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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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it is approaching, this is the time, the moment when we honor and remember all those who died at the hands of the russian invaders on our land. a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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the secret forum of the russian opposition in lviv, why didn't even the gardener know about this event, what the adviser to the head of the president's office podolyak was doing there, whether such an event outraged or surprised you, you can write about it in the comments under the broadcast on the radio channel freedom. we will also talk about closing the sky over ukraine. the partners are deciding whether they can shoot down russian missiles over the territory of nato countries neighboring ukraine. will they have the courage to make this decision? at this time, biden is being persuaded to give permission to kiev to strike with western weapons on the territory of russia. is this a realistic prospect? this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting. the ukrainian military in... hit the
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communication node of the radar anti-aircraft forces of the russian army in the occupied crimea. about this reports the ukrainian monitoring channel crimean veter, and the atesh telegram channel, which calls itself a partisan movement, writes that it is about the communication node of the military unit 2873 735 valushti. this is a former ukrainian military unit, now occupied by the russian army, so says atesh, the crimean weatherman writes that no less than six rockets were hit there and that at the time of the attacks, high-ranking russian military personnel were there, this is the video being shared on social networks, shoot on a video, what a video, take it, take it on video and calm down at once. after the attack, the occupying head of crimea
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, serhiy aksonov, reported that in alushta there was a hit in an empty economic facility, in the simferopol district two passers-by were allegedly killed as a result of a rocket attack. the russian ministry of defense announced this morning that three atakams missiles were shot down over crimea, as well as three unmanned sea boats in the black sea. officially, kyiv has not yet commented on this situation. people died as a result of russian strikes on the printing press. complex in kharkiv, in particular because of the shortage air defense systems in ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi said about it. in his address, he called the partners' restrictions on the use of weapons for strikes against russia unfair and noted that the world should make more efforts in this direction. whenever such strikes occur, when our cities and villages are destroyed, when lives are destroyed, and books and everything that preserves humanity is burned, it is always worth speaking out. open, why this is still possible,
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only because ukraine still has limitations in defense, it is a shortage of air defense systems, which actually the world has the day before, the russian military fired nine rockets at kharkov, in particular, in the osnovyansk district, they hit a large production plant of the printing house of the factor group of companies that print books for the vivat publishing house and other publishing houses, according to the latest published information, the person died. seven people, another 21 people were injured, it is known that one of the rockets hit the production workshop, where people worked, the books caught fire, a large-scale fire broke out on the spot, two more rockets landed near the enterprise, so said the head of the kharkiv oblast of the military administration oleg sinygubov. in total , the russian army carried out at least 15 strikes in the city and the kharkiv district, according to the local prosecutor's office, and also attacked the transport infrastructure and a unit of the utility company. which deals with
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the life support of the city, this was already reported by the mayor igor terekhov. today is a day of mourning in kharkiv. ivan sokol, director of the civil department, joins our broadcast. protection of kharkiv ova, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining, and such an important day for kharkiv, on the day of mourning, tell us, share, what is the latest information about the consequences of yesterday's attack on the city, has the rescue operation been completed, we know that there are seven dead people, or is this the final number? yes, congratulations, so if we are talking about the strikes in kharkiv oblast, yesterday's, which took place at 10:30 a.m. in the morning, we state the fact that at this moment we have seven dead people, 21 injured people, if we talk about the dead, then these are all people, absolutely all people, these are workers, the enterprise that was hit by an enemy missile,
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the liquidation of the consequences was carried out yesterday in... we actually learned about this figure, and if we talk about the region in general, then there were no less than 13 missile strikes in the region, no less than 35, and we have nine civilian deaths per day. and 44, unfortunately, who were injured, and among them one child, a boy of 11 years old, i understand correctly that the number of dead that you are talking about are printing press workers, seven workers, yes, these are seven people, these are the employees of the printing house,
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who at the time of the explosion were actually in the epicenter of the said explosion, this is the rocket that hit the production workshop in which the products of the said topography were produced, do you consider these russian attacks yesterday targeted, many people wrote in social networks that the missiles used by the russian army are inaccurate and where they could be aimed is also not clear, maybe at another location, how do you explain it? you know, to be honest, and having the experience of previous hits, well, i want to say that they... sufficiently accurate missiles and those missiles that they have already converted to s300 there, they also hit the targets they would like to hit quite accurately, and therefore, well, this is my personal opinion, of course, that even they do not understand why they do it,
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but it is exclusively my opinion that this is ordinary terror against the ukrainian people, just ordinary terror and... the goal is probably to appease the population of kharkiv oblast, kharkiv oblast and the population of ukraine, i have no other subjective explanations. given the proximity to the russian federation, or they managed to launch the air warning signals yesterday, and people were at their workplaces because the border is close and there is simply no time to hear the alarm, to sound it and to hide in a safer place. place, the air alarm was launched already in the morning, in fact, and to say that they had time there, they did not have time, look, in fact, every 5-7 minutes there , a sushka 34 plane comes in for an attack in the direction of kharkiv
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in order to drop an aerial bomb, so because of this, such long-term anxiety is explained kharkiv region, and of course... if we do not take into account these narrows, then the c300 polyrocket, as we have already noted, noted, the minimum that i personally counted was 19 seconds, and the maximum that was counted by me personally was this it was one minute for 17 seconds, everyone understands about the alarm signals, but we are daily, the head of the regional military administration set the task of reducing the time as much as possible. from receiving a danger signal to turning on the alarm signal through the loudspeaker, so we are currently working on it and in fact, every day we try to reduce, find mechanisms and reduce this number of seconds that are expensive, as it turns out, for
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people's lives and health. ivan, what is the situation in vavchansk? yesterday, we talked on the air about the fact that volunteers are no longer allowed in the city, only the police and the military go to pick up people at their own risk, these days after. for the death of a policeman's car, which was attacked by a drone, and they continue to go after people to take them out, save them, evacuate them from the city. yes, our police officers are probably the best. like volunteers like workers of the state emergency service, at the moment the situation in the city is very tense, there are still people who want to leave, but, unfortunately, they are in those points, there are quite a few of them, according to the applications received there on the hotline, but according to their locations, it's actually already on the very front line, so it's working now. with the military, and with the national field, and with volunteers, in order to take
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maximum measures to protect the population of ukraine, but at the moment the evacuation situation is under control, it is coordinated by absolutely all authorities, from state, regional to local, also very, very helpful in evacuation to the coordination humanitarian center... volunteer organizations that coordinate only volunteers, and this is currently, in my opinion, the most effective evacuation mechanisms, and when there are 60 cars, at least 60 cars provided by volunteer organizations, which are coordinated, know exactly where to go, know the tasks set and provide information about their performance, then in general at the moment it seems to me issues... which should not be in the kharkiv region, the evacuation is organized in the most efficient way together with the national security service and the state emergency service. in general,
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the situation in kharkiv oblast is getting worse every day, let's say, if we talk about the region in general. this is a very, you know, sensitive issue, if you take into account that they are simply sanding the line of contact and the border, then in the cities, yes. especially since the 10th, it ’s simple, if you look from the northern point of the city, you can see in the evening, just you know, the glow, you see the glow, from the explosions that are taking place in the directions in which the enemy army is trying to advance, so of course we can see who is not in kharkiv. and who follows the news, it is impossible not to notice the number of attacks by russian forces on the city
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of kharkiv and in the region. i thank ivan for participating and telling about the situation in the region. ivan sokol, director of the department of civil protection of the kharkiv district, was a guest of svoboda ranok. factor druk is one of europe's largest full -cycle typographic complexes, which was damaged as a result of the russian attack. they print their books there many ukrainian publishing houses, in particular well-known ones. , which is also part of the factor company group. after this tragedy, people started a flash mob in support of vivat, posting photos of their books from this publishing house on social networks and buying them, urging others to buy vivat books in order to support the business and its employees. well -known ukrainians, such as musician svyatoslav vakarchuk, writers oksana zabushko and serhiy zhidan, called to support publishers, other ukrainian book publishers also called to support factor 2 and vevat in particular. some bookstores and online stores book buyers were promised free
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delivery for purchased books or cashback. but the ambassador of great britain to ukraine, martin harry, said that he also ordered books from vivat, the ambassador of germany also expressed his support for the publishing house. one of the ukrainian supermarket chains stated that all profits from the sale of books in their vivatu chain will be transferred to the publishing house. serhii, a politician, the owner of a printing plant, joins our broadcast. druk, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining, of course, condolences in connection with such events, how are you as a team after yesterday's attack? good morning, thank you for your sympathy, well , actually, the team is certainly in a very depressed state, because ah, because, well, when brothers lose their brothers at the front, then ... great horror and sadness, but that's all after all, people, well, perform
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tasks that they understand, well, that they signed up for, so to speak, when, if only representatives of such a civilian, such a humanitarian profession as printers get into such trouble, it is usual, well it's hard to explain in words and... when yours comrade was just drinking coffee or talking about the future of ukraine, he died, well, this is a very, very difficult situation, but apart from a... the personal grief of the workers, people, and their families, i would now like to draw attention to a huge problem, which in connection with this tragedy arises for the entire publishing industry of ukraine, because the situation has arisen that the majority of printing facilities are located in
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kharkivsk in the city of kharkiv, and i... i know, for sure, but if we are talking about book printing, i think that this at least 85-90% of all books printed in ukraine are printed in kharkiv, at our printing house, as well as at our partners, at our e-e colleagues in the industry, and in connection with the nightmarish situation in kharkiv, of course, the energy situation and... the security situation, all printing houses are not working in three shifts, as they worked before the war, in one shift, and therefore a situation arose when all the combined capacity of ukrainian printers could no longer meet the needs of publishing houses, with the destruction of our topography,
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the total capacity, i believe, will be reduced by no less than ... er 30-40%. and thus himself the process of printing books, including textbooks that we printed, well, i don't know, probably up to 50% of all textbooks that were printed in our country, and therefore how we will do it tomorrow, i don't know at the moment, and i understand that without the support of the international community. and states, this issue will be very difficult to solve, bearing in mind that even with the support of everyone who can and wants to support, this process will take at least 3-4 months, and i i think
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that this is an optimistic assessment, it is a process, mr. serhiu. recovery or process is possible moving and moving to a safer place, you are thinking about this now, but you said about support, and now it is clear that many of you are supported by people in social networks, but you say that it is impossible to somehow recover without the support of the state, maybe there has already been some reaction from from the local government there or from other regions, from other big cities, where would you be offered to move in order to resume your work there? of course, from the very beginning of the war, we thought about this issue, we thought about the problem of relocation, but i owe you i would like to note your attention to at least two aspects, the first: printing is a very, very special, very highly
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qualified and high-tech business, and therefore in order to... firstly, secondly , all this equipment is insane amounts of money, well, for example, one printing press that prints newspapers, for example, uniset, cost 4 million to disassemble it, it takes somewhere up to 200 thousand, there is a month and a half for the process of its disassembly. and then after transportation for and the same approximately time for it to assemble, it has a height of about 10-11 m, and in order to place it somewhere , a special room is needed, but, well, and so
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on, all machines have such a problematic structure, and... but the rest is probably an even bigger problem, to train a typist, for example, you need less than 5 years, 5 years, this is an artificial profession, of which, well, in ukraine in general, there are not many of them, and but in times of war, this is simply a catastrophic problem, and therefore, if we even, well, even with help... but it is almost impossible to find specialists in these regions, and therefore kharkiv became if hostage to this problem, well
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, location problems, problems of its capital in the field of printing, printing industry, kharkiv, well, such a, well, such a cell, well , entrepreneurs and specialists in the printing industry, and therefore... their relocation is practically impossible, if only, if this it was possible, probably all the printing houses have long since moved somewhere to the western regions, this is the problem we have, mr. serhiy, i thank you for joining in, once again my condolences and thank you for explaining the global nature of this situation, of course, first of all it is human life and what you wrote about the feeling of the team, and how it's all just strength, and hang on. serhiy polituchy, owner of the faktor druk printing plant, was a guest of svoboda ranok. next, let's talk about , you know, such questions that
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are currently arising in the information space and, in principle, in principle, even give some hope to ukrainians. the prohibition for ukraine to fire at targets on the territory of russia is unacceptable, this is exactly how the ukrainian military, which is currently fighting in the kharkiv direction, reacts to the political discussion on the authorization of strikes on territory with western weapons, so that the partners do not want us to fire on the territory of the aggressor, well, in my opinion, this is not at all, well , it is not acceptable, because we did not come to their territory, they came to ours, and understanding that the rszzo and cannons, howitzers, are fired from abroad. and without firing on the territory of the russian federation, we will not be able to hit them in any way. from an international legal point
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of view, ukraine has every right to this, oleksandr mereshko, the chairman, said about this on the air of radio liberty, in the project of our colleagues from freedom live committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. according to him, if ukraine is given permission to use american weapons to launch strikes on russian territory, the russian army will be forced to do so. to transfer its logistics deep into its country, the first of the un charter, which provides for the right to individual or collective self-defense, is inalienable, as the right says, and the territory of the aggressor state is the territory of the theater of war, that is, ukraine from an international legal point of view has the full right to destroy russian military facilities on the territory of the aggressor state, there are no problems, the questions are urgent. political in the presence of political will. in recent days, on various political platforms and in the speeches of the ukrainian authorities and diplomats, they have been calling on their western partners
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to grant such permission for ukraine, and some have already been convinced. the day before, the speaker of the us house of representatives, republican mike johnson , said that ukraine should be given the opportunity to fight as it sees fit. he said this in a comment to the correspondence of the ukrainian service of the voice of america. us secretary of state anthony blinken called on us president jobai. to lift the restrictions on the use of american weapons in ukraine, and he did this immediately after his visit to kyiv, where, in addition to protocol meetings, he ate pizza with koleba and played the guitar in a kyiv bar. instead, the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, at the last press conference in the ramstein format, again stated that the pentagon expects that ukraine will not use weapons from the us outside its country. meanwhile, nato already has a model. how to protect ukraine from of russian air attacks, the american publication business insigner writes about this , citing the words of former nato secretary general anders fograsmussen, according to him,
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interceptor missiles can be launched from the territory of nato countries neighboring ukraine, such as poland or romania, in order to cover the western ukrainian regions. this idea is also supported in germany by both ruling and opposition parties. member of the bundestag defense committee, jovine harten in an interview. spiegel said, in particular, if you move patriot from poland's rzeszów closer to the polish-ukrainian border, this will allow protecting the airspace over western ukraine, as the patriot has a range of up to 100 km. the polish foreign ministry said that they received a request from ukraine to shoot down russian missiles outside the territories of nato countries, and this is a debatable issue. paweł wronski, the spokesman of the polish foreign ministry, noted that the potential downing of the missiles is connected with a number of prerequisites, for example, technical issues regarding the range. the flight of these missiles, as well as legal questions: what will happen if the remains of such a missile are destroyed someone's property or will cause someone's death, because rockets do not dissolve in air, so
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says the head of the ministry of foreign affairs. ukraine's dmytro kuleba told german foreign minister annalena berbuk about kyiv's request to allies to shoot down russian missiles from its territory during a visit to kyiv and noted that if they do not want to do this, there is an alternative. what can such discussions lead to? let's talk further. oleksandr khare, an expert at the center for defense strategies, joins our broadcast. alexander, welcome, thanks for joining. good morning, thank you for the invitation. that's for. according to your assessments, expert premonitions, partners can allow or can help in this sense to shoot down russian missiles and thus at least cover the west of ukraine from russian aggression? well, of course i hope so, and of course i would like the ridiculous strategic framework that the united states imposed on us in '22 to be revised, because it does not correspond to the realities of combat, and it does not correspond
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in general. waging war that i have on keep in mind, first of all, in any war, the most important goal is not to destroy the enemy on the battlefield, this is a political goal, to make the enemy unable to continue the war, and that is precisely why the collapse of the putin regime should be part of the strategy of supporting ukraine with on the part of the united states and its allies, there is no such thing, they do not want the collapse of this regime, the story of the kiev cutlet is being repeated. the famous speech of george bush starshev, when he called on ukrainians not to vote for independence in 1991, and now in washington also does not want russia to start falling apart, and actually, let's put it this way, they do not want the defeat of the real russia there, because from their point of view there are negative consequences, this is the proliferation of weapons, mass destruction, is it possible for putin to use weapons of mass
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destruction in ukraine or other countries , and such... that is, if there is no political goal, then a military strategy cannot be reinforced. the second point that mr. mirezhska said, indeed, from the point of view of international law, the entire territory of the russian federation, all the military facilities of the russian federation, which are in the air or at sea anywhere, they are a legitimate target, that is, ukraine can destroy them, and the restriction on this means that we cannot use the full potential, and secondly, we allow. it is difficult for the accumulated forces and means on the russian border to cross this border and then destroy them already on our territory, that is, it is nonsense. and the third point, this is the bottom line, the shooting down of a nato or russian missile on the territory of ukraine can lead to a direct confrontation between nato and the russian federation. it delusional, since it is clear that there are no russian servicemen in the missile, and it is not
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an airplane, it is not a tank, it is not a ship, therefore... i absolutely understood that it can be done, especially that it can be done within the framework, and it would be good to do within the framework of the new idea of ​​a pan-european skyshield anti-aircraft missile defense system, and it is clear that technically it can also be done, since all nato countries, they are actually united, and given that ukraine is a partner, a candidate, and we hope, the closest sometime we will become members of nato, then we can already be technically integrated into... into this system and of course the responsibilities of ukrainian air defense and polish air defense can be distributed, well, i would say , you know, that the priority is not only to cover the airspace in western ukraine, but also odesa and the ports, and more precisely the lines of sea communications from the ukrainian ports to the basforu and on the way back, so that this lifeline, the line of ours, the support of our economy, our exports,
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remains protected, that is, no... no there are such horror stories, there is no direct confrontation between nato and russia, and it has long been necessary to translate this into a practical plane. oleksandr, here is an interesting point, that blinkin was in kyiv and how did you manage to convince him with such arguments in particular, probably, as you are now giving on the air, which are obvious to ukrainians, but for some reason not obvious to western partners. so, what kind of influence does blinken have on biden, if you can say so, and if there is any at all... for example , what mike johnson is calling for this, so that ukraine generally decides for itself how to strike or not to strike on the territory of russia, all this can lead to such a positive result, and here can there be two positive results, as an optimist in life, i ask that they be allowed to strike on russian territory including that nato countries also help ukraine shoot down missiles, at least over part of the country, that is, in the west of ukraine.


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