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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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so what is a tick as a weapon? we tried to grow them en masse, saturating the blog with the plague. mosquitoes with the deadly trinidad virus, ticks with the deadly, or incapacitating diseases like relapsing typhus, venezuelan equine encephalitis. rabies: leptospirosis is like dr. strange love, trying to create new diseases by displacing bacteria and viruses. and in pincers to get the perfect secret weapon. this is a nuclear weapon for the poor. you throw those insects at the enemy. this will weaken the population. it's so
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horrible, especially since it happened in the us, and i think you are right, it happened and is most likely happening, excuse my ignorance, and what kind of disease did you just describe, that other rickettsia, well, it is no different, in my opinion, from the one before... the lecture that he read putin, and he couldn't understand anything there either, well, what's funny is that this old chris newby, again there, she wrote this book in 2017, it was called the bitten secret history of lyme disease and biological weapons, and in august 2017 , komsomolskaya pravda published an article about combat ticks of the pentagon. turned out to be a myth, where
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the komsomol truth expert of the russian newspaper said that there is no scientific basis at all to say that such weapons can be produced in biological laboratories, and that expert was a former military microbiologist, reserve colonel mykhailo sopotnytskyi, who said verbatim that we would return to from this book, rate the version about fighting ticks. pentagon asked him, he said that it is beautiful in the spirit of hollywood blockbusters about terrible epidemics, but unfortunately says that the very idea of ​​​​using insects to spread dangerous diseases is very easy to understand, but not to implement, nothing has worked out with insects and it is difficult to breed them, infect them, keep them for a long time in an infected state, well, in principle , this whole book is full of delusion, so... in 2017
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, russian the propagandists wrote that it was delusional, but in 2024, when all nebenzi's statements about mosquitoes had already been exhausted, you couldn't say anything about them anymore, they pulled it all out again, and apparently they handed it to tucker carson so that he would talk about it again in himself in the program, you know, this is a generally sad story for tucker carson because he found himself in strange company. people who are hired by russian television from among americans, here is another such american who was hired, who was constantly shown on russia 24, then russia 1, then rt, this was scott ritter, who is better known in his homeland for that after putting forward a lot of different conspiracy theories there, in the end he was just...well, he was convicted for
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being involved in pedophilia, and this convicted pedophile, after his release, found himself on russian television, i don't know, it seems that tucker carton's problem is not so big in life, but no one has yet condemned him for anything, but you see, he is already on russian television, somehow, i would say it's sad and yes it's a little worrying for tucker carson, so ... he got into a strange company, but now no one has any questions that he does work for russian propaganda, here's another news, that's what the russians suddenly started saying, but so casually, and as if they do not understand what is happening, well, like, for example, with kybiyev v myself, suddenly, oh, something, what happened, that everyone says that russia has some claims to something in the baltic sea. and now about
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the paranoia that continues to engulf the european union. spiegel writes about the terrible threat posed by putin in sweden. the commander of the swedish army is sure that russia is looking at the swedish island of gotland in the baltic sea with greedy... eyes, that is , some suspicious russian tankers have been spotted around it. in general, a new fire of war is being fanned in the west. it is not in the west that this new one is being inflated fire of war the fact is that on may 21 , the russian government published a draft of unilateral border changes in the baltic sea, and on may 22, the russian government deleted this draft of unilateral border changes in the baltic sea. sea. such a strange story happened. well, russian television didn't talk about it, of course, absolutely, i'll even say more, but today a whole, well, the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova, came to solovov on the air. and what
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do you think? so they were talking about the fact that some, as they even called this broadcast of theirs, some kind of bad diplomacy. world, some kind of western diplomacy, some kind of not, but solovyov didn’t have the words to ask the foreign minister, what is it, why are you writing about such strange projects about the baltic sea, no, they couldn’t talk about it, so about it the russian propagandists agreed, but the story nevertheless turned out to be very interesting, because in that published project, which i repeat, about provesi for exactly one day on the official websites of russia, they talked about... that next to the state borders of lithuania and finland, the government of russia by its resolution, which is again published on the portal of legal acts of the russian federation, and according to what was prepared by the ministry of defense,
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russia intended to declare part of the water area east of the gulf of finland as its internal sea waters, as well as near the cities of baltiysk, zelenogradsk, kaliningrad oblast, for this it was... changed the geographical coordinates there and its width of the territorial sea of ​​russia, in particular on the border with finland, the russian government had to adjust near the islands, including holland, virgunt, well there and near narva, well, in short, a whole bunch of such and different points, and they called it all so that the coordinates established in the 85th are incomplete. to a certain extent correspond to the current geographical situation, well, of course, no new geographical situation has arisen there, a new frenzy has arisen in the russian government, and after they posted it, suddenly it became
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known, suddenly the western media started talking about it, the russians somehow they were afraid to take it directly and announce it all, they turned out not to be ready for this, to get right now right in the baltic... sea, well, i don’t know what they could already get there, well, probably they would have had some trouble, because they could have suddenly decided and blocked the possibility of russian ships sailing there at all, which nato countries can do now, and after that they started telling that oh-oh-oh, there is something they were not understood that way there, and you know, against the background of all these projects of theirs, what else can be arranged in the baltic sea. of course, it is interesting how once again solovyov decided to comment on the statement of the prime minister of estonia, kaya kalas, who, well, just at such a conference, some people commented on her as
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it generally relates to what russia is doing. well, let's listen to this statement itself, and a little bit of solovyov's remark to it. just to understand what we were talking about, absolutely nazi animal kaya kalas, i believe that personal sanctions should be imposed against her in russia, listen. i think it is important that russia loses this war. as timothy snyder said, for a country to become better, it must lose its last colonial war. they did not lose. its last colonial war i mean what they don't see that they are aggressors, murderers, they are expanding the empire, it is glory, they believe that in war they get glory, and there will always be people, this leader or the next
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leader, because if people admire a dictator, then someone can become one, for such a small country as ours, war always means devastation, human suffering, atrocities, and for a large country - it means new territories and new resources. well, i wonder what exactly is in this, well, quite ordinary statement, there is nothing new in it, there is nothing new, and even more so nothing of the sort there is no nazi, what exactly excited and angered salavyov, listen, because this is important, for some reason they thought that the leaders must have a different attitude. it is no longer about the leader, but about the people, that is, the russians
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are all terrible, the russians are terrible, and by the way, we are not waging colonial wars, we are fighting for the russian people, and for their right to live on russian land, by the way, many lands of countries the baltics do not belong to them by right, ask yourself this question, look at our belarusian friends, it is spreading the world and somehow even european politicians are saying more and more that this is not only a problem with putin, in general it is possible that the problem is in russia as such and in its population and in what they think, and here, refuting this, somehow managed to say right away about territorial. russia's claims to the same baltic countries, and here, i say, it is so unexpected that at the
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same time it turns out that there was a wonderful plan to seize part of its territorial waters, well , actually in the baltic sea, that is, it somehow coincided, so solovyov remembers something the baltic countries, and that's when such a project arises, well, probably it was already lying there, well, somehow it was being prepared and lying for a long time, but something just hasn't worked yet, it doesn't mean that it doesn't... it goes on, and that's what it is also interesting that after declaring all this, yes, he, in the same program, right there, interviewing one of the russian soldiers, they had such a, you know, well, beautiful dialogue, which, well, is somewhat interesting in the sense that the military man there tells how his life turned out, and it turned out somewhat, again for a peaceful country that is not who is not attacked, does not wage territorial wars, so on... before that in chechnya,
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syria, and now by the will of fate from the first day, as they entered, that is, they leave all their lives, life after graduation, you know, as they say, they studied as cadets , it’s enough for your age, it’s enough for your age, all the wars are over, they were released here, and the wars started, they started and you are always at war, but something nobody attacked russia, but the wars started, and it ’s called what, it’s called colonial war, it's nothing else, but it 's also very funny that somehow it's all like that showing, and from his... guest on the air, soloyev received such a strange remark about these heroes of his svo. well, let's
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just take a look too, it's so interesting. the fight against corruption is a continuous work. the fight against corruption is consistent work, it is not a campaign, it is work that is constantly ongoing, it is an integral part of the actual activity of our law enforcement agencies. unfortunately, i won't tell you the details, since i don't have the authority, and i'm not talking about any company here. does not go away, it continues in everyone institutions, be it federal or municipal level, i'm sorry, it's a bit of a slip, let's see what we need now, can you show it or not, and... you see, something is not working with us, well, well, let's go back to the fact that all this talk
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about colonial wars and that's all, well, it's generally such, you know, usual and, i would say, even such a, well, not quite a daily topic on russian tv channels, but it's also a daily topic on russian tv channels it's been there for a week, but this time especially, again after all, there were... topics of nuclear intimidation, because in russia they started, well, they have some kind of nuclear exercises there, very strange actually nuclear exercises, because we already know the general. in this regard, gurulov said that there are some mock-ups of nuclear bombs floating around, most likely this will be so, but somehow it is interesting to them that while warning about all these exercises, something like that, the russians suddenly stumbled upon the fact that in the american, for example, at the congress, a whole group of congressmen got together and started
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saying, well, let's do it somehow let's finish this little bit, this kind of strange , strange... military actions, when everything is flying over the territory of ukraine from russia, and you are here telling us that russia, ukraine cannot shoot at russia with western weapons, and here are actually these statements that began to multiply, especially this week, in a geometric progression, they caused, well, some kind of hysteria on russian television, all russian television has been discussing this for the last few days, because one statement, then one politician, then another, then... congressmen, then there at a meeting in the congress, again, then at the briefing, the pentagon official was asked about this, that is, there are constant questions from the western media about what is happening, why not give ukraine the opportunity to finally
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destroy the russian military infrastructure, actually western weapons, and in this regard it is clear that... that there is a very big discussion going on, it is very important for the russians, because it practically depends on it, how the situation on the battlefield will return, and not to tell you too much, here skabeeva expressed herself about this very thing and said, literally all at once and scarecrows, which the russians are talking about this on their airwaves, which they are trying to tell western politicians, well, actually, she also told about her fears that arose on this occasion, we have it somewhere, let's show it, just kabievo on this occasion. today, a whole group of american congressmen, led by the chairman of the house intelligence committee , michael turner, called on the head of the pentagon, austin, to still
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allow ukraine to use american long-range missiles for attacks not only on crimea and donbas. at the moment the official position of the pentagon and biden on this issue seems to remain unchanged, and in order for the status quo to continue, the ministry of defense of russia, if you believe the reports from the pentagon, there is no confirmation of this from us, and if you believe them, then russia put it into earth orbit. a satellite that has the ability to attack other satellites, i.e. russia has launched an anti-space weapon. in the same orbit are american government space devices. russia launched its device, according to us data, on may 16. he did about it pentagon spokesman patrick reidy made a public statement. even earlier, the usa said that russia could
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place nuclear weapons in space, which would pose a danger to government officials. the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons in the southern military district. the training is being conducted on the personal instructions of supreme commander-in-chief putin. these are actually two scarecrows about the fact that russia has withdrawn the p'. which will shoot down the satellites and that we are conducting training here, this is what was spread this week on the russian airwaves in different variations, in different ways, and oh well in different words, literally there, but this is the main thing they said there, and you see, the main thing there is the desire that the west should
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listen, well, what is it called, let's look at it, because it is clear. that literally all these, well, pr actions, all these bluffs are designed exclusively for western politicians, and, well , lately they are working less and less, well, in this situation, in this situation, we will see, and finally, news that did not exist, practically in the discussion of russian tv channels, as news, they were, they were talked about, in the news, something was mentioned there somewhere, even now... i'll show how solovyov mentioned it, but it's somehow not discussed, and from the way solovyov actually mentioned it , it's also clear why they somehow don't discuss these issues, let's go... we are with you we say, in the meantime such news is very interesting. urgently, the head of the main communication department of the armed forces of the russian federation
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, the deputy chief of the general staff, lieutenant general vadym shamarin became a suspect in a criminal case. an informed source told interfax that we will wait. i'm just giving it as news. because it has already gone round and round, it would be useful if this kind of news came immediately from official sources, so as not to give room to rumors or speculation, not to embarrass these little ones, there is no need to embarrass these little ones, these little ones cannot comment on anything, therefore that they were not given any instructions yet, and as a result you see such a talkative nightingale. which they all have nothing to say, because, well, they were not told what to say and everything, and somehow it got stuck, and at the same time, in the last two weeks
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, four high-ranking generals have already been arrested, and there with of the ministry of defense, from the general staff of russia, these are lieutenant general shemarin, major general popov, lieutenant general yuriy kiznetsov and deputy minister of defense, general timur ivanov, popov, in particular, the arrests of these generals, especially in the last week, have been very active, and here, well, if we heard about temur ivanov, the deputy minister of defense, we also heard, er, somewhere a couple of weeks ago, there, er, he was arrested, and, er, there, such, such a strange case, er , regarding construction, regarding there, theft, on the other hand, that's all with general popov much more interesting, because general pafuf is the 58th army, and we can remember that
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we already talked about him with you last summer, he is the commander of the 58th army of russia, general ivan popov, who led the battles earned in the zaporizhzhia region, yes here he was arrested on suspicion of fraud, the object of fraud, as they claim... majora, such a russian, stole 200 tons of metal products bought by the military-civilian administration of the zaporizhia region as humanitarian aid. of these products, 58 are in the area of ​​responsibility army, the engineering structures of the defense line were to be built, but as a result, an entrepreneur from the krasnodar region, who is also involved in this case, is suspected of selling this aid outside the region, the amount of damages is more than 100 million rubles, and it is precisely this popov who is accused of this money was divided, but in the summer of last year we talked about him about the fact that he
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was fired, then he was suspended from work, and he announced his resignation from his position, in such a message, well, as if there to a verbal message via telegram, and his colleague from the 58th army is a former. who also once commanded the 58th army, gurulyuv, spread the message, and there, in particular, uh, general popov said that he blamed the russian general staff for the lack of counterbatteries for the fight, an artillery reconnaissance station, a bunch of killed russian soldiers, he directly said that there were simply, well, meat assaults taking place, and as a result, he was simply removed. that was the story. with him, now he was arrested, and this is what is happening in the russian army, to say it is very difficult at the moment, because what you and i listened to a little earlier, piskov simply
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said, well, we are fighting corruption, and that's all, but in fact, judging by everything, the situation is much more interesting, because some very strong reformatting is going on of the russian army and , first of all, of the leadership of the russian army, but what will it be, what should happen after that? and of course we won't hear everything from russian tv broadcasts, but we hope we will find out in some other way, if we find out, we will tell you about it, that's all for today, so see you with some new, interesting news, tingling, numbness or crawling ants at the end? arise spontaneously and disturb you. a special complex of active substances dulgit antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to
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you tomorrow... iskander. the enemy hears, watch. greetings, time of news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. ukraine agrees on the maximum possible import of electricity from the european union. this is in order to compensate for the shortage of electricity that arose due to the destroyed russian attacks on energy facilities. this was stated by the head of the ministry of energy herman galushchenko. according to a government official, the sector suffered a loss of $1 billion, which...


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