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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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planned to extend the french nuclear umbrella to the entire european union, to provide nuclear guarantees, and this is an interesting idea, to declare its nuclear forces as eu nuclear forces. so this concept of a long war will be destroyed, 100, maximum 200 of these western planes from the airfields of poland and romania, armed with stormshades and french scalps, will be enough, and the crimean group will be driven out of there. well, this is in the event that such people dare to do so... and western aviation, together with crews and the corresponding infrastructure, will be launched into the russian-ukrainian war, but for now in at the present moment, we see putin's visit to the people's republic of china, that is, the entire team that he brought with him, we understand so that the chinese comrades will watch, but the key story is that he must hear what they want to tell him and whether he will hear what what will xi jinping, the chinese comrade, say to him... the chinese comrades see perfectly
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the humiliated position of russia. i would note that in my opinion, many underestimated macron's meeting with sia. judging by the explosion of publications, both in chinese and in french press, it was very successful. macron took everyone somewhere to the places of his youth in the pyrenees. now the big powers are china, the usa and france. france realized its role as a great power for the first time in recent decades. this aspiration is the main driver for macron in his life. to become a leader of the free world, a leader in the defense of ukraine in the war. the dream of a second yalta actually remained with the russians. for 10 years, they offered a friend yalta, saying, let's share the world. we will have the post-soviet space, ukraine and the rest, you somewhere else. but here the chinese, french and americans are now working on the concept of a third yalta without russia. macron is playing a very interesting game there, what do they have in common with these. in which they found a common
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language, not only in the fact that russia will not be a great power, they also do not want american domination in the future world. macron has a very strong american component, and the chinese are very profitable. well, de gaulle's concept, only instead of the soviet union, macron begins to seek contacts with beijing. degaulle did not want to be just america's junior partner. and he always had them special relations with moscow. and now... when moscow is reduced to zero after the defeat in the ukrainian war, it will have a special relationship with beijing, and beijing needs france, because it is one thing to struggle in the future world with the united states alone, and another thing to have france, to have a triangle, such a big triangle is looming in the post-russian world: france, china and the usa. well, accordingly, and putin, as far as we understand, left with another offer...
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an offer, or maybe he was simply asked, well, tell putin about your plans, how much years you are going to fight with the civilized world, 10, 20, 50, 100, so what is your long war, you see what is the difference, putin says and the chinese listen, all the resources are in china, all the trump cards are now in china, and practically all chinese banks have stopped large transfers with russia, he can strengthen the trend, he can weaken it. now putin will desperately try to persuade china to join the plan of the korean scenario in relation to ukraine. by the way, this is a dangerous korean scenario, because america would agree to it, and we can see the inconsistency of the biden administration. for example, sullivan arrived in the most difficult times, when there was no help to prevent the ukrainians from striking oil refineries in russia. it is very good that the ukrainians did not listen to him. all these hesitations in
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the american administration will continue, and they would agree to the korean option. andrii andricha, the danger of the korean scenario is that at one time we remember that more than a million people died, on both sides, that is, then stalin and his korean puppets threw the entire korean the peninsula with corpses, that was the danger, and we see putin's willingness to barter. in meat assaults, all that is called russian infantry, so according to the concept of general shapushnikov, it was called an offensive before the end of the offensive impulse. the offensive impulse is the live russian meat that they throw, but we understand that they now have a sufficient number of trained people. in principle, this does not apply to the kharkiv operation now, because the resource base is insufficient. it's about personnel, it's about equipment, and so on further. but this does not mean that putin will not
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try to push his vision of the korean war. and the key thing: the war in korea ended, not even when russia's offensive impulse ended. russian-korean-chinese interventionists ended when stalin died, but this one, despite the prophecies of the nightingale, is still alive. not only did stalin die, 100,000 american soldiers remained on the territory of south korea for another 50 years. this was the main thing in the korean script. if putin died, it would be a wonderful gift to all mankind. but i detail spoke about the korean scenario, because it is necessary to analyze putin's plans. but i say once again, ukraine will not agree to this scenario and part of the west, led by macron, will not agree to it. read, i appeal to our viewers, the declaration of the entente cordiale, the new cordial agreement between the british and france,
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the joint statement of foreign ministers cameron and sejournay. these are wonderful texts, they remind me of the vocabulary of churchill's war speeches. it is written there that we are obliged, this is a matter of our honor. to defeat our security of russia, and the future humanity will judge us by what we have accomplished this mission, by what we will be defeated, so no korean options and no long war, mr. putin, but putin, well, he is not ready to agree to this concept, rather that he does, he is trying to attract chinese help, yes, well, maybe resource, maybe some additional, maybe negotiated, the so-called swiss peace is coming. the format is still unknown, whether the chinese will be there as observers, and putin, probably, that is why he decided to open a new additional section of the front, when we are talking, in particular, about the north of the kharkiv region, in your opinion, what is the reason for this next phase of senseless aggression in
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the kharkiv direction, and of course, this is to present the swiss conference, some facts on the ground, no taking kharkov cannot be, for this you need 500 thousand m'. minced meat of russian soldiers, he has only 50. well, they will present several villages, they may still take them, but the fact is that they came to china with this huge camp, but china has its own game. in china, which is the strongest effective factor? xi also lost very badly, as did putin. xi, in fact, carried out a coup d'état in china. he broke with the densiopin tradition. went for a third term, as he said: chinese people, elect me for a third term, i will... bring you taiwan. why was he so sure, because he thought that he pushed putin to aggression. taiwan was saved by ukraine in its hostomel battle. if putin had taken ukraine, as american intelligence believed, in seven days, he would have taken taiwan with his bare hands after that. it would already be clear that if
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in the eyes of the whole world, in the eyes of the americans , ukraine lost in seven days, then xi would have won this game, but he lost it. it was discontinued two years ago. american investments, the flow of american technology, and the chinese economy is going through extremely difficult times, and xi is already making claims, the chinese elite, they say, you promised us taiwan, taiwan is gone, instead of two years of decline of the chinese economy, well, to restore relations with the united states, and objectively it is necessary, and there is enormous domestic political pressure. everyone, of course, does not want to finally abandon putin now, but he still does will be needed as an argument, but for sure. this enormous pressure regarding the restoration of relations with the usa. so putin has nothing to catch here either. are you saying he hasn't given up hope on the korean version yet? let the person gradually realize his defeat. patrushev's release showed that he had taken the first step towards
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enlightenment. he realized that his nuclear blackmail did not work, decided to replace it with a long war, and in parallel pressure on the west with the help of china for the korean option. but he left bortnikov, we understand that bortnikov and the federal security service, in particular, military intelligence, they should be responsible for the implementation of this blitzkrieg, it was all a fake from start to finish, you know, but he did not go against bortnikov, do you have a feeling that bortnikov could be next? yes, he chooses who is more dangerous, let these generals, when they are tortured in... in the cells, shout that bortnikov is guilty. stalin also, when it was necessary to choose between the army and lubyanka, chose lubyanka, because it is always more dangerous for dictators than the army. lubyanka is, after all, those people who are nearby, who protect him. by
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the way, about stalin and the same structure: bortniks, royals, as they were, so they will remain. it does not matter who will topple the dictator personally, what is important is that the concept of a long war will be broken. i can firmly say about this until january 21, 2025, that's why it is so important who will be the president there, it would be possible to talk about it in more detail, but by the way, i won't. sure it will be one of the two, biden or trump, they are both very nondescript. secondly, i consider the concept of macron, the concept of the entente, the new cordial agreement, will be implemented long before january 21, 2025 . it is technically very simple to implement, you only need political will, a hundred, preferably two planes in the sky of ukraine, and there will not be any long war. thank you very much andrii andriyovych for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, god bless you,
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i want to remind our tv viewers that andrii pionkovskyi, a famous political scientist who is in washington, was currently working on espress. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what lives the world, two hours to be aware of economic news. and sports news for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. and now oleksiy hetman, major of the national guard of ukraine in reserve, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, will work on the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. kharkiv direction. so, the enemy seems to be expanding this section of the front
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by another 70 km. on the other hand, we understand that they did not use their so-called strategic reserve in order to intensify offensive actions there, so i would ask you first of all to assess the current operational situation in kharkiv region. well, the 18th division that is there, they created two bridgeheads, 5-7 km deep and 13-15 km wide. this is exactly what is prescribed in the textbooks, which must be done as scaffolds so that you can try to move forward, well, using connecting, well, the main forces, because they were used to create these bridgeheads, this is approximately 15%, no more than 15% of the grouping that is there, was there, this means manpower, with the equipment there is a separate issue, why do you need no less, well , roughly 15 km, it’s better a little more, because in order to... there would be a close shelling of the advancing troops from the flanks from what mortars, that is, it
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should be like this in width, if they want to spread, well, that’s also quite understandable, we ’re talking about the minimum width of these bridgeheads, if they are larger, then it is better for of the advancing army, then they provide in the center more or less opportunities to drive something, well, more calmly, because it will be only artillery fire. crossbow mortars or from there for arrow weapons, they will not reach there, so they will try to spread them, what is their purpose, why are they doing it, well, it is unlikely that they will try to surround or capture kharkiv, directly, because they perfectly understand , that it is impossible to do it with such a number of people, well, forces and means, but to get as close as possible to him, they will try for what, in order for it to be a sighting range already... d-20 artillery there d30, not to mention prepions, cloves and all other
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artillery, so that the city could be bombarded not only with already planning bombs and missiles, but directly with shells, this will greatly complicate the situation directly in the city, so it is necessary to keep the defense there as much as possible and not let them move closer to kharkiv. mr. major, look, they can unfold, so to speak... and strengthen these or other additional ones, for example, offensive vectors, if we are talking about the north of kharkiv region in the direction of sumy region, or can they simply open another section of the front not far from sumy? yes, of course, what they will open near sumy, they want to transform all the areas that are the big city of sumy, the big city of kharkiv. to expand the area, well, it can be theoretically assumed that they want to stretch our defense line very, very much, because sumyshchyna is a 560 km border with russia. russian federation, well, they may not have such a number, they are concentrated there about 30,000 soldiers, and how they, well, i
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don’t know, they want to go along the entire line even to kharkiv oblast, it can reach a thousand kilometers there, no, i think that, well, why do they do it, they have to move forward, they want to create a gray zone of big cities, it is a sanitary zone, as their foreign minister lavrov said, and there are more than a hundred kilometers from the border with... the russian federation, sumy and kharkiv fall into this sanitary zone. to begin with, it is necessary to make being in this place as difficult as possible. and i think they are they will do this, they will fire at kharkiv, if they advance, it is no longer near the border there, fortifications should be built a little deeper closer to kharkiv, as our military-political leadership, the heads of the relevant civil-military administrations, district headquarters there said, well, where are the territories,
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communities, through which this line of defense should pass, if it is built, then they will hardly be able to push these lines further. well , if it is built correctly, as it should be, the first, second, third line, they are in between are connected, well, there is a lot that needs to be done in order for it to be not just a trench dug there, it is not a fortification, it is a trench, but explain in simple terms what a normal, adequate line of defense should be, you don't even want to to mention the so -called surovikin line, well, that's the thing , so to speak, according to the standards of state admissions companies or commissions, and why don't you want to mention the surovikinov line? it was just built from the point of view of engineering and the military is quite competent, so let's be, as they say, fair, if we built like the russians built, it would be pretty good, what does it have, what does it mean, it has to have artillery bays, it has to have a life capsule, massed fire, where people can hide, they are so armored, they should be dugouts, two,
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preferably three-story, so that on the lower floors you can store something... well , shells, ammunition, medicine, everything that is food, everything that is necessary to maintain the defense for a long time, to make them almost, well, almost invulnerable for shelling, from the side of the enemy, it should be built between the first, second, between the second, third and especially after the third, the so-called rocket roads, along which, well, it can be simply paved, a tractor can pass there, so that you can move quickly in any case, well, in the event that somewhere in some... area, they send the enemy, intensify their offensive actions, it should be, well, of course, they should be connected by walking moves between themselves, the first with the second , the second with the third, and a wired communication system must be established there communication, because it is not, well, it cannot be silenced by rebami, the dart communication is invulnerable to, well, it can only be interrupted
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by the cable, well, there must be several lines of the so-called pomvoka, they must be stretched in order for it to be... constant communication between units, well, of course , these are so-called fire positions, basic fire positions, you know, can be compared to a fortress, like a tower on a fortress, so a wall and a tower, this is a fire position. the tower on the fortress, that is, the logic is approximately the same as that of defensive structures, and if it is so built, then it is quite difficult to break through, especially if the replacement is mined between the front of the first line and can be mined. between the first and the second, but here you have to be very careful and there must be a map of the minefield, so that people do not expose themselves to danger, those who hold the defense, we are now talking about not the russians and not about our armed forces, we are saying in general, it is written down, there are combat statutes, there are textbooks for defensive actions, offensive actions, well, they change there, but
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the construction of fortifications is almost, well, you know the first since the time, maybe... napoleon it has not changed at all, the essence has not changed, the logic has remained the same, it has several lines, they must be connected to each other, positions for artillery, positions where you can hide forcibly and so on, that is, it should be built like that, and when there are talks about digging some kind of ditch, well, this is not a fortification, it is a ditch, look, if we talk about the plan of adequate countermeasures, then we understand that if the russians gain a foothold there, well, their key task is as you pointed out, it's... an outlet for certain artillery fire positions, and this is a huge threat to sumy, to kharkiv and not only, and they want to gain a foothold, accordingly, we are aware that they must be knocked out from there, the relevant battles are ongoing, so to speak, the use of those or other additional forces, yes, because we can't use our reserves either, well , firstly, we have already deployed reserves there,
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our military leadership said so, secondly, well, here is such sad news from mr. bud. well, maybe he said it on purpose, so that either there was a wrong translation, or a wrong translation, that we have already used up almost all the reserves, although on the other hand we know that at least 10 new brigades are being prepared, they are undergoing combat coordination, that is , as far as we have enough reserves, well, it is certain that the military taivnytsia, we can say enough, not enough, a lot or a little, but it's not about anything, anyway, we won't be able to use other, other words here, we won't be able to name the number for sure, so let's hope. what is enough for us to hold the defense, and what is most important, what with what the better the fortification, the less people are needed to hold the defense, this is also almost obvious, see if there is a feeling that the enemy can... make this also one of the most important offensive directions, so we understand what the situation is in donetsk region, the situation is very difficult, and rather it looked like this that the enemy
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would make an effort to advance in general in the donetsk direction, here we see that they could enter kharkiv oblast from the north and , accordingly, whether the enemy would have enough resources, so to speak, manpower of equipment for that to hold several directions at once, well , of course, generally offensive actions will suffice. are not held in the same city, even when we were preparing our offensive action, our partners advised us that it is wrong to attack in one city, well, it is also written in the textbooks, you need to have two, three, four directions of attack, and well, some main, maybe the two main ones are some kind of distraction, well, this is also a common tactic, it is so well known, will they be able to attack along the entire front line, well, the russians will not be able to attack actively, what will happen in kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast, well , judging by the fact that they have deployed there... how many people, well, forces and means, then for sure there for now, well, we should not expect some kind of the most powerful where there is less than in
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the kupinsky direction, well for example, we calculated that there were more than 100 thousand there on kupinsky, the kupinsky-limansk direction, but there they are storming the attempts to cross the oskil river, the kupinsky junction and so on, here there are fewer in two directions than in one direction of kupinsky, well, as you can expect, there will be a major impact, the main one an attack there can happen if they start moving troops, and they do it mainly by rail, and they, well, they have learned to do it all quite quickly, so if they start transporting there, we will immediately see, already send equipment, then it can be expected that this will be the direction of the main strike or one of the main strikes, and for now it will be such an advance with an attempt to turn sumy and kharkiv into a gray zone, it seems to me from military logic, if it so happened that these cities are not far from russian of the russian border, realizing that
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a very large number of forces and means are needed to completely capture or surround them, then the russians would hardly begin to do this, considering how many people they have already put in, how many troops they have concentrated in the eastern direction, but to try to turn these the city into a gray zone into an unsafe for habitation, it is quite possible that this will also affect our... and the armed forces and, in general, our emotional state and everything, well, we understand this perfectly, so from a military logic, well, there is no need to attack, from i would be on the spot, you know, you need to put yourself in the place of the enemy in order to better understand his actions, i would in any case not attack sumy and kharkiv regions, i would try to get as close as possible and start shelling with artillery, well for in order to inflict maximum damage, and the main blows are still the south and the east, it is quite possible that it will be zaporizhia, we do not know for sure here, they... are constantly moving troops along the length of the front, thus trying to us to confuse where exactly the main strike or main strikes will be, for now, well, those in the places where they are already climbing, they will definitely
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relax there, they will not relax yet, it is unlikely that they will do it, other, other places, especially our northern borders, most likely it will just be an attempt to create a humanitarian catastrophe in big cities, sumakha and kharkiv , they will succeed or not, well, it depends on our fortifications, it depends on our number of weapons of the military, which we can go there to... rule in order to keep the defense, and of course on the speed of supplying us with weapons from our partners , well, it would be very good anyway return or raise the question of air defense means again, it seems that it has started to move in the right direction, because any fortification from fap 1500 or fap 300, well, it will not withstand, artillery can be hidden there, even mlrs can be hidden there, it can save capsules there life, and if hit by a ton of explosions. bomb, well , you can’t do anything here, there aren’t any of them, it’s possible, it ’s already a bunker of some kind, mr. major, look, you just mentioned the south, so we understand that there is a direction ugledarsky marinka plus
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ugledar and there is also a robot where you see now the prospect, so to speak, of the concentration of their troops by the russians, to what extent they would need an increase in personnel, although you can see in the south they also built a blockade and , so to speak, set up logistics, so to speak, because crimean logistics will continue to work, well, about maryanka and the coal miner, yes , of course, they are trying, well , they can’t take the ughledar head on, they have already tried it, it ended badly for them, so they can try to enter the ughledar from the other side in the middle of the night, it is quite possible to assume that, in relation to the work, the takmak direction, well, the zaporizhia direction can be called differently, there is construction debris where this city was, everything that could be destroyed has already been destroyed, there is constant shelling, they are trying in this way... to try to level the front line, well in order to move us as far as possible from takmak, because takmak is a railway hub, and the closer we
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are to it, the easier it is for us to... shelling it and disrupting it is one of the very important logistical routes, this is otlanavaha , takmak, melitopol, dzhankoy, in the crimea, on the kherson grouping of the dnipro, russian, this was one of the two logistical routes, the city of kerch, the railway, well, they built the third one along the azov coast, so it became a little easier for them, but they want us, why do they see the front that likes a straight line, no, because how can we push our capabilities further. destroy, well, attack the railway, everything that can move along it, so what will be the direction, well, rabotina, they will definitely continue to advance, they have greatly strengthened, strengthened the offensive action, i think, they will not climb further, they, they, at this stage, that will be enough for them, but about the maryanka and the charcoal-burner, well, here is this one, well, if there is action, there is the bakhmut, avdiyev direction, the bakhmut direction, the liman
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direction, the merchant direction. well, you know, to the question of where they are, who knows where they are, who knows, those who record the movement, the movement of personnel, equipment, the creation of additional operational teams, and so on and so on, should know those who record that should be fixed by those trained accordingly by people who work with satellites and work at the tactical level, that is how it is fixed, well , it is not possible yet, well, they have approximately all the directions, well, there are up to 130,000, more than 100,000, let's say people, and the kupinsky direction, these two directions, since a year ago, a large number of armies were grouped there, well, several armies , by and large, and that is where the greatest concentration is, from these cities they are to them and to the kherson direction, they were moving troops there, landing troops and on bakhmut direction, and to the avdiiv
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direction, and to the maryan direction. well , of course, i think that this 18th division, it was most likely from the kuplynsk direction, well, that’s not a fact, i can’t say for sure, well, judging by logic, that’s how it is, here we go, let’s start from kupinsk to ugledar and returning to the west to the crimea along the great movement to jonko, these are all cities where they can make offensive actions, and they are doing them there over some powerful group in some one city so far. no, they have logistics it works very well there, because the russian federation and or the lpr, the dpr are behind, it is easier for them to deliver everything, the logistics are worse in the south, that is, in the volidarsky direction and in the rabotinsky direction, the logistics there are not the worst, the logistics are the longest, so expect that there it is unlikely that there will be powerful offensive actions, because during offensive actions it is necessary not only to deliver, deliver in ambulances and constantly renew the ammunition, renewing
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the fuel at the oil stations. food, medicines are still necessary, it is easier for them to do it in sumy, kharkiv, kupinsky, in the bakhmut, avdiiv and maryan directions, it is easiest for them there, so judging by the grouping in sumy oblast and kharkiv oblast, it can be considered that there will simply be efforts to advance, and not something more powerful, but from from kupinsk to uglidar, anywhere in all these directions, they can do it there, they have everything for it, they have everything for it, where exactly, well, well... where, well, they come from, i think, they themselves have not yet finally decided , i think so, russian. thank you very much, mr. major, for this one extremely important and interesting conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that retired national guard major oleksiy hetman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, worked on espresso. thank you. well, the time of our program is over, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones.
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see you on air. watch this week 's judicial control program with tetyana shustrova: judicial reform and ukraine's path to the eu are under threat. if a failure occurs no european integration for us, then we will simply be in this limbo an infinite number. but why does the supreme court of justice leave unscrupulous judges in their posts. i bought it for what, but i sold it. congratulations, this is a judicial control program. as always, we are talking about the main reform, the direction of which depends on our european prospects. how is the new judiciary being formed in ukraine, and is it really possible to talk about a total renewal with confidence? experts notice alarming symptoms that may threaten the entire reform. about all this today, but first traditionally to the news. the firm of the wife of the head of the kyiv district.


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