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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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and not olezh, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning ukraine, what can they tell us as of this morning so that the enemy listened, listened and understood nothing, and we understood everything? well, for today i can say that our battles continue, enough of such really intense battles, the enemy is trying to storm us almost along the entire front, but at the moment he has concentrated his attention more, we can say that for several days already. this is klitschevka-andriivka, well, of course, he directly tries to storm the times, he doesn’t just storm it, he does his own with such a terrorist practice, he simply really destroys it, destroys everything that is there today, today he used the maximum resources that only he has, both for fire damage and for assault actions, today we can see that he is already storming with just such a mechanized component. ugh, but they
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are repeating the same thing they did in avdiivka, that is, they are pounding the temporal ravine with guided aerial bombs, kababs, and in what, in what quantities? yes, it is the same practice, you can say that they do not have enough artillery capabilities for the kind of offensive active actions that they are trying to take here today, and that is why they are trying to use the kabami and replace this... component, there are really a lot of kabami, i would say so, from 30 to 50 on the other hand, it is precisely in our direction that they use them, in general we can say that if we take our ot luhansk, then it is precisely the chasiv direction, somewhere, well, a fifth part of the vogda defeat is attributed to this, to this shade of the front, and also they reactive systems are used very actively under the control of fire, they directly
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use both standard missile rockets and ammunition soup here, ugh, and this technique is a tactic near the time of the yar, which we talked about literally a few minutes ago, actually, they are trying to go accompanied by tanks in order to somehow clear the way for bmp, is this a common phenomenon, or was it such a one-time action several times. therefore , today they are really increasingly used as heavy equipment, these are tanks and armored fighting vehicles, tanks in general - they are designed for offensive, in this in this case, they could also use them to clear up differences, that is, they try to combine their actions on different shades, it still depends directly on the commanders who plan this attack in this area, the middle and who
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send their units, mr. oleg, what do they say our eyes, our intelligence, something is happening there, they are forming a new group, they are moving somewhere, because we see that they have mainly concentrated in the south in recent days in the direction of ivanovske, the tick is there, and what is behind the front line, where some reserves may be dropped or, on the contrary , withdrawn, behind the front line they have... the troops that are directly here, i would say that they have reserves, they have reserves of their operational and tactical level, which they are recruiting here , in general, we can have several battalions, such and such in a hot direction, if they have them, and such external large reserves do not reach them today, but it should be noted that they have a rather powerful group here against against we are standing, and they have you... tea
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directly from this mass, the human mass with which they attack us, they also carry out direct replenishment in the combat zone of their combat-capable units, that is, the human losses that they suffer during active assaults, they try to replenish directly from the receipts what you said from the second line, well, i would say not from the second line, but from the russian territory directly, and there is already a second one there. line and on they just try to regroup in order to have more of the safe distance we want now i will show you some shots of such a handsome russian in the pews, of course, and he has not just a fairy tale, not just a helmet on his head, he tuned it a little, attached a reb to himself, that is, they don’t just hide their rebs somewhere in the form of models of cows along the fields, but like this, please take a look. have
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you seen anything like this in your direction and does this story work at all, does it help? well, i personally didn't have to, to be honest. to observe, but to the question of whether i help, i can say, yes, she will help him, how lotion for the dead, uh, but the lotion is expensive, and also to attach it to the head, well , of course, dear, yes, and also for the dead, so everything will help him, it’s his novelty, i don’t think it will work, thank you for service, thank you for participating in our broadcast, for explaining a little what is happening in the vicinity of chasiv yar, oleg kalashnikov was with us. head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade named after general khorundzhy roman deshkevich. and we thank you for donating, because you yourself have just heard from the boys what they need, just now looked and listened to mr. kalashnikov, actually about the time of the yar and immediately flew to the donat.
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thank you, here's who didn't make it, the qr code and card number always remain with us, support who can as much as possible. well, what about you? if we have the opportunity, i often watch it, listen to it and remember it, yesterday i was reminded of a very interesting archival caricature, or not even a caricature, this is a picture, let's show it to our viewers, it appeared in time magazine, we found this from the archive in 1890, if we can get it out now, he will see that there is actually m... you are from o look at the globe, you see the year 1890, and here is the greek goddess bringing order to the planet, washing it and asking god what
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to do with this black spot, she says what kind of black spot is it on the planet, and they answer her, oh that's russia, yes, this is russia, which she is trying to wash away 100 more than a year has passed. nothing has changed globally, in principle, this black spot continues to do evil on the planet on a planetary scale, and the world is finally starting to understand what is happening, remember, we always said: let us hit the territory of russia western weapons, on those places, on military facilities that are legitimate targets, and for the most part we heard a firm and clear no, but biden came to lloyd. said that it is necessary, we do not know that certain negotiations are already starting in the american authorities, specifically about whether to allow ukraine to strike targets on russian territory with weapons provided by the united states or not. the new york times, in fact, already wrote about it,
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analyzed all the views, for example, and the congressmen even drew a map and showed it, where will this attack with 300. plus, if it is imposed on the territory of the temporary formation called rusia federation. god, what was going on in the marshes yesterday? everything was on fire there. they probably haven't heard austin yet, because he actually said what the russians would like to hear, they say: "we expect the ukrainians to use these weapons to strike targets inside the country." but then he added such a tiny nuance. however, in relation to air targets, the approach may be different. and actually. this is probably what is most expected now in kharkiv oblast, because if they allow, if we can knock down all that flies that attack every day, in fact kharkiv, then life will be a little easier in kharkiv oblast and it will be easier for our military, this is also a hint that we understand that some cabs
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are on the border, but when they are in vovchansk, they are launched from the territory of the belgorod region from the territory of russia, this means that this is actually the first such step. you can shoot down these planes that launch guided air bombs over russian territory, you can shoot down over russian territory, this is such a half step, not yet a step, but already a very important moment, so already austin, blinken, johnson is somehow trying to rehabilitate his half-year silence and procrastination, victoria nuland also supports it, that is, there are some movements, late, of course, but it's still happening and we're actually waiting. that is about to get a little easier, i hope that our colleagues in the news service will show you more in pictures, but it is so funny to read how one illegitimate dictator of the kremlin goes to the führer's potatoes in a self-proclaimed country to belarus, and this is what
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this visit looks like , it's even more cringe-worthy, than i will go to beijing, their propaganda has not yet had time to tell how good they are, and we are still brothers with the chinese, they are... practicing now, what will they tell about the brave putin, who outplayed everyone, putin's il-96 plane flew to minsk yes, he was accompanied by four fighter jets, and in addition there was a doppelganger plane, in a word, not only doppelgangers of putin himself, there are also doppelgangers of putin’s planes, they land there with a difference of a few minutes to confuse everyone, so that no one would guess, and here a philosophical question arises, if not only putin has doppelgangers, in airplanes, probably in cars, two black suitcases, one nuclear, and the other not at all nuclear, there are also doppelgangers here, an interesting question. more questions for the military experts , serhiy
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zgurets will be with us in a few minutes after a short break, we will ask him about a lot, stay tuned. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. in the latest issue of the magazine ukraine, the main threats to the unity of society. find out. how to prevent the enemy from discording us in the special topic on demographic challenges. an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov. corruption in landfills, a large-scale investigation of crimes against the environment and citizens, interesting stories and quality analytics. with the country at the center of the main events. buy at press outlets. i remember betargin. the morning will be without a hangover. on may 27, the stage of the mary theater. zenkovetska will host a charity concert in memory of the legendary tsysyk flower. sofia
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on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your streets, at school, in your church, because in your home, they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we felt sorry, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard victory is given. and we will do everything to
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hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than family. we are a nation united around you. returning to our airwaves, we remind you that we have a collection for the cold ravine for our defenders who are now on the hot chasivarian direction, the bachmuth direction as we used to call it call. and they need atvs for various purposes, in order to move quickly, in order to deliver ammunition very quickly and with minimal effort. atvs are actually very maneuverable, they can go where some heavier equipment cannot go, where it is difficult to reach, and of course, this is about medical evacuation, because we remember that
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we need to deliver a wounded soldier very quickly in order to provide him with the most necessary help, this first one, it's very, very... which came from the crimea, we know that around 11 o'clock in the evening yesterday there, at least in russian military objects were struck in five places in crimea, including isakia patoriya, yalushta, that is, those areas, those directions where the enemy can hold military objects and certain defense and industrial facilities,
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so far it is known about that of valushtia. but the communications center that ensures the work of the black sea fleet and the russian troops there was hit, so in any case we can talk about such systematic work of the armed forces , probably with the use of attacks, because precisely with the arrival of these long-range systems from with cassette equipment, we see a significant increase in the capabilities of our armed forces, just a couple of days ago we talked about the fact that in sevastopol russian warships were hit, and now we see that this model is also being extended to other military facilities of the russian federation in the temporarily occupied crimea and to other areas of the front, where the enemy is trying to obtain certain types of weapons or certain units, mr. serhiu, but these attacks that struck, we do not have a complete picture, we have
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confirmation from the movement too, we have small videos from local publics. and the official information that they shot down three atakams missiles, can they really shoot them down, or is this another lie, because against the background of this information , we have so far seen explosions exactly, as they say , on the ground, not in the air, well in fact , any weapon, well, linguistically speaking, has certain features, it can also be shot down by attacks, it is actually an operational-tactical missile that has a certain speed and certain complexes. in particular , the s-400 should theoretically shoot down these e-missiles, because we remember that atakams was created there in the 80s, and after that the soviet union began to create these air defense systems there, starting with buks, s-300 and then s-400, which in one way or another were directed to combat with such means
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of impression, but here the question is not only the technical capacity of the complexes, but the capacity, in particular, of manifestations. these missiles , the training of the enemy's personnel, all these factors actually, well, sometimes add up to such a picture, when the left part of the atakams reaches the target, which we see precisely on many impressions in russian, why am i asking you this, because in fact this is such a classic duel in a cruise missile and air defense, this s-400 complex should theoretically have and can shoot down attackcoms, but we see that on the contrary ... donetsk the direction was destroyed by the s-400, that is , it turns out that in those duels they will still lose from the point of view, i agree with you, because if you recall the history of the poddonetsk, it is exactly mospino, where it was destroyed, the target was almost the s-400 division, because when we talk about a division, it's about
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the radar command post, these are the most valuable components of the complex, and then there will be six, eight, 10 launchers there. uh, and actually, when the command post is hit, the whole complex does not become incapacitated, but right now we can see exactly the work of atakams along mospina, and this, by the way, is not such a long distance, there is about 40 km from the contact line, but the target was very important, and here even the question arises why the enemy places such mirrors. not far from the sunset line, probably, or until a certain time there was a certain one actually impunity, or, relatively speaking, the location was extremely important for the enemy. because we know that from there 400 within the limits of certain missiles can carry out strikes there at a distance of more than 200 km, but this object
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was extremely important, because we wrote there and everyone wrote that two launchers were destroyed there , two damaged the command post, so relatively speaking, there was not an unusual radar there, because there this radar is a new sample that combines both passive and active capabilities, it is just one of those on... of the more modern developments of the russian army, which was created for integration into various means of air defense, this passive component, including the fact that it can passively monitor the operation of our aircraft or other systems there and carry out such unexpected strikes on our facilities, but we see that the work of the atakams turned out to be much more effective than all these efforts, waiting for the enemy and destroying the division. i think s400 is a good and extremely important work of the armed forces of ukraine. there is another very good job for us i like it, one day, one time, the second day,
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two, i’m talking about the 110th brigade and their decommissioned su-25s, if this continues, then in just a month we will have some kind of huge holiday, if there are such accurate shots at attack aircraft every day, have you already analyzed how it can be done, how can it be done? to kill these stragglers, indeed, when we talk about the work of the 110th brigade in the avdiiv direction, during several, it seems, two weeks there, they destroyed as many as six su-25 aircraft, we remember how these 125 aircraft flew with impunity during the yarom era, how they launched rockets from there, bombarded our positions, and then it caused so much internal... so much concern and irritation, why don't we shoot down these 125, which actually fly under the noses of our armed forces, but then
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the package of american aid came, and i think that the receipt of a significant number, first of all manpads, stingers, which finally gave our military the opportunity to, well, carry out countermeasures to destroy enemy aircraft, and the work actually. manpads calculations are enough courageous work, because at this time, when such attack aircraft carry out attacks, everyone has to go underground to hide, but manpads calculations at this moment just come out and meet the enemy from stingers, this is an extremely difficult and courageous job, and if for several we see days destroyed even. these are extremely good results, i hope that this is due to the skill of our manpads operators and to a sufficient number of the complexes themselves, because
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i repeat for a while, we had a pause, and now this pause is actually filled with good work our military, as our people say, we have more stingers, good and different, and i want to return to one more know-how, it even worked for a certain period. well, i mean mobile sheds with rebs on their heads, although without the possibility of turning the turret, but these tanks passed through certain areas and were used in the east, but we hear that some even newer developments have been made there, since roof tiles, corrugated board and everything else it doesn't help, because they started burning them, now it's as if they're saying these tanks started dousing the turtles with rubber, why i don't know about rubber, because this is a question from a yakut sculptor... they have another substance, which they have a lot of, could they pour it over, how much does this rubber rubber protection help them? well, we really see that the enemy
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is looking for all the opportunities to bring their forces to the line of contact, we see there motorcycles, and bikes and everything else, which at the expense of speed is trying to break through our means of impression and artillery and... fp drones, and when we talk about these turtle tanks, they really use a different concept now, i.e. iron as much as possible, to put a reb device, it works or not, it’s a reb or not, but under this protection of additional metal, put 10-20 infantrymen there, pull them under our trenches, then carry out a landing and thus try somehow well... eh break through our defense line. how does rubber help them? first of all, i say that the actual metal is such
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a taxi that works up to the point of collision, but first of all, the means of countermeasures are mine barriers, which also work effectively and anti-tank means, first of all, anti-tank complexes, in these conditions, we just see there are already enough cases when these turtle tanks are destroyed, and beyond that, of course , one more layer of rubber on top of the iron will not change the situation, more mining, more atgm and more effective fp work, all this allows you to minimize the enemy's capabilities. either by rubber or other means or the versions you mentioned? haven't heard for a long time, and here i am again talking about nuclear blackmail, they say that they are ready to attack, mr. serhiy, how many do they have, are there real calculations, how many of these warheads they have, what means, to apply them, so that they actually have, well, when we speak. the russian
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federation, indeed , the enemy has a strategic and tactical nuclear component, the quantitative indicators there range from two to 400 strategic and tactical nuclear munitions, some of them are stored in storage facilities, some need to be disposed of, but the quantitative indicators are so important here, because in any case, we understand that now the russian federation, with the conduct of these exercises, primarily solves such e. ​​informational and psychological tasks, because in fact, we remember, the first announcement there on may 6 about these exercises, when macron announced that there were no lines there, and aid would be provided to ukraine, including by units here and there on the territory of ukraine, then, when the transfer of western weapons was announced, and a discussion began, which is now extremely important from the point
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of view of a positive solution. this is giving ukraine the opportunity to strike with western weapons at objects on the territory of the russian federation, and just then russia again announced the second stage of these exercises with a demonstration tactical nuclear weapons that they have. in fact, all these videos that we are currently showing to our viewers, there is a demonstration of the iskanders, then there is a demonstration of the 22m3, the mig 31, which can theoretically carry, i... tactical weapons, but it does not appear from this video at all that it's just, well , these exercises really show tactical nuclear weapons, so in any case, we're talking about informational and psychological pressure on our partners to limit the supply of western aid and somehow influence american partners, or this discussion about the possibility of using american weapons against the accumulation of enemy forces on the territory of orf
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was somehow postponed. in part , i think that this this is this is working on the enemy, but i hope that now this discussion that is currently going on in the united states with biden changing his approaches, i think that after all it should be resolved positively for us, because the limited use of american weapons actually creates unequal conditions for conducting hostilities. mr. serhiy, thank you for your answers, for participating in our broadcast, serhii sgurets, director of the information and consulting company defensespress. was with us, we have an air alert announced in the north, first it was kyiv, now all of kyiv and also the chernihiv region, it was previously reported that a target was fixed in the direction of chernihiv, there is no confirmed information now, whether it is really flying or it is a reb-robot, well, when the goal disappears, but at least you don't have to ignore such anxieties. 9:00 is approaching, this is
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the time, the moment when we are in... and remember all those who died from the russians occupiers on our land. moment of silence let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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