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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the kharkiv direction, the situation is stable and under control. defense forces have stopped russian troops and are trying to regain lost positions. this was stated by ihor prokhorenko, acting deputy chief of the main administration of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, during a briefing at the ukraine-ukrinform media center. as for the kharkiv direction, in this direction, you already know that since may 10 , the enemy has been conducting an offensive operation with... with
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with the aim of creating a buffer zone in the kharkiv region, today the situation there is stable and controlled, the enemy is stopped, fire damage is inflicted on him, and offensive assault actions are planned and carried out by the defense forces to restore the lost position. staff reduction in the general staff, the number of personnel in some units and military administration bodies will be reduced by 60%. this was reported by the head of the main department. of defense planning of the general staff yevhenii ostryanskyi. this process includes disbanding a number of military structures, formation of new ones and optimization of existing ones. this is done in order to eliminate duplication of functions. the released servicemen will transfer to the headquarters of the operational and tactical levels, as well as combat units, which will make it possible to rotate units that have been in the combat zone for a long time. the state will help from. to build
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a printing house destroyed by the russians in kharkiv, president volodymyr zelenskyi said during his visit to the city. this is one of the largest printing complexes in europe. during yesterday's attack there, the production premises were destroyed, tens of thousands of freshly printed books, a lot of children's literature, teaching aids and textbooks were burned. we will find the money, well, we will return the people. so. with this situation , the approximate aggregate of all ukrainian enterprises falls by 40%, this is the most powerful enterprise in ukraine, therefore textbooks and literature are becoming a national problem today, we will not be able to print 100% of them this year if we do not quickly restore them. ukrainian prisoners were given the right. enter into
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contracts with the armed forces of ukraine to the end of martial law, roman horbach, head of the main personnel department of the general staff, said. he emphasized that this is not a mobilization of prisoners, because convicts can only sign the contract voluntarily. according to him , many prisoners have already shown initiative and expressed a desire to undergo military service. and as for military service, there will be practically no... special features, except that they will do this service in specialized units, which in principle will not differ in any way, monetary, monetary they will receive benefits on the same level as other military personnel, leave for family reasons, but the only nuance in the legislation is that they will not have basic leave
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. explaining to the parliament the quality of fortifications around power system facilities. according to herman galushchenko, the structures guarantee protection only against attacks by enemy drones. it was about systems that secure the relevant objects from drone attacks. from drone attacks, therefore, of course, to protect, for example, the majzal of the station in such a way as not to protect it from strikes, massive strikes by missiles, it is, well, impossible. poland, together with ukraine , is starting to prepare the text of the agreement on security guarantees, said malgozata kidawa blonska, marshal of the polish diet. today she spoke in the ukrainian parliament. blonska assured
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the parliamentarians of further cooperation, both in terms of providing aid to ukraine and in relation to the process european integration. we will do everything to... so that the process of ukraine's integration with the european union and ukraine's negotiations with the european union will begin this year. of course, it will be a long, difficult process, but it is desirable that it begins. we discussed all issues related to our cooperation, defense issues, defense of ukraine, issues related to the formation of an international compensation mechanism. cooperation between our parliaments, today we are starting official negotiations on the text of the agreement on security guarantees between ukraine and poland and we want this agreement to be as ambitious as possible. sports, travels and a goat, or family pedagogy of the franks at the museum
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of outstanding figures of ukrainian culture held a literary salon about the family of the outstanding ukrainian poet and playwright ivan franko. the students of mykhailo drahomanov university invited to the event were told about the atmosphere in which the children of the family grew up, how they studied, what they were interested in, historians told the young people about the hobbies and secrets of the franks. first, it is franconian traditional. franko is not only a stonemason, franko is not only someone who was involved in the development of ukrainian literature, he is a very multifaceted personality, and it is worth talking about it, a personality that shaped. different, well , it manifested itself in different ways, and indeed petro, his son, said that the founder of tourism in the carpathians was ivan franko himself. heavy rains again covered the southern state of brazil. as reported by reuters,
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the city of porto allegri was the most affected. the record flooding over the past month has killed at least 163 people, with about 600 more thousands of people in... have been forced to leave their homes, and at least 64 people are missing. according to the national meteorological institute, within 12 hours , more rain fell in the port of allegro than is usual for the entire month. and i remind you and ask you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. soldiers use cars to move around positions and transport combat. passes and drones are launched from cars. it remains to buy and transfer the necessary transport already in ukraine to the front in general, our goal is uah 3,000. thanks to you, we have already collected more than uah 230,000. remember, each of your donations is
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very important. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens, so there is nothing stopping you from hitting the ground running. that's all the news i have for now. today we will see you tomorrow already at lunch, stay with espresso and don't switch. stories of people who survived modern slavery. from now on in lviv to run. a special tram, information was posted on it, how to protect yourself from exploitation and where to go ask for help. the international organization for migration has launched an information campaign, using you, which draws attention to the problem of human trafficking. this
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transport will run from one month to six, depending on which city it is, or also what kind of transport it is. our task, this is a preventive goal, in particular, it is an information company, and our task is to reach all citizens so that they understand what human trafficking is, that it is a much broader concept than everyone imagines. what lies behind the slogan you taken advantage of, often people cannot immediately recognize the manifestations of exploitation, unofficial employment, promises of sky-high enrichment, coercion, blackmail, threats, confiscation of documents and personal belongings, restrictions on movement and... violence, all these are manifestations of human trafficking, only in the last year the international organization of migration in ukraine identified and helped more than 370 victims. since 1991, the international organization for migration has conducted research
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and according to statistics, more than 3,000 people have fallen into situations of exploitation, trade by people with the beginning of the war, this phenomenon of... became much more acute, we also conducted a study, according to which it is believed that 85% of the population was directly or indirectly affected by the war. accordingly, they are vulnerable. if you feel at risk of exploitation and violence, the international organization for migration advises you to immediately call the national hotline at 527 or use the telegram chatbot called safe migration bot. you see all the necessary information on the screen. since 2000, the representation of mom in ukraine provided reintegration assistance to more than 20,000 victims of human trafficking, it is about legal, medical, psychological consultations, humanitarian assistance,
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representation of interests in court, asylum, training for advanced training and grant programs for starting one's own business. it's so piercing in the joints, it's not... it's important to get used to it, it doesn't allow you to move, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from the pain of rheumatism. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dolgiit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. fm, galicia. listen to yours. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small
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relief, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday with 20 to 22 for espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, that's my name mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's go. we will have even better roads, a special view of events in ukraine,
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there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the spressu tv channel, and i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 45 minutes. there are many today. we will discuss important information with you, we will discuss the results of the work of the council this week, will the russian church be banned in ukraine? we will hear the opinion of the guest of our people's deputy of ukraine. the situation in kharkiv, just a few hours ago, loud explosions were heard there, plus the consequences of an enemy attack on a printing house, and we will talk about that, and of course,
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the attack on russian-occupied crimea, which objects were hit by the defense forces and the stabilization of the front. in the kharkiv region, whether it will be possible to reject an enemy from the vovchancha community. so, we will talk about this, but right now i am joining my colleague serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries of the day. serhii, please give me the floor. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our audience. today, in our military column, we will talk about the large-scale use of atakams by the armed forces against our enemies, about the reduction of individual units. general staff and about our mobilization, what's next under the reserve plus project. more on that in a moment. i will start with the fact that the armed forces demonstrate the active and quite accurate use of atakams tactical missiles against
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enemy targets. late at night on may 23 , another remote control was carried out. the attack on the occupiers in crimea, the attack was carried out on several objects, these are saki, simferopol, dzhankoy, gvardiyske and the pass, the details of the consequences will be known a little later, for now we can definitely talk about the damage using operational-tactical atakams missiles of the space communications center "link near alushta, where the enemy carried out such certain measures to increase their capabilities in cosmic now we are seeing one of these strikes with the help of atakams on the occupied crimea, and this strike on the center of valushta can be logically linked to the fact that the day before , ukrainian drones were able to damage the voronesh dm recreation station,
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which was located near armavir in krasnodar edges are photos. this is what this rls looks like, and this rls, and this is damage from drones, by the way, and this rls is part of the russian strategic early warning system of a missile attack, and it was created to detect there ballistic, strategic missiles, cruise missiles up to 6,000 km, and its main sector of view, as far as we can see, is the balkans. the mediterranean, the area where nato operates, as well as asia, including the persian gulf. actually, this story with the radiation on this radar is quite a complicated story, because this voronezhdem station belongs to the strategic objects of the nuclear forces of the russian federation, and one can expect such hysteria, propaganda hysteria on the part
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of the rashists. video details also appeared today. these are associated with strokes, too atakams on an important target, this is on the s-400 anti-aircraft missile complex, this is, i think, a unique video, the most remarkable, because it actually shows the battle of two missile systems, and in this video we can talk about the triumph of the atakams, because we see that the s-400 air defense system fires missiles rather hysterically. triggers or to repel the means of an approaching attack, and the launch of about six anti-aircraft missiles from the s-400 is visible, and then the arrival of atakams with cluster submunitions, which already leads to the destruction of the russian zerk, and here is a video that confirms and
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destruction of the launchers, one launcher was damaged, the control point and the radar were also destroyed. the location of the events is documented as the settlement of mospine in the donetsk region, it is not far from the reporting line there up to 60 km, but it can be said that given the fact that this complex appeared literally a few days ago, the most an effective way to combat such targets, primarily the atakamsa, who created... back in the 80s, and it turned out that, relatively speaking, these atakamsa today, cluster munitions are the best way to deal with such targets as zereds. complexes and its same airfields with airplanes, ironically this complex was equipped with a new ballistic target detection system, there is a new radar, and in fact
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we see that this new radar and the advertised s-400 still turned out to be incapable of countering attacks that have, say yes, well, it has much more historical roots compared to the triumph complex. and then we will talk about our realities, already about our mobilization beyond the reserve plus application. we we know that as of may 24, more than 1 million servicemen or conscripts have updated their military registration data, and today, by the way, there was an interesting press conference of representatives of the general staff, where it was said that certain structural divisions of the general staff will be reduced by... 60% in the process of optimization, and in fact, these are various components related to our mobilization, optimization, finding the right ways
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to use our mobilization resource, what is true, what errors exist, what should be correct, we will talk about this with our next guest, we are joined by lieutenant colonel pavlo kishkar, now he is a senior officer of the ground forces command, head of the project office, accelerator of the ministry of defense, sir. paul, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, i congratulate ukraine. first of all, i would like to start with the fact that the deputy chief of the general staff, general yevhen ovstrianskyi ovstrianskyi said that separate structures of the general staff will be reduced by 60%, new ones will be created structures, and the officers who will be, relatively speaking, not in the staff, will be... directed to other positions at the operational and tactical level, can we say that this is finally the right step that we talked about, or rather you said that the structures
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should be reduced, be more optimal, responding to the challenges facing the armed forces and the state today, well, i hope that this is the right step, let's see what conclusions will be drawn regarding the reduction of certain structural units or the reduction numbers, but... that it is right, precisely, ideologically, right to start with the authorities, the army also has enough men who are not in combat positions, and if the leadership of the armed forces declared that in two years, three years from non-combat positions, people of mobilization age will be removed, they can be replaced by women, men who have certain limitations, loss. limbs, people who already have a pension certificate, it would be correct, i generally said that power should start with itself, power in a broad sense,
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this includes military power, headquarters are also the elements of management and leadership, the military is also an element of such and such power, that is why the state power must start mobilization from itself, our men will no longer have a draft... age of 25-60, so everyone must prepare, in state structures, in in all state structures, not only in the ministry of defense , we must replace men of draft age in a certain period of time with qualified, trained people who are not men of draft age, that is why such an ideology, if it starts with the ministry of defense and the armed forces of ukraine, it has the right to life, it is effective, and i for... that this experience will be transferred to other state structures, in general, the system should be compressed to the level of one signature, one
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responsibility, if it is some kind of long procedure, this procedure has a military it's time to reduce to one day in your decision, if this procedure depends on the signing of the document itself, otherwise we will simply... lose these processes, the fact that mobilization and the current law, it will be ineffective, i think, now we are reconnecting , we are talking with pavlo kishkar, this the senior officer of the ground forces command, the head of the project office, the accelerator of the ministry of defense, we are talking about the fact that the law on mobilization has already entered into force, the data update is already taking place... on the number of conscripts, at the same time , we understand that the data update is only one of those related to the optimal use of mobilization resources, because really,
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he says... pavlo, we will not have more men, in addition to military tasks, we also have to balance the performance of economic tasks related to work and of the defense-industrial complex and other components of our economy, and these things must be optimally balanced, we must also find an opportunity so that, relatively speaking, all processes are related to the fact that accounting takes place, they are maximally... digitized in order to avoid the human factor on the part of one or another official, who can influence just one or another decision, now we are trying to establish a connection, and also, by the way, when we talk about e processes related to auto optimal using mobilization resources, now we are talking about the reserve plus as an application, which is now presented as a significant step to...
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speeding up the registration of conscripts, but when we talk about the digital component in the life of the armed forces, i will probably still mention other components that relate to management troops and the use of troops, because, conditionally speaking, we should know that these are such conditionally speaking intangible combat assets, that is, the ability to effectively use units as a drink, to set combat tasks using automated... automated management systems, this is the direction that is directly related to the ministry of defense and the general staff, and we know how important it is, and here , conditionally speaking, now i will give one example, that conditionally speaking, our operational and strategic departments, operational-tactical controls, some use automated control systems called bell, this is a system that was adopted last year,
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it has been developing for a long time. and actually this system of combat management operational-tactical level allows you to significantly speed up the preparation of combat tasks, the practice of these combat tasks, reduces the burden on staff officers, and most importantly, it records the decision of each commander at each stage of the execution of a combat task, and this is extremely important, because relatively speaking, it is already , relatively speaking no... gives an opportunity to later see what decisions this or that commander made, based on the real situation, and relatively speaking, this system even helps the commander make the right decisions solution, and now the ministry of defense, in my opinion, should be interested in scaling this system to a significant number of headquarters and offices, the demand for this system is there, and i think this is just one of the options that
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also apply to ... processes automation and digitization of the armed forces, and now we are joining pavel kishkar on our air again, this is the senior officer of the ground forces command, mr. pavle, i would like you to evaluate the next steps, where we should go according to the reserve plus project, because we are about what we talk only about the accounting of conscripts, but sometimes we forget about other digital components of the life of the armed forces, which are no less important than simple accounting, where we are moving in the direction of... the digital army, well , the plus reserve, i think, will acquire its outlines from the possibility of issuing and serving an electronic summons, and it was right, because we don't have time to waver, we need to immediately proceed to some radical changes, i support these radical changes, let my men, who do not want to do military service, forgive me, but options in
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there are not many of us, so... well, this, this system is electrical, system, yes, some kind of database, it has the right to life and it must acquire the legal authority to communicate with our men directly, medical restrictions, reservations, booking for enterprises, all this can grow, what can grow and must grow reserve plus. a whole series of issues can be digitized in the process of developing this system, and regarding the development of automated systems on the battlefield, i repeatedly repeated on the air that the war of the future, the war of the present is a war robots, and win the war in the russian federation, we can only have a technological advantage. your previous story about atakamsya is simply redundant.


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