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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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the constitution, well, believe me, dear tv viewers, protect the ukrainian constitutional court and take a very active look at the processes surrounding it. well, it's time for news at espresso, so we're giving the floor to our colleague kateryna shiropoyas. and we ask you, katya, to tell us briefly what you have managed to find out so far? greetings, colleagues, i will tell you about the situation in kharkiv oblast and whether ukrainian prisoners can enter into contracts with the armed forces of ukraine? greetings, it's news time on espressu tv channel. in kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the defense forces stopped the russian troops and are trying to restore lost positions in the northern kharkiv region, the acting official said.
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ihor prokhorenko, deputy chief of the main department of the general staff, and the enemy does not stop attempts to break through the defense near liptsi, vovchansk, tykhoi and staritsa. the main efforts are focused today on the kharkiv direction, on this direction, you already know that since may 10, the enemy has been conducting an offensive operation with the aim of creating in in the kharkiv region of the buffer zone, today the situation there is stable and controlled, the enemy is out of it, fire damage is inflicted on it, and offensive assault actions are planned and carried out by the defense forces to restore the lost position. ukrainian prisoners were given the right to enter into contracts with the armed forces of ukraine until the end of martial law. this was stated by the head of the main personnel department of the general staff, roman horbach. he emphasized that this is not a mobilization of prisoners, because convicts can sign the contract is voluntary, according to him.
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many prisoners have already shown initiative and expressed a desire to undergo military service. and as for military service, there are practically no special features, except that they will do this service in specialized units, which in principle will not differ in any way, they will receive money, monetary support in exactly the same way. on the same level as other military personnel, leave for family reasons, that is the only one only in the legislation, its nuance is that they will not have a basic thirty-day vacation. law enforcement officers have identified the identities of all seven people who died as a result of yesterday's russian attacks on the kharkiv printing house. four people were identified by forensic experts based on dna samples. serhii bul, head of the investigative department of the police, reported this. a 26-year-old
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man from kharkiv had to provide dna samples to make sure that his mother was among the dead. she worked as a typist in a printing house. another typist, a typist, and a packer were also identified only after dna comparison . in general, after yesterday's attack in kharkiv, seven people died, 21 people were injured. he put on the coat of the ukrainian army and surrendered. border guards in donetsk. ranks captured a russian. at night, the enemy group tried to storm the ukrainian positions, but the fire and ambition of the revenge brigade forced the enemy to retreat. however, one of the russian attack aircraft decided to surrender. for this, he put on a ukrainian army coat, which he allegedly found while moving to the positions of the border guards. the state will help rebuild the printing house destroyed by the russians in kharkiv, the president said.
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volodymyr zelenskyi during his visit to the city, this is one of the largest printing complexes in europe, during yesterday's attack , the destroyed production facilities there burned tens of thousands of freshly printed books, a lot of children's literature, educational manuals and textbooks, we will find money, well, return the people, unfortunately, we cannot bring people back, but we can do it in memory of these people. the salary of a printer. with this situation, the approximate aggregate of all ukrainian enterprises falls by 40%. it the most powerful enterprise in ukraine. therefore , textbooks and literature are becoming a national problem today. we won't be able to print them 100% this year if we don't recover quickly. it is impossible to protect the ukrainian energy industry from massive russian missile attacks. such a statement was made by the minister of energy of ukraine, explaining. of the parliament the quality of fortification
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structures around power system facilities. according to herman galushchenko, the structures guarantee protection only against attacks by enemy drones. it was about systems that protect the relevant objects from drone attacks, from drone attacks, therefore definitely protect, for example, the majzal of the station in such a way as not to protect it from strikes, massive strikes by rockets, it is impossible, at the beginning of april , a powerful earthquake occurred in taiwan, an underground mail was the strongest in 25 years, many are missing and dead, and another 1,070 people were injured. the island state has been actively supporting ukraine since the beginning of the invasion, so white church volunteers decided to organize a prayer for the victims as a result of a natural disaster. damaged roads,
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suspended train traffic and catastrophic consequences of the elements. the island nation of taiwan has been suffering from serious earthquakes for several months. the tourist region in hoalien county, which is in the eastern part of the country, due to constant tremors, is particularly affected, the business is not damaged, hotels and restaurants are closed, houses and architectural monuments are destroyed. there were many victims, it was confirmed for sure that there were more than 18 dead and also three missing , among them foreigners who were just in the mountains then, because it is... the place of hualien is the eastern part of taiwan, and there are often tourists there. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , taiwan strongly condemned russia's military actions, joining international sanctions. thanks to volunteers and caring citizens
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, we received more than 150 special purpose vehicles from the island country. now these machines help in cities and at the front. more than 300 functions were also provided. medical beds, moreover, there are volunteers in the armed forces who flew from overseas to protect our of the state therefore, during a difficult time for taiwanese , ukrainian volunteers decided to support and organized a prayer for this small asian country. i know this church, i've been here a couple of times, that is, i imagine this church, the pastor, i know him personally, so we talked with him, i'll say as much as it's possible, then he said, yes, it can be done. in principle, who organized all this, helped us, i.e. taiwan, it is also the presbyterian church, i.e. these are also church things, i.e. they therefore and precisely in the church do not just want it somewhere, the deacon of the church, maxim, claims that unity is very important now, because regardless of where a person is on the globe, common
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prayer unites us, as a country that is currently suffering from an aggressor, we join in praying for the lord to protect our ... and we, as a country that understands what grief is, what sadness is, we can also empathize with other people who are also suffering now. those present not only turned to the almighty and asked for the well-being of taiwan and its inhabitants, but were able to communicate with eyewitnesses of the events through online communication. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. and they are also collecting donations for the armed forces of ukraine, so i am asking you to join our urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. soldiers use cars to move around positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars. all that remained was to dig up the necessary transport already in ukraine and transfer it to the front. in general, our goal is uah 3,000.
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thanks to you, we have already managed to collect more than 230 thousand hryvnias. remember, each of your donations is important. you can now see all the necessary details on on your screens, at the moment i have all the hours, all the news as of this hour, to learn more, follow the update on our website, as well as on our social networks, then my colleagues, marta oliyarnyk and antin, will be waiting for you on the air borkovsky, don't switch, stay with espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues, an important message from our general staff, therefore , the armed forces of ukraine stopped the russian troops in the kharkiv direction and conduct counteroffensive actions. yes,
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ihor prokhorenko, a representative of the main operational department of the general staff, reported this. i quote: literally, the situation is complicated. the defense forces continue to defend themselves in the east and south of our country against... fire damage to the enemy, the main actions are taking place in kharkiv oblast and donetsk oblast. as for the kharkiv direction, the enemy is conducting offensive operations with the aim of creating a buffer zone. for now, the enemy has stopped. the situation is under control, they are being conducted counteroffensive actions. well, british intelligence reports that russia used so-called african resources in the attack on vovchansk in the north of kharkiv region. it says that the african corps contains mostly former wagnerians. over the past week, according to a review of british intelligence, russia deployed units of the africa corps of the ministry of defense of the russian federation together with regular russian troops and storms units during the offensive on... vovchansk, and the africa corps, created in december 23, consists of
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more than 200 regular soldiers and officers , as well as experienced mercenaries, many of whom had previously served with wagner's group. units of the african corps. most likely, they were previously deployed in syria, libya, burkina faso and nigeria. here is a message from british intelligence, and in the meantime, we are adding valery ryabykh, a military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense-express to our broadcast. mr. valery, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, studio, congratulations, dear viewers, yes, before that, mr. valery, as we move on to the analysis with you, i would also like to submit very important news: china and brazil have published a joint communique, supporting the so-called peace conference on ukraine with the participation of the russian federation only. in the document, the countries formulated six points that they believe will allow. to solve it, well , they call russian aggression against ukraine the ukrainian
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crisis, but russia itself is not mentioned once in the communique, further, china and brazil call on all parties to adhere to three principles of de-escalation of the situation, namely bans on expanding the field of hostilities, aggravating the situation at the front and avoiding provocations. yes, i quote further: china and brazil support. an international peace conference held at the right time, which is recognized by both russia and ukraine, with the equal participation of all parties, as well as an honest discussion of all peace plans, well , the next point concerns the increase of humanitarian aid to the relevant regions, the prevention of a humanitarian crisis and the avoidance of attacks on civilians or civilian objects. well, it's an important signal, it will be necessary read this document in its entirety, which we recommend. well, i think that in the near future it will appear on the website of the tv channel, so read and watch. yes, mr. valery, by
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the way, if we have already talked about china, then china is currently conducting large-scale military exercises around taiwan, and it looks like it could be a kind of rehearsal for war. how do you generally assess these chinese maneuvers around taiwan, can we really talk about a potential invasion now? i don't know if not in the near future, but in the future we understand that the chinese have already repeatedly sent various signals regarding the taiwan issue, and now these exercises look threatening enough and the whole world is watching these exercises in order to understand in principle what is happening there, will there be a real war? well, it should be noted that china has its finger on the pulse here, and of course, when making a decision on conducting... exercises, which, let's say, already look
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planned, but still have an unplanned character, they are timed first of all to those political processes that took place on taiwan and the held presidential elections, and of course the chinese also take into account the international situation and, first of all , the events taking place in the united states. states of america, and here we can see that in the case, as in the case of ukraine, now the united states, well, it seems that not to taiwan, but to those internal election processes that are currently occupied by the military and political leadership of this country , well, all the politicians, and here this situation looks very, very... dangerous, because the chinese, conducting these exercises first of all, they are probing the reactions of the same
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united states of america, and in the event that there are no adequate signals from the united states of america, of course, the chinese can test in some directions, and by carrying out certain provocations, they can advance a little there. .. more than this is accepted during the exercises, as we saw during the previous exercises, when there were flights over the territory of taiwan, and if ... there are no such signals, then of course, such actions by china, they can happen with increasing danger for the escalation of actions in the region, however, well, all the observers say that, well , at the moment, china does not look like it is capable of carrying out large-scale aggression, but here now china is still one of
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the sides that they are testing, this is ... native aggression, inciting just between the internal contradictions in taiwanese society, against the background of exploiting theses that some of the political parties in taiwan like, and it is so reminiscent of the situation and methodology that the russian federation previously tried against ukraine. yes, mr. valery, look, i would still like to be with you. speak, yesterday we talked about it with mr. chernyk, a military expert, about the f-16, yes, it would seem like a well-worn topic, but there are now more and more such signals in the public space that indicate that these fighters will soon we will already have them. the first group of ukrainian pilots completed their training in the united states of america, we have already seen official
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information from the air force that there is a certain simulator already on the territory of ukraine, that is , we understand that there is data. which indicate that we are already preparing seriously, and there are already ukrainian pilots who have completed their training, it turns out that there are personnel to control them, and all we have to do is get these long-awaited f-16s, your own military senses tell you , well, it should be noted here that one of the main signals, which can be ... the decision of the united states of america to transfer the f-16, because, well, even promised by our partners, these f-16s, they cannot be transferred without approval from the manufacturer's country, and that's what it looks like this is the case now, but this is a decision, it may depend on several factors,
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because separately we see that a message appears about the readiness of some. the bones of the pilots, also , information was recently distributed about the completion of the training of a group of technicians who can service f-16 aircraft, the appearance of simulators, well, we are gathering all this into a pile, in addition, it turns out that the technical training measures here in ukraine, in particular , installation of sensors of the takan system there, preparation of airfields. reception of the f-16, they can also finish, but there is one more we omit from such moments, because these aircraft, they must be used, including in the composition of units and including planned by officers of the higher level of management,
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because the use of such a complex tool as f- 16, it consists in close interaction with various... specifically troops and services , and it involves such an incredible coordination not only within the armed forces of ukraine, but also with our partners, and that is why all these points must coincide, and besides, this everything must end with a decision that will be taken in the united states of america, and here it should be noted that it will not be taken before i am. grounds for believing that the use of those aircraft that we will receive will be effective, and will not lead to the fact that, let's say, not knowing how to operate them or not knowing how to control them, would be able to, let's say, their , make it so
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that they tell mr. valery that our military, our pilots have to take a very responsible approach to this. infrastructure must be proper infrastructure, we understand that the enemy will try to hunt for locations of deployment, locations of deployment, that is, military airfields must be covered by an adequate number of air defenses and so on and a whole series of different logistical points, that is, pilots are only the tip of this iceberg, but wanted to ask you more about the extremely successful operation, you understand? if four etekoms fly to alushta in order to destroy the enemy, how is it called a logistics location point. communication node in simple language, yes, it means that the matter is very serious, what was there today, so to speak, managed to be destroyed? well, from here, i will conclude the opinion about
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the f-16, they should be as successful as the patriot in order for them to rise in the ranking in the arms market, and not fall due to their inept use, that is why this process is being stretched, and in relation to moreover, we already see success not only there in the use of patriots, but also of atakam citizens, who are more and more mastering the goals that have been determined for them in the temporarily occupied crimea in the first place, because this is exactly what was said earlier, that this will be one of the first directions on which these effective means will be applied, and what we are seeing, in particular, the attack on the communication node in alushta, well, this is... can also be a continuation of the actions of our armed forces to reduce the strategic potential of the russian federation, because what is the importance of this
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communication node, mr. valery, and this communication node was built back in soviet times, and it foresees precisely its use for communication with space vehicles, and here what observers are not rule out that precisely... the installation and modernization of a new radar system there, it is used by the russians in order to increase their capabilities in outer space, the increase in capabilities in outer space in a strategic plan may give the russians an advantage precisely in the destruction of such space objects on of land, in which the armed forces of ukraine participate, it will lead to a further reduction of the strategists. potential, and in addition, the reduction of the russian federation's ability to solve tasks with help
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satellite grouping, including in the ukrainian direction as well, but also globally, this will also affect the capabilities of the russian federation. mr. valery, we understand that atakam are working well not only in the south, but also in the east. actually, i am talking about... the strike that took place near mospiny in donetsk region, which we actually need to understand, if we are talking about the context of this strike, yes, because we understand that military experts have investigated this issue, and we actually have certain things worth noting, would like you to outline them, well here now there are a lot of, let's say, conversations about this strike and that... it was the destruction of the s-400 system, now there are clarifications about the location of this strike and they say that
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it was possible between the villages of stroitel obrizne and kolatsky in the donetsk region , already 60 km from the front line, because it is precisely from this that you can geolocate with a video that... is now spreading the network and it is very revealing and very interesting, because the video shows how the s-400 system tries to counter missile attacks , which probably just fly into it direction and releases volleys of rockets, and 6 rockets in three volleys and two rockets each, and it looks like this is how this sy... system, which was previously declared by the russians on the international arms market, as a system capable of shooting down american ballistic
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missiles, so, after these six salvos , a missile similar to the atakams arrives and destroys the positional area of ​​this s-400 system, well, in general, this may indicate that the armed forces of ukraine. working out just the issue of gaining superiority in the air, this is achieved primarily by destroying systems anti-aircraft anti-missile defense of the enemy and establishing for the enemy a certain forbidden zone at a certain distance, it also looks like the preparation of the field for the emergence can look like preparation of the field. before the appearance of the same f-16, because in the first place it is precisely the air defense systems that must be destroyed, including the long-range ones such as the s-400. and they
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should ensure the effective operation of aircraft of the air force of ukraine. thank you, valery ryabikh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express was on our airwaves and we thank him for the explanation, well, i have to inform you of quite important information, because it concerns our money with you, so the national bank raised it for the first time. this is the information, and actually, as we remember, in the state budget for this year , the parliament, in fact, set a probable exchange rate somewhere around uah 40, so today the official dollar exchange rate is already 40 uah 11 kopecks, this is the information, huh , and an important signal from slovakia, remember, a few days ago a slovak. committed an assassination
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on their prime minister, on robert fizo, so, well, information has already appeared from the interrogation of the accused in the attempt, so he explained that he carried out the attack because of disagreement with the policy of prime minister fizo, and said that he seeks to restore the provision of military the government headed by ... with fizo-juda considers aid to ukraine from the side of bratislava to the european union, and therefore decided to act, the slovak edition "pravda" reports with reference to the resolution on the pre-trial detention of the suspect. we will now take a short break, but by the way, i want to remind you that now on the screen you see a qr code, by this qr code you can make your contribution to help our defense forces. a collection of
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uah 4 million is underway to purchase k cycles for the 93rd cold spring brigade, so please scan this qr code, make your donation, it doesn't matter how much it is, it's important that you do it sincerely from the heart and in to the best of your ability, so we ask you to remember that there are no small contributions, we are going to take a short break, after which we will continue the information day on espresso, so stay with us, petrolheads trimmers are so heavy... loud and inconvenient, but you really want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trime kors unpack the tv, order in time at a special price, only from 999 uah. kors trimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mowing the lawn in the most difficult to reach places, near fences, along the lines of paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trimming bushes and even branches, is simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers,
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