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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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security attack on the regional center in kharkiv, seven people, unfortunately, were killed, they were employees of the enterprise where magazines and newspapers were printed, another 20 civilians were injured, the attackers also hit the railway infrastructure, during the shelling the employees were in shelter, previously among the injured were six railway workers, the russian military from the territory of the belgorod region of the russian federation carried out. according to data from the external control of air defense systems , 12 rocket exits from the territory of the belgorod region were recorded. three rockets hit the central one part of the city of lubotyn, kharkiv district. another nine rockets hit the khaladnohirskyi and osnovyanskyi districts of the city of kharkiv. he received 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. missile attack on
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the international peacekeeping and security center , the lviv court found him guilty of treason. we remind you that the 73-year-old local resident, former employee of the state security committee from the time of the ussr, oleksandr kostorny, cooperated with the enemy from the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine. a man via the telegram application sent the russians a map-scheme of the yaveriv training ground, it depicted military towns, barracks and dormitories. after which, on march 22, at the very beginning of this full-scale invasion, the occupiers fired more than 30 rockets into the training ground, then more than 60 people died, 160 were injured, the correctional officer did not admit his guilt in court. what else could be expected from such a former employee of the kgb? the verkhovna rada appointed a new member of the constitutional court of ukraine, he became a professor of the department of constitutional law trorek
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serhiy riznyk of the ivan franko university of lviv, this is the first judge elected under the new procedure with the participation of an advisory group of experts, the relevant appointment was supported by 276 parliamentarians, you know, he is trying to correct them, it depends on us, our security, this was the first time that the election of a judge of the constitutional court was held under the new procedure , with the participation of the appropriate council, which through the sieve passed 28 candidates, three today, who scored the highest number of points. as the candidates were presented in the session hall, i want to say that it is very important, that's what this one is contest, he crosses out all the horror stories about the fact that there can be external control in the selection of judges of the constitutional court, the hall united around the candidacy of serhiy riznyk, we know serhiy riznyk as a professor-constitutionalist from lviv university, he was responsible for scientific work, building international communications of lviv university, was a consultant of the constitutional court. and we really want
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mr. serhiy to feel all the responsibility that ukrainian society has placed on him. well, we wish you success, i also read today the opinion of experts, people who work in the field of law, and they had a very positive attitude to exactly this choice and exactly this decision, because i will only remind you that when this selection for the constitutional court began, there was one of the candidates who , by the way, the judge, the judge, he performed the duties of a judge, judged, he did not know. on what day and in what year the constitution of ukraine was adopted, the person simply did not know, but he wanted to be a judge, so the fact that we have such a cool judge, well , we hope that everything will be fine, but professional, at least so accurately, then this is a great success. the ministry of defense held a meeting on adaptive clothing for the wounded. this is actually very important. in particular , medics who work directly with the victims took part in it, volunteer iryna soloshenko said. among the innovations, the buttons are planned to be replaced. on
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velcro fasteners, in addition, there will be t-shirts, shorts, pants and long-sleeves. psychological and physical injuries will be healed in lviv, the ukrainian catory university opened its first medical institution. you can make an appointment at the center family doctor, psychotherapist, therapist, ent and audiologist. also, specialists in physical and occupational therapy will help veterans and civilians adapt to life. after severe injuries and illnesses. ukrainian and foreign donors helped financially to implement the project. the clinic says that the medical center will become a base for training narrow specialists, both in ukraine and abroad. the first and the first patients, the first patients will be accepted already on june 3. in order to pass on the experience, to train our specialists in quality physical therapy and occupational therapy and already in the process of creating
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a medical clinic, we have grown with additional departments, departments and directions, such as primary medicine plus mental health, the department of mental health, why? in order to provide quality service for the patient and adhere to a multidisciplinary approach to the person, that is why we will have a special emphasis on empathy, on communication, on patient-centeredness, and on the approach first of all to the patient, as a person. we wish success to these beautiful people who make it beautiful business and all those who participated in its implementation is important. of the project. heroes' day is celebrated today in ukraine. we thank our soldiers who protect us from the russian invaders. and we also remember those who gave their most precious, dearest lives. our next story is about the hero of ukraine, taras chayko, who saved
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his brothers at the cost of his own life. about his path, see below. it is necessary for people to see and know, and the generation was brought up by such boys who... bravely and bravely went to defend, protect and to give his life for our country, these are the belongings of my son chaika teras, who died on november 2, 2022, this is his cassock, here if you look, in the garden, there is even a signature here that these are the belongings of a chemist, because his call sign was a chemist , they also brought chevrons, he... tro, the flag of ukraine, tro sign, tro chevron, chevron of the 125th brigade, he was the intelligence commander, this is the intelligence sign. taras chayka, hero of ukraine, scout of the 125th brigade
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of territorial defense forces of the ukrainian armed forces. he came to the defense of ukraine at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, although he had problems with health, then a sense of patriotism and duty to encouraged him to join the army voluntarily. at 5 o'clock in the morning, i called, taras said, the war had started. he said: "mom, i know, i didn't go to bed last night, i already packed." i say: "taras, what are you talking about?" "mom, i'm going to war." and, on the very first day, he went to enlist in the army. for four days, he proved to the military that he could go to serve. chaika served in the 125th brigade of the territorial defense forces. at first he was in lviv, and in april at his own request, joined the intelligence unit, fought in donetsk region. he calls me and says: "mom, i'm transferring to intelligence, i can't be in
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the headquarters when there's a war, and we have to fight." we communicated via text messages, mother, every day in the morning and in the evening, i asked you to send any news that... everything is fine, but on november 2, 2022, the woman did not receive a single message from her son, then the soldier left for combat assignment in the area between lyman and kryminna, he has not returned from it. he didn't want to say anything so that i wouldn't worry, although i supported him all the way time, believed that everything would be fine. our last conversation was four days before his death. he called me, i was at work, he says: i want to talk to you, i say: "son, i'm at work, talk, i can talk." no, you will be at home, please call me. i dialed him, we really had a very long conversation, we talked with him for more than an hour, i always worried, cried, and the
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time when we talked, it was very fun, somehow we laughed, rejoiced, he was very positive, like me now i understand, he didn't want to... just upset, they knew where they were going are going during that combat sortie, taras chaika was killed, but he saved his comrades who were traveling with him in the car. he was gone in a second, but being mortally wounded, he moved the car to the opposite side of the shelling, and the boys all remained alive. for this act, taras chaika was awarded the title of hero of ukraine, he is forever 29. this award is a memory for his mother, his wife and his wife. he was a very great patriot, he saved lives, he did not save himself, he could save himself, he saved the lives of the boys, everyone remained alive, but not him it became, to celebrate one's life for one's homeland, this, i believe, is a very great feat, to put
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one's life at a lower value than the lives of others and one's homeland, well, this is for me it is... "i am proud of my son, that he was as hrystyna parobiy, the espresso channel, to the heroes who gave their lives for the freedom of our country, let's be honest, they gave their lives for us sincere thanks, and one must be worthy of it and definitely achieve it result and, well, and further, events outside of ukraine, there is also a lot of interesting and important happening, and my colleague yuriy fiziv will talk about the most important. yuri, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. today we will talk, in particular, about whether the united states of america will allow it. ukraine to fire at targets on the territory of russia with the help of american weapons, another
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call for peace talks, well, in georgia they are afraid of ukrainization and the maidan. my name yuri fizer, this is the world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. i'll start with the news, which, perhaps, vasyl and i will discuss in detail after it. aggression. it's not terrorism, it's two different things. so, during the hearings in the foreign affairs committee of the house of representatives, which is the lower house of the american congress , us secretary of state anthony blinken. this is how he answered the question of one of the congressmen who were present at these hearings about why the official washington has not yet included russia in the list of countries sponsoring terrorism. secondly, says mr. blinkin, this recognition could hamper the joe administration's efforts. biden to force russia to pay for all the damage it caused to ukraine during the war, and to make these payments from
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its sovereign assets. and then mr. blinkin explained why: if russia is recognized as a sponsor of terrorism, then these assets will be blocked. no, of course, i thank all our american partners very much for the way they helped, are helping and will continue to help us in ours. fair fight against the russian invasion, but vasyl, you don't think that it is any this is, you know, a tactic of double standards, i don't know why, why the european union, which also has, for example, in brussels, in belgium, a lot of billions of european assets, why are they even thinking about how to do all this, well, they are dragging it out , they are procrastinating, but they are thinking about how to do it, and they are not bothered by the fact that many countries of the european union have recognized russia as a sponsor of terrorism, it does not bother them, the united states... it bothers them. i think there are some points we don't know about, so we can only guess here,
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but the fact that yes, indeed, somewhere at some level there are some, maybe interests, maybe somewhere someone has common interests, maybe there are some moments that we do not know about, but they also exist, and here the only thing that ukraine would receive what she should receive on time, you can negotiate there, engage in some complicated geopolitics, but the thing is that you will still talk about atakams and about permits, well, not only about atakams. and about permission and beating, this, this is important now, this is important, but among other things, it is also important that, well, we would like it it would be very important if the united states of america recognized this in russia as a sponsor of terrorism, because you know that, i just mean that always, when you cross this supposedly red line, it seems that you can't, well , never, and then somehow everyone lives and everything is fine and everything is normal, a new reality just sets in, russia is a sponsor of terrorism and okay, and when after they stop... this red line and think and nothing terrible happened, there is an arrest, there is a warrant to the arrest of putin and
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everything is fine. yes, let's go further. to ukraine it is necessary to allow the use of american weapons for shelling throughout the territory of russia. this was said by the head of the us house of representatives committee on foreign affairs, michael mcfaul, at a hearing in congress. according to him, this will allow ukraine to attack the equipment and ammunition that the russians are accumulating on their territory. near the border with ukraine in order to later use them in this war, but already on the territory of ukraine. and the ukrainians, says mr. congressman, now simply cannot break these logistic accumulation chains, and to this, michael mccall showed a map showing that these targets could be hit precisely by american long-range weapons. well, let's hear what congressman michael mcfall had to say about it. congress gave the ukrainians weapons, but at the same time it did not introduce any restrictions on how to
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use them. they were introduced by jake salvan and your administration. i talked to the ukrainians, and they told me that it is impossible to achieve victory with such restrictions. i hope that you will convey this opinion during the meeting of the national council security that you will change this policy, which is very dangerous for ukrainians and brings them a lot of harm. i wonder if the white house will listen to these remarks from congress, in particular from the house of representatives, but i will say more about this later on whether they will listen or not, one more piece of information after i mention how in russia, in russia commented on this call to allow ukraine to use american weapons for shelling throughout the territory of the aggressor country. so the deputy of the state duma, who for some reason represents crimea in them, ukrainian, well, of course he cannot represent him, the member of the security committee, mikhail sheremet, called
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congressman michael mcfaul's call "crazy" and added it further. quote: peace-loving modern russia has a guaranteed ability to instantly destroy any aggressor, peace-loving russia. well, you 're going to kill me, well, it's something, it's something incredible, they're all really, really sick there. yes, well, going back to what i already announced, let's go back to the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken, despite his public statements that the united states of america does not, does not want ukraine... american weapons for strikes against russia, he is still inclined to the opinion of allowing it to be done, and even proposed to cancel this ban of the joe biden administration, this was reported by journalists of the new york times newspaper with reference on own sources in the state department. according to published information, he changed his position after his last visit to ukraine. according to the publication's sources, mr. blinken's proposal
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is in the formative stage. it is currently unknown how many representatives of the white house. supported this initiative, but some did support it, and the proposal has not yet been voiced to president joe biden, so we already have some moves in this direction, maybe soon joe biden will allow this, because joe biden has been talking for a very long time that we will not give atakamsi, because we won't give atakamsy, and then bang, and atakamsy appeared in ukraine, well, maybe they will allow you to use atakamsy here. in order to hit, for example, the logistics chains that are currently being formed in the ukrainian, well, for the time being in the russian, belgorod region, kursk region, we will see, and very i hope that nato does not intend to introduce its troops into the territory of ukraine, but nato is ready to provide additional support to kyiv, said
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the deputy secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, mircea joanna, in an interview with the german tv channel ard. according to him, nato is trying to the escalation of the conflict, but does not plan to intervene in it, and at the same time he added that there is a clear line of demarcation between the territory of nato and the territory that is not part of the alliance, so here he says, it is not about applying of the fifth article on collective defense, in the end, i conclude, mr. juanne, the ukrainians themselves are not asking for it yet, but the situation in ukraine is very serious, but not dramatic, such... during a visit to lithuania , the minister of defense made an apology germany's boris pistorius. according to him , everyone with whom he has met so far and who understands these issues speaks about it. at the same time, he once again appealed to the allies to do everything possible to help ukraine win. i will remind you that last week the ministry
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germany's defense ministry requested an additional 3 billion 800 million euros from the government of ukraine for aid. ukraine within the framework of the current fiscal year, well, not everything is so good in the european union, if we talk about support for ukraine, and representatives of a few very small number of countries do it, a few, well at least two, which vasyl and i very often mention on our broadcasts . so, unfortunately, there is no new information from hungary, every day the threat of a world war is growing. everything is brought closer, it was a quote and a quote from the minister of foreign affairs of the country peter szijjártó, he said this during a press conference after a meeting in budapest with his swiss colleague ignacio cassis. according to him, european politicians make statements about the use of nuclear weapons, and the russians, in response, conduct exercises with the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
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summarized by mr. sijarto - it is so. it's time to stop this madness and once again. already as a mantra reminded everyone, although everyone knows this to great regret, that the hungarian government has long been talking about the impossibility of solving ukrainian, as he called it, conflict, in a military manner. well, china did start to provide russia with weapons, lethal weapons for use in the war with ukraine. this was stated the day before by the minister of defense of great britain grand shabs during a speech at a... defense conference, according to him, he received information about this from the british special services, during the speech , the head of the department of defense of great britain did not provide any evidence of this, but added, that official lond. very much concerned about this because from the beginning of a full-scale invasion, the heavenly authorities shouted from all over that they were making maximum efforts to find ways
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to end the russian war in a peaceful manner. well , the united states of america reacted to this information from the british minister, president joe biden's adviser on national security said this during the briefing. and in particular about the fact that they do not know about something similar. according to him, the official washington expressed fears about the possibility of such cooperation between russia and china before, but so far, says mr. sullivan, confirmation of this the american intelligence services had none, so he asked his british colleagues to share what information they had. it is time to end all bloody wars, in particular. those that are currently ongoing on the territory of ukraine and in the gaza strip. and this is the biggest challenge humanity is facing now. president of bulgaria rumeniv said this today after
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an audience with pope francis. and for this, he says, he needs to think rationally and be more actively involved in involving the world in the search for options for a peaceful end to the war community next is a short quote from the president of bulgaria. finally. to rely on diplomacy, since we saw that peace cannot be achieved only by economic and military means, well, recently we often hear these calls for a peaceful settlement before the peaceful end of the war in ukraine, on the one hand, this is not bad, but when these peace negotiations they ask to also invite russia, which started this war, which killed a lot during this war. innocent ukrainians, it looks somehow wild and strange, well, but, well, in conclusion, the leadership of georgia does not want the ukrainization
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of the country and the maidan, that is why the law on foreign agents was adopted, in which many experts see similarities with the russian one, this is how the prime minister of the country, irakli kobakhidze , commented on the recommendation of the venice commission to withdraw this law. of the first georgian channel, the head of the georgian government said that the transparency of the financing of non-governmental organizations, which is required by law, allows preventing a revolution, which, according to the prime minister, the representatives of these organizations are trying to arrange, and i must say for myself, such an explanation is doubtful, considering the fact that georgians themselves have long disliked such total control over everything they want. to do, they simply do not want to live in russia, but they want to live in georgia, and apparently it is in the leadership of the georgian dream, it is the ruling party of the country, they understand, but
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maybe they have some specific interests of their own, why they still continue to defend this law, despite the recommendations of the venice commission. well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine section, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more, and there will be more in our future broadcast, so don't switch. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews. you draw
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your own conclusions, good evening, we are from ukraine, we continue, and this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, i remind you, i will include oleksandr morchyvka in the conversation, he will talk about money during the war. oleksandr, good evening, please speak to you. thank you, vasyl, i congratulate the audience, i will speak in the next few minutes. about economic mobilization, businessmen sound the alarm, you will also find out what consumers can expect from july 1, how much fuel prices will rise, whether we are really moving with new excise taxes to the european union, or whether the government is looking for ways to fill the treasury, as well as raise tax, value-added tax and also raising the military levy, this is already being discussed in the cabinet of ministers, we will tell you in detail later a moment on the air. i am oleksandr morchivka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war and the european
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business association about. make mobilization more clear and predictable. they say that companies should be given the opportunity to self -identify critical employees for the continued efficient operation of the business. as reported in the association, this is the issue of finding people, now this is a key problem. currently, there are such situations when an employee who is really important for the business model of the enterprise is taken to the ranks of the armed forces, and this is not only complicates the company's work. and accordingly slows down the growth of the economy, it also brings the company closer to the end of its activities in general, well, we hope that the government in the government will listen to the proposals of such a truly sectoral association as the european business association, and will in fact, vasyl, book not only some services deliveries, as we told you, or some companies that, in fact, only really pay
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taxes on time. but well, they are not critically important for the functioning of the business, i don't know what you will say, there was such an idea to do as if as economic mobilization in the sense of giving certain businesses, enterprises some kind of load, doing something for the army, well , in this way you also supposedly make your contribution to victory, but this is basically the transition of the economy to military rails, or you then completely switch to military rails, then there are big orders, big money, but we understand that we have certain limited resources for these orders, well, therefore, in such situations, so that... taxes and the economy live, because without a living economy, in principle, there is no war either will succeed effectively, it’s true, vasyl, without a vibrant economy, the budget loses revenues, and now there is a gap in the treasury in the amount of 5 billion dollars, such a figure was announced by the minister of finance of ukraine serhii marchenko, well, he says that for the last six months, our state received minimal international aid, this gap was increasing accordingly, well, in fact, according to the government official, after
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the n package of american aid was unblocked, expenditures in the social and humanitarian direction are increasing, well, but because of the search for such an effective way filling the state budget in the cabinet of ministers and the verkhovna rada already told vasyl about the increase in the military levy from the current one and a half percent to 5%. well, they say that in this way they will be able to raise incomes and they are also discussing the possibility of increasing the value added tax, well, if they raise the vat by a few percent, approximately from 70 to 120 billion uah is possible, it can be found in the state budget, analysts say, well you know, the question here is that it is very important to do it wisely, first of all to exclude, well, to minimize corruption, not to exclude it it will never be possible, of course, for someone to make a profit, but here it is important, you know, to tighten these belts so that the economy does not suffocate, because the economy must live, even somewhere, it is not the economy, it
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will be up to each of us , somewhere... to cut back on something, that’s normal, of course, but it didn’t happen that somewhere someone would cut themselves, someone would then find some incomprehensible funds , really, they are talking about tax changes, they were talking about them today in the verkhovna rada, also in essence chairman of the parliament, head of the parliament does not exclude the fact that fiscal innovations are still possible, let's listen to the direct language, for us the issue is the maintenance of the economy of ukraine, the maintenance of the budget of ukraine, the maintenance of ukrainian. primarily through its financing, this is a priority, if any legislative, budgetary, tax changes are required for this, the verkhovna rada will be ready to consider them and, if necessary, support them. we hope that the main creditor of ukraine will continue to finance and support the reforms currently underway in ukraine. international monetary fund team started work in the capital today. such a statement was made by the permanent representative of the imf vahram
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stepanyan. discussions with government officials will focus on the risks faced by the economy of our country. on march 21, let me remind you, the executive board of the imf completed another review of the cooperation program, which made it possible to pay ukraine 880 million dollars. well, we hope that analysts will conduct a successful analysis of the work of our government. i hope that the next part of the loan under the program will complete the homework of the cabinet of ministers. extended financing will again be in the state budget well, in the eu, according to european standards, the government initiates an increase in excise tax rates on gasoline, diesel fuel, and autogas. they say that this is the adaptation of legislation to the norms of the european union, where we are headed. the process of raising excise taxes will last four years, starting from july 1.


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