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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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and what everyone is interested in, everything is very interesting, very interested in the experience that can be obtained simply by having some close contact and cooperation, one does not expect to see such levels of knowledge and such approaches to problem solving, while it all causes such a certain stress, but unlike last year, this stress began gradually... to turn into some points, last time i gave you comments that something good would happen in january, it happened, unfortunately, i cannot comment on it, but all these practical interactions with armed forces and local contractors, i.e. manufacturers located locally in certain western countries, this year they acquired new meanings and... i am still in
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europe, following the results of this exhibition, visiting various manufacturers and conducting some practical negotiations. that is, you are preparing platforms for new projects where the western potential, based on your experience, can generate new products that will really help fight the russian threat. well, it can be argued that these sites have already been formed, they are already like that. for free on the playgrounds, and from these platforms, some practical aspects, practical cooperation, some kind of help, service, maintenance, weapons that were transferred by partners, as well as the creation of something that addresses current challenges and threats, and really causes not illusory, well some is of practical interest to western companies, mr. yaroslav, here... is it
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the rebovsky segment or the radio intelligence segment that interests our partners the most, or the other at the same time? and they are not even ready to talk about radio-technical intelligence in such a meaningful way, to say, what interests everyone, first of all, it interests the means of radio-electronic intelligence, after that , radio engineering, i am interested in radio-electronic warfare. i have the impression that the west has not directly recognized this threat of these means of small unmanned aerial vehicles, which have been widely used on the battlefield in ukraine for about a year now. that is, i think that at the next exhibition we will talk about this segment of tactical rebu with western companies, while such conversations are not conducted. rap in their understanding is against anti-radiolocation e-e means and means
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of suppressing satellite or cellular or terrestrial ground communication, until they can no longer do this, maybe a little anti-drone anti-drone fight, but only with some military drones at some long distances, that is, their concept has not yet changed and the paradigm and approach have not changed. well, this is somewhat strange, because if i'm not mistaken, you gave a presentation on the threat at the last conference. from drones on the battlefield, you told these challenges, and i had hope that in a year they would come from solutions that will, well, help to level this threat, it's so quite so, well, it's strange to hear that they are so inert from the point of view of threat perception, how to prevent this, so that they work a little faster? well, now our government is working very fruitfully on this to at least solve our local problem. and by solving
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this local problem and communicating some results of the application of those approaches that the west is currently offering us, we are precisely bringing this understanding of western countries closer to the fact that this is a problem, it is relevant, it is serious, it systemic, but for now, there is a certain inertia, there is a certain inertia, although i already see certain materials from... bloggers abroad, regarding the fact that, for example, in the same china, experiments have already begun regarding the use of fpv drones, i.e. certain countries are already studying this experience, accordingly , the experience against drone combat will be studied, and even such videos have already appeared in china , some nominal training, i think, another six months a year, and it will really have an impact there in the west and some real decisions will be made , well... points of view. you have two of these
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tactical samples that relate to the detection of unmanned systems and the fight against these drones, these are... the two developments that you brought to these exhibitions, these are precisely the pluton system and the hydra system, can you tell us a little about them, whether they are purchased, in what feature of these things, without too much detail, but to understand the potential and importance of these solutions? well, these are solutions that can be used both separately and together, and the main idea was to make a means of warning about enemy reconnaissance, this means is confusing. or warning about strike drones, passive, which can be installed on some so-called expensive samples of western equipment , including, in order to directly warn the operator, and not to distract him from visiting some radio-electronic intelligence, with a guaranteed
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warning, this interested western partners, because the systems that are delivered, they are basically, well, empty from this point of view, no ... such a full-fledged threat detection tool, as far as hydra is concerned, also, again, while from the point of view of the western partners, they have only just started to analyze the expediency of protection against fpv, their equipment, although the footage from the battlefield shows, and these tsar mangalas were used, well, all parties are trying to do something and are destroyed. confirmation that, well, against such serious means as a modern battlefield tank , some cheap means of destruction, effective destruction can be used, but with regard to the hydra and plato in our country, we are undergoing
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codification accordingly, and now we will expect a delivery order for to provide for our needs, our forces, words, mr. yaroslav, we still have a few minutes, i would like to... ask about the actions of the enemy, i know that you follow quite closely all the trends in the enemy, in the digital segment, i would like to ask you if there are any things on which we need to pay attention to and would like to ask, does the enemy use automated control systems on the battlefield, does this segment somehow exist in the enemy, or is it something that is announced, but does not work? well, they started the system that was announced, they have several systems, but with different effectiveness, there are automated control systems of air defense, air situation, they were worked out even before
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a full-scale invasion and they work, if it was not the first day, battlefield systems have not, as far as i know, shown such ... effectiveness in real application, now the enemy is actively working on developing them, and as far as i know, well, they are already more or less moving from the prototype stage to the stage of such a third-series application, the reason for this is more in the means of communication, that is, blood vessels, which should transmit this information, than in the maturity itself. systems and a little bit about the russian rep. at a certain stage it was such a fetish. it was said that russia invested a lot in these systems. do we have the potential to either achieve parity with the enemy, or to find some asymmetric solutions that
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allow this accumulated potential of the enemy slave to be somehow minimized. do we have any solutions in this direction? well, i... to be honest, well, as of now, i 've said and i'll say what we can call to voice a certain parity in our approaches, understanding under reb, and both systems of electronic intelligence and systems of some kind of electronic influence, i would call that this is a certain parity, it exists, vowels. loud statements at the beginning, not everything that was voiced and demonstrated on the training grounds showed its effectiveness on the battlefield, and saying not everything, we can say and affirm that far from everything, at the same time it is not necessary to somehow minimize the capabilities of our
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enemy, is individual systems, which still demonstrate their certain effectiveness, one way or another, we can... we observe false targets, high-speed false targets flying over kyiv region and there are reports or some alerts, we see that too. electronic warfare, we see some successes in suppressing our reconnaissance aircraft, countering our fpv, etc., etc., this all speaks to the real actual capabilities of such an invisible segment as electronic warfare, defeating our warehouses, targeting reconnaissance aircraft, these are also all elements, which rely on radioelectronic development in in this case, therefore, we have some kind of parity with the enemy, and... while we keep it, of course, we would like to get
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a qualitative advantage. it is more difficult for us, because we are actually completely within the reach of some means of strategic, strategic means of defeating the enemy, this does not allow us to deploy any long-term production or , well, greatly, let's say, complicates this process, nevertheless, we also have something that we can proud yet, but... we can't talk yet, mr. yaroslav, thank you very much for the inclusion, for the explanation, for the fact that your company does everything in order for those things that already work on boribo to appear, and those that we will be proud of in the near future. let me remind you that it was yaroslav kalinin, the director of the company infozakhist, a private company whose experience adds power to our military, and actually surprises the nato countries, which, as we can see, have not had time to adapt the advanced experience that our... developers, these were the main military results of the day, more international and economic news, more
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on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned on the espresso channel. thanks to serhii zagorets, thanks to his guests, today was a long day. but a thorough conversation, let me remind you that today the enemy launched an insidious terrorist attack on kharkiv, targeting the printing house, where, by the way, at one time my books and books by many ukrainian writers were printed, and in fact, i think that there is no such ukrainian writer of books , whose books were not printed in these bookstores, and books that you may not have read were printed in these bookstores, but you know, books are painful, but they can still be printed, unfortunately, for... the people, the workers of this printing house, in particular, the enemy is insidious, the enemy continues to destroy all
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ukrainian people, bookstores, printers, coffee shops, buildings, and therefore it is very important to support today, well, first of all, the sum of condolences due to another attack of the enemy on kharkiv, kharkiv region, because of the next victims, but it is important in this situation not to give up , you know, there are good words in the bible, if hands are down, the roof will leak, well, this is figuratively said, not meant. it will flow in the head one way or another, but as long as the hands are supported, then there is hope, and that is important to us to support the armed forces of ukraine, and since we are not on the front line in the rear now, we have to do what we can do, because only this synergy of the front and the rear, it gives results, if there is a slack somewhere, then, then we can only hope for something, and we have to act and achieve results, therefore , we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone... operations in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions , the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone
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in the open air under any what kind of weather in the afternoon and at night silazon, i think you understand this already in the third year of a full-scale war, everyone understands everything roughly, not everyone has felt, not everyone knows what is there on the front, but they roughly understand that all together there are constant risks, because it is actually not controlled by none of the parties, neither by our military, nor by the aggressor's troops, so it is even more dangerous. dangerous zone and for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed, which will deliver mobile, repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic hydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. eh, here it is important to understand that this is a technique that can be repaired if there are any non-essential damages, well, it can break, maybe something flew somewhere, and it also needs to be repaired for... to start a working apc and a non-working apc are different things , a working armored personnel carrier, it shoots, and,
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for example, there is an armored personnel carrier, an armored personnel carrier, an armored personnel carrier transports troops, but we understand very well that the sooner the tank will work, the sooner the bmp will work and discharge its machine gun there, the sooner the armored personnel carrier will support the troops and take them away, the more important it is, please join us, now we have it, so now we... should have started from sumy oblast, because there are also certain threats there, and there, also today, there was a statement about whether the enemy has plans to advance again into sumy region, but we will now talk about uh... about a slightly different topic, and then we will move on to, now one second, and then , if everything goes well, we will move to sumy region. dmytro barkara, media expert of the institute of mass information. i congratulate you, mr. dmytro. i welcome you, mr. vasyl, and i also welcome dear tv viewers to this studio. thank you. and today, on the one hand, the media issue is important, first of
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all for the media, and on the other hand, it is about war, politics, and people's lives. so, we are glad, the national television council. radio broadcasting, which is actually supposed to monitor, deal with , issue licenses, take away licenses, has published proposals on how to cover news under martial law, among them are the words, who are not recommended to call russian invaders, murderers, terrorists, absolute non-humans, this is what i say so far very softly, euphemistically, because they can create additional tension in society, i will not take you a lot of time to read all that is meant tell me, please, here is this recommendation, or how it is, this is a recommendation and a proposal, how it should be perceived, what it can be caused and motivated, and the final one, so as not to give the opportunity to create additional tension in society and cause some the reaction of the enemy, this is the logic, that is , if we do not use these words, it would mean that
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the enemy will become gentler, there will be no tension in society, please, you know, well, i would not focus here on the attitude of the enemy towards us and the situation in russian society, but in general i would perceive this recommendation as appropriate and adequate, maybe something in the motivational part of this document will be corrected by the national council, but the point is that in general these are quite appropriate advice considering the situation in ukrainian. in society, it is important for ukrainian consumer of information, for the ukrainian population, this is about the abusive, emotional vocabulary that makes no sense, no, well, for quality journalism, it makes no sense to use it for several reasons, one of them is the devaluation of
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the efforts of our military, when we belittle... and the capabilities of the enemy army like this, that is, by calling them there with various derogatory epithets, in this way we also in a certain way devalue the efforts of our military, who are allegedly fighting not against a real army, but against a wild crowd that is us, which is not true , because often and often we heard from the military. such thoughts and such comments, because they often have to deal with the real army, with real specialists in military affairs, and not just with some poor mobilized people , whatever it may be, besides, besides,
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such vocabulary, it displaces , apparently, well, how the understanding in... distorts, makes information not so honest, open, accessible, but simply refers, appeals to the emotions of the audience, causes some emotions, but is not informative, and the aspect that concerns the situation or there in general, as far as the russians are concerned, then... for us, such vocabulary is inappropriate given the fact that then russian propaganda has the opportunity, it receives food in order to use it against us, distort information, and based on the use using such vocabulary in our media, to prove our aggressiveness in the international arena,
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to pretend that we are allegedly guilty of something, well, in the sense of an attack on ukraine. to prove this , this expression russian dehumanization comes to mind, and that is, it gives a reason to expose ukraine to the ukrainian media, well actually how aggressive it is to prove that we are nationalists there and all these are a number of these narratives, and actually, as far as i know, espresso was not used by the majority at least. in most of its materials such words, and the institute of mass information has never, rather, always recommended the use of such vocabulary and... the media that constantly manipulate such vocabulary have never been and are not included in our list of responsible honest media, so
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going back to the beginning, i would perceive these recommendations of the national council on television and radio broadcasting as appropriate and entirely adequate, but actually i also try to use such words as terrorist. let's say, if it really is a terrorist attack, like today's attack on kharkiv, it is not a military operation by the army, it is a terrorist attack by a group of terrorists, well, russia is actually a terrorist state, but of course, but on the other hand, if we are talking about these words, because the national council recommends it for the media, but society perceives it as if we can't, and these bloggers are different people who are leaders of public opinion, activists, what kind of people who lead... youtube channels and these words are not possible, but if we remember, i remember very well the year 22, when these songs started, which spread on all
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radio stations, i don't now i will sing them over, of course, but there appeared these words about chumps, about orcs and such and such and such and such, these words were used, by the way, by the way, then a person who spoke from the office of the president, who was taken on work office of the president oleksiy aristovych, he very often used such derogatory words, we remember his phrase, russian the army is not strong, but it is long, but now this person is abroad, in my opinion he is sitting in the states, i am obviously not so long to reach the states, it is long enough to reach, say, to vovchansk arstovych, that is already it doesn't matter, i'm leading to the fact that the authorities tolerated it, do you remember these songs with the statements of that amazing person, a businessman from kirovohrad oblast povorysnyuk, who was called differently there, and it all happened, and it survived... and survived today in some media that actively use it, so i only to the point, i emphasize that from the beginning it was tolerated by the authorities, or
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at least by the people who spoke on behalf of the authorities, and they already picked up on it, how would it be important to speak today instead, in your opinion, well, in addition to acceptable words, and on the other hand side, is it really true that if ukraine, at least in its official mass media, which have licenses and... will use such words, it will somehow sober up society, relieve tension, which, what will be achieved is the most important thing, and this should be understood, please , well, first of all, what as for what happened during the two years, maybe we all remember that obscene language even started to enter the tv airwaves, maybe at some point it was necessary. there was no way out for sharp emotions at that moment, and no one had such an emotional message, and as for the power of the political will
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to regulate this issue and correct this vocabulary, well, at that moment, but such bright emotions have long passed, we have to perceive reality more, let's say so pragmatic. leafy and again take these into account points that indicate that it is not really beneficial for us to use it, and what also concerns the authorities, well, the authorities, speaking in general, in general, the authorities are not specialists in communications, we also know about certain punctures, yes, the highest authorities in communications, numerous. at the same time, well, this issue is a question of the national council at the moment, and after all, it is about recommendations, as i
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understand it, at the moment there is no question of any possible sanctions for non-compliance with these recommendations, uh, because what, what is, what is changes to date, i i do not know whether it will somehow change a serious situation. in society, at least, but at least, well , as far as the legal field is concerned, we, from different sides, and law enforcement officers, and media workers, and public organizations, are working on fixing media crimes, russian, yes, their genocidal vocabulary, in particular, and accordingly, it is desirable that we do not use such... the sikhs were not the same, and this will probably give us the opportunity to take a more favorable position in some future international courts, well, again.
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we remember the attitude to this vocabulary from on the part of the military, maybe somehow we will help them psychologically if we stop massively humiliating and belittling their efforts, well, it is a matter of time, it is clear that if today we stop using this vocabulary, then today or tomorrow nothing will change significantly, but it seems that this war will continue... for some time, maybe years, and so, therefore, with that time, it will obviously have an effect on the situation in society for perception, to create a more serious perception of the situation, often we see a light-hearted perception of this war with on the part of those who are not directly related to it, or
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even part of it. society, which sees with its own eyes, even shelling, and maybe it will reformat me for a while, this attitude will become more serious, maybe it will somehow affect the motivation to participate in defense, to join the armed forces, it will somehow also affect the mobilization processes , for their relief, improvement, well, as for the future, we can only make assumptions here, the national council has taken a step, it's time, we'll see how it will have an impact, the results, well yes, of course, really, even i'm watching a video right now, not the beginning of a full-scale invasion, but now there's some black guy, black skin color, russian guy, i don't know, not ethnic, obviously, waving a stick to shoot down a drone,
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then... another russian guy is spinning, spinning , turns the grenade launcher, then, well, this is not a grenade launcher, but this cartridge, he throws it, because he does not know how to use it, well, there are also such, that is, it is clear that they recruit different people, there are different ones, but of course, which army so he continues, those who launch rockets, those who really perform some complex operations, are professional the army, but the main thing should not change from that, the main word, we should not wash, murderers and terrorists, what invaders , occupiers are, and the other thing, the main thing, again, is that certain opinion leaders adhere to this, and not send it it is in society, i thank you very much for joining, thank you for commenting dmytro barkar, media expert of the institute of mass information, but i will say again, and dmytro said about it, that the espresso tv channel actually never succeeded, except in we have a number of programs that, let's say, are sharpened for a certain purpose from a certain angle, or to show this war, or on the contrary to tell, like my colleague olhan
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, about what is on... this is a kind of genre of journalism, television journalism, and of course, our informational programs, we always try to speak as it is there, but again, we should not forget certain words about the russians, remove them, because they are terrorists, they are murderers, they are invaders, they are occupiers, people who, in the majority of cases, act completely outside of morality, outside the law, actually this war is already a violation of any laws and any rights. both international and moral. and literally in a moment i will tell you about the news. good evening, we are from ukraine. actually, we will start with kharkiv. the number of people injured due to the russian shelling of the town of dergachi in the kharkiv region has increased to 13, including four people in the hospital. in the south, the occupiers struck kharkiv and dergachy with two aerial bombs.
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this was reported in the local military administration, as a result of the morning attack on the regional center in kharkiv, seven people, on unfortunately, the workers of the enterprise where magazines and newspapers were printed were killed, another 20 civilians were injured, the attackers also hit the railway infrastructure, during the shelling the workers were in shelter, previously among the injured were six railway workers, russian military personnel from the territory of belgorod oblast. of the russian federation carried out a massive missile attack on the city of kharkiv. according to data from the external control of air defense systems , 12 rocket exits from the territory of the belgorod region were recorded. three rockets hit the central one part of the city of lubotyn, kharkiv district. another nine rockets hit the khaladnohirskyi and osnovyanskyi districts of the city of kharkiv.
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korogu received 15 years in prison with... confiscation of property.


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