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tv   [untitled]    May 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. can ukraine strike russian territory with american weapons? after a visit to kyiv, us secretary of state antony blinken now advocates allowing ukraine to strike targets of the russian air force, at least that's what the new york times writes. and while discussions are going on in the white house, russia is striking the kharkiv region, where the last two weeks are coming. this is svoboda live and my name is iryna sysak. about 15 rocket strikes in the morning were carried out by russian troops on kharkiv. and
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the region was hit with s-300 or s-400 missiles , the national police of the kharkiv region said. as a result of the attack, seven people were previously killed, and twenty others were injured. local authorities said russia had hit the city's civilian infrastructure, including a printing company. later , the vivat publishing house officially confirmed the hitting of missiles by the faktor druk printing house, which is part of the same holding together with the publishing house. as a result of the impact, five workers were killed . directly at the workplace, the regional prosecutor's office reported. previously, at the time of the two rockets hitting the enterprise, more than 50 workers were there. i would like to point out that faktor druk is one of the largest full-cycle printing complexes in europe, where books of most ukrainian publishing houses are printed. in addition, the mayor of kharkiv igor terekhov added that the russian forces also hit the transport infrastructure and one of the divisions of the utility company. more specific data. he did not suggest.
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the city's railway infrastructure was also hit by rockets. more on that later reported in ukrzaliznytsia. six railway workers were previously injured, and despite the russian attack, the trains continued to run according to schedule. radio liberty journalists came to the place where the russian missiles were hit, according to the typography in kharkiv. see what they filmed. study of a manufacturing enterprise that was engaged in printing, they printed both notebooks and books, there was a shift, people were working, the arrival of the previous s-300, you can see the destruction, one hit was directly in the shop where people worked, two more missiles, let's say yes, close to that enterprises. thus, the first units
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that arrived at the scene, as well as police officers, during the reconnaissance, together with the medics, evacuated the injured workers, carried them out on stretchers, they had to work in a smoky area, in compressed air machines, due to the fact that it was very hot. .. downloads, namely paper, paper products, were filled in this building. we had nine rocket strikes directly on the city of kharkiv, ah, so, three more strikes on the settlement of lubotyn, the enemy hits exclusively on our civilians, on lyubotin is the same, open territory.
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park area, that is, it was probably calculated that there was a large number of people there, in the morning zolochiv was hit by guided air bombs, the kindergarten and exclusively civilian infrastructure were also affected again. about the situation in the kharkiv region, we will talk further with olena shapoval, spokeswoman of the kharkiv ova. elena, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. tell me. please elaborate, what are the effects of the current russian attack on the city and region, what are the latest figures on the dead and injured, and what was ultimately destroyed? yes, just now returned from the scene of the incident, unfortunately, the rescuers still continue to eliminate the consequences, because the fires are very large-scale, very large, the occupiers inflicted a massive rocket attack on populated areas of kharkiv oblast, not only the regional center, but also the region, during a short period of time the occupiers fired. that at least 15 missiles,
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s-300 or s-400, the type of weapons is still being established, all strikes were carried out from the territory of the russian federation, from belgorod. unfortunately, seven people died in kharkiv, as you said in the story of your journalists, they were employees of the enterprise, this is an exclusively civilian enterprise, this is a printing house where a huge number of ukrainians, publishers were printed, in fact, this is an absolutely civilian object, and more than 20 people were injured at the moment, that is, the number of injured, unfortunately, is increasing, because people. .. to seek medical help, we are talking about the publishing house, but the mayor of kharkiv igor terikhov noted that russia also targeted the transport infrastructure and one of the divisions of the utility company, can you tell what kind of infrastructure this is? and which utility company was it? without
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going into details, these are objects of critical infrastructure that were hit in the kholodnohirsky district, and a transport object was also hit. there are no victims of the infrastructure, the consequences are being eliminated, i will not comment further for security reasons. garast, and i, and then can you voice how this blow to this transport and communal infrastructure can affect the life of the city, i mean, maybe the power outage or the water supply? now our lights are turned off according to schedules, emergency shutdowns are also applied, but i will say right away that they are not related to today's strikes that took place in the city. garast, please tell me then, does it make sense to talk about the relocation of enterprises now, how safe is it for them to stay in the city in kharkiv under such circumstances? well, of course, a large number of enterprises are relocating to safer regions of ukraine, but
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the patriots of the kharkiv region, the patriots of kharkiv remained to work, unfortunately, there are practically no safe places left in the kharkiv region, because the enemy is attacking. such devastating strikes in broad daylight, we have an alarm, i think, you know, they sound 16 hours a day and last 16 hours, so of course kharkiv and the kharkiv region, unfortunately, are dangerous and always at risk of strikes, since we are 30 km away from the border line with the russian federation, from the front line, therefore, of course, kharkiv region remains a threat to entrepreneurs, including, according to previous information, russia struck with 15 missiles, we already mentioned that s-300 or s-400, which is were for rockets, or do you already have specific information or any confirmation about the type of missiles? no, the law enforcement officers are still establishing the data, also in addition to kharkiv, the russians also struck lyubotyn, shelled the central part
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of the city, a large number of people were also injured there, 13 local residents, four of them were hospitalized, absolutely again civilian objects were damaged, these are... cars, shops, besides, the enemy hit the tractors, dozens of private houses were damaged, and as a result, once again, the enemy rockets hit, they were injured at least five people, and just recently there was information that the occupiers also struck with drones and an 11-year-old boy was injured, the strike happened around 2:30 p.m. in the zolochiv community. and the boy was also hospitalized, he sought help together with his relatives. alena, if we talk about the situation in the region in general, how controlled is the situation on the front line in the kharkiv region, in particular , in the area near liptsi, where are the russian military trying to break through and are they succeeding
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there to restrain the offensive? what can you tell? yes, as the commander-in-chief already noted, the syrian occupiers are once again continuing, continuing. get involved in street battles in the vovchan direction, but suffer high losses in the personnel of their steering units, tries to transfer reserves, but in the vovchan direction the situation remains difficult, in relation to the liptsi district, the enemy also suffers losses there, tries to switch to active defense , and the situation is just as difficult in the kupinsky direction, where the enemy does not stop assaults and... on now the situation is tense in the area of ​​kislivka, where the enemy is trying to break through our defenses and reach the skil river as well. and one last clarification regarding vovchansk, do you know or have information, what percentage of ukraine controls the city today? it is not entirely
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correct to talk about percentages, because the battles about the battles continue, they continue literally for every house, for every street, so we can say that our armed forces of ukraine are present in the entire territory. thank you, it was olena shapoval, spokeswoman for kharkiv ova. thanks you. the russian army is completely engaged in street fighting for vovchansk in the kharkiv region. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi wrote about this on facebook. according to him, the russian troops suffered heavy losses in the personnel of the assault units. and now , i quote, russia is transferring reserves from various directions, trying to support active assault actions, but without success, - writes syrskyi. the head also notes that in the liptsi district the russian forces have switched to active defense and are laying mines. and shelling the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. and a fighter of the second
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special unit of the special purpose center omega of the national guard of ukraine joins our broadcast on a pseudo-magnet. good evening to you. good evening. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. tell me, please, what is the situation in the direction where you are now, are you able to contain the russian attacks there, and have they weakened, or perhaps, on the contrary, have they intensified? to date, the situation in our direction remains under control, sometimes the enemy uses small assault groups and tries to find weak places on the approaches to our defense line. the defense forces of ukraine are destroying the enemy with the help of drones, artillery, and our unit's fire calculations are also working. at the moment, we are in the kharkiv direction, but i cannot provide more detailed information to ensure security. our boys, the enemy uses attack drones, artillery, with the help of aviation he
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launches guided aerial bombs, mainly on peaceful residents of our city. also, as you could already see, open resources are different telegram channels, as the enemy uses rocket artillery from its territory, mainly in the belgorod region. the defense forces of ukraine respond well and resolutely to the enemy and inflict maximum damage. please tell me, if you have such information, can you tell how deep into the territory the russian military managed to advance, can we talk about it, well, at the moment it is not a secret, even our supreme commander told that in some directions the enemy managed advance to a depth of 10 km, but fighters various units that are on the defensive will resolutely restrain the enemy and carry out offensive actions. good, can you see... how many troops russia has concentrated in your direction, because earlier the secretary of the national security council oleksandr lytvynenko stated that
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russia has concentrated about 50,000 soldiers on the border with the kharkiv region. what is the situation now? well, at the moment, regarding the number of personnel of the enemy units, i cannot tell you, but i have the confidence that it is not enough to make any. certain actions are decisive from their side, that is, everything will be fine, don’t worry, ugh, that is, you can’t estimate from your side at least approximately what the forces are on the russian side, roughly no, approximately i can’t tell you how much right now, ugh, okay, the day before reuters and bilt wrote that the armed forces of ukraine managed to stop the russian offensive near kharkiv, thanks in particular to artillery shells from the united states of america, which the military needed very much. is this really the case, what is the situation with the projectiles? how do you feel, do you feel enhanced
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in general? and the gunners, you know, or as the gods of war also call them, they work loudly, and we as fighters, we see and feel it. our gunners, they have special training, they are real professionals, their own business, and with the help of western weapons , every shot flies into these. so is there enough shells in the end or not, can you talk about that? whether there are enough shells or not, our gunners work 24x7 for the enemy and will incur maximum losses. nazaraz me at the moment i can not tell you the information regarding ammunition, but there is plenty of it. because president zelenskyy stated the other day. that the armed forces for the first time in two years of the war lacked artillery shells. that was
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the information, i want to understand whether you confirm it or not? i cannot provide you with such information for our security. garast, then let's talk about the russian military, how they behave, has the offensive changed and what are the current tactics of the russian army, how can you evaluate, compare, perhaps, with previous periods? well, look, they use tactics small groups, trying to approach our positions, but as i said. said, our gunners don’t let them get to our defenses, uh, the enemy gets everything they deserve, they fly at him as much as possible, firi also, by the way, what is the situation with fpv, does russia have enough fpv drones and does it have anything oppose ukraine in this situation? well, i can say that
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the enemy is also hitting the m... we'll hit the p as well, but, but we don't feel that they have any more or less, he's also using, you know, well, there are fp drones, i say, and artillery, you say that you are destroying the enemy of the russian military, but can you tell us how much russian equipment you have already managed to destroy and what kind of equipment it is, mostly it is equipment for... these are loaves, uazs, golf carts, they destroyed the guys, the number of destroyed equipment constantly updated, constantly updated and edited on our website, facebook, special purpose center, there is all the information. please tell me, given the situation in
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kharkiv oblast, whether you can now assess russia's intentions, because cnn writes that if russia captures liptsi, then this will give them... the ability to place artillery within reach of kharkov, how do you assess the situation in general? well, at the moment, they don't have the strength to seize july. our boys are standing in their positions, performing their task. and what is the strategic importance for russia, for the russian army , of capturing the lipetsk, what can it give to the russian army? will it really allow it? ugh, yes, in order to deploy artillery and cause some inconvenience to the defense forces of ukraine. but this will not happen. i understood you. by the way, the opinion of the military is also interesting: the cabinet of ministers approved additional vacations for the military for the destroyed russian equipment, depending on whether it is a plane , a tank, or a drone, from one to five
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days of additional vacation. how do you feel about this, will such a decision generally increase the motivation of the military? yes, well, you know, in my opinion, it will be, it will be a good incentive and motivation to go on a combat mission and go on vacation, because in these two years, well, i want to say that the military personnel went on vacation, but not for all 30 days, that is, 10 days, 15, you know well, they were defeated, but if we destroy the enemy and go on vacation, it will be very good. so you approve of this idea? i think so. thank you, it was a fighter of the second separate special forces unit of the omega special forces center of the national guard of ukraine on a pseudomagnet. thank you. the white house calls on
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us secretary of state anthony blinken to lift the ban on strikes by american weapons on russian territory. the american edition of the new york times writes about it. the article goes on. that blinken's position, which earlier repeatedly stated about limiting strikes by western weapons against russia, changed last week's trip to kyiv. the authors call this visit sobering for blinken. in particular, he was influenced by the russian offensive in the kharkiv region, before which ukraine only observed the deployment of russian forces on the border, but due to the ban could not strike at them, and this allowed the russian army to actively advance, the publication writes. how exactly can the restrictions be relaxed. the department is still working on proposals at the discussion stage, and president biden has not yet seen the document either, the new york times article says. prohibiting strikes on russia is a political decision, and ukraine has the right to strike on the territory of the russian federation. this is the opinion of fabrice potier, director of the rasmussen foundation and ex-director of nato policy planning. a fragment of his interview with radio svoboda.
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listen further. according to international law. ukraine has every right to strike russian targets on russian territory. i believe that it is a political decision not to allow ukrainians to use it for this western systems. i also believe that this restriction that we imposed on the ukrainians is one of those that limited their ability to put more pressure on the russians. in fact, since the beginning of this war, we have asked ukrainians to fight with one hand behind their backs, and it is time to let go of that hand and accept the fight. and this is about allowing the ukrainians to do what they think is right within the framework of international law, we also have to trust the ukrainians that they are prudent and doing the right thing, if you look at what they have already done, how they have applied ours... have used some of their weapons, in my opinion, they have always been proportionate, targeted and avoided any unnecessary civilian casualties
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. to limit or allow the use of american weapons, discussions about this continue in the usa, i will just add that the day before the speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson, the one who actually delayed the provision of military aid to ukraine for several months, supported the permission. to beat ukraine on the territory of the russian federation with american weapons. more about this is what we are talking about now with tetyana vorozhko, the senior editor of the ukrainian service of the voice of america. tatyana, good evening to you. congratulations, congratulations. what are the thoughts being heard in washington today, what are the arguments put forward by those who are in favor of allowing ukraine to attack the russian federation. and what does the biden administration have to say about it? well, we're actually recording an interview right now with a spokesman for the state department of state... and we're hoping to get an answer to that question, that question, and as you just quoted the new york times article that this debate continue they say with reference to their sources, and
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i hope, there are such hopes that this position will be changed, and we see that the us congress this week has become a fairly significant driver for changing this position, several congressmen, as republicans , and the democrats, members of the house intelligence committee, this is the chairman of this committee, regarding aid to ukraine, they wrote a letter to lloyd austin, the secretary of defense of the united states, urging him to change this rule after all, and yesterday my a colleague also asked both the leader of the speaker of the house of representatives and one of the leaders of the democrats, what they think about this position, about the ban on shooting at russian military targets on the territory of russia. let's listen. i think we should allow it. ukraine to wage war as they see fit. they must be able to fight back. i believe that trying to control efforts at the micro level is not a very good
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policy for us. the most important way to help our allies in ukraine fight for their freedom is to support them military. we did it. additional national security funding is of great benefit to their fight for freedom. coordination and discussion in the military. areas will continue, we expect that to continue in addition to the resources that are given to them, but what is important is that they have the resources to win this war and defend themselves as a democracy in the region, and we will continue to provide them with those resources, and actually nevertheless, such calls to lift this ban also come from democrats, not only from republicans, but if we talk about the senate, then spi is the leader of the republican minority in the senate... mccone, speaking at the atlantic council, also said that this micromanagement should be stopped, there are also statements from ukraine, by the way, ukrainian deputies worked in the congress last week, as
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one told us from the current delegations of oleksandr ustinov, that they had such full support for the ukrainian position that they did not meet a single person who did not agree with it, well, there are also quite powerful statements from the ukrainian side, in particular, the new york times also published an interview i'm with volodymyr zelenskyi, who also, you know , intensified this wave a little, where he said that he had so eloquently told how the ukrainian armed forces watched the russians prepare an offensive on the other side of the border and could not do anything until the russian troops crossed the border, well and actually he talks about the fact, and other american media cite this, that this fear of escalation, this fear is unjustified, that putin, well, he also wants to live, and the ambassador of ukraine to the united states, oksana markaru, she is in the american ... she explains that it is already ukraine for two years now, he has been explaining and talking about the fact that they have every right, and in accordance with the un charter and other legal norms, to fight this aggression, and where it is with
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russian forces, both on the territory of ukraine and on the territory of russia, but with regard to the details of these negotiations, she, shall we say, she does not reveal the details, and the former high-ranking official victoria nolont also spoke about it, in addition to this hearing in the helsinki commission, the former deputy spoke about it. and the former deputy minister of defense of ukraine, he, when asked, well, what could this, you know, change the situation in the war right now, he said that ukraine has more long-range weapons, and also so that they can hit these targets on the territory of russia, he says, if they cut off the supply, if they start destroying the headquarters of the russians on territories of russia, then in principle ukraine, the ukrainians will start to win, and we are trying to get a position from the pentagon after the after during the press conference after... the ramstein meeting last monday loy dosin said that politics is not changed, but he said that the dynamics in the air are somewhat different, well, my colleague ostap yarosh tried
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to find out from the pentagon spokesman what it meant. these other dynamics and whether there are any changes in the policy of the pentagon, let's listen. we've heard from secretary austin about his thoughts on us weapons striking targets in russia, but can you explain why the ukrainians can't use those weapons to retaliate against attacks coming from russian territory. we know that the pantheon it does not support, but what is the rationale behind this approach. see as emphasized. minister, our policy has not changed, we are focused on providing ukraine with the means it needs to defend its sovereign territory, and you know, we understand that, we will continue to talk with our ukrainian partners, as well as with our international allies and partners, when it comes to means, in particular air defense, that ukraine needs for its defense. regarding air
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defense, the minister also said that the dynamics something different in the air, does this mean that the restrictions will not apply to air defense systems, and ukraine can use them to strike targets in russian airspace. as the minister noted, i will not analyze different scenarios. again, the strategic intent here is to enable ukraine to defend itself and protect its sovereign territory. so, if and when we have something to comment on this matter, we will definitely do it. i stop at this, well, if we, so we see that the situation is dynamic, it is is changing, and we are following it closely. tatyana, in the end, given all these statements by american officials and politicians that we have just heard, what are the forecasts, whether the biden administration will be able to dismiss fears and relax the restrictions, or cancel them altogether, and whether it is known what proposals the state department is working on today. well, actually, it is very difficult to say, i would not like to make
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predictions, but i can only say. to say that this wave, it became quite powerful, especially after blinken's visit to kyiv, especially after this press conference where he he said that, of course, we don't encourage ukrainians to shoot on russian territory, but in the end, it's up to them to decide how to conduct their military operations, how to defend themselves, that's it, i'm not quoting directly, so it's possible be, could be with one of those, you know, possible scenarios that have already been voiced, but could... be something else like what the uk is talking about, so we'll wait, it's pretty hard to make predictions at the moment, but the statement there is a lot of buzz now, attention is drawn to this topic the american press, the american export environment of congress, so it's all there, all of that can change, yes. tetyana, thank you, this was tetyana vorozhko, senior editor of the ukrainian service of the voice of america. thanks. and i will add in the context.
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discussions in washington, as the chairman of the us house of representatives committee on foreign affairs, republican michael mccaul criticized the restrictions on the use of american weapons by the defense forces of ukraine. mccall hung up a map in the committee before secretary of state anthony blinken's speech military bases on the territory of the russian federation, which are within the range of american weapons available in ukraine. how it was, look. i marked the application areas. will you change this policy so that ukraine can fight without its hands tied behind its back? as you know, over the past two years we have rallied 50 countries to stand up for ukraine and provide it with the weapons it needs for self-defense, to repel russian aggression, when it comes to attacks on targets outside of ukraine, we don't
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approve of that, but ukraine ... will have to make her own decisions and i want to make sure she gets the equipment she needs. and continuing the topic of american weapons further, can the us lift restrictions on strikes against russia and how can this permission affect the situation on the battlefield? we will talk about this and more with oleksandr mareshko, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people and head of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. he joins our broadcast. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. good evening. please tell me what you think regarding the discussion in the united states of america, why did it even arise, the issue of strikes by american weapons on the territory of russia is immature, and what do you think the real results of these discussions might be? well, the fact is that in general this issue has two aspects, it is a legal or international legal aspect, and there is a political aspect. i would add, maybe even a psychological aspect. why hesitation?


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