are going on in the white house, russia is striking the kharkiv region, where the last two weeks are coming. this is svoboda life and my name is iryna sisak. about 15 rocket strikes were carried out by russian troops in the morning on kharkiv.


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