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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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imf representative vahram stepanyan. discussions with government officials will focus on the risks facing the economy of our country. on march 21, let me remind you, the executive board of the imf completed another review of the cooperation program, which made it possible to pay ukraine 880 million dollars. well, we hope that the analysts will conduct a successful analysis of the work of our government, the homework the cabinet will, i hope, complete. and the next part of the loan under the extended financing program will again be in the state budget. well, in the eu according to european standards. the government initiates increase in excise tax rates on gasoline, diesel fuel, and autogas. they say that this is the adaptation of legislation to the norms of the european union, where we are headed. the process of raising excise taxes will last four years, starting from july 1, 2024. how much fuel will increase and how it will affect. at the expense of ukrainians, we will
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speak with the director of the a95 consulting group. serhii kuyun joins the conversation. good evening. i congratulate you. mr. sergey, well, i just have the following question: is this really a necessity, which, well, is regulated by european legislation, or is this a step to the cabinet of ministers to find additional income from the excise tax to the state budget. well, of course, the cabinet of ministers. in his explanatory notes to this bill, he writes about the need to synchronize with european standards, but you already said in your speech that in fact everyone understands that this is a search for money, and the most important thing is that it seems to me that drivers, and fuel consumers, they should understand this, because the state budget is the only source of our financing. western partners do not give
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us money for the army, and accordingly, this is a question of our survival, and here it seems to me, well, this step was expected, and i can even see somewhere that the government with its populist rhetoric is starting to finish a little bit. mr. serhiy, so then how much should be expected, well, to be ready for drivers and... consumers, because the rise in prices for gasoline, for example, for diesel fuel, will entail an increase in the prices of a number of such goods that really depend on the supply, which is gradation, for example, the first step, how many hryvnias will be added per liter, for example, gasoline, diesel, gas, e, or i and at the exit, how much in four years can increase, well, hypothetically, the value? look, there is more hype
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in fact than the price increase, which may or may not actually happen, it is said that the first stage of the increase, well , in general, this reform, it is designed for four years until the 28th year, and it will be gradually increase the excise tax rate, the first stage is scheduled for july 1, if this draft law is voted on and... there , the tax component on gasoline will increase by uah 15, on diesel by uah 2, and on liquefied gas by uah 5.5 per 1 liter. eh, on gasoline-diesel, for example, if this excise duty were introduced today, i think that we would not see any changes at all, because the purchase price is falling today, accordingly, there is a possibility of simply compensation, and there by reducing the purchase price to compensate for the increase.
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of course, excise taxes on liquefied gas will not turn out that way, because there is more, there the cabinet is taking such a drastic step, but again, even after this price increase, liquefied gas will retain its attractiveness, it will cost somewhere 55-57% of the price of gasoline, and accordingly this means that the one who used it and saved, he will continue to do so, but maybe not in such a way... well, you mentioned that the increase in price may not be felt by consumers, to what extent the price depends on how much oil will cost on the world market, we talked about it with you, how much will the value of the currency really be, maybe it will balance out, if the dollar really does not rise in price, oil will fall, then consumers will not feel excise taxes, well, at the first stage, it is absolutely, when we talk about 1 , 2 hryvnias. you
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you know, these are, in principle, everyday market fluctuations, which people often do not even notice, i will say that in april, somewhere from the end of march to the beginning. in may, the price of gasoline increased by uah 5, and the price of gasoline and liquefied gas also increased, and i did not see anyone there who was very dissatisfied with this, that is, this is absolutely a market situation, which is connected with the increase in oil, which has been happening since the beginning of the year , that is , it is absolutely not about some tragedy, some catastrophe, etc., now i see that in the media there are... to inflame this situation, there are forecasts of uah 75-80, well, this is exclusively, in my opinion, simply an attempt to disrupt this program, disrupt revenues to the budget, disrupt, accordingly , the strengthening of our defense, that is, there is such an increase that honestly, well, there is nothing to
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talk about, thank you for reassuring me that this is indeed a market mechanism, which in essence should take place according to plan, but the fact that revenues should increase to the state budget, well, this is not commented on. thank you for the conversation, serhiy kuyun, the director of the a95 consulting company was in touch, and i will continue talk about the economy. ukraine is such a sweet exporter, our country has become the second supplier of honey to the european union. this was reported in eurostat. last year , beekeepers sent almost 46,000 tons of this sweet product to the eu market, ukraine was overtaken by china, and argentina rounded out the top three. 10 years vilni choose to fight. ukrposhta presented a limited edition of azov stamps. the set includes a sheet of nine stamps and an artistic envelope, the design was developed by the military of the 12th special purpose brigade of azov. circulation of only 900 copies,
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the figure is not accidental, because this is the number of soldiers of the brigade who have been in enemy captivity for more than two years. let's listen to the direct speech. for me, as a person, a citizen , azov is an example of courage, a powerful civic position, indomitability, and as a former military serviceman, it is an example of real warriors. i am sure that this stamp will remind us, all ukrainians, of the heroic struggle, of the heroic rank of our servicemen, of what the defense forces do. for our country, well, really good will be a treasure for philatelists, i think that indeed such stamps will continue to be issued by ukrposhta, i myself also collect vasyl, well, i think that i will not get to this one, because the circulation
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is limited, well, maybe it is always worth trying, so we will look for it, i will finishing also the column about money during the war, but a big broadcast is going on, more to come, watch us. the big broadcast continues and of course it is time for cultural news, and what will be discussed today, i will tell you what will be discussed, chechenina, and i will only, as they say, announce my colleague, music, entertainment and donat, the festival of vision of unity has started in kyiv for several days, i like it, by the way. this is a wonderful union. over the course of several days, the organizers promise guests more than 300 artists and more. elina chechenina will now show and tell us everything. good evening, please. good evening, vasyl. hello to our viewers, if i shout over the musicians,
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i will tell you everything in a second. well, the musicians just behind me stopped playing, but there are several venues here and maybe you can hear the music, which is on one of the main venues, in general, everything merges here, because ethnic, electronic, everything-everything-everything, and in general this festival is not called musical, in general it is so musical-cultural, multicultural, because here you can try everything, right now here is an alley near us, on which there are... various folk craftsmen, you can approach them, they will teach you some kind of pottery there, or we came up, saw how you can carve different kinds of dishes from wood, there are already many people who want to. in general, i want to say that right now we are showing you so that you have at least some impression had, this art factory is a platform, a former factory,
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these are still fashionable places for various multicultural events, i will say that , nevertheless, there is a certain debate in our society about how appropriate it is to go to such events now. to have fun, spend money, i want to say that this is, first of all, the support of culture, well , money is definitely collected at such events, they donate, i don't know how actively, i hope the organizer. they will say how much money they collected, but literally at the entrance there are a guy and a girl with boxes, collecting for the third sturmova, people throw, it is possible in cash, it is also possible by card, i will say again that there are really 400 musicians, well, different musical groups who will perform here, both ukrainian and non-ukrainian, but who loves the threshold of betig, you know , such a group, which until recently was considered almost marginal and as such, which is not appreciated. attention, now on the contrary they perform very often, there will also be a granddaughter, goe, sky, sasha chemerov, otorvalt,
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cheferblat, chiv is performing here now, they have gathered quite a lot, gathered various spectators, in hayat, the name, that is, very, very many different musicians, there will also be dances, sports, a separate playground for children, well, in a word, everything is like at such standard festivals, but the real trick here is that... it combines modern culture and traditional culture, and i would even say that now according to the interest of the audience, traditional culture is even attracting a little more interest, maybe through master classes, because it is always interesting to come and be taught something, this festival will last until 26 may, by the way, the tickets are also, as far as i am concerned i understand, some of them go to various donations there, so come, if you want to be interested in that, i... i think even the rain doesn't really prevent people from having fun here, so until the 26th
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there will be a platform at the art factory, the festival will continue, see the program, get acquainted and choose what you want to go to. thank you very much to lina chechen. for the announcement of such a wonderful event, the announcement and inclusion, of course, who has the opportunity to join, and it is very important to come not only to listen to music, to somehow experience something emotionally, and to get rid of something, to find something for yourself, and of course to meet the needs of the armed forces of ukraine today must be in the first place for all of us, well, in addition to all our current expenses, of course, and therefore we also ask to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone of the combat operations in solodarsk and zaporizhia. directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called
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gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, and in order to urgently deliver and return to the battlefield damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, combat cars, infantry, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed so that it can deliver mobile repair groups and equipment to the combat zone so that this repair can be done efficiently and quickly, and also pneumohydraulic jacks for quick operation. repair of foreign equipment, our goal is uah 630,000. i will definitely see now how much we have already managed to collect for today, well , our evening, because that is how it is collected during the day, well, while you will follow the link, or in the applications, search, and, or in the applications, to look for this card number in order to spend money, of course, it is worth preparing, first of all... to understand what the weather will be like tomorrow, because i, to be honest, today i lost a little for some reason
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and listened to ms. natalku, of course, was preparing like that, but she, but still not a little, made a little mistake, but thank god, i didn't get caught in the rain. natalka kadenko, literally in a few minutes, will tell us what to prepare for tomorrow, whether it is worth hiding your parsurks, or whether it is still worth keeping them, as they say, near the door, well, i have a plot for your... attention, which i will offer you: six 40-ton sea containers with medical cargo were handed over by benefactors of the charity and health fund to ukrainian hospitals to save civilians and military personnel affected by the war. at the same time, they continue to provide medics who work at ground zero with the necessary means of transport. now help has arrived in dnipro. about this in our next story. the truck with the container is met by employees of one of the base hospitals. dnipro, inside the pallet after the boxes, which contain what the doctors need frontline city every day. what is important,
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gloves, gowns, test tubes, everything is important to us. medicines, equipment and consumables, including small parts for narrow-profile prosthetics and recovery after injuries. doctors will use all this during operations and rehabilitation of patients. this help is very important for us, because unfortunately, they... maybe it became a little less in the third year of the war, and we are very grateful to the dream fund and the charity and health fund for coming to us today in the dnipro. benefactors deliver cargo to medical facilities. where they provide assistance to both civilians and wounded soldiers. as part of the project , six 40-ton sea containers were handed over to 16 hospitals in ukraine, both in front-line settlements and in rear areas, where the wounded are recovering. in order to implement this project, several large and powerful benefactors were involved. all these people united to ensure that
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ukrainian hospitals received the most necessary for their activities within the framework of the project. volunteers immediately from the dnipro. mutter to donetsk region, a refrigerator is being taken there to evacuate the bodies of fallen defenders. we handed over more than 10 cars of cold chambers, that is, this car goes to the plazdarm company in sloviansk. the last car that we delivered had already broken down, it had already covered more than 200,000 km. ukraine is big, that is, each and every one of these cargoes must be delivered personally to their homes. on the other hand , an ambulance is being sent to the kherson region for the brigade, which is carrying out tasks in one of the hottest spots on the southern front. the car is decorated with everything necessary to provide quality assistance to defenders. from dnipro for espresso tv channel. well, now you have waited for natalka didenko. of course, on the weather forecast for the coming day. ms. natalya, i congratulate you. i would like you to speak. congratulations to vasyl. greetings, our dear viewers. we will now
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talk about the weather and weather-related things, and we will also talk about one tree with flowers that smells wonderful. literally in a second, we start today our weather meeting with the following topics: perfumery, beekeeping, construction, parquet, furniture, medicine, paints, and imagine all this about acacia, eh, now it is blooming so incredibly, it has such a wonderful... smell, in general, it is a very beautiful tree, so of course, you can’t pass it by, these are all spring flowers, unfortunately, yes it passes quickly, so let's at least stay within the limits of the weather, so the scientific name of the white acacia is robinia, it is a pseudo acacia, because the white acacia turns out to be somehow not real, but it is very beautiful,
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this breed was named after robbin or roben, it is a scientist the french king had a gardener louis the 13th. traveled in north america, my god, what was he doing there, and he took with him seeds from this tree, and over time this species settled in the royal park of paris, and then very quickly spread throughout europe. white acacia is the most widespread, because all types of acacia belong to the legume family, there are even several dozen of them. for the first time, white acacia was planted in our country at the end of the 18th century, the significant spread of white acacia is associated with the name of karazin, who in 1808. i planted her in the kharkiv region, and she moved on to odesa, and in the 20s, starting from the 20s of the 19th century , white acacia bloomed and smelled, so to speak, almost all over europe. well, her age is interesting. in north america, under favorable conditions, acacia lives for 350 years. in ukraine, in the most favorable conditions, well, a different climate, obviously, somewhere
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around 100-150 years. well, i repeat once again, acacia is perfumery, beekeeping. construction, parquet, furniture, medicine, paints, well, despite all this, it is incredibly beautiful and smells very nice, and we all in childhood, i hope, remember, ate acacia flowers, we let's move to the higher, so to speak, layers of the atmosphere, now we have a forecast chart for your attention, and let's look at the magnetic activity, tomorrow no such terrible magnetic storms are expected, and not terrible either, well, as you can see, there will be a slight activation during the day, so who even reacts to such minor... fluctuations, please listen to your health, to your well-being, especially now that some thunderstorms have passed, and that's why the head can be, as we say, not your own, well threats actually, now let's see what will happen with the weather in the coming days, therefore, we traditionally start from the western regions of ukraine, and tomorrow in the west
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, short-term rains and thunderstorms are expected, i note that during thunderstorms there may be gusts of wind and even squalls, the air is high, 23-28° above zero, on the north of ukraine, tomorrow there will also be rain, thunderstorms and attention, a decrease in air temperature, i will not say that it is cooling, but agree, after the 27th, 28th, 19th, 23rd, it is still such a substantial decrease in air temperature. in the east of ukraine, in kharkiv region, in luhansk region, in donetsk region, tomorrow will be dry weather, the air temperature is 23-25°, but in kharkiv oblast it is lower. and somewhere maximally it will fluctuate within +19°. in the central part of ukraine tomorrow the air temperature will also be quite high, 22-27. 22-26° above zero, rain and thunderstorms in some places, but not everywhere, that is, there will be sunny spells. in the south, in the southern part of ukraine,
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short-term rains and thunderstorms, even possibly heavy downpours, are expected tomorrow in odesa, finally, the southern territories will be without precipitation and the air temperature will be high, 27-29 above zero. well, it will not rain in kyiv tomorrow are expected to be delayed only in the coming night, but today. during the day such short rains with thunderstorms, but tomorrow there will be no precipitation, but tomorrow in the capital the air temperature will drop to +20, to 23-22°, this is the nearest synoptic forecast in ukraine, well, of course , keep a close eye on our updated weather forecasts on espresso channels. well, i'm done with good news, the official facebook of the 110th separate mechanized brigade named after general khrunzhovo mark bezruchka reports that today, may 23, it was possible
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to shoot down a russian su-25 fighter, its they call a player, well, let me remind you that yesterday , may 22, also only in the pokrovsky direction, in another direction, this player sud-25 was also shot down, two planes in two days, this is a good story, thank you for being with us, i forgive you until tomorrow by 18:10, well literally in a few moments. meet serhiy rudenko and the verdict program, goodbye, good evening, we are from ukraine, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, live inclusion, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, let's tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. greetings, i'm
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olga len, these are war chronicles. actually, the russians slowed down a bit in the kharkiv region, but they are active in other parts of the front. as before, and it should not be forgotten that there are quite large offensive actions going on there, moreover, well, we can say that, for example, in the pokrovsk direction , there were even slightly more attempted russian assaults than in the same kharkiv region, well, we remind you about our collection of armored vehicles, which is worth it, and we need to convert people to the enemy, please join... this collection is the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone,
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that is, directly where the fighting is going on, for emergency recovery , return to the battlefield, damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus and a pneumo-hydraulic jackknife are needed for prompt repair of equipment. our... the goal is 630,000, we have already collected a third with your help, that's why please join, it's very important, you can see all the details on the screen now, scan the qr code if possible, well, this is what really saves the lives of our defenders, well , let's now review what happened on the line of contact last a few days, then we will discuss it. map of military operations for the period may 15-22 - a black week for the armed forces of the russian federation. the offensive in the kharkiv region failed, the offensive on all other
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areas of the front failed, after the day of victory the russians began a week of defeat with daily record losses. according to the general staff, the number of liquidated occupiers has increased by 30-40% every day over the past 10 days, which significantly exceeds their current mobilization capabilities. in addition, russian losses in artillery are record high. the equipment they use to transport infantry. the attack was not on kharkiv, but on vovchanchansk. after two weeks of the occupation army of the north in the kharkiv region, the enemies were unable to reach zachansk or kharkiv within artillery fire distance, which they tried to do near liptsi. the russians could not reach even the first line of defense of the armed forces. in addition, they began to run out of soldiers, and therefore the rashists had to ask for help from the western army, which is trying in luhansk region. to break through to kupyansk, although according to their plan, it was the defense forces that were supposed to attract their reserves and pull them away from the front somewhere in donetsk region. the armed forces of ukraine took up the defense in vovchansk on
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the vovcha river, the fighting continues in... in the center of the city , the rashists began to use their cabs en masse, instead, our aviation made several high-precision strikes on the concentration of russians, yes, for example, the central hospital was razed to the ground. during the week, the occupiers not only tried to break through to the other bank of the vovchanska river, but also wanted to find an opportunity to force the river east and west of the city. expanding the zone of their control to the west, they occupied the village of bugruvatka and reached the outskirts of staritsa. here the russians advanced to a distance of 2.5 km, uti. they carry out this movement along the border, and not deep into ukraine. with farshataks on lypka, the enemy penetrated 1 km deeper and expanded the gray zone, but they still need to go 5 km to the village itself, and also break through the first line of defense. in addition, the armed forces of the russian federation again tried to cross the border near the village of zelene, where fighting is currently ongoing. to continue the offensive, the russians will have to call for help from even more resources from other fronts, because, as it turned out,
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they have no others. so. the armed forces of the russian federation, which have proven that they are not capable of conducting an offensive operation not only at the tactical level, but also at the operational level. the current offensive on sunshchyna, which was previously announced by budanov, also ended up under the threat of disruption. offensive in luhansk region. after the occupation of kislivka and kotlyarivka, a few weeks ago , it was possible to stop the russian advance on kupyansk along the r-06 route from svatovo. therefore , the rashists began to expand the territory of control near the recently captured village of krakhmalne, where they managed to enter berestov. now. the front runs along the reservoir in the center of the village. in general, the invaders increased the captured territory by 2 km to the west and 3 km to the south. on the one hand, it was in the luhansk region that the russians concentrated the most tank groups, about a thousand units, which is 1/3 of all occupation tanks. so they are preparing to break through to kupyansk. but on the other hand, it was from there that the russians transferred part of the reserves to kharkiv oblast, so the offensive on kupyansk may slow down again. especially since the loss of equipment here is in the ratio of 1:7 in favor of the armed forces.
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during the time of yar, the russians were expelled from the city. a few days ago, the rashists gathered a lot of tanks, bmps and other equipment, and as we expected, they began a frontal offensive at the time of yar. they moved along two roads from hramovo to the kanal i quarter from ivanivskyi to the southern regions of the city, where earlier they managed to cross the siversky dinets canal. the defense forces were able to completely stop the enemy and destroy most of their equipment and infantry, as well as push them back 300 m from the city to the other side of the canal. despite this , russian ... planes continue to terrorize the city, dropping dozens of bombs on it every day, the defense forces currently have no means of protection. postavdiyiv front: here the russian offensive practically stopped, near ochereteny, the enemy tried to attack novooleksandrivka and sokil, but they were defeated. the armed forces of ukraine remained in positions south of uchereteny, thus leaving the possibility of maneuvering a counteroffensive on this fortified area. near novokolinovo, the armed forces of the russian federation continued to occupy the gray
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zone and reached the road to konstantin. at the same time, the armed forces of ukraine on this part of the front have occupied penimini height and are shooting the invaders with artillery. by the way, not a single brigade will be affected by shells, although there are not as many as we would like. to the south , the enemy managed to advance several hundred meters to the west in the direction of novopokrovsk. the only place where the enemy managed to really achieve a result was the completion of the occupation of the small village of netaylove, located at the intersection of the pokrovsk-umansk road. after the withdrawal of the defense forces from there, the occupiers naturally also advanced in several places by a kilometer. in the direction of yasnobrodivka and the southern road to umansk. all the ground attacks on umansk ended only with burnt equipment and a pile of corpses. it is interesting that in the last 10 days , the 110th brigade shot down five sud-25 aircraft, which are the main carriers of the kabiv, on this part of the front. so here it is appropriate help came as soon as possible. we hope that it will soon reach the temporary ravine. offensive on vulgedar. the russians have been trying to capture ughledar for a long time, but have been repeatedly defeated under the city, as was the case
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this time. when they tried to attack zmikilsky, that is why they want to cut the supply routes to the city and bypass it from the north. step by step, the armed forces of the russian federation are advancing in this direction half a kilometer by kilometer every month. in a week, they advanced a hundred meters in the direction of the village of paraskoivky, and also expanded somewhat captured territory south of novomykhaivka. at this rate, the russians are unlikely to ever achieve what they want. counterattack on crimea and strikes on russia. it is obvious that the armed forces of ukraine are preparing to liberate the south of ukraine. and crimea, so they systematically destroy military infrastructure, as well as other facilities that work for the russian army. ukraine began practicing wave attacks with a large number of drones. every time the russians report the destruction of their air defense system, 100-150 of our drones. and immediately after that they leave notification of critical facilities catching fire. in particular, drones stopped the utoapsa refinery for the second time this year and the refinery in slovyansk in the kuban for the third time. and they also burned the fuel oil terminal.


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