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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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it is necessary to adapt, there is no other advice, by the way, the chairman of the board of ukrenergo volodymyr kudryskyi said on suspilnoye that ukrainians should learn to live with the lights off and prepare for a harder winter, let's listen to what mr. kudryskyi said. this winter will be difficult, because in the natural winter consumption increases, and even taking into account the plans to restore the generation that exist today, it is quite likely that the possibility of scheduled shutdowns cannot be completely ruled out. mr. oleksandr, how and in what way ukraine can overcome the shortage of electricity in the country? well, actually, there are not many tools, there are only two of them. the first is to restore those power units that can be restored, and work on those parts of our power system. those parts
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of generating stations that can be restored within six, eight, nine months, it goes. work is also going on at hydroelectric power plants, which need even more time to restore, but nevertheless, they will be restored, but there is a certain part of capacities, primarily coal-fired power plants, which have been destroyed and need restoration are no longer subject, in fact, and we need to replace these capacities with new generation, new distributed generation, small gas piston and gas turbine plants, which will literally be scattered across the country, and thus it will actually be very difficult to hit them, at least significantly more difficult , than these large soviet power units, which are very centralized, and where one missile can essentially knock out hundreds of megawatts if we build a distributed one. system, then such
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attacks will not be effective, but sir oleksandr, it is clear that the situation in which we are now is probably also a question of the soviet legacy and, most importantly, of the post-soviet legacy, when some groups, oligarchic groups, held all control over the energy market, and in principle no no, well no one thought about the fact that... instead of 10 theses, you can put 100 small gas turbine stations there and develop it in this way . that we are very vulnerable and that how can all this be disabled and regarding the fact that, in principle, we may also have problems with hes. well
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, we also have a problem with any nuclear power plant in zaporizhzhia, because it was captured by the russian occupiers, why didn't it happen your way? well, let's be honest, energy was very monopolized, monopolized by the state first of all and by certain oligarchic groups on the other hand, and everyone was interested in the status quo, because... well, the level of corruption that basically prevailed, let's call it that , during during most of ukraine's independence, it was in the energy sector, namely in the energy sector , a huge part of oligarchic capital was made, well, in fact, there were conditions when no one was interested in development, in fact, the energy sector was exploited, everything that could be squeezed out of it was squeezed out of it, and absolutely no one thought about...
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the need to restore both generation and general infrastructure, so, well, you know, there, i am not ready to name names, because there will be hundreds and thousands of them who could influence and did not influence the processes that took place in of energy, ee, at the same time as the power outages, there was information about the possibility of an increase in electricity prices, whether this could happen, within what limits this increase could happen, and most importantly, whether it would affect, let's say, the volume or volume of electricity supplied to consumers? look, now it's going to be a difficult answer because on the one hand, well, i'm not a government representative, so i can't tell you if there's going to be a raise or not, that's a decision that's obviously made there at
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the highest political level, and as far as how much it is worth doing and how, what is important, it is worth doing, is a completely different conversation. because the traditional way of increasing now, if you just take and somehow increase the tariffs for the public, that's such a, you know, a dead-end idea, because basically all this money from the fact that the tariffs have gone up, it's just going to go to two state-owned companies, will not get anywhere else, these companies ukrhydroenergo, and this is about 15%, and energy atoms, this is about 85%. maybe from all the money that is actually made up by the population, but what will happen next, because in my opinion, the focus now the energy industry should be on the reconstruction of the damaged one and the construction of new
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power units, exactly that distributed generation, about which we talk a lot, and in the meantime, energoatom is building new reactors, which even theoretically will not appear earlier than... in 12-15, but funds are really invested there, which energoatom pulls up wherever it can take, accordingly, in my logic, the process for the population increased the tariff, the money got into energoatom and went to the construction of nuclear power units, which in the best case will appear in 10-12 years, to me, as to the ukrainian consumer it looks, well , to put it mildly ineffective, so if we say in principle about tariffs for the population, then it is not necessary to change the tariffs for the population, but to make a radical change in the systems of financial functioning of the electricity market, cleaning up all kinds of special duties, through which all the money will actually go to energoatom, this is how it is currently arranged,
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cleaning up various administrative regulations , which are absolutely unnecessary, cleaning, which is important, because if we do not switch to real market prices for... the population and for others institutions, as now for business, business pays the market price for electricity, the population is subsidized and subsidized by such a mechanism that all the money that the population pays, they actually go, i will repeat once again, to the energy atom. so, if we remove this, if we introduce a market price for the population with a normal subsidy and with a normal mechanism of precisely targeted assistance, then first of all corruption schemes will disappear and we are talking about... hundreds of millions of hryvnias and they will simply be eliminated at the root , and secondly, conditions will appear so that private investors went into the energy industry, went into the construction of the same small power units, and then there will be conditions for dozens of small and medium-sized
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companies to invest in such and such energy development, and in my opinion, this is essentially the only effective way to restore our generating... power in order to return the situation when ukrainians do not live in the regimes of restrictions on literally everyday life. and what would you advise our tv viewers about these power outages, which may not turn on the devices or somehow to save, or these disconnections, which are systematic, well now systematic, from children and from other companies, that this is enough, or? can we somehow all join in to save electricity, so that there is not a lot of consumption, so that this electricity goes, well, let's say, to a good cause, but look, i don't believe in pink unicorns, well, i don't believe that they exist in reality, so
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no matter how much we talk about saving, no matter how much we try, but believe me, in my information bubble, there especially on facebook, i am everyone every day i read the appeals of the economy. electricity and the posts of people who say that we save like this, and we save like this, and we somehow save, but in the mode of such a constant study of the situation, i can tell you that all this saving does not reduce consumption by more than 1-2% in reality , so i don't really believe that appeals by themselves will produce results, real results in terms of reducing consumption, let's call it optional. give exclusively, can only give a change in the price of electricity to the real market price, but if it happens, then you know, i remember the difference in how ukraine consumed gas in 2013 and in 2015, in 2013 we consumed 72 billion cubic meters, in
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2015 as many as 31, no one died, that's all worked, but simply entered the market price in the interval. real market price, removed corruption, removed theft, in fact, from the gas market, then theft almost disappeared, at least 75 percent there, the largest. and the result was achieved. in order for the same thing to happen in electricity, it is necessary to enter market prices and address prices in the same way support for those who need it. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was oleksandr kharchenko, director of the energy research center. friends, we are conducting a survey during this broadcast, we are already completing this survey, we will look at its results, are you ready for an increase in electricity prices. 19% yes, and accordingly. 81% no - these are the results on tv and on youtube, we have
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26 yes, 74% no. i'm putting an end to that, it was the verdict program, congratulations to serhii rudenko, goodbye. petrol trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, but one would like to have a beautiful, well-kept plot. there is a solution. kors garden trimmers from unpack tv. hurry up to order at a special price. only from uah 999. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. it is simple and easy to mow the lawn in the most difficult to reach places near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function, light and convenient, they can be used even
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even women can use them, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds, and at the same time, they are practically silent, no more heavy, bulky lawn mowers, grease or gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a well-kept area, order light and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 999, call, there are moments when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration. when ordinary water is not enough, there is reo. rheo - water for special medical purposes. i save reo. i save children reo. and i save myself reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. pierced argin, i remember. the morning will be without a hangover. there are discounts, presented by coco may discounts. for 20% off in the pharmacies of plantain, bam and ochad. have you never seen a classic in underwear or something? i wrote a children's poem here, listen to it, a tractor in the field dir-dir, then what kind of peace are we for,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about... war and what life is like world, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters that many became like-minded, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and westerners. intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, which
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news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, unequivocally, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, lady. gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better roads. there will be a special look at events in ukraine, at the border of kyiv. to be some katsap and beyond, what a world dreams of, bro, norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. of course, i want to reach the kremlin, as well
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all warriors my name is vitaminka, i serve in the 407th . in general, it all started with the maidan, there’s no other way, historically important events are happening, how can i not take part in them, it’s strange, it’s all gradual, as the heat increased, increased, that is first the maidan, then everything went as usual... the tension increased, whoever took the job there, did it, and as much as they wanted, there were no responsibilities, so i took on medical work, so
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that i am at least a little chki understood this, at first i lived in tents, then i moved to the kmda, because there was a shower there, a separate chota sokil, then there were maidan fights, it was interesting, it was dangerous, at that time i didn’t want to kill, that is, i had an upbringing and that’s all, i wanted to do... somehow, essentially humanitarian things, it changed a little in the army, on the maidan i realized one of my peculiarities in some critical situation, when someone is in a stupor, someone is hysterical, someone else has some other reactions, i am very calm,
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i have a calm mind will be after, but directly at... the critical moment, i am calm, not me the explosions scare me, i can be useful, why vaidar, because at that time it was the only good job at the ministry of defense, that is, i did not want to go to the ministry of internal affairs, well , i think it is very logical after the maidan, aidar is, that is aidar sample of the 14th year. this is a typical cossack army, there was no army, this is what still triggers me, because what i call army is what we have in common with the russian army, it confuses me a lot, well in aidari, i was then 22, 23, 24 years old, and these were exactly the years in which i lived without
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parents, the first ones, uh, that's it, from... somehow , a worldview was being formed there, certain life attitudes were breaking down, i understand that you have to kill the enemy, but on the other hand, this is murder, as it were, well, in i had a dispute, but today i believe that it is even, well, as preventive medicine, in fact. in the 15th year i physically returned to civilian life, morally this path was much harder and longer, i am very sensitive to smells, like my mother, and for some time i worked with perfumes, i
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liked it very much, i can distinguish these notes and so on, i would really like to open a perfume shop, i was waiting for money from the sale of land, the business plan is ready, only i was waiting for money and we are starting, and the money was supposed to come on february 25, of course, it came much later and did not go to the plans that i wanted are already there for ammunition and other important things, in principle, veterans are those people who... they were called sick, you are waiting there and you want war, but we are the first who did not want war, but we knew that it would be, well , that is, i was waiting for a full-scale war, i... was in lutsk in my apartment, that is , the rocket attacks began, i exhaled, went to bed, well, i was not allowed to mess around much, because
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i still had to make decisions there, i helped my cousin who was in melitopol to leave, that is, on the phone, after then i went to bed and i did not sleep so well for several years, then, when there was an opportunity, i left for kyiv, i waited until there was training for... drones, received a certificate and good day to the special forces. then the woman mobilized in the first special forces brigade, was a shooter, participated in combat missions in the east of ukraine. after returning to civilian life, after many years of psychotherapy, i sculpted myself already without the influence of the war, that is, to become more gentle, more feminine. as a person who loves this world, and in donetsk under the shepherd, i just sat down, said, goodbye, the hands of psychotherapy, we
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are coming back, i am comfortable, if this is the bitch that is being talked about on all the tv channels, on all the media, that i was there, what was different, the intensity. ah, well, such intensity as we had there, eh, is it? what happened the day before debaltsev, uh, when the truce was announced, until the moment, uh, when the actions of minsk-2 began, i heard statistics that at that time we had in our positions somewhere around 1,500 e-e shells flew during the day. i had that i was lying in the house. not far away, something heavy fell somewhere, well , that is, i was sleeping, i woke up from the fact that my bed jumped together with the house and
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with me, what struck me was a phrase that was born in my head, but was voiced by my brother, commander, something is not fun this time. in may 2022, she was wounded, after treatment and rehabilitation, she again returned to the war with... at first she was in sumy oblast, then transferred to the 47th separate mechanized brigade, this is not the 14th year, in fact, this is not a classic intelligence job, so that basically we do the job of everything we can, well that's why i feel comfortable now, because it's like aidar in the sense that no matter what unit you were in, you're basically a universal soldier, you have to do what what they will tell you, no... it doesn't matter what your position is you occupy, it doesn’t matter which unit you are in, in the summer we lived in a boarding house, it’s like in
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the song that while the patron dog holds the district, the boys and i hold the boarding house, then it became very cold and uncomfortable, because the boarding house was at a height, this i was in... in the zaporizhia region, ugh, and there is water nearby, very, very, very, very many mice, the mice gnawed everything, we even gnawed bandages, hemostatic ones, eh, well, i was surprised when the bandage was somewhere on, well, almost half-gnawed, how it affected me, i have a lot of diseases, both physical and mental, uh, i... hate our neighbors as much as possible, and this is not the kind of hatred, this is anger, which is emotional, no, this is maximum
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disgust, they were not responsible for the actions of the last century, nor in this one, nor in to the previous one, that is, well, it's not the first time that the 1930s, 1920s have happened there, it wasn't the first time that the neighbors did a gen'. network on our territory, for me victory is the disappearance of the russian federation as a state and the isolation of what will remain of it, they must bear responsibility for their actions, for their inaction, they are biological persons who must be isolated. i don't know how civilian life will come for me, well, we do not rule out the moment that i will generally lie at the level of -2 m, or. will it
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be some kind of mutilation, or is it a direct experience of victory? recently, the vitamin girl was injured, now in donetsk region, she is currently being treated in a hospital in dnipro. congratulations, this week several stories of the life of russian propagandists have been collected, well , mostly they were not talked about in the russian media, well, but i will tell you them little by little, well , so the first thing, well, it became obvious what and everyone has been saying for a long time: the american tucker carson appeared with his program on the russian state tv channel russia 24, well, actually, nothing unusual, carlson
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has been spreading theses about america's war with russia in ukraine in the 22nd year, there is only one people, well after all, not so long ago he interviewed putin and dugin, and now we can say with high probability that he probably receives royalties from the direct state budget, because russian propagandists started broadcasting videos from the youtube channel tucker carlson with the tucker rush die 24 the show is called tucker airs on the weekend, the first episode was dedicated to, well , it's called, so you can imagine, american biolaboratories, a favorite topic, russian propaganda, well, in particular, tucker talked about lyme disease and something about ticks, well here is an unexpected turn, well , what can i say, already... various
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russian propagandists spoke about combat mosquitoes, in particular bendzia, let's now remember how they said it, and now tucker carson has joined them, you see. let's let's see the ministry of defense of russia continues to study materials on the implementation of military biological programs of the united states and its nato allies. its purpose was to study the possibility of the spread of particularly dangerous infections through migratory birds, in particular the spread of highly pathogenic influenza. at the same time, it was discovered. at least two species of migratory birds, the routes of which pass through the territory of russia. in addition, the pi 781 project is interesting, where bats were considered as a spreader of potential agents of biological weapons. the pentagon is also interested spreading insects capable of spreading dangerous infectious diseases, fleas, ticks. the pentagon's project insect allies is called. such a drone transports a container with a large number of mosquitoes, carriers of infection, and releases them. when
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bitten by mosquitoes, they become infected. people, well , nebenzia was laughed at by the whole un, now probably the whole of america will laugh at tucker carson, because he decided to pull out some book that was published in 2017, by some employee of the medical faculty of stanford university, where is something there there was talk of these very combat ticks, and suddenly so many passed. time, and he pulled her out so that she would talk about such a fresh and, most importantly, new topic, and so that they could show it later on porosiia 24. at that time , the american military used this microorganism as a weapon. and they tried to introduce him to ticks. so what is a tick as a weapon?
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we have tried to mass breed them, saturating the blog with plague, mosquitoes with the deadly trinidad virus, ticks with the deadly, or crippling diseases like relapsing typhus, venezuelan equine encephalitis, rabies. trying to create new diseases by displacing bacteria and viruses and ticks for the perfect secret weapon, it's a nuclear weapon for the poor, you throw those insects at the enemy, it weakens the population.


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