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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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it remained protected, that is, there are no such horror stories here, there is no direct confrontation between nato and russia, and it has long been necessary to translate this into a practical plane. oleksandr, the interesting point here is that blinkin was in kyiv and how did you manage to convince him with such arguments, in particular, probably, as you are now giving on the air, which are obvious to ukrainians, but for some reason not obvious to western partners. so what kind of influence does blinken have on aain here? if you can say so, and whether such movements at all, for example, the fact that mike johnson calls for this, so that ukraine generally decides for itself how to strike or not to strike on the territory of russia, all this can lead to such a positive result, and here, can there be two positive results, i as an optimist in life, i ask to be allowed to strike on russian territory and, including, that nato countries also help ukraine to shoot down missiles at least over part of the country, that is, in the west of ukraine. well, it's not two results, it's
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one result of reviewing the failed strategy of the biden administration in this formulaic war ukraine must not lose, and russia must not win. if ukraine should win and russia should lose, then all these little things, whether to shoot down russian missiles over ukrainian air, airspace, they would fall away. if we are talking about the same mike johnson, this is the man who delayed help. for six months, and the losses that we suffered , primarily ukrainians, and with infrastructure, and partly with the territories of the east, they are on his conscience, because he tried to play and support the ratings of his patron mr. trump, and now, of course, what he says it's more of a criticism of the biden administration ahead of election day this november, so i wouldn't take it as sincere . although in the congress, more precisely in the senate
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, there were hearings recently, and there they roasted the administration quite well in this sense. if we are talking about antony blinken, then he is probably one of the biggest hawks in the biden administration, and if he was making decisions, then we would definitely be fighting on russian territory, we would have much more various weapons, and no, no what, shall we say, restrictions on this, but an acceptance system has been built. biden's decision in such a way that there is a national security adviser, jacob sullivan, he is a strategist who defines the general framework, which is ideologically suitable for joseph biden and within which they are kept. for the general framework, russia's attack on ukraine is a crime, it is an act of aggression, ukraine has the right to self-defense, article 51 of the un charter, and nato, or rather, the united states and nato allies, support ukraine in this. let's say so,
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protect, but are not a party to the conflict, and that's it the fear of being a party to the conflict is, firstly, secondly, to push putin, either to the collapse of his regime and the collapse of the russian federation, or to push the red button, this fear limits the actions of jake salivn and joseph biden, and such people as anthony blincone or lloyd austin, they are bigger, bigger hawks and they would be ready for more. decisive actions in support of ukraine, let's hope that the pressure is also inside the united states, there and the democrats advocate for it, not only the republicans, and the expert community, and now what what is happening in europe, that some countries say that we are not opposed to our weapons hitting russian territory, and that in this way we will cross the red line again, i want to remind you that in 22 we were not only not encouraged, we were not given the opportunity to hit across crimea, it was believed that this would be a red line. then
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he will press the red button, but the ukrainians did not listen, we struck with our means and drones and showed that this is not the case, they restrained us so that we would not cross the russian border, but not ukrainians, in fact, russians who are fighting for freedom and rdk and the freedom of russia, they crossed the border and acted in russian territory, nothing like that happened and everything is fine, then there were strikes even on the kremlin, if you remember, there was... a lone drone there, then an oil refinery. ukraine crosses these red lines, shows that they are actually only in the minds of our western partners, and that these lines are harmful, because they kill ukrainians, we reduce our defense potential, and we cannot achieve the fastest peace due to the defeat of russia on the territory of ukraine. but you see, the same blows on refineries have become somewhat of an irritant, probably between the relations of ukraine and the usa, but we will discuss this more than once... on the air, nevertheless, we will
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observe the reaction of partners, it will be interesting and we will see, oleksandr khara, expert of the center for defense strategies was a guest morning freedom, thanks for joining. in the comments , i can already see you reacting to this topic of the secret forum of the russian opposition that took place in lviv, write your thoughts and what did you do when you learned about it, were you shocked by this news and do you have any questions about such a format and which ones you must write, this is exactly what we will discuss now, so why secret, because they did not know about it, it turns out, neither the local authorities, nor the security service of ukraine, nor the regional military administration, well, at least so, according to the zahidna publication. vova and the sbu replied that they do not know anything about this event, and the mayor of lviv, andriy sadovyi, turned to the law enforcement agencies for clarification. the website rusmonitor, which positions itself as an independent online magazine, wrote that the forum in support of ukraine was organized by the 2402 fund, created by wives
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fighters of the legion of freedom of russia, which is part of the foreign legion of the armed forces of ukraine. there were more than 40 participants at the forum, russian publicist and gallerist marat gelman told about it on the x network. who himself participated in it, and also, according to him, there were representatives of all three battalions that fought on the side of ukraine, and there were also representatives of the office of the president of ukraine and the verkhovna rada. from the opposition there were former deputy of the state duma of the russian federation lyapomarov, eco-activist yevgenia chirikova, chess player gari kasparov, politician mykhailo khudurkovsky, lawyer mark feigin and publicist viktor shenderovych, while ukraine was represented by adviser to the head of the president's office mykhailo podolyak and a people's deputy from the servant of the people. oleg dunda, he stated in our comment that he was only as a guest, podalyak said that he was only as a guest, and the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine was responsible for organizing the event. gur also reacted in a short message on the website, writing that such measures contribute
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to the victory of ukraine. the head of the main directorate of intelligence, kyrylo budanov, supported it holding such an event as one of the manifestations of the struggle against the kremlin's dictates. tours, which also contributes to ukraine's victory over the aggressor state. such events bring the end of putin's regime closer and contribute to the consolidation of all forces aimed at overthrowing the dictatorship in the russian federation and defeating the kremlin in the war against ukraine. according to the results of the forum , the participants signed the so-called lviv resolution, the text of which was published on the website of rusmonitory and was also published by panomaryov himself. it says, among other things, that before the appointed for mid-june at switzerland peace summit participants lviv'. of the forum express their support for the peace initiatives of ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi. all the details about the secret forum, i hope we will find out later. ilya ponomarov, russian politician, member of the state duma of the russian federation from 2007 to 2016, joins our broadcast. congratulations. thank you for joining. kindly early. tell who
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owns the idea of ​​the forum, who organized it. why did they find out about him later, well, you can say, even because of the scandal. found out that the mayor of the city, it turns out, did not know anything about i learned this with surprise, or rather, maybe i read the news on your facebook about the fact that such a forum took place and was stunned, well, look, the idea of ​​the form of the forum belongs to the legion of freedom of russia and its foundation 2402, this is a foundation created by wives and families there , people who now... she created it, but the fact that no one there knew about it, well, that's simply not true, and if you look, well, let's just say, the exclusive
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exclusive coverage of the events of the forum in lviv belonged to channel 24 , which, of course, belongs to mr. sadovoy, but the forum was held not on the territory of lviv, he was close to lviv, in the same way , there was simply no official communication with the city hall, because they were fighting in lviv, they were nearby, but of course all the relevant services, they were aware, because there was another way to get to the territory of ukraine, in general to the territory of lviv oblast. oblast , people with russian passports could simply, uh, well, your position is interesting, well , tell us about the effect of the fact that , for example, the adviser to the head of the president's office mykhailo potalyak was there at this meeting, his
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speeches there are published on the network, and one side, here is his presence and the presence of one of the people's deputies, why is it important and what does it contribute to? so to speak, of course, this topic in general is very interesting and all the people who are intelligent in the ukrainian government, they understand that... this war will not end on the territory of ukraine, it will end on the territory of the russian federation precisely in moscow. and here we simply have a choice: who will go to moscow, or whether the russians will do it themselves, but the russians themselves, as we understand, are simply not capable of this, because there is a question of... weapons, a question of training, that is, even
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those who are ready for this, ready for revolutionary events, ready for an armed operation, well, they need technical assistance, and now it has developed on the basis of volunteer units, on the basis of the partisan movement , it has developed, but we must combine what we... we are dealing with this political position inside ukraine, which, as we all know, is quite weak, they quarrel with each other, and this is the forum in order to unite everyone and create such a common opinion and common sense. mr. ilya, has this joint been created? opinion, i note here that several quotes by mykhailo podalyak about the fact that russia
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must obviously lose the war, that agreements are impossible, that the rules will not be followed in the russian federation, and that the only option is a tactical defeat on one or another part of the front of the russian federation, then and there, that is, a defeat from a military point of view, but tell me, please, tell the ukrainian audience why not all of the russian opposition was the most famous representative there, probably the russian opposition, and this for the world. and what is important, yulia navalna, why wasn't yulia navalny there? all this group, in fact, now takes an anti-ukrainian position, i would like to invite them, well, okay, they are famous, well, so what, we need like-minded people, even among those who were there, there is khadarkovskiy, but they have them. even a different attitude to this, for example, there is khodorkovsky, he does not really believe in
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the prospects of a power opera, he believes that it is necessary to create and develop more civil resistance there, not violent resistance in the middle of russia, i think that anyone... does anything, the main thing is that each other does not interfered, and of course, i am personally focused on helping the armed part of the russian opposition, the partisan movement, volunteers on, everyone participated, there many people joined directly from vovchansk, where, where they are now fighting, the legion of freedom of russia is located in... . at the same time, mr. ilya, i want to ask you why,
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unfortunately, the connection is interrupted, so i apologize for interrupting, but one minute remains, and why the lviv forum of the russian opposition, why not kharkiv, why well though whether it's dnipro or zaporizhzhia, why lviv, or kyiv, and why lviv, well, two reasons, the last one was in kyiv, this is the second one, lviv, firstly, it's symbolic, it's... beautiful, and right there , to prove that this is not just one part, there is also a question of security, because such a rather huge, huge event, of course, was the center of attention and they were afraid that it might fly there, it was in kharkiv, then with almost a hundred percent probability it was because, ah... there was a pataka and why are these units so at the front? you can
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it would be in kharkiv and in the metro, for example, to feel a little more, probably the ukrainian atmosphere, but you say because of the security issue, well, i think that is, you know, the issue, if such forms took place somewhere else in kharkiv, then surely ukrainians would on social networks, they would react differently, well, this is a hypothetical assumption, we will wait, probably the next forums in ukraine are planned, but... unfortunately, we have problems with communication, it will definitely happen, mr. ilya, unfortunately, we have problems with connection, unfortunately, unfortunately, ilya ponomerov, a russian politician, deputy of the state duma of the russian federation, 2007-16 was our guest and we talked about the forum of the russian position, which took place in lviv. thank you for your comments for subscribing to the radio liberty channel, it is important, support ukrainian broadcasters on ukrainian youtube, take care, see you from monday on espresso tv and radio liberty pages from 9:00 a.m. on weekdays
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film and the mattress takes its shape. call now and order an orthopedic... instead of the full price of the mattress, pay only half. thank you colleagues for their work, we are picking up the baton, then we will talk with the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, dmytro lazutkin, joins our broadcast. mr. dmytro, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. dmitry, we welcome you to these days 18. on may 20, you were the number one popular person that everyone wanted to hear and see, and this, this is a super success, everyone wanted to understand, where to go to tsnap, to tsk, brothers there were so many requests to download a mobile phone, a reserve plus, a reserve for hanging, these realities have passed, but it seems that everything has calmed down a little, now, as they say,
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you need separate flies, separate meatballs, so, let’s say, for people... who have not updated their data for the first time, or have not updated their data for a long time, where should they go, sign up for an electronic queue at the tcc, go to the nearest tsnap, or download the reserve plus, well, you are right named three possibilities, comply with the law, update your data, this is the tsc isp, as before, as during the entire period of mobilization activities, i will remind you that in our country... mobilization did not start in may of this year, it continues, because it continues aggression of the russian federation, and it is necessary reinforcements, including manpower on the battle line, we need people who will restrain the enemy, and two more options have also been added, such as the police station and
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the reserve plus application, which has become quite popular, now we have about a million people who have already updated their data. precisely because of the plus reserve, and if you are interested, they can give some statistics, either in percentages or in numbers, about 11 thousand ukrainians did it outside our country, in poland, germany, the czech republic and canada, these countries are the leaders, also, near 120,000 female conscripts have updated their data through the reserve plus e application. well, 145,000 are people who are reserved or have deferments, they also fulfilled, so to speak, the norm of the law, well , that's the data we currently have. .. obviously , it is through the reserve plus application that ukrainians have the greatest desire to update their data, well, you can draw certain conclusions from this, and
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one way or another through a smartphone within 5-6 minutes, it can be done now, in the first days there were certain failures due to server overload , but at the moment everything works and is many people who have done it so to speak, we have confirmation, well, a million. one million ukrainians is a big number, in my opinion. and in fact, those people who updated their data through reserve plus, actually from the first day, sometimes have such a small nuance: they updated their data, they say, everything is fine with me, some have even passed the vlk, but the dodger writes, well, not the dodger , writes that a person is wanted, but in fact those people feel this way, this is some other malfunction, something did not work out, what to do in such a case, if the military obliged. i saw something like this in this application, where to go with that, actually, how to find out the circumstances? razzarplus pulls data
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from the state register of the reserve, data from paper cards in the tcc of the isp is entered into the reserve, and it is clear that the human factor is involved, accordingly, it is necessary to report either to the reserve plus contact line or to the ministry of defense hotline. well , probably the easiest way is to contact your tcc isp and find out why this happened, well, i think that many people have already been able to do this these days, besides, the tccsp has now been created, wants in test mode, but an electronic queue, we are now trying to make sure that there are no misunderstandings, so that all tscs of the country know that the electronic queue exists, there is a mechanism to join it and arrive accordingly. to the dsk of the isp according to its queue, its queue number, it is quite simple, uh, there were, of course, certain excesses, there were certain moments, let's
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say, with the electronic queue, because, uh, well, and technical, let's say , character, and organizational, we are currently working on an operational solution to coordinate all structure of the tcc, and we closely cooperate with the command of the ground forces, which is directly, so to speak , directly subordinated to the tcc, so that there are no such cases when people come and say what the electronic queue is, but we do not know anything , now everyone knows everything, and accordingly, we are creating such a model so that there are no such unpleasant incidents for citizens, for conscripts, conscripts, yes, and reservists, mr. dmytro, and for the reserve plus, actually according to the electronic update, we heard a statement . the gizzard the border guards that it will not allow crossing the border, only the paper version should be on hand, and we also heard that the reserve plus
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should finalize this verification and that some kind of label will appear there, i don't know a qr code or something else, maybe then explain to us, that is, what will happen to the reserve+ with an electronic update, that this code will give and that this is not an electronic non-electronic option for the border. yes, we have actually heard this message now and contacted the border service, for now they are working with paper documents, when the qr cat appears, on that now the team of the ministry of defense is working, when the qr code appears in the reserve plus, then we will create an opportunity, we will do everything possible to create such an opportunity to cross the border with this document, which will be, so to speak, completely identical to the paper one, currently on it.. .. work continues and let's hope that all agreements will be preserved and we will reach a compromise on this issue. control on vlk gives only tck, or
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can it be obtained in some other way? at the moment, only the tcc of the isp gives direction to the vlk, really. but again, now the technical possibility is being worked out for people to receive referrals to the vlk through the plus reserve, but... for now, it's a prospect of a few weeks, let's say . everyone must pass the vlk, or is it actually now at will, what is the scheme, what algorithm, the person has updated the data, for example, to the reserve plus, is he or not obliged to pass the tsvlk, and how to act? regardless of whether it is a plus or a person directly comes to the tccsp, now they should not give a referral immediately to the vlk, there is a corresponding order, but... of course, the country should know, the state should be aware of how many people it has to protect our independence, how many people there are. healthy,
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suitable for military service, accordingly, therefore referral to the vlk, it will one way or another find a person who updated, or, as we say, clarified, as it is written in the law, his data. what is very hotly discussed in various networks is, here is such a story, about subpoenas that come in the mail, people discuss and write that yes, it, for example, fell in my mailbox by mail, but... i am not in this left the city at all or in connection with the events, i didn't even know that the summons would be returned with a letter, a stamp would be put there, and that the government allegedly said that if there is already a stamp about the return and the absence of the addressee, it is considered that this person goes into the ukhyland category, that's what people are thinking about now, that's why the data is being updated now, so that people indicate their real address of residence and,
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accordingly, she can be contacted at... this address, where she lives now, so now yes, indeed, the summons is considered to be on at the moment it is delivered, when it is delivered directly for signature, but there are already , so to speak, acts and resolutions that say that when this process, which lasts 60 days of updating the data, according to the law, will be completed, then it really will be, will be send a summons and... by registered letter under a signature at the person's place of residence, but for now, well, this is a prospect, let's say, the middle, the middle of july, currently people need to clarify their data if they moved from one place to another and changed their place of residence, then, accordingly, take off in one tsc and be registered in another, ugh, it cannot be that a person has disappeared, disappeared, this is not quite, not quite right and not quite legal, to put it mildly, the system
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of punishments, fines, that is the reaction of the state, if after 60 days, someone has not updated their data in any way, well, here we come again to the fact that i have to speak on unpopular topics, but there are legal norms, there are laws, there are cabinet resolutions that citizens must comply with, indeed, fines we have increased from 17 to 25,500 hryvnias and... that's quite a lot a significant amount, therefore it is still financially more profitable for citizens to comply with all the norms of the law, to update their data, to indicate their place of residence, email address, phone number, but i just found a new horror story, i updated my electronic data, but i can walk down the street, but they will stop me, but they don't see that i have updated the data and they will take me as a dodger, but such fears are discussed, well, i don't see it. a person
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has updated his data in tsnapa, then he is accordingly given paper, paper, well, documents with a seal, with a signature, if the tccsp is also placed there code, if there is a plus in the reserve, then now she can simply show this application, where it is indicated that the data is updated, and accordingly, there should be no complaints against this person, it is clear that there may be some excesses of authority on the ground, we are trying by all means, not to tolerate it and work in this direction so that citizens feel, well, let's say, comfortable, if they fulfill the norm of the law. mr. dmytro, thank you for the clarification. dmytro lazutkin was with us, the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, and we only want to add information from the police, that the police can check the documents of conscripts in public places, and if it turns out that this person is wanted, he will simply be forcibly
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taken to the tcc. executioner, and actually on the spot then you can update your data without waiting in line, said the head of the national police, ivan vehivskyi, now is the time for news and khrystyna porubi is ready to share information about the most important thing at the moment. christina, we pass the floor to you. thank you, colleagues. what is the situation with the movement of trains in the kharkiv region. russians at night shelled in the zaliznoitsa region. i will talk about this in the issue, and what will the police do with those who violate the mobilization? don't miss it in a moment. news on the air espresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant at the moment. the railway was shelled at night by the russians in the kharkiv region, the tracks, buildings, and freight cars were destroyed.


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