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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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iskanders will visit you tomorrow, the enemy hears, watch. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. ukraine agrees on the maximum possible import of electricity from the european union. this is in order to compensate for the electricity deficit that arose due to the energy facilities destroyed by russian attacks. this was stated by the head of the ministry of energy herman galushchenko. according to a government official, the sector suffered a loss of $1 billion. led to the loss of 800 mvv
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of energy. meanwhile, the government has already announced that will raise electricity tariffs for consumers. a relevant decision will be made in the coming weeks, said energy minister of ukraine german galushchenko at a meeting of the verkhovna rada. however, how much the tariffs will be increased is still unknown. the government is making final calculations. thank you. mr. minister, i will be more clear. the issue is being considered, a decision will be made, today we are making final calculations, the decision will be made in the coming week, that is, by the end of may, and the question is that today's level, which is today's tariffs, unfortunately, it does not cover much considering the losses suffered by the energy system, and poland, together with ukraine , is starting to prepare the text of the agreement on security guarantees, said
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malgozata kidawa blonska, marshal of the polish sejm. today she spoke in the ukrainian parliament. malgozhata kidava blonska assured parliamentarians of further cooperation, both in providing aid to ukraine and in the process of european integration. we will do everything to ensure that the process of ukraine's integration with europe begins this year union. ukraine's negotiations with the european union. this is from of course, there will be a long, difficult process, but it is desirable that it begins. we discussed all issues related to our cooperation, issues of defense, issues of defense of ukraine, issues related to the formation of an international compensation mechanism, issues of cooperation between our parliaments. it is today that we begin formal negotiations on the text of the agreement on security guarantees. ukraine and poland, and we want this
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agreement to be as ambitious as possible. indomitable, faith, resilience, under this slogan a prayer breakfast was held at ivano-frankivsk king danylo university. he was joined by two hundred guests, including politicians, businessmen, military personnel, and representatives of the clergy. the purpose of this meeting is understanding and unification around common values. americans were among the participants. we will be able to strengthen our emotions in the first place, because the slogan of this corner, this year, is indomitability, faith and stability, and i am very pleased that we are all together again, representatives of different political forces and different branches of government, representatives of the clergy, many representatives of business, volunteers, military, and it is really pleasing that ivano-frankivsk region, after all, is a region that knows how to unite, knows how to... do it, and
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for the sake of a good cause, we can meet and pray and chat. we unite around the god of prayer for ukraine, for christian values, and that we are united by the most important desire to build up our state spiritually, that is why i am always a participant in these prayer breakfasts, because such friendship is even created. between us and we become close, and when it comes to joint affairs later, it is already as a basis that we are already acquainted thanks to such meetings as this one. poland and greece called on the european commission to create a pan-european air defense system. this was announced by polish prime minister donald tusk. according to him, there is already a positive reaction. however, they want to make anti-missile defense a joint task for all of europe. after all, it is
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expensive. tusk also noted that eu countries should stop competing in the creation of separate air defense systems and unite. early in april, a powerful earthquake occurred in taiwan. the aftershock was the strongest in 25 years. there are many missing and dead , and another 1,070 people were injured. the island nation has been actively supporting the country since the beginning of the invasion. so the white church volunteers decided to organize a prayer for the victims of the natural disaster. damaged roads, suspended train traffic and catastrophic on... traces of the elements, the island nation of taiwan has been suffering from serious earthquakes for several months, and the tourist region in the district has been particularly affected huelen, in the eastern part of the country, due to constant aftershocks, businesses suffer losses, hotels and restaurants are closed,
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houses and architectural monuments are destroyed. there were many victims, it was confirmed for sure that there were more than 18 dead and also, three were missing, among them foreigners who were in the mountains at that time, because this is hualien, it is the eastern part of taiwan, and there are often tourists there. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, taiwan strongly condemned russia's military actions, joining international sanctions. thanks to volunteers and more than 150 special- purpose cars were delivered to us by the concerned citizens of the island country. now these machines help in cities and at the front. more than 300 functional medical beds were also provided, and even more in the armed forces are volunteers who flew overseas to protect our state. therefore, in a difficult time for taiwanese, ukrainian volunteers decided to support and organized
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a prayer for this small asian country. i know this church, i have been here a couple of times, that is, i imagine this church, the pastor, i know him. well, personally, we talked with him, i will say, as far as possible, he said, yes, it can be done, we must, in principle, who organized all this for us, helped us, that is , taiwan, it is also the presbyterian church, that is these are also church things, that is why they don't just want it somewhere in the church, the deacon of the church maksym claims, cohesion is very important now, because regardless of where a person is on the globe, common prayer unites us as a country, too. which for... suffers from the aggressor, we join in prayers for the lord to protect our country, and we, as a country that understands what grief is, what sadness is, we can also sympathize with other people who are also suffering now. those present not only turned to the almighty and asked for
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the well-being of taiwan and its inhabitants, but were able to communicate with eyewitnesses of the events through online communication. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. and we urge you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. they use cars to move around positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars. the necessary trans- the necessary transport already in ukraine remained to be bought and transferred to the front. in general, our goal is uah 3,000. thanks to you, we have already collected over uah 180,000. remember, each of your donations is important. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens, so there is nothing stopping you from getting started. for now, this is all the news for me as of this hour, my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin barkovsky, don't switch, watch
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espresso, we'll see you in less than an hour. glory to ukraine. thanks to the news editor for this issue. well, let's pick up the baton and inform you about all the most important events of this day. marta olyarnyk and antin borkovsky live in the espresso studio. well, in fact , there are a lot of events today. in particular , zelenskyi is in kharkiv. i hope we will also be able to inform you about the details of his visit. well. and putin once again talked about the peace process, what it could mean and in general, we will also talk about the situation at the front, right now we will add ivan tymochka, a military serviceman and the head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, to the ether, mr. ivan, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory, glad to
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see you company, mutual, each other, well , first of all, we would like to ask you about the situation in the north of the kharkiv region and possible movements related to russian aggression, for example, against sumy and sumy oblast, well, marta ulyarnyk said that volodymyr zelenskyi today in kharkiv, he has already conducted an operation. meeting regarding the situation in the region and so on, and listened to the reports from the defense representatives of the region, in particular, when we talk about the vovchan direction, so your vision, mr. ivan, of the operational situation in the kharkiv region, well, there is more of a tactical situation, since what was achieved the russians have had until today how many weeks to go into... the depths of our territories at a distance of up to 3-5 km, in fact, this is a tactical level of execution, or
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even an attempt to complete tasks. in addition, the tasks set before the russians occupation troops, in the sense that at the beginning of the invasion in the north of kharkiv oblast , small groups infiltrate into the depths or the nave of our defense lines, or go to the rear, there to entrench themselves before the approach. of the main forces in order to, exactly what we are talking about, create a number of bridgeheads for a wide coverage of our troops from the flanks, and then advance into the glubkiv region, in particular , the task was to really reinforce or work in parallel with the military contingent of the russians, which is in the kupinsky direction, for to cover some territory of kharkiv oblast, in order to get within fire's distance. damage to the district of kharkiv itself and in the future begin
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to cover kharkiv from the flank, since there is not enough russian military-occupation contingent in the kharkiv region to, say, attack the city itself head-on or even occupy it, so it is clear that the goals were, this is oskil reservoir, calculating to take control of it and the siverskyi donets canal itself. which supplies water to the agglomeration of kramator sloviansk and then try to advance to pechennirskyi reservoirs to supply water to kharkiv itself. here it is clear that to take control of such water resources, they would be able to create some kind of ecological disaster, we remind you of the situation in the kherson region, here the same situation is clearly seen by the russians, so that in the event that they cannot... they can , will take, but will not be able to get, in order to create certain undermining or certain ecological disasters, and there was also
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the task of actually sowing large-scale panic in ukrainian society, we recall what information campaign was being launched that russian troops, if you were to believe this, according to the link, so to speak, if you were to believe all the applications that were spreading in social networks at the time, it seemed that the russians did not go there for three... 3 km 5 or simply moved by infantry units in the depths of ukraine at the front or at the border zone. it seemed that they were almost at the dnieper. but we also understand that the information campaign was developed not so much, even really, to consolidate their victory, as actually to send a message to the international arena, especially on the eve of the day of her peaceful eyes, peaceful. of the forum that will be held in switzerland, of course, that in general what i always
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say, now, probably starting with winter, this is for sure, all the military campaigns of the russians, putin, his occupation forces should be considered as primarily political expediency, rather than military, so on the other hand, sometimes it is difficult to predict whether they will include their troops in other directions, because logically everything they could combat for... they have already used, but this irrationality of the approach to the situation through a political prism, it is quite likely that the russians may start some sort of assault or offensive actions on those parts of our border with them or with belarus, where there are currently no active hostilities, you mentioned political influences, and here i simply cannot not to quote one influential and qualified... ukrainian politician, i don’t know whether it is in quotes or without quotes, well, but extremely pathetic texts that contain
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insults and attempts to humiliate the higher command staff of the armed forces of ukraine, therefore, i am quoting now, it is not my language, the direct language of the people, people's deputy, bargelevich, pavlyuk, syrskyi, sodol, the general faction that is destroying our chances for change and victory right now. of course, not everyone here, further, i will not read everything, yes, well, but, but, but, but, imitation of turbulent activity - our everything, concealment of rights. split units, manual control, russian brutality and burning out competitors and creatives in the military, killing paratroopers right now, backroom butcher, ta ta ta ta, i won't quote everything, but it's pretty, pretty clear and an emotional message from the people's deputy,
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member of the committee on defense and intelligence of the verkhovna rada maryana bezugluva. mr. ivan, what is happening and how are the servicemen reacting? we have already seen reports and reactions from specific brigades, such as when they tried to humiliate their commander and former comrade, and so with the same sodol. well, what comes to mind right away. first, pavlyuk, pavlyuk was responsible for the defense of kyiv, of course, that the enemy retreated threefold. the advantage, of course, that then the applause was boundless, and plus then being the commandant of kyiv, we recall all these stories when he personally went around the checkpoints, directly at the commanding posts of the troops, well, this is all a story, we know, as we know, bargelevich, being the chief of staff at that time, khortyts
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actually under sirsky's leadership was one of those who planned and prescribed a brilliant operation. in the kharkiv region, yes then, and it is possible, probably, to infinity, i think history knows this, textbooks will tell those who do not remember this situation in general, i see this problem in greater depth, and it didn't start now, it started at the moment when it started to intensify, they started talking about the need to strengthen the mobilization processes in the country, and then many politicians tried... to stick to the huge image of the military, which was extremely powerful, right then and the successful, effective work of the army, because i said and will continue to say, from the beginning, probably in the 22nd year, in fact , the most effective state institution is the army, which effectively, most effectively fulfills its
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task in conditions of extremely harsh and difficult situations, at the same time as a deputy. corps, which at that time tried to stick to the image of the armed forces in terms of putting on helmets, bulletproof vests, forgetting their direct duties of a legislative initiative and started going around calling themselves volunteers, i don't know what kind of messiahs they are, well, that's all lasted, everything happened in this way, no one paid attention to it, but from the moment it was already a real question of mobilization of activation of mobilization. of the entire society, it became clear that the role of the army is growing sharply again, and it is growing big the number of people who, one way or another, will either be in the reserve or become tangential, direct participants in the process of formation, creation of the army, the politicians decided, let's remember when this bill was adopted, to saddle the topic of the army, to take over,
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to take control, to take, to demonstrate , that they affect... the processes of formation and life support of the army, that is why this mess with the law dragged on for a very long time. the military command did not make any personal concessions, they worked within the limits of the current legislation, of course the deputies understood that the longer they delay, the more negativity they cause, they voted, but the resentment remained, so to speak. and the question now is not about names, the question is not about positions, in fact, the question is that politicians understand that sooner or later we will have victory, everyone understands very well that the army will have an extremely huge image, and when it starts some election election campaigns, the main emphasis will be pre-military on their merits, while
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politicians, in addition to some intrigues or eternal scandals, who bought a more expensive car or who was better able to... hide in their declarations the property rewritten to the godfather, the name of the mistress and other things, when they arise, will begin to ask them for their stupid legislative initiatives, such as taxing singles or taxing some other or death cards there for some things, that is, there are absurdly non-management decisions, while the army can show its clear managerial decisions, solving extremely complex problems. then what is the question for politicians? to discredit in order to at least bring the military to their level, so that in the future we can somehow compete in the political arena, that's all i see in this situation. the seriousness of the situation lies in the fact that we remember that the removal of the previous head of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi, also began with rather sharp criticism from
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maryana bezuglai, well, and accordingly now we see, well, targeted, targeted such an informational crosshair under which found themselves the commanders of separate branches of the military there , directions and so on, that is, what can... something like this is being prepared, and we understand the second question, so there is also the question of the level of competence of this or that chief, that is, a chief is not just a person who gives orders, the chief is a person who must give competent orders, and we understand that this requires specific knowledge and special experience, because managing the army is a little different than managing this or that civilian structure, yes, that is... very strict specificity in army, i will not now let’s get into the details, mr. ivan, you know, it’s a joke, but i’m your dream, you’re crazy, well, it
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coincided so well, it’s about the same situation here, when a person settles on a topic, hearing some nuances somewhere on the sidelines, or having the opportunity to some sideline , far from a management topic, information, he is just trying, that is what politicians do, someone is trying to saddle something, some topic and parasitize on it, it just happened just like that, i am more than sure that we remember how many politicians declared that they will save zaluzhny, however, somewhere i don’t know where they are now, i don’t hear about them, about any messianic decisions of theirs, that is, i repeat, this is an attempt by politicians to saddle the topic, always when someone says, i will release, the other says, i will save and... vice versa , it really coincided, it attracted a certain amount of attention to a specific person, of course, what if, if it works, why change it for something
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else, right, if you managed to attract attention to one, and there is an opportunity for the second, it is still possible to work on this, regarding the management decisions of the military, you know, allow me to add just one sentence, none the political figure attacking the military leadership now has no such experience. in their field, what experience do military commanders have directly in their places, they have tens of years of experience of all those mentioned there, while these politicians of ours, today are experts on covid, tomorrow on gender equality, the day after tomorrow, how to form military fronts, well, that's it, mr. ivan, look, putin spoke again about peace talks, reuters writes that it spoke to three sources, and these sources actually report, that... putin is ready to cease fire through negotiations, but he wants the current front lines to agree and actually freeze the war in the city on which
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the war zone now lies, and it is actually interesting to understand that putin is not talking about this for the first time, yes , but on the other hand, we understand that now there is this offensive in kharkiv oblast, and this causes us some misunderstandings, on the one hand , the russians are trying to open new fronts somewhere, and on the other hand, the russian dictator is again talking about some freezing war on the other hand, one of the reuters sources said that putin does not want to announce another wave of mobilization, because the previous one caused a rather not so favorable reaction among russians, and accordingly, now there is a good opportunity for him to freeze the war on that the place it is now, but at the same time he is very critical of zelenskyi and the west, which does not want to negotiate, why do you think putin started talking about freezing the war again? history has the characteristic and cyclical nature of repeating itself, and in particular in
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military campaigns . and then napoleon, what is he... enters into a protracted war, and some local successes have absolutely no effect on, let's say, the general plan, which was to occupy the entire territory of ukraine. in addition, how is it that putin opens the overton window for himself, from objections, when he declared no negotiations, only ukraine completely to us and only without modern leadership and so on, until now to move to the phase of some kind of certain perception or acceptance of the situation. but the acceptance is currently on his terms, that is, he is already announcing the negotiations, although again the question of their implementation and compliance, i doubt,
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is vital for him now. the important thing is not to delay the situation at least to stop it in the way it is now and limit the supply of troops, note that there is an extreme week with systems of air defense, what in occupied donetsk, what in luhansk, what in this, what in crimea, every night one or two batteries blow out air, that is, we can say s-300 s400, that every night it is at least only on air defense systems - 1 billion, approximately the cost of s300 or s-400, this is without talking about the human component, about the technical component, of course, that if it is possible to compensate for it with people, then with high-tech means not, when in addition to this, where in voronezh or where it is now destroyed for the horizon static one station that corresponded properly for the control of the airspace, essentially
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on... conventionally speaking, a half, a hemisphere, of course, that he perfectly understands that, and it is in rare cases that they have such technical innovations, he understands that the war for ukraine becomes many times more high-tech, because we emphasize the destruction of technology, he emphasizes infantry fighting, that is, putin smoothly descends into the war of the 19th and 20th centuries, while we smoothly transition into the introduction of the war of the 21st century. well, it goes without saying that whoever will have the efficiency, yes, of course, the pressure on the line front, he continues, and it is extremely important for him to make some kind of proposal for peaceful or non-peaceful negotiations, in order to at least be represented there at the level of a minister or at the level of a deputy minister, let's say, at the same peace forum that will be held in switzerland , because at this forum, at this stage, russia is not a subject there, it is...
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an object against which the action will be directed, while they themselves will not be represented there, and the justification that they are not represented is not because that they are an aggressor as such, and because they are a destructive country, which does not know how to work and negotiate, this is the main emphasis, why they are not invited there, of course, that he wants to show some kind of constructiveness, some kind of desire for dialogue, and of course, it is probably in this framework that we must consider now that... china is trying to provoke a certain situation in the world, it is obvious that he still wants to come here, too, russia through china, or china through russia, it is not so important to drag into this forum, this peaceful forum, some of his own alternative to negotiations of someone else's peace plans, for putin it is important now to at least save your own some kind of subjectivity on the international arena, and here, of course, this situation will happen to peace and even in general. on these borders, whatever
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they are, putin is not interested, his interest is the whole of ukraine, thank you, ivan tymochko, a serviceman and head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, was in touch with us, and we thank him, and we want to call you again our viewers, those who watch us both on youtube and on television, let's continue to do our thing, each in his place, and actually i now you i invite you to join the collection that is ongoing, we are collecting 4 million in order to purchase atvs for evacuation. and the wounded and the delivery of ammunition for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade, so please join our collection, it is important that we close it and provide the opportunity to purchase these atvs, our military needs them very much, so we ask you to the best of your ability opportunities to join our congregation. well, now we're going on a short break, literally in a few minutes we'll resume our broadcast, so stay with espresso. tired of heavy
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