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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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it does not cover especially considering the losses suffered by the energy system, well , it is clear that we came to these words of the head of the ministry of energy, we heard them in previous issues, we repeatedly said that after all, ukrainians cannot miss the increase in the price of kilowatts for simple consumers, i mean, yes, the only question here is that people have, well, at least the minimum, i am talking now about the vast majority of ukrainians, there we are not talking about people who have large savings or some other minimum parts at least here of this salary or family income, if everyone in the family works in order to have food, for children, i am not talking about entertainment right now, honestly, because for me entertainment is reading a book in the evening at home or even some other things, and for the tariffs, so that you could at least be able to, well, i had a debt there, i always have a certain amount, i put it there to pay for heat energy or something else, i don't forget.
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about this, i think that it is important to have this money, because today we will talk about employment, about the shortage of personnel in ukraine, about the prospects of the economy, economic growth and increase in wages and salaries of the population, there is some uncertainty about how much ordinary ukrainians will pay for kilowatts, because it is not yet known whether it will be a fixed price for everyone, but vasyl is being told beforehand that everything it will be again for how much a person consumes, as i understand it, there will be such diversification, there will be such gradation, maybe there, if you use up to a certain number of kilowatts , one price, more, well, there will be another price, well, we will be careful for household consumers, yes, for everyday people, for ordinary ukrainians, we are currently talking about you and me, dear viewers, well, we are also talking about you and me, about salaried workers, the european business association is asking to make mobilization more predictable, they say that now
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companies should be empowered to self- identify critical employees to continue effective operations. the association says that the issue of finding people is now the main problem, there are currently such situations when an employee who is critical for the armed forces is taken to the armed forces the business model of the enterprise, and this only complicates the work of the company, well, of course, it slows down the growth of the economy and brings the enterprise closer to closure. well, if... talking about this topic, today the minister of digital transformation, mr. fedorov, announced that almost 700,000 people have been booked for mobilization in ukraine, but, as we can see, there are still not enough workers, but we must understand that among of these seven hundred thousand , there are a lot of people who consume budget funds, well, let's say, we are talking about law enforcement officers, by the way, until the end of the year obliged the representatives of all law enforcement agencies to either be registered or to divulge
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their data, i understand that somewhere in the heads of the representatives of the authorities they have this idea that they will obviously have to involve police officers, maybe some prosecutor's office employees, as we saw today in the general staff, well, people who are physically capable, who are good with weapons, who can effectively strengthen units, yes, because, well, in any case, the collapse of the economy is possible, we are not a big economy, ukraine is a small economy, and here you just need to be wise, wise to this is suitable, and now there are 67,000 resumes for 62,000 vacancies, the ratio is almost one to one, it is almost like this, it means, well , such statistics did not exist at all, now the problem is to find people, and people have to be returned from abroad, in particular , vasyl, yes, by the way, i have information about ukrainians abroad, wealthy ukrainian refugees are stimulating the growth of the luxury market in ukraine, no, in poland, this is the report of the audit firm kpmg, the market of luxury goods in poland in the 23 year grew to 42. almost billion
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zlotys, that is 10, almost 11 billion dollars, with of which more than half are cars, the market was stimulated by rich refugees from ukraine. almost 60% of the luxury market in poland is accounted for by premium and luxury cars, luxury hotels and spas are in second place, clothing accessories are in third place, the market growth was 12.2%. according to the authors of the report, such growth was partially provided by the ukrainians, i think the poles told him, that is, we are not talking about the fact that... about some wealth of ukrainians, we are now talking about raising the money that could settle here ukrainian gross domestic product, they are now being spent there, and the authorities only pay lip service to the possibility of returning ukrainians to their homeland for the reconstruction of ukraine. , the ukrainians were in the second place, the germans were in the first place, well, of course, the german economy and germany are next to each other, but the ukrainians were in the second place, there we were talking about 14 billion zlotys, well, this is a lot... money that could work in
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the ukrainian economy, that is, not everyone will go to the front, that's clear, the front also needs to be fed, well, our military, of course, but these people would be needed now in ukraine, because serious companies, even i am reading now on the website. i often sit, they unite somewhere, they are looking for some way to work together in order to survive on the market, now the business wants to survive and not only some business that had small working capital or, let's say , spare funds, but the business that had this fat under the skin, and he is trying to survive, well it is really about how the ukrainian budget survives thanks to export revenues, which awaits ukrainian workers in the export sector. let's talk further, we will be joined by dmytro kroshka, head of the ukrainian agricultural export association. good evening. greetings, friends. mr. dmytro, well, here is a really difficult situation, we are talking about the fact that ukrainians spend their wealth abroad, in particular in poland, but how much the agricultural
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sector now plays a big role in filling the state budget, despite the blockade of the ukrainian-polish border, despite the mobilization of workers, how much is the share anyway. is at a high level, analyze the situation, you know, i have already said many times that exports, which were actively developing before the start of a full-scale invasion, remained after that as a bad habit, you know, which cannot be broken, because you have invested a lot of resources in it , building their own reputations, creating, fulfilling contracts, and of course, today, after starting a full-scale invasion. and every ukrainian exporter faced the task for himself is to preserve his own reputation and not lose the gains he made in previous years, how is the reputation preserved, how is the reputation preserved despite the mobilization, despite the problems with
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the blockade, if we are talking about ukrainian agricultural exports? here it is not only a matter of mobilization, the biggest problem today is logistics, because very often... and you know, what has never happened before, the cost of logistics sometimes costs a lot, even more than the cost of the goods that ukraine exports, so today it the biggest problem for the ukrainian exporter, the second problem is the availability of working capital, because any food products that are exported outside of ukraine, taking into account the significantly increased logistics terms, and... to which are also added the settlement terms, because few today wants to pay some subscriptions to ukraine, so it really has to use various tools, which also additionally increase the value of money for the ukrainian exporter, so all this is included in the cost price of the agreement,
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which the ukrainian exporter concludes in order to in order to preserve the jobs that exist today, therefore, the main efforts that are currently being made... to preserve the reputation are, in principle , the possibility and availability of a product to fulfill the contract, even if the volumes under this contract are reduced, it must be fulfilled , and you know this, this is very often the heroic work of a ukrainian exporter. in your opinion, the improvement of logistics in the future can affect the goods entering ukraine, in particular food, legprom goods, to what extent. ukrainians, ukrainians should expect an increase in prices, because the national bank also does not rule out an increase in inflation in the next few months in its forecasts. look, the cost price will be affected the most, let's still talk about export for export and, accordingly, the return of
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the foreign exchange earnings to ukraine will affect the cost price of these products, because what is it that will primarily affect the margin. e-e of export deliveries and, accordingly, the profits of ukrainian exporters and, in principle, the possibility of e-e to pay competitive salaries for today, you see today the situation with employment, that there really are not enough people in all enterprises and in all positions, therefore, accordingly, there is quite such fierce competition and very often the competition is won precisely with the hryvnia, and in order to. .. the employee will always choose where the pay is better and where the conditions are better, it all costs money, so of course, and this is the biggest challenge today for the ukrainian manufacturer and the ukrainian exporter in order to be able, in principle, to produce this products and to satisfy that demand and
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to compete with other countries is the main thing, we, especially in agricultural products, despite the fact that ukraine is a large producer, compete strongly with... other producers both in the european union, and in turkey, and other countries, which also supply their products to, for example, african markets, and here we can talk about... grain and about chicken eggs and dairy products, so of course, this is a challenge and this is our struggle. thank you for joining the program, dmytro kroshka, head of the ukrainian agricultural export association, was there in connection, well, i will add here, vasyl, a very powerful and important industry, because it is revenue not only to the budget, it is the stability of the national currency, and you, we even talked with you today that the dollar continues to appreciate in exchanges, and for the first time, the national bank set an official exchange rate for the american hryvnia in relation to... the hryvnia over 40 per dollar, and the question here is that if
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people see not a rapid, but such a long-term increase, even a minimal dollar, they will start buying it more, and therefore less money will be invested in, say, a purchase some goods, they will limit themselves in some way, well, that's natural, because people will think that that's why, of course, vasyl, the stability of the national currency and the influence on the exchange rate have international income, we... from time to time talk about it we are talking and waiting for this money to maintain the national exchange rate, but the imf has started work in the capital, the team of the international monetary fund has already held several meetings with government officials, well , these are important meetings, they are analyzing the recommendations to the main creditor, how our government is carrying out them, how the reforms are progressing, how the ukrainian economy demonstrates stability during the war, well, let me remind you... that the long-term cooperation program of ukraine with the international monetary fund is currently ongoing, we have already received
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80, 80, 880 million dollars under this program, and today it became known , that there are prospects, almost 5.5 billion american money can go to the state budget after the completion of the mission, well, on this pleasant promising news, i will finish the column about money during the war, but there is a big... broadcast, there will be more in the future, watch us, thank you very much to oleksandr morchavka, thank you too, here he had a question from a viewer on youtube, a participant in our chat, what to do with solar power plants built by akhmetav, i’m not oleksandr, i won’t be able to answer, but i i know for sure that now solar generation helps significantly. generate electricity in ukraine and thus support our energy system in general, so this is a big plus.
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by the way, natalka didenko will talk today about whether there will be enough sun for this electricity to become more. we need it very much now, because our generation was largely destroyed by the enemy as a result of missile attacks. and what will be discussed today in the verdict program, which traditionally starts at 8:00 p.m., i will ask serhiy rudenko, he joins our broadcast. serhiy, good evening, i would like to speak to you. good evening, vasyl. in the next two hours , we will talk about the heavy fighting that is currently taking place near temporary yarov and in the kharkiv region, as well as about the forum of the so-called russian opposition, which took place in lviv. we there will be two former deputies, one ex-deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and now major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin and ilya ponomaryov, a russian oppositionist, former deputy. state duma of russia. let's talk about putin's plans for ukraine and the plans
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of the russian opposition for russia, because the forum that i have already mentioned, the russian opposition, which took place in lviv, made a lot of noise, i think that we will learn firsthand from panamarov that well, what was actually going on at this forum and why did the opposition take it? participation in this event, especially in lviv, the mayor of the city andriy. ordered to find out why this forum was held, although at the same time the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense kyrylo budanov said that everything was under control and that this was an event that took place with the participation of the ukrainian side, in particular mykhailo podolyak, adviser to the office of the president of ukraine, participated there. by the word about the situation on the eastern front and the situation on the western front, we mean which... was, at which this forum was held, we will talk in the course of in the first hour of our broadcast, starting at
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8:00 p.m., at 9:15 p.m. we will have a traditional journalism club, kateryna nekrecha and olga musafirova, my colleagues, journalists, will reflect on the 5 years of zelensky's presidency, zelensky himself did not sum up his first presidential term, so we will do it. on the air of the espresso tv channel, we will also talk about who and how is currently trying to divide or cause discord among ukrainians by dividing them into another category and for. by certain signs, as russian is attached to this federation, and why this week the verkhovna rada of ukraine did not consider the bill on the ban of russian churches, moscow churches in ukraine, because this is also one of such reference points for ukrainian society and the adoption of this law is absolutely necessary for
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our state, or at least to end the branch the russian orthodox church in ukraine is a must. it is necessary, in a word, this is what we will have tonight, we start at 20:00, literally in 14 minutes, vasyl zima's big broadcast continues, you remain friends with us on the espresso tv channel, we will meet with you soon, vasyl, you have the floor, thank you very much sergey, so we are waiting for the verdict program at 8:00 p.m. with sergey rudenko, and the big broadcast is really going on, now it’s time to talk about sports events, yevhen pastokhov is already with me, yevhen, good evening, please. congratulations to vasyl, good evening to the dear viewers of the tv channel, we will really start the sports section in a moment. so, the final 30th round of the ukrainian football premier league in the current season started today, lnz in
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cherkasy beat poltava vorskla. the only decisive goal was scored in the 16th minute. luxembourg. cherkassy midfielder olivier thiel brilliantly took a corner kick and managed to make a clean sheet, that is , the ball flew directly into the vorsklian goal from the corner kick. by the way, before the full-scale invasion, the luxembourger played for the poltava team. thus , the cherkasy team finished its debut season in the elite in seventh place in the tournament table. ulz 41 points, vorskla with 33 points, currently eighth. however, vorsklians can move below zorya, chornomorets and oleksandriy, who will play their matches tomorrow. actually, all matches, others in the 30th rounds will take place on saturday, may 25, and these are zorya kolos, metalist 1925, veres, polissya shakhtar, rukh dynamo, chornomorets dnipro-1,
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kryvbas minai and obolon oleksandria. all meetings are scheduled to start at 15.30, but of course we understand that air alarms can make their uninvited adjustments. let me remind you that the winners of the prize places in the championship of ukraine have already been determined. shakhtar is the champion, dynamo has silver, and kryvbas - bronze medals. however, the fight for the eurocups and for maintaining registration in the elite division continues, so the tour will be mandatory interesting and we will collect the results of the final round of the championship on monday. let's talk about european football, in it a wave of resignations is simply rolling in, or rolling in one after the other. and yes, today it became known that xavi will still leave barcelona at the end of the season. under his leadership, the team will play, barcelona will play another match. this resignation has a long, interesting history. for the first time, xavi himself announced
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his intention to leave barcelona at the end of january. however, at a press conference in april, the management of barcelona and xa announced plans for continued cooperation, at least until the end of the current contract, and xavi's agreement with barcelona was calculated until 2025. at the time , barcelona were out of the champions league in the quarter-finals and fighting for silverware in the spanish league, but within a month the club changed their mind again. hivi will not work with blagogranos. xavi led the catalans from... while leading the catalans, xavi won two trophies with the team, the spanish league title and the country's super cup in a 222-20-23 season, and for the first time in 5 years , xavi led barcelona to the quarterfinals of the league champions, which in principle can be considered a local achievement, but we remember that in a dramatic confrontation, barcelona
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lost to the french paris-germain in this quarter-final, and the next on... barcelona's manager should be the german specialist hans dieter flick, at least this is reported by a well-known italian journalist insider fabrizio romano. he said that the agreement between barca and flick will be for two years, the contract is essentially ready. the coaching staff will also include two german assistants. flick's last place of work was the national team germany, which he left last september . the specialist also trained. the champions league, two championships, the german cup and super cup, the uefa super cup and the club championship. in the world, in fact, everything is possible, flick won with bayern, he is a really famous coach, i think that it will be very interesting for vasyl to look at the german barcelona, ​​if
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you can say so, because it is possible that it was this kind of discipline that the catalans lacked during xavi's time, and indeed, if you combine spanish sophistication and technicality, some variability, fantasy with german discipline, well, maybe we will see a completely different, unexpected barcelona. i watched the reaction of barcelona fans to xavi's resignation, they are upset, but barcelona fans say that xavi should have been given more time, that the team has progressed under him, in fact, xavi himself said that there is room for growth, and i see how to develop this project, but of course we understand that in the management of the catalans they are used to only gold medals and the first ones, so it is really barcelona in the europa league before xhaavi yes, if i am not mistaken, and barcelona in the playoff rounds of the league champions, that's right. this is obviously progress, still, yes, and significant, obvious, especially since xavi is very loved in catalonia, he is a barcelona legend, as a player, there was a lot of hope when he took over at barca that he
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could at least get somewhere close to the heights, which josep guardiola achieved with barcelona, ​​but history does not always repeat itself, far from forever. next, we continue with another resignation, the italian milan said goodbye to stefano pioli, the chair of the head coach of the rossoneri, now. the parties stopped cooperation, despite the fact that the agreement was valid until the summer of next year. the italian has been in charge of the rosceneri since october 2019, and in total, milan have played 239 matches under his leadership, winning 132, drawing 55, and also losing 52 games. under the leadership of pioli, milan became the champion of serie a in the season 221, 2022. the team played in the semi-finals of the champions league and the europa league. for the tour before the end of the season, milan guaranteed themselves the second place in the tournament table of serie a. however , it is still time to say goodbye and it is reported to the media
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that the main candidate for the position the head coach of milan is the portuguese paolo fonseca, whom you just saw on your screens. of course, paolo fonseca is well known to ukrainian football fans first of all for his work in donetsk shakhtar, which was also very successful. after that, fonseca coached roma, and now works. in the french lille, it is expected that in the near future he should still lead rossoni. and we finish about football, but let's talk about tennis. it is worth saying that angelina kalinina reached the semifinals of the tournament in strasbourg today. ukrainian woman defeated the sixth racket of the world ranking in the quarterfinals. current wimboldon champion, czech marketa vondroshova. kalinina triumphed in three games. in the first set, angelina conceded 5:7. in the next two, 6-3-6-2 won convincingly. this is the fifth victory of kalinina over tennis players from the top ten of the planet and the third
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biggest in the career of a ukrainian woman. in the semi-finals , kalinin will play against american danielle collins. this game is scheduled for saturday , may 25, so we wish our tennis player the best of luck. and we will end on this note sports section, but the long broadcast does not end. in a moment, vasyl zama and natalka didenko will spend this evening with you. well, before including natalka didenko in the conversation, i will once again suggest that you support the armed forces of ukraine. we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment is working. on the touchline or in the gray zone in the open air in all weathers day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to battle-damaged military equipment, in particular, we are talking about bmp tanks, armored personnel carriers, we need
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a minibus that will deliver to the combat zone, mobile repair teams, and also pneumohydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment, our goal is 630 uah, and we were able to do so today with your direct help to collect 344 thousand, in fact you collected 10 00 hryvnias today. i hope that this number will increase, and of course continue to contribute, and i will join the conversation, we will appear now, i will join the conversation, good evening, please you have a word, mrs. natalya, congratulations vasyl, congratulations, our dear viewers, now we will talk about the weather, about beautiful roosters, and about some very interesting things, literally in a second. today we will talk about flowers, which i, for example, love very much, but i don't really like their smell, because it is very strong, but
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some people love it because of that. the smell of our favorite roosters is used in perfumery, i always say roosters, but of course everyone knows another name: irises, so the emphasis should be placed on the letter and, this is a genus of plants from the pivnyk family, who would have thought, there are about 200-300 species that are common in europe, north america, asia, north africa, iris actually, where did it come from, it means rainbow from the greek word through. well, of course, there is a great variety and diversity of flowers, well , the colors are incredible, a lot of species are cultivated as decorative, well, that ’s clear, the essential oils of cockroaches, as i already mentioned, are used in perfumery, and we call cockroaches that way in ukrainian, because very similar to a rooster's tail, well i also wanted to remember what kind of roosters there are, well, this genus is very widespread and what are the different
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types of roosters, rooster... swamp roosters, hungarian roosters, pine, ancient black sea roosters, horned, salt-loving and pygmy roosters, well, now from colorful, bright, very beautiful and very smelly roosters, we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now for your attention a forecast chart, and we will see if there will be these magnetic storms tomorrow, i want to say right away that there will be no activity, especially such a fluctuation, rather growth. well here you are you see, some small fluctuations will be observed, at the end of the day the whole situation will even subside altogether, so we are just calmly moving now together with you to the actual synoptic behavior, to meteorology and we will see what the weather will be like in each region of ukraine. well, we traditionally start from the western regions, and now you can see the weather map, the air temperature will be high, 25-28°, but
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short-term rains. and thunderstorms will be observed tomorrow in places in the western part of ukraine. in the north, in zhytomyr oblast, on dry weather will prevail in kyiv oblast, sumy oblast, and chernihiv oblast, but there is a chance of light rain in chernihiv oblast and sumy oblast. the air temperature tomorrow will be around 20-23°. in the east of ukraine, tomorrow the weather is expected to be sunny, partly cloudy, air temperature. it will rise in the range of 20-25°, and where the sun shines stronger, it may be higher. in the central part of ukraine tomorrow , the weather will be anti-cyclonic, mostly without precipitation, but the air temperature will remain stable at almost summer values ​​of +22 +20°. it will be warm in the southern part of ukraine, as it belongs to the southern part, the air temperature will range from 27 to 29°. precipitated
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it is not expected, and in kyiv, in the capital, tomorrow, saturday, the weather is expected to be dry, mostly sunny, with a comfortable air temperature of 22-23°, and i also want to say in just one sentence that there will not be much rain in ukraine on sunday, already from next week, atmospheric fronts will bring more of the rain that so many have been asking for, so keep a close eye on our next forecasts, updated on the espresso channel, and of course, stay safe everyone. thank you natalia didenko, i will also say goodbye to you until tuesday, by the way, and i want to say that you have collected more than 10 thousand uah today, thank you very much for supporting the armed forces of ukraine, stay with espress, literally in a few moments the verdict program, serhiy morudenko, be with us good evening, we are from ukraine.
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today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. heavy battles during the time of yar. the russians are trying by all means to erase the strategically important city from the ground. is the enemy capable of opening another front in the north to pull ukrainian forces from the east? summit. peace is at risk of disruption, according to zelensky, today this is the main goal of russian diplomacy and intelligence, what explains biden's alleged decision not to go to the peace conference in switzerland? a manifestation of the struggle against the kremlin dictatorship. the russian opposition held a secret forum in lviv with the support of the main directorate of intelligence. is the armed resistance of the russians capable? topple
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putin's regime.


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