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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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be some katsaps in kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and... there is feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. so, china, we will talk about this with ihor lytvyn, the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the people's republic of china in the past until 2001. and
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co-chairman of the ukrainian-chinese business council, mr. igor, glory to ukraine, we congratulate you, faith, glory, congratulations, mr. igor, what will the chinese leaders do, you are having nightmares to frighten taiwan, will they still come to the expensive party in geneva, to talk about world peace, i think they will do both, they will give nightmares to taiwan because they are very angry. the inauguration of the new president of the republic of china, which we know as the taiwanese, who in his inauguration speech called on china to stop intimidating taiwan politically and militarily, to which china, in the words of the relevant political leaders, declared that it was a... separatist, and
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that he says it is absolutely separatist action, and it will be necessary to teach taiwan, and the leader of that taiwan, to respect what the people's republic of china has declared through the mouth of swidzinping, as a goal that will be achieved at any cost. conditions, not excluding the use of military force, and at the same time, if you take the ukrainian crisis, as the chinese call it, or the ukrainian conflict, and the holding of a global peace summit in switzerland, then china is trying to convince everyone that yes... it
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agrees with holding such of the west, but with the mandatory participation of russia, because, as china urges, this very crisis must happen decided taking into account the interests of all parties, it means, as we understand it, the aggressor's side and the side of the victim of aggression, and taking into account the security interests of all sides, that is, if the aggressor... er made an attack on his victim, then we have all to respect the reasons that caused such actions. i think that the position of the people's republic of china regarding taiwan will depend on the results of russia's war against ukraine. i...
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personally do not believe that china will dare to engage in armed aggression for such reasons, but will he dare to send at least some representative? the stavnik shit zenpinnya, well, in geneva to rest? when china sees that so many countries have expressed their desire to attend this forum, to participate in the global peace summit, including countries such as india, there will be many reasons for china to participate, i do not really believe that xi jinping will go. likely. they will limit themselves to what they will send to the same special representative of the chinese government on eurasian policy, ambassador lichwei, who, as we know that he is doing what is usually known
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as chovenikov diplomacy, and at the same time, china is trying to continue to convince everyone that only with the participation of russia , a result is possible, we know very well that our ukrainian position is to make understanding at this summit many participants in the fact that the only possible option is the implementation of the ukrainian peace plan, and only then to confront russia with the fact that it agrees. in general opinion and stopped its aggressive actions. mr. igor, why do we need china, we, ukraine, in geneva, and if the father's arguments are valid for their presence, then with what thoughts, with what
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intentions for us, ideally, they should return home from geneva? if they took part, would accept... the realism of the implementation of the ukrainian peace plan, then it would be a very strong, you know, a strong lever for russia, as a friendly state to china, as a strategic partner, which, which the two countries have already announced , which means limitless, partnership and strategic interaction, that... so that china still convinces with its position you have to agree with russia that there is nowhere to go, otherwise it will be bad, because the argument is almost over. one of the arguments is the economic cooperation of the people's
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republic of china with the west, if we compare what we have now, this is the turnover of russia, china, last year 240 billion dollars of goods. russia trades china, the west, the usa, the eu, 1.600 billion dollars, so what will china choose, if they are not completely stupid, but not completely stupid, and especially since we have some results, some results that we still do not have we know but we can therefore anticipate visits to china by scholz and blinkin. svidenpin's visit to france, and let's not mix putler's visit to china, but what the west clearly said, you will continue to help russia, we will impose sanctions, there will be appropriate
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decisions that will hinder the further development of our economic and other cooperation. mr. igor, as they say, that's a point, that 's the most interesting thing, you, you already mentioned these visits and, as they say, the warnings that were given, and i want to understand, yes, did they work or not, because the economic the argument for trade, it is strong, but it cannot but be dominant for dictatorships, which in principle often build their politics on lies, and ideological is more important than economic for them, so... so tell me when britain says, when the grand shabs says that china did not listen and supplies military aid to putin, then we hear objections from china and surprise from the usa, because they
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never confirmed the positives, but they did not say the negatives either, and here we ask you, that’s it - still , no one was convinced, no, those visits were not even close. no the french, nor the germans, we cannot now clearly determine the results of these visits, we shall see. next, what do we currently have, we have a reduction in trade between china and russia, we have the refusal of chinese banks, and now mongolia has also joined them with its banks, regarding the refusal to service bilateral contracts, because these banks are... firms chinese in this case, they do not want to fall under the double sanctions
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deeply of the united states of america. but what about weapons? regarding weapons, here, as you know, the situation is that, well, it can appear to be completely uncertain, the united kingdom secretary of defense says that detailed weapons are either being supplied, and... or will be supplied, i don't understand this, what kind of intelligence is this, which cannot clearly say whether it is delivered, or it will be delivered, if china denies it, it is completely natural, it has always denied any actions that may be exposed to appropriate e-e sanctions from the western world, and we have the position of the united states when the same jack celine. ah, he says, well, we do not yet have such data that would clearly
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say that yes, china supplies, er, lethal weapons. it was also previously stated that, er, the united states could not confirm the people's republic of china's supply of, ah, dual- use goods. everyone is talking about the fact that 80 or 90% of imported products, which are then used by the russian military industry for the production of weapons and so on, are supplied from china, china denies this, but i think there may be some kind of process that does not take place directly, but, let's say, through neighboring countries , members of the same, meaning the csto. kazakhstan or something else is meant, it is permissible, in our, in our imagination, no one can
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clearly say whether it is true or not, therefore , to draw conclusions now, well, i think it is too early, mr. igor, to be brief, literally for half a minute, are there any such red lines, any boundaries beyond which russia should go, so that china would say clearly, loudly and harshly: stop. china has already said clearly, loudly and harshly, stop, in the eyes of everyone, that means the threats of using nuclear weapons, and even last year, when xi jinping arrived in march with his the first visit after the election of the president of the people's republic of china for the third term, the joint political statement contained points that, as it is known in insider circles, had not been written there before, i mean a clear statement from both sides that no
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the use of nuclear weapons, or the threat of use of nuclear weapons, can be allowed, especially in relation to non-nuclear states, and sidzimpin, when he came to france, met with macron in fursouia fondelian and heard calls to help russia stop this ... aggression, that is, to provide some some influence, he said that guys and girls, i have already done everything necessary, and they have confirmed that china's role in nuclear de-escalation is the same, personally, it is big, then he asks, what, what, what, what else do you want from me, yes, mr. igor, thank you for the conversation, for being with us, igor lytvyn, extraordinary and authoritative. ambassador of ukraine to the people's republic of china in the past, and now co-chairman of the ukrainian-chinese business council. we are now joining
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our next guest, volodymyr omelchenko, director of energy programs at the razimkov center. mr. volodymyr, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. volodymyr, we see that we wanted the best, but it turned out as usual, that is , the 24x7 shutdown schedules are maintained, because despite this there is a shortage of electricity, this is how we started the morning with ukrenergo and these. yavami, and that's all, since we are not specialists, people also have questions, we want to understand, and what prevents us from covering this deficit with imports is that our networks are not ready. to get so much, even though we are in the single european energy system, is it because we pay pennies, it is expensive in europe, and it is not profitable for them to help us in such volumes. well, in my opinion, it is not only a problem of shortages, which we are constantly being told about, it is really true, but this problem of shortage, power, which is connected with
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strikes by the rashists, is supplemented by certain organizations. the input of our government, because we really do not choose all the imports that we could choose, because the ncre cpp applied price caps, limit prices, so-called prices, and therefore, when we need imports, it is commercially unprofitable to buy them, i talked about this many times, other experts also spoke about it at the meeting of the hankery kp, but... people did not hear, that is why we have serious restrictions, although we have the opportunity to reduce them due to imports , including, in a boyish way , they are explaining to us now that this is because you do not we prayed and this is because you don't pay uah 5 per kilowatt, that's how they explain it, but what if we start paying uah 5 per kilowatt, there will be more imports right away,
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well, again, if we pay from uah 5 each. nothing will change immediately, that is clear, even on the contrary in the summer period, for example, in the months of july, when the nuclear units will be, well, in most of their scheduled repairs and the heat will increase, air conditioners will work more powerfully, refrigerators, therefore, on the contrary, on the contrary, even for the increase of the tariff for the population. shutdowns will still be, i think, even more severe, so it will not affect the future, yes, that is, it may somehow affect the autumn-winter period, financial, financial opportunities will be formed, it must be done, but, but it is necessary to understand that this is such
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a process, it should be enough to take into account the social opportunities of people and so on... should not happen immediately, completely by 100% there or by 200, but gradually, and the principle should be the same: those who can pay, must pay, those who cannot, must receive monetary compensation from the state budget, and in addition, i would like to raise one more problem, an important one, since the most powerful blackout schedules, that is, the most severe blackout schedules are disconnected in kyiv, this is... the so -called kyiv anomaly, when we have a limit of 12 hours go, in other regions by two there for three hours, some almost not at all from non-regions do not limit, and why does this happen, because the methodology developed by the ministry of energy regarding the provision of limits, it does not take into account the presence of
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state-wide infrastructure in one or another region, so in kyiv as it is known that a lot. the state-wide infrastructure is located, which works not only for kyiv, but for the entire country as a whole , but only kyiv carries the energy load, that is, these limits are taken from them and transferred to the state-wide infrastructure, and that is why in kyiv the most, the most, means the disconnection is precisely because of this, this... method, which has long been time to be changed in order, and it would be logical, that the load on the general national infrastructure, well, for example, the same verkhovna rada the council or the president's office, do they get electricity or other bodies, they don't work only for the people of kyiv, they work for everyone, so what do only the people of kyiv have, it means
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paying for it with the lack of electricity, everyone has to pay for it. .. people all regions are in the same plan, therefore the methodology must be improved and take into account this factor, as well as the factor of how much the population lives in which region and proportionally, accordingly , provide limits to these indicators, is there already such a table, plan, schedule, how tariffs will be increased, how it is appropriate to increase tariffs, for whom, what the scheme will be, and the same with regard to unlocking. that it awaits us not only in the next few days, but it can be for quite a long time. well, of course, it will be a long process, and it will intensify july if the methodology does not change, then the situation in kyiv will be very difficult in general, in winter it will simply be beyond critical, which will create
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additional, that is, social, social, additional, political tension, which can even affect national security during the war, so here it is it is important to think about it, as well as regarding the tariffs and the plan to increase them. or not, well , other options are being developed here, different options, but i am a supporter of the option to do it gradually in several stages and, as i said, with compensation to the low-income categories citizens in the form of money, but there is a possibility technically, is there a possibility to make it not so much about justice, so that both one and the other neighboring houses have electricity for a certain number of hours during the day and. this was demanded during the previous blackout, and if what you say, so that the different regions actually share equally, share
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this share, so that they do not have light, electricity for approximately the same amount of time, not only kyiv, it is absolutely possible to do this, for this it is necessary that the ministry of energy has changed the appropriate, appropriate methodology, based on the principles that i have already mentioned, and if it does not do this, then it will mean... that in fact this ministry is playing along with our enemy, because of course, if kyiv sits in the winter, you without light, the entire population, in other regions there will be, there will be light for six, eight or more hours there, then it will undermine, undermine the stability of society very, very seriously, so here if, that is, i think that the ministry of energy should take the necessary measures, otherwise it is others. in a different way, as playing along with the enemy, i would, i would not call it, well, but if, for example, it moves slowly, or according to ukrainian practice, they really heard you and will not do
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this, then the winter-autumn period, which we will hope so , according to kharkiv standards, everyone has their own diesel generator and we will break through, and why according to kharkiv standards, the situation in kyiv is much more difficult today than in kharkiv, in kharkiv, there is a blackout for 3 hours today, we can insist and negotiate with the organization of transmission system operators europe, so that we can increase the import of wintergreen, we have to say goodbye, we are already being reminded that we have chosen all the time, but it was very interesting to listen to volodymyr omelchenko, the director of energy programs of the razumkov center, who explained everything to us, as they say, in numbers and fingers. with that, we say goodbye, have a peaceful, safe day, take care of yourself and be sure to donate for our defenders. see you tomorrow. gasoline trimmers are so
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summarizing the informational morning in ukraine on the air espresso news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. a 43-year-old woman was injured due to night shelling in kharkiv, she had an acute stress reaction, the regional prosecutor's office informed. objects in the city were damaged as a result of being hit by an aerial bomb transport infrastructure. broken windows in residential buildings also affected non-residential premises. also russia.


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