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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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personnel in some units and bodies of the military administration will be reduced by 60%, yevhenii ostryanskyi, the head of the main department of defense planning of the general staff, announced this. this process includes disbanding a number of military structures, forming new ones and optimizing existing ones. this is done in order to eliminate the duplication of functions, the released servicemen will transfer to the headquarters and headquarters of the operational and tactical levels, as well as combat units, which will allow for the rotation of units, which are ongoing are currently in a war zone . law enforcement officers have identified the identities of all seven people who died as a result of yesterday's terrorist russian attacks on the kharkiv printing house. four people were identified by forensic experts based on dna samples, serhiy balvinov, the head of the investigative police department, said. a 26-year-old man from kharkiv had to provide dna samples to make sure that his mother was among the dead. she worked in
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a printing press as a typist, and only after dna comparison was another typist, a typist, and a packer identified. in general, after yesterday's attack on kharkiv , seven people died, 21 people were injured, sympathy and sincere sorrow for the dead, and this is obviously another file that will be included in the criminal case, according to which not only putin will be tried, but also all those who followed his orders and carried out those orders. directly launching these missiles at kharkiv. ukrainian prisoners were given the right to enter into contracts with the armed forces of ukraine until the end of martial law - said the head of the main personnel department of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine roman humpback. he emphasized that this is not a mobilization of prisoners, because convicts can sign the contract only on a voluntary basis. according to him , many prisoners have already shown initiative and expressed a desire to undergo military service. he put on a coat of the ukrainian
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army and surrendered. the border guards in donetsk took a russian prisoner. at night, the enemy group tried to storm the ukrainian positions, but the fighters of the revenge brigade forced the enemy to retreat with fire. however, one of the russian stormtroopers decided to surrender, for this he found somewhere and put on the coat of the ukrainian army, which he allegedly found while moving to the positions. border guard ukraine extradited the organizer of the illegal migration scheme. the law enforcement officers established that the 58-year-old citizen of one of the countries of south asia arrived in ukraine in the 16th year and started working for russia. he coordinated a transnational criminal group for the transportation of illegal immigrants to the european union. i used such a channel. moscow to
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destabilize the migration situation in the west. ukraine handed over the attacker to poland, where he was declared an international wanted man. the state will help to rebuild the printing house destroyed by the russians in kharkiv. this was stated by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi during his visit to the city. this is one of the largest printing complexes in europe, during yesterday's attack, the production facilities there were destroyed. tens of thousands of newly printed books were burned, more precisely 50 thousand books , a lot of children's literature, teaching aids and textbooks were destroyed by the enemy. we will find the money, well, we will return the people, so we will return the people, unfortunately not we can, but we can make a printing house, approximately, in memory of these people.
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situation, the approximate aggregate of all ukrainian enterprises falls by 40%, this is the most powerful enterprise in ukraine, therefore textbooks and literature are becoming a national problem today, we will not be able to print them 100% this year, if we do not quickly restore them. to support sakartvelo, the action of solidarity with the georgian people is coming to an end in kyiv, which is taking place at the scene of the events, our correspondent kateryna galkova knows. and live with us. katya, congratulations, so, how many ukrainians gathered to support the struggle of our georgian brothers and sisters? i congratulate vasyl, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. so now we are opposite the georgian embassy in kyiv. today, the action of solidarity with the georgian people is coming to an end. several dozen ukrainians and georgians joined her. also, as we can see, quite a lot of people supported this action. policemen, so
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nowadays there are many georgian flags in the center of the capital, and slogans in ukrainian, english and georgian , in particular glory to ukraine, glory to georgia. and it was not russia's fault, why the ukrainians decided to leave today to support the georgian people, let's hear more. they want the european union, it is such a pro-european nation, it is such a big opposition that i simply do not know how not to support it, because ukraine and georgia are allegedly, you know, two nations that are now trying to fight precisely against the occupation of russia, because in georgia... a lot of territories are also occupied by russia, and we know that this pro-russian government of ivanishvili is now doing everything to make georgia a colony of russia, and precisely therefore, we think that the solidarity action is the least that we as ukraine can demonstrate now. now the georgians are actively
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trying to prevent this from happening, to prevent their parliament from dragging them into russia, and the world, mostly the western world , says very little about it. let me remind you that for several weeks in a row , many thousands of protests against the adoption of the draft law on foreign agents have been taking place on the streets of batumi, tbilisi and other georgian cities. these thousands of protests are dispersed by law enforcement officers, they use water cannons, they use, as eyewitnesses say, rubber bullets and actually try to disperse the protestants, today georgians also joined the action, why is it important for them. for the ukrainian people to support the georgians, let's hear more. it is definitely important for them, because now ukraine has entered the war with russia, definitely, and they are fighting the enemy, as we have fought more than once, and if
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we have to, we will always fight for georgia, for freedom and for our country. the draft law on foreign agents was and was. initiated by the ruling georgian dream party, he requires organizations that receive more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence. kruzyna dream claims that such a draft law is designed to ensure maximum transparency. at the same time, the opposition claims that such a draft law was created and is trying to be passed in order to control society, control the press and suppress criticism of the government. it is quite important... that the same law has been operating in russia since 2012, despite thousands of protests, this draft law passed three readings and was sent to the president of georgia, she vetoed this draft law, at the same time
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it is expected that within a week the pro-government majority in the parliament of georgia will overcome the veto, and such a draft law will be adopted, so we will carefully watch the events. in georgia, that's all i can tell you for now. vasyl, i am passing on the etar to you. thank you, thank you, katya, kateryna galko, our correspondent, from the action where the ukrainian people supported their brothers and sisters in georgia, who are fighting today so that georgia does not became a small russia, the laws that are in force on the territory of the aggressor's country did not apply. poland, together with ukraine, is starting to prepare the text of the agreement on guarantors. security, this was stated by the marshal of the polish sejm, malgozata kidawablonska, today she spoke in the ukrainian parliament. malgozhata kidava blonska assured the parliamentarians of further cooperation, both in providing assistance to ukraine and in the process of european integration of our country. we will do everything
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to ensure that the process of ukraine's integration with europe begins this year union, ukraine's negotiations with the european union. it will certainly be a long, difficult process, but it is desirable that it begins. we discussed all issues related to our cooperation, issues of defense, issues of defense of ukraine, issues related to the formation of an international compensation mechanism, issues of cooperation between our parliaments. it is today that we begin official negotiations on the text of the agreement on security guarantees. between ukraine and poland and we want this agreement to be as ambitious as possible. well, to it was as effective and realistic as possible, i would like to add. in poltava oblast , ukrgaz extraction workers stole gas
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condensate. it was reported to the national police. the three men built a scheme to understate the actual volumes of raw material production. they deliberately entered false data into the official ones. documents, unaccounted for fuel and lubricant materials, they drained from the oil and gas separator into their own canisters, and then sold them, they managed to sell approximately 2,000 liters to the perpetrators under the threat of up to eight... years in prison. heavy showers once again covered the southern state of brazil, as reported by the reuters agency , the city of porto alegria was the most affected. record flooding over the past month has killed at least 163 people. another nearly 600,000 people have been forced from their homes and at least 64 people are missing. according to the data of the national meteorological institute, during the 12 hours in the port of olehry, there are more showers than usual for the whole month. the international book
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fair has started in the polish capital, 14 countries and more than a thousand are participating in the event authors illustrators and publishers. ukraine is traditionally a participant in this event. this year , we are represented by 20 publishing houses, which brought more than three hundred new books, maria chornyakhivska will tell you more. slogan of the ukrainian stand. fragility of existence, it is designed to draw the attention of europeans to the situation in ukraine and the world. it seems important to us that we must continue to convey to the world what is happening to the country, what is happening in our mentality, about the revaluation of all values, about which they should also think. the war in ukraine affected life both the authors and you who, despite the shelling and circumstances, continue to work in ukraine. on the day of the opening of the event in warsaw, representatives
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of the kharkiv publishing house in ivaat experienced the tragedy that happened in the kharkiv printing house. when i learned about this news, i was preparing for a meeting with a foreign partner with a publishing house, since our goal at this fair is to present ukrainian books with the aim of selling the rights, so that there will be more on the territory of poland, in particular. and i have works written by ukrainian authors there were simply no words, i was as if paralyzed, i could not control myself. despite this, publishers continue to present the newest books of the publishing house to readers and foreign partners. this is the final episode from yevgeny polozhiy, and it covers not only the war that is going on now, it also covers another war that started 400 years ago, because ukrainians are not only being destroyed. the beginning of the 22nd year of the full-scale invasion, it has been going on for a long time, and we are fighting for our independence, for
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our identity, not for the first time, not for a decade, but for a century. now appears there is a lot of high-quality literature on war-related topics, but not every reader is ready to accept it now, publishers say. people now want to distract themselves from reality with the help of a book. very relevant are books, both non-fiction and fiction, which are somehow rewritten. with the history of ukraine, because there is such a demand for researching oneself, one's culture, some fill in the gaps, some rediscover ukraine and the entire context around it, and these books are still popular, and there is also a certain the tendency is towards genre literature, not something from the high shelf, towards detectives, thrillers or romantic ones. some comedies, i.e. often fantasy people too, people have a request for some kind of escape from reality,
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the demand for children's literature in the ukrainian language has also increased, publishers share, this year at the event there are a lot of books for the youngest readers, and emma came for them, i would like to read about animals, about animals, all of which i like, i started to like books about fantastic christs, such as dragons, except cognitive, developmental and educational... literature for children , modern heroic fairy tales with modern heroes also appear, and you can get to know them so that children gently and without trauma know who protects us, what we fight for, with whom against, that is, without aggression here, but so that the child is already ready to perceive the story more thoroughly and meaningfully. tyra to see. the ukrainian stand also has books by our authors translated into polish. and those who want
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to immerse themselves more in the literary world can attend events with the participation of ukrainians writers, which, like the fair, will be held until may 26 in the palace of culture and science. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk, for espresso tv channel, from warsaw. by the way, it is quite, very good that ukrainian books are presented in warsaw. it's good that there is a translation. and in the ukrainian language, by the way, the ukrainian book institute, whose representatives we saw in warsaw, financed my edition last year... i hope it is there somewhere, too, but the important thing here is that ukrainians want to read more, and thrillers, historical themes, detective stories, fairy tales, and it is good that there are many authors in ukraine who write, and today, by the way, according to the latest information, which was literally a few months ago, we not only have full houses in theaters throughout ukraine, in some theaters in in principle, it is impossible
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to get in, not only to the premiere, even to the regular showing of this or that play, but... our book sales have increased quite significantly, almost threefold, it is very important, in fact, that during the war people are looking for themselves, and somewhere they want to distract themselves, they are looking for some meanings, they are looking for answers, because every book, you know, why is it worth appreciate books, i am not here as a journalist, i want to say as a writer, because every book is a lived life, it is a lived story, and there is always a negative, there is always a positive, there is always this dualism, yin and yang, without this it does not happen, there is no, well, what will happen, but it is either positive or only negative... few people will be interested, and therefore it is very important that during the war people are looking for themselves, and this experience of the writers that they teach, these stories, which they read, they accept them for themselves, because again i will say that each a read book is someone to live a life, and you perceive the experience of these lives when you read books, therefore it is very important to read, it is very important to support and now it is very important to order
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books from publishing houses, especially after we saw once again how the enemy destroys the ukrainian literature, and this despite the fact that he destroys ukrainian libraries in the occupied territories, and destroyed, and burned, and seized ukrainian books, they want us to be absent neither in word nor in deed, but we will be, and for that, so that we beat the enemy more effectively, the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces, we must support them, let me remind you once again about the collection, so we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhia directions of the repair... the recovery regiment works mainly on the line collision or in the gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver to the combat zone, mobile repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumo-hydraulic jacks for prompt
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repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630, i am keeping our collection in front of my eyes here, we started today with uah 334,000, now we have uah 340, thank you for the fact that we were able to collect these 600, i hope that before the end of our broadcast, we will significantly replenish this bank for the armed forces, for our military, and from yuri fizer today, for your attention, a short but essential overview of... the main events, which happened outside the borders of our state. let's see the president of the united states of america , joe biden, will most likely not come to the peace summit in switzerland, bloomberg reported with reference to its own sources. at the same time , vice president kamala garis will not go to bürgenstock either. according to
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the agency, the american leader intends to go to los angeles, where the dedicated event will be held on june 15. and fundraising for his election campaign, namely on june 15-16 and the planned swiss conference on finding ways of peaceful the end of the russian war in ukraine. the president of finland calls the participants to the peace summit in switzerland. oleksandr stup said this in an interview with the stt agency. according to him, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, asked him to do so. the finnish leader also said that he is now actively dealing with this issue and calls often for this purpose. to the leaders of various countries, and especially to the heads of state of the so-called global south, i hope that they will come to this meeting in mid-june, says the finnish president. enlightenment of viktor orban. i don't think so russia, which cannot even defeat ukraine , will suddenly absorb the entire western world. the chances of that happening are extremely low. thus, on
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the air of the national radio, the prime minister of hungary commented on the fears of a possible attack by the aggressor country on one of the member states. nato. in his opinion, such conversations are groundless. at the same time, the head of the hungarian government added that russia cannot do anything with the ukrainian army, and the military potential of nato, says viktor orbán, significantly exceeds the military potential of ukraine. romania is evicting another person from the country the russian ambassador-spy. this was reported by the ministry of foreign affairs of the country. the official reason is activity that contradicts the provisions of the vienna convention on diplomatic relations. earlier, the romanian mass media reported that... the representative of the russian embassy received secret information from a citizen of romania, who had already been arrested. the information concerned some romanian military facilities. putin is ready to go to negotiations on a ceasefire in ukraine, if the leadership of our country agrees to recognize the borders along which the front line now passes. this was reported by the
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roits agency with reference to four high-ranking russian sources. according to information from two reuters interlocutors, the leader of the terrorist country believes that the successes on the front are now enough for russian citizens to perceive them as a victory. according to three more russian sources of the agency, putin believes that any new achievements. another mobilization will be needed at the front, which he seeks to avoid. he is playing with fire, and those who do, sooner or later will take care of themselves, this is how the ministry of defense of china commented on the political course of the new president of taiwan, lai tsinde. during the briefing, an official representative of the ministry of defense of the republic of china said that the new leader of the island is relying on external forces in the pursuit of independence, thus pushing taiwan to the dangerous brink of war. and then a spokesman for the chinese ministry of defense added that when taiwan's head of administration took office, he seriously challenged the one-china principle by openly promoting
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the theory of two chinas. the paraglider that crashed on may 19 with iranian president ebrahib raisi on board caught fire only after impact with the ground. this is stated in the preliminary report of the investigation, which was made public by the general staff of the islamic republic. in addition to traces. no bullets or other impact on the body of the aircraft was detected. the report also states that the presidential helicopter was on its intended route and did not deviate from it. nothing suspicious was noticed in the conversations between the dispatchers and the crew. currently, the preliminary cause of the tragedy is called bad weather conditions. the president of the czech republic, peter pavel, was hospitalized. this was reported in his office. according to published information, he was injured. while riding a motorcycle, fortunately the damage received is insignificant and will not require long-term hospitalization, however , mr. pavel's press service reported that they still decided to take him to the central
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military hospital for a thorough examination. it is known that the incident with the president of the czech republic happened the day before on closed racing track. the police have already announced that they do not intend to conduct an investigation. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with dolgit joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. doolgitis contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on the health of the bones. dolgit polishes the motor joints. extend the joints, move freely. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. learn how not to give the enemy will make us quarrel in a special topic about
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cream for pain. in the joints when will the war end? in the imagination of europeans until the middle of 2025 . it is by that time that most eu countries plan to complete their support programs for ukraine. there are no predictions on how the future fate of ukrainians will unfold, no suggestions. in 2025. i keep asking myself this question, what will happen next? if last year we talked about what i want home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, this year i don't know. and what do the refugees themselves think about their future and how are they preparing for 2025? are we ready in ukraine? the government should have a demographic strategy. documentary tape "expelled
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by war". the price of non-return on saturday, may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. big tr is coming back , and while you were watching the ads here, i was reading the posts of our viewers on youtube, writes emigrant. this is the nickname of our viewer, when, i i won’t say what he writes next, i will briefly resume broadcasting of espresso, well , obviously people want, maybe watch espresso on the t2 network, or indeed, we can once again remind you that espresso has been under the fence on the t2 network for two years, and we call for more since of course this is a strange decision, it is incomprehensible that they cannot find the guilty and the extreme for these more than
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two years, oleksandr morchivka is with us. greetings to you, greetings to the audience, in the next few minutes the results of the economic week and the main news from the world of money for today, i will talk about tariffs tell in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. we traditionally talk about the situation in the energy system, it remains difficult. ukraine is currently negotiating the maximum possible import of electricity. from the european union, this is in order to compensate for the deficit that arose in the network due to the energy facilities destroyed by russian attacks. the head of the ministry of energy herman galushchenko spoke about this today during the hour of questions and questions to the government in the parliament. according to the government official, the sector suffered losses of 1 billion dollars, which resulted in the loss of 800 mvv of energy, this is a large number of power. well
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, in the meantime, the government has already announced that they will raise electricity tariffs for ordinary consumers, the appropriate decision will be made in the coming weeks, says herman galushchenko, he said this in the parliament today, however, how much the price of a kilowatt will increase will be announced later, until that, as i understand it, the calculations are underway, they promise to announce them, well, even before the end of the current month, let's... listen to the direct language. and this issue is being considered, a decision will be made, today we are making final calculations, the decision will be made in the coming week, i.e. by the end of may, and the issue is that today's tariff level, which is today, unfortunately, does not cover much , taking into account the losses suffered by the energy system. well, it is clear that
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we came to these words of the head of the ministry of energy, we heard them in previous issues, we repeatedly said that ukrainians cannot miss the increase in the price of kilowatts for ordinary consumers, i mean, well, the only question here is that , so that people have, well, at least minimal, i am talking now about the vast majority of ukrainians, and we are not talking about people who have large savings or some other minimal at least part of this salary or family... duck, if everyone in the family works to have food, children, i'm not talking about entertainment right now, honestly, because for me, entertainment is reading a book at home in the evening, or even some other things, and also for tariffs so that you can at least be able to, well, i had a debt there , i always have a certain amount, i put it there to pay for heat energy or something else, i don't forget.


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